• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 210: Magical Depravity

Okay, gotta get these supplies out of the castle, and fast.

Glancing left to right out of the doors, I commenced my escape as early morning rose, the sunshine gleaming down as if catching me out. Too bad Celestia, even you wouldn't grass for your own former student, smirking as I pulled the wagon out.

Just careful down the stairs... Wincing from each noise from the wheels impacting the stone steps. Great, good thing they're deep sleepers... That and Spike gave his word not to alert Twilight of anything, an early bird - or dragon in his case - himself. So far, so good.

Next is pulling the stuff through town without anyone noticing-

"Hi Stardust!"

Ah [BEEP]-sucking dammit-!

"Pinkie!" I hissed, growling in irritation towards the obliviously merry Earth Pony, shaking my head with exasperated tiredness. Couldn't stay mad at her for too long, but nonetheless. "Would it kill you to just approach and speak like a common pony?"

"Hmm, probably." Unable to detect as jest or geniune, but Pinkie then let out a gasp of excitement. "Oooh, what's with all this stuff, Stardust? Are you going build something?"


But the candy-loving, party mare was on the nose as ever, beaming eagerly as she got nose to nose, making her grand, joyous gestures as ever. "Is this part of that super secret surprise for Twilight you've been making far away from here for months now?!"

Oh for the love of- "How could you possibly-?"

"Know that? Oh silly, everypony but Twilight knows about it!" Pinkie waved dismissively. But upon seeing my looks, the young mare then added with sheepish giggling. "Okay, maybe Twilight asks us to follow you around when you get too far from the castle. You know how it is."

Ah... Of course.

"So, ARE you building that super secret surprise you don't want anypony to know about? Are you, are you, are you?"

Huffing with fond rolled eyes, I released the handle and raised my hoofs, smiling wryly. "You got me. I was hoping to finish things up today and get back before Twilight suspects anything."

"Ohhhh." Suddenly, a gasp. "Idea!" Elated gasp at that, Pinkie jumping up and down on the spot like a beanbag on a trampoline. "It'll be finished much faster if you ask your friends to help!"

"I..." Trailing off, seriously thinking about it then. Yes, that would make things more productive and conclude faster, AND I can trust my friends to help while keeping this a secret.

Since it'll be a short secret as I intend to show Twilight as soon as the work was complete. You know what?

"I think that's a wonderful idea, Pinkie." Nodding my approval and warm smile, further enticing eager excitement from the easily zealous Earth Pony.

"Great! We should also get Lyra and her friends to help out, too! They're your close friends as well aren't they?" Actually, that works out brilliantly. I nodded again, that Pinkie took as a sign to hoof-fist the air with a wide leap. "Hoorah! Let's get everypony and start to work finishing that tr-"


"Oh, right, sorry. Let's get going." Huffing in affectionate exasperation, I followed after the hopping mare. Where would I be without her or the rest of them?

Would you like an answer to that?

Not really, no.



"It looks amazing."




"Authentic as it can be!"

"Trixie!" Many heads regarded the blue unicorn by that last outburst, whom shrugged indifferently from our confused gazes. "What? I thought we were just sharing random words to express something good."

"...Never change, Trixie." Was all I had to offer, gazing back up towards the fruit of all our labour, towering over and shadowing us. Reflecting the sunlihgt beautifully atop this wide, tranquil hill. Blinking with a wide smile, my gratitude was indescribale. "I can't thank you all enough for doing this."

"Pish posh darling." Rarity waved off the thanks, having her own pleased smile. "But if you feel you must, we won't stop you."

It was Bon who spoke up next, smirking towards me with a knowing looks in those azure eyes. "Twilight will love it, Stardust. This might be the best thing you've ever done for her."

Rainbow snorted in cheek, folding her front limbs as she, as ever, relied on her wings hovering above the spot.

"Maybe they should have the wedding here." Lyra motioned happily to the front of the gift. "Right in front of the door." With others already echoing these heartfelt, approving sentiments, and I felt my chest contrsict with utter awe and fondness for these amazing ponies.

The things they do for me, even if I don't deserve them.

Ah, but they clearly disagree, like always. Starswirl commented in amused approval, and I had the feeling he was watching them from above too. Warmly remarking, Friendship is our most valuable treasure, Jack. Take pride knowing you have made such wondrous friends with these selfless, compassionate equines. Not all share their alturistic outlook.

Right, like Chrysalis, Sombra - before he was reformed - the sirens, Tirek, the Storm King. I had the feeling the next villain will make himself, or herself, noticed soon. Call it a gut sensation.

Or Balance, whichever.

"Shall we head back?" Applejack suggested next, smirking knowingly to us all. "Lest Twilight gets suspicious why all her friends suddenly disappeared in one day?" Good call.

"Race you all there!" Rainbow was already on the move, and Pinkie gasped and smirked with competitive eagerness.

"Oh it is ON!"

Yep, whatever comes next, we'll be ready. Let's hope Hasbro doesn't do anything stupid and make the next antagonist a kid or something.


Spells, spells, and more spells. One gets a horn, one knows about magic, then one starts practicing. Sometimes not by choice.

Which is exactly that, in my case. Twilight wanted me to keep learning all there was to magic, now that I got a decent level of flying capabilities, even to the point of dragging me to the school in order to keep an eye on me while she was working, coming in every so half an hour to check-

"Hello Jack." Speak of the Alicorn. The beautiful lavender mare entering the spare utility closet for my usage, with more books levitating by her side... And set down by the rest.

Oh boy.

"No fussing." She chided, but had that knowing smile regardless. "I have a few seconds to spare before I meet back with Cozy Glow in my office. I'm surprised the two of you haven't met yet."

Giving a bemused scowl, I jokingly retorted while carefully setting down the chairs via magic, "From what you say of her, I'm better off."

Violet eyes glared, but not with hostility. "Never judge somepony until you get to know them." Before pausing promptly, tilting her head side to side with faint amusement. "That being said, she can be... Overly enthusiastic, but she just likes to help out. Not sure where I'd be without her."

"You realize you have Spike for that, right?"

"Hush. Now then, let's check out your progress." With her own power, Twilight set the three desk chairs by the large locked window. The Princess stepping to the side, nodding with encouragement. "Okay, when you're ready. Try blasting all three chairs simultaneously and unscrew the limbs."

Sounds simple. "I've got this." I nodded, grinning, as my horn started turning more yellow in hue of magic, before swishing. "Expelliarmus!"

And... Nothing happened.

Twilight huffed, rolling violet eyes. "Jack, that's not how it works. Try again."

"Understood... Expelliarmus." Yet again, nothing happened, and I regarded the mare I loved with a low, playful smirk. "Guess I'm not practicing my Defence Against The Dark Arts well enough."

"Hmm, could be that." Followed with a drop of frosty, unamused tone. "Or you're just pretending not to even try." How dare you love! I excel at trying! Sighing, Twilight nodded to the desk chairs yet again, emphasizing. "Please, actually try this time Jack, I want to see the results of my Warrior's hard efforts."

Alright, alright.

Having had my fun, I nodded slowly, rising tall with golden horn at the ready. "Watch this!" And fired with all I could give, without potentially blowing up anything.




Another weary, annoyed sigh. "Fine then." Wait, hold on- Twilight shook her head, already heading back for the doors. "I'm returning to my office, let me know when you're ready to start being more serious with your studies, Jack."

"Twilight-" But already she shut the door before I could protest. Before I could even remark I WAS tyring that time, but nothing had occurred as a result.

Frowning, I turned to regard the chairs, considering where I went wrong. Was I not focusing enough? That's often the case when the mare was in the room. Well, let's give it another go, readying myself and narrowing eyes towards the furniture, firing off magic again.

Ending by only a gold spark, never even getting one foot away from my being. The Hell?

Hey, third time's the charm. Let's give it another go, this time my throat grunting with effort as I put slightly more strain to it. And more strain.

Even more strain...

Okay, what the [BEEP] was happening? Starswirl, you got anything to add here and educate where I'm going wrong with this?



Dammit, was he napping in the afterlife or something? The Hell was going on? Glaring above to the innocent ceiling, I sighed through grit teeth, already getting frustrated, and for good reason! I was doing just fine for the past hour and a half, so what's changed? Did Twilight's disappointment have an adverse effect on my concentration?

I mean, that would make sense, but even so, I should still be able to do something. Let's try another matter, focusing on the empty cup once filled with soda, now putting part of my magic into lifting that.

Then some of it.

...Then HALF.

Then ALL OF IT- God dammit! Why wasn't my [BEEP]ing magic working?!

Alright, I need to get to the bottom of this, and fast. Now moving right for the door-

OW! Blasted thing was... Locked...? The [BEEP]?

Tugging at the handle, first experimentally and then desperately, I felt a surge of panic already begin to rise through me. Proceeding to try through Balance- Nothing.

Balance wasn't working at all... The window! I lunged for that next... And promptly smacked myself rolling backwards on impact, the glass feeling like it was made of hard steel or something, rubbing my bruised pony nose.

Okay, okay, calm down Jack, there were other ways of handling things. All you have to do is contact Twilight or Spike through your bonds, and then...


I... I couldn't sense them?

That panicking build up through my chest was close to bursting, as I continued trying in vain to contact everyone still in the building. Fluttershy, Starlight, Rainbow! Applejack, Pinkie, Rarity!

Not a single one could be felt... In fact, it felt like the equivalent of a hollow breeze, providing no comfort or a presence anywhere. It was disorienting, nauseating even.

I couldn't sense them... I couldn't sense anything outside, Balance just-just wasn't working!

For the first in a while I felt... Alone.

Stepping back slowly to the centre of the room, I blinked numerous times, my breathing gone heavy from the despairing realization I was trapped in here, for the next half an hour or so.

...I'm a moron. Only half an hour for Twilight to come check on me! I released a hoarse laugh, realizing, once again, I was panicking over nothing.

Three days. I've been trapped here for three days now.

I think, anyway.

Starvation was apparent, and half of me was considering feeding myself off the pages from the various books surrounding me. Heh, Twilight would be scandalized from her would-be husband even entertaining that notion.


It's been seventeen years!

The room had gotten darker everyday, I could barely see anything anymore. It was all but a shadowy blur, overtaken by my mixture of hunger, thirst and body failing to move that many muscles. Confined to lay against this door, which never opened once.

How were my friends doing, I pondered time to time. Were they safe? Were they happy? Even when forgetting little ol' me? Was Spike having a good time? Did he get married to Sweetie Belle? I always secretly shipped them. Did Sunburst finally have the [BEEP]s to ask out Starlight? Did they have a kid now?

Wonder if Fluttershy and Discord could procreate... Huh.

And Twilight... Twilight...

Twilight my sweet love. I miss you so much, but it looks like... It looked like we'll never see each other again, our last interaction that of bantering-slash-bickering...

How appropriate.

Still, could be worse, I supposed. Could spend my last remaining days trapped on Tartar-

Whoa! My horrific dreams were disrupted from the doors suddenly opening from behind, leaving me a rolling, disjointed mess as I attempted to regather myself and my surroundings.

Leaning over my dazed state, a light yellow unicorn with inquisitive sea-green eyes asked, "Are you okay? It looked like you were stuck in that room for three hours."

Only three hours? Huh.

"I'll live." Came my disgruntled grumble, forcing myself to roll on all fours and get back up, shaking my head to clear away the disorientation. Closing my eyes, I attempted to use, well, anything in my current state.

Balance? Nothing.

Starswirl? Nothing.

With a huff of frustration, I grit my teeth, trying to comprehend the current situation, "What the heck is going on...?" 'Heck,' by the way. I've been hanging out with Rainbow too much.

"Everypony in the school's lost their magic." Say what? My wide, hazel eyes gazed intently to the pony who got me out of that room, himself nodding solemnly. "And not just here; students have been getting letters from family members, it's happening all over Equestria from Las Pegasus to Manehatten. We can't even lift a wrench." A slight pause. "Believe me, I tried."

No magic. All of it gone from Equestria. Why does this sound familiar somehow? "Where's Twilight and the others?"

"Uhh... No idea. All everypony knows is that they've gone to fix whatever's happening." The Earth Pony answered sincerely, looking quite lost himself. Understandable. "Professor Glimmer was placed as temporary Headmare, but she disappeared shortly after, we're now being overseen by Cozy Glow."


As though detecting my confusion, the stallion clarified, "Ah, Headmare Sparkle's filly assistant." To that, a flood of memories of passing comments hit me.

"I hope you meet Cozy Glow at some point, Jack. She's an angel of an assistant at the school."

"Jack, Cozy Glow dotted down everything for the weekly schedule to help remind me if needed. Isn't she thoughtful?"


"...Starlight put the school in the care of a child?" Twilight I got, but Starlight? That didn't sound right.

The yellow pony only shrugged. "That's all we were told so far. If you wanna find out more, you should go to the Head Office and- Hey!"

Way ahead of ya. "Thanks pal, for getting me out!"

"No problem, and it's Copper. Copper Alloy!" The pony called back as I made my sprint down the hall, intending straight for the office in question.

Magic has fully disappeared all over. Twilight and the others had gone to solve it - without me, but I can deal with that later - and Starlight seemingly gone after them. Leaving a mere kid in charge of the whole school, who is probably the only pony in the vicinity who can provide more clarity at the moment.

God help me, if this filly is as enthusiastic and upbeat as Twilight repeatedly claimed...

The more I tried to wrap my head around it, the more it becomes less and less plausible.

Why would Starlight put the school in care of some kid? I mean, it's understandable to be reluctant of, say, TRIXIE being put in charge, but what about someone like Maud? She'd take better care by stalling everything with lectures on rocks and about taking good care of your pet 'Boulders.' But Cozy Glow? What were her qualifications?

Regardless of the choices, there were still bigger fish to fry.

Without even knocking, I strode right into Twilight's colourful office, and on cue, there was the little filly my fiancee had hyped so much about. Comfortably relaxing on the chair which wasn't rightfully hers.

A little too comfortable.

Blinking in surprise, the little pegasus with light blue mane wrapped in swirls, bright pink fur and brown-red eyes straightened in her seat. Putting in a high-pitched tone I had trouble deciphering the right word for.

"Golly gee, Stardust Balance! We were all wonderin' where you've been!"

Brown-nosing. That was it.

"I've been preoccupied. Where's Twilight?" Came the initial question, having athe righteous desire to beat around the bush and get to the heart of what's essential here. As Balance was no longer available, there's no telling how far they were.

"You mean the Princess?" No, who else? "I thought you knew; the Princess and the teachers went to Tartarus. Oh I sure hope they're doing okay." Cozy stated with sincere concern, looking quite apprehensive on youthful features.

"...How do you know that?" All Copper shared was that nopony knew where they went, so how could this child be aware?

The pegasus filly shrugged in idleness. "I just assumed it was public knowledge, but it's what the counselor told me when she left to go after them."


Pressing down on the small alarms ringing through my being just being around this pony - no idea way - I then asked, "Why was Starlight going after them? Did they need back-up?" Were they in serious trouble? Well, naturally it WAS Tartarus, but why were they even going there to begin with? What connection would that place have to the sudden loss of-?


I'm a dumb[BEEP].

"You haven't heard from them since?"

Cozy shook her head, offering a sheepish smile of apology. "Sorry your Highness, I haven't heard anythin' since Counselor Glimmer left. As to why they needed help, well, it said in the letter that whatever's going on might be too powerful, so they'll need all the help they can get!"

Letter? "Where is this letter?"

That expression darkened, for just a miniscule second, before turning back to somber regret. "I'm sorry, but Miss Glimmer asked me to destroy the letter after it was read, just to be safe. Oh golly, you can understand, can't you Mister Balance?" Providing me the largest, most sincere puppy-dog eyes I've ever seen on a pony, and I've seen Pinkie Pie when almost denied to host a party.

"...Uh-huh." Surely, if Starlight knew I was still here, she would've wanted me to see it. Well, no matter, there's nothing that can be done now.

But something could at least be done regarding the magic crisis. Turning around, I was halfway for the door when she called out.

"Oh, where are you going, your Majesty?"

Right eye twitching from the over-exaggeration of my title, I answered without looking to the curious filly. "To start heading for Tartarus."


"But you don't know where that is!" Cozy protested from suddenly appearing in front of me, cartoon-speed! The young pegasus regarding me as she barricaded herself to the doors pleadingly. "It could already be dangerous if nopony's here to protect the school. Won't you reconsider, your Highness?"

And leave a powerless Twilight, Spike and friends against the likes of what awaited in that dark place? Not bloody likely.

"Step aside, young one." I tried sounding kind, but my patience from everything was already thin enough. Last think I need is Twilight's glorified [BEEP]-kisser blocking me from getting those girls - and son - out of trouble.

Reluctantly, Cozy Glow budged, brown-red eyes staring up imploringly despite my stubborness. "I just think, if there's a danger coming, none of the schoolchildren should be left without one of Equestria's greatest heroes to defend them..."

Wooooow. Playing it thick there... But dammit, that does tug at some heartstrings.

Exhaling loudly, I glanced to the young pony on my left, promising, "I'll ask Celestia or Luna to take over." Not like either were doing anything but sitting on their rumps without their magic.

...Well, that's a daily occurrance for them anyway.


Hm? Not ten steps out of the office until I was then approached from behind, greeted by- Oh hey! "Sandbar!" I smiled in warm greeting and relief, happy to see a friendly face given our predicament. "Finally, somepony I actually like to see."

Not that I had anything against her, but... Nah, something about Cozy rubbed me the wrong way. Couldn't identify what, but it was something there.

Giving a knowing smile, the Earth Pony inclined his head to the doors as he approached me. "She's somepony you'd have to get use to." Ah, glad I wasn't the only one. "But it's so good to see you, Stardust, or er, do you prefer-?"

"Just Stardust is fine." I didn't need Balance to pick up something was eating at him. "What's up Sandbar? This recent lack of magic affecting you and the others poorly?"

The young stallion looked sheepish. "Well, that's one factor, but that isn't all." No? I faced him straight then, attentive and curious. Any new source of information was welcomed; anything that could give me something to work with. Sandbar started with some uncertainty, "We... Well, that is to say a hoofful of us are a bit concerned about what's been going on in the school."

'Uh' being his five friends and himself. My own issues with that aside, I motioned for Sandbar to continue, having learned not to instantly dismiss worries made from feelings.

As though relieved and gratified someone was listening, Sandbar smiled lightly. "Smolder and Gallus thinks we're just exaggerating, but I'm not so sure. Ocellus is on the fence, but Silverstream and Yona side with me; we think something's going on that Cozy Glow didn't tell us." Glancing with some anxiety to the doors, like afraid the filly in question would be listening in.

Catching that, my hoofs were on the move, gesturing for Sandbar to follow, just fpor the sake of conversing this without anyone potentially sticking their muzzles in where they didn't belong.

"Go on, kid. What's that temporary 'Headmare' keeping secret?"

"We're not sure, it's just... Weird." Struggling to explain it. "A gut feeling." Sandbar then shook his head, short dark and lime green locks swaying. "Her announcement this morning about Starlight's departure to go aid the Princess-"

"Wait." I held up a gold hoof then, regarding the other Earth Pony with incredulity. Surely I misheard? "You mean Starlight didn't tell you all herself? She just left Cozy Glow to tell the student body?"

That didn't sound right; Starlight would have wanted to tell them all herself. She was smart enough to see the value of reassuring the students than leaving without warning and leaving it to a messenger.

Sandbar shrugged, prompting my deepened brow, gazing to the carpet hallway and remarking with scepticism. "That doesn't sound like her."

"That's what I've been saying! Starlight always prefers doing things herself than leaving it to others!" The stallion bursted, thrilled somepony else agreed, nodding frantically. "I'm just really worried. We're going to be having a studying session in the library tonight, if you like, you can come join us; having an extra mind to help us figure this out might help."

My immediate reaction was to, politely, decline him, as my main - top - priority was going after Twilight and the others to help out... But then again, I didn't even know where Tartarus was. The sisters would know, but they were in Canterlot, and going there by train - if it was still active - would take too long. Plus, without Starswirl to provide directions, I might just only get myself more in trouble, hindering myself or the others.

Perhaps the library would be the next best course of action, if only to find a map or something leading to Tartarus's entrance.

Eh, what else was there to lose?

"Alright, I'm game." Was my next response, smirking faintly towards the gratified Earth Pony. "Just promise me Silverstream will respect the rules of quietness in the library."

The sheepish expression that followed informed me the complete opposite.

Southeast of Canterlot, direct west of Manehatten...

"I'm telling you, something is really going on here!" Sandbar's voice insisted desperately towards his friend by their study table, which was responded by a quick scoff.

"And I'm telling you, that's just paranoia talking." The dismissive tone of the griffon friend of his, evidently not following his point of view. "Come on, I'm not exactly too fond of the temporary Headmare either, but this is just over-the-moon make-up of theories."

"It does sound a little... Farfetched." The quiet resignation of Ocellus the Changeling pointed out, having been the least to contribute to their discussion so far. Theirs, not ours, given how preoccupied I was.

Coordinates seven-four-eight due east, two-four-six south... Hm...

"I think he might be onto something, guys." The typically chirpy Silverstream sounding a tad more subdued, in relation of the subject matter. "I mean, have you seen the new rules Cozy added to the boards: Less class time, more home time, chocolate pudding for lunch every day!"

The dragon of their group snorted, and I could envision her waving these claims off. "So what? She wants to get on everyone's good side, I don't see the problem. I was getting stressed with homework anyway..."

"Yona still think something stinks!" Ah, it seemed not only the Hippogriff disrespected the cardinal rule of libraries. My own table vibrating slightly from the emphasis of hard hoofs smacking the table's surface. "Cozy Glow acting way too nice, not Sandbar nice!"

"Aheh, thanks Yona..." My ears perked up on the embarrassed flustering from his voice, bearded mouth twitching a little.

Opposite direction of the Gorge entry... Past a harrowing mountain, what joy. Gonna have to memorize all this for tomorrow, or just take the map with we... Yeah.

Yeah, Twilight would forgive me for taking something out of the library without asking when the fate of the world was at stake.

"Look, you all don't have to believe me, but don't you think it's all a bit strange that Starlight never even told us she was going. Like, there wasn't even a confirmation letter of her hoofwriting, surely she'd leave behind something like that before just going?"

"Well, I still don't see how that's any different than telling Cozy to inform everyone." Smoulder pointed out, still not entirely convinced.

"Yona trusts her instincts!" Came the booming, confident voice, certain of her own beliefs. "Yak gut never wrong! If something wrong, something is wrong!"

"That's nice Yona, but not all of us rely on our 'guts.' Some of us use our... Do you guys hear that?"

I did too, perking up from studying the map to gaze over where Gallus was addressing to. Getting off, I joined them, peeking over the edge for the source of something that didn't sound like the door, sliding open.

Upon noticing who stepped out from the floor, I swiftly pulled the others back, with as much strength as I could given this. For stepping out of a trapdoor that shouldn't even be there, was that of the young filly supposedly in charge of this school, looking absolutely pleased with herself.

More pleased that should be.

"Looks like your intuition was correct..." I whispered to Sandbar, whom only nodded, keeping ourselves silent in the darkness of the two aisles until the oblivious filly walked by, becoming out of sight leaving the room..




"I think the coast is clear..." Ocellus mumured, which had us all exposed in the candlelights and given a chance to breathe. The seven of us wandering cautiously towards the door which Cozy had closed beforehand, with myself giving a furrowed brow.

How had no one noticed? Did Twilight have this installed? If so, what was its function?

"This is getting more and more weird by the second." Gallus remarked in befuddlement, but that did little in curing Silverstream's more eager side of exploration.

"A secret passageway! I wonder where it leads!"

Putting a stop to this quickly. "You're not finding out." Came my orders, stern and matter-of-fact, firmly regarding the others. "Watch the door, don't let anyone in."

If there was something down there, the last thing was endangering kids needlessly. Or at all, what was I, Celestia?

"You sure you can handle anything down there without that weird overpowered magic you have?" Smoulder asked dubiously, orange arms folded, and I shrugged.

"Well, better me than any of you. My orders are final, before any of you argue." Trimming the fat, so to speak, as I already started descending with care into whatever laid beneath the school itself.

I was down a few paces before Silverstream called out, "What should we tell anyone who tries getting in?"

"That anyone who tries crossing me will get the same punishment as Blueblood!" In spite of circumstances, my own smirk widened on hearing Ocellus and Sandbar exchange:

"What happened to Blueblood?"

"Trust me, you don't want to know."

Perhaps it was just the loss of magic, or the fact I was doing this alone - not that I regret that - but the exploration deep into the bowels of the school in this dark blue hallway was becoming more and more unnerving. Stepping cautiously down the many corridors and steps, trying to find the endpoint of this unique path.

You know, it's been an interesting day, overall. One would normally ask how it got from creating the perfect gift, to practicing something new and growing accustomed to, to uncovering a secret underground passageway leading... Somewhere. But then again, I wasn't what would be considered 'normal,' nor this situation, and I always just go for the flow. MLP is nothing but surprise after surprise.

Sometimes, that can be helpful. Sometimes, that can be a hindrance. But mostly always, it just remains annoying.

Endearing, but annoying.

Okay, there was some brightness up ahead around that corner, the air breezing out suggesting a wider room. Maybe a chamber, I'll find out soon. Yet the sense of dread building up more and more, shuddering my gold form as I was bracing something for whatever would be waiting just around there-

Well, what do you know? And Twilight always called me paranoid - ironic coming from her - but never mind!

"Starlight!" I hurried down the stairs, approaching the sight of a dear friend/sister clearly in trouble; you'd have to be blind as a bat to see it. The pink unicorn suspended in some kind of light blue magical bubble, surrounded by six objects that looked as though they belonged in a museum, exuding that same magic, connected to the orb which kept her trapped.

If it wasn't for Starlight's warning look when I got closer, I almost would have been trapped, leaping back from some shadow claw snapping out of the ground when I stepped into the circle around the six objects, withdrawing immediately when I got enough distance. Whew, looks like the reflex training still came in handy.

Concerned hazel gazed up to lilac, seeing the conundrum. Whoever set this up knew what they were doing, to have security in place so any wanderer wouldn't get too close to whatever this is, and the primary suspect was...

But that didn't make any sense. "Are you alright?" I called out to the levitating unicorn, whom nodded, able to hear me. "Can you speak?" A shake in the negative, so the communication would be one way. Terrific.

This answered many questions, however, while raising a thousand more. But if Starlight was here, now, contained in this magic bubble, that meant the news of her departure to Tartarus was a forgery.

Alright, Stardust, think. Magic disappeared in one day, leading to Twilight and the mares going to their version of Hell for answers. Starlight was left in charge, but then supposedly left to provide back-up by a letter that didn't exist, now instead contained in that thing, presumably used as a conduit for whatever was happening here. If Starlight never left at all, and the whole thing was a lie so the position of Headmare was open.

My muzzle exploded the words that came to the forefront of my mind: "This was all a trap."

"Golly, I didn't think you'd catch on so quickly! You're so clever Prince Stardust!"

Immediately whirling to face the young filly perched atop the stairs into the spacious chamber, on the defensive. There's no way this was happening; no possible way Hasbro would actually do something that stupid.

Yet the widening, falsely innocent smile on Cozy Glow's face was telling, as she slowly fluttered down to the bottom step with a coy remark. "I was hoping I'd have some fun first, but gee, looks like time is off the essence!"

They made. The kid. A villain...

A kid.

"You wanted me to stick around." I started off slow, wary, never taking my hazel disbelieving eyes from the devious pegasus who kept that unnerving smile. Like a plastic doll ready to pounce. "You knew Twilight and the others would go investigate, but you didn't want me to go after them."

She shrugged. "Had it been my way, you would have." What now? "But my penpal wanted you to be here, in this exact moment, and now that you are, we can begin!" Clapping her tiny hoofs in exaggerated thrill.

"Begin what?" My mind was still trying to wrap my head around. Not this plot, obviously, but the fact Hasbro actually did that. Whose idea was this?! We had the likes of Sombra, Nightmare Moon, Chrysalis. Hell, even the Storm King, and he was a [BEEP]ing pushover!

Had they really run out of ideas that they made the new antagonist a toddler? I felt insulted and robbed; I'd take the Storm King over this!

She moved slowly, circling around at a ten foot distance, like a tiny predator watching some oblivious would-be prey. Please, I was the least oblivious person on this planet. "Why the show of course! My penpal's been eager to meet you, and now that the Princess and your friends are trapped in Tartarus, nothing can stop us!"

What-? "What have you done?" Unable to prevent the panic rising in my voice. If this child has somehow done them harm, I swear I'll-!

"Nothin'." The filly answered dismissively, as though it were a trivial concern. I'll give her 'trivial.' "By now, they should have trapped themselves inside Tartarus, since you can only use magic to get in or out. That trinket they used would only work once; trust me, I know, I'm the one who gave it to your wife."

"We're not married yet." I pointed out flatly, glaring still as it suddenly hit what Twilight would think of all this. She'd be devastated. "Why are you doing this? Twilight held you highly; you were a valuable assistant and good friend to her and many others!"

"There, that's the keyword: Friendship."

That smile turned more twisted, Cozy continuing her upcoming monologue in that faux childlike voice brimming a darker persona. Striding around to reach one of the glowing objects.

"The most powerful magic of all, I've learned, is the bonds between friends. Your precious Princess understands that, but she's barely scratching the surface. Look how much she's gotten just from having friends, and look then at what she's done with those gifts. Squandered!" Spitting out a piece of frustration, before she proceeded, grinning wider then with sinister intent. "Friends rely on you; they need you just to be useful. I've learned that by the more friends I get, the more powerful I will be. Soon, I will have enough friends to be the most powerful pony in all of Equestria! Everypony will willingly bow down to me as their saviour and bestest friend in history!"




"That... Is quite possibly... The worst... Absurd... Laughable... Pathetic... Logic-leaping... Asinine... WASTE of an evil plan I have ever heard in my whole life." My brain had to rework over and over as I had processed the so-called 'masterplan' of this child. Because only a child would think that would possibly even work.

God, you know, maybe I was too harsh on Sunset being a villain. Her [BEEP]ing stupid plan was invading Equestria with an 'army' of high schoolers, yet it's more feasible SOMEHOW than this! Holy [BEEP]!

"Well, nopony cares what you think your Highness. Not anymore." Ooo, sick burn. Cozy scoffed, motioning to the items suspending a worried Starlight in place, the former announcing with triumph. "My penpal should be ready now! With his help, I'll be the only pony to use magic, and everyone will HAVE to rely on me to get some sense of accomplishment in life!"

So... You see why having a child as an antagonist never works? I don't care that this is a kid's show; you can't just degrade from previous awesome villains - minus EQG because their villains fall in the 'pitiful' category - to something like THIS. But again, there were more important stakes at issue.

"Your penpal... Do I know him?"

That smile stretched by an inch, and the atmosphere felt marginally stuffier. "Let's just say..." Cozy started slyly. "You have a history."

The winds in this chamber picking up, the magic beginning to grow as a dark hurricane rose, before quickly settling down to create a black hole, that entire blue magic then releasing Starlight, pouring into the hole beneath her.

She would've fell in had I not quickly leaped across and rolled ourselves to safety, helping the poor unicorn stand as we spoke over the winds. "Are you alright?"

"Never mind me!" Starlight snapped urgently, lilac eyes gazing over to the sight which our adversary stood over, gazing down with victory. Starlight's voice higher on panic. "Stardust, she used me to channel the magic of those historic relics into one, so it'd all be fired into Tartarus!"

But for what-?

...Penpal... Tartarus only has one intelligent resident...


Cozy beamed cheerfully at my paling face and breathless whisper, evidently taking delight at my realization who exactly her ally was. Nodding proudly to herself, she started taking a few steps back opposite the chamber, calling out gleefully. "Say hello to an old friend, your Highness! He'll deal with you for me!"

The winds then exploding as the hole grew larger, just to fit the size for what was emerging from the darkness below. Teeth grit, I held out a limb across Starlight's front, just to keep her as protected as possible by what... WHO was coming.

But if it was him... That might be futile.

Red hand reached out, large and muscular, from the dark portal, slamming onto the edge of solid ground to gain leverage of pushing himself up. The next hand following, aiding in letting the tall, broad creature of red and black, four legs matching the form of a centuar, get out from his prison for good. Horns associated perfectly to that of a demon, with the white goatee and ring around nostrils to match. With every recognizable features of the old enemy, my limbs were shaking. When those small, beady yellow eyes showed themselves, I was suddenly hit back with the recollection of when I last saw those golden, evil eyes.

When I was rendered helpless and beaten, having gave it my all when he harmed Twilight. Sinister, triumphant, arrogant. That never changed.

My nightmares of him had never truly ended...

"My friend here told me how to get him out." Cozy began lightly, as though this were casual conversation while Starlight and I were staring up to her 'friend' in horror. "Use the ancient magic to drain away the current magic, and then use a talented unicorn as the basis to unify all the gathered magic and direct it all into the prison when fully charged. And now... He's awake and free! It's nice to finally meet you, penpal!"

"Oh..." The demonic, strong and rejuvenated voice resonated around the chamber, the beast standing tall with four hoof-legs standing over the dark portal to pony Hell. "The pleasure is all mine, penpal..."

The eyes of Equestria's most deadliest creation stared down to me, bare fanged teeth grinning with the promise of retribution. "We need to get out of here...!" Starlight whispered hurriedly, tugging at my cape. "Stardust, come on!"

"Hello, Prince Stardust Balance." Lord Tirek emphasized, leering down as his horns scrapped the ceiling of the chamber, the playful voice barely hiding the sheer contempt and thirst for vengeance. "I believe you and I have a score to settle."

Cozy, helping herself, perched atop Tirek's right broad shoulder, announcing in pure childlike enthusiasm. "Let's get this party on the road!"

To be continued...

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