• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 107: Daring Do and the Twilight Warrior

Finally. According to this damp map, I was almost there. This village I had walked all the way for about, what, twenty miles now? It better have those exclusive spell books Twilight requested me to fetch that she ordered. With tired hooves moving forward, I walked along a pathway through an open jungle, heading forward eagerly to get this errand over and done with.

And if we return to Ponyville in time, we shall bear witness to the wonderful wedding of Mr. Cranky Doodle and his beloved.

Oh, because God forbid we miss that! After all, remember the amount of times the donkeys and I have gotten acquainted with one another? Never? Same. No I don't think there will be high repercussions for me missing out on it, save for Twilight's own disappointment. But what can ya do? Me letting that alicorn down? Not the first it's happened.

And likely won't be the last either.

Exactly. Still, the message at the end of that episode was nice, even when Mayor Mare blurted out said message inappropriately so at a ceremony which had nothing to do with it at all - Seriously, she couldn't have waited until the after-party or something to make that speech? - It reminded us that one can appreciate another simply be even taking a glimpse of their own life. Everyone has a story to share, and Slice of Life kindly showed us glances of the other famous character's daily lives.

And here's what I saw; Bon Bon was actually called "Sweetie Drops" and was part of a secret Monster Prevention Agency that was never seen or mentioned in the show before; seriously, where were they when we needed them? Cranky was friends with that flamboyant sea dragon all the way back to the very first two-parter of the show, I'd love to who whose bright idea it was from Hasbro's staff to bring him back. Gummy was an inner poet, and he'd be rich by writing that [BEEP] down if he had appropriate hands to do so. Shining was a [BEEP]ing wuss when it came to weddings. Octavia and Vinyl live together, presumably. And Whooves with the Eighth, Fourth and Tenth Doctor references.

All Derpy needed to do was hand him the Sixth Doctor's coat right before the wedding and it all would've come together-

The [BEEP]-?!

Sombra snorted at my startled reaction. Lower your defenses boy, it's just a mere gem. True enough, suddenly landing before my hooves, as though hurled from the jungle itself, was a small, hand-sized ruby gem that looked shaped by a pentagon. Frowning softly, my eyes glanced to both sides of the trees cautiously, before resuming my curious gaze on the harmless red gem lying before my hoofs.

A gem which appeared right out of nowhere. Wonder if something will happen the moment I picked it up?

Yet you will do so regardless.

...Damn right.

And my intuition was correct, for my enhanced senses fueled by Balance went off the immediate moment I gently grasped and inspect the light gem, picking up on multiple senses surrounding me, hiding within the bushes and branches. No time for games. I lowered the gem, keeping it near my body for safekeeping, tilting my fedora upwards lightly whilst glaring around me.

"Show yourselves."

At that simple stern command, the observers happily obliged, and, instead of expecting ponies, I was instead greeted by the snarls and hungry eyes of wild jungle cats. My body tensed, eyes snapping in all directions at the dangerous beasts surrounding me, revealing themselves from jungle with predatory glares. A puma-


A tiger, a jaguar-


Whatever. A... Hyena, I'm guessing.


Sure thing. And a small, seemingly harmless white kitten.

Though I knew it was far from harmless, recognizing these group of characters all too well. Cautiously I swerved my body around, ready to defend myself from the beasts stalking around me if need be, which was very likely. If they were here, than their owner couldn't be too far behind...

"You there!"

Ah, right on cue.

My head snapped around, greeted by the sight of another creature standing behind his hungry pets with unbridled greed and arrogance shining in his small yellow eyes. I couldn't even begin to try describing the dog-like thing before me, so I'll basically sum it to this; remember Daring Do's main enemy? Yeah him.

Ahu... Ahiz... Ahuzot... However the [BEEP] you pronounce his name, gestured to in my direction with a closed fist. "You have something which belongs to me. If you would be so kind as to hand over that gem of vital importance to me." At my eyes narrowing, his did so in turn. "If you what is good for you, my friend." By emphasis, the tiger snarled, whilst the fluffy kitten released vicious teeth and claws, his pets ready to pounce upon his command.

Think I can take them on?

Wild beasts? The former King scoffed. It would be embarrassing for you to fall now.

Cheers for the vote of confidence. Starswirl?

You may not need fight these creatures alone.

The blue villain made a motion to to snap his fingers with the hand on his tail, before the clarification of my mentor's words made itself present. Or rather, herself present. A voice rung from above a tree to my right, attracting everyone's immediate attention.

"Six on one? Now that hardly seems fair."

A dark beige pegasus with resolve shining through her dark pink eyes. Silver and dark mane streaked down her hair and tail. For before us, standing atop a tree branch in all her glory, was the 'legendary' mare Rainbow would never shut up about, smirking down with brimming confidence and amusement, before a serious expression took over from the pegasus leaping down into the center, standing beside me with a challenging glare towards the sneering blue villain.

"You don't mind if I join in?"

With my own grin, I answered smugly, "The more the merrier."

"Daring Do."

"Ahuizotl." Oh so that's you pronounce that bloody ridiculous name. The pegasus, clad in shameless Indiana Jones-style attire, greeted her for back evenly with a hint of mocking to it, "Harassing bystanders now? You have no shame."

Says the Indiana Jones rip-off...

You know others can be explorers without necessarily being direct copies from something else.

No you're right, sorry. The Laura Croft rip-off.

The giant Anubis-styled creature swayed his tail around, hot air exhaling from his nostrils. "Mark my words my dear Daring, I will have what is rightfully mine." With a snap of his fingers, the felines advanced, and the pegasus and I found ourselves back to back in preparation, the red gem clutched tightly to my chest, right above the emblem attached to my cape.

"Stick close to me," Daring said quietly, attempting to be reassuring, "And do exactly what I tell you-" My own instincts drove me first, and a swung uppercut connected to the jaguar's-


- Jaw, sending it flying in the air before landing harshly on the dirt feet away. Whoops, might have gone overboard a little there... I glanced at Daring's stunned expression, before she recomposed her dropped jaw. "Never mind, you seem to handle yourself good enough."

The other jungle cats eventually wore off their own shock at the display, this time hissing menacingly, and Daring immediately leaped upwards from her spot, two cats crashing into one another from her previous spot. Meanwhile, from the corner of my eye, my own hoof reacted in time, stopping a charging hyena-

Lynx, Jack. Do you listen?

- By the snout, glaring at it ferociously. Time to show these felines who the real predator here is.

Try resist using your total strength, Jack. We don't wish to inflict too serious injuries.

Don't we though?

I'm personally all for it.

Your power can cause greater harm than you realize. Restrain yourself slightly.

Oh fine. Instead, I swung the Hye- Lynx before either you two in get in my case about it, into a complete circle, smacking a pouncing cat along the way and letting go. As the two felines crashed into a nearby trunk, Daring meanwhile finished off her own opponents by landing before them and delivering a swift classic horse kick, sending the tiger and puma back to their owner.


I don't care!

"You might as well give up now while you can," My friend happily gloated over the fallen opponent. "I'll be certain to grab the Eight-Legged Chrysalis before you and your pets."

Eight-legged Chrysalis... That sounded [BEEP]ing terrifying.

Another treasure our pegasus friend here pursues, I suppose.

Pushing the two beasts off him, Ahuizotl regained his posture, standing tall and proud, blocking the sun with his shadow cast over us. With a smirk, the Anubis-like villain claimed boastfully, "But Daring, how can you possibly achieve such, when you're to be crushed by a rolling boulder?"



At our expressions, the gleeful villain snapped his fingers from his tail, and immediately we felt small vibrations from the ground. Daring's grey eyes widened, snapping her head to the right with an exclaim, "Look out!" The warning came in enough time for her to fly upwards, dodging the rolling large rock crashing through the trees relentlessly in our direction, and for me to immediately leap myself, Balance aiding my agility.

To land on top of the moving boulder itself.

"Whoa [BEEP]! Ah [BEEP]! Mother[BEEP]er! Whoa!"

Okay, of all things that I anticipated would happen today, this was certainly at the bottom of the list! Fear coursed through my being as the boulder smashed through trees, bushes and rocks alike, moving as far from the action as possible. My hooves ran in opposite of the rolling thing, keeping it moving without intention, but I had no desire in stopping and getting myself crushed in the process. Eventually, a clearing was reached, and before my panicking line of vision was a Goddamn small cliff, leading down to a stream below.

Ah [BEEP]. Because why wouldn't there be?!

Thankfully, my rescue came, and I released a large grunt from my breath at something knocking into my body as the boulder flew in midair, landing both my rescuer and I onto the sand beside the small river with some minor bruises, and my ears picked up on the crashing sound of a rock meeting water. Attempting to stand, my limbs wobbled slight from the aftershock, a familiar pegasus reaching over to inspect me.

"You alright there bud?" Daring inquired, tone sounding somewhat sincere, raising a brow whilst holding my side to assist. "Rough landing, I know. But it's better than the alternative, right... Uh, bud?" Confusion leaked from her tone and uncertain expression, as a wave of laughter began escaping my muzzle, the volume raising slightly over time. "You feelin' alright?"

I fought a group of jungle cats and almost got crushed by a boulder, yet somehow, I was laughing at this scenario. Inhaling deeply, I grinned at the mare in green attire with a hat suited for exploring the wilderness. "Hmhm, yes sorry. I'm just so use to these life-and-death situations that nowadays I'm beginning to find it funny. Ha!" More laughter escaped, and this time an understanding Daring joined in, chuckling herself.

"Heh, my life story right there." Before chuckling evolved into laughter, and the small valley echoed with our shared amusement over what just occurred right, limbs wrapped around each other's shoulders in support. It was about thirty seconds later before the moment ceased, Daring inquiring with a smirk, "Say, you wouldn't mind handing me that gem would you? I need it for something."

Obliging, I asked knowingly, "I suppose that something has to do with locating a treasure in a hidden temple or something?"

Daring raised a brow, more focused on the gem itself. "You're a fan then?"

"Not really. Of the books at least. But Rainbow doesn't shut up about you."

At that, the pegasus snapped her head up. "You know Rainbow Dash?" She asked in surprise, a small smile beginning to creep onto her muzzle.

"We're good friends. Best friends even." This time, I offered a hoof to shake. Time for the formal introduction. "Stardust Balance. Twilight Warrior, and special somepony of Twilight Sparkle."

God it felt good to say those words. And mean them...

Daring grinned, accepting the hoof shake while responding with even pride. "Daring Do, treasure hunter extraordinaire, and stopper of evildoers using said treasures for ill intent. How's Rainbow been doing then? I gather she loved the novel featuring her own heroic deeds when we sought out the last treasure."

I rolled my eyes humouredly. "Oh yes, she wouldn't stop talking about it for a month the moment she stopped reading it the first time." But, noticing her attention on the gem in her hoof, I too began gazing at it. "Let me guess, the treasure itself?"

Daring shook her head. "More of the key to getting the treasure." Before flipping the pentagon ruby around, revealing the spider insignia I only just then noticed. The explorer explained seriously, "This gem can open up the ancient temple leading to the rare Eight-Legged Chrysalis, a pendant said to have rare power."

"How rare?"

"With it, you can control all the spiders in the world at will."

"...That rare then." Though the mere mention and idea of a legion of spiders at someone's command caused a slight shiver down my spine. Great, because the last thing I wanted to deal with are those eight-legged monstrosities.

Oh, do mature yourself.

Hey! Spiders are [BEEP]ing scary, alright? Females aren't the only ones to be utterly terrified of them. I'm not ashamed to admit I hate the little [BEEP]ers.

Clearly our friend here is fearless of the arachnid kind.

Paying no attention to my annoyed facial expressions, Daring placed the gem safely into her hat before speaking again, "I would've lost this ruby to Ahuizotl and his pets if you hadn't picked it up first. I owe you for that." With a smirk, she turned in my direction. "And any friend of Rainbow Dash's is a friend of mine. That said, wanna help me stop that Ahuizotl and beat him to the treasure first?"

I glanced at the offered hoofshake for partnership. I wasn't initially planning on joining in an Indiana Jones adventure with this cocky mare. Although... Imagining Rainbow's reaction to this opportunity would be humourous, and the idea of adventuring into a temple to find treasure was far more tempting than getting some new books.

I mean, there was no urgency, right? Twilight wouldn't mind too much.

My hoof found itself shaking against her own. "I suppose I can spare some time. Stopping evildoers in their tracks? One of my favourite pastimes."

Okay, how much are we betting here?

Betting on what?

Not you boy. The old unicorn and I. See whether or not you'll encounter another near-death experience simply by facing this overgrown dog and his feline slaves.

Oh haha, very funny-

Thirty bits.

Fourty claims he will almost die, again.

Hm. Thirty-five protests that he will survive through the help of Miss Do.

Then the bet is sealed. Continue onwards, boy, and prove this impotent mage wrong.

...I hate you both.

"What's that face for?"

"Just having a disagreement."

"...With who?"

"The voices living inside my head."

"...Alrighty then." Daring chose not to comment further, instead focusing on the large clearing before us after trekking through the forest for about the last ten minutes, pink eyes gazing upwards at the stone building, decorated in moss. "We're here."

So we were. I followed the mare's gaze, taking in the rather awe-inspiring sight with approval. Ancient temple alright, a large spider insignia carved into the center above the large entrance, led upwards by a curvy decaying set of stone stairs. Amazed we didn't see the sight through the trees sooner. Daring could've just flown us here, but the mare dismissed that idea earlier; stating she enjoyed the thrill of venturing through jungles and overcoming any challenges, plus, we had the only key into the temple itself, so there was no real urgency.

I took a single step forward, before a limb rudely stretched out before my chest, halting me. Pink serious eyes glanced in my direction. "Be careful." She advised cautiously, motioning to the large plate-like floor leading to the staircase. "This typically screams of 'trap.'"

...Alrighty then. Not at all ashamed to let another take the lead, I stepped back and nodded to the mare. "Alright then Daring, you're the expert. What should we do?"

"I'm thinking on it," The pegasus tapper her lower muzzle with a contemplative look, musing on the plates before us before glancing around idly, picking up a small pebble beneath her hoofs... And hurtling it forward. The tiny stone landed harmlessly onto a nearby stone plate, nothing happening from the results. In satisfaction, the mare immediately leaped forward onto the same plate, throwing the same pebble to the next stone... Which landed on another safe plate. Onto the second one, she gestured me to follow.

Well, this was rather easy. Clearly Daring knew what she was doing.

An adventurer her entire life. Starswirl noted quite warmly. Miss Do's expertise is unparalleled. Ever since she was a foal, she dreamed of exploring through the rarest sights in search of treasure, purely for the sake of finding a new exciting adventure every time. Her skill in the field is admirable. Had this brave young mare existed back in my time, I would've been fond of the novels written by her own hoof following these journeys.

Eventually, we reached the last plate, just before the stairs. And with victory in sight, both pegasus and I grinned respectfully. "All too easy," Daring said in satisfaction, taking one step upwards-

"Well then, why don't we make it more challenging for you then, my dear?"

Uh oh.

Our heads snapped upwards. Where did he come from?! Where did they come from?! Somehow, already having beaten us without us even noticing, standing atop the stairs was a smug Ahuizotl and his feline minions... With the exception of an absent white kitten.


The Anubis grinned, folding his arms proudly. "Were you expecting anyone less, Daring Do? I'm hurt."

The pegasus smirked at least. "Nah. I'd be disappointed if it was anyone else who challenged me in finding the treasure first."


"Because then kicking butt would've been alot less satisfying."

"You flatter me, Daring. Now, kindly hand over that ruby you choose to hide from me."

"Now Ahuizotl, you know better than that. A mare should be given jewelry from their special somepony, not taken from her."

"But you already stole the gift before I could gift it, my dear Daring Do."

"...Are you two bitter enemies, or in need of a marriage counselor?" Seriously, did some fanfic writing find its way into their bantering? What was I listening to?

Daring opened her mouth to retort my statement, before something leaped over us, my own senses too late. I was too distracted by the love spat between these two to notice the small pouncing feline behind us, snatching a surprised Daring's own jungle-style fedora and sprinting up the steps, handing over the hidden jewel to its pleased master.

...How did he know she hid it under her hat?

Inconsistent writing.

He knows her that well at this point.

"Unfortunately, the mare must wait a while longer before I give her this jewel properly," The blue villain mocked his foe/lover(?) by waving the ruby back and forth, before laughing quite manically. "Ta ta, Daring Do. You and your friend won't be going anywhere but down." Down? Before we could respond, the Anubis snapped his fingers once again, and I felt the pull of gravity from beneath me.

And both mare and I landed roughly into the narrow bottom of the hole, the plate above sealing up before a flying Daring could reach it in time, smashing into the ceiling, which sounded painful I had to grimace. Wincing at the fall, I settled for a sitting position, back against the wall. Light barely peeked in from the edges above, giving us enough light to see one another, though I personally could just sense to find her.

The adventurer barely seemed deterred by this outcome, flying around and thoroughly inspected the narrow walls keeping us imprisoned. "Don't worry. I'll get us out of here in no time."

"Oh I'm not worried." Really, I wasn't. In all honesty I was more amused than anything. Trapped in a hole with Daring Do on the hunt for a spider-related treasure.

If Twilight could see me now.

"Looks like we're trapped." Daring grunted in disappointment, huffing while finally deciding to cease flying in this narrow square hole, landing before me. Myself, still leaning back against the wall, smiled despite the situation. "I'll think of something Stardust, don't fret."

"Not fretting over here," I replied merrily, shifting slightly to make myself more comfortable. "I'm use to this sort of thing by now."

The pegasus snorted. "I won't ask." Before shaking her head. "Still, can't believe I let him take the gem like that. Next time I won't let my guard down... When we find a way out first, after all." That said, the tanned-coloured mare leaned against her side of the wall too, obviously trying to think of a plan to our escape.

A smirk graced my muzzle. "I'm sure we'll get that gem back, along with the Eight-Legged Chrysalis before Ahuizotl... Provided you don't get too distracted again flirting with the guy."

Daring waved off the hint of teasing. "It's just banter between old enemies. Don't read too deep into it." Uh-huh, whatever you say Daring. Silence enveloped the squared-hole, the pegasus still glancing around idly as though expecting some form of escape to just appear at any given moment. I suppose this will be a chapter in her next book.

Speaking of which. "So how's your next book coming along?"

Daring glanced at me for a moment, seemingly momentarily stricken that I knew of her writing habits, but recomposed with a shrug. "Halfway through written. Minor struggle with a particular dangerous scenario I once faced, almost difficult to write it in book form." A faint smirk graced her own features. "But it'd be embarrassing if I couldn't write a simple scene compared to the real dangers of my adventures, aside from writer's block."

A snort. I could relate. "Oh that's just the worse, isn't it?"

She raised a brow. "What, you're familiar with the writing arts yourself Stardust?"

"You know it." I smirked, shrugging. "The one thing I'm best at, I think. Although, nowadays I find myself too distracted with my friends to get any proper writing done."

"Published anything?"

"Right now, only fanfics."


"Yeah, 'oh.'" My eyes rolled in good nature. "I'm far from ready to write a full-length novel, especially with myself preoccupied nowadays with the antics of my friends."

Daring grinned light-heartedly. "Rainbow Dash can be quite a distraction, can she?" At that, we exchanged chuckles. All too true. "I met your friends. They're good ponies."

"Yes... They are." More good to me than anyone else. Breathing in, recalling Starswirl's words from earlier, my attention turned fully on the explorer. "And they were right about you; the adventurer with a heart of gold. Although, no offence, but some would mistake your books, had others find out they were genuine, describing yourself and the journeys you've had to be almost... Well, egocentric."

Daring hardly looked fazed, shrugging again indifferently. "Eh, then that's their own problem. Honestly, the adventures are written down and published partially because I never want to forget a single one I took."


The mare nodded, pink eyes glancing up at the ceiling trapping us in with fond recollection. "Since I was a little filly, I dreamed of exploring the unknown; seek out hidden treasures and make my mark in history. I read stories, tales of explorers and thrill-seekers who survived through the most dangerous of traps and find gold, jewelry and anything else valuable. Ever since getting my cutie mark, my adventures hadn't stopped ever since."

"Funny how you find spare time writing in-between these adventures then."

Daring chuckled with mirth. "My parents are to thank for that. They wanted me to become an all-time famous author, and taught me the art of literature at a young age." Ahh. "You should've seen the looks on their faces when I left home one day to go out and find my first treasure. I can remember it perfectly." Pink eyes then turned to me. "And what about you, Stardust? Your parents want you to become a professional author as well, or is that just your special talent?"

"Well, I wouldn't call it a special talent." I grinned in good humour. "Just something I honestly do in my spare time because, I find, it's the best thing I'm good at... Aside from baking brownies, of course." My hoof rubbed the back of my stiffening neck, leaning upwards somewhat. "Although, like I said, nowadays I'm more distracted by those six ponies and getting sucked into their own adventures. Heh, my life has been one big journey ever since meeting them."

The explorer raised a humoured brow. "Maybe that's what you write for your first novel; your entire journey with your friends."

"...Maybe." Won't lie, fascinating idea. But, feeling my body begin to ache at my sitting position, my limbs stretched, helping me stand up. "Right then, back to business. Let's get out of here."

Daring expressed curiosity. "You got a plan?"

"Yep." One this entire time. Why didn't I mention it sooner? Because of my sense of humour, of course. "When you were checking for any cracks or advantageous openings earlier, I could hear a sound beneath this floor, meaning there's something underneath us."

The pegasus got up herself, immediately lowering her ear to the stone ground to check. Through the light leaking from above, I could see her eyes widened in realization at the sound of gushing liquid. "Water."

I nodded. "When I say now, fly upwards." I was never more thankful for this pony body than then, for my original form wouldn't have survived what would happen next. With a raised fist, I felt Balance aiding my strength as ever. "Now!" And Daring obliged whilst my clenched hoof smashed into the floor. Only a few seconds passed, sounds of cracking beneath my hooves...

Then I fell, landing into the forceful water pushing me through a dark cave.

Whoaaaa! Okay! Let's see where that ends up! Thankfully the ceiling above looked high enough for Daring to fly through instead of swim... Which is more than what I could say for me!

Oh hey, I saw light at the end of the tunnel!

That might not be an entirely good thing...

What do you-?


Fair point.

A scream bellowed from my muzzle before I could stop myself, the water dragging me down the tall waterfall waiting for me outside, a large lake ready to consume me below. Okay, needed to think this one quick-!

Once again, saved by the bell.

Or in this case, a flying explorer. Daring smirked down at me, carrying me with her hoofs clutched onto my front limbs. Without needing to inquire about my health, the mare instead ascended upwards, and I forced myself not to look down at the height below. "Come on partner, we have an Eight-Legged Chrysalis calling our names!"

By this point, I was beginning to forget exactly which books Twilight asked me to collect... Ah well, forgive and forget.

Once again, we had to deal with that tedious plate puzzle before the entrance to the temple. But luckily, Daring's memory was very acute, so that was of no issue. The temple itself was already opened, the large widened doors practically beckoning us to enter. Cautiously, but with resolve, we entered, determined to acclaim the treasure and beat Ahuizotl alongside his pets to it first. If we're lucky, they'll have fallen for one of the temple's traps.

The least fatal traps, I meant.

And the more we ventured within, the more I was beginning to approve or and respect this mare beside me. Daring was of no-nonsense, focused more on the task at hand and getting [BEEP] done quickly and efficiently. Twilight, while can be very focused and composed herself at times, would still be too distracted on her friends and own worries. As much as I adored the alicorn... Well, with Daring, things will get done much, much quicker.

Our next puzzle made itself known in the shape of a large hallway, a closed stone door with the spider emblem carved into it along with various incomprehensible symbols. The mare and I exchanged serious glances, before exploring the interior of the room carefully. Between the two walls towards the door, there was something particularly noteworthy, which Daring expressed vocally.

"Four plates on both walls, with a picture of a different bug," The mare gestured to each picture. "They both show a spider, a beetle, an ant and a ladybug." I nodded, gaze focused on the insect carving on the plates. "Obviously we have to decipher the meaning of these pictures. Let's take a moment to think."

Good idea. "The plates look like they can be pushed inward," I noted upon closer examination, glancing at the edges of each picture.

"So we'd have to push in the right ones if we want to advance."

"And if we get it wrong, we might be trapped."


"...Splendid." Now then, what separated these pictures. All four were of bugs... Can I call a friend? Sombra?

...Please tell me you're not seriously thinking about this, as though the answer wasn't clearly evident from the start.

A hint then?

Jack, your naivety astounds me to the point it can be considered sheer stupidity. Any child with half a brain cell can deduce the meaning behind this puzzle!


My point proven.

My head snapped to Daring, ignoring Sombra's harsh scolding upon hearing her outburst. "What?"

With a full-on grin, the mare turned to me eagerly, reminding me rather eerily of a certain blue pegasus. "Spiders aren't insects. They're arachnids!"

"I know that- Ohhhhhh!" Of course, no wonder Sombra sounded so disbelieving because I couldn't figure out the obvious answer. Smacking my own forehead, I grinned along with Daring. "Of course! So we just have to push the spider carvings on each side of the wall." And we did just that individually, pushing the plates further inwards at Daring's count to three, and voila, the stone door opened up with a rumble.

Without delay, we entered deeper within the interior of the decaying temple.

And this time, the puzzles were getting more and more closer to one another, meaning we were close to the treasure. I could sense it. As could Daring, I imagine, by her quickening pace to the next room, which we were greeted by a large empty space... Of the abyss.

Another door at the end of the large room. No floor but darkness, the only other standing points are the round pillars placed at random, allowing those only to jump from one to the other to reach the end. No problem for someone who could fly, but I doubt Daring will make things that easy for us.

The mare took one step forward, and the test quickly begun. The startled explorer glanced down at the floor-plate she unintentionally stepped upon, opening the door on the other side... Which was already beginning to close slowly. Great, a timing trial. My favourite! With a swift exchanged glance, we hurried, leaping from our respective pillars to the next with as much speed and stamina as possible.

And almost falling in the process, for the second of landing on a round pillar has said structure immediately descend to the abyss below. Having no desire to find out what happens down there, we hurried, the door rapidly closing, almost like it was taunting us the further we reached it.

Come on, come on... Ha ha!

With my own boosted speed, I made it to the doorway first, and made things easier for the explorer by using my strength to keep the blasted heavy thing from descending shut further. Daring used that time to roll through the doorway, and I followed, the ancient door immediately shutting afterwards. But that was irrelevant, we made it.

The mare declined my offered hoof to help, getting herself up from her position, but we exchanged enthusiastic grins regardless. "The treasure's close, I can feel it." Daring announced eagerly, looking forward down the staircase before us, the lit torches attacked to the wall illuminating our way. "Come on, almost there!" I followed after the determined mare, smirking in spite of myself.

You know what's funny? For a temple devoted to spiders, we've yet to encounter a single one of those tiny mother[BEEP]ers...



How grandiose.

Daring herself expressed only awe at the sight before us, and who could blame her? I was also stunned by the gigantic chamber before us, a little unnerved by the three huge spider statues reaching the ceiling individually, but impressed nonetheless. Whoever made this place sure loved those small bothersome creatures.

A prod to my sight, momentarily directing my attention from the impressive sight. "Hm?" Daring simply pointed, and I followed her gaze towards the center statue at the other side of the room, down the rather long pathway towards. And, upon squinting somewhat, I could see what she was gesturing to, for resting beneath the stone spider with a little altar, something shining on top.

An amethyst octagon-shaped diamond, with the same symbol of the arachnid we spotted all over the place. "The treasure," Daring stated the obviously, sounding both serious yet gleeful at once, and I followed her slowly towards the waiting treasure, majestically lighting beneath the body of the imposing statue. The sight of that made me want to shudder.

I could face legions of Changelings, an army of dragons, a battalion of Diamond Dogs, a full-powered King Sombra, an invincible Tirek, three egotistical sirens and a woman obsessed with keeping her camp to the point of endangering those she was obligated to protect.

But spiders? Noo thank you.


Says the stallion trapped in an autistic's brain.

Before the steps to the altar, we paused, admiring the view of the purple shining diamond beckoning to us. Daring almost succumbed to the lure herself, before, this time, it was my hoof that prevented her from going any further. She expression a confused glance, and I answered with a stern thinned muzzle, before raising my voice to the chamber at large.

"Alright, you have us surrounded. Why not reveal yourselves already and get this over with?"

On cue, the sounds of growls and snarls echoed in response, and both the mare and I immediately went back-to-back, greeted by various jungle cats advancing from behind the statue legs and altar itself, coming out of their hiding spots. And a dark chuckle then attracted our frowns towards the Anubis standing above the altar, the diamond illuminating his triumphant grinning features.

"You knew they were here?" Daring inquired quite conversationally.

"Since entering the room." Well, maybe before that. The intentions of hunger and greed in their hearts was palpable. "They have a particular odour, if you've noticed."

"Oh, I've noticed." Pink eyes glared upwards at the smug villain. "I recognize Ahuizotl's foul stench anywhere."

The dog-like creature folded his arms unfazed, as though he had already won the battle. "I knew you would find a way to escape my trap, Daring Do. Which is why I had prepared a small welcoming party for you and your friend."

"For little ol' me? You're sweet, Ahuizotl."

Oh my God, really?

You're one to comment. Your banter with the Princess is just as nauseating.

Screw you.

"Do you know what will be much sweeter? The power to rule through an army of spiders!" The Anubis gestured to the diamond before him, yet to have picked it up. "With the Eight-Legged Chrysalis, I will command a legion all across Equestria! With me as their ruler, spiders shall dominate the masses! And nothing will stop me! Ha hahahahahahahaa!"

Wow... What a compelling character.

Daring stepped forward. "Except for one particular adventurer."

I matched her smirk, mirroring the gesture. "And a Twilight Warrior."

Ahuizotl narrowed his eyes at the opposition before him, before promptly snapping his fingers. "Dinner time, my pets!" And all senses went on immediate red alert, the pegasus and I leaping away from our respective spots at the leaping animals, splitting up to take them on more effectively. "Get them!"

Let's see, facing me was a tiger, a hyena-


- And a cheetah. Wonderful. I had half a mind to make this battle quick, but remembering Starswirl's lecture about restraining myself so they wouldn't get hurt too much, instead I adopted a more defensive approach, standing upwards on my hind legs, and making a battle pose I had invented for myself back on my home world after my return there, mostly inspired by Goku's battle stance from Dragonball Z.

Speaking of which. Super, good show so far-



Don't worry I was.

I sidestepped the pouncing cheetah this time, back flipped from the charging tiger, and ducked from the leaping lynx, the last one crashing its skull into the symbol-stone wall. Ouch. The tiger and cheetah swiftly turned, baring sneering sharp fangs in my direction, before the former attacked again. This time, I used its body to roll above it, landing back on hind legs... And kicking the surprised cat by the side, sending it skidding across the floor feet away. Another snarl had me grab the pouncing cheetah by the chin, grabbing its underbelly and promptly hurling it to the tiger's spot as well, landing atop it in a dazed state.

Daring, meanwhile, was having just as much fun. But instead of engaging her foes head-on, the mare was being far more crafty, utilizing the environment around her to her advantage. The explorer ducked and flew from the various leaps and swipes of the puma-


- And kitten alike, making certain the attacks hit the stone legs of the spider statue above them, occasionally having their claws stuck within the stone. One instance was the fluffy white cat getting its paws stuck, Daring promptly saying, "I'll take that." Removing her jungle fedora off the kitten's head and leaping back when the outraged kitten attempted another swipe.

Eventually, her battle plan worked like a charm. With one last pounce from a puma-


- Against a fragile leg, the pegasus flew off in time for the fallen statue crumble atop the helpless two jungle cats, their limbs and defeated heads pocking out from the dust and remains of the large statue. Don't worry, cartoon physics dictate they live from having a heavy giant-arse statue fall on top of them-

My body ducked yet again, this time free hoof reaching forward and clutching the leaping cat by the tail. With a yelp, the hyena-

You are doing this on purpose now.

- For all its speed, couldn't react in time enough to be spun around and swiftly thrown upwards in its master's direction. A surprised Ahuiztol had to dodge from the hurled yelling cat, almost falling off the small altar in the process. More snarls attracted my attention then, my gaze switching to the two advancing much stronger cats. Both tiger and cheetah, this time together, charged towards me, intending for a good meal before the day was done.

Little do they know, they were dealing with the most dangerous kind of all.



Swiftly throwing my own fedora upwards, my body leapt above the two adult cats and dealing the final non-fatal blow. With both my front hoofs while flipping midair, grabbing the tiger and cheetah by the heads, a swift headbutt against one another put them down for the count, myself landing behind their stunned states and catching the falling hat with one hoof, not even looking.

Daring smirked from her side of the arena. "Show-off."

I replied in equal banter, "Pot says to kettle." Before addressing the Anubis victoriously, "Looks like we're the top of the food chain, Ahuiztol."

Daring added quite smugly, "If I were you, I'd consider leaving that chrysalis to the hoofs of those who earnt it."

And yet, the villain seemed the least bit fazed over the defeat of his minions. On the contrary, he looked quite amused by the two ponies standing before him. "Oh, but I am the only one deserving of this power, Daring Do. And now, I shall prove it!" We weren't fast enough to prevent the Anubis from pulling the diamond out of its resting spot, Ahuiztol proudly wielding it above his head in roaring triumph, "Now, with this, I shall conquer all with a legion of spiders!"

...Was it just me, or was the ground rumbling a little...?

"You're hardly worthy of such a gift!" I heard Daring retort to her enemy/lover, my own gaze focused on tiny splinters on the floor shaking about wildly. "Give up now, while you still have the chance, and hand over that diamond to me, Ahuiztol!"

And, was I picking up on multiple presences heading our way with breathtaking speed... Thousands of them, in fact...?

Ahuiztol opened his own mouth to jeer some more, before finally feeling the vibrations himself. "Hmm...?" The Anubis creature stared at the roof of the altar in confused annoyance for a brief moment, unaware of the legion of small, black arachnids beginning to crawl out of the mouth of the statue above him. "What is-?"

...Nope. No no no nope. Not dealing with this!

"Huh?" Ahuiztol blinked at feeling a small black creature land upon his own forehead, and beady yellow eyes narrowed... Then widened dramatically at the spiders beginning to pour out of the statue, barley having enough time to scream at the onslaught. Daring, using that as a surprise advantage, immediately extended her wings and flew forwards, swiftly grabbing the diamond before it fell from the drowning Ahuizotl's grip and heading past me, yelling in command.

"Let's go!"

No need to tell me twice!

I didn't dare look back at the ocean of spiders heading our way. Hell, I tried not even glancing at the small arachnid creatures pouring through the walls we passed by in our hurry to leave. Instead, I ran. I ran as fast and far as possible, even speeding past a just-as unnerved Daring. Okay, more than unnerved on my part. I [BEEP]ing hate spiders! Together we fled through previous hallways and staircases, passing by already-solved puzzles.

And reaching the abyss room once more. Without hesitation, this time, Daring flew above whereas I jumped from one pillar to the next, uncaring what happens afterwards. I had to get out! We had to escape! I don't fancy being stuck within a temple of creepy-crawlies for the rest of my miserable life-!

A yell of surprise prompted my glance. Ahuizotl, somehow managing through the wave of spiders, leapt out of the swarm crawling against the walls of the room, and managing to clutch the protestant Daring by the hind leg. Oh no you don't! Without thinking of the consequences, my body turned from the next pillar and jumped, smashing my shoulder against a stunned Ahuizotl. This time, the Anubis managed to scream while falling into the abyss.

And a sudden tremor from Balance itself almost made me fall myself, catching a wall in time before pushing myself off, landing back onto another pillar and eventually the end of the room where Daring waited. That sensation just then... With the darkness below, it was the same feeling of disrupted Balance when those wormholes showed up back at the Dragon Lands, and recently from my camping trip with Spike. And judging from the sudden cut off screaming of Ahuizotl, I think it's a fair assumption of what just happened to the Anubis.

Again, running, running and ever more running. I was beginning to wonder whether or not we would reach an exit before spotting the crack of light close by, Daring exclaiming in the air, "There! Hurry!" I obliged, picking up from my speed and leaping into the light, just before the front entrance closed in response.

And falling harshly down some steps in the outside world.

Ow! Ow! Son of a-! Ow!

Once again, it fell to Daring to pick me up from my dilemma and fly us safe from harm's reach, landing us just right before the outside puzzle, away from the infested temple quickly as possible. In exerted heaps, we collapsed somewhat, holding onto one another briefly for shared support, breathing in and out shallowly, glancing at one another as the events just then replayed in our minds...

And grinned like mad people, chuckling hoarsely to one another before providing each other our own respective spaces. "Well... That wasn't too difficult." Daring stated in amusement, still breathing heavily despite it all.

I nodded, smirking slightly. "Couldn't have it without ya, Daring."

"You're not too bad yourself." She sounded quite impressed. The pegasus straightened herself. "We make quite the team, just like Rainbow and I back then. Although I would've done it all by myself... Thanks for the assist."

I grinned, shaking my head while accepting her hoof shake proudly. "No wonder Rainbow admires you. You're practically the same pony!"

Daring snorted in good nature, smiling lightly. "I like to think I'm at least slightly more sensible than our reckless pegasi friend."

"Says the mare who lives for the thrill of danger."


"Point being?"

She smirked. "Touche." That said, the explorer removed her hat, revealing the heavy-looking diamond hiding within. "I can call this adventure a guaranteed success."

I nodded, saying nothing for the moment. While we did indeed manage to retrieve the treasure, there was still the matter of Ahuizotl. It what I think had happened, happened, then this was all the more serious. "And about your boyfriend-"

"He's not my 'boyfriend.'" Daring rolled her eyes. "And Ahuiztol will show himself again, despite what you may think. He always does." I closed my muzzle, opting not to continue further and share my concerns. Despite the disdain regarding her rival, there was some different emotion entirely swirling within the mare upon mentioning him. "Let's enjoy our victory at the moment, what do ya say?"

...Right, the second I get back home, I'm going to research more on these wormholes. But for now, I nodded in agreement, letting Daring live in ignorant bliss without knowing the true fate of her 'enemy.' "Which reminds me. After all this excitement, I almost forgot. I need to get to the bookstore at the nearby town. They have an order for Twilight I was suppose to get."

The explorer placed the jewel back in her hat, wearing it again with a nod. "Let's get going then. I'll show ya how to get there. It's the least I can do after helping me out today." Much obliged. With a smile, I walked alongside the satisfied Daring, who commented quite casually, "Maybe I'll include your contributions of todays successful exploration in my next book."

"I'm flattered." I smirked, inwardly gleeful at the idea of being inside a book. "Although I have one request if you do, 'A.K Yearling.'"

God, you weren't even subtle there Hasbro.

The author adventuress looked at me humouredly. "Yeah?"

"If I appear on the front cover, please be sure to include the cape."

"Sure... Why?"

"Because no one ever adds in the cape!"

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