• Published 2nd Feb 2015
  • 18,864 Views, 1,952 Comments

A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 139: Weirder Than Canon

And... Done.

There, another chapter done and completed! I'll check for any spelling or grammar issues later, leaning back against the chair with a satisfied placement of the quill. Still need to ask Sunset for a pen or two the next time we spoke. Quills were fine and all, but when writing something which will take ages to finish, they're almost insufferable to work with.

I've still yet to understand your refusal in writing this pet project on that machine of yours than on paper. You possessed no qualms doing your work on it back in your home world.

Itwouldbe easier. But I think, after having resorted to using a quill since my first arrival in Ponyville, I've grown use to writing stuff down with one. Not to mention, the mares obviously rubbed off on me there. Again.

In any case, I trust you are pleased with your progress thus far?

In my secret project, or training?

My spirit teacher sounded warmly amused.I was addressing the latter, though I do hope you are presently satisfied with both activities.

Oh... Well, are you satisfied with my progress so far, Starswirl?

I've yet to be disappointed.

Then there we go. So long as you're happy with how well I'm doing, so was I. And speaking of happiness, the radiant heart-melting signature of my girlfriend was approaching my room. With months of practice, I expertly hid the stacks of paper in one of the bottom drawers beside me.

...You think I should at least use the PC to check better for spelling and grammar errors?

The process would require your endurance in writing everything down from the ground up once again.

Ah well.

I smiled pleasantly at the endearing Twilight, who was beaming up a storm; a look so heart-stopping I wondered why I tried to deny acknowledging this studious beauty years ago. "Helloooo beautiful."

Twilight giggled at the wistful greeting, slowly grinning with a slight coy tone, "Jack, you know how you're the most courageous and loving special somepony a Princess could have...?"

Ohohoho, I knew that tone of voice anywhere; it's the tone someone uses whenever they wanted something. My sister was an adept of it. I smirked, choosing to play along. "What do you want love?"

"Oh, nothing much. I'd like you to go on a small errand for me, that's all."

I raised an amused brow. "I already told you, Twilight, I can't go to that Daring Do convention for any reason. You yourself going is just as bad."

The Princess shook her head knowingly. "I'm fully aware. In actuality, I was hoping you'd venture out to that town you and Rarity visited a while back. Remember the incident with the rare Gigantopithecus?"

...Oh yeah. "You mean Trottop?"

She nodded, grinning. "Well, a famous author will be there to promote his latest volume of a favourite book series of mine. I was hoping you'd get a copy in addition to getting his autograph for me." Twilight then proceeded to bat her eyelids coyly. "And I'd beverygrateful if you went for me..."

"I thought the friendship summit in Griffonstone was being postponed?"

"Princess Celestia was insistent that it be held today, especially with the Griffonstone kingdom unexpectedly being restored to power. The return of a King's prompting the Princess to host a friendship summit in hopes of securing peace between pony and griffon kind alike indefinitely." Twilight explained, eyes sparkling in hope. "So, will you go?"

"Of course." Really, did she even need to ask? I grinned humouredly. "If it makes you happy, then I'm more than eager to go." It's been a while anyway since I last went. Maybe I'll see how Borog is doing-

"I knew you wouldn't let me down." Twilight speedily hugged me in tight happiness, pulling back with a breathtaking smile. "Princess Celestia will be here soon in her chariot. I'll see you in a while!" Followed with a swift kiss to my lips and quickly leaving the room.

"Wait, Twilight, you haven't told me... The author's name..."


Well, if this author's there to publicly announce his latest novel, it'll probably be easy to find him. And if Twilight enjoys his work, maybe I could ask him for tips.

Sombra snorted.You're far too prideful to seek advice involving your little writing hobby.

I smirked. Touche.

A quick once over, and nothing's been changed. Well, with the exception of the town not looking like an elephant stampede had passed through. Trottop appeared as traditional as ever with its old-fashioned building structures of stone, the residents looking as sharply dressed and stuck-up as ever. An oxymoron by any other name.

Before heading to the bookstore, I decided to give the town a thorough sweep, just to see how it's been getting along. Turns out, pretty damn well. Borog was here, the massive ape having fun with some young colts and fillies under the watchful eyes of their parents. I considered greeting him, but decided to let the overgrown orangutan have more fun without me getting in the way. I understood the joys of playing with kids.

Speaking of which, I should see how the Cakes are doing afterwards. It's been a while since I last saw those adorable twins. And tomorrow, a visit to Cadence and Shining, see how young Flurry is doing. A visit from her favourite uncle.

Heh, even now thinking myself as an uncle caused a smile on my face, picturing the gurgling gleeful expression of the energetic foal. That settles it then, tomorrow the Crystal Empire I go. I had no other plans anyway.

In the meantime, bookstore. After asking for directions, I followed the instructions to seek out where the elusive author would most likely be to promote his recent novel. One left here, two rights, straight down the road and...

Aha. Found it.

And look at that. Outside the fancy old-tradition store was a display of rows of recently published novels, all sharing the same exact cover as I got closer to examine them. From one side of the store, a dark green stallion unicorn with a bright yellow mane wearing a salesman hat and sporty suit stood atop a short podium, gesturing to the displayed literature in question.

His voice boomed with confidence to the gathering crowd, light orange eyes glinting in pride. "Come one, come all! The recent addition to the Ponytales series is here to be read by your thirsty eyes!" With a grin, the evident author continued merrily, "Recently published, it's now being delivered to book stores all over Equestria, from Canterlot itself all the way to Manehatten! I promise you, my beloved readers, you won't miss out on reading the most latest adventures of our favourite protagonist, Bright Light, as she scours through the darkest depths of Equestria on a quest for self-discovery and the meaning to protecting the innocents!"

Ponytales? Bright Light? I refrained from scoffing, turning to inspect the cover of a nearby display as the excited author proudly boasted of his own work. A dark white mare surrounded by various monsters, in the middle of a pit jungle being back up by ponies who were obviously her allies or friends. Looks light-hearted enough, judging by how the cover itself was drawn. The title 'Ponytales: Volume III' was placed in a neat old-fashioned font on the top.

Yep, an adventure book at first glance. Twilight seems to have a fondness for that genre. That's great, considering whatI'mworking on.

The stallion was still talking amidst minor applause by the crowd, raising both hoofs to signal for peace. "As of your convenience, the books are on sale at half-price just for the day. And in addition, you may happily have them signed by yours truly! So please, do enjoy the latest chapter of my work; you may be pleasantly surprised with what's to come next."

Spoken like a true enthusiastic author. I turned back to the displayed books, picking one up before they could all be swiftly taken by customers eager to get theirs signed. Well, evidently this was what Twilight asked for, and she shall receive. And hey, if the friendship summit isn't over by the time I return home - Probably likely - I can read and see what the hype was about until Twilight returned.

Tch. With that line, you may be inclined to wait for a while.Sombra raised a point, myself looking over to the amount of ponies suddenly forming a long trail leading up to the grinning author.

Welp... First thing's first, purchasing the book.

You know, I think I haven't waited this long in a line since my primary school days of waiting to see Santa. Now those were the days, when I had innocence and wasn't ruined by the terrors and monsters the high school years threw at me.

Maybe, in some way, my friends helped me reclaim some of that long lost innocence.

More than you know, my friend.

Hm... Anyway, while we're waiting, let's think about something regarding this particular season. At the same time I'm doing this, Rainbow and her new companion were likely in the midst of securing a treasure from a notorious villainous gang of stereotypes.

Very, very unsubtle stereotypes. A stallion in a Hawaiian shirt? Please.

Now, I had a tendency not to like any of Rainbow's episodes. And this one... Was no exception. Like, I know what it's doing; poking fun at fans for being overly nitpicky or condemning others with different opinions. But the acknowledgement barely neglects how [BEEP]ing annoying the character representing that part of the fanbase was.

Quibble Pants. Just what was it about this season with introducing unlikable male characters? Zephyr Breeze, that clown and, later on, Sky Stinger. Oh they learn their lessons in the end, but for the majority of the episodes? They were plain insufferable. I wanted to reach out into the screen when I watched these events and strangle these [BEEP]holes.

Zephyr was a lazy [BEEP] who made me sympathize with and wanted toprotectRainbow from of all people. Sky was an arrogant arse who always made a fool of himself. But Quibble... Oh how I wish Daring and Rainbow just both left him in that temple.

Maybe that was a bit harsh but... Nope. No that's exactly what I wanted. My deep contempt for people who think too highly of themselves is too strong. Out of those three [BEEP]clowns, Quibble was the most painful to endure because of his tendency to ignore and open mock the different opinions of others.

Hmm. It hits a little too close for you, I presume.

I knew you were going to- I am NOTHING like him. I have never, ONCE, been disrespectful towards people's differing tastes on subject matters. Have I mocked Rainbow for being a Daring Do fan? Have I lectured Twilight for adoring the ground Celestia walks on... Arguments about the alicorn aside? Have I blasphemed fans of Equestria Girls?

The answer to all those, of course, is no. Also, is it a coincidence that, of the episodes featuring those three clowns, Rainbow plays a small or big role?

A way to remind that young pegasus how far she's come from developing a similar outlook back then. In other news, we appear to have reached the front of the line now.

"Hello there friend!" Ah, so we have. Handing the book over, the author opened the front page and dipped his quill in ink readily. "And whom am I writing this for?"

"Twilight Sparkle, my girlfriend." Was it wrong that a little smugness escaped me upon announcing that fact?


In a matter of seconds, the unicorn was finished with a satisfied voice. "Ah, here we are! I hope she enjoys the recent volume." So do I. Nodding and saying thanks, I moved out of the way so the next pony in line could get his autograph next. That was easy, now let's see...

Fancy writing, of course...

'Twilight Sparkle. Enjoy this latest adventure featuring your favourite explorer.

- Scrap Paper.'

I couldn't resist snorting.Scrap Paper,of all names. What a proud signature for an author to use! Ah well, I'll blame his parents for naming him that. You know, guys, in the unlikely event that I have kids, remind me to name them something with more dignity than most of the ponies all over Equestria.

We'll be certain to. Shall we take our leave then, or do you plan to greet our friend Borog before departing?

Good idea. At least, that was the plan before a prickling of irritation directed my curious attention back to the line. The author, Scrap Paper, seemed to be having a mild discussion with a fan.

And by mild discussion, I mean clearly heated debate.

Slamming a hoof down on the desk, the fan declared in exaggeration, "Can't you see you ruined the character by making this choice at the end?"

Scrap was gesturing for calmness. "I understand you might be surprised by the revelation, but I assure you, it hardly ruins our beloved character."

"Hardly? You rid her of her uniqueness!"

"Sir, please, let's not spoil anything."

The other, much younger stallion sneered. "Why not? Let's save all your fans the trouble of being disappointed by this recent addition."

River Song would not be amused. Stepping forward, I immediately settled to resolve this conflict before anything went too far. "Is there a problem?"

Both heads turned to me, the annoyance quickly melting to reluctance at the stern glare I was sending the fanboy. Snapping one last look to the author hastily writing his signature down, the fan snatched the book away and muttered amidst his sullen departure, myself, Scrap and the line watching his retreating backside. Wow, that went better than I expected. Guess I haven't lost my touch.

That or the pony had basic survival instincts.

As opposed to common sense. I heard Sombra's dark chuckle at that. Meanwhile, Scrap sighed in relief, looking to me with a small smile. "You have my thanks, friend. It's depressingly common for fans to be so passionately dissatisfied with my work."

"It shows they care." I shrugged.

Nodding, the dark green unicorn addressed the line. "My apologies for the short fiasco, my friends! I will be taking a short break. For now, take a little peek at the currently addition to Bright Light's next adventure!" The displeased crowd dispersed, the author himself sighing whilst rubbing his own forehead, speaking my way as he moved around the table. "That was quite the look you gave just now. Would you be interested as my bodyguard for the duration of my stay here?"

What was with the multiple offers to being a guard for someone? I chuckled. "Thanks for the offer, but I'll pass. Was what happened just now a regular occurrence?"

He gestured for me to follow at first, guiding me around the book-filled building. "They've increased quite highly since the publishment of my latest work. It seems some ponies aren't too happy with the changes I've added to the main heroine." Scrap grinned quite humouredly. "But who am I to spoil?"

"It's fine." I reassured him with a smirk. "My girlfriend's the enthusiast regarding your work. You can tell me."

"Well..." The stallion looked upwards in ponder, tilting his head. "If you're certain." And gestured to the book in silent permission. I nodded, Scrap happily using his magic to have the volume hover beside him. "I should start from the beginning. The first book starred a young Earth Pony who with no reliance on magic at all, going on a journey to discover her place, making friends and forging bonds in the midst of saving the world. It's a tale not only meant to appeal to the reader's sense of adventure, but for self-discovery also."

"...Sounds interesting." And that was genuine. Now I was even more intrigued as to what exactly warranted that fan's outrage earlier. "What exactly happened at the end of this book then? Did the character kiss an unlikable love interest?"

Scrap shook his head wryly. "Bright Light is regarded fiercely for considering friendship above romance. She's a firm believer in that anyone can be redeemed, and friendship is the answer to all of life's problems."

...Huh. The waves of deja vu was beginning to crash over.

"As for what precisely happened..." He glanced to the book with a wide grin. "Long story short, her bravery granted our heroine with her own horn. Earth Pony to unicorn."

"Ahh." Now it was starting to add up. "And not many ponies are liking that change."

"It has been addressed since the books were first published in Fillydelphia." Scrap sighed wearily, looking quite distraught, breaking the guise of confidence. "As I'm already halfway through working on the fourth volume, I had high hopes this significant change would make the fans excited for brand new possibilities. A new direction for the stories to take... But it seems it wasn't the right time."

I frowned, sensing a little plothole in this tale. "Surely not all of your fans think this way...?"

"No." Scrap shook his head, continuing to look sad. "But the vast feedback bordering around negativity is... Disheartening. I must admit, it's beginning to put me off from continuing my next work."

Ouch. The worst part was, I knew exactly what this pony was going through. To have your hard work in writing be scorned at and criticized by dissatisfied readers. It's a heart-plummeting sensation. No one likes their work being mocked, and some people do just that for the sake of their own twisted amusement. As a fanfic writer, I understood and empathized with this saddened stallion before me.


"I'm going to take a thorough look through this novel." He blinked at my change of conversation, myself taking the book back with a certain grin. "I'm a fast reader, I'll be done by the time you finished signing everyone's autographs. Afterwards, I'll try to find out exactly what the problem is, give you some constructive criticism and help you learn from any mistakes you made, should there be any."

"You'd do that?" A hopeful smile emerged on his muzzle. "That would be greatly appreciated, Mr... Um, what was your name, sorry?"

"Stardust Balance." I smirked rather smugly. "A fellow author at heart, helping a fellow author in need."


That was something.

Dull, tedious and sleep-inducing. I read romance novels with more charm and passion put into them than that absurd mess.

Personally I found the tale endearing, and rather reminiscent considering our dear friends in Ponyville. Perhaps we should search for the previous two volumes once we return, so we may gain a higher appreciation for the overall story and characters.

...I'll think about it.

"You're done already?!" Scrap blinked upon my return, just as he was about to walk atop his small podium. "Certainly weren't kidding about being a fast reader, you barely left for an hour!"

Holding up the volume, I smirked humouredly. "Not as fast as Twilight, mind you, but I probably read through pages faster than a Harry Potter fanatic."

Leaning forward eagerly, the green stallion proceeded to ask, "Well, what did you think?"


"That would be greatly appreciated, yes."

"Decent." Oh how comedic his expression fell. Quickly, I added to reassure him, "Maybe if I read the other two first, I might like it better. But right now, I just find it simply okay. Story's an average fun adventure ride, characters are developed nice and consistently, and the overall moral lesson is blatant for anyone who reads it."

"And... The twist?"

Ah, now there was the part I was hesitant to confess my feelings about. "It... Well I understand why many aren't happy with the transformation." My expression and tone shifted to apologetic. "It just felt rather... Tacked on, in the end. Undeserved and written in for the sake of adding a last-minute twist."

"...I see. Suppose it was rather... Sudden and without enough justification." The unicorn slouched, looking quite disappointed by the admittance. Sorry mate, criticism's not made to be praise your work wholly, that'd be an entire contradiction. "Guess I just wanted to end on a high note... Heheh..." A weak grin. "Well... Thank you for your honesty. Constructive criticism is harsh, yes, but a necessity in the writing world." A deep sigh, before the pony turned back to the podium. "You'll have to excuse me for the moment."

And now I felt terrible, watching his forced happy state addressing the gathering equines. Evidently Scrap wasn't use to receiving critical feedback by others; the other two stories must've been good achievements for readers and critics alike. Bringing reality to his face like that harmed his soul more than he's letting on; I can sense it.

True, I often make no hesitation in criticizing others without feeling guilt or regret about it. But those were directed to actions alone. Sharing negative opinions about someone's hard work, right to their faces, was opening a whole new can of worms. Though my actions may indicate otherwise at times, I hated bringing people down. It's never my intention to purposely make others feel awful about their own efforts into doing something they love.

Honesty is a cruel, cruel revelation. If this pony isn't prepared to face criticism, then he never should have published his work in the first place.

Scrap, meanwhile, continued addressing the audience, fixing on a proud grin. "I hope you've all been enjoying my work thus far! I understand that there are some parts of the recent volume you may not agree with, but surely we mustn't allow that to diminish the other more exciting aspects of the story, no?" But the crowd wasn't too eager in sharing that opinion.

"You ruined Bright Light's character!"

"Being an Earth Pony heroine was what made her stand out!"

"What about her friends? Don't they get some reward for their deeds too?!"

"Please, my friends, let's refrain from revealing any spoilers-!" He ducked before a tomato could be planted right into his de-composing features.

"Spoilers? You mean that terrible ending?!"

"Why did you write such a thing? The main point of the character is gone now!"

"Unicorns are always portrayed as the protagonists; I'm getting sick of it!"

Scrap was motioning for peace... To no avail, his anxiety rising upwards tremendously with the crude backlash of dissatisfied fans. Jesus, I should be taking notes about this when I become an official author. This kind of public outrage wasn't entirely unexpected, but they were being much harsher than they should.

Reminds me of... I sighed.

And Scrap completely gave up, just taking in the passionate outcries of his oh-so adoring fans.

Finally, the crowd died down enough for Scrap to leave the stage with some dignity intact. Not alot, but enough not to break down into tears, though he looked terribly close to it. Wincing in sympathy, I greeted that upset stallion and placed a hoof against his shoulder, prompting his wry grin. "So, as it turns out, my recent volume ends in pure utter failure... Oh well."

"Are you alright?" Stupid question, but instincts made me ask.

"Fine, fine, just... Ah." The distraught author looked up from the ground, orange eyes threatening ti break down amidst a cracked tone. "Being an author was all I inspired to become, even since I was a colt. It was my dream to share my imagination and love for adventure to the world... But now, it seems, all that effort is for naught."

"What about your next book?" I inquired with a light frown, removing my hoof from him. "The fourth one you're halfway done with?"

Scrap shrugged, smiling bitterly. "Guess it'll have to remain unfinished... Maybe I can do work next as an editor. They're always looking for those in the writing world. In fact I heard they're hiring a lot in Manehatten..."

...Okay, now it was just getting pathetic.

Agreed. Question is, Jack, what will you intend to do about it?


I know you boy. This pony's conundrum isn't something you'll permit yourself to leave to himself. You have the book, you have the autograph, you could leave at anytime. But you choose to stay, because your sentimentality anchors you here in order to save the depressed spirit of this sad little author.

Sombra, once more, raising good points. But the question stands, what exactly could I do to help inspire this author into continuing fulfilling his dream...?





...Ha. Got it!

"Stay right there, I'll be right back."

"Um, alright...?" Scrap replied in bafflement at my sudden enthusiasm and hurrying towards the podium, standing atop the wood and tapping it loudly to attract the attention of dissatisfied readers. I knew just what to do.

"Attention. Attention please!" One by one, irritated equines slowly turned to face the golden stallion in the cape and fedora curiously. With a grin, I added, "Thank you." And cleared my throat. "I understand and empathize with you. Really, I do. All that waiting and built up hype for the next chapter to a series, only to end up disappointing you. Is it wrong to declare you all ignorant for your expectations? Yes. Whatiswrong, however, friends, is the immediate dismissal of this new direction the story is taking."

Mutters and mumbles, filled with doubt and confusion respectively.

"Just because one event happened, doesn't necessarily ruin everything. If anything, the decision made at the end can be considered bold and bringing many new things to the table. Over time, things change. Characters evolve, physically too. New writing choices are made, and tales expand to new and unforeseen directions. Like it or not, fellow readers, we have to accept that change will always happen even if we don't agree with it."

I sighed, taking a deep breath before concluding this short speech.

"What I'm saying is, there will always be change, and a tiny one shouldn't let that dissolve our genuine love for a franchise. I'm asking you to at least give Scrap Paper, and his new book with those to follow, a chance to show where this new direction will lead your heroine, her friends and yourselves. See what happens next, before making quick judgement. That is all."

With a satisfied leap off the stage, I smiled rather satisfyingly at the crowd now inspecting their book covers in skepticism before taking another read. Observing the whole thing, the dark green unicorn regarded me in awe and wariness. "Nice speech out there, but I'm not sure it'll work on everyone."

I shook my head, smiling still. "You're right. Not everyone will like the change. But look." He followed my pointing hoof towards the audience. While many left in dissatisfaction, many more stuck around, reading the pages with smiles slowly rising to their faces. At Scrap's befuddled hopeful look, I added with a grin, "Not everyone will accept change, and they may not always agree with what you do with your work. But even so, you have to keep your head high and carry on. There will always be those who appreciate the bold decisions and continue to stick with you."

You know, maybe I should become a politician.

You figure?

Yeah. Almost all my speeches seem to have the intended effect on people, minus the villains. My slogan would be something like 'Balance for all.' Or anything related to that.

Hm... Talking out of your plot, making false promises and just being an unpleasant individual to be around. You may be onto something for once, Jack.

Well, one day you might just get that chance.Starswirl happily supplied.Aside from your passions and convictions into what you do,considering your positive future alongside Princess Twilight, it's an eventuality you yourself will learn the more political side in regards to royalty.

Oh the day he becomes a politician, is the day I reattain a physical body.

"Stardust, wait up!" My pace halted, turning to face the hurrying unicorn reaching me. Heaving quite a bit, Scrap grinned rather brightly. "Glad I caught you. I've yet to extend my appreciation for helping me out back there." Orange eyes glinted gleefully. "Already more and more ponies are asking me what happens next now that Bright's a unicorn! The exact enthusiasm I was looking since I published my latest work!"

"I only reminded them not to judge too quickly." I shrugged, smiling modestly. "It was nothing really. I'm more glad you've stopped being discouraged."

Scrap nodded blissfully. "Like you'll never believe. I'm gonna keep making as much stories as possible!" Glad to hear it! Always happy to see a fellow author get back his spirit to write! The brown package floated beside him then hovered before me. "I have something for you, expressing my gratitude better."

Oh? Taking the package, I regarded the wrapped item curiously. Scrap nodded encouragingly. Eh, why not? Let's humour the lad. Ripping off the paper, what was revealed to me was another copy of the third book... Except...

Reflective with golden corners. How quaint.

"A rare first edition." Scrap supplied proudly. "With my own signature on the front page. See for yourself."

'To Stardust Balance, as thanks for giving me the boost I desperately needed to continue doing what I loved. To the lucky Twilight Sparkle, I hope you enjoy this first edition of my hard work paid off.

- Scrap Paper.'

Haha! "Thanks Scrap." I grinned, happily accepting the gift. "I know she'll love it."

"I certainly hope so." Scrap shared the expression, nodding then to behind. "Before you go though, I was hoping you could assist a fellow author with one last thing. I have the draft to my next work in progress back at the store. Would you mind giving it a look and providing some constructive criticism?"

At the joking question, I smirked. "It'd be a pleasure, fellow writer. Lead the way." An opportunity to play a role with making a book? Who was I to decline?

I trust your mood is in high spirits, assisting one who shares a favourite hobby.

And reminding myself today that, even if my future work may not receive the popularity or reception I should hope, it should never deter me from doing my best to completing the effort. We're always going to face backlashes for our work, but that doesn't mean we have to stop.

It just means we have to learn, and do better.

And as we walked back, Scrap leaned in rather conspiratorially, voice lowering with enthusiasm. "I've also been pondering the idea of making a small spin-off book after the success of my recent book, where a main character follows a new villain to another universe ruled by different species and has to adapt to their cultures. Oh, maybe I'll make that a series should many ponies love the idea!"

Laughing, I patted the stallion's shoulder in good humour. "Okay mate, let's not get ahead of ourselves."

"Honey I'm home!"

But instead of Twilight greeting me by the main foyer at first, it was a beaming Starlight walking down the stairs. "Welcome back." The pink unicorn greeted cheerfully. "You're just in time, Spike just made dinner."

"Oh? What's on the menu?"

"Hay burgers, a special occasion for how great the summit went." Starlight chuckled at my look. "He made you your favourite salad instead, don't worry."

"Oh, goodie." I went back to beaming, following the pink unicorn towards the staircase. "How was your day Starlight?"

She shrugged casually. "Aside from observing the friendship summit in Griffonstone, pretty uneventful. On the bright side, everything went smoothly, especially between pony and griffon kind." Starlight sent me a humoured glance. "That King Zenith griffon looked pretty rough, but he's a good guy once you get to know him."

"Glad to hear it. Nothing went wrong at all then?"

"Absolutely." Ah, there she is! Approaching us down the hallway, Twilight smiled quite proudly. "The summit proceeded with little to no difficulty. King Zenith was all too happy to forge an alliance between his kingdom and Canterlot officially." And just then, the smile faded to a smirk, a knowing sparkle in her eyes. "Since, according to the new King of Griffonstone, he was encouraged to make friends with ponykind by a 'brave, pony warrior who helped him retrieve the fabled Idol of Boreas and restore the kingdom back to its former glory.' Know anything about that, Jack?"

Starlight looked between us with high amusement, and I only grinned cheekily. "I don't know. Sounds like a nutcase to me."

Twilight huffed in mock-annoyance. "And justwhenprecisely were you planning on telling me you played a role in helping the Griffon kingdom?"

"Until you found out for yourself. Twilight, you know how much I enjoy annoying the pony I love."

The Princess rolled her eyes, glowing cheeks aside and changed the subject with a small grin. "So, did you manage to get the book and autograph?"

"Oh even better love!" Taking the two books off my back, I gave the rather more pristine cover to the alicorn. "One for me, and one for you." Twilight blinked, not expecting the golden-covered leather, a gasp escaping her muzzle.

"This is a rare first edition!" She proceeded to grin brightly, glancing my way. "How did you- Oh honestly I shouldn't even be surprised these days. The third volume of the Ponytales series; I knew I could count on you Jack!"

"Ponytales?" Starlight asked rather enthusiastically. "I love those books! The third volume's been sold out at the Ponyville store since release day."

Oh? "In that case, here you go." The unicorn blinked at the offered, more normal edition book. "Hope you don't mind the autograph for Twilight in that one too."

Starlight's grin widened, accepting the gift gratifyingly. "Not at all."

"'To the lucky Twilight Sparkle, I hope you enjoy this first edition...'" Twilight read out-loud the signed message on the front page, looking back to me with an amused expression. "Did you give Scrap Paper advice as a fellow writer?"

"Something like that." I shrugged. "Just reminded him to keep going even when he isn't getting the results he expects." Rubbing my front hoofs, I added happily, "So, can we go get our dinner now? I'm starving."

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