• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 113: Haunted Reminders

"And not a single trace has appeared since?"

The Princess shook her head firmly. "None have been reported. We would've known otherwise had our kind started mysteriously disappearing by now."

"Are you sure?"

A scowl emerged on those reptilian features, as though affronted by the question. "If you're anticipating a different answer, save your breath." The dragon huffed. "You ponies are far too inquisitive."

"Just had to make sure," I addressed the Princess calmly, continuing to follow her through the valley, passing by indifferent dragons by their nests, paying us no heed. A better reaction to my last visit here.

Yep, another visit all the way to the Dragon Lands. With the recent wormhole back in Ponyville, Starswirl suggested the good idea to come back to these rocky lands just to check up on the prideful reptiles. When word reached of my arrival, I was immediately greeted by a slightly agitated Princess Ember, who claimed to be far too busy to tend to my abrupt appearance. I'm sure. But her father was adamant on her greeting me personally, to make certain some dragons don't 'forget' what position I held among their kind.

"Until we can determine the cause of all these wormholes popping up around Equestria, I had to make certain your land wasn't threatened by them again, Princess."

The tall sapphire dragon frowned, and I followed her amber softened gaze after a group of baby dragons chase after one another wholeheartedly. "You've yet to uncover where they come from?"

"We're working on it as best as possible." Though really, all we had to work with so far was Starswirl's theory behind them; traces of imbalance sprung by interference on my behalf. The incident with my friends a few days back seems to reinforce this hypothesis. "We want them gone just as much as you do, Ember."

The Princess said nothing for a moment, a roaring overhead drawing our attention to a large reptilian titan flying above us majestically. Then, Ember sighed. "You had better... If those large hole things are to come near our Lands once more, we will personally hold you responsible, Stardust."

Code for "Please, help us before it gets out of hand."

I nodded, nonplussed by the statement. "You know I won't let anything happen to your people, nor anyone else across Equestria. This matter will be resolved with, indefinitely."

Amber eyes searched me thoroughly, as though looking for some chink in the armour at that statement. Honestly, I was a little uncertain myself in the matter of ridding these wormholes for good should Starswirl's words be true, but that doesn't mean I won't try. Finally, Ember spoke in mild befuddled irritation, "Your kind has some weird moral viewpoints, pony."

At that, I couldn't resist chuckling. If only she knew. "My dear Ember, I am far more than just another 'pony.'"

And... Done.

Thank goodness... Maybe NOW I can catch some shuteye.


...I know.

Sighing with full tiredness, I gently closed the book I had just responded to in quill, letting the message wait for when the girl on the other side receives it. There was nothing better to do, since the other two occupants of the castle were fully asleep the whole night, and I couldn't find any myself. So, I resorted to occupying my own time with some light reading, playing on the 3DS, using the PC, and finally replying to the last night message from the teenager in that dreadful EQG world.

Ah. Without turning to face the entering mare, I called out casually by the kitchen table as the door opened midway, "Good morning Twilight."

I imagined the mare startled at that, as her surprised voice replied, "It's still unnerving when you do that." Even when thoroughly exhausted, a sly smirk emerged on my dry muzzle. My fully rested girlfriend walked by into my field of vision, smiling warmly and beautifully at me while beginning to search through the drawers for breakfast.

One way to boost my tired spirits.

"What's even more unnerving, though not entirely unwelcoming, is seeing you up and about before us, Jack." Twilight commented humouredly in the midst of pouring herself some cereal, glancing over to me curiously. "Couldn't sleep?"

A small grin at the correct guess. "You know me too well."

"Well enough to know you'd never get up this early willingly otherwise." Too true. Twilight finishing making her breakfast admidst her teasing, taking her seat opposite me in satisfaction, yawning slightly... And that prompted me to mirror the much stronger notion, inciting her playful smile. "So what kept you awake this time? Figured you'd be more eager to rest after your long journey to the Dragon Lands and back."

Don't think I didn't catch that tinge of longing in your tone, my dear. Twilight was still a little distraught that I ventured and met with the Princess there without her accompaniment. I sighed, rubbing my forehead, elbows leant against the desk tiredly. "I'd rather not say."

That only incited further curiosity from the mare - Nice going Jack. Ten out of ten. - before she finally took notice of the shut book between my two elbows, smiling. "Sunset asking for advice again?"

"The one and only." Thank God, the conversation changed.

"How is she?"

I smiled slightly. "She's fine, as ever. Just wanted some friendship advice regarding a heated debate between Rarity and Applejack in her world."

Twilight pouted slightly. "You could've let me help out there. Princess of Friendship, remember?"

A snort escaped me. "Twilight, I am just as capable at handing out friendship advice as you are. Anyone is."

"Implying I'm not special?"

Oh [BEEP]. "That's not what I-" A light giggle from her... Oh. "Very funny love."

"And you say I'm too easy to tease," The Princess said playfully, taking a moment to eat her breakfast of whatever counts for cereal in this world. I'd rather not investigate, not even after all this time here. "I'm glad you're looking out for Sunset though, your disdain for that other world notwithstanding."

I shrugged, muzzle covered by my clasped hoofs. "She just needs someone to talk to, someone to advise her and help out when she needs it. Since you're usually busy with friendship problems in this world, I figured I would help our friend in that detestable world personally."

Not to mention, you'll be getting a student of your own sometime soon, my dear Twilight. But I felt no need to divulge that particular info, not yet anyway.

Those purple eyes shone, expressing something akin to pride. "And I think you're the perfect candidate to being her confidant, Jack." Thanks love. I smiled warmly in turn, Twilight's approval prompting a gleeful jolt in my heart.

Then I yawned, again. That does it. Pushing myself off the table, I stretched and picked the book up. "Right, well, was fun not going to sleep at all last night. Gonna fix that now. See ya later Twilight-"


Oh no...

My reluctant gaze turned to the amused yet firm mare. "You are aware you have some scheduled things to attend to today, right?"

Fantastic. "So I'll schedule them for another day. Night love."

And the door magically shut in front of me, Twilight's insistent voice behind me, "At the point of disappointing our friends? You promised to hang out with them today, not to mention we're suppose to help you practice with your Balance magic this afternoon." No. No I did not. I didn't 'promise' anything. But to Twilight, anything meant a vow when I said I'd do something. With a long sigh, I slowly turned around to face the apologetic smile and expression. "Please Jack? Spike and everyone else have been waiting since you left a few days ago to the Dragon Lands."

And with those violet eyes sparkling, I felt my mind immediately at conflict. Sleep deprivation battling against romantic affection for this persuasive Princess...

...God dammit.

"...So now because Rainbow's at Canterlot at the present time, we have another volunteer participating in todays first exercise. Pinkie Pie here will assist in testing out the increases and limits to your speed enhanced by Balance. Any questions?"

A pink hoof raised.

Followed by a sigh. "Yes Pinkie, there's strawberry cupcakes for snacks afterwards."

The limb still raised.

"With extra toppings." The hoof finally lowered, and violet eyes glanced over to me expectantly. "Jack?"

None from me love, I'm barely focusing on myself as is.

As I feebly shook my head, Twilight nodded stepping to the side to give us a clear view of the field before us, starting above my favourite hill. "This race test will go on until either one is exhausted-" Then I've lost already. "- Or someone reaches one end of the open field to back here under five minutes." From the corner of my eye, I spotted concerned eyes my way, but I shook them off. I said I'd do this, and so I shall. Pinkie, from her place to my right, hopped up and down in prepared glee. "Spike, initiate the race!"

"On your marks..."

What are the chances you're going to fall down the hill onto your face the very first second?

"Get set..."

Come now. I'm certain, even in this weary state, Jack will still try to appease his Princess's expectations.


With Balance on my side, I reacted accordingly, taking one swift step forward and-

Ow! Oof! Gah! Geh! Damn! Son of a-! Ugh! Keh!

Face smashed headfirst into grass at the bottom of the hill, my ears picking up on a cheerful Pinkie Pie bouncing by. From above, I heard Twilight gasp in concern and Spike snicker at the pitiful display.

...When I questioned that, I wasn't anticipating you to actually entertain these thoughts. Sombra deadpanned.

Wasn't trying to... Ugh...

"Come on Stardust! Pinkie's in the lead!" Spike called out in an attempted act of encouragement.

Right... Can't let them down...

Standing up, shaking my head wildly to recompose myself, and rid of this tiredness temporarily, I hurried after the mare... And tripped right over, again. And this time, even the fallen King snickered at the pathetic show.

Stop the presses, but Pinkie won.

And she had cupcakes.

Next scene.

"This time we'll be examining your endurance levels." Is THAT what you're calling to all the added pile of crates Applejack, Big Mac and Apple Bloom kept stacking on top of me? Twilight paced before me as she explained, "We're testing your physical strength in regards to pressure and weight. More crates will be stacked on until you've declared enough, okay?"

I barely nodded, teeth grit in pure concentration. Oh I understood... But lack of sleep alongside this 'exercise' was preventing a coherent response. Twilight regarded me in slight worry as I made no reply, opting to say next.

"If your lack of rest is really getting to you, we can stop for the day-"

"And let... You down...?" I managed to interrupt, feeling my limbs beginning to buckle from the pressure as more crates were kicked upwards by the farmers. "Never...!" Twilight frowned, obviously not wanting me to get hurt by her expense.

These vain attempts to appease your mare's curiosity will only result in the death of you.

Do not listen to him, Jack, though I concur with the Princess that you must at least take a moment of rest from all this before serious injury is brought upon you.

I'll be... Fine...!

It only took one miscalculation by Apple Bloom for things to go south. One kicked crate into the middle of the stack, and I found my battered and bruised body buried underneath from the broken objects, and within the darkness of the pile, sunlight barely peeking through to my vision, only a soft, mournful whimper escaped my tired muzzle.

If only I could get some sleep... Instead of having that damn dream over and over again...!

It only took a short moment before I was pulled out of the pile, rescued by Applejack and Big Mac, letting me lean onto their backs for support. Twilight thoroughly inspected my body, ice packs appearing from midair in case of something like this.

Trust her to always come prepared- Cold! Too cold!

"Maybe we should stop for the day," Spike commented upon his approach.

Hell no. I wildly shook my head, glaring heatedly at the others. "Sleep or no sleep... I'm hanging out with my friends, regardless." Though that seemed only to incite their shared worry much further.

Well, this one seemed fare more easy to accomplish.

Do not be immediately certain. A mental reach towards another being's heart can be quiet as difficult as carrying a tower of crates, if not more so.

Way to dampen my spirits, oh wise one...

From the side, Twilight, Spike, Fluttershy and Angel observed in eager anticipation, leaning forward slightly as I raised a hoof. The yellow pegasus was, at first, a little uncertain about using one of her animal friends for this particular exercise, but Twilight assured the shy mare everything would go fine, I would never bring any intentional harm to any of Fluttershy's little woodland friends.

Again, I must insist the ceasing of todays activities until the matter with your dream has been resolved. Starswirl kept attempting to have me stop. Too little too late. My hoof was already touching the chest of the perched tall falcon, regarding me with wary stern eyes. If I wasn't careful, it could claw my eyes out.

Heh. Then I'll sue them for it...

Please Jack, inform the Princess you cannot go through with the rest of your training this day. The lack of sleep, perhaps a side-effect from your experience against the Tantabus, caused from this repetitive nightmare will only worsen until the correct method to ridding of it is applied.

And that would be...?

Tell her what you've been dreaming of.

Hell no-!

"Argh!" A scream erupted from my throat, the agitated bird being affected from my own emotions regarding the dream that disrupted into the established connection between us. And now, that distraction was having my pay for it. I felt talons tear at my own fur, vainly covering my face from the assault. "Get it off! GET IT OFF!"

Mercy came in the form of Fluttershy, who immediately soothed the angered falcon through quite words and soft melodies, gently pulling it away from my painful, tired state. And again, Twilight's emergency provisions arrived through thin air, the concerned alicorn immediately getting to work on tends to the scratches now covering my chest and front limbs.


"...I still think we should stop for the day." Thanks Spike... Ugh...

The final exercise.

"This last training lesson will be examining your reflexes and tests for improvement. The reflective mirrors surrounding you will..." Twilight stopped herself, expression shifting from lecturing to outward uncertainty the more she stared at me. "You know what? I think we should save this for another day, after the... Results from the other exercises-"


A soft frown. "Jack-"

"Twilight, I said I'd do this," Was my firm teeth-gritted response, straightening my posture in emphasis. Sleep deprivation be damned! "Begin when ready." It was simple, Twilight would fire off magic from her horn into the mirror surrounding me on the ground and midair, and it was my job to block and redirect them.

Sounds fun.

Or suicidal...

I must protest, Jack. Your mental state is affecting your physical capabilities. You must cease this activity now and inform your mare what is happening-

I'm. Not. Telling. Her. The. Dream.

At my firm nod to a reluctant Twilight, the mare quietly mirrored the gesture, and a purple beam shot from her horn, beginning the exercise. The beam bounced from one mirror, and off my raised reacting limb, to another reflective surface, and into my Balance-enhanced limb once again. The cycle repeated itself until the corner of my eye spotted another beam, narrowly dodging as it flew by my face into another mirror. More and more beams began followed, bouncing from glass to my limbs and back over and over again.

So far, so good.

This is ridiculously persistent of you. Sombra commented snidely as he mentally observed me, presumably from my own eyes. You really hope to accomplish appeasing your Princess through sheer exhaustion and a slip-up waiting to occur?

You must inform her of the-


Sombra was unimpressed. Stubborn fool! Are you that embarrassed, afraid of her thoughts regarding the incident long ago? Your guilt will only kept to yourself for so long, boy.

Shut up! I partially took note how faster and aggressive my movements were becoming in blocking the fast light beams in all directions. Dreams pass over time, and I'm sure this one will too. Unless you're the one responsible for causing the repeated nightmare yourself, Sombra?

Bah! I cannot always be at fault for your own regret over failure to save your Princess from harm that fateful day. You CHOOSE to blame yourself for what that monster did to her.

Because it was my-! Dammit!

With a roar of justified anger, one strengthened block against all magic at once sealed the deal, as the beams fired back against the group of surrounding mirrors, and the sounds of shattering glass emerged all around me. The training finally over, my front limbs lowered to the ground in pure exertion, shallow breathes in and out coming from my muzzle, further exhaustion beginning to seep in from the spectacle I just made.

I dared not look at Twilight's concerned face nor eyes.

My pained body landed roughly onto the ground, slowly composing to stand up and continue this fight. I don't understand, I thought this new power was-

You may possess this power, Sombra interrupted harshly. But you lack the composure and training to wield it. This is too strong for you to control; I knew we shouldn't have used it in this fight!

...No... I won't give up, not yet.

You might as well, The fallen King sneered, speaking into my left ear. Continue, and your body will succumb to the exertion, your magic taken by this fiend. You will only make things worse for yourself, your friends and your Princess.

I had little time for a retort, Tirek towering over me with a condescending smirk. "Even with help, neither you nor the Princess can stand up to me. But don't worry, I shall honour your bravery once I take your magic. And this time, I will not make the same mistake." A magic orb centered before the creature's horn, ready to fire off another attack no doubt to render me immobile. Glaring upwards, I was ready to face this. Rather me than Twilight, after all...

I had no regrets.

That was, until the pony who took the blast for me showed up between us. Time stilled, a purple body flying before us to take the hit, the power of stolen combined magic hitting the mare with harsh success, and I barley heard my own yell of "No!" escape me at the sight of a pained, eye-closed Twilight Sparkle delicately flying in the air, causing in an impact of the ground near by, a crater where the fallen Princess lay in pain, all to protect me.

For me...

"No..." This can't be happening... This just can't be... "Twilight..."







A frustrated groan at my inability to sleep escaped from my exhausted muzzle, the nightmare having awoken me abruptly once again just then. Bleary cyan eyes stared up at the darkness, squinting in pain and annoyance. The sensation from todays misadventures still stung all over my body, and it certainly wasn't helping in getting me some sleep.

...Starswirl? Sombra? You guys awake?

Being a spirit requires little rest in the physical sense, my friend. But, I am always here if you need me.

Tch. I have little need for sleep boy. Although that hardly grants you permission to address me whenever you so desire; it was irritable enough everytime you chose to speak with us on your homeworld just to avoid sleep.

I don't TRY to avoid sleep. No human would ever pass up the opportunity to sleep for however long they wished if they could. I'm just asking if there's anyway at all for me to finally get some rest without that Goddamn nightmare...

Perhaps if you-

And not by telling Twilight about it!

I understand your fear for confronting the Princess about your guilt, but you underestimate the predicted reactions to it. Do you truly believe she will judge you for what happened, or your continuous regrets for the incident? You've burdened yourself with this guilt for a long time now, and it is beginning to consume you.

Tossing my head around on the pillow, I winced at the results; more stings to my healing face despite how soft the material was. But why now... The event happened about a year ago, to me anyway. Why choose to manifest itself at this time...?

Your closeness with her once more is triggering these buried regrets, since they involve her than your friends most of all. The only remedy to this, Jack, is to allow yourself the courage to confess to her what is causing you this insomnia.

...There's no other choice, huh...?

What do you think? I imagined Sombra's scowl. When has even Equestria given the choice of luxury? Harsh truth and reality plays a role even within this 'land of fiction,' Jack. It's high time you grow accustomed to that.




[BEEP]. Not even closing my eyes works. I may typically have trouble sleeping, but this was on another level entirely.

Are you even-?

Oh I heard you, Sombra. But it didn't hurt to make another attempt one last time.




[BEEP], that does it!

In annoyed weariness, I kicked off the sheets and slowly pulled myself off the bed, aching limbs taking a second to adjust on the ground. With that, my exhausted, frustrated self wandered out of the dark room and into the hallway, still lit up, meaning Twilight must still be up doing some research or another. With a sigh, I gazed between the large hall, debating on what to do next and then reaching a conclusion what all humans do when they're indecisive and have nothing better to do.


Heh, it's almost funny how easy it was now for me to navigate these halls. The castle's interior maze wasn't so difficult to explore the more you grew accustomed to the place. A testament to how long exactly I've stayed within these walls. Where was I up to currently within the show's timeline? The middle of season five? Yes, of course; Rarity and Rainbow were still in Canterlot, and I remember clearly the events which transpire there.

Arriving into the kitchen, my gaze found the target and proceeded directly forward to the fridge. So when the two mares return, this means what happens next will be two events at once; Applejack and Rarity going to Manehatten, and the Sisterhooves Social occurring at the same time. Luckily, I already planned everything out for that point of the season. Twilight won't be so bored during those events then-

Ah, speak of the angel. "Hello Twilight."

The purple alicorn blinked from the doorway, wandering further into the room with a bemused expression. "I was wondering why the lights were on in here. I thought you were suppose to be sleeping." I shrugged, in the middle of making myself a sandwich. And maybe I should help myself to some brownies afterwards. "Hunger preventing sleep?"

"Among other things," I responded casually... Before my own words sunk in.

Dammit Jack!

"Such as?"





"Any specifics?"




The mare sighed, shaking her head softly at my obvious evasive behaviour. "If there is a problem Jack, you know I'll do anything to help you, right?"

"I know, but you can't prevent nightmares, can you love?"


You are pathetic.

It was bound to happen either way.

"Nightmares?" My gaze glanced further away, avoiding Twilight's furrowed brow and attempting to focus more on the sandwich. Guess what? Didn't work, as I felt myself being pulled by a tender hoof, meeting Twilight's inquisitive frown. "You too...?"

Huh? "What...?"

Twilight replied quietly, violet eyes searching me for a moment. "Recently I've been having some terrible dreams of my own. They haven't prevented me from sleeping, so I didn't feel like they would become a big issue... But if they're becoming more and more constant, and you're having bad dreams as well..." The mare tilted her head, concerned and curious. "What have you been dreaming about, exactly?"

Unwelcome memories shivered down my spine, and Twilight took notice of my hesitant flinch, stepping back slightly.

"If you don't want to talk about it-"

"You first, love," I interjected tiredly, smiling slightly. "Since you obviously want to talk about it." Maybe then, I can finally find the encouragement to share what I've been dreaming about in turn.

As though reaching that conclusion as well, Twilight nodded slowly, looking away for a moment before inhaling deeply, tone far more somber, "It's about the battle against Tirek." My blood froze. "After I saved you from one of his attacks, I saw the aftermath. Something inside you... Changed. I saw a fury quite unlike anything I've ever seen from anyone, when you viciously attacked that fiend like that; unrelenting, without restraint, all because I got hurt." Violet eyes sparkled in recollection. "It's silly to think you'd become so enraged because of me, but-"

"It isn't."

Twilight snapped her head to me, frowning in confusion. "Of course it is. Despite what we heard, I can't imagine you would become so... So animalistic, in spite of all the other times you've lost your temper..." My guilty expression was all that was needed, for those beautiful eyes to widened, muzzle agape. "You couldn't have...!"

I shrugged, gazing down at the floor then, the memories themselves unpleasant and unwarranted. "Seeing you in that state, caused by that monster, all control and composure broke, Twilight. I did everything in my power to stop Tirek there and then. Because... Seeing you hurt like that... Was the most terrifying thing I ever witnessed... And it's all my fault." There, I said it. Cyan eyes looked back at Twilight's sorrowful look. "And that's what I've been dreaming about."

There, you happy oh bearded one...?

"You... Of course that wasn't your fault! I wasn't about to let you-" Twilight gasped in irony. "Of course you'd consider yourself responsible! You always blame yourself..." The Princess sighed, shaking her head before smiling lightly, at the floor then in my direction. "I should've suspected that was the case. And I gather words alone won't convince you that what happened wasn't your fault, and I would gladly throw myself in harm's way for you and everyone else I love just as you constantly do for us?" And me? Were the last unspoken words.

"Is that rhetorical?" Was my attempt of light humour in this dour mood. It must've worked, because Twilight sighed again, but this time less depressed about, and the alicorn strode towards me, one limb wrapping around my own. "What are you doing?"

The grin of a Goddess. "Convincing you through other means. Come on."

Other means, apparently, meant the two of us cuddling against one another on the couch if the main reading room. And, by Twilight's logic, talking about pretty much just random [BEEP].

"An academic, you?"

And, surprisingly, it was working.

The Princess nodded, body brushing against my own to my right, the close proximity no longer causing the mare to constantly blush by every physical display of affection like in the past. "Had I not became a Princess, a while back it was my dream to study everything possible - still is - and make something out of that knowledge, and become a Professor or a similar profession. A teacher at Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, passing on everything there is to know about magic to the next generation."

"Professor Twilight..." I pondered on the name, expressing amusement and consideration. "Now I'm being struck with an image of you with large glasses and a lab coat." Reminding me of another Twilight a long way from here.

A playful shove. "Very original. But if that didn't work out for me, then plan b was to become a librarian, though I've already seem to have accomplished that profession." A brief pause, and Twilight's feeling of guilt and regret through our bond prompted me to act, delivering a soft kiss atop her mane. Encouraged, Twilight continued, "Or perhaps a scientist; there are still so many things about magic we don't know about yet. Such as your Balance powers."

Grinning, I replied sincerely, "We'll both discover more about that together. Anyway, I think... No I KNOW you'd be fantastic at anything you do, Twilight. You're a prodigy among your kind."

There was the blush! And a gleeful Twilight leaned closer, wrapping her limbs around my neck gratefully, head leaning on shoulder and chest with open affection. And you know what? Twilight's attempt to lighten up the mood was working. The more we has this conversation, the remorse about my own actions back that fateful day against that magic-stealing Twilight-hurting monster faded away. I was beginning to feel more... At peace, the bond between pulsating in pure harmony, Twilight's light extending across the ties which bind us, soothing my soul.

This mare... This wonderful, amazing mare...

My own hoof brushing her mane lightly seemed to incite her to inquire, "What about you? Aside from being a writer, what would your other ideal professions be?"

Good question. "Well, I suppose I would've liked to be a teacher as well, as we've discussed before." Twilight nodded into my fur. "And I always entertained the notion of being a librarian too... Hmm... A traveler, maybe..."

"Travelling?" Twilight teased lightly. "Willingly?"

"I'm capable." I retorted without annoyance, grinning. "What else... Um... Being the ideal special somepony to a certain Princess..."

A playful giggle. "You already have that position, Jack."

"Am I doing a good job so far?"

"Flawlessly." The fact that was replied in a heartbeat sent a warmth down my throat and heart to leap. "Although, now thinking about it, you could be less grumpy at times."

"You could also be less of a perfectionist at times."

"Then we've seem to have reached a stalemate, honey."

"I-" Then her words caught to my dumbfounded self. "Did you just call me 'honey?'" Did Twilight Sparkle just call me without any sort of sarcasm or hesitation, 'honey?'

The alicorn glanced up. "It's not that jarring, is it?"

"...You're kidding right?"

Another shove, this time more forceful. "Don't push your luck. You should consider being more tactful sometimes, Jack."

I scoffed playfully. "Tact? Moi? I am the epitome of subtlety, thank you very much."

"Uh-huh." And that was followed through shared laughter, the comfortable mare shifting around somewhat. "I remember a question I asked you, a long time ago." Oh? "If to become an author was your dream, and I never got the answer after all this time. So... Is your dream to become a writer?"

And a long time ago, I would've answered with uncertainty. My dream, if I had one, was lost even to me. I never truly knew what I wanted in life, aside from peace and happiness, the two one can rarely achieve with the hounding of harsh life on my world. And even here, in Equestria, pressure and stress were still two realities which made their selves present when something went wrong.

So the real question was, did I have a dream? Something I've always desired more than anything else in the entire multiverse, without realizing it until this very point?

It took one look at her to answer that very question.

"My dream... Is right here." Purple eyes rolled upwards to look at me, surprise slowly morphing to bliss with my positive words of conviction. "To be with people who accept me for who I am; my faults, my ideals, my everything. To be with someone who always makes me happy, and I make her happy in return. Our friends have fulfilled that dream, and you're the core of that happiness, my Princess, Twilight Sparkle."

And suddenly, my muzzle was inches from an eager Twilight's, who was mirroring my content mood with a pleased, pink-cheeked yet happy smile filled to the brink of peaceful serenity. "The same can be said for you, my Warrior, Jack Wright." There wasn't any kissing before this conversation, but I soon found myself in an intense make-out session with the mare of my dreams 'till the point I lost track of time.

Okay, screw sleep, this was a better remedy.



A rough prodding to my left pony shoulder slowly roused me from my slumber, bleary stare meeting the bemused yet humoured expression of a cheerful Spike. "Morning bro."

Oh. A yawn escaped me before I replied, "Morning Spike." Followed by a couple more blinks to get my bearings- Huh... Back felt stiff. Obviously wasn't sleeping on my bed-

Oh... Right.

A weight against my other shoulder and right side incited me to stare in amused fascination at the alicorn resting peacefully on me, head leaning to my neck in content, a happy expression on her beautiful sleeping features. Okay, best thing to wake up to first thing, bar none. We must've fallen asleep next to one another without realizing.

And it wasn't even movie night... Should start making movie night a thing around here.

"You two had fun last night?"

Grinning, I reached forward carefully and ruffled the teasing dragon's head, inciting his protestant yet playful look. "Thought you'd still be asleep without Twilight to wake you up."

"Only to make me wake you up." Spike retorted with a huff, then gestured with a thumb behind him. "Besides, it's eleven in the morning."

What? My eyes glanced over to the nearby clock... Oh. So it was- Wait a sec... I fell asleep. I actually fell to genuine sleep this time around! And without that bloody nightmare constantly waking me up!

You see, Jack? My mentor commented cheerfully, The bond between you inflicted a reaction to Princess Twilight's own dreams, at first. But the cure, as you've discovered now, was the reassurance and love of someone who adores you completely, as you do her in turn. And now, you can both rest in peace for a long time.

...Thanks Starswirl. Sorry for doubting you.

"Should we wake her up or...?"

Our gazes switched to Twilight, who shifted slightly in her sleep, making an adorable lighthearted noise that prompted my loving smile. "You know what Spike... Let's worry about Twilight's panicking about oversleeping later. Let her rest."

And I was perfectly content with staying in this position for however long as possible right now.

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