• Published 2nd Feb 2015
  • 18,862 Views, 1,952 Comments

A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 181: Fall Upon A Stream...

"Is there something you want to tell me?" Twilight asked rather rhetorically.

"Not really."

"Oh, because what the Princess wrote to you seemed awfully concerning." The mare pointed out with a tinge of dryness.

"And it will be resolved in no time, trust me." I said reassuringly, yet that didn't seem to soften Twilight's expression in the least. I sighed, "It;s nothing you need to worry about-"

"'I will ensure Twilight and the others will be protected in your absence'." The intelligent unicorn paraphrased. "That's clearly something to be worried about. Jack, what is going on?"

...I was afraid of this. Now Twilight was most likely going to get herself involved, insisting she accompanies me to Canterlot so we can deal with this menace together. Well to that I say 'Hell no'. Not that I didn't have faith in the mare, but I'd rather she remained blissfully ignorant altogether, and enjoy her brother's wedding without anything, or anyone, ruining it.

"Jack, if you and our friends are in danger, you need to be honest."

But that seems quite too late now.

Her eyes were both serious and pleading, as if begging me to trust her... God dammit. "It's... something I've been dealing with for a long time." I confessed, and Twilight nodded for me to continue, both she and Spike attentive, "There's a threat looming over Canterlot- perhaps all of Equestria - and I've seemed to have gained its attention. Three times it's been after me now."

"Why didn't you tell us?" Twilight inquired, sounding a little hurt and concerned by the truth, "We could've helped you-"

"Because it's my fault this menace is targeting me, and by extension my friends. I'll be damned before I allow any of my friends to get caught up in the middle because of it."

"Even so, if this threat is so serious, we can help!"

"You have your own studies to focus on, Twilight-"

"My studies can be set aside until my friends are safe." Twilight retorted hotly, eyes burning with a intensity that made my own spine shiver. "Whatever it is you're facing, we can - and will - face it together." Spike nodded in agreement, face expressing firm determination just like Twilight's.

But still, I wasn't losing this debate easily. "Not this time, Twilight. This threat I must face and defeat alone." For the sake of keeping my promise, and protecting those I care about, I will face that fiend by myself. As the mare opened her mouth to argue back, I cut her off quickly, "Do you trust me, Twilight?"

"I- Of course." She nodded sincerely, taken aback by the question.

"Then would you keep this promise; do not interfere, no matter what happens?"


"Promise me, Twilight."

Our stares were even, neither giving above ground. Twilight was persistent in helping her friends, just as I was adamant in dealing with situations I'm partially responsible for alone. Crysa-Something invaded my hometown by sending her minions, which means enough is enough. I won't let that happen again.

And I won't let anyone stop me otherwise. Not even Twilight.

Eventually, one of us gave in. And thankfully, it wasn't I. Twilight sighed, glaring at the ground heatedly. "You can be so damn frustrating sometimes, Jack..."

...Did Twilight Sparkle just say 'damn'?

Yet her dark purple eyes again locked with my blue-green orbs, with that same determination despite her reluctance. "I'll indulge you, this one time. But if you're biting off more than you can chew, then we're helping you."

"Okay then-"

"And if we don't hear from you in the next few days, we're coming after you."


"No arguments."

...I sighed. Fair enough, as long as Twilight promises to not interfere until absolutely required.

"But please." Her tone softened. "Be safe."

"Knowing me, it's unlikely." At her glare, I smiled slightly. "I'll try my best, okay?" When Twilight nodded slowly, I began to stand on my four hoofs again, before being engulfed in a firm embrace by the unicorn herself.

"Sometimes I hate you for making worry like this..."

Hearing that uncertain tone incited me to return the hug, my voice whispering in a comforting voice, "I'll be fine, Twilight, I won't let her win..."

"Twi... Twilight... Twilight..."


Head... Hurts... Body... Feels... Stiff... Couldn't... M-Move...

"Twilight... Please..."

Where was she... Spike... Rarity... Applejack... Fluttershy...


"Shh... It's okay, you're safe now..."

Rainbow... Pinkie... Starlight...


"I'm here... I'm right here..."


Voice... Familiar... Senses, slowly coming back... Feeling muscles, again... Agh...

Something... Soft... Behind my... Head... Warmth... Over my body... Obvious... Fingers brushing... My head...

Ow, my head...!

Attempting to control myself... Hands clenching and unclenching... Teeth gritting... Eyes shut tight... Slowly starting to open them... To a blurry vision... Ugh...!

Warm... So much warm...

"You're safe now... You're safe... Jack..."

That voice... That voice...!

Blinking rapidly, I forced myself to... To regain as much composure... And awareness as possible... Vision without glasses blurry for only a moment... To be greeted by two certain eyes... Beautiful, sparkling eyes... I would never forget...


She nodded, my guardian angel releasing a small smile, as if completely unsure of herself... Yet looking somewhat relieved. "It's me..." Lavender fingers... Brushing my drying hair.


I... I remembered...!

The underwater city... Zagreus... The confrontation in the throne room... Drowning... Blackness... Water filling my lungs... Body felt like exploding... Worst phobia come true... All in the name of... Saving them...

Blurry gaze swept from the evident saviour to my surroundings... Another small cave... Fitting... Some blue blanket over... Obvious wet clothes... Head resting on her lap... Her soothing, wonderful lap... And hand brushing my pained forehead... And damp hair...

With one strong blink, I stared upwards. "I'm alive."

The alternate version of Twilight in her Midnight form nodded, regarding back down at her patient with evident concern and relief mixed together. "Thank goodness." It was then I noticed a certain owl perched atop the woman's bare demonic shoulder. "If your friend here hadn't guided me to the likely estimation to where you were..."

And Nightshade suddenly flew down to my hidden chest, meeting my curious gaze... And promptly pecking me on the nose. "Ow!" That bloody stung!


"He was worried for you." And from the sounds of disapproval in her tone, Nightshade wasn't the only one. The best I could do was manage a pained sheepish smile. Twilight sighed, shaking her head with a rather wry smile. "Never mind the challenge of getting you from the ocean's ruthless currents with little magic to aid you. This is the third time, I believe, saving you from your own actions now?"

"And Zagreus...?" Just remembering that too. I sacrificed myself in that throne room in hopes of taking the [BEEP]tard down with me. If I had managed to succeed...

And yet, to a small unsurprising part of me, the human Twilight-in-Midnight-form shook her head. "I didn't see anyone else down there." Looking just the bit hesitant upon confessing this, as though knowing what it meant to my ears. "He probably escaped before the whole room became engulfed with water through those means of-"




I shouldn't be surprised. I COULDN'T be surprised. That crafty, sneaky son of a [BEEP] always managed to get away from otherwise implausible situations just like I could... Even attempting to drown myself and bring that monster down with me...!

It wasn't enough...


Twilight's own words cut off at my pained gasp, regarding me intently with body aura radiating concern. But I wasn't well enough to indulge her comprehensively, dragging my two hands beneath the blanket onto my face and making small snarls in order to express my utter exasperation, irritation and pure, unadulterated tiredness...

It wasn't enough...!

"It's never enough... Gah...!" I managed to push myself upwards a little through will alone, dried soft fingernails digging into spotty weary skin. "I can't... I can't do this anymore... God dammit...!" My voice sounded so close to cracking, appropriately enough. God forbid I started curling up in a ball, lamenting over my own waste of failures over and over again. Which I was close to doing, mind you!

I couldn't do this anymore. It was becoming too much! Almost completely drowning was doing it for me! I needed to stop; to be safe in Twilight's arms again! To be with Spike and play ball! Fly kites with Starlight! Bake cakes with Pinkie! More than this tedious, tiresome, pointless game of cat and mice with some deranged lunatic of my own making!

I wanted... I WANTED...!


And just like that, soft, dark purple familiar arms wrapped themselves with comfort and pure understanding around my neck, soon finding my disheveled and utterly distraught state falling into the woman's warm embrace. An embrace my own arms and hands found themselves returning desperately, yearning for physical contact and comfort after so long. Far too long. Head burying into the tender shoulder of my girlfriend's alternate version.

Who was, no matter what, still the same Twilight Sparkle I would always love and protect. Always seeking comfort in with these weary times.

"Breathe..." Twilight commanded to my ear softly, feeling the long beautiful wings wrap around my drying and tired form too, safely keeping us in a protective, comforting cocoon. The sensation of safety I needed for so long then.

It was more than enough to let out the broken sobs and tears.

I wasn't exactly certain what happened upon my little hysteric breakdown, only that I soon found myself leaning against the wall of the cave with a heavy sensation of deja vu hitting me, the sound of rain pelting from the outside world. You know, I've really had enough of caves for a whole.

"Here." Hm? A rather round leaf carrying water presented before my huddling state, courtesy of the lavender woman knelt before me. "It's clean." Of course it was, you of all people would check, love.

With a nod, I mentally thanked my new companion and took a healthy sip from the surprisingly delicious rainwater. At least, it was more preferable to seawater at this time, somewhat washing away the taste after soothing my dry throat. Don't think I'll be treating myself to fish for a while either. After helping me drink like a mother hen, Twilight placed the leaf down gently and worked on lighting up the campfire, putting effort in with her own magic; obviously practicing since we last crossed paths.

God, that moment earlier was just... Ridiculous of me. Losing all composure like that and expressing my frustrations out on Twilight like that. She didn't deserve to endure through my own despair like that.

"I'm sorry." I said lowly before I could stop myself, prompting the curious Twilight to turn to me.

"Huh?" Even in that form, those adorable inquisitive features remained. Or perhaps at this point Twilight was so perfect to my eyes I could see past the Midnight figure or any other malevolent form she had in canon or fanfiction.

I shifted a little, decidedly slightly uncomfortable for some reason. "For earlier." At the further look of confusion, I clarified with a trace of regret in my tone. "You didn't have to put up with my tantrum like that."

Both brows raised upwards in sincere surprise. "What's wrong with releasing your pent up emotions? The fact you stayed calm despite all these hardships and obstacles is something to be envied about." Twilight turned back to the fire, focusing both palms against it. "Besides, I didn't mind, getting to know the real person my other self is... Ugh!" The fire died out after being engulfed by a blue glow. "No... I was sure I could get it right this time!"

Well, practice makes perfect love... But she had a point. Only Twilight wouldn't mind me having an emotional outburst and needing to express my frustrations, offering herself as an outlet. After finishing letting everything out about what was wrong with me and my life, this Twilight had resorted to letting me rest against the stone wall comfortably enough, blanket wrapped tightly around me. From the side, Nightshade was preoccupied playing with the insects at the other end of the cave, probably giving us space.

A low growl escaped the bookworm's throat. "Must have missed something. Maybe my magic overwhelmed the intensity of the oxygen. The carbon dioxide wouldn't be enough to contribute. Ooh, I should've brought a notepad with me for this..."

To take notes with, or as more fuel for the fire? Knowing Twilight like I did, it wasn't likely the latter.

"You obviously lack the needed amount of magichlorians in order to control your own powers." I quipped before I could stop myself, instinct for teasing any Twilight's annoyed predicament.

Instead of irritation, however, the alternate Twilight turned to me with open puzzlement. "'Magichlorians?'"

...The smile on my face widened. "Yes. All magical beings have them."

Hook, line and already sinker. Twilight was already leaning forward towards me with unbridled interest, that thirst for knowledge sparkling behind wide violet orbs. Well, who was I to refuse indulging her?

"Magichlorians are microscopic organisms which reside within all magical cells. A conduit which connects the realm of magic to the physical plane." Proceeding to rub over my own mouth in vain effort of concealing the growing smile. "Your pony self, for example, has a high concentration of magiclorians, thus way she's so adept at handling and controlling magic. The more magichlorians you more, the more powerful and capable... Tch...!"

Even despite my pained and recovering state, the composure broke all too early as I grinned widely and proceeded chuckling at my own trolling, prompting the demonic Twilight to start blinking in sincere confusion. Then finally catching on, scowling for a long moment but unable to hide the mirth behind her own eyes, a small smile rising on lovely features as she hid her own giggles behind her hand.

The laughter lasted for a good moment, but it felt so good to do so again. I needed this. I needed her to help me feel better about myself. Now, and always. Clearly this night demonstrated as much.

An obvious chill then swept through the smiling Twilight's being, inciting the winged woman to shudder at the coldness aided by the outside weather. Right, not exactly clothing suited for this type of atmosphere. Urge to keep Twilight safe and happy kicked in, myself shifting a little and opening the blanket invitingly, exposing the rather bare upper body since my shirt was suppose to be left for dried on the side, the chill meeting my chest prompting my own wince.

The reaction was delaying, but not shocking. Twilight immediately recognized my offer and began flushing heavily, lavender face reddening in sheer embarrassment. "Oh, no, no!" She waved both hands frantically, failing to manage a reassuring smile and simply coming out sheepish. "I-I'll be fine! Really!"

Another chill and shudder contradicted that, and I had to roll my eyes with an amused smile. Fine then Twilight, I'll just come to you.

But she clearly saw after seeing me begin to shift upwards, looking deeply hesitant next before sighing in relent. Of course, it was pressuring my wounds or swallowing her flustered state. Seconds afterwards, Twilight had proceeded slowly approaching me and taking the spot to my right, folding her own large wings in and allowing me, despite some reluctance, to throw the blankets over her shoulders.

Wasn't as if I was asking for a cuddle, love. Though that didn't seem to stop the blushing teen from scooping herself closer to my drying body heat... And I in turn. Guess it was just that cold.

Silence. Just pure, awkward silence, mostly on Twilight's part. I was hardly feeling flustered myself, and also a little gratified that her new hair and eyebrows currently weren't on fire like usual in that Midnight form. I couldn't stop myself next, sneaking an arm around Twilight's upper bare back to her arm, pulling the heavily blushing young bookworm closer and bringing myself to laugh after her highly embarrassed and adorably shy reaction.

And inciting said bookworm to lightly shove my side in response, but only by a nudge without touching my own bruised areas. Despite eyes wildly staring at anything but I, the tiniest of shy smiles rose on Twilight's adorable face, prompting my own grin in response. Even though it was the wrong Twilight, the wrong moment, the wrong circumstances and situation.

It STILL felt right...


"Why are you still here?" I had to ask. Just needed to. "I thought you were going back to your own world, last time we met?"

Twilight's remorseful sigh answered me. "I tried." The helpless teen confessed quietly, eyes gazing nowhere in particular, though I think maybe the entrance clouded with rain and small shrubbery. "Unfortunately, my magic isn't capable of dimensional transportation; only to the other world which is strictly related to this one." Oh... "That... That monster took me from my world, robbing me of Spike, my family, everyone..." The sudden distraught in her cracking tone only moved me to pull her in more tighter, this time Twilight wholly accepting the comforting embrace, voice lowered down considerably next. "It's more than likely only he has the means of taking me back home..."

Oh, I wouldn't be too certain about that... Starswirl...?

The ancient voice responded with mild knowing. Yes, I could use the magic to take our friend here home if she so desires. In return, however, you may not rely on magic for quick getaways for another long time, Jack.

I'm sure I could cope. Twilight's happiness over my own safety, right? I mean, what else was new...?

"I'm not so sure only Zagreus has the means of taking you back home love." The lavender head lifted up in question, eyes sparkling in hope from the oh-so casual observation. In return, I explained next with a reassuring tone and grin. "Just say the word, and you'll be back in a heartbeat. That friend of mine above can-"

"You'd... Do that for me...?" Twilight had inquired slowly, pushing back from my shoulder and regarding me with with incomprehension, disbelief yet growing traces of elation steadily appearing behind her eyes, smile and expression... Then frowning next, looking away for a moment as though considering something... Followed with a shake of the head. "No."

What...? You mean she wouldn't-?

"I'd want nothing more than to go home." Twilight quickly rectified upon noting my expression, clarifying next clearly. "But not just yet... Not when someone who believed so much in me needs some help." Ah... A small self-deprecating humoured grin in attempt of lighting up the damp atmosphere appeared next. "If you're fine tolerating this alternate abominable form of your... Girlfriend..."

Even still, there was terrible shyness on her end with that last word. But yet, I shrugged dismissively with an amused grin. "Twilight, you're always beautiful to me no matter how you appear." I swore the heat radiating from her face would be warmer than what the blanket could provide.

I knew better than to argue, anyhow. Twilight would stay and help me recover no matter what; that compassion of hers was endless and admirable, even for her human counterpart. Twilight would always be herself, no matter that appearance or corruption.

But, afterwards, if Twilight was even more flustered and embarrassed from resting her head against the side of my bare unimpressive chest a few moments later, I decided to be nice enough not to ask. Let these moments last for as long as possible.

For either of us...

A large forest.

A pretty large forest at that...

Sunlight gleamed through the tall branches, trees mostly thin and reaching for the heavens. blocking much of the clear lovely skies from view. The rain worked wonders on the area, after Twilight and I exited the cave the following morning to the outside world.

Or, at least, Twilight guiding me outside, leaning over her shoulder for support. It was at my behest we'd leave first thing, despite the lavender's teen protests and stating firmly that I needed to rest. Normally, these days, I wouldn't argue with her.

And if that wasn't a sign over how whipped and obedient I became since season one, then I didn't know what was.

However, I couldn't leave out the possibility that my previous confrontation and battle with Zagreus severely weakened the stallion to an extent, and if there wasn't a perfect time to finish things, even in my weakened state... Then sorry love, but I was doing what my heart and soul commanded.

Of course, in response, Twilight wouldn't let me face this alone, despite my own heated protests in response.

"Go back to the cave love..." I tried again rather hoarsely, stepping over some flowers and twigs alongside the woman practically half-carrying me. "Or better yet, leave for safety. You have no stake in this."

But Twilight kept frustratingly adamant, stubbornly staring forwards with sudden resolve. "I've already potentially lost people I care about more than anything else." The almost callous way she mentioned that threw me off-guard, but violet sparkling eyes hardened my way. "I'm not about to lose another one."

My teeth grit slightly. "Twilight, you of all people should know how about my condition." I continued making an attempt. "I'm dying, nothing can fix that. At least let me fall amending my mistakes without anymore needless casualties."

Don't get hurt because of me, love...

But Twilight shook her head rather determinedly, trudging onwards with I beside her stride. "You're the one continuously stating that it's not too late. If there's hope for me, am I expected to believe there's none for you?" It sounded very rhetorical.


"We're in this together Jack." The familiar stern no-nonsense tone my Twilight had often deployed against me once her mind was set, or I was set to make some stupid self-sacrifice decision, had me immediately shut up, this Twilight glancing to me with an expression pleading for agreement. "I'm beginning to see why you so often infuriate my other counterpart. We're in this together, Jack-"

"Oh, isn't that just sweet?"

Both our forms stiffened, the familiar, but not really surprising at this point, sneering tone of a mocking demon echoing across the forest. Immediately, Twilight and I found ourselves standing back to back, her purple fists glowing readily with my hand gripping the lightsaber hilt to my belt and declipping it for the inevitable showdown.

"Two lonely pathetic people, brought together by their own doubts and sheer stubbornness to fight the inevitable. A match made in heaven, surely." Followed with more unnerving and resounding sounds of dark laughter, multiple, coming in all direction. And pretty soon, our adversaries wasted sparse time in making themselves known.

Griffon mercenaries.

Garble and his cronies.

And one stomping sound above brought our back-to-back attention to the side side upwards, the demonic Sunset grinning wickedly atop a fallen mossy tree trunk, wings and arms extended with a mocking welcomingly gesture. "I KNEW you were so weak you couldn't stomach siding with the right cause, Twilight."

I see no amount of makeup would ever cover up the scar trailing up and down the side of her face, a product from our last encounter. Christ even I was struggling not to flinch openly at the sight.

Said teen made no visible reaction, but I could feel the aura of apprehension and fear radiating from my companion. In answer, my free hand gripped hers from behind, giving a reassuring squeeze. We were in this together, whether I wanted that or not, and Twilight knew that.

One red claw brushed over the leftover burnt wound down Sunset's face from our last encounter. "You've caused us all a lot of strife, human." There was no concealing the utter anger and contempt she held my way, and the evident glee from finally potentially ridding of me. The griffons and dragons surrounding us by ground and air supported that dark intentful expression. "But there's no escaping this time, not with your present condition. Guess it goes to show what 'noble intentions' will do for ya."

"Less talking." Garble suddenly snapped impatiently, growling sharp unclean fangs and clenched lizard fists, taking one step our way. His two cronies cracked their own knuckles disgustingly. Always hated when my brother did that just because he could. "Let's get our payback already! I'm going to beat this human to a pulp!"

"Keep him intact, at least." One of the griffons in mercenary clothing added gruffly, all the species taking a menacing step forward closing in each. "Our employer demands him breathing at the very least."

...No, I couldn't let Twilight fight my battles. Not this one. Immediately I whirled around, pulling a surprised demonic-formed lavender bookworm behind me with protection, adding on the cold amusement on Sunset's red features.

"You mentioned an employer last time." I started, wanting to go down with at least confirming these facts. "Zagreus would want me dead right off the bat. And you." Pointing towards Garble's smug disposition, frowning severely. "Last time you said that there were enemies out there who demanded my head other than Zagreus. I could only assume, then, that aside from Sunset here, there's someone who wants me for their own sick purposes."

"Oooooh! Very good deduction little man!" The demonic form of a dear friend applauded with fake celebration, still smirking darkly. "Give him a gold star for his observation. Let's just say that we have an ally with a long history and beef against your own rebellion to our rightful cause."

"Who? Chrysalis? Cinch? Oh don't tell me Tirek was broken out of pony Hell again."

Garble snickered next. "Like you'll ever find out."

"Indeed." Sunset's grin widened with sinister delight, unfolding her arms next and making a prepared stance. "Our orders were to take you by force, but I don't think they'd mind if we brought you back broken and beaten. We could say... You wouldn't accompany your escorts all too willingly, shall we?"

The chorus of devilish chuckles only incited me to glare harder, looking over my shoulder to a worried but slightly resolved Twilight. "Stay directly behind me. It's me they want- AGH!"

No... No not now...!

My body felt as though it was shutting down, falling onto my hands and knees with the lightsaber hilt still clutched in my grasp, fingers digging into the wet ground with growing agony. My free hand clutched to my aching chest, feeling as though it was ready to explode, eyes tight shut and teeth grit harshly. Ow. Ow ow ow!

"Is something the matter little man?" I heard Sunset coo from my kneeling state with mocking concern, not bothering to cover her open disdain and joy at my own current pained predicament. Add that to the multiple recovering bruises and one ruptured eardrum. "What perfect timing, wouldn't you say?"

From the sound of it, the 'timing' was far from coincidental...

"Leave him alone!" I heard Twilight call out in desperate concern, my blurry eyes squinting open a little to notice the shadow after sounds of wings and the alternate version of my girlfriend moving forward.

"How sweet." Sunset called out rather boredly. "Playing bodyguard for the weakling now, Twilight? Last I checked, he's not your boyfriend."


With some effort despite the sensation of a slow, painful demise, I barely managed to look upwards, meeting Twilight's contemplative tender gaze over her shoulder down to me, wings and arms extended protectively. "...I'd be proud if he was." No, don't do this this love... But my silent plea didn't deter her, looking back to Sunset's demon form with clear determination on her face and sung in her tone. "We don't have to do this Sunset. Let's just go back to our worlds, leave all this behind. It'd be better that way!"

"No." The red woman immediately answered rather harshly. "Learning that creature's, Zagreus, secrets and using his magic to rule all worlds? That's the better solution!"

Couldn't... Move...!

"There's no answer to justify anger and hate! All you'd do is bring devastation and despair all in your wake!"

"Sounds like an ideal utopia for me. You'd understand, Twilight, if you weren't so infatuated with weak little men who can't do anything without magic or a shoulder to lean on."

It was then Garble's voice called out irritably. "Alright, that's it! I'm going to start giving that thing the much-needed payback we deserve. Who's with me?!" Sounds of cries and grunts of agreement, and I closed my own eyes tightly again, looking down with tears threatening to leak by how excruciating this all was.

Zagreus... He was... Was...!

"No!" Twilight then called out, and suddenly a second later, I felt gravity leave beneath my feet, opening my vision only to darkness.

And then to light again, landing with a soft grunt followed with a groan onto patch wet grass. Ugh... Not really the most comfortable of landings. But that was far minuscule compared to the next moment of rolling around over the grass in my own agony, attempting to rid of the growing pain from the imbalances against my own existence, the actions only further adding on to that.

Lightsaber discarded, hands clutching my own arms, knees leaned upwards to my chest. It was getting too painful, more painful that it was before. Starswirl, I needed you! I needed... Needed...!

Stop this... Please...!

As if a miracle answered, the pain receded, at last, steadily over time, halting my own childish rolling across the ground with slowing down to a halt, dazed stare upwards to the sunlight pouring through the rustling calm leaves. Chirping sounds of peaceful birds echoed all throughout the forest. Carefully, I sat upwards, groaning and wincing a little but still steadily recovering by the former excruciating experience. It was getting far too worse.

A small clear lake right next to me, on my other side a massive tree trunk. Fitting. With another grunt and growl, I pushed my pained state upwards stumbling slightly but maintaining a firmer stance on my feet. I could already hear Twilight berating me for rushing through my injuries like this...


As though another invisible response came, a similar purple hole earlier, followed with a relieving shape and form dropping through onto the grass with grace, the portal above closing immediately afterwards. Before I could even express my gratitude and relief seeing that Twilight was safe and seemingly unharmed, the lavender teen about my height was already looking around all business-like, nodding after a moment of thought.

"This'll do. We're just far away enough that they wouldn't be able to locate our position, and give us the time we need for you to recover enough." As if seeing my struggle, Twilight immediately approached with no trace of embarrassment or shyness this time, helping me keep steady with a concerned expression. "Are you alright?"

I managed a small wry grin. "I should be asking you that, love." Before my knees finally buckled over, still not strong enough and having Twilight kneeling down with me without intent, the teen inspecting my body next with a sweeping gaze and her own bemused small smile.

"No worse than you... That was the work of imbalance back there, wasn't it?" My silence and expression were answers enough, Twilight pursing her lips followed with a weary shake of the head. "It's not fair... You've done nothing to warrant this awful fate..."

Oh, I could list a good number of past mistakes which declares otherwise...

"You don't." Twilight added in sudden firmness, as if already reading my mind despite the fact she wasn't the same Twilight I had mentally bonded with. She then looked around thoughtfully. "Let's see... If we take a pathway due west, followed with an estimate of ten paces east and twenty paces north-west, we should reach some minor civilization..."

And as Twilight was busy mentally planning out our route from memory and learned knowledge of Equestria, I simply observed the woman right before me with a charmed low smile. Despite everything, my pain, my sorrow, my tiredness and troubles, just being around her still saved me from falling into pure despair and sensation of isolation. I was still severely recovering from past bruises and my episode just a short moment again, but the mere presence of this wonderful, amazing woman helped me feel as though there was no trace of pain left.

How does she do it...?

And from my hazel eyes tracing her form, finally noticing the blackened spot on the left wing and calling out in my own incredulous horror. "You're injured."

Twilight paused from her mid-rambling, following my concerned gaze towards the wound and blinking, as though it was no big deal. "Oh... I must have hit it against a rock when I was fighting them off. It's nothing to worry about, I'm... Sure..." Yet she trailed off as I took a closer look, keeping her wing extended enough so she wouldn't fold it in to keep me from looking. Immediately the shy bookworm sounded nothing but flustered. "It's fine Jack. You don't have to-"

Your wince from my brushing over the feathered wound would inform me of otherwise, love. Mouth fixed in firm determination, I proceeded removing my formerly wet gown and placing that to the side, removing the blue cord as I shifting around to the side of the lake's edge, Twilight still before my kneeling state and still looking quite protestant. Tough luck love.

Dunking the cord in cold water, my next action was to carefully apply it over the wound, making sure not to ruin the dark purple feathers too much while addressing the bruise. Still, I half-smiled amidst my concentration by Twilight's own blushing state, looking anywhere but me and smiling faintly herself, despite flinching a little repeatedly from my own work. Sorry my dear, but it needed to be done.

"You really don't have to." She kept trying weakly, voice lowering in embarrassed yet flattered shyness with every statement, folding her own arms rather insecurely. "I'm not exactly a fan of these wings anyway."

"Really?" I quipped whilst carefully tightening the cord around her wing with care, leaning back next to examine my handiwork. Should work. "Because I think they're as beautiful as the rest of you."

Twilight's blush deepened in adorable dark red, and she looked just about ready to object to that, stating that she wasn't beautiful in the slightest in that current form. I was ready to argue right back fondly. But instead, Twilight inspected my work next curiously, eventually smiling in soft appreciation.

"Thank you..."

I shrugged with a light smile. "Not the first time I tended to wings." At her expression, I glanced upwards to the lovely wet tree branches in fond remembrance. "It was when my first Twilight practiced flight, not long after becoming a Princess. She..." I trailed off slightly, unsure if this Twilight really wanted to hear me boast over the exploits of another version of her.

To my surprise, a tender lavender hand clasped over my pale own, giving a small encouraging squeeze. Despite her small blush, Twilight nodded with an interested smile. "Go on..."

And so I did. "After we saved the town from an infestation of thorns courtesy of our residential being of chaos, Twilight was adamant in mastering over flying and learning all the tricks from having new wings for the foreseeable future." That stark determination announcing that followed with my enthusiastic yet amused smile that day was something to recall, along with afterwards. "One lesson, an accident happened, which, suffice to say, Twilight learned better than to follow one of Rainbow's own complicated tricks at such an early stage."

"Why?" This Twilight's expectant face leaned forward eagerly. "What happened?"

"She fell into a hornet's nest... Literally." I shrugged, unable to hide my amused grin at the rather laughable memories from those times. "Flew straight into the Everfree Forest to a waiting full nest of those nasty [BEEP]ers. Oh your pony self managed to get away before any serious harm could be done, of course... Though less could be said for her wings, one of which landed straight before the hornet queen herself."

And Twilight called me reckless whenever I was injured, recalling after that mishap. Then had the boldness to declare ME being fussy over her own accidental injuries.

"Suffice to say, I think Twilight learned her lesson that day from following Rainbow's teaching examples until she's more adept with flight, especially after being applied with Zecora's own medicine for hornet stings."

This Twilight couldn't stop hiding her own grin. "That bad huh?"

"One of the side-effects to the medicine was becoming temporarily illiterate for three whole days." At that, she gasped and covered her mouth with both hands, knowing exactly what that would mean for any version of her. I grinned humouredly with cheek. "Twilight had to rely on other reading out-loud for her... Even on her least favourite books of literature."

And this time, the human version smirked, playfully folding her arms and looking more and more relaxed. "And I suppose you were all too happy in reading those specifically disliked books for her, correct?"

"You can't prove anything." One wink, and that was all it took for us both to laugh wholeheartedly at her pony self and my girlfriend's expense.

"Do-Do you always find some means to annoy her at every given opportunity?" Twilight inquired, still smiling quite widely despite asking this.

In answer, a wink came first. "Is that not the proper role of a boyfriend?"

"I wouldn't know..."

"Give it time. That might be another me waiting for you back home when this is all over."

The flushed Twilight looked away against with brightened cheeks yet again, and it might've been my imagination from the small mumble of "I wouldn't mind that..." Must've been though. One version of me winning Twilight's affections was miraculous enough. The lavender teenager turned back to me again, leaning a bit more forward with hope and open curiosity sparkling in her eyes. "Could you tell me more? Not just about you and... The Princess." She halted shortly, looking rather more shy with the next request. "But about your friends in general. They sound like... Amazing people and... Maybe I wanna know..."

"...What you'll be expecting back home." I finished for her knowingly, smiling in soft understanding.

Twilight grinned timidly. "If I ever get the chance to." Oh, you will love. I'll see to that. Just then noticed we both sitting in cross-legged positions without even realizing it, the cute bookworm leaning forward again with an eagerness to hear more about these amazing versions of girls she would one day befriend.

Well, who was I not to indulge and keep Twilight Sparkle hopeful? "Let's see... Ah!" Perfect, shifting through my memories for the perfect one. "Let me tell you about our first trip together, to a yearly formal event hosted at Canterlot Castle as the Grand Galloping Gala. Of course, back then I had absolutely no intention of going willingly... I was quite the [BEEP] back then... Probably still am now..."

"... Sugar Coat was mad, naturally, but no evidence could be placed on Spike for unintentionally sabotaging her science project."

"What, not even with the paw prints?"

"Especially without pointing out the paw prints." Twilight grinned lightly, sharing her tale of past school mishaps. "Though I don't think you could give a dog detention. And thankfully Vice Principal Cadence turned a blind eye on the whole situation. In the end, Sugar Coat was given a B minus for her project."

"And what did you get?"

"An A plus."

"Shocking." I snorted, rolling my eyes in fond humour, which the teen returned with a lighthearted sheepish smile. "I'd like you to name one time you didn't get an A from all your schoolwork."


At the extended silence, I couldn't resist laughing. Of course, Twilight always getting an A. Not exactly something to stop the presses with, aside from the whole world deserving to know the prodigy in their hands.

"Oh! I think one time I got a B in Gym class..."

At the flustered expression, I grinned wider with enthusiasm. "Don't blame ya. I always sucked at P.E."

And the discussions ranged from past memories, to shared interests and just overall enjoying each other's company. According to Twilight, we were in the other far end of the forest away from our pursuer's grasps, so they shouldn't be able to find us for a while yet, leaving me with ample time to steadily recover from pressuring my previous wounds rolling around in the grass like that, and the shock of the rather torturous imbalance.

And Twilight could let her own wing heal. Which was, obviously, far more crucial between the health and safety of the two of us.

Minutes later, the pair of us were laughing like immature children, and were loving every moment of it. In fact, this Twilight sounded far more carefree and happy than I've seen from her yet! "Did- Did you really bet away your own house right in front of your own housemate?"

"Hell yeah I did." I shouldn't be sounding so pleased with myself, but whatever. I was grinning madly then, spreading arms to the sides for gesture. "Naturally, Applejack won the bet in the end, otherwise we wouldn't be living anywhere!" Twilight chuckled at that. "But still, taking Twilight by surprise like that is always worth it."

"It certainly sounds like it would be surprising. I'd feel the same way if someone wagered my house." Despite the undercurrent of disapproval coated by her amusement at the tale. "You really believed in your friend's capabilities that much?"

With help from foreknowledge and knowing the main characters would never lose with such high stakes. And I didn't mean Twilight and I potentially losing the library back then, even though that was my own doing. I shrugged, smiling lightly. "It's always worthwhile to have faith in your friends."

Twilight tilted her head, those adorable features despite her present form expressing open curiosity. "Even if they could disappoint you sometimes?"

"Even if they do let me down a few times, they always have a reason." Came my convinced response, glancing away briefly to the large beautiful open lake glistening from the sunlight pouring through the never-ending branches. Arm rested on one knee, I looked forward with a small smile. "But most of the time... They never disappoint..."

In fact, I was struggling to recall times when they did, post-my-[BEEP]hole-behaviour days. The further I dwelled on the subject, merely more and more pleasant, wonderful, fantastic recollections of hanging out with those dear, beautiful mares and dragon swam across my weary mind in opposition to the more unpleasant arguing memories.

One time we went indoor camping and rested by the fireplace.

A massive sleepover which consisted of a large pillow fight.

Movie nights and gaming night with guest appearances from Rainbow, Pinkie, Applejack and even Starlight joining in at times with the latter.

The mares laughing their heads off when Rarity and I were at war with one another tending my own facial hair which had grown... Exponentially at the time.

A small, steadily growing confident lavender hand tenderly grasped my own for a kind gesture of comfort, prompting me to look back to those soft sparkling eyes that appeared in every memory, ever dream, since running away. "I'm sure they miss you just as much." Twilight said, just knowing. She always knew. Her smile was breathtaking, filled with compassion and understanding that I was almost tempted to look away from the sheer light pouring out of it, in fear of being blinded. "They sound like amazing peo- Err, ponies."

When the truth was, I became blinded by her light for a very, very long time...

With my hands being brushed by her own responding in kind, gently folding around her tender fingers, I met the alternate Twilight's rather meek expression with a solemn sincerity. "I'd been proud too."

She blinked owlishly. "Of what?"

My own smile widened. "To call you my girlfriend."

A few seconds of rabid blinking, as expected, followed with Twilight beginning to blush heavily yet again and look away, unable to repress her own lighthearted grin by the confession. Before she shook her head sheepishly, still avoiding my knowing gaze. "You shouldn't be all the way out here." Finally turning back to me next. "You should be with your friends. With your Twilight. Wonderful friends like them don't often become an opportunity. So..." She paused at my sudden groan of slight pain. "You okay?"

"Ugh. Fine..." Clutching my own chest briefly. "Just the after-effects... Still fading away... It'll pass." Not quite as bad as before. Not nearly. Thank God for small miracles.

Twilight barely appeared convinced, turning away for a moment as I slowly recovered... And staring right back, suddenly filled with conviction. "If we do stop Zagreus, I want you to promise me something Jack."

We? Promise? "Twilight-"

But she held up a hand, immediately having me shut up from experience with my own Twilight. "After all this is said and done, you'll go back home." A mixture of sternness and pleading behind her beautiful tone. "You'll go home and be with the ponies who love you, you'll give up this crusade of tackling your own problems, and you'll be happy for the rest of your life with them."

The posture stating this, the stance and tone demanding no other argument. Obviously becoming this version had given the alternate human Twilight more of a backbone. But for once, I was grateful for Midnight's influence, because this moment prompted me to reply with a slow nod and my own mirrored expression and voice.

"Only if you promise to come home with me."

"I- W-What?"

I grinned despite myself, always taking some form of entertainment taking any Twilight off-guard. "In case we DO defeat Zagreus, and taking you back to your own world doesn't work, you'll come back with me so we can all look for a way of reuniting you back with the people you love. Not to mention, reverting you back from..." I motioned to the new form. "This, if you want."

Of course she'd want that, but it didn't hurt to check, however stupid that sounded.

Twilight was openly agape with the mouth and eyes, regarding her current ally in utter disbelief and hope, yet again, sparkling in those gorgeous eyes. "But... But I couldn't...! What if..." And she looked away again timidly, in contrast by her appearance, staring down at her own hands with sheer worry and skepticism. "What if they don't like me... Or worse, fear me...?"

They probably would. It's a possibility, but only a brief one. "When I explain everything to them, they'll be glad to help; a friend of mine is a friend of theirs too." Twilight's head snapped back to me in shock, and I took advantage to gently cup her dark purple cheek with a small smile. And this time, Twilight didn't blush or look away. "Faith, Twilight. Faith in a friend. What could be more important?"

Though I wouldn't be willing to let any version of my friends - Let alone the love of my life - accompany me in this suicidal mission, I doubt this Twilight was going to let that slide. I didn't understand what her stake was in this, when Starswirl could easily send this teen home at her request. Did she thought she owed me? Likely, but it'd be ludicrous; I owed her far more. A personal quest for retribution? For justice? Because Twilight would never act out of pure vengeance.

But despite her own reasons for joining me on this quest, my heart felt the opposite of burdened, surprisingly, to that as though some things just lifted, giving my chest more room to breathe. From our own warm smiles towards one another, it was clear what Twilight's answer would soon be-

"Oh, how about power? Domination? Ruling? Far more important than putting faith in friends."

The corner of my eye caught the approaching intense heat, throwing myself upwards despite the still-recovering state, and shielding a stunned Twilight like a vampire with throwing the side of my gown upwards like a curtain opposing the powerful fireball, flinching at the impact and smoked which followed. I coughed, greatly that I didn't feel burned and that the fire was utilized completely from magic.

Twilight helped clear away said smoke, her wings doing the trick even though one of them was still partially injured. Together, we both checked if one another was okay with an exchanged glance and smile, before said smiles dropped to stern conviction and glaring upwards at the hovering demon by the center of the lake, slowly descending. Well, moreso glaring on my part, instinctively putting myself between them as a futile barrier.

"Ugh, the pair of you make me sick!" Sunset growled out like throwing a tantrum, the burnt wound ever present. "I've seen romances at Canterlot High that were less pretentious than yours!"

"And you would know. Oh wait! I imagine you weren't exactly a sweet partner for Flash." Out came my steel retort, hands clenching as tightly as red claws looked to be doing.

The corrupted variation of my friend and student scoffed with rolled eyes. "Please, Flash was merely useful for popularity and getting into the inner circles. Nothing more or less. Don't get me started on what a terrible kisser the man was..."

Wasn't about to stick up for the lad, but before I could even state anything else to provoke the woman, Twilight spoke up from behind with sudden boldness. "Using people as tools like that isn't right Sunset! Please, reconsider doing this! There's no need for you to obey that monster; he'll never give you what you want!"

At this, the demonic version of my friend chuckled wickedly, the noise sending an unpleasant shiver down my spine and seeming even to affect the rustling grass and leaves. "The irony, coming from someone who obeyed his whims in a heartbeat, now desperately looking for any means out, even seducing your other self's weakling boyfriend."

"What can I say? She always had that effect." I grinned in spite, motioning with wide arms. "It's me you want, Sunset? Then let's finish this, here and now."


"Rather me than you Twilight!" I snapped firmly without harshness to the lavender teenager, looking over to her momentarily from her protesting tone and expression. "Faith, Twilight... Faith in your friends." I managed a small, tender smile regardless of the potential of more pain and suffering which follows.

Twilight looked deeply hesitant, but I turned back to keep Sunset in my sight at all times, hand pulling out the lightsaber hilt from my pocket slowly. Probably shouldn't have left the screwdriver with Starlight back at in the human world, but oh well. Defeating Sunset and extracting information from her would be the main priority, but now, at this moment, there was a far greater directive that always exceeded all others.

Protect Twilight Sparkle with my life.

Sunset just smirked, one fist glowing in blood dangerous red and motioning up. "Since you seem to have alicorn Princesses and demonic versions of your girlfriend in your mind, Jack, let me remind you that Zagreus and his associate want you alive... However..."



How could I have been so careless?! The sounds of something heavy lifting in the air just giving me enough time to whirl around and witness Twilight get blown back by a magically hurled ancient tree log, throwing her straight to the side with evident pain. Something inside me went cold-


But Sunset was already on the move, knowing my rage and making me impotent, my weapon's hilt flung from my grasp at the sudden speed of Sunset's tackle, smashing my brushed back and head against the wall of the massive tree trunk and inciting my snarl of pain. Alright, that [BEEP]ing hurt...!

But she wasn't done, as I clutched her arms with both hands, Sunset applied her own grip to my neck with growing pressure, red claw digging into fragile skin and being certain to leave marks. Her other limb was blocking my own attempted kicks, showing she knew how I fought back by then. "As I also said earlier..." And the demonic teen leered forward with a sickly smile and malevolent pale blue devilish eyes. "You don't have to be dragged back without pain!"

Christ, those burns looked far more repulsive up close- Kuk...!

Agh... Struggling to... Breathe... Couldn't... Let it... End... LIKE THIS...!



Because, in the midst of my struggles to stop this madwoman cutting off my air supply and render me unconscious, the corner of my blurring eyes caught the purple blur appearing right behind the oblivious wickedly grinning Sunset, that expression of dark glee changing from exactly that to stunned surprise by two arms wrapping upwards beneath her bare pits and over her red shoulders, pulling the demon back with force and letting me regain air to my lungs.

My body collapsed with sliding back against the trunk, more confusion and terror than relief at getting my regular air back, more flabbergasted and deathly worried with what that lavender teen was even doing.

"Let me go! LET ME GO!" But Sunset's enraged demands seemed to have little effect or acknowledgement for Twilight's behalf, the latter forcibly dragging the other demonic teenager backwards and even her swerving her in the direction of the lake. What was she planning...?

Suddenly, it all clicked in my exhausted mind.

The glance in my direction.

Those beautiful violet eyes sparkling.

That small, sweet smile of acceptance.


"No... No...!"

But Twilight ignored my pleas and vain attempt of reaching out, too powerless and recovering myself to do anything to stop her from conducting an insane action. "Faith in your friends, Jack..." Twilight said with that same, beautiful smile.

A smile that would haunt me forever.

With extended long demonic- No, angelic wings, the blue cord over her wound falling with grace to the patch of grass, Twilight lifted herself and a vocally objecting Sunset into the air, providing the most beautiful rise and fall from Twilight Sparkle I will never forget.

Diving straight into the lake with a loud splash.

My own loud voice said everything. "NO! TWILIGHT NO-!" And throwing myself forward-

A white glow emitted from the lake, and I ducked from the explosion of water which followed.


That was what this sensation felt like...

But, at this moment, that didn't matter to me. At this moment, nothing else mattered. Nothing but her...

Always her...

With all the strength and effort I could muster, ignoring the pelting raindrops caused from the implosion beneath the now-emptied lake, I strode forward, teeth grit and eyes set forward determinedly, fighting back the urge to keel over and take a breather. Nothing else mattered... Night else mattered!

She had to be here... She had to be...!

And yet, the sight from the edge almost sent me kneeling forward and rolling down the large hole which had previously occupied the lake, the sight of a familiar teenager, laying down right in the center of all the fish and small puddles. No! NO! I grounded my teeth harder, uncaring if they started to bleed, and pushed onwards down to join her, staggering all the way forward with nary a moment to breathe or consider anything else.

The griffons.

The dragons.


[BEEP] all of that... There was nothing more important than the lavender girl laying with closed eyes right before me-!


My knees buckled over, the emotional damage becoming far too much, but still I trudged onwards, moving with palms and knees towards the woman I... I...

All other thoughts stilled, focused on the lavender woman no longer looking like that corrupted form Cinch had made her turn into... But the shy, awkward yet striking wonderful, amazing beautiful young woman with flowing magenta hair and those gorgeous two stripes of pink and lighter purple, looking far too much like the human version of my Twilight, in her CP attire without the glasses Hasbro had given her for no reason.

No reason... Just as there was no reason for her to what she just did!

Why... Why would you bring yourself to make that choice-

No... No, this wasn't her. It wasn't Twilight's fault in the slightest, it never was... It was me... I was all me... This time...

This time... There was no justifying or excusing this... No one else could take the blame...

"Twilight..." My broken voice croaked, gently scooping the fallen young woman into my quivering arms. No sight of Sunset, but that was far from important right now. "Wake up..." With a few small shakes for encouragement. Never sounded so desperate in my life, eyes feeling like there were stinging. "Wake up... Wake up Twilight...!"

The miracle came true... So why didn't I felt any relief in that small moment...?

Breathtaking, sparkling violet eyes regarded me back, Twilight's beautiful expression soft and seemingly at peace. Don't do this to me love... Don't... Don't... You can't...!

My tearful cheek soon felt cupped by a tender, loving hands, fingers brushing through my unkempt beard and the most angelic smile on Twilight's sweet mouth appeared.

"After all of this is done..."

The quietness and acceptance of her tone was a blow to my chest, feeling my own heart constrict from the HORRIBLE reality this was implying... The glowing around her petite form certainly wasn't helping...! "Twilight...!"

"After you've beaten him..."


"Go home..."

"Don't do this..."

"Go to your friends..."

"I need you... Please Twilight...!"

"And be happy..." One last, beautiful breath, with a Goddess of a smile. "I know I'd be happy to have them, and you, to call my friends..."

And Twilight's warm touch still lingered on my right face, even as the the angel evaporated into glowing purple sparkles ascending straight upwards to the heavens, fading from my distraught and mind-numbed sight over a short time. It was the most beautiful thing I saw that day.


No no no nononononononono...




And I was sure all of Equestria could hear my screams of rage, sorrow and despair.

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