• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 175: Diamond in the Rough

From a blizzard mountain...

To a sea coast...

...To, now, a [BEEP]ing desert.

Well, it was merely a matter of time, I guess. The worse part, none of this was even aimless wandering, otherwise the first foot on sand would incite me to turn around immediately and try a different terrain. But nope, Zagreus loved taking the [BEEP] as always. Now here I was, walking God knows how long in deep sand and blistering heat. My black jacket removed and over my shoulder in favour for a sleeveless white shirt. Nightshade had the right idea, taking cover within the bag as opposed to dying of dehydration like I currently was.


Wouldn't it be too much trouble to ask for you to summon up, say, an oasis, now would it oh kind teacher?

Regrettably, nothing that sizable.

Damn, worth a shot... Just means I'll have to keep holding on until I find some civilization... Or a watering well.

Despite taking a break and standing atop a dune hill, I refused to put the bag down. Nothing but my own shoes will get sand if I could help it. God I hated the stuff... Finding itself in every nook and cranny, stinging to the eyes and a chore to wash out of hair and nails. How anyone could withstand playing with sand at beaches was terribly beyond me. It sucks!

Tell me we're at least near some point of a settlement. All this walking around was killing my aching feet, and I needed some rest.

We're near someplace, Jack, that's all I can say. Starswirl replied, helpful and wise as always. If you're in need of refreshment, that I can oblige. Coca-cola?

You know it- Actually... Nah, I'll mix things up a bit. Capri-Sun, blackcurrant flavour, extra cold, if you would.

Just like that, a pack falling right into my hand. Cheers teach! Oh, and comes with straws, always a bonus. Straws were great, I love straws! Finally something in contrast than to all this irritable sands getting in my black shoes and reminding me just how much I was beginning to prefer being stranded on a pole in a sky city.

...Dear God, this heat was making me delirious...


Was that...?!

"Twilight...?" My eyes squinted, blinking multiple times to confirm my suspicions. Because fifteen feet away, the blurry silhouette of a purple alicorn coming into focus. "Twilight!"

The Hell was she doing here?! And not just her, as I ran down the sand hill almost tripping, dust kicked in my mad dash. Soon, the rest of my friends came into focus: Spike, Rarity, Rainbow, Pinkie, Applejack, Fluttershy and even Starlight. All looking at me with wide smiles and warm eyes. How did they find me here? Were they given a lead? Was I too careless? I knew I shouldn't have stopped by that town library I visited four days ago!

Panting a little - God I was exhausted - I halted right before Twilight and the others, expecting something to happen. Anything really. Hell, I was afraid to even look at the alicorn in the eye, for what I might see. In fact, for Pinkie to burst out in joy and choke me to death with hugs.

Not... Eerie silence and calm smiles... Oh God I wasn't...!

One careful hard forward confirmed that morbid suspicion, expecting to reach Twilight's muzzle... And grasping thin air, the others evaporating in an instance. And my hand reached nothing, but bitter disappointment and disbelief.

But they looked so... So real. Down to the last detail, and something... I don't know, lurched in my chest at the sight of them... A relief and happiness I hadn't felt since that last day among them... I was missing them that much.

All of it...



Well, that couldn't be a possible hallucination... For quite the distance away, laid the sight of a structure one would typically spot in deserts.

A pyramid.

...Crazy idea. Shelter in there. Shade and maybe some water if it wasn't contaminated, right Starswirl?

Hm, worth a shot. Who knows, perhaps other things may dwell within the layers of a pyramid. Be cautious, however, Jack, for these structures are not usually well regarded for welcoming visitors, or intruders, politely.

Couldn't be any worse than the yeti or Egg Dragoon...

I trudged onwards with a sigh, stabbing the first carton with my straw and refreshing in the long taste. Blackcurrant, fruit of a Gods, right next to bananas. I liked bananas, me. Spike often complained how much I ate them more than anyone before the week was even done, but what could you expect? One of the very few fruits I actually preferred-

Oh God I'm rambling again.

Alright... That's a massive pyramid. Kudos to the construction workers, they deserved a raise for their hard efforts. Maybe buried next to their Pharaoh, whomever that was back then. Did they even have Pharaohs in Equestria? Ah who gives a [BEEP]?

The main question was, would there be decent shelter within? Craning my head upwards at the foot of this triangular- Sorry, polyhedron-shaped structure - Those study sessions with Twilight were paying off - it was far too tall for me to even view the apex from this position, right next to the first stone step. Some pyramid huh? Would there be water? Shade? Perhaps some explorers within willing to offer some food?

But more importantly...

"Where the [BEEP] is the Goddamn entrance?!" I had to exclaim before sipping my blackcurrant drink, glancing left and right. There was no indication of an entryway, and my feet were already protesting from the mere thought of wandering around outside the whole thing just to spot some means inside. One hand on hip, the capri-sun was already sucked dry before I discarded it. Not through litter, mind you, but simply throwing it in thin air and it disappearing via magic.

Why was I even going to a pyramid with a nearby settlement not so far from it? Because, my friends, pretending to be a pony on all fours in sand was nightmarish a concept enough, but I already pushed my luck with the last village I came across... Plus, there was one urging of mine I wasn't fighting off well to ignore.

The urge to explore. And for all we knew, Zagreus could be within.

Now, I wasn't a huge fan of pyramids in general. They were just sorta... Bleh to me, filled with death traps and discarded mummified bodies. And I had no inclination to encounter mummies if that's always a possibility. Pony mummies, imagine. The only real promise in these doom-inclined monasteries were treasure or forgotten secrets. And the prospect of finding out something new and undiscovered for years.

That peaked my inclination to investigate. The question was, then, the location for getting inside. They don't typically show many ways in with pyramids, they were always more or less made to keep intruders and explorers alike away. Heh, for all we knew, Daring Do already visited this place and made off with the treasure herself-

Was it just me, was the the ground suddenly getting closer to my knees?

One blink down for incomprehension, a round spot of sand around me sinking further into the ground... Before I felt gravity leave my feet and legs.

"Oh God dammiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit- Ow!"

Ow was right! Suddenly falling underground with the sand around me, my arse found itself roughly being hosted by something curved and wooden, my hands immediately gripping the edges... And the sand pulling me further down into the darkness below.

Because what was better than a water slide?

A sand slide.


I gripped the bag closer to me, Nightshade probably terrified by the abrupt speed if the movement within was any indication. Thankfully, the darkness was being filled with continuous torches leaning above the edges of the slide, lighting the way down to oblivion. I couldn't repress the equal sounds of surprise, terror and thrill from the fast turbulence sending me into God knows where.

Be ready to jump!

Jump? ...Oh God!

Leap of faith right then and there, flinging myself off the end of the slide that otherwise would've sent me down to an endless pit... Probably. My stomach lurched and eyes nearly bulged out in agonized sharp pain from the landing and quickly hanging onto the edge of the pathway. Sand... Too slippery... Gonna fall...!

Until my rescuer came in the form of a bird. An owl to be more specific. Nightshade, in all his bad[BEEP] glory, latched onto my shirt's collar and lifted upwards, managing to lift my weight up enough for me to get a good grip and push myself upwards, panting in panic and simultaneously relief, rolling my body onto stone ground and clutching my own stomach, eyes gazing upwards at the dark ceiling. Sand equivalent of waterfalls pouring where the torches could lit all around, descending to the blackness below.

Breathe in... Breathe out...

Breathe in... Breathe out...

Breathe in... Up!

Carefully sitting upwards, my next action was to stand after thanking Nightshade with a relieved grin and rubbing the owl's affectionate head. "Good job pal." The owl flew from the floor to my shoulder next, being a source of comfort for my otherwise disoriented state. Throwing an incredulous glare upwards, I threw a callous arm in ridicule. "How utterly convenient for a trap to be buried under that EXACT SPOT I was stan... Ding...?"

The sound of whirring mechanics... Getting much closer and closer...


Nightshade's warning call came just in time, for my body quickly rolled down the narrow pathway before it was potentially squashed by the stone walls suddenly appearing from both sides of the shadows and crushing thin air. Charming! And more sounds of moving gears and walls! Every instinct begged for me to run... And run I did.

With more and more vibrating noises of crushing walls from behind me. Typical! Trap walls! Anything original they'd like to add underneath a Godforsaken pyramid?!

Alright, safety! A doorway!

Over a gap!

Another leap of faith here I come!


Okay, not quite as painful as the last jump, but the shockwave sent my on my knees crawling up from my legs after after that leap. My palms latched onto the edges of the doorway before me, the last vibrating sounds of closing walls echoing from behind me. Please don't let the door close on me next-


And another save from Nightshade, the last bit of floor in that large area sealed by walls behind me after the owl quickly pulled my short weight into the next room, saving me from a quick gruesome fate. A groan of exasperation and hurt escaped my hollow lips, blinking hard at the series of escapades which just happened to me.

Breathe in...

Breathe out...

Breathe in... And up.

By crawling onto all fours, grit teeth and exhausted breath, hands clenching into fists and,. regrettably getting sands into fingernails. Lovely. Coughing for a moment, I sent Nightshade a reassuring glance and and carefully rose, leaning one palm against the stone brick wall.

Okay... Sand slide, trap walls and underground beneath a whole pyramid... Where would one go from hereon?

Presumably further into the depths of this temple.

Was afraid of that... Ah well, at least now I found an entrance, unconventional as it was. With Nightshade on my shoulder, I tightened the bag's rope around me as we continue moving forwards, further where the torches guided us down the narrow hallway to God knows where.

I swear to God though... A rolling boulder next and Imma kick the ponies who made this place. I didn't care if they were already dead, I'd find a way!

So, no rolling boulders yet.

Next trap to greet my unaware state consisted of hanging from a rope with hungry crocodiles waiting in the small pond below. You know the classic. And the next exit on the other side, if I swung just right onto the small narrow platform barely in arm's reach. Problem being? I was clutching onto the fragile rope for dear life... And I could already feel years of its existence beginning to take its toll. Had to be quick.

So quick I was, barely sliding down just a few inches in order to get a decent swing, my insides freezing at the movements of back and forth. I could do this. I could so this!

...I did it- Whoa!

Once again, good save from Nightshade, pulling me by the shirt as I nearly stepped off-balance and into the dirty waters below as a new meal. Immediately, I pushed us both further into the next entrance, leading to, once again, a dark hallway being simultaneously lit up by torches as if from magic... Of course.

Alright, but before I bothered risking my life yet again, another break was in order, leaning myself against the stone wall and sliding down yet, wrist on knee and shallow breaths. Once again, I survived yet another implausible outcome the likes of Laura Croft or Daring Do could more likely accomplish. If my ponified past self could see me now!

...Actually, that'd vary more on which point of my past self would be watching. Season four and beyond would be moreso impressed, but my seasons one to three life... Yeah I'm surprised if my ears weren't blown out from his chastising lectures.

I could see the [BEEP]tard now, standing above me with that typical disapproving scowl, a simple dark blue cape and blue-green eyes younger yet far more filled with anger and self-loathing. A thousand words would escape that harsh messed-up bearded muzzle, the stallion always speaking without thought first, letting his mind known to others.

Oh yeah, that point in my life would have no love for my actions, scolding me without restraint about my present actions and decisions, how I was causing more harm than good ever since bringing Zagreus to life. That Stardust would judge me critically with an expression so un-Equestrian, uncaring if I was taller, older and wiser and glaring down at my sorry state with a mixture of anger, pity and disbelief.

Yeah... That Stardust would be disgusted with the man he would become. That he became.

You've come a long way since then, Jack... Whatever your past self would think of you, judge you for, just remember your own reasoning behind your choices.

Oh that's easy Starswirl... Because I was, and always have been, a massive coward.

And I say that without self-loathing; it's just a statement of fact. Even my past life would confess to running away from others who offer to help so I would no longer become a burden on much we had in common.

Heh... Imagine his reaction to me dating Twilight. The reaction of my season one-to-three life would be priceless.

Smirking, I decided that was enough of a break and moved on, Nightshade taking the lead next by flying forward. "Careful." I advised after him quickly before following, watching my step each time. I had already encountered four pit traps before reaching the alligator room.

Real talk, though? Those gym classes with the ropes going all the way up to the ceiling? Total bull[BEEP]. I mean, who actually let children climb all the way up? If there were teachers who did that, then they were total psychopaths and should be promptly sacked and arrested. Those practice ladders weren't much better either.


Now these brought back memories.

I had to smile, running a careful finger over traces of the pictured writing. What did I meant by memories, one would ask? Well, back when I was in primary - I think I was nine or ten - there was a school project to design our own mummy with a tomb consisting of drawn paper glued to wooden small plans to form a cuboid shape. The mummy was formed made of clay, heated and all, and I had such fun poking patterns and making small patterns all over it with a pencil.

Never mind how much enjoyment colouring in the tomb with Yu-Gi-Oh references. Millennium symbols, anyone?

Anyway, hieroglyphic writing. Could I read it? ...Hell no. But aside from Twilight or, perhaps, Daring herself, I knew someone with me at present who might. Starswirl?

Certainly, Jack, though my studies over the ancient language in question has been absent for a long time. But examining these symbols correctly, they depict the history of an old Princess of the Sands, once a benevolent ruler whom kingdom now exists only in the dust. What remains of its descendant reside in the settlement we saw near the pyramid earlier.

So this place then was built in her honour?

All varied locations across Equestria, not to mention even beyond said land, hold different practices in honouring their rulers. In this case, a tall pyramid named, if what I translated these hieroglyphics accurately, 'حاكم الرمال.'

...The Hell you just say...?

Ah, my apologies. In modern Equestrian, or in your case English, dubbed 'Rulers of the Sand.' Hm... Rather prestigious, no?

Yeah-huh... Well, it's all fascinating history, really, but right now I should focus more on getting us out of her. Do these hieroglyphs translate an exit, Starswirl?

One second... And it literally took a second before he responded with enthusiasm. Aha! We must venture further down the catacombs of the pyramid. Due a next forty feet from here, eighty for non-pony kind.

Oh, wonderful! Guess that means we're walking... Or in Nightshade's case, flying... Or in my case, perhaps running.

Since before us stood a wide, curvy and fun-looking lit hallway perfect for a Sonic level... How can I resist a clearly open invitation? Hope for the best with no traps this time! Standing up perfectly, I moved my shoulders around and assumed a ready stance, Nightshade looking prepared and eager himself.

Gotta go fast!

And then, something else occurred to me as we sped through the open hall further into the deep ends of the tomb. Starswirl, you sounded really excited while translating those hieroglyphs.

Well, new discoveries is a gleeful hobby that has never shrunken even as a spirit, my dear pupil.

[BEEP]ing rolling bouldeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeers-!


Another loud slam from behind me, indicating the unstoppable object met an immovable object. AKA, the doorway. On all fours after that leap of faith yet again, grimacing at the bruises to my elbows, arms and knees, I glanced behind in utter relief at the boulder which had previously pursued me meet its match, causing a large round denture against the narrow stone doorway and almost causing its collapse.

Nightshade, beside me, put it best, "Hoo!"

Well said. It was only a matter of time before we encountered this typical trap seen in pyramids. Just shocked we've yet to confront any mummies... And hopefully it remained that way. Because mummies? [BEEP] no.

I'd prefer a quicker death, thank you very much... Crushed by boulders aside.

Alright, after once again standing and dusting myself off from arms and jeans, I craned my neck, shoulders and wrists around for good measure. All these traps were getting to me, I haven't exercised this much since facing the Mane-iac and Nightmare Rarity. Not even the Dragoon took this much out of me. My love for exploration and discovery was beginning to be overwhelmed from daunting exhaustion and an urge to escape for safety.

Preferably back home. In a bed. Beside Twilight, reassuring that I was safe and unharmed and untouchable... I [BEEP]ing wished.

Was that selfish, do you think? Wanting to be taken care of by someone you love? To willingly burden your partners with your concerns and insecurities and take some comfort out of it? I couldn't help but shudder and swallow a small measure of guilt just imagining enjoying letting Twilight and my friends worry over me like mother hens. It's already too much to have allowed them to look after my sorry arse repeatedly ever since my first day in Equestria.

Or second, really, that was then I moved in... Ha. I remember that well. First day of moving into the library, Spike showed me my room while Twilight was getting herself more acquainted with her new friends. I just immediately thanked the dragon, sent him on his way and just laid upon the bed in thorough exhaustion, a full day without sleep getting to me and, back then, hoping my newfound existence in a fictional universe t'was all but a silly dream. One could imagine my reaction the following morning.

How cynical and doubtful I was back then... Not much has changed, thinking about it.


I missed that library. A small pit of unease and regret filling my stomach. The worse part was, even back then I knew Tirek would destroy it... And I still couldn't even save it. Because, I had selfishly thought to myself, a new castle wasn't worth the anguish Twilight would endure for losing her old home. That library had so many memories.

Memories which the others, those wonderful mares, had preserved as decor atop the throne room, as a means of helping us never forget the past, but at the same time moving on to shape the future. A beautiful gesture on their part... But I still missed the place.

Even now, I couldn't lie, my mind was mostly regard that old tree-library as my home moreso than the current castle which had replaced it. And I dared say Twilight thought that a couple of times too. She blatantly did in the early days of acquiring the place. Even this little guy next to me was a reminder of the life back then, huh Nightshade? I rubbed under his beak with humoured affection, the owl reveling in the gesture.


Welp, we can save the self-pity and memories once we're out of this place. I stood up good and proper and rubbed my hands, looking down the next hallway with Nightshade perching on my right shoulder. Alright, judging by this hallway presented before me, the next doorway about... Fifteen, twenty feet away, for what I could see? Narrow interior with squares tiles each carved with more hieroglyphic language. Terrific.

I took one step-


And my little pal was just becoming my guardian angel at this point; his warning preventing me from being human kebab by the spears suddenly descending from the ceiling the tile I previously stepped upon. Instead I lurched back, landing yet again on my posterior before recovering, a hand to my chest with some composure. Christ, they really went all out with these traps. What kind of treasures did the ancient Egyptian ponies bury here?

Or who did they bury... Well, questions for another time. Even though I almost met the worst possible ending to my life span, I had to keep calm and carry forward. First thing's first, solving this obvious puzzle.

Yay, puzzles... My expertise...

Pushing my glasses up a bit, I neared the edge of a stone tile and peered over, after the spears rescinded back into the yellow ceiling above, examining each tile as far as I could see at this point. Alright, animals. I've done this before with Daring, and each tile carved a separate type of species.

Diamond Dogs.



...Right... Well I stepped on a griffon plate, so that was clearly wrong. Leaving dogs and equines... Well obviously ponies right? But that felt too easy, and I was more cautious than others would think... Should start by comparing the three.

Well, griffons and ponies typically walk on four legs... They dwell on land... But griffons usually dwell more in the sky... Then again pegasi exist... Earth Ponies share some skills with Diamond Dogs... Dogs and griffons virtually have nothing in common-

Wait, no, they both love gathering and hoarding treasure. What else? They don't usually get along with ponies or even their own species... They're selfish and greedy by nature, but griffons possess some sense of honour and pride whereas Diamond Dogs were just, well, purely of greed. Griffons shared traits of personality and nature with both mutts and equines of this world, and they were already out of the equation. What about what Diamond Dogs and ponies shared?

Again, the Earth Pony factor. But what else? What else could there possibly be...? Erm...




One more look at the pony tile before me to the right... [BEEP] it.

And I quickly leaped back again from the next onslaught of spears, this time appearing from between the walls as opposed to the trap ceiling. Nope! I blinked rapidly before scowling in incredulity. So neither griffons or ponies, but dogs... Huh.

Guess because it'd be the least expected answer? I don't know, must be missing something.

I believe it's moreso due to the paid contribution the Diamond Dogs of old provided in the construction of the pyramid. They were funded rather handsomely for their services in the name of the Princess.

Now you tell me! Alright then, one jump over the previous two tiles to the one with the imprinted depiction of a canine, hoping for the best.

Well, good news being no spears this time from my jump. Bad news would refer to the suspicious-looking purple gas suddenly hissing into the hallway from behind me, leaking through the wall's gaps and slowly filling up space. Poison, no doubt.

I think I'd sooner take the spears, for [BEEP]'s sake! Allons-y! I hurried forward, running and jumping onto every available DD tile before the gas could get inhaled through my lungs and sending me to a slow, agonizing demise.

You know, for kids!

Wow... Talk about a tomb! This place was huge!

My voice would most likely echo after the small gasp I made at the sight of the interior, following the next small staircase down to a large opening chamber. The walls were barely visible even by the torches decorated upon them, magically lit at my new arrival. In the center of the room, a large, opening wide gap with a tiny wooden long plank reaching from one end to the other, leading into, presumable, more endless darkness.

At the end of the chamber, a small bunch of stone steps covered in velvet carpet leading to... Golden prized glinting and beckoning to anyone who reaches this point. Treasure! Gold! Lots of it!

We hit the motherload!

And not just treasure which typically belonged in this tomb. Starswirl then commented with thought. Much of which, I suspect, belonging to the village folk close by.

But then why would they leave their valuable here? For safe keeping? Guess I'd just have to take the gold originally belonging in this place anyway... Nah just kidding. I saw Aladdin, I'm not falling for that [BEEP].

...Hey Starswirl, could you say 'Diamond in the Rough' in the deepest voice possible?

My teacher obliged with a touch of bemusement. Diamond in the Rough.

Haha! I grinned lightly, Nightshade proceeding to fly upwards whereas I stepped towards the edge of the pit. Time to say goodbye to Prince Abubu! Hmhmhmhm. Anyway, seems there's no means of simply walking across the pit, traversing across this narrow, fragile-looking plank appears to be the sole and only means of reaching the treasure. One more obstacle to face for intruders, I imagined-


Nightshade's sudden call of urgency was then replaced by a loud shriek of empowering rage as something emerged from the dark ceiling above, the chamber echoing with its landing and heavy vibrations with enough force to send me falling backwards - Although thankfully not forwards - on my rear end yet again. Ow. At this point my tailbone was going to stay... Bruised...


Now, Starswirl, I know at this point there are many bizarre and new things to discover across this land. I was fully aware how many new things I have yet to see for myself, even my friends haven't witnessed yet. I've encountered the strangest and interesting of creatures during my time amongst ponies, and nothing much should really surprise me anymore.

That said, what... The [BEEP]... Is that...?

For what landed atop the small platform housing the gold was a magnificent yet terrifying-looking creature with a voice booming across the chamber, feminine and proud, "Who dares enter my domain?!"

Massive, about the size of an Ursaminor. With the body and swishing tail of a lion, the wings of... An eagle, maybe. The head and face of a mare. All purple with the exception of the Egyptian headwear, the gold earrings, sharp white teeth and yellow slit eyes. The creature was leaning downward, enraged eyes glaring distastefully towards the two intruders gazing upon it- Sorry, her, in awe.

Evidently not the Pharaoh of the past... But the amalgamation of animal bodies with the head of a pony replacing that of a human's suggest something else well known in ancient times. A Sphinx.

I had encountered a Sphinx. Now that was a sight!

Well, I'll be... Starswirl suddenly mused with newfound curiosity. So this is where she has retreated since then...

"Speak!" The large purple Sphinx commanded with more vibrations to the floors, threatening to collapse from the sheer power of her voice. "Or else suffer the consequences of trespassing!"

Yeti and Dragoons. Demons and supervillains. Those I could handle. But I don't think I'd last four seconds without being crushed by one gargantuan paw. Better play it safe and hopefully appease this creature.

"My apologies." I began rather shakily after standing up, mustering a small bow. Maybe politeness will stall her from doing anything rash. "My being here was purely by accident, Miss Sphinx. If I would be kindly guided to the nearest exit. I would greatly appreciate it."

Well... It didn't look as though it was going to eat me yet, but that next expression it held still put me on edge. The Sphinx proceeded to smirk wickedly, its calm voice still reverberating the ground. "A lost traveler? Long has it been since one has managed to reach my chamber without ill intent." The Sphinx - I should ask for its- Her name - looked thoughtful for a long moment before continuing with a more placating nature. "Very well, I shall accept your humble apology and trespassing, and guide you to the passage out so I may be in peace."

Oh... Well, that was rather easy. "Thank you very-"

"But..." Ah. Figures it wouldn't be without some catch. The large purple creature proceeded to motion towards my right limb. "In exchange for this knowledge, I ask for one simple thing in return." My arm? "That lovely ring you bear on your finger. Quite a treasure, wouldn't you say?"

What? My gaze snapped incredulously to the glimmering amethyst gem attached to the ring, glinting beautifully. Oh Hell no! I'd rather give her my while limb than ever trade away something far more valuable to me! "Not in a million years." I immediately snapped before thinking, that gleeful expression of hers shifting to outrage from my open defiance.

"Then, you will be doomed to wander these halls for the rest of eternity!" The Sphinx roared, a terrifying snarl present on her equine features. "A ring is more precious than your own life? You are a fool!"

"This ring is more precious to me than it ever will be to you!" I shouted back hotly, clenched fist and ring tightly pressed against my chest and beating heart. This ring was a reminder and a promise to someone more important to me than the whole cosmos. More precious to me than any of the treasures in this whole chamber. "I'd sooner die than ever hand it over Sphinx!"

The Sphinx reared back with grit teeth, and I got the impression it was ready to pounce and attempt to take the jewel by force. Let her; I'll fight to the death for it! I tensed, ready to defend myself... But then the creature assumed a more calmer stance, still grinning in smug disdain. Oh God, what was she planning now...?

"Then perhaps we can resolve this in a more... Adoptable approach." What now? "You know what I am rather fond of? Riddles." Ahh [BEEP]. "All I ask is that you solve this one thing for me, and in exchange I shall reveal to you the exit, free of charge. Unable to solve this riddle, however..."

"You keep the ring."

The Sphinx leered excitedly. "So you possess some level of intelligence. Indeed, solve this riddle, and I will let you go, no strings attached. You have my word."

Well [BEEP]. Because riddles were NOT my thing. Like, at all! Where's Twilight when you needed her?! Still, either risk losing my ring or dying of starvation in here while Zagreus would still be out there causing unprecedented amounts of damage...? Life was always filled with unfair choices, wasn't it?

"Alright." I sighed irritably, crossing my arms and glaring towards the Sphinx defiantly. "Let's get this over with." Immediately, the large creature started with the riddle accompanied with body gestures for each statement.

"A natural state, I'm sought by all.

Go without me, and you shall fall.

You do me when you spend,

and use me when you eat to no end.

What am I?"





No, I had to do this. No use giving up right off the bat, otherwise what was the point of even making it up to this point? Alright then, let's solve this riddle... Even though my Sphinx friend here will have to wait for an awfully long time. But judging by that expression on her giant face, time was scarce. I had to be quick.

Natural state sought by all... What would everyone really desire in life? Happiness? Money? Power? Love? Or did it just refer to people alone? What about animals? All they really desired was sanctuary and food. What would every living thing strive for...?

Without it we'll fall... Hope? Peace? War? What would every living thing have in common aside from life? Nature? Something related to the natural circle of life...?

Do me when you spend... Save that one for later.

Starswirl, some help here?


Wow, thanks teacher. Glad you're always here when I need you, especially to solve a simple riddle so many people would be laughing at my sheer incompetence for by now.

Alright, used when eating to no end... Taken advantage of when eating so much? Something you lose when you're too greedy? Without it there'd be no-


Wait... Wait!

Sought by all as a natural state. Without it we'll all fall. Spending correctly will lead to it. Taken advantage of by using it for selfish purposes.

...Oh I'm a [BEEP]ing idiot.

"Well?" The Sphinx's impatient tone almost brought me out of figuring it out and starting all over again. "Have you anything to say?"

Rubbing my bearded chin in wonder, I gazed upwards towards the frowning Sphinx with a confident new grin. "You bet I do!" And said the answer swiftly. "It's balance!"

Balance was the natural state of the universe, always sought by all living things. Without balance, we would fall to imbalance and never truly find happiness and peace with our lives. Whatever we spend, the remains will be balance in itself. And if you use balance to no ends, there would be nothing left! The answer was glaring at me right in the face!

Coming from I, the one who's always sought to understand balance!

My 'host' didn't seem entirely happy with my confident answer, snarling in utter outrage from me clearly getting it right, hoping to acquire the ring for herself. Better luck next time, love, though there won't be one! "Even though you got it, you will never be allowed to leave unless you hand over that ring right this second!" Pebbles on the ground flew upwards at the level of intensity and fury dripping from her demanding voice.

Wow, sore loser much? Guess that means I'll have to resort to good ol' fashion sonic screwdriver-

But a certain voice in the air interjected calmly. There are other means of bypassing our friend here, Jack.

Oh, now you're talking, after I had to solve a riddle by myself... But I'll bite, how else can we beat this Sphinx?

At her own game. With a sudden tone of humoured mischief to his elderly voice. Request another chance of leaving, and she will indulge you. Trust me, I know someone whom speaks with experience.

...Alrighty then, if you say so.

Straightening my shirt, I glared upwards and called out to the enraged beast. "Hey!" And waited until her full attention was on me. "How about another game? A chance of putting this lowly trespasser in his place?"

That expression of fury immediately shifted to contemplative glee. That was quick. "Very well, I accept your proposal." Whoa, and I didn't even take her out to dinner first. The Sphinx followed that with a motion towards the massive gap with a barely sturdy wooden long plank. "Walk across this plank, and survive. Fall... Well, it's a shame that lovely ring goes with you into oblivion."

Charming. I shifted towards the plank nervously, afraid of kicking it off. Nothing was holding it in place; it was a literal death trap for anyone closing in on the treasure. Another balance test! All seemed rather deliberate, wouldn't you say? Alright then, time to take another path of destiny and hope for the best.

Hope will be beside you more than you think, Jack.

Uh-huh... Right then...

I carefully set the bag down to loosen weight; Nightshade can carry it over. Said bird was observing from the side, looking between the plank and I worriedly. Sending the small owl a shaky grin, I nodded to myself and gulped. I could do this... I've faced worse up to this point. One step forward-

I froze, flinching at the board's creaking reaction to my new weight atop it, and waited for a moment, ignoring the Sphinx's hostile broad grin. So far... So good... Another step, this time pushing my whole weight onto the fragile wood...

Okay... Arms stretched to keep balance... Another step... And another... Beginning to walk across the darkness slowly and flinching with every step.

Seek Balance within yourself, Jack. You're doing grand so far. Be at peace, and you will make it to the end.

Easier said than- Done-!

Ah [BEEP]! Ah [BEEP]!

Almost falling off just then with the boards shaking at my weight, keeping my state completely still until it was seemingly safe enough to continue moving. The Sphinx looked eerily confident in my fall. If she rigged this... Well that would suck. Seek balance in myself... Seek balance in myself... Seek balance in myself...!

I had... To do this...!

"Come on Dad! You've got this!"

My my eyes widened at the familiar voice. Echoes of those belonging to good friends and family alike, reverberating in my head yet sounding as though they were just around me. Pushing me onwards.

"Giving up already? I know you're better than that Star!"

"Um, you can do this Stardust! We believe in you!"

"Ya really gonna give that there Sphinx the satisfaction? Keep on movin' sugarcube, we're right beside you!"

"When you beat this, we'll have a beating-a-Sphinx-challenge party! S to the T to the A to th T! What's that spell? VICTORY~!"

"Come on now darling. You're almost there! Put that creature and her awful headdress and earrings in her place!"

"We'll always believe in you, Jack. You've faced worse obstacles in the past, this will be a cakewalk for you! Just keep a steady thin posture on the plank with widened arms, balance is and always has been the key!"

Remember those you're doing this for. Even in spirit, your friends will always be there to encourage you to accomplish new heights.

...Without even knowing it, I was already past the halfway point, grinning in newfound relief and determination, to the Sphinx's obvious chagrin. The creature took one step back in pure horror, a contrast to my own bristling confidence from the rest of the plank-walk suddenly seeming like nothing.

"No!" She cried, almost knocking me off-balance. "NO!"

Yeah [BEEP]!

With one final jump off the end, I dusted my hands from landing on solid stone ground and looked upwards with my own smug smile, half my mind in disarray and awe over the fact I managed to accomplish that feat all by myself!

Well, not by myself. My friends, as Starswirl said, were with me in spirit to the very end.

Alongside Balance, my proud student. Though you may no longer access the magic, the Balance of the universe will always be there to guide you. Just look into your heart, and be true to yourself.

With folded arms, I smirked upwards. "Your move [BEEP]."

Followed with a loud shriek of despair which almost ripped my eardrums out, sending me stumbling back slightly. The Sphinx had no other words to give, massive purple eagle wings flapping with enough force to brush my hair back, ascending into the darkness above with her cries of outrage increasingly fading to nothingness, indicating her abrupt departure.

...Not even the sirens threw a tantrum after they were beaten. After Nightshade joined me with a hand-to-wing high five, the owl let out a congratulatory "Hoo!" With my widened grin in response.

It's incredibly unlikely our friend will return. Starswirl then spoke up yet again contemplatively. Her kind never lingers in the same place she was bested. The pride is too much.

Leaving all this treasure for myself then... Oh? And I spied, with my little, light pouring from a small doorway behind the platform, presumably leading to the outside world yet again. It was right behind her the whole time! The cheek!

But before we depart, Jack, I have a request to make.

Sure what's up?

A good number of gold and accessories surrounding us belong to the good village nearby. The Sphinx has clearly been leaching off the settlement in exchange for never causing harm to its townsfolk.

Well, since she's no longer a problem... Sure, I get ya, but I'm gonna need something to carry all this, Starswirl... A wagon, maybe.

Imagine how impressed Twilight would be. Not from besting a Sphinx, liberating a village and giving them their treasure back, or from walking across a VERY narrow plank perfectly and successfully. Not from all my other past accomplishments ever since leaving home.

But from solving a riddle. All by myself.

I mean, for me it's an achievement!

And I'm more than certain the Princess would be proud of you for it.

Yeah... I can actually see the expression and it made me smile, reinforced after watching the townsfolk celebrate with the mountain of gold and valuables returned to them. After gifting those Arabian ponies back their treasures, I made them promise, in turn, not to share my presence here with anyone now or in future. Seemed like a reasonable deal, repeating the reward of my encounter with that other town by the seaside.

...Also asking for some more necessities and free water seemed perfectly reasonable. I pat the canteen next to my waist with approval. All in a day's work. And you know what? I think I've had enough ancient discoveries and battling monsters for a while.

On the plus side, at least that specific monster wasn't dealt with in the form of violence this time... Though my luck can remain that way for so long.

Where to next...?

Hmm, there appears to be a surge of imbalance due west from here, down that road. Nothing too grave, but we should stick around for too long.

I smirked, turning around while the citizens were busy dancing around the mountain of gold and jewelry. Alright, but first, there was a shower required to wash out all this sand from my hair and body. And a fresh change of clothes was in order too. Then we could leave.

And for once in my life, I was welcoming a cold shower-


Something caught the corner of my eye, a stand filled with magazines next to a paper shop with a certain white unicorn on the front cover. Vanity Mare. I almost snorted at the pun, if my attention wasn't focused on something more mindbogglingly.

...Rarity... Oh Rarity...

Picking up one, I examined the cover and wondered briefly in spending too much time underground had gotten to me. But nope, even rubbing my eyes a little didn't rid of the image of Rarity, in some velvet jacket, with an entire new hairdo that completely contradicted her own character. A look someone like her wouldn't be caught dead with.

...Well, I've been missing a lot back home!

Why not purchase and read through the article. You may be pleasantly surprised by what led to your fashionista friend's circumstances.

...Why not? Just as more reassurance my friends were okay back home. Even so, that looked like something Rainbow would try if she was bored enough!

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