• Published 2nd Feb 2015
  • 18,864 Views, 1,952 Comments

A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter Seventy-Six: Hey Flutter Flutter Swing!

"Any aches?"

"None... I think."


"Fine... I think."

"Problems eating?"

"No... I think."

Nodding, I checked off the list in satisfaction, smiling over at the pegasus, "You seem to be fine, Fluttershy. Thanks for letting me check up on you."

"Oh, it was no problem." The polite mare replied warmly, returning the expression, "Thank you for visiting to check up on me. I'm glad nothing is out of the ordinary."

Yeah, thank God.

The last few days, things... Happened. The short version being, what they called Vampire Fruit Bats showed up, drinking the juices from the apples on Sweet Apple Acres' trees, which was a crisis to the farmers. Applejack requested our help in dealing with them somehow. Fluttershy suggested a small part of the woods closed off exclusively for the bats so they can drink in content and leave the rest alone - Which I was one-hundred percent behind, just saying - but instead, the bats were rounded up, and Twilight used a spell to cancel out the bat's natural thirst for the apple juices; but also having an effect on Fluttershy too, who had the creatures distracted.

Suffice to say, my previous assumption that "Flutterbat" was a fanmade thing was disproved last night.

And although the shy pegasus was cured from becoming a temporary Vampire Pony, it was better to be safe than sorry. Which was why I opted to check on Fluttershy this morning, writing down my own list of necessary things about the mare to check on so she was in perfect health.

And, upon writing down this list, I was pleased with the progress over learning to write the pony way; those lessons from Twilight were paying off.

"Are you absolutely sure you feel nothing out of the ordinary?"

Fluttershy pondered silently for a moment, before slowly shaking her head, "Nothing that I can tell, sorry. But if I do, I'll let you and our friends know immediately."

"Excellent," I said, happy and relieved the mare was completely back to normal, partially due to the fact Flutterbat actually terrified me up close. I didn't want to be a Vampire.

I'm more of a Werewolf person.

"Any plans today?"

"Oh, yes." Fluttershy responded, counting off her daily activities, "Um, help Mr. and Mrs. Beaver with making their home more comfortable for their babies. Give Mr. Bear his favourite back massage. Make lunch for all my little friends here." Said friends, observing us from their spots in the cottage, beamed at that. "Oh, and make sure Angel gets his bath today; I forgot to wash him after the whole Vampire Fruit Bat event. Oh! And also, I have to check and see how they're doing."

Setting the notepad down, I leaped off my seat and dusted my hoofs together, "Alright then, which one are we doing first?" At her surprised look, I smiled, "Just a precaution, Fluttershy, in case there might still be some lingering effects from last night. Besides, when's the last time I helped you out here?"

The yellow mare returned the smile lightly, "I would love the help, Stardust..."

"That," I commented in half-annoyance and half- amusement, drying my own fur as Fluttershy kindly hung my removed cape on the line, "Is one stubborn bunny."

"Angel can be a little objecting sometimes." The yellow pegasus responded quietly, turning back to me with an apologetic look, "I guess he didn't like another pony watching him bathe."

Scoffing, I said jokingly, "I feel sorry then for the poor future stallion who sweeps you off your hooves and has to deal with that then." Replied by a duck of the head and red hue on the pegasus' face. Haha. "Which, considering it's you, might be sooner than later."

"Oh, I don't know about that..."

The shy honesty prompted my gentle look, "Don't sell yourself short Fluttershy. Any pony who ends up with you will be extremely lucky. It's true," I added at the doubt in her nervous eyes, "Who wouldn't want to be with kindness incarnate with a love and care for animals?"

"Thank you..." Fluttershy mumbled quietly, the blushing only glowing brighter.

"You should see how many people on my world want to be with you." I continued humrouedly, inciting her curious yet shy expression, nodding, "Oh yes. The most kind, gentle soul on Equestria; too perfect for my own world, untainted by things like greed, rage and jealousy. Speaks for itself." Concluded by a chuckle, "Haha, thank God no human has ended up with you then."

Otherwise we would be in trouble.

"...Is-Is that why...?"


Fluttershy looked hesitant, as though afraid to speak her mind, "Is that why... You... C-Chose...?"



Sighing, I approached the mare slowly, so she wouldn't think me as annoyed or mad, "Fluttershy... Look at me." She obliged, serene eyes reflecting nervousness and... Sadness, prompting my inward wince, "I didn't 'choose' Twilight; my heart did. And I'm sorry for hurting your feelings so."

"It's okay..." A forced smile, but I was hardly fooled. The pegasus returned my comforting embrace softly, continuing with that gentle tone of hers, "You and Twilight are happy together. I would never want to ruin that..."

Of course you wouldn't. That's part of what makes you too perfect for any human.

"To be honest, I had absolutely no intention to confess my feelings to her, at first." Fluttershy blinked at the admittance, expression reflecting curiosity. "A man and pony as an item? There's a special place in Hell waiting for me for that." As the mare opened her mouth to protest, I continued firmly, "But she's worth it. And so far, our relationship hasn't been as... Trying as my last ones."

"You've... Been in a relationship before?" Fluttershy asked after a moment, taking that news in.

Don't know why I was telling her, but hell with it.

Turning around, I walked a few steps away, recalling those mistakes of mine, "Yes... Four to be exact; one of which was unofficial." Halting, I carried on with a dry smile, "They were all brief, mind you, doomed to fail before they began. One of them was... Well, the next relationship after that was mainly used to fill the void... I wasn't the best person to have as a boyfriend back then."

I was young and foolish. We all make mistakes.

Hearing footsteps behind coming closer, my exposed fur was then touched by a soft comforting hoof, "Do you... Want to talk about it?"

Do I...? With Fluttershy of all ponies? The most kindest and understanding equine of all? I suppose Twilight wouldn't appreciate my recollections of previous romances to compare with ours.

"...It's all in the past." I replied with a frown, meeting her concerned gaze, "Even though, as you and the girls know, the past still haunts me to this day."

The pegasus nodded, "I know... And we promised to help you deal with that, Stardust. So..."


"That you did... Okay, Fluttershy, you're right. It'd be easier to talk about it."

A light relieved smile, Fluttershy led the way back towards the cottage from the back. And then she spoke up softly, "Oh, and by the way, if it helps... I think you and Twilight are a perfect match."


"Thank you... Really." I was sincere. That honest statement made me feel better a little. "As I'm sure you and Discord are too..."

Then the mare's head whipped towards me with a shocked, blushing expression, "W-What...?"

I laughed, "Hahahaha! Don't ever change, Fluttershy."

My body froze, hooves immediately grinding to a halt whilst my fur stood on end upon nearing the creatures, happily drinking away the inside of the red apples through their fangs. Just like last time. Fluttershy, however, had no problem approaching the ignorant Fruit Bats, greeting them and asking how they're doing with gentle politeness, while I maintained my distance from the colourful bats.

Like, you know it's [BEEP] up when Fluttershy was braver in approaching something than you were.

The bats let out screeches in response to the pegasus, who nodded as though she understood them perfectly. Best not question it. "Then please, don't let me disturb you," Fluttershy said gently, and the creatures obliged by sucking on the apples in content, the yellow mare looking behind to face me, "They won't bite, Stardust, there's no need to keep your distance."

"Pardon me, Fluttershy, but anything with the word 'Vampire' in its name kinda incites me to keep away as possible," I explained like I had the previous times the Mane Six and I tried to round those creatures up, regarding the perched bats warily, "And after you became... That, I'm kinda more inclined to keep away."

Her smile dropped, prompting my wince. Stardust you insensitive [BEEP]! The saddened pegasus looked away somberly, "You're right Stardust...It must've been scary for everyone to see me like that..."

"...Scary and worrisome." I admitted, frowning, "You really don't remember anything about it, do you...?"

Fluttershy shook her head, "No... It's all a blur to me. I didn't mean to make my friends afraid of me..."

"It was an accident," I reassured her firmly, "Twilight never meant for the spell to have an effect on you whilst you were keeping the bats at bay with your Stare." Then, her sentence repeating in my mind, part of me was feeling envy, "But at least you can't recall anything about your plight..."

Unlike me.

I can remember everything Sombra had me do. All those arguments and seeds of distrust sown because I wasn't careful enough. Clever enough. And it almost cost me dearly; surrendering completely to the fallen King's influence and control, and almost hurting my friends in the process.

Including Twilight... And that hurt me most of all.

A soft hoof jolted me from my stupor, Fluttershy, as though sensing my thoughts, sent me a kind and understanding expression, "It wasn't your fault, Stardust... We couldn't have known that King Sombra was controlling you."

The reassuring words incited my small smile, "Thanks, Fluttershy..." Prompting her smile in turn. The memories of that awful part of my life washed away from the comfort of a friend, and I glanced at the nearby bats, who were oblivious to the whole thing.

"...Do you want to talk about that, too?"

"No, no," I shook my head, "I've burdened you enough about my past life," At her muzzle opening to obviously object otherwise, I grinned tiredly, "But if you want to talk about something that's troubling you, I'm all ears."

"Oh, I'm not sure there's anything troubling me, other than the healthcare of a friend..."

Thoughtful and selfless to the last.

"Which was exactly why visited you today, my dear, heheheheh," I chuckled softly while Fluttershy looked away, a small pink hue on her features. That made my expression soften, "Fluttershy... You're too good to be true. It was probably best I like Twilight that way than you... No human deserves such a pure soul." The blush deepened, but even I could tell she was flattered by the shy smile on her face.

"You're not a bad pony... Or human, Stardust," Was the quiet reply, "You're sweet, kind and caring too..."


Shaking my head fondly, I motioned to the path behind us, "C'mon, I think that bear friend of yours has awaited his massage long enough."

"Thank you again for letting me use your bath, Fluttershy."

The yellow pegasus perked up at my voice, looking away from interacting with her bird friends, smiling brightly while shaking her head as her birds chirped happily, "Oh, it was no problem. Anypony would clean themselves up after getting their hoofs dirty on a busy day."

Oh cleaning themselves after touching so many wild animals, despite this kind mare's opinions to the contrary.

Pushing back a dripping strand of brown hair, I approached the pegasus, noting from the corner of my eye the sun was already setting. Huh, "Today was rather eventful, I will say."

"Yes I agree." Fluttershy nodded, glancing at the window herself, "It was fun doing this again with you, Stardust. We really should get together another time... Oh, I-I-I mean with taking care of my friends here! N-Not anything that would ruin your relationship with Twilight, because I would never do that and-!"

I couldn't resist laughing.

"Cute," Followed by me patting her head playfully, prompting the mare to duck her and look away in embarrassment. I laughed harder, "Hahahaha! Don't worry, I know what you meant."

"Oh... I'm glad..." She responded nervously, and met my gaze again when I stopped patting her, "Thank you, again, for checking up on me and helping with my little friends. The assistance was wonderful."

Well, I wouldn't put it like that but...

My smiled grew slightly, bowing jokingly, "I'm glad I could be of assistance, mi'lady." Prompting the pegasus' shy giggle, "Now, I better get going. Lord knows Spike needs me to cover for him with his remaining daily chores." The giggle pitched up a little, and I smirked, nodding and heading towards the round door, "It was good hanging out with you again, Fluttershy. I'll leave you to it-"

"Oh, wait, Stardust!"


"Your notebook."

"My- Oh right." In all the excitement of the day, I forgot about it. I walked over towards the item in question and grabbed both it and the dried-up quill. Grinning, I regarded the smiling mare, "Thanks. Lord knows what would happen if Discord popped by and spotted it-"

As if on cue.

"Honey, I'm home!" The Master of Chaos kicked open the door and gestured to himself dramatically. Of course. Fluttershy blinked at the sudden arrival while my smile widened. At the sight of me, however, Discord gasped in mock-astonishment, "Why, Stardust! Flutterbat, are you taking care of humans now?"

The mare shook her head, smiling at seeing her friend, who invited himself to wrap a bear arm around my shoulder and grin teasingly, "Oh no, Discord. Stardust was just helping me out today and-"

Wait... "What did you call her just then?" I asked the jokester suspiciously.

"Why, Fluttermat, of course," Discord answered casually, floating away and winking towards the blinking pegasus, "Pardon the sudden visit, but I was hoping for some delicious tea this evening. I've had quite an adventure today!"

"Spreading chaos, no doubt..."

Discord gasped loudly at my words, putting on an angel outfit, hands clasped in prayer, "Must you think so low of me? Have a little faith, Stardust."

"Mm-hm. Right, well, you kids have fun then," I simply said, heading towards the door before adding in half-humour and half-seriousness, "Oh, and Discord, kindly keep your hands to yourself."

The creature snorted, "Oh come now. As if you honestly expect me to not want to be close to my friends. It's not as if I set your fur on fire... Although..."

...Don't wanna know what that trailing off meant.

"I wasn't talking about me," I glanced at the observing Fluttershy, who smiled in farewell to me, and I forced myself not to grin at my own teasing words, "You lovebirds haven't even had your first date yet."

And I made my exit immediately upon saying that, shutting the door behind me to the outside world. I will get the last laugh here, Discord.

Although, those two as an item... I can see it, at least more than Spike and Rarity. They suit each other rather well; like a water stream and a rock, calming down the wild current into a much softer flow. With a satisfied hum, I walked down the path to collect my cape from the hanging line and-

Spotted the fabric on fire.


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