• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 147: Love Will Never Be Doomed

Talk about a welcome brigade.

Consisting of dragons.

Both the alicorn accompanying me and I were in brief awe of what awaited us upon arrival to the volcanic region housing the infamous reptiles of Equestria. As though thoroughly prepared for us, dragons of adult and teen sizes stood in perfect positions between a narrow path for Twilight and I to navigate, all staring straight ahead with intense expressions. Evidently our host emphasized how important this meeting was.

At Twilight's nudge, I spotted the sapphire dragon at the end waiting for us, flanked by two burly guards, scepter in claw. Both the mare and I strode down the path cleared for our approach, feeling moreso confident than nervous. Ember was not only a friend to myself now, but Twilight, Spike, Rarity and by extension all of our friends. That focused look on the dragon's face shifted to a wide smirk the closer we got, looking positively smug about something.

"I was starting to worry you forgot all about us, 'O great Stalwart."

"Me?" I motioned to myself jokingly. "My dear, your kind aren't easy to forget."

Rolling her eyes fondly, Twilight beamed to the teen dragon. "Thank you for accepting our request to visit Ember. It's wonderful to see you again."

"Yeah, well, considering our history together, who was I to say no?" She shrugged, twirling the staff expertly before stamping it to the ground, grinning proudly. "A lot of things have changed since either of you last came here. For the better, I gotta say."

"I've heard." I nodded with a sincere smile. "Lord Ember now... Or would you prefer Lady? Either way, congratulations are in order."

As if to emphasize her new position of power, Ember tapped the staff on the ground once, and immediately all the dragons dispersed back to their nesting places, leaving us three to convene without fear of being eavesdropped. Still, it was something to watch. Twilight and I observed the spectacle of soaring lizards overhead, unable to contain our expressions of awe and wonder, sharing impressed grins.

Ember looked mighty pleased by the reactions, but shrugged as if it were nothing, "So, what brings ya all the way out here? Not simply to say hi, I gathered from the letter."

Twilight smiled sheepishly. "We were hoping to acquire your assistance in our search for a dangerous fugitive."

Amber eyes switched from her to me in befuddlement. "Not that 'Zagreus' guy you talked about last time?" Sadly. The dragon shook her head in absurdity. "I thought you captured him by now. I heard that he tricked my kind living in the mountains, but some golden Earth Pony and his friends managed to scare him off." A smirk of approval. "I wonder who was responsible."

I shrugged with a wry grin, and Twilight added with seriousness. "Unfortunately he managed to escape. And, I regret to add, had some help with your fellow dragons by tricking them into a crusade for power."

"Garble." Ember hissed, gripping the staff with both claws and enraged narrowed orange eyes just from mentioning the name. "You won't have to worry about him anymore. Him and his cronies aren't welcome in the Lands of anywhere else home to other dragons since then. We won't be held accountable for that coward's actions."

"We appreciate that." I replied with a gratified smile. "Though now we'll have to consider the possibility of Garble being Zagreus's servant from hereon."

"You really think Garble would willingly be a slave to a pony? He's a moron but he still has some pride."

"Not willingly." Twilight shook her head. "Zagreus has the ability to influence others through magic and bend them to his will. Right now, he's weak, but the further we delay the stronger he'll become. And soon enough, he'll wreck havoc to all of Equestria, dragon kind included. That's why we need your people, Ember, to scout out all over the lands for the elusive pony."

Ember looked between us with thought. "That dangerous huh?"

"He cares little for all life but himself, and intends mass genocide on the world without consequence." Even Twilight shivered at that, prompting my apologetic glance before adding. "He was responsible for those holes appearing."

And just like that, Ember's loyalty was unshaken. A flash of outrage to the violation against her home and kind in those amber eyes, a new version of resolve morphing on her face. "Well why didn't you say so? Come on, we'll discuss the details in my lair."

Twilight shared the same relieved and pleased look, as we both followed Ember further into the rocky landscape belonging to her people, curious eyes of dragon kind observing as we past. Twilight was evidently slightly nervous from entering territory without a disguise this time, inciting me to touch her side reassuringly. She smiled in light gratitude. Ember, noticing this over her shoulder, smirked humouredly.

"So... Twilight Warrior, huh?"

The Princess blushed at the insinuation, and I grinned coyly. "If you'd like, though I'm careful not to let the name get to my Princess's head." That was responded with a playful shove to my left, prompting my short laugh.

Emeber seemed openly curious at the interaction, smiling regardless. "No offense Stardust, but you don't strike me as the kind of pony who promotes friendship."

"I wasn't once, a long time ago. But those mares, this one especially, were too stubborn to realize what a lost cause I was and changed me... For better and worse." Twilight rolled her eyes, smiling in exasperated bliss. Cocking a brow, the sapphire dragon turned back and muttered in clear befuddlement.

"I'll never understand ponies..."

"Message from King Zenith!" Spike announced upon charging into the library, filled with discarded scrolls and opened parchments. The dragon waved up the letter wildly, and Twilight, taking a moment from another piece of paper, levitated the message, unrolled and started reading it in five seconds flat, calling out to my spot.

"No reported sightings of Zagreus as of yet. However, Zenith is giving you the full support and cooperation of his kingdom and his people."

"Thanks love." I nodded, looking at various maps and letters on the other side of the room. "The Mayor of Manehatten's reported no spotting of a cloaked disfigured pony either... Great."

"Spike, keep standing by the entrance in case anymore messages arrive." The young lizard saluted and did as his mother instructed, Twilight proceeded to scan through the papers all around her with expert use of magic. Her eyes narrowed in concentration. "Letters from Rainbow Falls and Fillydelphia have answered with negative results too. But we can't give up yet."

"I don't intend to." Was my response. Starswirl, got anything?

Alas, our quarry continues to prove as elusive as ever. Imbalance has always excelled at being slippery for any being to spot with visible sight.

"Dodge Junction and Baltimare are also in the dark." The Princess added, looking through one letter after another. The pair of us were hard at work, to say the least, going through all possible contacts extending between us and our friends in order to track down any possible sighting of Zagreus.

Another voice perked up. "Cadence and Shining haven't been informed by their scouts over any possible sighting of him either." Starlight Glimmer entered the room next, soon to be followed with the rest of our friends. "I just returned from the Crystal Empire. Not even Yakyakistan has seen heads or tails of Zagreus. Seems he's smart enough not to return after his failure back then."

"Braeburn nor the Chief have seen any sightin' of Zagreus in Appleloosa." Applejack pitched in unhelpfully, shaking her head in utter disappointment. "Las Pegasus ain't seen him either. Of course, not sure whether we can actually take Film and Flam's word for it..."

"My contacts in Trottingham and Canterlot have wounded up without progress I'm afraid." Rarity said next regretfully. "Of course, I'd certainly be panicking if that awful fiend somehow managed to slip into Princess Celestia's own kingdom undetected. The implications are just so horrendous to imagine!"

"The Breezies haven't seen him either." Fluttershy contributed.

"And neither has Rockville!" Pinkie added jovially. "And we would know if he did! Not a single unknown pony gets by the eyes of anyone in my family! We'd spot in no time flat!"

"No sight of him where Daring Do lives either." Rainbow remarked. "And trust me, no one would get past her flawless eyesight."

"Hollow Shades, Galloping Gorge, Foal Mountain... Saddle Arabia..." Twilight muttered those names as she looked through letter by letter, sounding somewhat weary. "Well the good news is, even the contacts Princess Celestia provided for us are offering their support and assistance. The bad news..."

"Those places have seen no cloaked pony looking terribly out of place." The disappointment across the bond answered that for me.

"What about Sunset?"

"I asked her this morning." This time I was shaking my head in tired annoyance. "Neither she nor the girls have seen a disfigured bloke anywhere in their world." Which would make sense, Zagreus would have to acquire more power from a magical world than a world just borrowing magic. But still... We're getting nowhere.

Efforts are never futile. Perhaps we are searching in the wrong places.

"It seems to me that Zagreus wouldn't be hiding in plain sight." Starlight said thoughtfully, rubbing her muzzle. "He probably knows that all of Equestria was hunting him down, and probably left beyond the lands by now."

That... Was a possibility I didn't want to imagine.

Twilight's eyes turned to me with faint hope. "Maybe you could try sensing him again?"

I shook my head with an apologetic gaze. "Unless he's hiding in Ponyville, I wouldn't be able to sense him beyond a mile away."

"Well that's just fantastic." Applejack grumbled sourly. "Then if he's obviously hidin' outside public view, how in tarnation are we suppose to find 'im? It's as if we can drag Stardust all over Equestria just to sense out that villain... Can we?"

"Even if we did, extending one's senses through magic is still incredibly draining. Jack would be physically and mentally exhausted before we'd be even halfway done." And Twilight didn't say that as an insult. It was a fact, which I agreed with, and was very thankful she wasn't going through with it. "We'll simply have to try something else."

"Well, maybe we should look at the more... Unsafe places?" What now? Our gazes turned to Fluttershy curiously, who spoke up despite the initial shyness to getting attention. "Zagreus could be hiding himself in places nopony nor any creature would are venture to. It seems possible, don't you think...?"

"Like where? Tartarus?" Rainbow frowned skeptically. But another mare with wings shared a different opinion.

"Fluttershy, that's... Genius!" Twilight suddenly beamed, magically pushing back scattered letters before looking around and pulling out a few number of books from the shelves. "Starlight, come help me with this." The pink unicorn obliged curiously, Twilight adding with renewed vigour, "Locations like Tartarus and the Ghastly Gorge are typically inhospitable for ponykind because of how too dangerous they are. But, if someone as slippery and magically cunning as, say, Zagreus would hide anywhere like them... We'll research every dangerous corner of Equestria, and pinpoint the most likely position our elusive pony would be secluding himself within."

Of course, the whole thing was brilliant. That prompted me to look at the yellow pegasus and add with a grin. "Brilliant thinking Fluttershy!" The mare smiled abashedly at the praise, while our friends shared their approval through smiles and grins.

"How long would ya reckon it'd take?" Applejack then inquired.

Twilight hummed, scanning through various pages of her first book. "A couple of hours with through reading, at best. In the meantime, the rest of you keeping contacting anypony you know who might be of assistance. We can't rule out any and all possibilities."

Welp, Twilight was on her A-game again.

And we are wasting time dwelling on that. Sombra suddenly added in. Let's hope your pegasus friend is correct in her assumption. Our options are limiting by the second.

"Speaking of which." Rainbow Dash spoke up then, looking down to me with a sly, unnerving grin. "I have an idea that you may not like, Star."

"...Rainbow, has thereeverbeen an idea of yours I have approved of?"

"Trust me, this'll be worth it." The confident pegasus turned to the Princess. "Hey Twi, think you can use that spell so your special somepony can walk on clouds?"

Well, this was certainly gonna be awkward.

Pony up and endure. The pegasus has the correct idea, for once; we require as much beneficial assistance as possible, and this may be one of the more worthy allies in our battle against a common foe.

Rainbow, meanwhile, was conversing with another pegasus and fellow Wonderbolt from the other side of the field, speaking on my behalf for the moment. Yellow fur with fiery orange mane, sunglasses and wearing an official suit with far too many badges. From above, pegasi soared through training drills and laps, eager to prove themselves available for the job of Wonderbolt.

...In all honesty, I still don't understand what exactly it is the Wonderboltsdo.May just be me. Though what I can speculate, even after Rainbow explaining to me how 'awesome' her idols were repeatedly, they were the Equestrian equivalent to the air force, the troops of the sky. The only time where they only insinuated as much was when Spike became a rampaging monster due to his greed.

Though that didn't happen this time because of my intervention. The one change I don't regret in the slightest, mind you.

And we suffer the repercussions because of it.

Look, I didn't know about that! I never saw the Birthday episode prior to my first arrival in Ponyville! Hell, I don't even remember whether or not I heard about Spike transforming into 'Spikezilla' before or after then. That imbalance wasn't intentionally my fault!

Regardless, let us hope your friend's assistance to our search changes little for the next upcoming 'episode.' The fallen King grunted. Ah, our potential new ally approaches. Don't screw this up.

"Well well well." I already tried not to flinch at the tone, the yellow pegasus nearing me alongside a somewhat sheepish Rainbow. "I know whenever Crash is kidding, but she seems quite adamant about the 'Twilight Warrior' needing our help. You've got a lot of nerve since you last came to Cloudsdale."

"A mistake I intend to rectify." Was my careful response, finding it slightly hard not to choke for having to apologize to this bossy mare. "I realize it was moreso Rainbow and Dust's own faults for the tornado than yours; you shouldn't have to babysit them twenty-four seven."

You don't mean that.

No. She's just as responsible. But I'm pretending for the sake of acquiring her help.

The yellow pegasus didn't look impressed, only perking a brow. "At least you got some manners after our first meeting." Spitfire leaned forward, narrowed orange eyes. "Stardust, right? Yeah I've heard of you. Somewhat of a legend among the younger cadets. Maybe you'll out-popular Crash if it keeps up."

The Wonderbolt in question snorted humouredly. "Like that'll ever happen!"

Spitfire smirked. "So, from what I'm gathering, there's a situation so dire that forces the oh-so reputable warrior to swallow his dignity and come to us."

"...You'd be a valuable asset."

"More like the best asset!" Rainbow asserted confidently. "There's no other league in Equestria that matches up with the talents and skill of a Wonderbolt! I'm telling you Star, with the best fliers, especially me, helping out, we'll find Zagreus in no time flat!" Spitfire seemed to hold no illusions to how she perceived her troops, looking casually smug at her fellow Wonderbolt's words.

We're wasting time.

"What is it exactly you're asking of us?"

Well, at least she seemed to be playing along. "We need scouts across the skies of Equestria." Was my hopeful answer, my gaze unwavering against her hardened orbs. "There's a villain who threatens all lives, and he needs to be found before he could cause any more damage. I... We need the Wonderbolts to scour around and let us know if any of you spot the pony in question."

Spitfire cocked her head, eyes narrowing much further. "How dangerous we talking here?" A layer of severity to her voice, evidently taking my posture and words with the needed attention.

"Dangerous enough to wipe everything and everyone we know from existence without hesitation!" Rainbow answered before I could, gesturing with front limbs. "And if he gets more powerful while we sit by and let him, not even the Wonderbolts would stand a chance against him!" At that, Spitfire's expression shifted to that of concern, before composing herself and nodding.

"What does this pony look like?"

"Scarred and wearing a cloak. Unicorn, with black soulless eyes."

Brows raised at my description. "Obviously finding him won't be so simple if he intends to hide."


"Still, hardly impossible for us." Spitfire stated as though it were fact, glancing over to somewhere. "If this pony's a threat to everyone, then who are we to decline offerin' help? For all of Equestria, you have our support." Rainbow grinned brightly, hoofing the air in self-congratulatory.

Really? Now that was-

"But..." A sly look. "These things don't come for free. The Wonderbolts ain't a charity group you know."

...Of course. "What is it you want?" I asked in resigned weariness. Even Rainbow looked curious what her boss was going to say.

In answer, the pegasus blew into that obnoxious whistle which signaled the ponies flying through laps to land with grace onto the ground, standing behind their trainer obediently. Some regarded me with curiosity, the rest then whispered in awe and inspiration by Rainbow's pleased appearance.

Save for one who was smirking like a smug [BEEP]tard.

Oh great, he's here. Him and his shy girlfriend beside him. Recollections of that future episode of Sky Stinger being in close proximity and having any kind of personal time with Twilight aroused mild irritation in my chest, the pegasus unworthy of being in the presence of the Princess alone.


Looking back to me, Spitfire grinned mischievously, and alarm bells immediately rang in my head. Great, even Balance was telling me to get the [BEEP] out of here. "Hey Crash, is it true your friend here can withstand the strength of an Ursaminor?"

"He sure can!"

"Perfect!" I had a bad feeling about this. "We're in need of a endurance test today, the cadets gotta match their speed against a powerful force."

...So I'm just gonna be their punching bag.

No different than your common encounters with the monsters.

Alright, all options have been exhausted. At least, current options that spring to mind. So unless Sombra or Starswirl themselves have any potential allies for me to seek out in kind, then the only option present left to me was...

A group of rangy mutts.

Sighing tiredly, I easily navigated through the tunnels glittering with gems just by tracking the signatures of the hiding somewhat intelligent canines. Wasn't too far from where I started, either they were setting a trap or I wasn't expected. Probably the latter; the former only happened once before because Zagreus influenced their minds to his bidding.

...Why did he call himself that anyway...?

Who knows? It is completely irrelevant. Evidently that creature heard us use the name in all its eavesdropping through magic and decided it suited him. Very much so, I would add...

In Earth's Greek history, Zagreus was beheld as a deity. Starswirl then supplied. One account pairs him as Mother Gaia's lover, and the child of Lord Hades with Lady Persephone. Another piece of speculation depicts Zagreus as the son of Zeus himself, reborn once after a gruesome encounter with titans. Perhaps there is a meaning to why our foe selected such a name.

Either way old one, this is all leading to nothing we can define as useful. Sombra sneered, to Starswirl's indifference.

Only if we deduce that my friend. Perhaps there is something we're missing. In any case, we have reached our possible new allies.

Yes, yes we have. My trail finally led me to a large clearing, the gathered mutts oblivious to my presence as they were all busy roughhousing, chewing on gems or snarling at one another like savages... Yep, my peace with the Diamond Dogs in Manehatten barely changed my reaction towards them. Still the slobbering greedy creatures I remember.

But ones considerably beneficial to our needs.

Why Starswirl, that almost sounded sinister of you!

Let's get these affairs over with. The sight of these repulsive animals sickens me.

Your wish was my command. Since I couldn't whistle, the alternative present to me was loudly clapping the air, prompting a dog one by one to swerve their heads in utter confusion, turning to surprise and disbelief at the fact a pony just walked into their caves with a coy smile.

A pony they were all too familiar with.

"You!" The lean Diamond Dog of the infamous trio pointed angrily, the group of mutts already hastily dropping whatever they were doing to surround me. "You're gonna pay for what you did to us."

Rolling my eyes, I answered promptly, time of the essence, "Attack me, and watch as I break all the bones in your fellow kind's bodies one by one. Or stand down, listen to what I have to say, and you may get the proper retribution of your people."

A few seconds of silence, before the lean dog raised an arm and signaled for his people to back off, at least temporarily. "A lot of nerve, pony. No one's here to rescue you this time!"

"Oh, because I'm so under threat." Rising on two hind legs, I folded my front limbs with a serious outlook. "Our last encounter happened because your kind was tricked into serving a malevolent force using you for its own ends. You don't remember the exact details, correct?"


"I'm offering you a chance of redemption. All of you." I grinned wearily. "Heck, we could start a new relationship together after all is said and done. Help me with stopping this threat, and we'll call it even."

"Why should we help you?!"

"Because I know you want revenge on the [BEEP]hole who did this to you."

"...What do you want from us?" The lean Diamond Dog asked sourly, canine eyes narrowed in suspicion and reluctance.

Ah, some common sense! We're getting somewhere now. "Your kind has access to the entire underground network of Equestria, yes?" A slow nod. "We need you to scour all across for the sightings of a unicorn wearing a dark cloak and looks horribly disfigured."

"Ohh! Not much different to regular ponies then!" The rest of the mutts cackled along with him.

Charming. "Contact all available Diamond Dogs, get them to help in your search, and I will see you will get your retribution." Then, after a moment of thought, I added, "As a bonus, if you help me enough, there's a reward of special crystals in it for you."

That nailed the coffin. Eyes glinted in hungry greed as the lean dog rubbed his paws excitedly. "We'll see what we can do, friend... Heheheheheh."

One more useful asset for us. I'm sure Cadence and Shining wouldn't mindtoomuch...

There. All resources were spent. Every ally gathered and spreading their influences across Equestria. Zagreus has nowhere else to hide.

My trek headed back towards the library, where Twilight still remained to conduct her research. Sometime soon, we'll begin our search through the inhospitable places... Or at least, I will... In my spare time... When they're not looking.

Sorry, but just the thought of endangering them selfishly like that is nerve wrecking. Who was I, Timber Spruce?

Entering through the open doorway, I was hence greeted with a preoccupied Twilight thoroughly investigating through the piled books- And was taken aback by the rampant emotions. From afar, they seemed like casual worry and concern for all her friends and loved ones. But now, getting close, it felt as though a storm or uncertainty and fear was beginning to form in the mare's heart. Swallowing in concern, I approached Twilight, faintly noticing an absent pony. "Starlight not here?"

The alicorn stiffened, which was odd considering she would've sensed me coming a mile away, with her back turned to me. "She's acquiring some books essential for our research from the ancient castle." Ah.

...Okay, not beating around the bush here.

"Everything will be fine, love."

And Twilight immediately shook her head, refusing to look behind her. "It's not that..." Jesus, even her voice sounded like it was choking. What was happening, and what could I do to help? "Jack..." I stood to attention immediately, the Princess setting the book down with a reluctant start. "You said... The reason Zagreus came to being is because of the imbalances, correct?"

I was both worried and curious as to where my girlfriend was going with this. "Yeah...?"

"And only grows more powerful in relation to events that never should've occurred, as we've established?"


Twilight openly winced, and I inhaled sharply at that, opting to move closer. But Twilight's panic through the bond at my action prompted to halt, the mare clenching her eyes shut tightly. "Including your... Bonds with your friends, yes...?"

"I... Twilight, where is this going?" I half-demanded half-asked in concern. What was going on in the mare I love's mind now? Was she over-panicking about something again? Did something happen while I was briefly away?

Did... Did Zagreus...?

I would've informed you if he was anywhere near your family, Jack. This is something else entirely... Yet not completely irrelevant.

That's debatable...

Inhaling deeply, the hesitant Princess slowly grounded out. "Am I mistaken, Jack...?"

"...No... But that doesn't mean-"

"Then..." Oh God. I swore her voice was cracking, the mare in an emotional turmoil plagued by doubt and terror, struggling to keep herself composed. "Then... I wouldn't be an exception to the rule, would I?"


Twilight seemed to take my conflicted silence as an answer, nodding to herself before finally swerving to face me, visible tears starting to leak from those breathtaking eyes, filled with sorrow and regret. What was happening?! "You say that Zagreus coming into being was entirely your fault. I disagree..." The Princess lowered her head sadly, and teleported, the flash prompting me to twirl around and observe as the defeated mare clarified, "It's all mine..."

And fled, leaving her distraught boyfriend in a paranoid state of concern and fear for her well-being.


No, I wasn't going to leave Twilight to wallow in her own despair. It doesn't matter what the mare thought, she needed me. With that, I pursued the mare down the hallway, uncaring where we ended up so long as I could reach out and help her, after everything she's done for me. It's my turn to return the favour.

Sombra had something to say about that. It must wait, and I say that not from contempt Jack. Any further second we waste will conclude with our enemy strengthening. Your relationship goals are of no consequence.

My breath growled. She comes first, Sombra! Twilight always came first!

Normally, I wouldn't barge into a girl's bedroom like this, but I had the gut suspicion that Twilight wouldn't answer the door regardless how much I knocked. Forcing it open without flying off the hinges, my sight was revealed to a tidy, orderly blue room with the distraught Princess of Friendship looking at a mirror, photographs of loved ones placed around the edges. Twilight, however, was moreso focused on the jewelry hanging around her neck, the silver book with a star in the center, which hasn't been removed ever since I gifted her it on our first date, two seasons ago.

How time flies...

Approaching carefully, I didn't waste anymore time and sat beside the Princess, bracing myself for any protests or requests to leave. None came, to my relief. Instead, Twilight was still playing with the shiny necklace, a soft, tender smile despite her pained features. How I just wanted to embrace the mare and assure everything will go fine, that all her problems will be erased the second I took her in my pony arms.

But something held me back, a voice of reason that commanded I listen to what Twilight had to say first. Whatever was bothering her affected us both, we both knew that. And together, we'll sort through it.


Removing her hoof from the necklace gently, the purple mare sighed and had seemed to calm down, if slightly, beginning with a reluctant tone and sparkle to her eyes, "From the very beginning, you were against the notion of befriending others because you were scared of letting people in again. Sort of like Starlight, now that I think about it... You didn't want to be a burden to others and would rather choose isolation over real happiness."

I released a tiny grin at the blatant observation. "By all means, don't sugarcoat it love..."

But Twilight was in no mood for banter, her smile dropping into a faint grimace. "The more I dwell on the implications, I start to realize that even wise ponies like Starswirl aren't always correct with their decisions..." Now THERE were words I'd never have expected to come from Twilight's muzzle. "Jack, I need you to be honest. Completely and utterly sincere. No more joking, no more dry wit, just answer this from the heart."

A sense of dread washed over me, but I nodded, waiting. Twilight wanted me to be serious here, and whatever she was going to ask will instigate a profound effect. Both our mature sides were showing themselves today, and if Twilight desired my honesty, than I'll make Applejack look like a compulsive liar by comparison.

Concentrate, my young pupil...

It hurt the mare to even consider this, I felt it. But Twilight expressed bravery through the following words in clenched teeth. "Do you have any regrets, being here with us?" With me?

Regrets? "My... Only regret is the fact I'll never match up to you and the girls in quality with friendship."

"That's not what I asked." Twilight snapped lightly, composure cracking with sadness shadowing her face, looking at me with a shaky breath. She was trembling, and it hurt my soul just seeing that. "We... I pushed you into making friends with myself, Spike and everyone else, because I was so presumptuous that all you needed was to be reminded that there were people who adored and accepted you regardless of your faults. And in that arrogance, I failed to contemplate the repercussions."

"Reper- Twilight, if this about Zagreus-"

"It's all about Zagreus!" Twilight exclaimed, tiny tears quivering down her cheeks, expression contorted in anger and guilt, her breath hitching before she could continue. Purple eyes cast down between us in open pain. "That's the whole point. Zagreus happened because I changed you into a different pony. A better pony, because you meant so much to me and my friends; mostly to me! And due to that choice, all those changes occurred. Because of me, you came back when you could've stayed on Earth, safe and happy-"

"I'm moreso happy here, Twilight." My own voice was growing agitated, disbelieving with what this mare was implying. She didn't... Think I was regretting being with her, did she?!

"But far from safe! Because everything between you, our friends, and especially me, are all one big mist-"

"Don't you dare. DON'T YOU DARE THINK US BEING TOGETHER IS A MISTAKE!" I roared, right into the mare's startled face. I was hardly controlling my actions, gripping Twilight shoulders, not roughly though, and continued in passionate indignation. "Let all of Balance suffer for it! I wouldn't trade a single moment with you or our friends for the world! You are the greatest thing to ever happen to me, full stop! I fight for you, our son and everyone else because I love and cherish all of you! But you, Twilight? Call it selfish, call it disturbing if you want, I would never, EVER, even consider regretting being with the most wonderful, thoughtful, amazing and dependable mare of my entire life!"

My breath was quick, eyes wild and crazy-looking, Twilight's own orbs wide in shock and cautious awe. But I was far from finished.

"You want the truth, Twilight? I came back, mainly because ofyou.I became other ponies' friend, because of you! I tolerate certain ponies, because of YOU! Everything I had ever done was attempts to keep you, and by extension our friends, safe and happy! And in my own recklessness, things like Sombra and Zagreus happened! But you know what? Out of them, we became closer than ever before. My only regret is the potential harm to my family caused by my own arrogance! Other than that, I regret nothing. I'm not leaving, Twilight Sparkle, not now, not ever. I will be a father and brother to Spike, a reliable friend to the girls, a second mentor to Starlight and Sunset, an uncle to Flurry. But most importantly, a special somepony toyou.Not even that mother[BEEP]ing Zagreus will stop me, and he can certainly try!"

Without awaiting a response, my hoofs pulled Twilight, tightly, into my embrace, feeling the cold necklace and warm purple fur pressed against my golden coat, eyes shut and teeth clenched, doing everything to pour my love and affection for this uncertain Princess through our bond. A brief flash of those satanic black eyes in my head, prompting me to add with steely resolve.

"Consider it a selfish act, but I couldn't care less. I will never, ever, leave you... Not again..."

That seemed to send the message thoroughly. The alicorn sniffed, leaking fresh new tears into my chest. I couldn't care if they stuck to my fur, if it meant washing away all this doubt and fear plaguing the mare's mind. But my passionate, albeit slightly extremely vocal sentiments made everything much clear. It may be the human side of me being this ridiculous self-conceited, but my ties to friendship wasn't as strong as Twilight valued hers. Rarity, Pinkie and the others were a third priority to me. Spike the second.

Twilight the first. And that will never change.

"O-Oh." My head pulled back slightly, looking over to the newcomer standing by the doorway, Starlight flushing in embarrassment and concern. "I heard shouting..." Purple eyes regarded the sobbing Twilight in my arms with worry. "And wanted to check if anything was wrong...?"

Then, as though spirits were suddenly lifted, Twilight's tearful face emerged from my shoulder, smiling in neither pain nor worry this time. But relief and... Content. And that lifted a shroud of pain in my own chest. The alicorn's brightened features regarded her perplexed student with a peaceful tone.

"Actually, Starlight... Nothing could be anymore perfect than right now..."

"Jack, can I please have the book back?"

"If you promise not to stress out so quickly again."

"I don't-!" The Princess stopped herself and inhaled deeply, a tired grin on her lovely muzzle. "I promise."

"...You say that love, but past experience has proven you often panic over the simplest-"


"I'm kidding love, here." Twilight graciously took the literature, myself smirking. "I just don't want you freaking out again and believing you're responsible for Zagreus' creation."

The Princess rolled her eyes. "I am responsible, Jack. What did we just discuss yesterday?"

"There was a discussion? I couldn't remember over helping you get over your depression."

"That's funny, I seem to recall self-deprecation being your personal hobby."

"Twilight, that wasn't deprecation. You were emotionally harming yourself by thinking I would ever regret being with you."

Purple eyes turned to me, softening. "Can you honestly blame me for that?"

"...No." I confessed, sighing while rubbing my own face. Yesterday was... Emotionally draining for us both. And not your typical Twilight-freaking-out or me-hating-myself trope that happens between ourselves. "I'd blame myself too... Oh wait."

A tender hoof brushing against my cheek. "How about we just agree that this was both our doing and work to overcome it together."

"...The problem there is, love, I don't think I can bring myself to blame you for anything." A raised brow. "Okay, nothing so serious as this." Two raised brows. "You're thinking of Celestia, Twilight."

The mare huffed with rolled eyes. "Now you're just taking a jab."

"Isn't that what I normally do?"

"To my eternal exasperation, correct."

"And you'd have it any other way?"

Twilight sighed, affectionately nuzzling into my neck with bliss. "Never..." Yes, things were definitely better; another misunderstanding cleared from the air. Now Twilight has no reason any longer to even suspect I didn't regret being with her, Spike and our family. "I was wrong to doubt you, Jack. I just thought you'd rather be far away if it meant protecting us..."

"I hope it never comes to that." Was my quiet response, kissing the Princess's mane gently.

"Me too..." With such, Twilight pulled back, smiling warmly. "And just so you know, I've never regretted having you here, with me, either. And I never will."

I chuckled lowly, the words sending a warm chill down my spine. "Oh good, I was worried for a second."

A book lightly smacked into my leg via magic. "Incorrigible stallion..." Twilight was grinning regardless.

And then the doors burst open. "Ugh! Come on already! The train's gonna be here any minute!" With that, Rainbow flew back out of the library, prompting Twilight to finish packing the rest of the books into the double backpack.

"We'll have to be very careful, where we're going will be no picnic for us. But so long as we stick together, we'll overcome any obstacle blocking our way."

My own hoof clasped hers, prompting Twilight to meet my sincere gaze. "Together. Always." The Princess smiled, leaving alongside me out of the room to where our friends waited, all heading down towards the station.

"Oh, would you like to hear what lessons I have planned for Starlight tomorrow?" Was that rhetorical? Twilight continued eagerly, "In short we'll be doing an overview of all her magical practiced spells so far, followed with an inspection as to her progress involving friendship lessons... Jack, why are you smirking?"

Aside from listening to your passionate words? "Oh, just... Well, tomorrow will be something to say the least, Twilight."

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