• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter Seventy-One: The Warrior of Encouragement


"If other ponies wanna address me that way, I suppose it's fine but... Not my friends. It just doesn't feel right, and neither does this flying business."

"You sure you'll do fine without me?"

"Of course. I have Spike with me. Besides, someone has to look after the library in my absence. And there's no one I trust more to accomplish such a task than you."

"I'd expect otherwise from my special somepony."


"Weird, isn't it? I've never seen anything like it before. All of Ponyville is wondering what this means. That's why I thought it was a good idea to wake you up."

"In the game, Discord said he was innocent as he's doing now. Whatever is going on here, it involved the Elements of Harmony somehow..."

"It's okay. I'm worried too. But please, if you know more, we can use that information to save the town."

"Someponies willing to give me the benefit of the doubt. And how ironic that one of them is a human in disguise! The rest of you can learn a lot about friendships from my dear pals Butterfly and Starlight here."

"I know what to do... I think."

"Tell us."

"So there's this 'Tree of Harmony,' hiding somewhere deep inside the Everfree Forest, and we have to find it in order to fix everything?" Rainbow asked, for clarification.


"But you have no idea precisely where this tree is?"

"Not exactly," I confessed lightly to Rarity's inquiry, looking away in thought, "But I know what it looks like. It's located within a cave inside the forest; I'll know it when I'll see it."

"Alright, so we deliver the Elements of Harmony to the tree, then what?" Applejack wondered.

"...I have no clue," I admitted, shaking my head, "All I know is the Elements must be brought to the tree in order to restore it and the forest. I'm not uncertain as what specifically happens..."

Taking note of my apologetic tone, Twilight said reassuringly, "Jack, just this information alone could help us solve this whole crisis. Now we at least have the basic idea of what to do," Her encouraging smile incited my own.

"Should hide in the Everfree Forest be this tree," Zecora then warned, the zebra having arrived as I provided a description of the harmonic tree and where it was hidden, Fluttershy and Pinkie helping the tired equine, "Be on your guard, you must take from me. For as the forest's nature grows, so will many of our kind's foes." We nodded at her words.

Noted Zecora.

Discord, meanwhile, continued taking delight out of this situation, observing us with blatant amusement. Ignoring him, Twilight then inquired, "Did this app show what happened to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna as well?"

"...Actually, no," I frowned, meeting their disappointed stares, save for Discord's, "I don't think they were even mentioned. Sorry."

"Oh, don't apologize!" Discord said happily, placing a bear arm around me with a grin, "You can't know everything, my dear chap! Though I must say, I'm surprised by your ignorance over the Princess's locations; and here I thought you would at least know something about it!"

"Why Discord, it sounds as if you know something we don't," I snapped, having no need for his condescending mockery. The creature of chaos simply shrugged and spouted angel wings, sending Fluttershy a puppy look.

"It's a long story," Twilight said to Zecoras perplexed look, before adding with a frown, "But, if Jack doesn't know anything about the Princess's fates, then how will fixing the forest help us find them? Solving one problem won't fix the other."

"I think ridding this infestation is a first priority, Twilight," I said, but not in non-sympathy.

"He's got a point, Twi," Applejack pitched in, seeing the mare hesitate, "If we don't stop this forest from growin', who knows how many ponies in Equestria will be in trouble!"

"...Right," Twilight finally nodded in grim determination after a moment of thinking, obviously deeply concerned over the welfare of her mentor and Luna, hardened stare looking towards the Everfree Forest. Black vines and thorn pouring out dangerously, threatening to consume the entire lands by the hand of Mother Nature. "You'll recognize the tree on sight?"

"Yes," I responded, also staring at the sorry state of a forest in resolve. It was time to end this affair before it got worse.

"Then what are we waiting for?" Rainbow said determinedly, already flying off towards the entrance of the dangerous area, "Let's get going!"

"Good luck! Ta ta! See you when you all get back friends, safe and sound!" Discord waved us all off with enthusiasm. Can't tell is he's serious or, again, just mocking us.

As much as I hated just allowing these girls to throw themselves into danger, I trusted them to take care of each other. And I will be there in case things somehow because more serious than currently.

"Discord," I said, lingering for a moment as the mares, and Spike who was tagging along for some reason, all walked off in grim resolve.

"You rang?" Said master of chaos held a phone near his ear.

Cracking a faint smile, I gestured to behind me, "I ask of you, as your friend, to make sure the citizens of Ponyville stay safe from this infestation until we return. Can I rely on you?"

Discord responded by putting on a soldier uniform and conducting the British Salute, "Sir!" He replied in mock-seriousness.

Rolling my eyes, I then noticed Zecora approaching me, "I shall assist the town with him." Her expression and tone held conviction, "Although our situation looks only grim. We can count on Twilight, you and your friends, to put this unnatural crisis to an end."

I nodded gratefully. More equals better, "I appreciate that Zecora. Mark my words, we'll restore the forest and your home to normal."

"Stardust, come on!"

At Rainbow's command, I gave the zebra and smirking creature of chaos one last look, "Good luck," And ran after the waiting mares and dragon.

It's time to pull out the weeds.

The forest was alot more deadlier than I remember. Big shock.

"How much further?"

I shrugged without turning around, "No clue, Applejack." Then, I added with a faint smile, "Honestly, I don't know why you letting me lead; you'll the know the place when you see it."

"True." Rarity said in small humour, "But we'll also need the big bad 'Twilight Warrior' to protect us from the scary forest." Followed by chuckles, and mumbled grunts on my part.

Remind me to keep my mouth shut like this...


Wasn't talking to you.

"You said this Tree of Harmony was in a cave," Twilight said to my right, "Could this cave be spotted easily?"

I nodded, remembering it more clearly, "It's at the bottom of a narrow valley."

As I said this, we then stumbled upon a murky pond, bubbling water here and there, with small floating rocks big enough to hold all one pony's hooves. Ah great. "We can use those to cross," Twilight pointed out.

"I'll go first, make sure it's safe- Never mind," I deadpanned as Twilight leapt onto the trail of rocks, before yelping and stumbling a little as part of her hoof went into the dirty water, "It's just water-"

What followed next caused my eyes to widen and jaw to slack.

Those rocks, turns out. were in fact the backbones of a huge-[BEEP] gator, which rose menacingly from the pond and snarled in annoyance at the purple alicorn standing on its back. Said mare froze at the creature that could swallow her whole.


Immediately, I caught the hurled screaming Twilight, the impact forcing my hoofs to skid across the dirt a little.

Rarity gasped sharply, "A crocodile! Run for your lives!"

We obliged, running in different parts of the area. Oh great, now I just also remembered; I encountered one of these mother-[BEEP]ers on the app game, too, using Element Shards to scare them off. Though I doubt that'll be the case here.

Think Jack, what to do here?

You're a brute, boy, what do you think?

Go play Minecraft you-


Turning around, a sense of dread and terror rose through my being at the giant crocodile advancing on Twilight and Spike, who were backed up against a wall in sheer fright. Twilight was desperately trying to fly, yet to no avail; she was panicking too much to focus!

Hmph. Weakling.

"I'm coming!" I yelled, and with a battle cry, I reared back my clenched hoof while charging, and promptly punched the stunned gator across the jaw, followed by a swift uppercut kick. As the gator stumbled backwards, recovering, I stood as a line of defense between the monster and my girlfriend and brother, "You want them? Get through me first!"

"You go Stardust!" Spike yelled in relief.

Twilight, however, called out in worry, "Look out!"


My two hoofs, aided by balance, grabbed the upper and lower jaws before they could snap me in two. Okay... Crocodile's jaw strength... Quite formidable... My foe, however, shared my protests; attempting to snap his mouth shut and consume his latest meal. Haha, as if, my reptilian friend.

Although, I could use some help here!

The help came in the name of the other mares.

The crocodile, in surprise, was then suddenly pulled back, forcing me to release and step back while the other struggled to restrain the reptile. The five other mares were pulling the giant lizard's tail back via vine, and we could hear their struggles upon doing so.

The girls then, including Twilight, managed to finish things up by tying the creature through various vines around tree trunks, trapping the vulnerable reptile for a good while. "That, was close," Twilight acknowledged in relief and gratitude.

Speaking of which. "Are you alright?" I asked the purple alicorn, who smiled at my concern.

"I'm fine." Twilight answered, "Thanks for the save." I nodded, glad she was alright.

"I'm fine too!" Yes I know you are Spike. I chuckled, rubbing the annoyed dragon's forehead fondly.

"Huh, a little too close if ya ask me." Applejack pointed out, "You sure you're alright?"

The purple alicorn responded, "I'm fine; I just can't seem to get these new wings to do what I want them to do when I want them to do it."

"...A mouthful."

"Aw you'll figure it out eventually," Rainbow said to Twilight encouragingly.

I agree, "It was a panicking moment; you'll learn to master flight in time, love," I pitched in an attempt for reassurance.

"Yet time is of the essence," Twilight then said, walking away to lead on.

We followed, Applejack then stating rather slowly, "You have been havin' a lot of trouble with those things, and, well... Who knows what else is gonna come after us."

"Which is why I'm here," I stated in dry humour.

"No offence, Stardust, but you can't protect everyone," None taken, but I try, "But, y'know..." The girls halted, prompting myself to stop for a moment too. "Maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea if for Twilight to go back to Ponyville, and let us look for the Tree of Harmony without her."

...Wait, what did Applejack just suggest?

Twilight shared my disbelief, "What?"

"You can't be serious," I added, frowning with her at the mares.

"Yer almost just about got eaten by a crocodile!" Applejack began.

"We all did," Twilight pointed out, "He wasn't after just me!"

"Sure but... Well... The rest of us aren't... Princesses," Which is something I feel must be addressed, but that's for another time. What point was Applejack making here?

"What's that got to do with anything?!" Twilight echoed my internal question hotly.

"Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are gone! If somethin' happened to you, I-I just don't think Equestria could risk losin' another Princess!"

I can't believe what I'm hearing! Okay, they're concerned for Twilight well-being, fair enough. But I think we're beyond the point of... This kind of debate!

"Applejack does make a valid point," Not you too, Rarity! "Even if we manage to save the Tree of Harmony, it won't necessarily mean Princess Celestia and Princess Luna will return. Equestria will need somepony to lead in their absence."

"Hang on! Hang on a minute!" I practically exclaimed, inciting their looks. Rubbing my forehead, I pointed out incredulously, "Since when was I the optimist here and you five the realists? Have you forgotten everything I've said about this world and your people? You honestly believe that Celestia and Luna will be gone forever?!"

"We just think that-"

"They won't," I said rather irritably, motioning to the uncertain alicorn, "And now you're pressuring Twilight about the responsibilities over being the unlikely sole ruler of Equestria? I'm the one with the knowledge that, in fact, Celestia and Luna will come back and resume their places on the throne. I know enough to safely say their disappearance has never been long enough for Twilight to take over."

Not yet, anyway.

"And not just that; after everything you've been through, all the trials and tests you've faced together. Nightmare Moon, Discord, Sombra. Hell, even me. And now you suddenly doubt Twilight's capabilities to take care of herself?! When you basically all work better as a full team than divided? All of the problems and obstacles you've faced were overcome because you all worked as a team! And you certainly can't stop now! You need Twilight just as she needs you!"

Their faces were now reflecting guilt and uncertainty. Come on, you all knew better than this! Think about it! And besides, who knows, Celestia disappeared when Nightmare Moon turned up; who's to say it wouldn't happen again after the Tree of Harmony has been restored? Twilight looked as though she was about to speak up after a moment of mulling things over, when-

"He's right..." Thank you! Rarity glanced up, dark blue reflective eyes hardened as though in epiphany, "I can't believe how foolish the idea was! Stardust is absolutely correct! We can't doubt our friend now, even if nothing is certain! We work best as one than not at all! That's why the Elements of Harmony chose us!"

"Um, that's right," Fluttershy then spoke up, "We can't give up in believing in ourselves and each other, especially now. After everything we've been through, we should be able to overcome anything now... I think."

Good enough, Fluttershy.

"Golly, when ya'll put it like that," The orange Earth Pony rubbed the back of her head sheepishly, "I guess we shouldn't be so quick as to jump to conclusions just yet. If Stardust says the Princesses come back, we should believe 'im. Right girls?"

"Right!" Five of the six mares chorused.

"Um, yes," Fluttershy agreed quietly.

"So, you're letting me stay?" Twilight asked hopefully.

"We worked together as a team through every danger. Why stop now?" Rainbow shrugged, grinning. "All for one and one for all!"

Followed by a group hug between the girls and dragon. Whoa! And a particular pink hoof grabbing and pulling me into the large embrace. "Thank you... You're the bestest friends one could ever ask for." Twilight said, choking in happiness slightly.

"Best! Group hug! Ever!" Pinkie cheered ecstatically. My poor ears, yet I grinned myself anyway.

As the hug broke apart, I gestured forward. "Come along now, girls. Spike. We have a town to save!" At their confident nods and expressions, we ventured forward, though Twilight immediately walked beside me.

"Thank you for sticking up for me," She barely whispered, a beaming beautiful smile on her muzzle.

"Anything... For my special somepony," Prompting her grin to widen and cheeks to turn pink, though my own body slightly froze up as our sides basically connected - promptly ignoring the chuckles and no doubt smug expressions from behind us - a brief touch of affection and the promise we will make it through this, together.

For you love... And our friends.

"I think we've found it."

Very astute, Fluttershy.

For before us was a valley decorated in black vines stretching out from a cave at the very end, hiding directly nearby the castle. A blue light was emanating from the cave, visible even from all the way here. It was evident that Celestia and Luna must've built their old castle here to watch over the Tree in case something disastrous loomed over Equestria... And then forgot about it sometime later.

"Stardust?" I heard Spike ask, with hope.

I nodded, "This is it," I recognized the place clearly.

"Well, great!" Applejack said, "Now how about we figure a way to get down-?"

The yelping pained sounds incited us to look over, Pinkie falling down the convenient steps leading down into the valley below. Huh. "Take the stairs, silly!" The pink Earth Pony, hardly fazed by the fall, pointed out.

"This is it, girls and boys." Twilight said with pure utter conviction, an expression on her face so serious it would burn anything that comes across its gaze. "Let's restore the Tree of Harmony once and for all!" Nodding, we followed the alicorn down the rocky stairs.

She has spirit, doesn't she?

Yeah... Wait, what the hell Sombra? Don't ever make comments about her like that again!

Hmhmhm. Such jealously. Good.


But what we saw upon entering the cave filled me with even more disgust. For before us was the Tree of Harmony. But there was hardly any light radiating from it. A sickly grey tall leafless tree wrapped in countless vines, no doubt draining away its light greedily.

Fluttershy gasped at the repulsive sight, "I think it's dying!"

"So let's save it already!" Applejack, in an impulsive action, leapt forward and bit down on a small thorn, pulling hard.

"Applejack, wait!" Twilight yelled, just before the vine was released and the force pushed the orange Earth Pony back, grunting. And Twilight used her magic to restrain Rainbow back as she prepared to charge next. Examining the tree thoroughly, the purple alicorn continued grimly, "We need to figure this out carefully... Huh...?"

"What? What is it?" Rainbow asked at Twilight's noise of curiosity.

"I think... Oh... Of course!"

"Don't keep us in suspense, Twilight," I said humouredly, warily looking around in case the vines decided to attack us.

"Look, at the five branches and the trunk. Don't they resemble our Elements?" I squinted. Huh... They sorta do. The five marks on the branches look like you can fit the small gems right in-


And judging from Twilight's expression, she reached the same conclusion. "That's it!" We both exclaimed. Of course! Now I finally understand! The Elements of Harmony must be placed in the tree in order to restore harmony!

"What is?" Rarity asked, and the girls and dragon blinked as Twilight immediately turned around, and began flying towards the tree with the floating gems, prompting my immediate frown and call.

"Be careful," But she didn't seem to hear me, too concentrated on restoring the tree. That's fine, we have her back just in case.

Such as now.

Vines were already assaulting the mare as she neared the tree, and I quickly sprung into action, running forward and jumping, smacking away the vines before they reached out further and landing. Yet that only prompted the thorns to wrap themselves further around the entire tree, obviously trying to prevent Twilight from succeeding.

The mare sent me a grateful glance, before addressing the watching others, "I think in order to save the tree, we must give it our Elements of Harmony."

"Whoa whoa whoa!" Rainbow, of course, protesting against the very idea first, "How are we suppose to protect Equestria without them?!"

"How are we meant to rein Discord in if we can't use the Elements to turn him back to stone?" Rarity added.

Applejack then approached with a much softer tone, "Twilight, the Elements of Harmony... They're what keeps us connected no matter what..."

"...You're right about one thing, Applejack." Twilight concurred, flying down to meet them, tone filled with regret, "The Elements of Harmony did bring us together. But it isn't the Elements that'll keep us connected: it's our friendship, and it's more important and more powerful than any magic! My new role in Equestria may mean I have to take on new responsibilities, and our friendships may be tested."

You often wonder if she writes and rehearses these friendship speeches beforehand?

"But it will never, ever, be broken."


I smiled along with the other, proud of Twilight for coming so far and still staying determined with the power of friendship. That same friendship that helped them defeat many villains and saved many lives, mine included. And for that, I will always be grateful.

Even if a small part of me doesn't believe I deserve their forgiveness, nor friendships, nor the special connection I have with only Twilight.

"There's no time to lose," Twilight then said in resolve, flying upwards towards the tree again. "Everypony ready?"

"Ready!" We all replied, prepared to defeat this nature menace once and for all.

With Twilight's magic, the small gems within the necklaces and the crown were carefully removed, ready to be placed on the Tree of Harmony, where they, I presume, rightfully belong. They began circling around the resolved alicorn in a rainbow-coloured speed-

"Twilight!" I yelled in horror, and the girls gasped at the vines now wrapping themselves around the mare in protest. Oh no you don't! My hooves charged forward, leaping up to save the mare and-

What the-?


A sneaky black vine managed to grab me around the waist, and hurtle me across the cave, my back hitting the stone wall hard. Ow! Son of a [BEEP]!

I have to help her!

You can do nothing, The tyrant in my mind sneered in clear enjoyment, What powers do you have against the very natural forces of Equestria? Watch as they tighten their grip around your special mare, and suffocate her until she breathes no longer!


I charged forward again, only to be halted by more snapping vines, daring me to come closer. I dared indeed-!

Get off me you mother-


My limbs were pulled back, slamming me once again against the stone wall, wrapping me in place, unable to move my body while I could only watch helplessly as Twilight struggled, her magic desperately placing the Elements within the correct slots in the tree. My eyes widened in horror, teeth clenching as the vines completely wrapped themselves around the mare of my dreams, keeping any of us from looking at her. From within my mind, Sombra laughed darkly.


No... NO! This can't be happening-!


A bright light prompted my glance towards where it's emanating from. The six areas where the Elements were place din time were beginning to glow at a radiant pace, and was followed by a blinding-


The vines released me in time for me to shield my eyes at the brightness covering the cave, a strange noise echoing through the area from the tree. Was this... Did it work?

Has it happened?!

When finally, the blinding light died down, and I could open my eyes to see the Tree of Harmony in all its glory. Holy [BEEP]; the blue crystallized tree shined beautifully, reflecting the light of harmony and the promise of peace and serenity from here on-

"Twilight!" The purple flying mare, now free, to my immense relief, acknowledged my yell and flew down, and I wasn't even thinking properly as I immediately ran over and embraced the mare, hugging her closely, just to express how relieved and happy I was for her safety. Thank God, oh thank God she's unharmed, "Are you alright?"

Twilight returned the hug, her own relief and joy expressed through her tone, "I'm fine... Wow..." She breathed at the sight of the tree, and together we all watched the dazzling spectacle.

Wow indeed...

The last remaining black vines on between the Tree of Harmony began disappearing, fizzling away into nothingness. And from within revealed...


Sombra shared my disbelief, sounding particularly stunned himself, I don't believe it...

Celestia and Luna were HERE the entire time?! Trapped under some black vines between the tree?! You mean to tell me they got abducted somehow, all the way at Canterlot, and were defenseless against the forces of mother nature?! Is the show going out of its way to show how [BEEP] useless Celestia really is?!

This is... I don't... Jesus [BEEP] Christ...!

The others, however, were a lot more enthusiastic to see their rulers once again. As the light finally died down completely from the Tree of Harmony, Twilight broke off our embrace to meet the two approaching alicorns, hugging them in turn. Me? I'd be asking some questions right about now.

"We know how difficult it must've been for you to give up the Elements." Oh, we're fine, thanks for asking Celestia. We, once again, had to save your world without any assistance on your part. "It took great courage to relinquish them."

And suddenly, the crystallized tree began glowing again, this time from the center than the entire thing. Twilight approached the thing, while the branches began glowing the colours of their respective Elements, followed by the sun and moon patterns on the trunk lighting up too.

Concluded by a plant rising before us, and by Twilight's curious touch, opening up slowly in majestic rainbow colours to show us...

A small blue hexagon-shaped chest with six keyholes around it.


"I've seen that before..." I said quietly, prompted the others save for the Princesses to regard me curiously.

"What's inside it?"

"I have no clue..." But what I do know is that it involves a certain terrifying villain in the future...

"Six locks. Six keys," Luna observed thoughtfully, both her and Twilight looking at Celestia questionably.

"I do not know where they are," The white alicorn admitted, "But I do know it is a mystery you will not be solving alone."

Oh yeah sure, just pass the mystery onto us. Thanks Celestia...

But seeing Twilight smiling happily at us, I couldn't stay annoyed for that long.

"Bravo, ladies and germs, bravo!" What greeted us upon arrival out of the forest was fanfare, confetti and Discord, "How ever did you save the day this time? Blast a beastie with your magic necklaces I presume? Where are those little trinkets of yours? You know, the ones you used to send me back to my extremely uncomfortable stone prison?"

Applejack sighed, "Gone." She replied flatly, obviously as disgruntled as the others to admit as such towards the master of chaos.

Discord was of course delighted, "Gone?!" He chuckled, mulling over the new info, "Gone..."

Fluttershy intervened, thankfully, before he could pull off any further mischief, "But our friendship remains. And if you wanna remain friends, you'll stop thinking whatever it is you're thinking and help us clean up."

Score one for the bold Flutters.

Appearing then in a maid outfit, Discord replied in begrudging acceptance, "Fine. But I don't do windows."

Nah, that's why we have Spike.

"One thing I don't get." The orange mare spoke up, as we followed Discord towards the town, "Why'd all this happen now?"

You know, that's a very good question. We still have no clue as to where this invasion of nature came from, nor why.

"I have no idea." Discord responded casually, "Those seeds I planted should have sprouted up ages ago."


"What did you say?" Twilight demanded, frowning suspiciously at the former villain.

"Sit down kiddies." And suddenly we found ourselves on theater seats with a big projection screen before us, playing back a memory that most likely happened a thousand years ago. Discord's voice explained as the soundless flashback played, showing the creature of chaos mocking a younger Celestia and Luna, small black seeds bouncing off their heads and into the ground, "Well, things obviously didn't go accordingly to my original plan; my plunder seeds should have stolen the magic from the Tree of Harmony and captured Princess Celestia and Princess Luna thousands of years ago."

We watched as the stems of the planted seeds stretched all the way to the glowing Tree of Harmony. "Alas, it seems the Tree had enough magic to keep the seeds from growing up big and strong! Until now that is!"

As the Tree of Harmony supposedly grew weaker with every passing century over the Element's absence. That would explain why those seeds took so long to grow and become a threat. But still, why now, at this point in time? I suppose we'll never get the answer to that question there.

So, Discord was the one responsible. Huh.

"You realize this is information we could've used hours ago!" Twilight pointed out accusingly while the seats and screen disappeared. To be fair, exactly what would we have done with this information? Pluck out the seeds? Ask Discord to remove them...?

God dammit!

Discord shrugged innocently, "You didn't ask," Prompting the girls to glare in annoyance, and me to shake my head in exasperated amusement.

With the rest of Ponyville cleaned up from the infestation, and Celestia and Luna returning to their kingdom safe and sound, the Summer Sun Celebration in Canterlot could proceed. And proceeded it did, hundreds of ponies from the kingdom and some from other towns and cities arrived to witness the glorious event. This time, myself included, insisting I should be there in case something happens again.

Probably nothing will happen to prevent the celebration further, but I'm a cautious man.

Who charges recklessly into battle with a forefront plan other than his hooves.

Ignoring that jibe, I watched the nightly event take place from a nearby balcony, as the celebration was hosted in the middle of the kingdom rather than the castle. "Citizens of Equestria!" The Princess of the Sun addressed from her place on the stand, "It is no longer with a heavy heart, but with great joy that I raise the summer's sun! For this celebration now represents not the defeat of Nightmare Moon, but the return of my sister: Princess Luna!"

Said blue alicorn bowed her head gracefully at the loud cheering, and I clapped a little. Luna then flew into the air in front of the moon statue, horn glowing as her divine power started bringing down the entire moon to make way for its sun.

You did well, Jack.

Huh? Oh hey Specter, what's up?

It is good to see the two sisters reunited again, both celebrating this even together. The guilt which has plagued Princess Celestia for over a thousand years is no longer present. And with each passing day, Princess Twilight Sparkle learns what it means to be a true Princess. Given time, Equestria will prosper in the likes it has never seen before.

Celestia flew upwards in front of her sun statue in turn, white horn emitting a yellow light to play her part. And, as the rising sun began showing, Twilight joined the two alicorns, prompting my small smile. Speeding past the mares caused a flash of pink light, a six-pointed star appearing for a brief moment across the entire kingdom.

And I felt my eyes water, not because of the beautiful spectacle, it was great, but due to the lack of sleep and the highly radiant light now hurting my blasting eyes! I began rubbing my shielded eyes, after this was all over, I'm going straight to bed and sleeping all day.

Hmhmhmhm, I heard the wise aged voice chuckle warmly, I think everypony will follow that example for the majority of today. Tell me, does everything seem right in the world now?

Right now? "Absolutely." I whispered, leaning forward happily at the beaming purple mare who joined the Princesses before the applauding crowd.

Congratulations, by the way. She is a worthy match for you.

Snorting, I shook my head tiredly, "Though I still believe she deserves much better... I appreciate the sincerity, Specter."

Enjoy it while you can, boy, Sombra spoke up dryly, For when she discovers that you've allowed me a less restrained imprisonment in your mind, what will happen then, I wonder?

"Oh, I know she'll find out."

...Do you now?

"Yep," I nodded, eyes then leaving the waving ecstatic alicorn, "When the opportunity presents itself, I'll tell her," But for now, it can wait. After this celebration, I need a nice long sleep. And besides, Twilight still has her own studies to worry about, alongside unlocking the mysteries of the blue chest, before I can cause her concern with Sombra's continued residence in my mind.

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