• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter Five: Stardust The Punch-Off

If my brother was here, he would most likely gag or stare in disdain at all the colours and aura of happiness surrounding this place. I can't blame him, but unlike him I'm not entirely prejudiced to bright sappiness, only when it's aimed directly at me. And right now, that wasn't the case. My eyes were occupying themselves by glazing over everything in sight as I sat on the ground, wondering why Twilight even invited me in tagging along with her to explore the town. It was only out of that deal we made the other day that I ACCEPTED. Now here we are, the purple mare in question reading a book on the park bench while I absent-mindedly look over the clean area, doing my best to ignore a certain rambling presence.

Good thing I've learnt to master ignoring everything unpleasant in hearing range.

"-And then she looked around and around, like 'Whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo!'"

...Well, almost mastered.

I sighed in disdain while Twilight shared my enthusiasm with a bland "Uh-huh," obviously having no idea, nor a care, what that Earth Pony was even going on about; some ludicrous story she bore witnessed to. Seriously, why was I here again? The last thing I needed to be given was a MIGRAINE caused by the annoying Pinkie Pie.

A 'Pinkie-Mi' if you will.

Then I heard the unicorn give a "Phew" in relief, inciting me to glance in their direction and give a relieved smile, seeing the pinky pony run in pursuit to bother someone else who rightfully deserves it. "Finally..." I muttered gratefully.

"Hm?" Twilight perked up. "Did you say something?"

"Nothing." I shook my head in reply, raising a curious brow while walking over to her. "If I might inquire: what're you reading, anyway?"

The purple mare shrugged casually. "Oh just something to pass the time with. Nothing you'll find interesting I'm sure."

Is that a fact? "Try me."

A raised brow alongside bemused smile. "See for yourself." My eyes curiously skimmed over the open pages, before I cocked my head at the drivel of different unidentifiable words being presented to me.

"Not a language I'm familiar with, I'm afraid."

"It's ancient. Something rarely read by anypony." Twilight said, returning to the book. "I decided to research and learn the language myself for some time now. You never know just in case."

"Preparing for anything beforehand." I realized, giving an approving nod at her handiness. "Good work."

"Uh... thanks." This time she cast me an amused look, before something obviously crossed her mind. "Oh that's right, you didn't bring any book with you. Sorry, is there anything I can do to keep you from getting bored?"

"Very little." I replied dryly, smirking at the roll of her eyes. "Oh don't act like that, my dear. I'll just pace around and contemplate. That's all I mainly do to pass the time, really."

"Well, aside from those two, is there anything else you do for fun? Like a hobby."

"Those are my hobbies." I shrugged casually. "Plus some more things, but nothing really of interest or significance to others."

Now I unintentionally have Twilight intrigued, as her interest changed from the book to me. "Like what?" She asked with genuine curiosity, as if anything I had to say was important in the slightest.

"As I said; nothing of value."

"Try me."

I raised an amused brow of my own at the tone I had given her earlier. "Well I read... obviously." She nodded patiently. "And I, as my main pastime, also write."

This time both her brows soared, her features positively intrigued. "You're a writer?"

"Well I've never published any books." I admitted sheepishly, shrugging. It wasn't that big a deal anyhow. "Just some stories in my spare time for others to enjoy reading. I'm not quite there yet. I plan to become an author someday." Someday, yes, but that was going to be a very LONG time before such a thing is ever realized.

"Oh." I just noticed then Twilight sat up properly from the bench picking up her book and shifting for me to sit down, which I obliged politely, though not too close to the mare. I'm not sure whether I appreciate the amount of attention she was giving me or not. "You never really struck me as a writer, Stardust."

"Did I ever strike you as anything?"

"Trying, for a start." We both chuckled at the joke. Ahh somehow only this pony is capable of making me laugh in anything but sarcasm or scorn. "So, do others enjoy your work then?"

"I certainly hope so. But my work is... average at best." I confessed sincerely. "I dabble here and there. Writing is arguably the best thing I excel at... if you don't count being a sarcastic grumpy loner." This time it was only I who chuckled. "There are still so many flaws with my writing I wish to correct, and one day will. My profession as an author won't be happening anytime soon."

"So that's your dream then, to become an author." Twilight assumed right off the bat, glancing up at the sky thoughtfully. Just as I was about to correct her, another voice immediately cut in, a tone of panting in it.

"Ah Twilight! Stardust! There you two are!"

Both our heads turned to the exhausted white unicorn, who for some reason ran presumably all the way here. Upon looking up after recovering, there was an expression on Rarity's face I didn't like, along with a sly tone. "Ah... having a lovely stroll in the park together are we?"

I... what?

"Well I do apologize for interrupting your lovely afternoon together!"

Both me and Twilight traded confused glances. What exactly was Rarity insinuating? Unless she meant... uhh... no.

Good God no. Not in a million years. Not if all of existence depended on it. Keep your deranged fantasies to yourself you sickening mare.

"Was there something you needed Rarity?" Twilight asked instead in a puzzled tone while I simply gave the white pony an unamused stare, making it clear I knew exactly what she was getting at and denying it ever happening.

"Oh not much darling, but I have been looking everywhere for you. I merely wish to borrow Stardust, that's all. You don't mind do you?" Wait what? "No need to appear so baffled; you must have known this day would come: the day I, Rarity, finally fix the problem you keep undoubtedly intentionally avoiding!" Now I'm given nothing but simple confusion, replacing the previous disgust I felt in my being.

"...I'm sorry?"

"Your mane, darling!" Rarity answered dramatically while pointing at the hair in question, as though the mere sight of it was appalling.

"What about it?"

That was then I blinked in surprise as I suddenly felt myself shoved forward off the bench as Rarity walked upwards, grabbed my front right hood and tugged, casting me a disapproving look. "A proper gentlecolt knows when to clean himself up after he wakes up. I don't know how you managed to live this long without ever tending to your mane, but I just can't stand seeing an untamed mess like this! It is getting the proper cleaning it deserves!"

Oh... Oh so that's what this was about. "I like it as it is, thank you." I said firmly while trying to pull away, yet the white unicorn remained insistent. Seriously, it wasn't that big a deal. "Twilight, help me out here."

"Grand idea!" Huh? "Twilight dear, why don't you come with us to observe Stardust getting his hair fixed and cleaned neatly. You can even provide tips if you wish." My front free hoof gave me a facepalm.

The purple unicorn tilted her head at me, or more specifically my hair in question. "Well your mane does look as though it hasn't been combed... or washed for that matter in a long time. When was the last time you had a bath anyhow?" Oh come on! Crispity chocolaty Christ; it's such a huge waste of time.

"You're really doing this to me?" I looked back in exasperation as Twilight shrugged casually and stepped off the bench, her book floating idly by as I felt my self being dragged away by an exaggerate unicorn.

"Splendid! Come along then. Oh and Stardust?" I looked back at the innocent smiling Rarity. "I wouldn't recommend running if I were you; that mess of a hair is getting sorted out whether you like it or not." I groaned in loud irritation at the obvious meaning. No deal was worth this! "Then afterwards you and Twilight can continue this lovely little date of yours."

I rolled my eyes in sheer annoyance as Rarity giggled and the purple following unicorn behind us exclaimed in shock. "W-What?!"

Soon, after I can only assume was plenty of time wasted, I sighed for the third time here in annoyance as the white unicorn grinned at my newly-cleaned mane, standing beside me as we looked through the expensive-looking mirror, which would cost a fortune back home I'm sure. That reminds me; how precisely does the economy of Equestria even work? I'm aware they have their own worldwide currency, but that's hardly something the show itself would touch upon. But do ponies even have taxes? Bills to pay? If so, where and who do they go to? The monarchy?

Anyway, my deadpan expression stared right back at me. While I give the exaggerate fashioner credit for her creativity in terms of styling, I would appreciate it if these things were done to me with my consent. Now I look like some handsome high-class horse who prefers letting everyone else worship the ground I walk on.

And that's a bad thing because it's not me.

"Well, you do look better now." Was the first thing Twilight said as Rarity dragged me by the arm around to face her, trying to sound helpful. And... was she restraining a laugh? My stare slowly morphed into a glare as I could feel my irritation and embarrassment rise simultaneously.

"'Better'? Why Twilight darling I think you underestimate the effort I put into this; this style is fit for dashing young stallions with all intent on making every mare around him swoon." I'm not sure whether to take that as a compliment or an implication. Rarity giggled lightly as I raised a brow at her. "Oh of course that's not your intention. But with such lovely fur and cutie mark, my dear, you needed something clean and styled to suit you alongside it, and certainly not something that makes you look like you've been living in a filthy alleyway for quite some time."

Again with my coat? What is with Rarity's fascination? Because it's gold? There have to be some other ponies around here with the exact same shade, correct? I rolled my eyes at the theatrics. Okay, I've spent enough of my time here... hang on...

Rarity designs and creates clothes, yes? So... if I just make a simple request, one friend to another...

"She's right, Stardust, you do look more dashing." Twilight chuckled at my disagreeing frown. "No need to look so negative. If you don't like it that much, I'm sure she'll change it to something else you'd prefer more, right Rarity?" The white mare nodded. "That's settled then. I'm going to check out that bookstore not far from here, then go back to the library to study some things I've been wanting to do. Would you like me to wait for you at the shop?"

I immediately declined with a shake of my head, ignoring the protestant gasp from the dramatic mare beside me. "I'll make it back on my own, thank you. Just be sure to find something interesting at that store."

"I will." Twilight bid a farewell with a smile as she exited through a doorway comprised of velvet with golden outlining curtains.

Good, no further reason to feel embarrassed now... I sighed in relief as Rarity walked a few feet away from me, checking out some work of hers I have entirely no interest with. You know, this place wasn't too bad in terms of the organized department. This pony obviously preferred everything with not one trace of dirt anywhere, as my squinting eyes searched around for one. Nope, not one trace. I can respect that, as I had to resort to cleaning around the library whenever Spike was busy relieving himself with a nap.

That lazy dragon. Just what does he do besides send letters to Celestia anyhow? I'll have to ask when I return later. Right now I have an idea; a way to resolve my current crisis with this damn girly cutie mark of mine.

"You're quite the mystery, you know." I then heard Rarity speak up, inciting me to look at her questionably with her back still turned, doing something with her magic. "Twilight thinks so as well."

"Is that so?" I asked curiously. So they found me an enigma hmm? "I dare say there's anything fascinating about me my dear."

"Quite the contrary darling." Rarity replied smoothly, turning to me with a raised intrigued brow. "There are things about you that are begging to be looked into. Me and the girls discussed this while preparing your party days ago (with the exception of an exhausted Applejack who arrived late). Your little confession to Twilight about the lack of understanding friendship only gave us more curiosity. I understand you prefer to keep to yourself, but there are some things about you that I dare call..."

They're not the only ones who are intrigued now. "Yes...?" I pressed on politely, leaning forward slightly as the white mare seemed to purse her lip.

"...Worrisome, to be accurate about it." Huh? "Oh nothing in terms of danger, I assure you!" Rarity added quickly when seeing my expression. "I simply meant there are things about you that don't add up, from your usage of vocabulary, which is understandable seeing as you're from a far-off land, to your apparent knowledge."

The differences in our use of languages I can understand but... "'Apparent knowledge'?"

She looked as though she was about to add more, but to my disappointment, something snapped her out of it. Rarity shook her head as she then looked back to her work. "My apologies. I have no intention to pry. But I'm not so sure about the others, especially Twilight. I can only warn you, Stardust, that there are many things about you that warrant discovering."

"Some things are better off not knowing, Rarity."

"Hmm perhaps. But that might not prevent them from attempting to find out regardless."

"Let them try." I said instantly with a hint of challenge, smirking at my own self-assurance. "They will get little answers from me, depending on their questions. But I appreciate you for telling me this." I added sincerely, glad now I have an excuse to keep my guard up at all times.

So they suspected me now. I cursed myself for my recklessness; I should've been more careful. No doubt Twilight, along with Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash, would try to discover their mysterious friend who came out of nowhere and knew all about the return of the dreaded Nightmare Moon, in addition to the stampede a while back and how I showed no reaction to Twilight returning the two tickets.

Let this be a lesson to myself: tread more carefully. One I will take to heart... and most likely one I will easily screw up no problem.

Sometimes I hate myself...

"You can turn that gratitude into a promise you won't tell any of the girls anything I've said about them."

I laughed, causing Rarity to glance at me in confusion. "My dear, I don't make promises. Now, with that settled, I was wondering... do you have anything blue in the market?"

I love it.

That's exactly what I told the hesitant, then eventually pleased, Rarity after I adorned the dark blue cloak I'm currently wearing now on my way back to the library. The process of choosing what to wear went more smoothly than I thought, as this fabric was one of the untouched work the white unicorn had yet to accessorize. Disappointment was evident on her features when after I won in the argument of giving the cloak, as she addressed it, "purpose," no I was more pleased and satisfied at the simplistic design; nothing to make it stand out, and to hide that hideous mark on my rump. Rarity had relented in the end, reluctant to give up but at the same time elated to have helped a friend out.

I didn't even have to pay for it, as a token of friendship.

The accomplished grin on my face wouldn't wipe off, and I doubt it will do so for a while, on my walk back to the tree-house, nodding politely to every passing pony. What made me feel even more pleased was the fact I 'edited' my hair a little while walking by a store window. As if I was going to keep that deranged style the white mare had forced on me back there.

So, there was a benefit in being dragged to her fashion store after all.

And did I mention I love this cloak? It covers almost my entire body from the back of my neck to near the end of my hind legs; if that's not close to decency I don't know what is. This will probably be the thing I'll wear everyday during my time in this colourful world. I just hope I don't jinx myself while walking back to where Twilight and perhaps Spike were waiting.

Plus it did its main purpose nicely: covering up that hideous excuse of a cutie mark of mine.

You know it had occurred to me, while I was walking down this pathway. Of all places I could have ended in, why Equestria? Why this universe specifically? Why not the Star Wars galaxy? Why not Kingdom Hearts? Pokémon? Yu-Gi-Oh? BioShock?

Okay maybe not BioShock; the last thing I needed was to be in the presence of raving lunatics-

"Hey there Stardust!"

Speaking of someone who belonged in Rapture.

My jump of shock was instantaneous while taking a few steps back at the ecstatic face of Pinkie Pie right in front of me. And just like that my elated mood vanished. Incredible, how did she do it?

Oh I know, by nearly giving me a heart attack!

"Hello Pinkie..." I replied hesitantly after taking a few breathes to calm down. "Is there something you wanted...?"

Instead of answering like any well-mannered person - pony dammit! - I felt something shoved right into my chest, my front limbs immediately seizing whatever the pink mare had just given me. It felt rather hard and cold. A cookie? I glanced down at the treat in question as the energetic Pinkie spoke in that fast tone.

"It's a leftover cookie I made after the rest I baked were quickly eaten by customers of Sugarcube Corner. I thought I'd give it to you as a sign of our everlasting fantastical wonderful friendship!"

"...If I eat this will it get you to shut up?" I inquired, eyes still on the sugary snack looked more in an unusual shape than the average cookie. Hearing no answer, my eyes glanced up to find the pony had suddenly disappeared. Oh, maybe she's found someone else to annoy. Still... it was kind of her to do this. Plus I can't simply allow a good cookie to go to waste. And there was chocolate chips in it.

Hakuta Matata.

I was then certain even the creatures living in the far off mountains could hear my scream of pain when my teeth clamped down on the hard treat.

"Will you hold still for just a moment?"

I hate my life I hate my life Ihatemylife IHATEMYLIFE-!

"Stardust I can't fix your teeth while you're moving around like that." Twilight protested in exasperation as my head kept writhing in reaction to the pain that infernal pink pony had caused me. Here I was now, in a sitting position as the purple unicorn worked to return my teeth to their natural self. "Try to concentrate on something if it hurts too much, or better yet think of something to occupy your thoughts. That will lessen the pain."

Oh my dear Twilight, I have so many thoughts in mind... in relation to avenging my poor teeth against that damned mare- OW!

I regret saying Hakuta Matata to myself now... ever.

"Hold still." The intelligent pony ordered when she seized the chance to grab my jaw to hold me steady, inspecting my white damaged helpful things. "Hmm, alright I know just the spell for this, but I need you to be prepared for it. Don't worry, it won't hurt." She added after seeing my slack-jawed expression at the lack of assurance in her tone. "Well, not so much I think."



Hardly if you're unprepared yourself- ARGH!

Okay... okay. My eyes immediately clamped shut as I felt some tickling, slightly painful sensations happening to the inside of my mouth. Then finally concluded as the pain slowly evaporated away, feeling as though minutes had passed by since the start of the process. My eyes lids slid open at the same time as Twilight, who looked gratified and...


"You look better now." The observant Spike commented helpfully while walking over, sincerely glad for it for whatever reason. But my attention was on the unusually-acting unicorn.

"Twilight?" I asked, a trace of concern in my tone as both I and the lizard looked at her.

The mare was slowly panting, as though the work had apparently taken quite a bit of energy out of her. "I'm fine." She said after a moment, looking at me with a raised curious brow after recovering from her momentary exhaustion. "But for some reason, I don't know how, it took quite a lot of my magic to focus it on you Stardust."

"Maybe you've already exerted your magic alot today?" I suggested, unsure what she was getting at.

Twilight shook her head. "That's not what I meant; I'm saying I had to concentrate with a majority of my magic exclusively on you."

"On me?" Now I was just simply confused. What was she saying?

Staring at me as though I was a puzzle in need of solving, the purple mare then shook her head as though it was something to think about for a later time. "Never mind. Maybe I did exert a lot of my magic today. What's important now is how you did that to your own teeth."

Then suddenly that boiling rage returned, my eyes and features hardening in remembrance while Spike and Twilight blinked at the change. "That damn pink pony. Offering me a cookie which turned out to be a rock painted in the colours of a treat." How could I have been so stupid? It was suspicious looking from the start, but still!

"You mean Pinkie Pie." I nodded in clear distaste. Twilight sighed in equal annoyance. "You're not the only one who was tricked, Stardust." Prank?! I would hardly call breaking the entire set of my teeth a mere joke! "She and Rainbow Dash traded my writing ink with an invisible one."

AND Rainbow Dash? Oh this just gives me so many excuses to exact vengeance.

"And they also gave me the hiccups earlier by scaring me!" Spike added, not as apparently irritated as us two. "It was very funny."

"You two got off easy then." I grumbled with a frown. "I'll be sure to repay them in kind..." By dropping a boulder on them. Or maybe I'll break their teeth and see how THEY like it.

An amused look at my murderous one. "I wouldn't bother Stardust." Twilight said calmly. "You'll just stoop to their level." But not their level of height when I strangle the life out of the two annoying mares and leave them a heap on the floor.

...I miss my hands.

"By the way, nice cloak Stardust." The lizard complimented, and I couldn't resist the small smile played on my muzzle. The Spike cocked his head, looking shockingly thoughtful. "With that and your beard... You look like a magician."

A-A what?

"I do?" And no offense in that tone, I was genuinely curious. My eyes sought for the mirror and found it... huh, yeah I see what he meant. "Huh." I made a sound of amusement. "Well don't expect me to pull out a rabbit anytime soon." The thoughts of any plans of revenge on the Earth Pony and pegasus were pushed away to the back of my mind... oh I'll get back at those two for sure.

Twilight snorted as she returned to her work, writing some notes alongside some chemicals I dare not ask what they were for. "Nor any flowers to please your audience." She added jokingly.

"If said audience wasn't comprised entirely of you, than no." I replied plainly, chuckling as I heard the sound of the quill being dropped while retreating downstairs to the kitchen, an idea popping up in my mind. "Now do me a favour you two, I wish to try something out; please do not enter the kitchen until I say so."

It's already been a long day and I was hungry, despite the fact it was just reaching the afternoon. Besides, I have an idea, a way to repay the two residents of this house for their kind hospitality. It's been a while since I've done this... and by that I mean years. All I needed to do was find the right ingredients... and not botch up due to these hooves.

The clearly ecstatic dragon delightfully took another bite, savouring the taste. "Mmm! You've really outdone yourself Stardust; these are delicious!" I flinched a little at the mouthful-sounding of food while he was addressing me, despite the compliment. I simply nodded, having taken it upon myself to wash away the used utensils and items for baking the treats.

"He's right Stardust, these brownies are fantastic!" Twilight pitched in, sounding genuinely happy at the snacks I've baked exclusively for them and the others. "But you didn't really have to do this for us. Why don't you join us?"

I shrugged indifferently, my back to the pair eating the treats. "I wanted to, as thanks for taking care of me since my arrival in this town. And I'm fine over here thanks." And there was no sarcasm this time, this was pure truth. It just... felt right to repay these two for their kindness... and the comfort they have given to me that night after my stomping out of the party. "Just be sure not to eat them all, Spike, some of those are for the others." I added, knowing full well that lizard will eat everything in sight if permitted.

"Yes sir!" I rolled my eyes, though humorously, as the dragon probably saluted in his gratitude.

It had been both frustrating and satisfying, making those brownies I have always excelled in baking. There was no other finer dish I could do brilliantly. What was frustrating about making them was the fact of using my new body's limbs in baking the chocolaty treats. I counted forty-two sighs of annoyance and thirty-six gritting of my teeth in the process. Never mind the fact of my concern that since it has been a long time I baked such things, my food may have lost that spark everyone back home seemed to adore. Even after an exhausting amount of an hour making the brownies I was hesitant in even calling the pony and dragon in.

But it looks like there was no need of concern after all.

"You always somehow manage to take us by surprise, you know." Twilight began behind me. "This morning you told me you were a writer, now you've shown us you can bake and wash up after yourself as well. Is there anything you can't do?"

Was that unintentional sarcasm? Whatever I won't allow it to get to me. "Lots of things, actually." I admitted with a tone of humour. "Like become a monarch's student with far more intelligence than every pony in this town combined."

I glanced over my shoulder at the blushing purple mare looking down, pausing from her devouring the plate of brownies presented before her. Spike meanwhile snickered at the state of her while my smile grew. I couldn't help it, that happy feeling I rarely had the privilege of having back home was rising up, ready to explode like a volcano within me.

And before you ask; no, I am NOT flirting with a pony. I'm just simply teasing the unicorn, that's all. There are so many things wrong with hitting on an entirely different creature otherwise.

"I'm not as smart as you make me out to be. But thank you..." Twilight admitted quietly, yet sounding quite gratified too.

I scoffed not unkindly while cleaning the last of the equipment. "Ask anyone; they'll provide an equal if not better answer."

"He's got you there Twilight." Spike said knowingly. And who knows better about you than your own assistant? "Mmm. I just can't get enough of these; they're almost as delicious as crystals!" Good grief Spike! No need to hammer it in. They're not perfect for Christ's sake!

"I'm glad you like them." I said sincerely.

"Like them? I love them." Spike declared rather happily. "You should bake these more often." It's a good thing I've lost the ability to blush a long time ago.

A pause as I turned off the tap, proceeding to dry the items before the purple mare spoke up again.. "You're right Spike, these brownies are very well done! Thank you Stardust, despite there being no need for you to bake them for us."

"Oh I told you, there was plenty of need my dear." I replied conversely. "I had to repay you both somehow for allowing me to stay, tolerating my attitude to this day." How they managed to deal with my isolated grumpy mood, I do not know. "And for fixing my teeth earlier. Please, allow me." I said after turning around to see the already empty plates in front of them. And they obliged with happy smiles that for some reason brought some sort of warmness within me. What the-?

... Doesn't matter; I'll probably return to my previous mood later.


There, after spending all the next morning seeking out my target all over town, telling a suspicious Twilight I was simply going out for a jog, I've found her. If someone told me long ago I would one day start going out looking for Pinkie Pie or Rainbow Dash for any reason, I would probably declare that person insane and in need to be treated as soon as possible.

But alas, that day has finally come. I stomped over towards the slow-walking Earth Pony, making it clear I'm not here for fun and games (when am I ever?), as Pinkie Pie was heading in my direction anyway. Perfect, now I can lecture this idiotic mare for that ridiculous harmful prank pulled on me yesterday.

"Oh... hey Stardust. Nice cape."

"Don't 'oh hey Stardust, nice cape' me." I snapped sternly, glaring at the halted pony with clear distaste, apparently not expecting this at all. I don't blame her, because any sensible pony would do their best to avoid rather than confront her. "We need to have a little chat about that reckless prank you pulled on me yesterday, and why it was arguably the most idiotic thing ever conjured up from both your and that pegasus' minds-"

"Oh, that. I'm really sorry about that." Pinkie interrupted, causing me to blink at the unusual somber tone. "And so is Rainbow Dash, I think. But I'm really not in the mood right now, so..." My expression reflected my simple confusion as the Earth Pony then brushed past me, looking genuinely upset over something...

Okay what was that about?

Hang on! "What you believe a simple apology will make up for breaking my teeth?" I said in disbelief, turning around and walking beside the pink depressed pony. "My teeth! Which, I might add, I already get enough criticism from my own mother for not brushing properly. But regardless, that prank was childish and most of all, dangerous. Just imagine if-"

"Stardust." I was cut off abruptly again by the strange tone unfitting for Pinkie's character, and I was even more taken back by the side-glare given in return to me. "Please, I can't do this right now. I'm really sorry for breaking your teeth..." Then she sighed and looked up as I stared in an expression I could describe for myself as 'flabbergasted'. "Maybe Twilight was right..."

"Huh?" I raised a brow. Was she trying to change the subject?

"Maybe Gilda isn't a big mean grumpy meanie pants." She continued redudantly. ...What? Gilda?

"Who's Gilda?" I couldn't help but ask. Wait, searching my own memories now... nope, doesn't ring a bell.

"Rainbow Dash's griffon friend." Pinkie Pie explained in that depressive tone. The hell's a griffon? It sounded familiar...

Wait, is this a Pinkie Pie AND Rainbow Dash-oriented episode happening right now? If so should I just go back to bed?

"Maybe I'm just a jealous judgmental jealous jealously pants." Three 'jealous' in one sentence. Congratulations Pinkie Pie, another award of randomness for you. And why am I still walking with her to wherever she was going?

I halted briefly as the pink usually-happy pony sighed sadly while heading who-knows-where, frowning at the different behaviour. Who was she... and what did she do with the real Pinkie Pie? Well whoever she was, the clear depression was enough to damper any observer's mood, mine included...

Gone dammit. I sighed in irritation as I followed the pony. I can't stay mad while she's in this state. Better go see what the problem truly was...

"Seriously, Pinkie Pie, what is this depression about?" I asked again in exasperation while rubbing where I presume my temples were when the pink Earth Pony refused to answer from the other end of the table, sucking the straw of her delicious-looking shake instead. I shouldn't be caring. I really shouldn't. But the sooner she feels better, the sooner I can then yell at her for yesterday's prank without any feeling of guilt whatsoever.

Foolproof plan-

"Get down!" Pinkie Pie then ordered after we both heard a surreal sound behind me. Nonetheless I immediately obliged, ducking half my body under the round table and eyes glancing up at the laughter above alongside Pinkie-

What the hell is that?!

"That was sweet!" The arrogant Rainbow Dash said loudly, following a... a... Just what is that?! It looks like something out of The Wizard of Oz! No, more like something Dr. Suess drew. "Ugh. I gotta take care of a few weather jobs around here; shouldn't take long." I squinted hard at the now distant pegasus, talking to that thing beside her.

"Pinkie..." I said slowly while my eyes were still fixed on the new creatures. "Mind telling me what in God's name I'm looking at?"

"That's her: Gilda." She replied somberly. That thing is Rainbow Dash's old friend? "Half-eagle. Half-lion. The one who's been occupying Rainbow's time more than me-" I stopped listening, mind processing the fact that what was right in front of me was apparently the combination of two of nature's greatest animals. A lion... and an eagle. And I thought the manticore was awesome! But this?! This knocks it out of the park!

And yet... my head tilted in suspicion, I find its appearance rather... unsettling. Not out of prejudice, God no! But there was something, an aura about it- her, that I find puts me on edge. Maybe it's the face, the expression. I don't know.

My answers came to me when the griffon decided to play a poor unfunny prank on the old pony I recognized as Granny Smith, inciting my frown.

"Aww poor Granny Smith! She didn't know it was a joke! How mean!"

"A childish heart attack-inducing joke." I said in agreement, before raising a brow at the indignant pink pony. "Reminds of you of someone?"

"I said I was sorry!" Pinkie exclaimed at me, before looking back and shaking her head. "No no, I can't misjudge her. It was kind of a funny prank. I guess." Pinkie you were born to make me roll my eyes. Nonetheless I continued observing Rainbow Dash's friend with her.

Stealing an apple and then eating it? Oh how crude of you Miss Gilda...

A sharp gasp behind me. "I did misjudge her! She's not only a mean meanie pants, she's also a thief." I nodded at the observation thoughtfully. "No no no no no, she might give it back."


I sent the pink pony a disbelieving stare. "From her stomach?" No, it was clear this griffon was not to be trusted. "Now is not the time for you to try and be rational about this, Pinkie Pie. She's obviously someone you can't rely on." I hate to say this, but maybe even Rainbow Dash was in trouble of being terribly influenced into causing more trouble than she already does...

"You don't know that Stardust. Maybe it was just a joke."

I was about to retort as my eyes then fixed on a certain yellow pegasus guiding a pair of ducks and their children passed us. "Alright little ones, this way." Fluttershy said kindly to the animals, no doubt escorting them to a river. That's probably the nicest way I've ever seen someone treat animals without looking online for videos of such-


"Oh... excuse me."

"I'm walking here!"

"Oh. U-um I'm s-sorry." Fluttershy stuttered in her feeble attempts of apologizing to the rude combination of prideful creatures. "I-I was just trying to-"

But the griffon was having none of it, mocking in a tone that caused my glare to harden. "'I'm sorry I'm sorry'! Why don't you just watch where you're going doofus!" The ducks and their youth scattered as the taller creatures advanced on the retreating pegasus. And I can already feel the heat of a rising rage within me boil to intense degrees...

No... No Stardust, you're beyond this. You're not supposed to get emotionally invested in anyone here-

"B-b-b-b-but I-I-"

Yet I don't like that deep breath the griffon just took... And I covered my ears at the loud screech undoubtedly meant to intimidate the poor pony... and it worked. My eyes widened and jaw fell wide open as Fluttershy ran off in tears, and I felt my own cold heartstrings behind pulled at the devastated sight of her departure.

It was enough to make any teenage man shed a tear...

...Pinkie Pie, you better hold me down right now...

"Ugh, please; all these lame ponies are driving me- ARGH!"

The next thing I knew, was the awful arrogant griffon crashing right into a stand of various fruits, features that of shock before it dipped into the fallen wood and fruit. And my own body was suddenly in the middle of the gasping crowd, a curled hoof extended widely at the direction the thing with wings had fallen into. Deep heavy breaths were slowly inhaling and exhaling from my lungs, as the ignited fury within me unleashed at that second.

"Stardust!" I heard the surprised Pinkie Pie exclaim from behind me, while some of the town's residents immediately went to check on the hurt creature lying in the ruined stand, colours of fruit splattered all over.

I... I don't know what came over me... but right now I didn't care; that inferno within me roared in delight at the sight of the big bird in that state, and I couldn't restrain the pleased smirk on my features for causing it. Right now my impulses begged for more, desiring to rip off that griffon's wings and hang them on a nearby wall.

I don't normally approve of violence, ESPECIALLY against any female but... Nah screw it this was entirely excusable.

My eyes narrowed as the thing recovered from her stupor and leaped out of the fallen stand, standing in a height meant for intimidation and glaring at the source for hitting her into it with distaste. Tell you what my dear; loving the bruised mark on your cheek. It rather suits you. "You... You hit me... How dare you...!"

Those words made me scoff loudly, drawing all ponies attention onto me as I spoke heatedly. "How dare I? Considering the circumstances of you unnecessarily making that poor pony cry it was entirely justified. As it's just as clear to the crowd around us, you are clearly an unwanted presence around here, Miss... Gilda was it not? Run on back to where you came from."

"Or what?" She asked dangerously, features just as hardened as I as we both dropped into prepared crouched stances, which came quite naturally to me now. Must be a defense mechanism instilled in all pony kind.

"Or I will pluck every last feather off your body." I replied darkly, ignoring the loud gasps of shock and horror around me at the bold words. But I took hidden delight at the widening of her own eyes before they glared at me with such hatred.

Hatred... What did she know about such an emotion?

I raised an amused brow as the griffon then took a deep breath and roared loudly at me, my own mane flowing wildly at the sound-waves. Well at least I can tell Rarity a griffon messed up my hair...

But yeah; two can play that game.

Oh how I enjoyed the sight of fear and shock on her face as I roared back, maybe not quite as powerful as her own, but enough to show I wasn't someone to be taken lightly, if socking her into a stand wasn't enough of a message. Finishing, I then said plainly. "I can do this all day my dear."

"You're insane." The horrified griffon finally announced after a moment, before quickly turning and departing into the air, determined to get very far away from her assaulter as soon as possible. "But you will pay for hitting me regardless, you foolish stallion!"

"I look forward to it!" I called to her retreating figure, disappearing among the clouds. Good, that's her sorted and put in her place. I feel rather accomplished; vengeance exacted for poor Fluttershy. I felt all eyes on me and I shrugged to the crowd. "You wouldn't have done the same?" Referring to the spectacle just now.

Without awaiting an answer, I turned and gave a nod to the stilled Pinkie Pie, before briskly walking off, having absolutely no intention to stick around and be the center of attention any more than needed.

Now for something I would consider a challenge...

But... Where exactly did that sudden strength come from...?

"You punched her in the face?"

I sighed, my common sense having returned to me a while after that little confrontation with the griffon, as the incredulous mare asked me the same question three times now. "I assure you, Twilight, I don't like violence as much as you do. But in this case... well." I replied simply, while walking past the shelves, then frowning in annoyance as rows of books suddenly spawned to life and formed a wall, prevented me from going further forwardly.

Of course I had to inform Twilight of what just happened today, otherwise someone else would've, and could have given her the wrong impression. As soon as I returned, I immediately doused a whole glass of water to cool down the righteous fury, before going to the concerned purple mare and lizard about the events.

"I'm still trying to wrap my mind around this reckless thing you've done, Stardust! You punched her, an innocent griffon, Rainbow Dash's friend, in the face?"

"Innocent? Hardly." I scoffed while finally turning to face the disapproving unicorn. "The situation was far from unwarranted. I did what I had to."

But of course, the disbelieving Twilight Sparkle was having none of it. She pointed at me as though I was some sort of criminal, and it only got on my nerves more. "The reason behind hitting her is irrelevant-"

"Even for upsetting Fluttershy?"

"Especially for upsetting Fluttershy!" She continued heatedly. "You should never use violence on anyone, no matter the circumstance. What you did was unprovoked, idiotic and could have gotten you in serious trouble. But no; you chose to pick a fight, on a griffon of all things!" Wow and here I thought only my mother could nag so hard...

Watching from the side, Spike said with a tone suggesting he was impressed. "I for one didn't know you had it in you Stardust." Both both mine and Twilight's gazes were focused on each other.

The frown on my face was beginning to hurt. "All I did was give her a message; Ponyville does not tolerate bullies."

"Or you could have given her the message that Ponyville was filled with violent ponies! Besides, don't you know it's wrong to hit a female?"

"...Do tomboys count?"


I shrugged regardless. "Well, if it works."

The unicorn sighed in annoyance and shook her head in clear disappointment. "I can't believe you..."

Okay this was getting out of hand. "Look, I lost control, alright?" I snapped in irritation, now glaring at the taken aback pony. "I'm not going to excuse my instincts. I AM sorry I lost control of myself like that. But God forbid was I going to allow that griffon to continue bullying anyone any further. Granny Smith did nothing to deserve being frightened like that. That shopkeeper did nothing to have her fruit stolen like that. And Fluttershy, certainly, did nothing to deserve such harsh behaviour thrown at her. I merely gave just desserts, that's all."

"That's far from all, Stardust!" It was my turn to blink at the snappish tone as Twilight then thrust a hoof straight into my chest. "Maybe Gilda was acting like a bully, but your actions today didn't solve anything, it only made you stoop down to her level-"

"Don't. Ever. Compare me to the likes of her." I growled, having the sudden urge to punch the rows of blocking books behind down, instead swiftly knocking her hoof off me, inwardly flinching at the wince on her face. "I don't hawk (pun not intended) on the innocent just because it amuses me. Tell me something, Twilight." I began furiously. "Have you ever been bullied? Have you experienced being picked on by mindless brutes?"

The purple unicorn then frowned uncertainly. "Well I-"

"Exactly." I interrupted her through gritted teeth. "I'm not proud of what I did today-" Oh who am I kidding? There was some slight enjoyment out of it. "- But it was justified. You clearly have no idea what you are talking about, which is rather ironic don't you think?"

Twilight looked rather hesitant then. "What are you saying?"

So she wanted answers? Then I'll humour her. "I'm saying that while you have a vast amount of knowledge in that pretty little head of yours." I pointed to the forehead in question. "Doesn't mean you can lecture someone about something you've never experienced. You can only advise, comfort those who are in need of it, or better yet, help them."

That said, I began walking around the wall of literature, speaking over my shoulder at the unicorn. "Don't pretend you know me, Twilight Sparkle. I am something you nor your friends can ever comprehend. So do me a favour and allow me some peace. I'll be in my room."

"Stardust... Wait-" I blocked out her pleading voice as I walked up the staircase, my fixed on nothing in particular. She didn't understand... Nor could she understand... None of them could comprehend the mystery that was me.

And it will stay that way.

Okay. Maybe I WAS a tad exaggerate in my behaviour earlier.

But let's face it, I wasn't going to allow myself to be lectured by a pony. My pride demanded otherwise. So I was rude to Twilight... perhaps a little too rude... Oh well, no time for regretting it anyhow. Spike had knocked on the door earlier stating he and Twilight were going to some party Pinkie Pie is hosting, granted my silence when he inquired if I was coming. So that left me with my temporary bedroom filled with so many books. I haven't read them all yet, and if I'm lucky, I'll be gone before then.

Because right now I felt like a horrible person. Oh not for hitting that griffon. Hell no. But more of snapping at the unicorn, who was innocent in all of this.

I probably shouldn't have told her...

And that lesson I vowed to take to heart yesterday about being more discreet?

Yeah, broken, just like that. I can't even keep promises to myself.

Pacing around the room in my frustration, I took note how sunset was already approaching. The two have been gone for a while now, as far as I can tell. Should I just pack up and leave, no longer become a nuisance to the two and everyone else in this happy-go-lucky town? Is my presence in Ponyville an inconvenience? Perhaps I can somehow send a letter to Celestia herself, requesting asylum within her own castle walls- no. No that's too much to ask for.

So what then?

My body halted and eyes gazed at the resting sun, as though possibly seeking some advice from it. Speaking of which, where was Specter when I needed him? Surely he must see by now I am unfit for befriending others in this cheery world, and should send me home as quickly as possible.

I don't belong here-

My head swiftly turned to a polite knocking on my door.

Now who could that be? Twilight? Probably, no doubt wishing to continue the first genuine fight we've had during my stay here. Spike? Obviously he would be there to try and cheer me up, not that I deserve it. Or... oh I swear to God, as I walk over towards the door with a heavy frown on my features, if that griffon somehow found me, or someone escorted her here, looking for revenge, I'm going to clip her wings literally-

"Oh! Hello Stardust."

Immediately my expression of anger cooled down, replaced with confusion at the yellow pegasus shyly greeting me. Beside her was Twilight herself, frowning at me when I glanced at her in question. "Um... hello Fluttershy. Is there something I can help you with?"

"Oh... well, we were wondering... if we can come in? Just for a minute?" The soft-hearted pony asked lightly, avoiding my gaze after asking that question.

"...Sure." I replied, my tone riddled with uncertainty as I stepped back and allowed the two ponies entry, the pair looking around the room as though it was something of interest. What did they want exactly? "So what was it I can help you with?" I asked, curiosity with a hint of caution.

Despite Fluttershy's well-mannered fragile nature, I knew for a fact there was something unsettling within her rarely shown unless in extreme circumstances. And even I'm not foolish enough to have reason to provoke such a reaction.

"Well... um..." The pegasus began rather hesitantly, glancing at the patient purple mare who gave her an encouraging nod, then looked at me face-to-face, taking a deep breath before continuing. "Twilight told me what you did to Gilda..." Ahh, of course, why am I not surprised? "And to tell you that um, what you did, was a teensy tiny little bit of an overreaction-"

"I know I went too far."

Both ponies blinked at the blunt agreement. "Y-You do?"

"Of course." But my voice held no sympathy for the griffon. "It was childish, impulsive and careless of me to engage physical assault on her. And I am sorry for losing control."

Fluttershy just stared at me for a moment. "Um... well, I'm glad you know you went too far... but, that's not all."

I raised a brow. What more could there be, a lecture? "If you're going to start telling me off for it, you may as well- Huh?" I was cut off by myself at the rather abrupt hug the yellow pegasus was giving me. ...Okay this I did not expect. What was I being given a pat on the back for hitting a griffon? What reason was this mare embracing me so?

"Thank you..." She then whispered. "For defending me like you did."

Still... My hoof carefully reached up and gently stroked the long bright pink mane, as a way of comforting her. Rather soft. Ponies enjoy being lightly stroked right?

Finally the pony released with a tinge of pink on her own face for some reason. Did she never hug a male before? A feet away Twilight was observing with a puzzled expression on her face. What, it was a simple hug was it not?

"Well I best be going now, thank you for your time." Fluttershy bowed her head politely with a light smile before walking past me, halfway through the doorway before a sudden thought caused me to call out.

"Fluttershy." The yellow pegasus turned to me in question.

Now Stardust, tread rationally here. You've kept saying to yourself you should not become invested with any of these ponies too much. For once, your brain begs of you, do NOT listen to your heart and start properly caring for any of these creatures-!

"If anyone ever treats as such like that griffon did... or even worse, inform me right away." I told her sternly yet not unkindly.

...If it had the capability my brain would be facepalming itself right now.

"Oh! I-I don't know; I wouldn't want to cause any more trouble-"

"It'll only be trouble if you keep allowing yourself to be picked on like that."

At the happy nod, the kind mare then left the room, and I can hear the distant footsteps of departure. Great, now that's one pony taken care of-

"That 'griffon' has a name you know."

Time to deal with the other. I scoffed and looked over my shoulder at the frowning Twilight. "No doubt you're still mad for the argument earlier."

"...I can't pretend I'm still not infuriated with your actions today." The unicorn sighed in her admittance. "But I'm glad you've learnt your lesson, at least. Besides, I'm here because I have two things to say."

"As long as they're not lectures, I'm all ears." I shrugged while the purple mare then looked away in thought, looking surprisingly somber which incited me to frown.

"You're wrong."

"Excuse me?"

"You're wrong, about me never experiencing being the victim of a bully." Twilight continued, a look in her eyes I can only describe best as haunted. "I was picked on when I was younger, back during my studies as a filly." Oh no she's not doing this... "I was... constantly mocked for my devotion to my study of magic, called all sorts of various names and insults."

"Sounds to me they were just envious." I pointed out quietly.

A sad smile. "But I got through, in the end. Despite all the grievances they caused me, I never gave up in my pursuit of learning." The unicorn then lifted her eyes towards me, and I couldn't help but stiffen at the open soul reflected in those purple orbs. "So yes Stardust, I do understand what it's like to be bullied... And I think you do too."

A lengthy welcomed pause, me looking away quickly as the mare attempted to search my own eyes for the similar experience. It wasn't long before I spoke again, staring into the sunset from my window, cursing how my voice was straining. "I was born... unique." There. I said it. And that's all you're getting love.

"In what way?" Twilight asked softly, approaching me which had me shrink away.

"In a way that had me become a target for mindless brutes." I replied harshly, then shaking my head as unpleasant memories pounded against the walls I trapped them with in my mind. I have no reason to recall such things. "I do not wish to speak about it, Twilight, I'm not as open as you are. You're a nice girl, and so are the others. That said, the less you learn more about me, the better. But..." I sighed reluctantly. "I'm... sorry you had to go through such in your younger days."

"The past is in the past. And I'm sorry you got bullied too." From the corner of my eye I saw her shrug, looking at me with that sympathy I don't need. "But, you know, if you ever want to talk about it, I'm all ears."

"I appreciate it." I then raised a brow at her as a recent memory just struck me. "You mentioned you had another thing to say."

"Ah, yes. I was wondering, you said yesterday that you were a writer."

"I am." Where is this going?

"So you enjoy reading fiction, correct?"

"Above all other reading materials, yes."

"Do you have any specific taste of genre?"

I shrugged. "Just about anything that has a good story to it, really."

The purple mare nodded and proceeded on her way out, but I heard her voice call out from behind before she departed. "Oh, by the way, Rainbow Dash will want a word with you soon about the way you 'handled' Gilda." I rolled my eyes. "But I think those brownies you baked yesterday that I brought to the party today will compensate as an apology."

"Wait, you did what?!" I exclaimed in shock as I quickly turned around to a chuckling Twilight who shut the door behind her, leaving me to do nothing but begin pacing again in disbelief at the gall of her, yelling my frustration to the ceiling.

She took those brownies, the ones I baked, to the party? Without my consent?! That... She...!

"Dammit Twilight!"

To be continued...

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