• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 195: Then There Were Three

Life creates Balance... As destruction brings Balance in turn. A natural cycle of the universe. Feel it flow through the grass which surrounds you, the stream rippling beneath your hoofs, the rocks that levitate around you. Balance connects us all, and a powerful connection it is for all matters of physical and beyond.

I could see it, in my mind's eye, stationed atop the light river supporting only on the tip of my short brown tail. The flow of Balance was like the stream, but warmer and soothing in its own way; a gentle caressing breeze belonging to the tranquility and hope for all creatures within Harmony and Chaos themselves. My eyes remained calmly shut, all noise of the outside world shut out in favour of this meditation practice in order to tune my inner senses, and learn more from the former unicorn along the way.

Barring from calling him 'teacher' again, of course.

Not that the old spiritual coot seemed to mind. Reach out to the heart of all beings. Earth Ponies, unicorns, pegasi and alicorns, Diamond Dogs, griffons and Changelings. You will find any creature, including those whom you would not naturally expect to wield such power, can be equally adaptable in mastering the force and peace of Balance through many inspiring methods.

Whilst the ghost of a revered stallion spoke with that patient, ever-so-wise tone of his, the 'footage' before my closed sight played. Three ponies of various types displayed before my inner eye. Beginning with an Earth Pony planting one seed in the ground... And a gigantic forest following from a simple glow of his hoof.

Earth Ponies, by their instinctive bond to the earth they move upon, can summon rainforests by sheer willpower.

One pegasus, entire wings and tail brightening in golden light, her faceless body spinning around once as a tornado was called forth, plowing through the innocent clouds.

Pegasi, only one each among them capable of summoning great storms if so inclined.

Next, a unicorn of female structure, the shadowy figure in my calm mind revealed to be opposing a massive centaur of deadly proportions. And by a simple glow of her horn, the monstrous being succumbing onto its knees.

Unicorns, utilizing their natural connections with magic itself to command even the most frightening of creatures to their will, and these are all mere examples of what Balance, fully mastered and inner controlled, could potentially achieve.

The power of Balance was both mystifying and mutually terrifying indeed, vast and unnerving. What Starswirl implied that any creature worthy of learning Balance could possibly become stronger than even the likes of Celes- Okay not a sound comparison.


Perhaps much stronger than the likes of Sombra, the sirens, other worldending threats. Could it even trump the magic of friendship that my beloved Princess and friends utilize when the going went tough?

There's still so much to learn! Yet I felt as though, for some peculiar reasoning, that time was running short.

Magic exists within all species, regardless of size and heritage. It slumbers, awaiting the day for its gifts to become fully realized. From the tiniest Parasprite to the greatest of Buffalo. Griffons with the might to create hurricanes. Diamond Dogs, able to spawn entire underground cities under a mere day. Dragons by their sheer will to call forth golden flames of righteous infernos. Perhaps, someday, the power within a creature but among us ponies may awaken, and take the world by surprise.

One day, perhaps. But right now, Starswirl, it was much better to focus on just one individual learning and mastering Balance first overall, hm? The reply came first in a warm, knowing chuckle.

Indeed Jack. In the meantime, let's maintain concentration on the present. Now, for alicorns, mastery over Balance keeps the requirements of balance in the heart; positive and negative emotions on a scaled capacity. But the results, as one would imagine, can be quite astronomical. The hint of a sensed smile. One such example could be, right here and now, the spear boulders currently levitating around your still posture, summoned by sheer Balance alone.

On cue, the tiny pointed pillars in questions descending on etched ground flawlessly, six in total surrounding my tranquil posture. Well, I almost smirked. Not one to brag too much, old pony, but I kept the right to at least be pleased that, after all this time, I haven't lost my touch with the magic in question.

Making a more gifted student than many, Jack, but your humility is refreshing at times. Yeah, tell that to Rarity and Twilight at times. Now then, back to what alicorns are possible with accomplishing in regards to a balanced soul...

Whew! That lesson lasted all morning! Became a bit parched.

Granted, I could have drank from the stream... But nah, no intention of tasting fish droppings thank you very much. Why do that when I have some delicious, clean water waiting at home? Twilight and Spike are likely at the school, I would estimate it's lunchtime about that point, and Starlight may be hanging out with Trixie or Maud during then. Leaving the castle alllllll to myself.

Which was fine, I was quite use to being home alone when the others were out during the day, it makes good practice for peace of mind and learning further about Balance, brushing up on Equestrian history to surprise Twilight when I could, play video games without interruption, prepare some brownies and over treats for the others after their daunting days over there, continue that secret project of mine, tidy up, and so on and so forth. Truth be told, I find procrastinating boring when it doesn't involve sleeping.

I had to keep my mind and body at least busy so I didn't feel like a complete waste of space, and those examples are what I primarily act upon whenever no one else was around. Those things, alongside the occasional visit to Sugarcube Corner, Sweet Apple Acres or anywhere else I just felt like visiting or even help out, especially with those places since Pinkie and Applejack would be more occupied these days at the School of Friendship. Not to mention, Big Mac's own precious time with that pink Earth Pony from Starlight's old village.

All in all, there was much to keep myself busy with whenever the others were working at that building. You know what? Heck, why not make them all lunch and deliver it to the school the second I returned home? My deal with Neighsay never said anything about keeping away from the premises after I resigned permanently from ever teaching at Equestrian schools again-

Oof... Clutching my underbelly a little to the stomach, frowning at the ground curiously. I knew that sensation well, someone close to me was feeling under the weather. I could check who after I made the lunches- Oh hello, approaching me was a certain white unicorn who was equally thrilled to see a good friend too, beaming warmly.

"Stardust darling!"

"Hey Rarity."

"Oh you're just the pony I was looking for." The fashioner exclaimed in positive relief, maintaining her pleasant smile of grace. I barely repressed a sigh and then grinned in coy exasperation.

"Oh lord, Rarity, please don't tell me I have to be your fashion puppet for the afternoon." I joked dread. "I just finished a morning of listening to someone else prattle about my life choices."

Hm, it's been too long since someone's fondly referred to my lectures as 'prattling.' Amused than offended as ever. Meanwhile, Rarity chuckled with elegance before lightly shaking her head, something in her heart reflecting quiet concern. What's this now?

"Regrettably not, Stardust, but the idea may be tempting if Spike continues this unique behaviour of late." Spike? At my quizzical tilt of the head, Rarity mirrored the gesture. "You haven't noticed this morning? When I approached Spike earlier today, he brushed off my request in favour of guiding a tour to some visitors into the school. It was quite peculiar, to say the least."

Spike brushing off Rarity to voluntarily guide some tourists? Next you'd be telling me that Fluttershy's giving up caring for animals to open up her own cheese Doritos stand.

In answer regarding this morning, I shrugged. "I got up earlier than both Twilight and Spike to go meditate outside." I know, I know, sounded nothing like me, but even Starswirl was insistent I learn something these days. "But I haven't noticed anything odd..."

Trailing off a little. Come to think of up, the young dragon was in a hurry last night to go to bed, mentioning about not feeling too great and needing early sleep, but nothing through our bond felt too wrong so I dismissed it as perhaps exhaustion, or he had that much of a good day with the fashionista before me that Spike was incredibly eager to resume as much tomorrow. But nothing struck me as really wrong.

"I know you may be a little preoccupied with your training." Rarity began, picking up where I left off with a hopeful expression. "But perhaps, when you have time, you could go see what's wrong with dear Spikey-wikey, just to make certain that everything's fine? You have those remarkable senses of other's emotions, so it shouldn't be too impossible?"

My first answer was a small smile. "Lucky enough, my dear Rarity, I was heading back to deliver some handmade lunches to everyone. Would you care to accompany me?"

"Oh, a gracious offer darling, but I'm afraid my time is rather sparse today." Rarity displayed a humble, apologetic smile. "Fluttershy has been kind enough to cover my classes for today, and I was hoping Spike could spare enough time himself to assist my new ideas today."

"Fair enough." Rarity arguably had the most demanding of careers compared to our friends; Twilight's own Princess duties were utterly lightweight compared to common royals. I nodded. "Yeah, I'll go check on Spike when I have the chance."

"Hm?" Rarity then suddenly struck her white ear a little towards me, frowning in puzzlement. "Could you repeat that darling."

"I said I'll go check on Spike when I have the chance."

"What? I can't hear you Stardust." The Hell? I raised my voice a little, but not too much as to accidentally damage Rarity's equine ear... If there wasn't something wrong with it already, that is.

"I'll check on Spike, later."

"You'll make an alligator?" The [BEEP]? I blinked, bewildered as Rarity frowned apologetically and leaned back. "I think perhaps there's something wrong with my hearing all of a sudden, darling! I should likely get that fixed swiftly!" What was she suddenly deaf? That came out of left field! But Rarity was already galloping away, eager to go get whatever's wrong with her fixed, but not before calling out. "Be a dear and check on Spike once you have the chance! My thanks Stardust!" And gone into the distance.




Today had the markings of an interesting day.

"Knock knock?"

"Who's there?" Came an amused voice from the desk, the lavender alicorn barely repressing her smile without even looking up from paperwork, having sensed my close presence likely when I entered the school grounds.




"You need to work on your joke material, honey."

"Agh." I huffed, jokingly rolling hazel eyes. "As you need to develop an actual appreciation for classics, love." Walking straight in and closing the Headmistress office door behind, soon setting the basket down at the corner of the clean surface. "Hope I'm not interrupting you from important work."

"Well, I have three split tests on friendships of the body, soul and heart to hand out in Applejack and Rainbow Dash's classes, a field study to plan ahead for tomorrow and next week, Fluttershy's put in a request for more bird houses in the school courtyard and gardens, Pinkie Pie wants to begin an after-class lecture - provoked from my encouragement, of course - regarding planned celebrations when it comes to making close friends. So much work to do." Twilight finished wryly, smirking up in tease by obviously sensing my weary amusement from her intentional babbling. "But with always enough spare time for my Warrior to make an unannounced visit to the school bearing..." A light sniff of curious wonderment. "Brownies with oat sprinkles?"

My grin widened by the sparkle of delight in those gorgeous violet eyes. "For you exclusively; I've already handed the others theirs." Twilight briefly set her paperwork aside, magically bringing the basket closer, laying out a napkin on the desk for any crumbs to land on, and throwing me a warm grin which automatically made it worth every second baking these.

"Well, I am a little peckish, and it is lunch time. Thank you my considerate Warrior."

"Anything for my beloved Princess." The smiles we sent one another were of equal warmth, affection and humour. "Though I regret to say seeing your blissful reaction wasn't my sole motivation for the surprise visit."

"Let me guess." Twilight started with a knowing gleam, throwing a rather exasperated grin. "Is it small, purple and green with an often unpredictable habit that it makes Pinkie Pie act more natural by comparison?"

"You a mind reader now?" All jokes aside, I looked towards the door, closing my eyes briefly to check a second time since my arrival to the entrance. Yep, couldn't sense Spike anyway in close proximity. "Do you know where he's gone off to?"

My Princess hummed. "I was hoping you could tell me. Spike has been acting rather oddly this morning."

"Rarity told me while I was passing by her before." Gazing back to the equally befuddled shorter alicorn. "Spike apparently brushed her off to lead a tour?"

"Mhm, Pinkie thanked me earlier for supposedly getting Spike to take over the tour, when I don't recall ever making that request for Spike to do so." Taking a bite from the brownie before setting it neatly down on the center of the blanket, chewing completely before continuing. "Then I get reports of an outburst caused by Spike in the school library. Add those to the symptoms he had this morning, and it's causing me to worry."

Symptoms? Now I was worried. At my expression, Twilight quickly threw up lavender hoofs of reassurance.

"I'm sure it's nothing serious, Spike only woke up this morning with red and darker purple spots around his scales, sudden sneezes of flames, and a sudden quieter voice." Red spots? What does he have measles? "But something in my gut told me it's nothing quite serious."

Your gut huh love? I frowned, focusing. Nothing in the bond between us implied any immediate threats to the boy's life, through the connection between us and our son. Was Spike just enduring an illness only dragon kind have and will get over it by the end of the day?

"That's what I assumed initially too." Twilight heard me through our bond, straightening her posture a little. "Still, I can't help but be concerned; you know how Spike tends to overreact and make some drastic decisions." Wonder who influenced him in that capacity. The beautiful mare then huffed. "Quiet you." Half-serious, as Twilight regarded the nearby clock in thought, and I took a wild guess what the Princess may be planning.

"I could go look-"

"No, I'll go look Jack." Cutting me off without any aggressiveness to it, Twilight displaying a light grin of assurance. "I need to go see Zecora about something anyhow. Just point me where you sense our wayward son has disappeared off to while I head there."

I blinked in surprise. "Are you sure Twilight? We could look for him together." Came my next offer, myself obviously concerned for the son too, but Twilight shook her head with an adamant expression and resolve.

"If it's nothing serious, then both of us searching for Spike might incite him to act more concerned about himself." Twilight then threw a coy smile. "Besides, what kind of mother would I be to put schoolwork over our boy's wellbeing?"

Fair point then.

You know... One would think, at this point, with the recent bridging of friendships between pony and dragon kind, that there'd be more information regarding the creatures even in the school library, where one among their own students is a dragon. Twilight would somehow find enough time to write an entire book about dragons and have it published under a single day; she's THAT good.

But nope. Nothing! Checking shelf after shelf in the homely library of the school's interior, politely declining any offered assistance from helpers after inquiring the creatures section. Placing another book back, I sighed wearily. Was there nothing helpful at all, nothing that would assist me in learning more about Spike's seeming condition?

The more I dwelled upon ideas and found no answers, the more increasingly concerned my feelings became.

"What do you look so upset for?" A rather inquisitive but sassy voice asked from the side, prompting to regard the young orange dragon whom just decided to approach me. "Seriously, we're-" Motioning to the rest of her group of friends studying by a table. "- Always getting worried whenever you of all ponies look that intense... What are you looking at me like that for?"

Hallelujah! My prayers have been answered without any pleading!

"You..." I trailed off, blinking for a moment in order to recollect some crucial information. To the female teenage dragon's raised brow.


"Smolder, that's it!" I nodded with a wide grin, pushing away any embarrassment for forgetting something so simple. "Perhaps you can help enlighten what's wrong with my son!"

This time, the dragon blinked in genuine shock, throwing up her raised claws. "Whoa, back up! You and Principal Twilight have a kid?" The startling supposed revelation inciting various heads of surprise, annoyance and intrigue from the outburst, so much so I almost laughed from the obvious miscommunication, instead raising my own limb and answering in clarification.

"I'm talking about Spike."


"Yeah... Anyway, he's been acting off all day, presumably. Spots around his body, uncontrollable fire breathing, softened voice. Even brushing off his waifu-"

A large snort cut me off, Smolder rolling narrowed purple eyes. "That's right, raised by ponies." Before clearing her throat at my expression and offering a sly grin. "Relax, Spike's totally fine! He's just molting, that's all."

"Oh of course, molting!" That makes sense I guess. "...And that is?"

A huff by my ignorance. Dragons and their attitude. "Basically, your 'son' is growing up into a proper full dragon, by those very signs. It's common among dragons to molt and begin living out their own way; finding their own new homes and causing destruction wherever they go. Yep, Spike's gonna be quite the force to be reckoned, if he could just get over that irrational fear of growing up for some reason..."

My mind was at a blank some point amidst the lecture, wandering towards what Smolder was implying. It wasn't sickness, or a plague, or their equivalent to chicken pox. It was biological; signs of change and maturity. Spots randomly appearing, voice cracking.


Spike was... Spike was growing up...

Adolescence... The first steps into adulthood...

Teenager... My own son... Was... Becoming one of them... Becoming something which was always inevitable...!

Multiple stares and voices drifted my way, somehow amidst this revelation I had stumbled back and knocked a few books off the shelves from my violently impact, clutching the edges of the wood to keep my stunned condition standing. Gasping softly and regarding the colourful floor in pure aghast shock, so many turmoil of emotions swirling throughout my mind and heart, the very idea alone of Spike growing up, leaving the nest... Something I had never EVER once considered...

It was... This was...!

I couldn't...!

My son... Spike... Was growing up...!

And... AND...!


Speaking of which. My head snapped upwards from the sudden, mentally projected call of a certain distressed voice, from the very same kid... Teen I was still reeling over about. And before I knew where I was even heading towards, following after the source of Spike's heart, my limbs rushed out the door in Balance-enhanced speed, everything else forgotten in favour of saving my son from whatever afflicted his heart with fear and dread. It couldn't have been puberty, not even I panicked to this degree over ten years back.

Puberty.. Spike was going through puberty...!




Well... Puberty or no puberty, my baby boy was in danger. And I will fight every living thing in the Goddamn multiverse to keep him safe! I'm coming my proud, beautiful son!

By the Everfree Forest. Of course it would be! And, wouldn't you happen to know it, Twilight's presence was awfully close by to Spike's too. The good news was, I found my growing-up boy on the way through these light woods and somewhat rocky terrain.

Bad news? My heart seized from the very view of my yelling son being clutched from the talons of a massive brown, green and white falcon-esque bird. Making matters possibly worse, the senses of two others being trapped inside the winged-beast's talons. Wonderful, at least neither of them were Twilight.

She was close by. Hopefully she'll keep safe. Yet those two I sensed within were friends I could detect, narrowing my eyes and pursuing after the flying monstrosity, quickly gazing around for any kind of leverage and trajectory to swiftly fling me in the air and tear that bird's [BEEP] a new one. Hopping over multiple sharp rocks, swerving aged trunks and throwing off my sparkling cape, extending the unmastered wings but hoping, for once, of their total cooperation.

Hey, quit pecking at my son you feathered [BEEP]-!


Spike's flamethrower attack was large and sudden enough to startle the beast, accidentally releasing the young dragon and- No no no no no no no no! Luckily, I was there in time to witness Spike skid down a long, empty tree with no sense of real pain and urgency, but still worry from the two trapped friends by the flying creature-


"Oh hey Twilight!" Just look who happened to watch that too, throwing the befuddled alicorn a wide, sheepish grin despite the current predicament. Twilight titled her head with a raised uncertain brow, before Spike's sigh of contentment followed with sounds of itches needed to be scratched prompted out attention upon our adopted son... Who was glowing red.

That's right... Puberty. But before any of that. "Are you alright?" I quickly asked in my hurry towards Spike, almost giving the lizard a father's embrace if not for him quickly backing off and continuing his little backscratch against the trunk. Wow, that must really itch.

"Spike, Jack, what is going on?" Sorry, love, are you rather dubious to the giant bird clawing after our boy?

"If my stone scales-" Those are STONES? How do they not hurt?! "- Didn't itch so much, and we weren't in any danger, this would be really embarrassing...!" Finishing that last part with a hopeless grin and more scratches. Oh Spike.

"'Danger?'" Oh, NOW she notices, the bird's screech and descent from the view of the yellow sun drawing all our attention upwards, its eyes and beak eager to taste some dragon skin, no doubt. Like Hell that'll happen, as Twilight shared the sentiment from our sudden flash of magic to a few feet later before the bird could nab us. Once that passed, Twilight continued, "I was on my way to Zecora's to get some cream for your scales. I had no idea you were-"

"Uh, ugh, be eaten by a giant predator, attracted to my molt smell?" Well, I was doing my best not to even comment, but since you called it out, my boy... Jesus Christ was it repugnant! I never even smelled that bad!

...God I hoped anyway.

"'Molt smell?" Followed by another screech, and this time I took action, throwing the three of us out the way from another tried swipe by the winged creature's talons.

It's a Roc, Jack.

Thank you Starswirl. Anyway. "Less conversing, more saving our friends." I demanded sternly as we got up from the ground, glaring irritably towards the Roc beginning another round the area for a third attempt.

"Friends? Hold on, was that Rarity?"

"And Zecora." Well, that helped identify one of the two scents; I knew one was Rarity in the first place. "I tried to save them but it's all I can do to stop scratching long enough to dive out of the way when that bird attacks!"

Then Twilight finally took action, quickly ordering, "Stay here and protect Spike." Followed by a swift ascent to the skies to meet the Roc head-on. Whoa, okay, will do, quickly placing myself between the itchy lizard and the bird in case it made another attempt. That was, until Twilight drew its attention away... In the form of being an unstoppable, beautiful angelic bad[BEEP] and zapping the bird all over with her amazing magic.

It was graceful. It was determined. It was... Almost mouthwatering had I just stopped myself then, focused entirely on Twilight's hardened, gorgeous features from down here fight off the annoyed Roc with sheer willpower and magical capabilities. "Look at your mother go..." I whispered in my own proud awe.

Then a sense of relief from behind me after a loud gasp. "Ahh, finally!" I glanced to my son, noting the disappearance of the red glow and the 'stone' spots. "I didn't think that itching would ever stop Dad!" Was that it, puberty over now? Huh, here I thought it would've-

The [BEEP]?! Literal hard stone begin to cover the dragon's backside, immediately bringing forth my own sense of equal panic and confusion. Extending to limbs and tail, green eyes looking at me in horrified bafflement. "Spike!"

"Dad, what's happening?! HELP ME-!" Completely covered from head to toe, eliciting my panicking gasp and trembling hoofs, instinctively making a moment to reach forward and tear the stone off by force-

No Jack! Starswirl's unexpected stern and anticipated voice froze my front hoofs midair, then resuming in a calmer fashion from my halt. Just observe, my boy... You are about to witness the proudest moment a father could have.

What... The Hell are you talking about you old-?!

My mental, indignant retaliation cut itself off from the grey stone which coated Spike commenced shattering apart, piece by piece, revealing purple and green once more and having me exhale in loud relief. Oh please tell me it's alright, please reassure me that this was just all part of the natural maturity process for dragons!

A sudden white flash from the cracked stone, shielding myself with a gold wing and hoof for a moment before it swiftly died down, giving me few to a minuscule crater... And my son...


And his wings...!


"What just... Happened?" Slowly recovering, my baby boy would quickly note his latest small additions in no time flat, inspecting them physically. "Did I just... Sprout wings...?" Before us staring at one another for a good moment, blinking in sync as realization dawned upon both son and father.

My son just sprouted wings... He just-!

Our embrace of pride couldn't be any tighter, calling into one another's ears with eager bliss and total joy.



This was a momentous occasion... At least it would have been, had the loud screech of an enraged Roc alerted our focus back on the present situation at hoof, looking up to see Twilight continue fighting off the giant bird monster as much as possible. Putting Spike down, I quickly added, "Celebration later. Your mother needs help."

Spike nodded, looking far more determined than I've ever seen of him before in relation to these matters. "Let's do it!" What, you had a plan my glorious son-?


Spike was FLYING... Soundly... With NO difficulty but a few turbulences in just a matter of seconds, already mastering it much better than Twilight and I had during our first attempts of flight at different points in our lives. What the Hell, Spike? I was impressed, in awe, amazed, proud and irritated all at once! Will this dragon ever cease to be a treasure in our lives?

Hopefully not ever. But still, if my son could do it, as could I! Extending my wings in a majestic fashion, willing on the forces of Balance to guide my ascension to the sky alongside my son and beloved Princess. Come on, don't fail me then! The wind caressing my bearded features, tickling gold fur and brown mane, as I relied moreso on the magic of Balance to help me reach them rather than my own prideful independence.

And it worked! For once, it worked! Just in time to hear Twilight exclaim while flying beside them after the Roc, with Rarity and Zecora precariously hanging by its opened talons. "Spike, how did you get wings?" Hey, remember when Rarity was given butterfly wings for a day? Same principle, is what I could joke in any other predicament than now.

"I don't know, but they're pretty aweso- Whoa!" Gotcha! Quickly catching the dragon before his overconfidence cost him altitude, just in time for the three of to dodge another attempted swipe of the Roc while we were distracted.

You know what, though? That sense to fight and indulge my warrior instincts? It has been long since there's been a challenging opponent after all...

As we reunited, Twilight then thought up a plan and asked Spike, "Do you think you can distract that creature while we try to rescue Zecora and Rarity?" Spike only looked hesitant for a brief moment, but then quickly glanced at my resolved hazel eyes. Normally, I would protest to our son endangering himself by any means, regardless of intent.

But Twilight had absolute faith in him... As did I. I nodded with a knowing smirk only a Dad could give. "Show that overgrown turkey what you've got, Spike."

Spike's emotions jumped to elevations of confidence and pride from the open support by both ponies who have raised him in their own ways, the three of us gazing over with hardened resolve towards where the Roc flew, the young dragon in-between Twilight and I and proceeding to call out with fierce eagerness. "Let's show that creep not to mess with out family, or our friends!" Our own smirks were equal in determined prowess, flying off to meet the creature head-on.

Three bonded people who weren't capable of flight before, now working in synchronized harmony to stop a wild animal from harming those we love. How far we've come, and I was oh so close to tearing up for this fantastic symbolism.

Spike's taunts worked, distracting the winged beast from two other obstacles and focusing solely on the expertly flying dragon. Dammit, I was so proud it hurts! He tried spinning, what a good trick! Provoking and smugly regarding the Roc to further increase its ire. My son alright, and Twilight threw me an exasperated but fond expression from realizing this too and sensing my high levels of pride.

Back to saving our friends, though. Spike used Overheat, and it was super effective! Causing the screaming unicorn and zebra to fall from releasing talons, enabling Twilight and I to quickly, and rapidly, descend to go meet the two falling equines and immediately catch them. Well, Spike was actually quicker with suddenly being a master of flight, himself catching his crush as Twilight caught Zecora, harmlessly guiding them to the ground. Leaving me with the roasted bird.

Whom I was all too happy to finish off, the large turkey screeching in protest by the strong, Balance-enhanced hoofs gripping the ends of its tail feathers. You spin me right round baby, right round, like a record player going right round!

The Roc a glint in the sky from my conclusive spin and released, far distant from us and out of harm's way for now. Phew, felt a bit dizzy, gently landing on the ground right next to the others and wiping my forehead a little. That was the most flying I've done yet, and quite honesty, my wings felt a little daunted.

No doubt Spike's must be too. Speaking of whom...

"Yes, and also I'm glad you've got wings!" Rarity loudly exclaimed, still deaf for some inexplicable reason, after Zecora said something I didn't catch to hear on my way to ground level. Wincing a little, Twilight followed it up.

"This is amazing! I didn't even know you'd get any wings! We're so happy for you!" 'We' being Twilight and I, naturally, myself walking up to join Twilight with standing before our beautiful, fantastic son, that I couldn't help but pitch in with pure content.

"Not to mention, you've shown extraordinary bravery just now; only just having received your wings and using them without hesitation to save your friends." My golden hoof clasped his purple shoulder, unable to repress my wide grin; an inkling to the zeal of pride swelling through my whole body. "We're so Goddamn proud of you."

Spike's own elated expression died down once Twilight then inquired, "Did it all have something to do with the mold you were talking about?" Prompting his rather sobered sigh bordering on sadness, a sudden ache in his heart that elicited my brief worry.

"It's what's been going on with me; the breakout, the fire burps. The mold is when dragons get older and start to change. I wish I could stop it, but I can't..." Looking utterly dejected then, prompting Twilight and I's bewildered glances.

Stop it? Granted I never enjoyed being a teenager for my whole life as one, but surely I didn't make it sound that unappealing to the dragon for the longest time?

"I should go..." What? Twilight and I justifiably called out.

"'Go?' What are you talking about?"

"Go where Spike? Why do you need to go?"

The further stabs of depressed resignation was like icicles to my chest. "In the Dragon Lands, families make molters leave home. It's called the 'Molt Effect.'" That... That's it? He thought we were going to-

Ha! Not in a million years! Twilight and I only needed trade knowing glances before we responding together.

"Well this isn't the Dragon Lands-"

"This is Pony Lands-"

"And Molt Effect or no Molt Effect-"

"We would never make you leave because you're maturing-"

"So you're not going anywhere!"

"Not if we have anything to say about it!"

"But I'm growing up!" Spike called out in tuned protest, rubbing his scale arm then nervously as green eyes looked away. "What if something worse happens?"

Oh Spike. Even Twilight shared my affectionate humour by the situation and ridiculous assumptions. "You're suppose to grow up, but you'll always be you."

"Yeah, the son we will always be proud of and happy to take care of." I smirked with a raised light brow, gently nudging the fellow alicorn's side before adding. "Did you honestly believe for a moment we could ever consider kicking you out because you're going through a natural stage to adulthood?"

"Erm..." Rubbing the back of his head, Spike immediately recalling who exactly the two ponies were that were raising him, adding with a sheepish, "I guess it was kinda silly to assume as much..."

Twilight grinned lovingly, looking between us both before stating this, "And no matter what happens, we'll get through it together." With the timed family hug, embracing our beautiful son as was needed after such an eventful, revealing day. Lavender and gold hoof stroking the top green scales with our own content endearment, Twilight and I regarding our beaming, relieved son before looking to each other, nuzzling one another and smiling with all the bright happiness that could ever be possible.

Together... As we should be.

Seconds later!

"Uh, I don't need to keep carrying you around anymore do I? You do have wings now."

"I know, but I don't wanna overdo it." Twilight's groan and Rarity's quiet giggle was nothing compared to my gleeful, highly amused burst of laughter by the wit of my wonderful boy.

A teenager.

My son... Was a teenager.

Even now, in the early evening, it was taking its precious time to sink in. The news that my baby boy was growing up, after what sincerely felt like scarce moments together, even after seven seasons, one of which I spent over half running away from home, missing the glorious chances of witnessing Spike continue to be the adorable, breathtaking child whom I would tear down worlds for.

Growing up... Ah, it hurt.

Even when watching the dazzling sunset from the castle balcony, it was painful as Hell, the news of my dear boy maturing settling itself deep into my chest. Even now, through our bond, the changes are still adapting, my breathing becoming slower as hazel eyes started to turn misted by the swell of emotions bubbling from my chest and throat, swallowing quickly to retain some nerves of steel, to bare effect. My first child ever, on the first steps to becoming a full-fledged adult. It was many years ahead.

Yet felt so much closer. And through this process of reality hammering through my emotional skull, memories popped up; good, sweet recollections of our precious moments together. Playing ball... Game nights... Pranks on Twilight when she was too distracted with work... Bonding over peaceful moments... Reassuring him... Him reassuring me... Giving advice to him about wooing Rarity... Out-sassing Discord when he stepped out of line...

So much good memories, all jumbling together through my increasingly distraught chest, feeling constricted within itself.

A turbulence of joy, sorrow, dread, pride, excitement, horror, anticipation, concern, confusion, panic and bliss all assaulting my little heart, demanding to be allowed entry at once and consume my entire being.

Was THIS how all parents felt? Fathers even, once their first kid reaches the early stages of being a teenager. Was this how it felt; the anguish, the uncertainty, the fear and eagerness to the unknown? To see what the son will become at time progresses?

To yearn for their children to never grow old...?

Only moments later, a certain, equally uncertain but content alicorn joined me by the view, her own heart swelling in various feelings and experiences, leaning against my side as though completely knowing what I was going through as well, her warm closeness and gentle touch a soothing wave against a boiling tsunami. The doubts, the worries, the safety of a boy whom will soon seek to become more independent, more determined to take a bigger step out in the world. I know we both said Spike wasn't going anywhere, nor would we EVER kick the dragon out regardless how much older he gets.

But still... That natural urge to leave and make his own home will someday come. Personally, on Earth, I never had that... Totally dependent on others and utterly terrified of living all by myself. But Spike wasn't me; he was better.

So much better... And it's going to hurt...!

For the longest time, that evening, I cried. I cried in fear and pride, in sadness and bliss, in outrage and joy, despair and hope. And Twilight, never judging or condemning, being the wonderful, supporting partner, holding onto me to support, and using myself in turn as an anchor to her own distressed by thrilled emotions, comforting one another without any words exchanged, our beating hearts speaking it all and taking warmth in our flawless connections. The tears lasted for a long while yet, myself sobbing more heavily than the quietly tearful, but equally smiling angel beside me, our heads leaned against one another and taking in the vast sunset by our own emotional accord. Perhaps it was all just an overreaction on our parts, as something we always had in common.

But if it helps show our love and hope for our gorgeous dragon son, so be it. Spike was, currently, at Rarity's to continue being of help to the fashion mare.

...Heh... Heheheh...

"What's so funny...?" Twilight's beautiful voice whispered upon hearing my quiet chuckling, and I grinned through drying tears.

"Just became a teenager, and already he's chasing after girls way out of his league..." Twilight let out a choked sob of laughter, only having the heart to softly prod my side in exasperated jest, and I continued on solemnly, "Takes after his Dad there..."

"Heh... You make that sound like a bad thing, Jack..." The Princess whispered almost hoarsely. "Though I will say one thing..."

"What's that love...?"

"...He never got his quickly learned flying skills from either of us." This time, I snorted in humorous reaction, closing eyes tightly in affectionate recollection. Can that dragon do nothing to not make us somehow, always more proud of him? God I hoped he'll stay that way.

But talking of flying skills... Gently removing myself from the Princess after lightly kissing her mane, I proceeded to head back indoors, Twilight sensing enough that I was up to something to inquire softly.

"Where are you going...?"

Glancing over my caped shoulder, smiling towards the Princess - Spike's equally amazing mother, wonderful and brilliant in her own right - I answered rather coyly, "Off to see Rainbow. I'm lacking behind with you and our son now, my dear Twilight."

"At this hour? Rainbow may not be inclined to help, Jack."

"That, love, is what the vague threat known by the name of Zephyr Breeze is for." Twilight's affectionate groan was possibly louder than earlier.

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