• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter Sixty-Six: Do You Trust Me?

A small part of me is considering thanking Sombra for overtaking my body.

Oh not for the takeover itself, but more to the fact it opened more layers of trust and bonding between myself and the others. On Twilight's suggestion, I have, in fact, started to open myself a little bit more, piece by piece, towards the others. Hearing my plights of my high school years, and all the things I only blame myself for, I was expected to be greeted by pity or at least a simple "Get over it."

Which wasn't the case.

No, instead they listened, and only that, expressing their own sorrow and occasionally comforting me when I truly needed it. There were no pitying looks, but sympathy; there was a difference. When the girls did speak, they claimed they didn't judge me for my actions of the past, and that they'll help me overcome the guilt and anger I've been holding onto for over five years now.

And I... Believed them.

Of course, those high school years was only the beginning of the many things that was wrong with me; things I've yet to tell even the girls, Spike, and especially Twilight. One thing at a time, I think. Who knows when I'll suddenly return home, anyway? But that didn't mean I wasn't grateful for their love and support, truly treating me as though I was their best friend.

Perhaps to the point of family...

The Mane Six and Spike as my family... That doesn't sound too bad...

Hence why I've reached a decision, a decision I've been contemplating on these past few weeks, holed up in the library with the rare times either Twilight, Spike or the others convince me to go outside. My brain had racked over sharing this crucial piece of information, which could either change how these ponies view the world as they know it, or shatter their reality and possibly cause them to simply give up.

Or they'll plain not believe me, which a small part was hoping was the case. Maybe as soon as they get back from the Crystal Empire, I'll-

What the?

My ears were drawn to the startling noises, halting my pacing. What was that? Sounded like it came from downstairs. From the jumble of noises, I could barely make out a few meows and barks. Rarity and Applejack's pets? Was today when they all go out to the park to play with their pets? No wait, that's two days from now. And I thought they were leaving for the Crystal Empire today?

I wasn't going with them, for obvious reasons.

So what was happening?

Curiosity overwhelming me, I slowly left my room and headed downstairs, expected to be greeted by the six mares and their pet animals.

Not just the pet animals wrecking havoc around the house, followed by a panicking Spike who was trying to keep damage control.


The dragon, trying to catch a flying tortoise - using a small rotor attached around it, before you ask - immediately turned to me, eyes widening in relief. "Stardust, you gotta help me!"


Quickly I stepped out of the way, while Applejack's dog pursued Rarity's unamused cat. "Any reason all these pets are here?" I couldn't but ask, grimacing as the poor tortoise hit a shelf.

"I've offered to take care of them while their owners are out." Spike informed, while Angel had the nerve to spit its tongue out at the distraught lizard. Nightshade, meanwhile, gave me an exasperated look. "I'd appreciate some help here though!"

Well, I have some experience with animals. I nodded, stepping forward while gently pulling down the hovering tortoise, "Alright, let me see what I can do."

To say that was hectic was quite the understatement.

But with the combined teamwork of myself, Nightshade and partially Spike, who was preoccupied with sneaking away whenever he had the chance before I or Nightshade called him out, the small animals were currently resting downstairs. The cat and dog were a hassle the most, getting one to calm down and the others to stop clawing at the pages of the books. Angel was being a stubborn spoilt bunny, and Gummy enjoyed snapping at either mine or Spike's tail given the opportunity. Thankfully, at least, the tortoise was just harmlessly flying about, though I took the belt hoisting the rotor off him. Nightshade, demonstrating herself to be Twilight's pet, helped reinforce law and order around the house so the other animals could be fed and rested, despite some of their protests.

Nothing a hard glare couldn't fix. If Angel thought Fluttershy's stare was frightening, he hasn't seen [BEEP] yet.

"So glad that's over." Spike said happily, wiping sweat off his forehead while putting on a chef hat.

"Yes, we did a good job." I nodded to the owl perches on my clothed back. "Get some rest Nightshade." The obedient bird flew off, placing himself near the dragon who was... Baking something. I raised a non-existent brow, "Though I believe the girls held you responsible for the well-being of their pets until they returned, Spike."

The dragon waved dismissively, "Yeah yeah. Now, to finally add those jewels." Ah yes. The whole time Spike held a jug in his hands with various coloured gems inside. The prices the mares paid to look after this pets, I was informed.

No wonder Spike kept trying to sneak away with my back turned.

"Spike." I continued, adding more stern to my tone. The dragon looked back from his baking, appearing startled by the interruption. "When you're tasked with a big responsibility to care for another life, you're expected to take that matter seriously. They didn't pay you to be ignorant to the needs and welfare of their pets."

"But we handled it, right?" The infant lizard shrugged, obviously taking this matter lightly.

"Not the point." My hoof quickly snatched the falling green gem before it could fall onto Spike's waiting tongue. He then blinked at the seemingly missing jewel, before glancing at my gaze, "It's not something you can easily dismiss as a job well done. The well-being of another is far more important than baking a cake, no matter if he or she is a pet."

I really shouldn't be lecturing right now, I still hadn't fully recovered form the whole experience with Sombra. But clearly, without Twilight around, someone needs to keep Spike on track over his priorities.

The dragon finally sighed, realizing his error, "You're right Stardust, it was wrong of me to think that. You think they'll forgive me?"


"You can make up for it by helping me when they wake up, willingly." I added as Spike nodded confidently. Then, noticing what he was staring at, I rolled my eyes in good faith and passed the hungry dragon his gem back. "You know, if Twilight was here right now, she'd had given you a much sterner lesson about this."

"I doubt it." Spike retorted, happily mixing the ingredients in the bowl. "You and her are both pretty alike."




"I can... Trust you, right?" I asked before I could stop myself. What I doing this? Was I actually, truly doing this? It seems unlike of me to spill out something like this, but I had the urge to share this with someone for a very long time now.

Spike glanced to his left, seemingly surprised by the question, "Of course! We're best friends, Stardust!"

And now seemed more prefect than ever to talk about this.

"I... Like Twilight." There, I said it. Composing myself, I clarified to Spike's expression, "As in... I'm infatuated with her."

The young dragon blinked, slowly, "You mean... You have a crush on Twilight?"

I nodded carefully, "Yes... I know it's-"

"Finally!" The bowl was suddenly dropped, Nightshade abruptly woken up and even I was taken aback by Spike's immediate exclamation. Arms gestured proudly to me, "He admits it! Took you long enough!"

A light frown creased my features. "Was it that obvious...?"

"Are you kidding?" Spike asked, in both exasperation and humour while slapping his forehead. "Both you and Twilight are terrible at hiding your emotions! Even the Crusaders can tell there's something was going on between you two!"

Eh? But nothing has been going on between us... Right?

"What made you finally realize your feelings?" Spike then asked, picking up the bowl and proceeding with the stirring, adding the gems to the bowl... While I quickly grabbed them as they fell before the greedy dragon could devour them.

"At the night of the wedding." I responded, placing the jewels in the bowl myself as Spike grinned sheepishly. "I realized exactly how much Twilight meant to me after waking up from that battle with Mephiles. To be honest, she was on the forefront of my mind whenever I thought about protecting our friends... Guess that makes me kinda selfish?"

"Not at all!" Spike quickly denied, his grin widening, "That just means you're in love, Stardust. I'm proud of you!"

"Haha! There's a difference between a crush and falling in love, Spike." I said, chuckling. Yet, I felt more and more confident talking to this young trustworthy dragon about this, as though he was the only one I could share this secret with.

The lizard shrugged, "Well, that just proves then that my love for Rarity is greater than yours for Twilight's." Just humour the lad. I refrained from shaking my head tiredly, "So then, explain this crush for her."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean how do you feel around her, what do you think the most about her, what do you like about her?"

Oh, where to start...

"Pretty much... Everything. Twilight's beautiful - amazing - inside and out. Her eyes which I could stare into all day. Her smile which greets me every morning and afternoon - depending when I get up - and immediately brightens my day. Her intelligence, her pursuit for knowledge, her innocent nature, yet sometimes stern and authoritative when needed. Her confidence and protectiveness of those she holds dear... The list is practically endless, Spike." I said in amusement, the image of the smiling purple mare inciting my own content look, "She makes me laugh. She makes me smile. She makes me feel safe, and, most importantly... She makes me happy. Every second I spend with her seems to be worth more than anything else in the world."

And there's so much more I could say to describe the Goddess that was Twilight Sparkle, but I think Spike got the general idea. Hm, I don't think I've felt so strongly towards anyone in a long time now, not since high school...

Well, that didn't mean I wasn't going to like someone that way again. And that time was now.

"Wow... You really do like her." Was that admiration in his tone? "That's exactly how I feel about Rarity, only my love for her is ten times stronger."

That casual statement prompted my amused grin, "Heh, it's not a contest Spike."

He shrugged again, "So... Why not tell her?"

"Maybe the same reason you won't tell Rarity."

"Heh... Touche." Spike rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment.

"And it's not just out of fear of rejection, Spike." The dragon glanced from his work questionably, prompting me to explain, "There are several reasons why a relationship like that can't possibly work between Twilight and I."

As much as it hurts to think of it, much less say it, myself.

"Such as?"

"Well, different species being one thing." I pointed out, "Even though I look like a pony, I'm still human in nature."

"And?" Ah, ignorance is bliss.

"And Twilight deserves better. True, she's everything a man - or stallion - would want, but she's better off with someone who can give her a happy future. I'm a dependent autistic, Spike, a man who can't promise any girl the happiness and future she deserves. I'm hardly intelligent, hardly capable of conducting any task. Hell, a Diamond Dog is more suited with Twilight than I am."

The dragon shuddered, "Don't give me that image." Still holding distaste towards the creatures which once kidnapped his waifu, I see.

"My point being." I continued without humour, "What can I possibly do or give to someone like Twilight, who is far out of my league?"

"You'd be surprised." Spike replied instantly, inspecting his work proudly. "Considering the way she looks at you, I think you already have given her something." Glancing at my look, the lizard rolled his eyes, "You have no idea, do you?"

"Should I?"

"Stardust, Twilight likes you too, in a like-like way." Spike spoke clearly, sounding exasperated, "It's obvious how much she cares for you too. Do you know how many times she worries about you? Remember when you were unconscious at Canterlot because of Queen Chrysalis? Twilight would take every little opportunity to check up on you. When you started acting like a jerk? Twilight wondered if she did something wrong. When you ran away to the Everfree Forest? Twilight immediately had me deliver a letter to the Princess asking for the Elements of Harmony. I don't think I saw her so determined in my life. And when you've been locking yourself away in your room after beating King Sombra? Twilight constantly worried about you; even turning away from her studies to check on you. Geez Stardust, if that doesn't make it obvious, I don't know what does."



"But... What would she see... In me...?"

Spike then smiled, both tiredly and in reassurance, "You're a good guy, Star. You're funny, you're caring, and you are intelligent. You're kind, you always help when needed, and always offer help to anyone. Okay so sometimes you can be a bit lazy, but hey, you and Twilight don't need to have everything in common to be a good couple."

...I beg your pardon?! I'M lazy? I won't deny that, but have you met yourself, Spike?

"You're both easily annoyed. You both love books and discovering new things. You both enjoy hanging with our friends, and mostly each other. You want me to go on?"

"No, I think I've got your point." I shook my head lightly, a small hopeful smile emerging on my muzzle, "So... You think there's a chance?"

"Think? No. Know? Definitely." Spike snorted, plunging his finger in the mix, and tasting what appears to be a cake in the making. "Though I think you should at least tell her before, y'know, you go back to your world."

Okay, even I could detect the hesitation in that statement.

"But what would be the point Spike?" I inquired rather quietly, wanting to know his answer to this other small obstacle. "I'll go home, eventually, why hopelessly pursuit a relationship which won't last?"

The dragon, once again, shrugged, "Maybe... Just so you can enjoy it while it lasts. If you like Twilight that much, and she does too, then spend your time together as much as possible before then... Which will hopefully be never..."

...I'll just pretend ignorance to that last part.

"Even after what I did? The things I said to her under Sombra's influence? What about when I almost hit her?"

Spike then regarded me reassuringly, "We've told you a thousand times; no one blames you for all that, Star. Least of all Twilight. Sure it might've stained your relationship a bit, but one small thing like that won't permanently harm your friendship. And you've more than made up for it, right?"

"Hardly a 'small thing,' Spike... But I suppose you have a point." If there was even the smallest, most marginal possibility. Even if it's all wishful thinking on my part, the idea of there being a chance between Twilight and I...

Well, that would be enough.

"I'm... Going to check on the animals. I'll leave you to your baking." I said, moving to leave. It was quiet int he next room, suspiciously so. Yet before leaving, I sent one last smile of gratitude towards the baking proud dragon. "I appreciate this immensely, Spike, thank you for your advice."

Looking behind, Spike winked playfully, "No prob. Just don't let Twilight or yourself down, alright?"

I smirked lightly, "No promises, my friend. Just don't share this information with anyone, will you?" He gave a thumbs-up, happily returning to his work while looking quite proud of himself. Deservedly so.

Talking about this to someone was a better idea after all. I felt much, much better now.

"Oh, back so soon?"

Exiting from the room into the main first floor, I was greeted by the returned Mane Six, who were all taking care of their sleeping pets. But, at the sound of my voice, they all immediately glanced up, with several expressions which prompted my confusion.

Rainbow was smirking smugly. Pinkie was grinning widely, creepily so. Rarity was smiling in content. Applejack looked proud. Fluttershy sent me a small smile... Although it looked almost sad. And Twilight, while she was facing me, her eyes seemed to be trying their best not to meet my gaze, with the brightest shade of red I've ever seen on her.

"...Did I miss something?"

"Better yet, did WE miss something?" Rainbow asked with a snort, while the resting tortoise unknowingly flew again on that damn rotor.


"Good afternoon Stardust," Rarity then interjected before the blue pegasus could explain her strange behaviour, nuzzling the fur of her sleeping troublesome cat. "I trust Spike has taken good care of our lovable little friends?"

I nodded, titling my head to one side jokingly, "Well... With some help from Nightshade and I." Twilight was still refusing to even look straight at me, and that was then I noticed the large redness covering her face. "Is everything alright...?"

"Just peachy, sugarcube." Applejack glanced at the blushing purple unicorn, sending an expression I couldn't decipher. "Just a little exhausted from our trip to the Crystal Empire. Thanks for takin' care of our pets. Where's Spike?"

"Other room." I inclined my head behind me. "Though I think he'll be too preoccupied with his bakery than to acknowledge your gratitude properly."

"That's fine, we can thank him later." Applejack replied, followed by a snorting chuckle emerging from the flying pegasus. We looked at the blue mare, who was now grinning gleefully for some reason.

Did someone put something in her cloud.

"Ignore her." Yet as Rarity said that, even a small grin appeared on her muzzle, "Just a funny joke we shared earlier."

Ah... "So then, how'd it go?"

"Wonderfully!" Pinkie then exclaimed enthusiastically, startling the abruptly awoken animals, "Operation Equestrian-Games-To-Be-Held-In-The-Crystal-Empire is a go!"

"Really?" I responded with a small grin of my own, observing the pets now ecstatic to see their owners, snuggling up to the smiling mares, "Well congratulations. I'm sure Cadence and Shining are more than happy about that. I knew you would be able to convince the representative."

The girls beamed modestly. I knew very little about these Equestrian Games, but according to the brief summary Twilight informed me earlier, they were similar to the Olympic Games from Earth, partly the reason I didn't go with them to the kingdom.

"Speaking of, Prince Shining and Princess Cadence were wonderin' how you were, Star." Applejack then brought up, clearly seeing my expression upon saying that and quickly reassured me, "They're not mad at ya, sugarcube, they just wanna know how you've been."

Of course they do. But the news the couple apparently weren't angry towards me did fill me with much-needed relief and elation, a small smile emerging on my muzzle. "I'll... Thank them for asking another time."

Rarity then gave me a knowing look, "You still blame yourself for what happened?"

I couldn't help but grin lightly, "What else is new?"

Which prompted their shared sighs. "Don't worry Star!" The pink Earth Pony spoke up again, announcing loudly, "We'll help you overcome your regrets! As your friends, we promise this!" Concluded with the others nodding determinedly, even the unusually silent Twilight.

You guys...

"What did I do to deserve such great friends?" I asked humouredly, inciting their playful shrugs, grins smirks and smiles. "But seriously, thank you, all of you. Not just for being absolutely fantastic friends, but for never giving up on me, even when it looked certain Sombra had me on the palm of his hand."

"You mean hoof."

"Thank you Rainbow... Which is why I've reached a decision." They then looked at me in interest. Taking a deep breath, I clarified calmly, "There is a great secret I've been keeping from you all, concerning all of you."

"You mean one of us, right?" The blue pegasus winked teasingly.

"Err, no, I mean everyone, including all inhabitants of Equestria." Followed by confused and curious expressions. "It wasn't something I had planned on sharing with anyone here, as the consequences may be more than severe. But after all you've been through, especially by my expense... It's only fair you know the truth... Behind your world."

Yes, they were ready. I can only hope they'll believe and understand.

"We might need to sit down for this." Which after that statement, fluffy cushions appeared from nowhere beneath us, courtesy of a beautiful mare. And we all took our seats comfortably, the audience listening intently to what I had to say. "Though first, I must ask that you hear me out until the very end, for everything I'm about to tell you is one-hundred percent truth. Suffice to say... Sombra wasn't completely wrong when he claimed I had already knew about your world from the beginning."

The mares exchanged glances, before Fluttershy said softly, "We trust you, Stardust." Agreed with their nods and smiles.

And, finally with Twilight looking right at me, their sparkling eyes and encouraging smile inciting me to go on, I took another deep breath, as I began sharing this long secret, "It all started with a woman named Lauren Faust..."

Time waits for no man, especially one divulging a very great secret towards the inhabitants of a fictional world. Though I'm uncertain whether this could be called fictional any longer.

So had told them, everything. How there was a TV program originally named My Little Pony, made for little girls to enjoy, filled with nothing but rainbows and colourful forests and ponies who treated one another as best friends. Followed years later by the "second generation" of MLP, which followed the same concept but with different characters and stories. Then again with the third, which was around the time I was born. Same concept, improved animation, new and old characters and stories.

And finally, four years ago, a woman, aided by a corporation, decided to bring that beloved show back, with old and new characters working together to solve problems and uncover the magic of friendship; teaching little kids various important lessons in life. Their eyes widened as I described the story of gen four with a young unicorn, who had met new friends and, together, stopped seemingly unstoppable threats, all the while learning together the power friendship truly had.

It didn't take long for them to put two and two together.

Occasionally interrupted by gasps and outbursts by Rainbow, the mares still encouraged me to continue. With the limited knowledge I had, saying I had only become a brony, what one calls male fans of their world, few months prior to being stuck in Equestria, along with the knowledge I've gained from my "imprisonment" here, I explained all I could.

I explained how these six before me were the main characters; the heroes of their world, emphasizing my point by recounting their many situations and victories over Equestria's dangerous foes. Rainbow, on her part, looked smug at hearing how significant she was, and even more overjoyed at the thought of thousands of people watching and thinking how awesome she was. Though I then pointed out that Twilight was the real lead, as all main characters required a leader, to which the others agreed with without argument, to the unicorn's embarrassment, before they asked I continue.

Followed by how their adventures and dilemmas were mainly split into episodes, focusing on one, two or all of the mares each as they face a situation and learn a lesson about friendship, which is then sent to Celestia. Even Spike, I pointed out, had a few episodes dedicated to him learning something. Their eyes widened immensely at the fact that the lessons they've learnt were really for kids to learn about for the troubles in life ahead. Followed by jaws dropping at the fact I had some knowledge of what was to come, even though it was limited, which, Rarity then pointed out, how it did explain a few things.

By the time I was finished explaining as best I could, mouth dry and aching for some water, my eyes glanced at the clock. This went on for a over an hour. Wow. Well, time to see how this news sinks in. For the moment, there was only silence, save for Spike's blissful loud humming next door, as the mares sat quietly, thoughtful expressions on their faces. Even Pinkie seemed to be taking in this revelation with seriousness.

"Well... I can see why you would expect us to be skeptic at first." Rarity finally spoke up, looked at me with ratehr uncertain eyes. "The idea of us, our world, everything we know and cherish to be... Fabricated, is just..."

"I understand..."

"It's not that we don't believe ya, sugarcube." Applejack then pointed out, though her tone was somber, "It's just a little hard to take in is all. If we're fictional, then how and why are ya here?"

"I wonder that myself..."

"Well, I believe you!" Our heads turned at the elated Earth Pony, "I trust you, Star, just like Fluttershy said!"

"Hold on now, Pinkie!" Rainbow then responded, frowning. "You might be too accepting of this, but it all sounds a little- Well, completely ridiculous! No way someone as awesome as I can be just a character in a 'TV show!'"


"If it helps." I then said thoughtfully, "It could be that this might be some parallel universe where you do exist." That would explain why I was seemingly trapped in a fictional world.

"And you were never going to tell us this at all?"

I looked at Fluttershy, who appeared quite hurt, inciting my pang of regret, "What would've been the point? Truth hurts, Fluttershy, and I'd have preferred you all remain blissfully ignorant over this little detail."

"'Blissfully ignorant?'" Rarity echoed in disbelief. "We had every right to know about this! Yes, the truth can be painful at times, but it's better to know than be oblivious to everything around us."

"Yer right, Rarity." Applejack nodded in agreement, frowning herself. "I believe what Stardust is sayin', even if it sounds ridiculous, could be true. Besides, is it any weirder than the fact our friend's an alien from another universe?"

"That's entirely different!" Rainbow protested. "If what he's telling us is true, then that means everything we've done is pointless!"


"...Is that true?" Twilight finally spoke up since her return here, gazing at me with eyes that demanded the truth, "If we're just a 'TV program.' then everything we've been through, all of our struggles and lessons over friendship, that's just been for children's entertainment. All for nothing...?"

The others seemed downcast at the prospect, and I quickly retaliated.

"No." They glanced up in surprise, the firmness in my tone followed by my confident expression. "Not for nothing. Never for nothing. You have no idea how much you're beloved by my people. How many you've inspired and are looked upon by countless people. Your adventures may seem fiction to them, but they're real to you, and your lessons just as strong."

"Rainbow Dash. Adored by thousands for her self-confidence, her outlook on looking for the extremes in life, inspiring people to be proud of themselves and never to never lose their confidence over anything. And that loyalty is one of the most important aspects of friendship." The blue mare grinned proudly.

"Pinkie Pie. Who's inspired people to never be shy of their energetic personalities, and to always be happy and enthusiastic through every situation and tough time. And helped people through their hardships by putting a smile on their face." The pink Earth Pony jumped on the spot in joy.

"Applejack. Who taught people that, while honesty can hurt others, it's better to always be true to yourself and to others around you than live a life of lies that would harm you or your loved ones later. And that hard work pays off the most." The orange farmer smiled, nodding in agreement.

"Fluttershy. Who's adored shyness, love for animals and appreciation for silence is loved by many. And teaches that even those who are shy have a big heart, and can fight back when pushed or for the safety of those close to them." A red hue enveloped the embarrassed pegasus' features, while Angel smirked.

"Rarity. Generosity is becoming a rare trait in my world, but even someone who looks greedy can be the biggest giver of them all. Never judge a book by its cover, and always be proud of your work." The white unicorn smiled in flattery, looking gracefully bashful.

Finally, my gaze turned to a waiting Twilight, who looked ill-prepared for what was about to follow. "And Twilight Sparkle... Showing even those who are considered to be anti-social, focused more on studies and impressing their peers, still cares for and loves their friends, and will do anything to make them happy. That there IS magic in friendship. And, considering what is to come, there will always be something worth everything you go through at the end."

Leaving the mare to ponder that last statement, I looked back at them all, smiling happily, "I am the most fortunate being in the universe to meet such amazing inspirational characters. True, your world was originally designed for kids, but somehow there's a magic about your world and all its occupants which attracts older children, teenagers and even adults. Be proud of who you all are, for not only are you examples of what friendship should truly be, but also heroes to countless many... Myself included."

I can breathe again. Taking deep inhales and exhales after that long speech, I waited. Hopefully that was enough to boost their moods, no longer thinking negatively about the implications. Maybe now they'll understand how exactly how important and cherished they are to people the world over on Earth, If not, then I'll have to keep repeating myself until the message got through their heads-

Twilight approached me, and I found myself still, staring deep in her purple searching eyes. As much as I could muster. I expressed all the warmth, admiration, affection and happiness I could display to show how truthful I was.

That seemed to be enough.

Once again, I was enveloped in a warm hug, which I eagerly accepted and returned, followed by the girls slowly joining in. Their warmth and love spread through the large embrace and possibly the entire room, and I felt like the luckiest man on the planet, if I wasn't already. That same warmth which enveloped me during my battle with Sombra, assuring me that everything will be okay, and that these mares will never hold it against me for keeping such a large secret from them.

And you know what... I believe it.

"Thank you..." I head Twilight whisper, bliss and relief in her tone.

"No... Thank you, my amazing, wonderful friends..."

Now, there was only one more secret to share, with some different ponies.

"Wow..." Derpy echoed through the small house after hearing my tale, while the others just looked purely stunned at me. I was sue to that. "So you're an alien from another universe."

I shrugged, taking a sip of the soda, "Basically."

"I knew it!" Our eyes then turned to an exclaiming Lyra, who slammed her clenched hoof down on the other and grinned sheepishly at our looks. "It was obvious!"

Bon shook her head, regarding me with curious blue eyes, "Well, it would explain that earnest confusion on your face when we first found you lying in the middle of Ponyville. And your rather un-ponylike behaviour." Really, was it that obvious? "Still, an alien..."

"Human." I corrected her.

Four mares and two stallions circled around the table, all called here so I could share with them this secret of mine. As they were also my friends, they deserve to know my origins too, though I had them promise not to share this with another soul before I revealed myself to them.

"I must say, this is quite the revelation." Sugarcoating it there, Doc? Whooves smiled without humour next to me, blue eyes observing me with clear intrigue, "Although it does prove of there being other life outside of Equestria. Imagine, the possibilities we can learn from this discovery! An alien, on our world! Who I've been interacting with all this time! Even friends with! Oh this is a most wonderful scientific breakthrough towards the concept of other life beyond the stars-!" "

"Easy there, Whooves," Bon then said, thankfully, before the stallion could go on and proceed to ask endless questions, instead writing notes down. Dark blue eyes looked back at me, "And Twilight and the others know about this?"

I nodded, "Yes, for a very long time now. Originally I wasn't going to tell anyone, but..."

"But circumstances made it otherwise." The cream Earth Pony speculated.


Derpy then asked, "Do they have muffins where you're from?"

"I think there are far more important questions first before that, Derpy." Bon said in slight amusement.

"Yeah, like do they have cake there?"


I couldn't help but laugh a little. "Haha. So... I have your trust then."

"Just as you have ours." Bon replied sincerely, Lyra and Derpy nodding in agreement. Whooves was too busy writing something down, and Vinyl was preoccupied bobbing her head up and down to the music in her headphones.

Why was she called here too again?

Ah well. My smile grew towards my friends, "Thank you. It's a relief to have such wonderful friends like you."

"The feeling is mutual, Stardust Balance." Bon winked with a grin.

"Now, how exactly do humans function?" Whooves suddenly spoke up, followed by my low groan and the apologetic glances of the mares. Knew that was coming.

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