• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 130: A Healthy Relationship

"That. Was. Awesome!" Spike perfectly mimicked Rainbow without intent, practically bouncing up and down the hallway we traversed. The dragon proceeded expressing his enthusiasm. "I think I loved it better than Episode VII. That part where Vader stormed down the hall with his lightsaber out? Probably the best thing in Star Wars ever!"

With a smile, I inquired teasingly, "Better than the revelation from Empire Strikes Back, Spike?"

"Oh, that's a close second." Spike said gleefully, green reptilian eyes shining in pure joy. "But I don't think anything can top what we just saw. Then again, maybe if you'd let me watch the prequels..."

Oh Spike. Laughing, I rubbed the dragon's head fondly. "Glad you enjoyed Rogue One, Spike, I knew you'd love it. As for the prequels... Well, as I said, we'll wait until you're older and more open-minded." I certainly didn't want Spike to fall into the same trap I did as his age when those particular films came out.

You mean blown away by mindless action scenes, terrible dialogue, mediocre performances by the cast and overstuffed CGI?

Aside from the great acting by Ewan McGregor and Christopher Lee, you took the words right out of my mouth Sombra.

"What about that Clone Wars movie then?"

"Hmm... Sure. That's one less of a guilty pleasure for me."


"Guilty pleasure." I clarified to a curious Spike. "Meaning when you know something's bad but you enjoy it regardless, which applies to, say, the Star Wars prequels and... Michael Bay's Transformers movies." Yeah, I admit it, you can all laugh now.

You enjoy those brain dead heap fests? The blasphemy.

Then, getting an idea, since I wasn't particularly busy that day, I recommended, "Anyway, we can watch it this Friday if you want Spike. Maybe this time we'll ask Twilight and Starlight to join us too." That'd be funny, imagining Starlight's reaction to a TV, movies and video games. She has yet to enter my room and witness them all herself.

Speaking of which, back in your world, Jack, there is recent speculation over Miss Glimmer cooperating with Miss Shimmer to the human universe against a new threat.

...You're full of [BEEP], Starswirl, and I'm not gonna listen to you.

"We can invite Rarity too!" Spike added enthusiastically, then continued as though it were an afterthought, "Oh, maybe all our friends. It'd be like a, I don't know, family get together to watch a movie." The young dragon then gasped excitedly. "Imagine if that was like a weekly thing; we all go to your room to watch movies together. That'd be fun!"

Hah! That brought back memories. "Funny you should mention that Spike." I began cheerfully, glancing up towards the ceiling in nostalgia. "When I was about your age, my family usually had weekend 'movie nights' together, watching films with sweets and coke and all that. Good times..."

The grin on his face widened, showing pointed teeth. "Let's do it then! This Friday, the first official Movie Night! I'm gonna go find Twilight and tell her all about it; I know she'll want to join in!" I smiled, reveling in my brother's bliss for that ideal occasion. Truthfully, I could do with some relaxation of the sort myself.

But, slowly, as Spike turned a corner, my smile dropped, expression ranging from fondness to weariness. Oh Spike. Why did I even suggest that? I'm not entirely sure I'll be available, due to recent events. But seeing how excited and happy the dragon I've come to love as a little brother... Sometimes, I think, I'm far too soft-hearted for my own good.

Your recommendation was beautiful, Jack, there is no need to feel ashamed presenting the idea. I agree with your previous train of thought, you too could benefit from a long break. Your search for Zagreus, admirable and gratifying it is, shouldn't neglect spending time among loved ones. Perhaps Mr. Spike was the key to reminding you of such.

...I guess-


And here I thought you were attuned enough to recognize when someone approaches. Once again, my expectations of you are overestimated.

"Whoops, sorry about that." Starlight, having exited a room to my right, accidentally bumped into my side, papers flying around us in a frenzy. "I didn't watch where I was going."

No harm done. "It's fine Starlight, let me-" But the skillful unicorn was fast enough to recover all the papers and neatly organize them on her back, smiling at her work in relief. I couldn't resist grinning humouredly. "Never mind, Twilight's been teaching you well, clearly."

Starlight looked bashful, nodding cheerfully. "Along with handing me work to study upon. These are notes concerning a organizing spell for proper clean up and keeping everything look neat and tidy. I just finished practicing the spell while taking notes of my own progress as Twilight asked and- Oh, you probably don't wanna hear me go on and on about it. You've been busy yourself of late, Stardust."

Smirking, I answered casually, "It's fine Starlight. Believe it or not, I care about your studies under Twilight as well, so I enjoy hearing your own progress. Ever since you first began as her student, I you've already demonstrated what a brilliant pupil you are under her."

Starlight flushed, waving in dismissive embarrassment. "That's only because I have an excellent teacher to guide me." Grinning, Starlight flicked her horn and, voila, the papers disappeared elsewhere. Probably Twilight's desk. "Twilight's taught me so much since she took me on, I couldn't be more happy and honoured to learn from her. Although." Cue cartoon sweatdrop, Starlight glancing my way in amused weariness. "When she does start with the lessons, she can really put you to work."

"Sounds like her." I replied jokingly, prompting our shared chuckles.

"Hmhm. So far we're gone through with the basics; Twilight said she wanted to make sure we've covered everything beginners know before advancing to the more complicated parts." Starlight smirked faintly. "And if she calls magic like teleportation and breathing underwater 'easy,' I'm starting to worry what she might consider difficult."

"You'll get through it." I nodded with a positive smile, before something occurred to me. Something that I've pondered concerning Starlight's studies before. "Is she only teaching you magic right now?"

"Alongside friendship, sure." Starlight replied, tilting her head. "Why do you ask?"

Hm... Well, despite how brilliant a mentor Twilight is, there are some things even the Princess doesn't excel at, though I hate admitting that. I think it's time I stepped in to help. I would never consider taking Starlight away from her, so I'll think of it like... A Teacher Assistant, like I usually had back in school.

But more meddlesome and hamfisting your own lessons into her work.

"Would you mind helping me with something, Starlight, if you're not busy?"

"Um, sure." Starlight blinked curiously. "I did just finish with Twilight's request, so I've got some time to spare. Where are we going?"

"The kitchen." I answered, leading her back down the hallway. "There's something I want to teach you that Twilight probably won't for a while."

"And, done! Great work today Starlight!"

The mare only grinned, regarding the tray of fresh treats with a hint of pride. "Probably because you helped out. Although, it's certainly been a while since I baked anything. Usually we left that to Sugar Belle..." Something in her voice sounded strangled, but Starlight quickly recovered with a forced widened smile. "This is the first time I've ever baked brownies before."

"And you did a fantastic job." I praised the mare with a wide smile, the pair letting the tray cool down, having just emerged from the oven. "I guess it's not just magic alone you're gifted in."

Starlight chuckled light-heartedly. "I try." Before those light purple eyes turned from the baked goods to me inquisitively. "Though I'm still wondering why you asked me not to use magic at all since we started. I mean, I'm assuming there's a motive behind this exercise."

"There is." I confirmed with a nod, smirking lightly. "As you know, Twilight's a prodigy in terms of magic and friendship. But there's one small error regarding the former." Starlight nodded, encouraging me to answer her curiosity. "Twilight, amazing as she is, relies on magic far too much for every little thing. Can you recall a time she ever did something without using magic which wasn't necessary with magic?"

Starlight looked, tapping her chin thoughtfully. "Mmm... Come to think of it, the only moments I haven't seen her interact using magic are her moments with you Stardust. But I'm sure she doesn't use it for everything else."

"But she does use it more often than everyone else."

"...That is true." Starlight cocked her head, thinking this over with a soft frown. "Actually, now that we're discussing this, I don't think I've seen her touch a single book with her hoofs instead of utilizing magic." With widened eyes, she looked back at me in surprise. "So this exercise was to check if I was still capable of using physical means to complete a chore than through magical methods?"

"Give this mare a cookie!" She smiled in flattery at my praise. "But yeah, this little exercise was basically a reminder that you don't need to use magic for every little thing. Something, I think, Twilight often forgets about."

"I often forget about what now?"

Neither arrival surprised me, this time I was prepared to sense their approach. Entering the blue kitchen, Twilight looked between Starlight and I curiously. Spike, meanwhile, was immediately entranced by the black tray holding some fresh brownies, climbing up onto the center table to help himself.

"They're still hot Spike. Don't..." For comedic effort, the dragon swiped one brownie up and gulped it downwards, resulting in the red-faced dragon to rush to the sink and cover his mouth in water, steam blowing from his nose and ears. "...Never mind." Kids huh?

"Stardust was teaching me his own lesson about using magic." Starlight, after we observed Spike's spectacle in amused exasperation, proceeded to explain to her teacher.

Oh boy, just give it a moment...

"Really?" Twilight sounded surprised, gleeful and suspicious all at once. "May I inquire as to what kind of lesson?"

Another incoming moment of bickering between you and the Princess. Joy...

I didn't ask for it.

But you enjoy it regardless.

"Basically that..." Starlight glanced between us, carefully wording her next statement. "That... You don't have to use, y'know, magic for every, little... Thing?"

"Oh. Well that's an excellent lesson to teach." Twilight then nodded, smiling in approval. "Magic can't solve everything." Huh? Okay, wasn't expecting that! The alicorn stepped towards Starlight merrily. "I read your notes by the way. Good work on studying today's spell, I'll want to see a practical demonstration if you're feeling up to it." The unicorn smiled in relief and flattery towards pleasing her friend and teacher.

I was sure there was going to be an argument between Twilight and I...

"Don't you use magic for everything though Twi?" God dammit Spike! I wasn't complaining over there being no heated debate between us!

You certain about that?

Twilight raised a brow at the dragon. "Well, not everything, Spike. Of course, more often than not, magic is something I'm admittedly good at, but can we honestly say I personally apply for every little thing?"

"...Yes?" I couldn't help but respond.

My girlfriend shook her head. "Don't be ridiculous. Surely I've been seen to not use it for stuff right?" Twilight looked from amused to positively baffled at our silent answers. Starlight looked away, and Spike focused on the brownies again to avoid eye contact. I just stared at Twilight knowingly, prompting the mare to frown in slight irritation. "Unbelievable. What about our physical moments between us Jack?!" Then, realizing her own words from the outburst, an embarrassed hue of pink brightened on her purple cheeks, glaring towards a snickering Spike.

Moreso humoured than embarrassed, I replied, "Probably because magic doesn't work as expected on me love. Let's be real here, you have displayed an overly reliance on magic than, say, your own two hoofs."

Twilight stared back challengingly. "Name one time that's happened."

"Earlier this morning."

Recall just before, your claim against starting arguments against your special somepony.

"Well... So maybe I do use magic a lot. You can't honestly think I'm too dependent on it!"




Twilight huffed. "You're just trying to get a rise out of me."

"And it seems to be working."

"So you admit it."

"I never said that."

"You implied it!"

"I'll admit it when you admit your own faults."

"And just what is that suppose to mean?"

"Should we stop them...?" Starlight asked in concern from the side.

"Nah." Spike sounded as though his mouth was stuffed from brownies. "This is considered a healthy relationship between these two."

"Are you insinuating I never admit my own faults?" Twilight asked in clear disbelief and annoyance. "I have never considered myself perfect about anything."

Snorting, I retorted with facts, "Except for those times you do occasionally act smug about your own skills."

"Maybe I can, on occasion, act a little proud of my own achievements. That's considered a crime to you?" Twilight rolled her eyes, shaking her head tiredly. "Honestly, is it your goal in life to criticize everyone including your special somepony?"

"If I don't, who will?"

"Maybe nopony's needed to. It's not an obligation Jack!" The argument only escalated for a bit longer...

Two hours later...

"- But you can't cure cancer with the magic of friendship!" I replied heatedly, growing more exasperated with this stubborn mare by the minute. "That's not how it works!"

"I'm not saying it is!" Twilight responded equally, matching my irritation to no end. She was determined to see this debate through, insistently following me into the library with Spike and Starlight in tow. "But so long as you have friends around there's a high chance you'll make it through such an awful event!"

"That- That doesn't make any sense! Friendship doesn't solve everything!"

"It does if you have faith!"

"I'm a realist Twilight, faith doesn't work like that!"

"They've been arguing for over two hours now." I heard Starlight mutter from behind. "Shouldn't enough be enough by now?"

Twilight seemed to agree, clutching her own forehead tiredly. "More like a pessimist. You're just trying to start arguments in vain hope of dissuading me from joining in your search."

"Why, is it working?"

The frustrated mare exhaled loudly, quickly spinning on her hoof towards the doorway. "Well it's not working any longer. Come on Starlight, we need to practice your learnt spell without anyone disturbing us."

"Works for me!" Twilight ignored me, pushing a somewhat reluctant Starlight out of the room.

The unicorn stammered as she was being shoved elsewhere. "Maybe we should save that until you've calmed down-" The doors slammed behind them, leaving only Spike and I to observe them go.

"Tch. Good riddance." Heatedly debating with that mare has worn me out to no end. Over two hours... Heh. With a tired grin filled with snark, I looked at Spike who was previously wearing earmuffs. "I think that's the longest Twilight and I have ever argued about something."

"What an accomplishment..." Spike mumbled, putting the earmuffs down and looking to me, mouth covered in chocolate. "So I guess if this keeps up, movie night's out of the question huh?"

Tch. "It's fine Spike. Twilight will calm down sooner or later. She's never one to hold a grudge." I shrugged.

"Right..." Skepticism followed by a burp. "By the way, we might need more brownies for Friday. Watching you two argue without any popcorn? I had to find a substitute."

"- And that is why I've called you all here today." Twilight sounded quite pleased with herself, gazing cheerfully at the gathered ponies on their respective thrones. "Since our search for Zagreus began, it's imperative to keep all our friends updated on any clues or progress made... Even if some among us aren't fond of the idea."

I couldn't slouch further into my seat if I tried, folding my arms and leaning back. Trust Twilight to make that petty jab.

Clearing her throat, the know-it-all Princess summoned a list and read on, violet eyes scaling down the written notes, "As you know, we've been reaching out to all reliable contacts across Equestria for any sightings of a hooded pony. Canterlot, Manehatten and Appleloosa can be crossed off the list since they report no such sighting. Trottop and Rainbow Falls have yet to contact us, Cloudsdale's message has yet to be sent, along with the Crystal Empire. Yakyakistan and the Dragon Lands are next to check up on, the latter to be sent a message from Stardust here. But so far, all responses have reported to the negative."

"In other words, we've learned nothing."

A quick glance my way, before Twilight cleared her throat again and proceeded, rolling up the list via magic. "Our next destination, meanwhile, shall be the Everfree Forest and Castle of the Two Sisters. Though it sounds dangerous, the possibility of Zagreus taking refuge in these locations are depressingly likely." The mares exchanged uncertain glances.

"If that's the case, wouldn't Stardust be able to sense any of dem 'imbalances' Zagreus makes?" Thank you, Applejack, for at least thinking this through.

"A sound question Applejack." Twilight nodded. "But it wouldn't hurt to at least investigate either place. Besides, even Stardust isn't perfect enough to sense someone trying to hide that afar."

"I don't know, this Zagreus person sounds very, very dangerous from how you keep describing him..." Fluttershy pointed out shyly. "Didn't Starswirl the Bearded say only Balance can defeat Zagreus, not friendship?"

Well, somewhere along those lines, yes.

Rarity looked to me. "Is that true darling? Would we be considered liabilities in this case?"

Straightening myself upwards, I nodded seriously, preferring not to beat around the bush. Twilight, however, protested rather vocally, "There are no burdens when it comes to friendship! And even if there are, friends are suppose to share them and let one another help out. We're more than capable of helping Jack here capture Zagreus."

"That's right!" Rainbow added in enthusiastically, puffing up her furry chest. "Besides, you notice that Stardust almost loses every battle he fights alone? Isn't that a sign enough he needs us to take on even this enemy?"

Rarity jumped in my defense. "Now that's hardly fair Rainbow. We all often underestimate our foes, but that doesn't make any of us ineffective."

"Maybe we should ask Stardust what he thinks." Thank you Fluttershy.

Rainbow scoffed derisively. "We all know what he thinks: 'Oh, I'll just throw myself into danger under some misguided sense of protectiveness over my friends, especially my Princess! Aren't I just the most noble pony warrior alive?'" With a mimic of a masculine voice, Rainbow smirked rather proudly, obviously impressed with herself.

Twilight, however, wasn't as amused as the others were, the alicorn rolling her eyes. "We're not here to discuss Jack's recklessness. We're deciding the proposal into investigating the Everfree Forest for any clues of our quarry-"

"And most likely fail."

"- And if we try hard enough, hopefully our efforts will somewhat prove fruitful."

"Wishful thinking then? So like you love."

"A sound idea, if I do say so myself, as opposed to one pony just endangering himself over and over again." Twilight said coolly.

Bring it on love! I can do this all day. "In short, instead of one, it's six more ponies endangering themselves because one of them is idiotically trying to prove a point."

Haha, gotcha there. Twilight finally glared at me, purple eyes sparkling heatedly. Fluttershy looked nervous, Pinkie was merry as ever, but Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow shared equal knowing smirks. "This 'idiotic' plan." Twilight grounded out irritably. "Is worth more than my special somepony almost getting seriously hurt. Again."

"Which, I must counter love, is worth more than my special somepony, alongside the ponies I consider my family, getting mortally wounded in turn." I'm done, for now anyway. This was just wasting time. Jumping off my seat, I ignored the annoyed stare and headed towards the doors. "If there's nothing of value to discuss, I have better things to do."

I imagined Twilight's bubbling heated glare blazing my backside. Hell, I practically felt it, literally, through our bond. I should consider it an accomplishment; being the only pony so far to [BEEP] Twilight off that much.

But then again, humans generally excel at [BEEP]ing others off.

"Maybe we should've intervened..." I vaguely heard Fluttershy say upon my departure.

"Nah!" Rainbow replied cheerfully. "These two lovebirds arguing is usually a highlight of the day."

...Fourty-eight... Fourty-nine...



Cheers for the comment. Now, let's try again.

One... Two... Three...



Finally discovered your efforts are in vain today?

Tch. Rolling onto my arse, I sat up and glared at the landscape behind the castle, not even feeling up to doing any further push-ups today. How can I, when there's a certain image of a peeved alicorn constantly invading my head. Not to mention our bond sharing me her current irritation, anger and worry buried beneath the currents. So, really, I can blame this lack of training all on Twilight.

Of course, cast fault on the mare and her alone. It's certainly her intention to constantly seek gaining a rise out of you by beginning mindless arguments over sentimental nonsense. Honestly, boy, are you going to keep lying to yourself?


Sighing, I leaned back against the grass and gazed upwards, a peaceful blue sky and blazing sun greeting me. Sombra's right, I'm childishly pointing fingers at my own girlfriend because of how [BEEP]ed I was. But, in my defense, what else can I do when Twilight insists in involving herself and our friends among the hunt for a very dangerous adversary? Zagreus was nothing like our previous enemies; he was relentless, cunning and will stop at nothing until all life on the world is reduced to dust and ash.

Why can't Twilight see that?

Perhaps she can, Jack, and that alone motivates her to help.



And speak of the Devil...

Speak of the Angel, more like...

"Twilight." I replied back with a clipped tone. Hopefully whatever she wanted will make it quick.

"Trust me, it'll be quick if you can refrain from using that snark of yours for one second." Twilight retorted to my mental statement, Starlight and the rest following behind nervously. With a voice that brooked no room for argument, the mare proceeded with conviction. "We're going to the Everfree Forest and the castle to conduct a thorough investigation in search of Zagreus. You can either join us, or sit there and think about why it's wrong to-"


Twilight blinked. "Excuse me?"

Unfortunately for her, I wasn't backing down, not when it involves something so crucial. Standing up, I turned to the frowning mare sternly. "You're not going. I'm not allowing it."

"Oooh this is gonna be good..." Rainbow muttered in anticipation.

Twilight, in contrast, looked positively appalled by the rebellious statement, almost sputtering, "Not allowing-? That's not for you to decide Jack!"

I retorted through bared teeth. "It's either that or letting you all get potentially hurt. I refuse to permit it."

The alicorn rolled her eyes disbelievingly. "Oh I'm sorry, I wasn't aware we needed your permission in hunting down a threat to all of Equestria."

"When it's Zagreus, yes!"

"We can handle him, we're more than capable!"

"He's not like Tirek or Sombra, Twilight!" Our voices raised. Half of Ponyville could probably hear us, but that was hardly the current issue. "He'll destroy you without a moment's hesitation."

But the Princess was, irritably, undettered by the warning. "All the more reason for us to confront him together. You're not a one-pony army, Jack, I would've though all your near solo defeats against various former villains would remind you of that."

You know, being trapped in a glacier feels more preferable as opposed to listening to this tripe.

"This isn't a job for friendship, Twilight, this is Balance's business!"

She bristled, taking those words to heart. "Point being? That doesn't necessarily mean you should face him alone. damn it!" Whoa, okay, Twilight swore. Second time that's happened now. Stomping her hoof into the ground, Twilight poked my chest where the two halves of cutie marks were roughly. "Would you stop being so stubborn for once and let your friends help you?!"

No! I'm not backing down from this! Twilight needed to wake up to reality! "Twilight, defeating Zagreus isn't worth losing you!"

"Nor losing you!"

"That's enough!"

Jesus Christ! Twilight and I were suddenly separated by our close proximity, greeted instead by glass walls appearing from flashes and containing us each. Teleporting between us was Starlight Glimmer, looking both anxious and fed up. Purple eyes stared to us each in pure desperation.

"Can't you both just not argue for a whole day?" Clearly the unicorn had grown agitated over the course of our heated debate. Her voice sounded awfully pitched, "This has gone on long enough. Seriously, you two, you're bickering for the wrong reasons!" Taking a moment to breathe, casting her gaze down to the ground briefly, Starlight met our stunned stares with renewed purpose. "I get it, okay? You both care for one another so deeply that you're willing to keep one another from harm's way. But can't you two place more faith and trust in one another to know what they're doing? All relationships have their heated arguments, but this? This is crossing the line. You two need to sort this out, otherwise... Otherwise we've already lost."

And as the glass walls shattered into sparkles, Starlight swiftly turned and made a hasty departure, Spike quickly following after her when he cast us a glance of agreement with the mare's words. Sharing looks, the others quietly left towards the castle too, Rarity muttering to the others, "Let's leave them to sort things out darlings..."


Unorthodox as it may appear, Miss Glimmer is right among many aspects. Your heated exchanges with the Princess are spawned mostly from affection and worry, but you're beginning to fall prey to sincere irritation and anger from them. Let this debate settle indefinitely, otherwise you'll lost more than you realize.

Meeting Twilight's uncertain stare... We both collectively sighed. They're right, both Starlight and Starswirl. And from Twilight's saddened and weary bond, I detected a hint of pride, most likely towards her student for standing up and lecturing us on what we needed to hear. We were getting ahead of ourselves about this... And it's time to sort things out.

"I'm sorry."

"No, I need to apologize Twilight."

"No, I'm the one who insisted in getting involved here."

"You just care about me, I understand."

Twilight nodded. "More than you realize." No, I have a pretty good idea. Sighing again, Twilight's expression softened, that annoyance fading away to reveal the true concern beneath. "I've already lost you... Almost one too many times. And now you insist, repeatedly, on handling this matter alone, despite the implied dangers from doing so. You've kept yourself busy with your searches, scarcely making time to reassure your friends and... Well, me. How can I not worry...?"

My limbs operated by their own accord, moving forward to reach and clutch the worried alicorn, embracing her tightly in effort to comfort her... And myself. "I still remember... What Tirek did to you back then." The memory alone sends shudders down my spine. Twilight must've felt that, leaning her head against my cheek. I appreciate that... "I don't want it to ever happen again..."

"...Then you understand how I feel." Pulling back, Twilight's hoof stayed on mine, the mare frowning. "I can sense your feelings, in our bond. It's not just you, Jack. You blame yourself for Zagreus's birth." Damn. Saw right through me. Twilight shook her head, smiling in faint exasperation. "Just like you to place all responsibility on yourself, huh?"

"I see no other people at fault, love."

Except for Starlight, Sunset, Starswirl...

Oh hush you.

Twilight sighed for the third time, proceeding to do something intimate ponies typically did, pressing the tip of her muzzle against mine. A sign of affection we, admittedly, didn't do so often. "It's not your fault he's here. You chose to help our friends - Myself included - multiple times instead of watching from a distance. Do you know why?"

"Because I can't help but gain some attention?" I asked in faint amusement.

"Because you're a good person who'll always be there for us. I know that much." With every words, and every physical display of affection, the Princess of Friendship was very effective in calming down my mood.

"...How do you know just what to say?" I couldn't resist asking, in slight amusement and awe at this wonderful, beautiful mare selflessly choosing to comfort this lost cause.

Twilight smiled lightly. "Probably due to knowing more about yourself than you know... Even understanding your initial lack of trust in others close to you-"

"Twilight, I trust my friends more than life itself, you most of all." This misunderstanding needed to stop. "I've always had faith in you. Truth being, my over-protectiveness comes from my Dad; you'd be surprised the lengths he'd go to in keeping his loved ones safe-"

Twilight knew exactly how to shut me up. This touching of muzzles allowed for a swift and heartfelt kiss. The alicorn's smile widened considerably. "That's all I needed to hear." What? Then, leaning back, the teasing mare turned and motioned for me to follow. "Let's go back to our friends. No doubt we've kept them worried long enough."

"All save for Rainbow, I imagine..." I mumbled in false annoyance, prompting Twilight's soft laughter. But even so, I was smiling myself. It's like no matter what argument, at the end of the day, all it takes is a little push to solve these things out.

Starswirl, Sombra, remind me to thank Starlight the second we get the chance.

Certainly my friend.

I'd express gratitude to her too if possible. That mare spared from any further tedious bickering between you two... What are you both laughing at? I'm capable of being thankful!

"This was a wonderful idea..." Twilight whispered in content, nuzzling against my pony shoulder with a sweet blissful sigh, oblivious to the others focused on the screen. Yeah, props to Spike for suggesting it a few days back. With the movie playing, sounds of laser fire and lightsabers emerging from it, the mares watched with unique reactions.

Starlight, Pinkie and the Crusaders - Because why not let them join in - watched in transfixed awe, Applejack and Rarity looked positively bemused, Fluttershy watched in curiosity, whereas Rainbow was evidently pumped up along with Spike, Twilight and I watched the film on the couch, next to Spike and Rarity, in a very comfortable position usually for couples.

And I was completely fine with that.

"Heh, this Anakin reminds me of you, Stardust."

"...Going to pretend to ignore that remark, Rainbow." The others snickered, resuming their focus on the film.

Anyway, a good way of ending the day after further fruitless searches. Our ventures into the Everfree Forest and ancient castle ended up pointless, having decided in the end we'd all go. Tomorrow, we were to look for him deeper within the forest, and I decided better than to argue; I was too tired to this time.

"And just so you know, we're going to join you in the search whether you like it or not."

With a grin, I responded to Twilight's mental teasing, "Fair enough. But I'll be agreeing under protest regardless."

"I'd expect nothing less." Twilight sighed, shifting again slightly, resting her head against mine. Yeah, this was the life. An evening spent watching a movie among my new family, the mare of my life using me as a body pillow. What can be better? Twilight evidently heard that, I sensed her heart signature flare up in flattery and affection, the lighting from the TV screen revealing the faint blush among her perfect cheeks.

"You two seem to be pretty comfortable." Rarity commented lightly, smiling at us gently.

"What gave it away?" I retorted playfully, matching the expression.

Twilight chuckled lightly, ignoring Rainbow's insistent shushing of us, lowering her voice. "This moment reminds me of our first kiss... Remember that, Jack?"

Spike snorted quietly. "Which one...?"


Shut up Spike.

Twilight glanced from the suddenly nervous Spike to myself, the former realizing his error and covering his mouth in embarrassment. Hearing that, the Crusaders shared knowing smirks and struggled not to give them away. Too late, as Twilight blinked curiously. "What do you mean by that?"

"Nothing." Spike, the fillies and I responded in equal hastiness, but that only fueled Twilight's inquisitive nature. She definitely didn't need to learn she unknowingly had her first kiss long before Canterlot-


[BEEP]. Please tell me she didn't hear that!

You're a [BEEP]ing tool, Jack...

Twilight, leaning back from me, glared in a demanding expression. "Is there something you guys wanna share with me?"

Spike and I exchanged nervous glances. This is all your fault Spike! "No, of course not!" Spike exclaimed loudly, flinching against the two glares his way and shushing from Rainbow. "You don't need to know that your first kiss happened when you went crazy and Stardust did that to bring you back to your senses-! Oh no!" God dammit Spike!


Spike you're dead to me! Oh [BEEP].

I found myself leaning back against the sofa from the stormy glare so close to me, Twilight leaning forward in an unamused expression. With a strangled chuckle, I attempted to compose myself, "Remember when you went insane because you couldn't find a friendship lesson to report to Celestia, and you don't remember how you regained your senses...?"

...I'm just burying myself a deeper hole.

Rest in pieces boy.

"So... My first kiss happened way before Canterlot... And you never bothered to tell me for a long time? Is that what I'm getting here...?" Everyone else, meanwhile, chose to feign concentration on the movie as opposed to the following outrage of a Princess.

Lucky [BEEP]tards-

"Ow. Ow! Ow, Twilight, put the pillow down!"

"Absurd. Exasperating. Impertinent. Incorrigible. Migraine-inducing. Logic-defying. Secretive. Human!"

This might be better to observe than the flick.

Ahh, young love's a beautiful development to behold.

"You two aren't helping- Ow! Twilight, I swear, you weren't that bad a kisser- OW!"

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