• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter Sixty-Five: Redemption Is Not Exclusive

Right. That should be enough.

I hated doing this. I really, really did. But there was hardly other alternatives, and if it was the only way to keep them safe and happy, then I must accept this choice. I'm too much of a danger near these innocent pure ponies, Sombra proved as much.

Hoisting the wrapped bag on my back, I gave the room one last passing glance. I will miss this place, I won't lie, but it's for the best. Twilight, Spike and everyone else will come to terms with my departure in time and move on.

That's always been the case...

"Stardust? You're up early."

Oh no...

Reluctantly looking at the quizzical dragon, I forced a smile, "Hey Spike." Yet the tone suggested anything but casual.

Spike frowned, entering the room and approaching with a curious gaze, eyes settled on the bag, "Are you going somewhere?"

"Uh, yes, I'm... Going on a trip." I lied, wishing this dragon would go so this didn't have to become hard. It would be much preferable to leave without saying goodbye to anyone.

Hence why I awoke this early in the morning.

Spike raised a disbelieving brow, "At this time? Huh, but that's not like you."

Rubbing the back of my head, I grinned tiredly and sheepishly, "Yes well, don't want to be late to the... Place..."

...I see Sombra has taken away your ability of discretion too, Stardust-

My body stiffened at the sound of something falling out of the small bag, drawing Spike's further attention. Before I could even object, the dragon hurriedly picked up to examine the fallen item, and I winced upon glancing at the framed photo of myself, the mares and Spike. All smiling happily and looking like we're having the time of our lives. A picture given to me long ago, and I wouldn't dare not bringing it with me, just to recall all the fun happy times we had together.

All the more incentive to leave...

"Are you... Are you leaving?"

Ah Christ...

"You are, aren't you?!" Spike's voice raised as I refused to answer.

Incredible how I screw up so easily and I haven't even had my morning water.

My gaze remained downcast, mind plagued with guilt to even meet his bewildered gaze,"Spike..."

"This is about Sombra, isn't it?" I couldn't help but flinch, confirming everything the shocked dragon needed to know. "I knew it! You can't blame yourself for what happened, Stardust!"

Oh I definitely can.

"Sombra returned and managed to take over me because of my own arrogance." A frown creased my features, glancing at the taken aback infant dragon, "It's because of me that everyone was in danger. I must take responsibility."

"By running away?" Spike inquired in disbelief, "You think that'll solve everything?"

The hurt was clear in his tone and eyes, and I forced myself to look away. "It'll be a start..."

"No!" Ugh! Suddenly the stubborn lizard clung onto my fur tightly, adamant in wanting me to stay.

"Release me Spike." I ordered quietly, a small part of me hoping he'd remain firm.

And so he did. "No! I won't let you do this alone! We're brothers, remember Star?"


Dammit Spike, must you make things so difficult?

"So what if you made a mistake? We all do!" The dragon continued heatedly, and my stare met his determined yet sorrowful own, "But you can't run away from your problems! And you going forever will only make things worse; me, Twilight, all of our friends will be devastated! Do you want that?!"

No... Far from it.

"Who's to say my presence here won't make things worse anyway?" I asked, genuinely wanting to know. "Who's to say something like that won't happen again? I'm a human, Spike, that doesn't really improve things-"

"Will you stop blaming yourself, please?" The young reptile pleaded, his eyes shining with tears. Oh for the love of-! "What happened wasn't your fault! It was all Sombra! So please, don't leave us... Please..."


"Please... Bro..."

God dammit.

And just like that, the bag slid off my sitting back, and I firmly embraced the weeping dragon in turn, tears of my own threatening to fall off my eyes. "Okay, okay..." I responded quietly, gently patting my brother's back. "Just stop crying at my expense..."

And the tears fell freely.

Perhaps I acted irrationally, because Spike was right: You can't run away from your problems. You can bury them, you can most definitely learn from them, but running is never the solution. And if the answer was to cause this little dragon, my crush and the rest of our friends grief...

...Then it wasn't an answer I was going to accept.

With Spike doing some chores around the house, it left me to my thoughts. The curtains drawn, the sunlight only peeking through, I sat against the edge of the bed, leaning against it while contemplating my decision to stay. Somehow, the dragon managed to convince me to do just that.

Guess affection does that. The lizard I have come to regard as a sibling had persuaded me to stick around, despite everything I've done. And, quite honestly, I'm rather glad.

But what do I do now...?

Wallow in self-pity? Pfft, I haven't done that since high school, why start again? Think about how to learn from my mistakes? Well I do learn from them, but what was I suppose to learn here? To not be arrogant; a core trait of humanity? That'd be pointless.

So what then... And what exactly did they expect of me, what did Specter expect of me, now that I was staying here still until I could return to my true home...?

Even after everything I've done, they don't hold it against me...

Someone entered the room, and I had a sneaking suspicion as to who.

That speculation was confirmed as purple limbs appeared in my line of sight, my gaze firm on the floorboards. The mare I trusted the most. She said nothing, but moved closer, and I felt the side of the sheet behind ruffle as the unicorn took her seat next to me, my body suddenly stiffening and then relaxing at the warm hoof on my shoulder, as if seeking invitation into my personal space.

Immediately obliging, I shifted closer, and Twilight took that sign to rest her head on my pony shoulder, a limb wrapped around my chest in comfort. And I responded in kind; my head leaning against her own, embracing the warmness this kind mare had to offer.

And, just like that, all my defenses went down.

"I was born with a medical condition called autism."

And so, I told her everything. Every event that happened in my life, good and mostly bad. Of all the mistakes I made, all the things I've said and done that caused me to become the laughing and pity stock of everyone I grew up with. Of the people who, naturally, bullied and took advantage of me because of my differences. Of the people I've hurt because I was too insensitive to understand. Oh how I was never the perfect role model for my brother and sisters. Of everyone I despised and secretly hoped would burn in Hell. Of my self-loathing; how I hated my own existence and everything I did and said back then. My deepest darkest secrets, spilled before this attentive mare.

And Twilight said nothing, not for a while. She only listened, to which I appreciated greatly. There were occasional soft gasps here and there, but she mostly stayed quiet and listened as I laid out my life story to her. And God knows why I was; probably because I trusted this mare with all my life.

Or maybe it's these feelings I held for her...

"Don't cry..." I pleaded, a pang in my chest at the state I was putting her in, glancing at the mare leaning against me and gently placing a hoof on her cheek, "I hate seeing you upset..."

At that, Twilight lifted a tiny smile, returning the gesture with a warm hoof on my cheek. The touch only made me look away again, unable to grasp the concept of her being so close after everything I've put her through...

"So how can you bear to even look at me? You now know why I was so reluctant to befriend you and the others in the first place..." I concluded sadly, the tears leaking from my eyes over bringing up past memories I'd have rather buried for good. And I knew Twilight was sharing sorrow herself, I could hear the quiet sobs over hearing my oh-so tragic tale. "I bring nothing but ruin and depression to people's lives. It's better than I remain hidden, away from the face of the Earth."

But yet, despite everything I've said, Twilight wasn't going to stop defending me.

"Don't say that." I felt her head shake, the sensitive unicorn responding evenly, "You're not a bad person, Jack, regardless of what others say. And those things you did, so long ago... Well I won't judge you for them, because you obviously regret them and want to move on. You're still my friend regardless of your past mistakes."


"But now I understand, why you've been so distant with everyone, and I... Appreciate you telling me." From the corner of my leaky eye, Twilight was smiling sadly, "It's only fair that I do so in kind."

And that's when she told me, of the days before and after earning her cutie mark. Of when she was shunned because of her deep fascination with books and knowledge, and the envy and jealously from others over Celestia's pupil which caused them to pick on her. Just hearing it brought a rouse of anger within me, inwardly hoping those ponies suffer for bullying Twilight long ago. But then the unicorn also talked about the good things about her life; raising Spike, learning magic and life as Celestia's student, and how she doesn't regret a single moment of it, regardless of the bad things that had happened to her.

"If I wasn't the Princess's student, I never would have met you or our friends." Twilight added afterwards, sounding both grateful and happy at this reality.

I couldn't help but smile slightly as well. Yes, that would be a scenario I never wanted to face.

"...I'm sorry." I couldn't resist saying, refusing to look at the kind mare while saying this. "I screwed up, royally, even when trying to redeem someone, it blows up in my face and harms others." Even attempting a good deed isn't enough...

"It wasn't your fault... Besides, it's me who should apologize..." Say what now? Twilight's voice tinged with sorrow, "If I had noticed the changes more, if I had acted beforehand, paid closer attention then maybe none of this would've happened. The thought of losing to you that thing forever... Scared me more than anything in my entire life."


"You're a better person than I, Twilight..." In every single way. "Dwelling on the different scenarios won't change anything, love... The thought of hurting you is more frightening to me than anything else."

I practically felt the warmth on Twilight's face upon saying that.

Sighing, I admitted with a bitter tone, "The truth is, despite how many times I say it, I've never come to terms with the past. Throughout my entire life, the past has always controlled my actions..."

"...Ditto." Hm? "Sometimes, even I'm afraid of hurting my friends through actions or words. Some wounds never heal, Jack... But we try, and in time they will."

"Ever the optimist..."

"Ever the pessimist." She replied playfully, but I wasn't kidding around. "We have more in common than you think, you know."

"The difference being, Twilight, that life has it good for you." As you will soon see. "What has it done for me?"

Aside from nothing at all?

But the unicorn had a different answer, "It gave you a chance to start over." Gently, she pulled my chin to look straight into her beautiful soft violet eyes. "It gave you friends who cherish you, would do anything to make someone we care so deeply towards happy."


"You can't blame yourself for every bad thing that's happened in your life, Jack. Some things are just beyond your control, and we learn from our mistakes as best we can. You just need to forgive yourself, only then can you give yourself a brighter future."

"...I don't know how." I confessed quietly, only prompting Twilight's kind angelic smile.

"Then I'll show you, we all will... If you let everyone else in like you just let me in."

...Can I? Should I...?

I briefly noticed our hoofs clasping one another gently, as if demonstrating the strong bond between us. And my heart was racing in my ears, both at our close proximity and the prospect to opening myself up to others once more.

"You're a sweet, kind, compassionate pony, Jack. And I am privileged to be your best friend." Twilight then said, as if trying to make things better. "Don't let the shadows of the past ruin that."

At that sincere statement, I looked away, feeling Twilight's head lean on me once more, and we were back to our previous comfortable position. And this time, my free limb wrapped around her back, and blissful silence enveloped the room for a long moment.

Admittedly, I could stay like this forever...

"...Has anyone told you that you're the most amazing pony in all of Equestria, Twilight?"

A soft nervous giggle, "No, because I hardly believe that's accurate..." Prompting my tired smile.

"Hmph... Alright, I'll try." There. I said it. "For you, and our friends, I'll try to put the past behind me... For good."

It'll be a long, difficult road, but if this unicorn had faith in me to do so... Then I couldn't at least not attempt to.

"I'm proud to call you my friend, Jack..." Twilight responded happily and in relief, "I always have been..."


And a small part vainly hopes that, one day, that friendship will become something much more...

If I even deserved her affections...

A knock on my bedroom door. "Come in." I responded, putting down the frame again of myself and my friends.

Honestly, I hoped I made the right choice staying...

Spike's head peaked through the opening door, "Hey Star, someone wants to see you."

A visitor? I wasn't expecting anyone, and the others would usually come in without Spike alerting me beforehand-


Oh indeed.

For stepping past Spike without awaiting an invitation, was a familiar blue unicorn. Knowing exactly that this was between us, I tore my stunned gaze from her patient yet seemingly hesitant look and nodded gratefully to the dragon, "Thank you Spike, would you mind leaving us for a moment?" Obviously annoyed at Trixie's manners, Spike nodded regardless and shut the door behind him.

And awkward silence followed, both Trixie and I just staring, our expressions uncertain.

"I'm sorry-"

"Trixie apologizes-"

We blinked, before a humoured smile took over my muzzle, "Ladies first."

Frowning slightly, Trixie obliged, "It was... Wrong of Trixie to confront you like that, provoking your wrath, even if it was another being controlling you. Others were hurt because of Trixie's actions... She hopes you can forgive her."

My smile dropped slightly. I shook my head, "Trixie, I'm the one to blame here. I allowed this creature to take ahold of me, and suffered the consequences. If you hadn't arrived, I would've hurt other ponies regardless. I'm sorry for attacking you... And I'm grateful to you."

Clearly she wasn't expecting that. "You're... Thanking me?"

What happened to the third-person? She must be quite flabbergasted.

"If you hadn't lured me into the town square, revealing Sombra's presence, then who knows what would've happened." I shrugged, before bowing humbly. "You have my undying gratitude, Great and Powerful Trixie."

Just giving her some leeway, indulge her ego a little.

"Hmph." And of course, she accepted it with little-to-no humility, prompting my amused smirk. "Well, as was planned by the Great and Powerful Trixie all along! Is she not also the most forgiving and humble of all equines?"

Whatever you say love...

"As a token of my appreciation, the ban I bestowed upon you earlier is now lifted." Then, raising a non-existent brow, I added humouredly, "Though of course, that doesn't seem to matter seeing as how this is, what, twice you've returned regardless?"

"And now, Trixie must depart. She has said her part, and must now take her leave elsewhere. Farewell Stardust!" The blue unicorn, clearly satisfied with herself and ignoring my rhetorical question, walked towards the door.

Now just a moment.

"Trixie." Her head glanced back at me, pausing by the handle. "I appreciate your concern. I'm glad to be your friend."

My smirk only widened at the reaction. Trixie turned back to face my fully, an embarrassed red hue on her features as she basically sputtered, "What- I- You- Friends?! Don't push your luck, Stardust! The Great and Powerful Trixie has high standards than to choose a friend like you! Tch!"

"That's fine, fool yourself."

"Ugh!" The blue mare scoffed loudly, practically stomping away at my amused look, leaving the room by slamming open the door, pushing by an irritated yet puzzled Spike. "Insufferable... Arrogant... Stallion..."

Funny, that's what Twilight usually calls me when I [BEEP] her off. Those two were more alike than they realized.

"What was that about?" Spike asked, looking behind while standing by the doorway.

I shrugged humouredly, "Looks like I'm not the only being who can be in denial about their friends."

Though I will say this, I feel a lot better now. One more weight off my chest.

After spending quite a while occupying one room of the entire tree-house, my brain finally had enough, ordering me to at least venture around the rest of the place, seeing as how I was still reluctant to go outside. I know I know, almost everyone's forgiven me - if not every single pony - but you can't blame me for being at least a little hesitant.

Twilight and the others understood, respecting my desire for distance outside publish socialization until I've recovered fully from my guilt.

Though honestly, I'm not so certain that will ever happen, despite Twilight's confidence and reassurance that I can, in fact, let go of the past.

Where do I even start...?

"Oh, Jack, you're out of your room!" My attention from drawn from the preoccupied book I read towards the small dragon and purple unicorn, the sight of the latter immediately calming me and placing a smile on my muzzle.

Then I noticed the crown, prompting my curious expression, "Yes, I decided to at least walk around the house some more."

"I'm glad." Twilight replied, then seeing what I was gazing at with interest, she nodded, "Yep, that's an Element of Harmony on my head."

I couldn't help but frown slightly, "Are we in trouble...?"

Sombra hasn't returned... Has he?

Noticing my expression, Twilight smiled reassuringly, "Not anymore. Don't worry, it's worn as a precaution in case Discord tried anything."

Oh right...

Wait... What?

"Oh right, you don't know!" Spike added, seeing my confusion, "Discord's been reformed."

Wha... Wait, that just happened?!

"I know, hard to believe right?"

That episode's happened while I locked myself away in the library? Damn!

"Start from the beginning, please." I urgently requested. Both pony and dragon blinked at the tone, before obliging.

Celestia had called Twilight and our friends outside the town for her plans to redeem the chaotic character, bestowing the task mainly upon the shy Fluttershy.

"Did Fluttershy at least have a say in the matter?" I couldn't help but interject. Hell, did Discord get a say?

Twilight nodded, clearly unsurprised by the interruption, "Yes, she willingly accepted the task. A little hesitant at first, but the Princess had faith in her abilities, and that helped boosted Fluttershy's confidence to complete the task."

Suuuure it did...

"Sorry, continue."

Immediately after Discord's release, the creature of chaos went straight to work, using his magic on poor animals before they managed to make them return to normal. Afterwards, Fluttershy took him in, looking after him while trying to be a polite host to the obviously-taking-advantage-of being, under the condition of returning Discord to stone should he try anything. To ensure of his good intentions, a dinner party was proposed, inviting the mares along to see that Discord's "good will" was sincere.

"We weren't sure if you wanted to come, Jack." Twilight added midway, "Not after... You know."

I nodded, smiling gently to show it was completely alright by me, "It's fine. Please go on."

Of course, chaos ensued. Discord outright embarrassed the house guests, before they were all alerted by a woodland creature of flood which had overtaken the entire Sweet Apple Acres. Twilight was quick to reassure me that the ponies there were alright, though Discord then turned the small ocean into a large skating rink, persuading Fluttershy to remove her Element of Harmony to ensure their friendship. The yellow pegasus, of course, agreed, though walked away from Discord angrily for his treatment towards her and her friends.

And, get this, realizing that Fluttershy was the only friend he ever had, Discord finally relented, removing the ice rink and flood and officially "reforming" himself. Then Celestia arrive,d I presume, to give herself a pat on the back for a job well done. Discord then vowed to use his magic for good... For the majority of the time, anyway.

"So there you have it; Discord has now officially reformed and will now use his powers for good," Twilight stated rather happily, clearly proud of Fluttershy for managing to redeem the former villain.


"...Well, aren't you going to say anything?" Spike then asked me after a lengthy pause, "About how stupid the Princess's plan was or something?" He added, ignoring Twilight's look.

Oh it was stupid alright... I was too tired, way too tired to go on a rant against Celestia for this bull[BEEP]... But what else can I say but... What?!

Where do I begin? Did Celestia have something in her coffee that morning, or was she just bored out of her mind and decided "Hey, why don't I have the shy one of Twilight's group reform a dangerous mischievous creature of chaos?" Couldn't she at least take some precautions, like a magic collar that would render Discord's powers useless until he proved himself?

What made her think Discord would along with this plan, anyway? Was he a good guy once? Did she deem him just misunderstood? And why would Celestia pressure Fluttershy like that with such a seemingly-impossible task? Who's to say Discord wouldn't remove the Elements of Harmony from the mares? He could've just escaped and teleported to the other side of the world the moment he was released. Did he seek revenge, some retribution for being encased in stone? I wouldn't blame him.

What was Celestia thinking...?

"If it helps, we were all skeptical at first." Twilight said after a moment's silence. "Though Princess Celestia also said part of the reason was because of King Sombra's defeat a few days ago; that if anyone can be saved, why couldn't a being of chaos be too?"

So what, I was part of the motivation behind the dumb idea? That doesn't make any sense!

"Heck, even Twilight outright yelled at the Princess for bringing Discord here." Spike immediately shut his mouth at Twilight's glare. Though the mental image prompted my smirk, that I would've liked to see, which incited the mare to shake her head. My my Twilight, have I been rubbing off on you?

"The point is that Discord is now on our side." Always eager to change the subject before it focuses on her, the modest purple mare continued with a satisfied tone and expression, "All thanks to Fluttershy."

Indeed... Well, as for the redemption part, still more believable than Sunset Shimmer's.

"Where is Discord now?"

Blinking at the fact I finally spoke, Twilight inclined her head to the red door. "At Fluttershy's cottage, I think. Why- Wait, where are you going?"

Walking by her, my eyes set straight forward, "To have a little chat with a certain former villain."

"I thought you didn't want to go outside for a while."

Glancing behind, I smirked slightly, "For my friends, I can always make an exception."

Imagine my surprise seeing the cottage entirely intact.

Imagine my further surprise when, as an equally surprised Fluttershy opened the door for me, Discord was casually sipping some tea on one end of the tea, seemingly enjoying himself with Angel. The mixture of various creatures was even holding up a polite pinky.


"Would you like some soda?" Fluttershy inquired kindly, oblivious to my reaction.

Shaking my head slowly, I composed myself, "No, thank you."

"Shocking, isn't it?" Spike commented from beside me, both he and Twilight having followed me here, probably to make sure I don't try to run away again.

No kidding...

Finally, upon spotting me, Discord mockingly spat out his drink onto the poor bunny, gaping in pleasant surprise. "Why, if it isn't the only human in all of Equestria!"

Well thanks for that painful reminder, Discord...

And, suddenly, the British flag was now waving atop the being of chaos, while Discord did my country's salute. "Celestia save the Queen!"

"Very funny." I said flatly. Honestly I was in no mood for jokes... So why was a smile threatening to emerge on my muzzle?

And then a floating posh cup appeared right in front of me, "Tea?"

Immediately I answered, "No thank you, I don't like tea."

Discord, apparently unfazed by the confession, replied casually, "Well, isn't that just blasphemous?" Before promptly downing the drink and concluding with a large burp.


"How are you feeling, Ja- Uh, Stardust?" Fluttershy asked gently, which incited my tired smile.

"I'm fine, thank you Fluttershy." I responded, regarding the creature of chaos sternly, "May I borrow your room for a moment, though?"

"Um... Okay...?"

"Thank you. Come along Discord." There was no time to waste. I was here to say my piece. While Twilight and the others watched as myself and a hovering Discord went upstairs, they can catch up.

"I'm guessing you won't be asking how I've been this entire time?" Discord inquired rhetorically, smirking at me.

Rubbing my forehead, I went straight to the point, "I am so incredibly tired right now, Discord, so I'm going straight to the point. You've reformed, haven't you?"

"Why yes, yes I have." The creature gestured to himself proudly and humouredly, "I have dedicated myself to the good of all pony kind." Followed by him changing into a ridiculous superhero costume. "I swear upon my life to use my magic towards the greater good... Ehh to my satisfaction, at least."

Good enough.

"I am sorry for what Celestia and the mares had done to you." At that, Discord blinked, taken by surprise for once. "Encasing you in stone for a thousands years, only for you to suffer the same fate again must've been torturous. However, I will not use that to excuse your behaviour from here on. Let me make one thing perfectly clear."

"I'm all ears." Followed by said ears flying off his head with angel wings, "Whoops."

Exhaling quietly, I continued with as much force in my voice as I could muster, "Whatever relationship evolves between you and Fluttershy, just know I won't tolerate any harm that comes to her or our friends. If you hurt her, physically or emotionally, destroy the innocence of a mare who is like a sister to me, then I will do much worse to you than anything Celestia could conjure up. Do we understand each other?"

"Clear as crystal." The unfazed Discord was then coated in the same shining state the crystal ponies were usually like.


"Yes yes I understand, you cherish these ponies more than anything, I would be fool to invoke the wrath of a human being." Was that sarcasm? The creature folded his arms, smirking while leaning down, "You were right about looking tired; you look like you've been through a lot."

You have no idea. "Yes, which is why I'm too tired to tolerate any of your bull right now."

"Say no more." Discord replied happily, offering a bear hand to shake. "I will be the bestest friend Fluttershy could ever ask for."

Glad to hear it. If someone like Discord could be redeemed so easily, then maybe, just maybe, it wasn't too late for me-


"Such vulgar language." Discord exclaimed casually, while I wildly shook off the rattlesnake which wrapped around my limb. The creature continued by rubbing a towel through both his ears at once, ignoring my glare, "But I won't let you down, Stardust. Fluttershy is as dear to me as Twilight is to you."

...Wait what?

"Speaking of, I spy two ponies and a dragon peeking from the stairs." Following his pointing finger, I then noticed the vaguely concealed others, who entered the room with meek expressions.

"You already are the bestest friend anyone could ask for." Fluttershy said sincerely towards a stunned Discord, who paused before looking... Elated? Then a medal appeared on the being's chest, worn proudly.

Well well well. Looks like I won't be the one teased any longer.

"I'm proud of you, Fluttershy." I commented, the yellow pegasus smiling bashfully. "Once again you've outdone yourself, managing to reform a major villain, in just under a day too." The fact over how dumb it was aside.

Twilight added, "He's right Fluttershy, we're all proud for what you've done. It goes to show that there's hope for everyone to become good." Followed by a meaningful glance sent my way, prompting my shaking head.

Oh I don't think I'll be forgiving myself for a long time.

"It's a relief I didn't have to use that reforming spell against Discord instead."

"...Hang on, what now?" I asked, expressing puzzlement at Twilight's words.

A reforming spell...?

"You mean... A spell which forces someone to redeem themselves...?"

The purple mare nodded, "Essentially."

...What the [BEEP]?!

"Fluttershy, I changed my mind; soda sounds good right about now." God knows I need it. Blinking, then seeing my expression, the pegasus immediately retreated downstairs to fetch the drink, while I began expressing my anger and disbelief. "There's a spell which forces someone to change their state of mind?! That's pure satanic! You can't just force someone to behave differently to your convenience; that makes you no better if not worse than your enemy!"

"Um, Jack, please calm down." Twilight said worryingly, looking quite guilty for some reason.

"I think we should just let him blow some steam, Twilight." Spike said in turn, while Discord was enjoying the show, sitting on a movie seat with a popcorn bag of... I hope that's sugar paper.

Regardless, I continued my justified tirade. "It's no better than forcing someone to become a villain! You can't just change someone's entire personality and views on life just because you don't agree with them. Convincing and persuasion is one thing, but this?! I just... It doesn't... Argh!"

"If it helps, Twilight couldn't find the spell before she could use it. Discord removed the page." Spike added helpfully, before shaking at the unicorn's glare.

"Guilty as charged." The being of chaos said, emphasizing by waving a shred of paper stuck to his fingernail.

"Jack, I understand you're mad, and I don't blame you with those horrible implications." Twilight said, a note of concern in her tone, "But just calm down. Please."

...Was that desperation in her tone. Why should she-?


Yes, seeing the look in her eyes, she might assume a piece of Sombra was still in me, influencing my actions.

Forcibly exhaling, I tried to calm myself as best as possible. "Yes, sorry Twilight, I didn't mean to worry you." Twilight then sighed herself, though in relief. "Maybe it was too early for me to leave the library."

Before she could respond, however, Fluttershy returned with an open bottle in hand, "Here you go, Stardust."

I took the offered bottle gratefully, "Thank you Fluttershy." Taking a gulp, I immediately spat out the drink at Discord's indifferent gaze, and the taste of mouthwash.

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