• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 148: Specialties of an Individual

"And... There we are!"

"Thank you so much!" The child colt released a beam powerful enough to melt the coldest of hearts, the last of the gathered group of friends receiving their autographs. Satisfied, the children proceeded to run off and play amongst one another, the parents thanking me in turn before walking after their energetic off-springs.

Great start to a day, I'll say.

Waiting patiently by the side, Starlight commented with a bemused smile. "For a stallion who claims not to like the attention, you sure do revel in it."

"It varies on the attention, my dear Starlight." We looked over to where the young colts and fillies played. "Between us, kids are my greatest weakness."

"That explains your relationship with Spike." The unicorn responded lightly, prompting my laugh. With a grin, Starlight inclined her head down the street. "Shall we continue then, or are you going to wait for more fans to approach their 'Champion?'"

My smirk matched hers. "Tempting, but we should go on. They probably won't wait forever." That said, our trek through the crystallized kingdom continued. You guessed it, Starlight and I were currently within the heart of the Crystal Empire itself. Friendly visit? Eh, of sorts. Shining and Cadence requested my presence.

As for Starlight...

"Thanks again for recommending to Twilight that I accompany you to the Crystal Empire." Starlight smiled sincerely, purple eyes brightening. "It'll be great to see how Sunburst and Thorax are doing."

"I figured you'd want to see your childhood friend again." Was my playful shrug, Starlight either ignoring or oblivious to the knowing smile on my muzzle. "Besides, we've hung out together personally since... How long?"

"Beats me." Starlight shrugged in turn, grinning coyly. "We have been busy lately with our hunt for Zagreus." And then, her tone lowered to a contemplative whisper. "You think that's why they summoned you?"

"...Maybe." It was possible. My features frowned softly, glancing to the great castle. "There's no imbalance at the moment, none that I can sense..." Although it wouldn't make much sense for Zagreus to come back, not after his recent defeat on the Yak mountains.

"Well, in any case, let's be glad we get to see our friends again." Starlight evidently attempted to lighten the atmosphere, before glancing around curiously. "Though, it might just be me, but something feels... Different somehow? Is it me or do these Crystal Ponies look more tense to you?"

"Very astute." Indeed, I had sensed that the moment we arrived from the station. Multiples eyes darting around anxiously, parents hurrying their children along down the streets, stand owners looking as though their businesses were about to run out any given moment. "Something might have happened. Be on guard."

"You think it's that bad?"

"It doesn't hurt to be cautious."

Starlight raised a brow in faint humour, yet nodded. "That's why you're the Twilight Warrior." At that, I smiled. "By the way, I've been meaning to ask: Why 'Warrior?'"

Hm? "How do you mean?"

"The 'Twilight' part I understand considering your hopeless infatuation for a certain Princess." Starlight smirked briefly before proceeding, "But why use the title 'Warrior?' It just seems so... Unfitting considering who and what you're fighting for. Why not 'Twilight Knight' or 'Twilight Solider?' Warrior kinda screams... Brutish, if you know what I mean."

"I see."

"Not that I'm trying to offend you or anything!" Starlight quickly pointed out in slight panic. "It's just something I've been often curious about-"

"Christ, Twilight is rubbing off on you." That promptly shut the pink mare up, and I smiled reassuringly. "I'm not offended, Starlight. It's a good question. The reason is... Well, besides it sounding better, it's fitting because how unique warriors are compared to knights or soldiers. Knights do combat in the name of their rulers. Soldiers fight in the name of their homes and loved ones. Warriors... Warriors fight for anything they choose to fight for. And I choose you, Twilight, Spike, everyone and everything in all of Equestria and beyond."

"That sounds like a soldier to me." Starlight pointed out in casual humour, the pair of right near the entrance to the over-compensating castle.

"Well..." I grinned lightly. "Soldiers are overrated Starlight."

"Now this is what I call a pleasant surprise!"

Starlight giggled warmly. "Hello to you too Sunburst." And both unicorns greeted each other with warm exchanges, a brief but awkward embrace which prompted my amused grin.

Aww... I bet they'll get married... Which they probably will be... By me.

"We were only expecting Stardust here, but it's so great to see you again." The glasses-wearing babysitter stated with warm sincerity, grinning brightly. "We haven't really caught up much last time, huh?"

The pink student of Twilight shook her head with a knowing smile. "We have been preoccupied then with Thorax and the kingdom." And glanced around curiously. "Speaking of, is he somewhere in the castle."

"Just in the throne room." Sunburst inclined behind him. "The royal couple are waiting there also."

"Then I'll leave you two to catch up." I said, walking past the not-a-couple couple. "Good to see you again Sunburst." The yellow unicorn smiled gratefully, both he and Starlight heading down their own path to catch up on lost times. I smirked. How often in cartoons do childhood friends wound up together?

Quite a lot, actually. And this is where I expected Sombra to snark at me... But he's currently out on patrol the moment we stepped onto the station platform. The King was wasting no time int racking any threats to his kingdom. Fine by me, if Sombra was willing to help however possible, who was I to object? For now, time to see why Cadence and Shining summoned little ol' me than their own-


Now that's what I call a pleasant surprise!

Something soft and fuzzy landed right into my face, giggling uncontrollably in delight. Gently prying her off me, I was greeted by the beaming features of my favourite niece, Flurry Heart reaching out to me playfully. Grinning widely, I chided lightly to the alicorn foal. "That's no proper way to greet a visitor, your Highness." Flurry gurgled happily, and I brought the gorgeous creature into a hug, Flurry laughing to her heart's content.

God I love children... Babies especially.

"We'll start working on her manners when she gets older."

I smirked to the approaching stallion. "Which will hopefully be never."

Shining snorted. "I wish." Before grinning warmly our way. "But Flurry's clearly happy to see her favourite uncle again." The alicorn made endearing noises to emphasize her father's words, beginning to magically pull at my beard.

Okay, ow.

Cadence chuckled at the display, using her own magic to pull her daughter into her own grasp, regarding the white alicorn foal with open warmth and affection. "She's not the only one." That said, all four of us engaged in a friendly embrace, careful not to crush the excited baby. Cadence grinned in gratitude. "Thanks for answering our request, Stardust. We were worried you might've been too busy with your searches."

"I still am." Was my faint apologetic response, smiling meekly. "After our business here is concluded, you won't mind if I look around the kingdom?"

The two exchanged glances. "Funny you should mention that..." Shining started, a brief flash of hesitation through their expressions and bond. Hm? What's this now?

"Uh... Hey Stardust."

"Ah, Thorax!" My mood brightened some more at the sight of the friendly Changeling, whom was nervously standing at the back. Walking forward past the married couple, I greeted him in open warmth. "How are you doing in the Empire?"

Thorax twitched uncomfortably at that, his mood a mixture between worry, panic, anxiety and dread. My own grin died down at the broadcast of emotions, shifting to a cautious frown. No, something wasn't right, and that's putting it mildly.

"What happened?"

Thorax flinched, and Shining commented from behind. "There's a reason we invited you here, and it's not simply to catch up." My hazel eyes switched to the royal ponies, Shining's own look stern. "The citizens are under duress, although we're trying not to spread wide panic. We're learnt our lesson from last time. We have reports over the sighting of a familiar threat near the Crystal Empire, one we're personally acquainted with."

Could it be-?

"Not Zagreus." Shining added, as though hearing my thoughts. "Someone far worse."

"I highly doubt that-"


The temperature dropped considerably. "...Never mind then." Just the mere mention of that Changeling incited my hardened frown, Cadence clutching the oblivious gurgling baby closer to her fur. And I felt Thorax's emotions flare up negatively, fearful of the very name to his own mother.

Shining nodded somberly, looking very weary and emotionally drained. He was clearly tired from dealing with that Queen again. Join the club Shining, we have stickers. "She's been spotted outside of the kingdom of late, and that's making it harder not just for us, but for Thorax here too." Our gazes switched to a fidgeting Thorax, staring at the clean ground with a nervous disposition. "Everypony's believing that Thorax, due to these sightings of the Queen, was sent here to infiltrate and spy on us."

"It's not true!" The Changeling immediately snapped, bug-like eyes widened in panic and defense. "I want nothing but to cherish the friendships I've made since you all let me in! I'd never betray your trust like this!"

"We believe you, Thorax." Cadence replied sincerely, walking over to the distraught creature and placing a warm hoof to his side, smiling lightly. "You're our friend too, and we'll never believe you have anything to do with this."

But Shining...

The white unicorn Prince kept his gaze locked on me. "If Chrysalis is here, there must be a reason. We were hoping to have your input."

...Well, the only reason I could think of Chrysalis being anywhere near here was to scout out the area to plan everything out for the finale. But then again, why didn't she just send our scouts to do that task for her?

Unless, of course, it would not be the same Queen of this current time.

Starswirl's suggestion prompted widened eyes of epiphany. The future Chrysalis! But I thought you sent her back to her own timeline after our first victory against Zagreus.

I only helped you and your friends escape, Jack. The teacher replied in faint remorse. But if this is indeed the Queen from the future, then we may consider this an opportunity. Zagreus isn't strong enough to pull creatures back from time again as of yet, which provides us the means to making our search easier. If we find this version of Chrysalis...

...She could lead us to Zagreus!

As always, caution is key here, my student.

"Figured something out?" Shining inquired, noting my realizing expression.

Nodding, my gaze turned to Thorax first. "We'll sort this out quickly, Thorax. I'll hunt down this Queen myself and scare her off." After she helps me, of course.

A white hoof on my side, prompting me to see the knowing smirk on the taller stallion's muzzle. "All alone? Think again." And I smirked right back. Of course, Shining would want to help. "Chrysalis and I have a score to settle, she still abducted my wife and kid a while back."

Cadence pitched in, "You should take some guards with you."

"They'll only be a liability." I looked to Shining with a sheepish grin. "No offense." But the stallion raised a humoured brow, looking quite thoughtful. "What?"

"Sorry." The Prince chuckled in fond remembrance. "That look reminds me alot of Twilight."

"I'll take that for a compliment."

His grin matched mine. "What else would it be?"

Cadence, smirking lovingly at our banter, stepped forward and planted a kiss to her beloved's cheek. "Be safe."

Shining returned the gesture. "Always." I, meanwhile, hugged the alicorn foal embracing my face tightly for another moment, pulling back and rubbing her head in fond endearment.

"Be amazed, Flurry. Both your father and uncle are about to kick some Changeling arse."

"Language please Stardust. Not in front of my daughter." Shining rolled his eyes in exasperation.

This time it was my turn to laugh. "Now who's reminding who too much of Twilight?"

Another voice interjected. "So I'm guessing you two are intending to seek out and confront a dangerous villain without protection and a plan?" Our gazes switched to Starlight and Sunburst by the doorway, the pink unicorn raising a knowing yet concerned brow that, once again, reminded me far too much of a purple alicorn.

By God Twilight, you've influenced us all!

At our looks, Starlight smiled humouredly. "Well, I don't think Twilight would be too impressed if I allowed her brother and special somepony to face any threat by themselves." And turned around, motioning with a smirk. "Someone has to make sure you don't get yourselves hurt."

Cadence nodded. "Thank you Starlight. I appreciate your stance as a medium for my husband's and future in-law's reckless bravery."

Shining groaned with a playful grin. "Let's just go, Stardust. You really don't want Cadence to start teasing you about these things." Sunburst, meanwhile, looked reserved, regarding his childhood friend with worry. Shining picked up on this. "She'll be safe with us. Look after the others for us until we return, okay?"

Starlight emphasized his point by smiling jokingly to Sunburst. "It's me looking after them, not the other way around." We grinned at that, following after the pink mare past the uncertain yellow stallion. I feel for the guy, but Starlight has a fighting spirit. She'll be fine with us... Though her official confrontation with Chrysalis during the season finale was anything but.

Guess I screwed that up too when the two fought each other in that Gen III universe.

"Just another day for us, huh?" Starlight teased with a knowing grin, the three of us walking down the crystalized hallway.

I nodded. "Another day for us."

"Now this is what I call the good old times."

"Hm?" Our gazes switched to Shining curiously, the Prince leading down a wide grassy field, flecks of snow indicating how far we were traveling from the Empire itself.

Shining was smiling ruefully, blue eyes starting straight ahead despite a part of him maintaining serious focus. "You and me, Stardust, and the Changelings. All those times we took them on back in Canterlot. Those were the days, huh?"

Ha. Now that he mentions it, I was feeling a sense of deja vu doing all this again. Grinning, I looked to Starlight. "Except this time, we have a new member to the party ready to join in the fun. Frankly I'm surprised you volunteered to join us, Starlight, despite the dangers."

The pink unicorn smiled humouredly. "Well Twilight probably wouldn't be too impressed if I left her favourite stallions to confront the danger alone. Besides, we've fought Chrysalis before right? That four-legged bug we encountered during our travels across dimensions. Piece of cake, all things considered."

"She's not to be underestimated." Shining chided, though not unkindly. Deep blue orbs glanced to me. "And speaking of that vile Queen, I've heard a while back you were confronted by her in Canterlot, with a hidden Changeling army to boot."

"You heard correctly." I nodded solemnly, and the stallion's expression darkened.

"Figures she'd be cowardly enough to try and destroy you when you're alone."

"Worse." My grin was wry, humour and disgust rolling in together with my flat tone. "She tried to make me her betrothed."

At that, both ponies paused and gawked simply at me, prompting my shrug. Hey, I was just as surprised. Mind you, probably more disgusted than them. Shining broke the silence as we continued, both in amusement and disbelief. "Does Twilight know that?"

"I... Neglected to mention that part to her."

"Wise choice." Shining nodded with a knowing smile. "She'd be furious otherwise. And if you've seen Twilight when she's angry, then I'd almost feel sorry for Chrysalis. Almost."

Oh yes...

"Sounds as though we shouldn't ever get on her bad side." Starlight glanced between our shivering selves with a bemused expression. And then, further curiosity the more we trekked along the plains, more white snow covering the landscape, hills and small mountains just in our vicinity. The weather was light, thankfully. "So what's the story between you guys and Chrysalis? It sounds as though there's a deep history there."

Feeling in no mood to be a storyteller, my gaze looked to Shining sheepishly. "Would you mind...?"

"Sure thing." The Prince nodded, addressing Starlight after clearing his throat. "It all started after one Grand Galloping Gala. There was a Changeling disguised as one of Cadence's future bridesmares..."

How quaint. You bring yourselves to me than the other way around.

Huh. You've been gone a while.

Little more than over an hour, precise. Sombra stated flatly, the two physical equines beside me conversing deeply to notice my startled surprise of the fallen King's return. What have you three uncovered?

I shrugged, again my friends oblivious to my actions. We know that Chrysalis's future self has been spotted around here and we've come to investigate.

How responsible of you to bring your Princess's pupil into such apparent danger then. I felt the unicorn's smirk.

Anything on your end, Sombra?

The snark returned to seriousness. Not as such. He confessed in slight irritation. But if what you claim is authentic, then we cannot rule out the scenario of Zagreus being near. That monster would want a firm grip over a prize like the Changeling Queen. With his power diminished, he'll be close to her.

Yeah, we have the plan to have Chrysalis lead us to Zagreus.

...A bold move. Sombra sounded more reserved then. But if the Changeling is rumoured to be in the direction we are taking...

...What is it? You sound... Worried.

Don't be absurd.

Apprehensive then.

...I am wary. Was the admittance, the King sounded somewhat tired. And you are about to see why. Divert your eyes straight forward.

What... Oh...

"...So after Stardust helped Cadence and I reunite outside the castle, that's when Chrysalis made one last ditch effort to trick us. Stardust was cunning enough to pretend being a Changeling to fool the Queen into revealing herself."

"What? She fell for it, that easily?"

"You'd be surprised how often sure of themselves creatures like her can get, right Stardust? ...Stardust?" Both ponies finally noticed my stunned gaze, following awed hazel eyes to the large cavern before us, their muzzles dropping. "Well, who would've thought..."

"It... Looks like a crystal palace!" Indeed. As Starlight just exclaimed, the blue covering of the structure was more reflective and glittering than regular ice. The exterior of this place was designed like a mixture between a cave and a small palace of luxury, shadowing over us the closer we approached. From within my mind, Sombra sounded almost wistful.

Honestly, I've neglected this place for a long time under my former rule...

As we neared the large entrance, Shining took initiative and inspected the painted wooden closed doors, testing them with his front hoofs. "I've heard about this place." The Prince confessed with some effort. "King Sombra was rumoured to have had a second retreat built for him to take refuge should anything arise under his tyranny. We were meaning to see if those rumours were true..."

And it looks like they are. So it's a place of shelter, Sombra, or a vacation house?

The King scoffed, but not in contempt. Even Kings require relaxation from their rule, Jack.

And then, my teacher's voice abruptly commented. I recommend we extend our senses before proceeding within.

"You think Chrysalis is inside?"

"Only one way of finding out. Hope you guys are ready for this."

"Wait." My command halted the two before they magically opened the doors on both sides, stepping past them with a frown. "Let me check if there's anyone inside first."

Starlight's eyes lit up in understanding. "Oh right, Balance!" I nodded, placing my own hoof on the doors and closing my eyes softly, putting Starswirl's training to good use, reaching out to anyone or anything lurking within this place...

"I'm getting... Something..." My words were slow, too focused on the being I was sensing within. "No, someone..."


"It's hard to tell..." There was... Too much... My breath hitched, hoof drawing back with eyes abruptly opened, Shining and Starlight sharing alarmed gazes. Teeth clenched, my face twitched, informing them the unpleasant things I detected within. "Worse, there's a heap ton of imbalance inside, and it's blocking my senses from making out if the person is Chrysalis or not."

Starlight nodded slowly, a blaze of determination settling into those magenta eyes. "Then we'll find out the hard way." The three of, standing united, nodded in sync as three ounces of magic forced the doors open, revealing the large, abandoned and crumbling foyer within.

And the pony in the brown cloak jumping at our entrance, prompting our stunned halts, my brain immediately recognizing the figure from previous encounters. Pink legs, blue mane and brown cloak with hood? It was the mare Sombra was being awfully quiet about!

And she was already on the move. "Wait!" Shining's call was futile, the hooded equine retreating to one hallway, which automatically sealed up with a sudden new wall before we could pursue. Slamming his hoofs on the wall, Shining growled angrily and exclaimed, "I've seen her before! In the kingdom! We have to follow her!"

"Stand back!" Shining leapt at Starlight's order, the mare preparing her magic and swiftly firing a blast towards the wall, to no real results other than the blue beam bouncing off the walls and ceiling- Yikes! Ourselves diving to the floor as the magic flew over us like a pinball all the way outside, hopefully hitting a rock or something. Once the coast was clear, Starlight shakily stood up with a sheepish smile. "My mistake."

"Not your fault." With that, I turned to Shining. "The palace isn't that big. We can find her if we scour around quickly enough."

Nodding, the stallion noted a staircase and proceeded forward, ordering without argument. "You two stay by the entrance in case she comes back. She might know something regarding the enemy."

"I see it runs in the family." Starlight mused quietly, prompting my quirked smirk. Pretty much. I was half-tempted to ignore those orders and look around myself through the many hallways open to me. Instead, my search settled on around the foyer, keeping a cautious eye around. Who knows, maybe there's a hidden switch that'll open the way that mare retreated to.

By the way, Sombra, ready to tell me who is she?


Alright then.

"You have to admit." Starlight commented, the mare taken to resting on a crystal chair fixed to the ground as I looked around the same room. It's been about, what, ten minutes since Shining went upstairs now? "King Sombra sure had some taste in decor."

My search went to a nearby bookshelf. "Careful Starlight, Rarity might not make light of that remark."

The unicorn chuckled from behind. "Let's just keep that between us then." After checking the shelves held no secret switch from behind or just pulling out a specific book, I stood back on all fours and looked to the humoured mare. Starlight then pointed out, "Are you sure you don't want me to help you look?"

"Someone has to guard the doors." I shrugged, my gaze turning to the lovely-but-decaying chandelier above with thought. Starlight was right about Sombra's good taste.

Thank you.

Well, even villains had style here and there. Especially the richer ones.

"You really think the Queen is in here?"

Her tone sounded composed, but Balance helped me hear the the layer of apprehension beneath. The further this dragged on, Starlight was beginning to grow more and more nervous. Suddenly I was getting flashbacks for events yet to come, and prompted my small shudder.

Not long now...

The unicorn obviously misinterpreted that shudder. "Can't you sense if she's here?"

Humouring the mare, I decided to try, greeting with static-like frequencies going through the forces of magic, and my eyes opened with bitter disappointment. My breath huffed. "Imbalance is too strong here." Which meant something significant. And Starlight eventually reached the same conclusion.

"He's here?"

"...It's possible." I confessed with slight reluctance, casting a forced grin to Starlight. "I'm sorry Starlight, for endangering you this way. You can go back and check on Cadence, Sunburst and Flurry if you want."

The unicorn faintly smirked. "Good try, Stardust, but Twilight's told me all about your tendency to face these threats solo." Damn, worth a shot. Purple eyes glinted all too mischievously. "Also, it'd go against everything I've learnt under my teacher so far; friends never leave one another in trouble. So you're stuck with me, Stardust."

"...Not that I'm complaining." Was my humoured response, taking a brief break from hunting for clues and approaching my girlfriend's star pupil, taking a seat right across from her. "Are you happy with us, Starlight? Twilight, Spike and everyone else?"

The unicorn nodded enthusiastically. "Of course. I couldn't be more gratified to have met you all." Starlight looked slightly sheepish, grinning lightly. "If it wasn't for you, I probably would be enslaving more and more ponies to my forced ideals."

"No regrets thus far?"

Starlight shook her head. "Only how my actions almost led to pain and suffering... Oh, and my attempts of learning a friendship lesson last week by using a spell to make everyone obey my will." A tiny grin which prompted my genuine laughter. Starlight perked a knowing brow. "Let me guess, you knew that would happen in the first place."

"Ten marks to the unicorn!" Before I leaned forward, clasping my front hoofs together with a bright smile. "In all seriousness, I'm glad you became Twilight's pupil. It's not just you who learned a lot of things from her; with you, Twilight has started understanding the responsibilities for teaching and patience. You both reflect one another so well."

Light red cheeks. "You charmer." Starlight teased lightly, grinning bashfully. "While we're on the subject... There's something I've wondered for a while." Starlight's expression shifted to open puzzlement. "From the very beginning you made it clear how detestable you thought of me, Stardust. But the second I became Twilight's pupil... It's like you viewed me as another pony entirely. That was partly why I was hesitant at first to become her student."


"Because I thought her special somepony would hate my guts for a long time."


Starlight blinked openly, leaning forward with curious purple orbs. "So... What changed? Not that I'm complaining, but this sudden switch from dislike and enjoying my company seemed kinda... I don't know, strange in a sense?"

Good point. How to explain...? "I didn't... Dislike you at first, Starlight." The mare nodded encouragingly, and I complied carefully. "I won't lie, I had questioned for a long time about what made you worthy of being Twilight's student. But over time you... Grew on me. You're a pleasant, funny, and often sassy mare to be around with confidence and willpower that often shines through, and I love that about you." The cheeks deepened in colour, the mare clearly flattered, prompting my amused grin. "In fact, you remind you too much of Twilight at times. It's like she's converting into being exactly like her, personality and all."

Starlight chuckled. "Heh, imagine that, two Twilight's living under the same castle."

"I don't know about you, but that sounds like Christmas in the making."

"What I also don't understand though." Starlight then looked serious again. "Even though you were hardly tolerant of me back from the start, you tried to help me regardless. You honestly believed I could be a better pony before Twilight did. I understand you saw events beforehand but... You could've let Twilight convince me not to go through with what Zagreus intended instead of you."

"I could've." I acknowledged with a nod, Starlight pressing on with a frown.

"So then, why step in, aside from stopping me from dooming every living thing?"

The moment of truth.

"Because Starlight..." Taking a moment, I composed myself and answered to the best of my ability. "I use to be just like you."

The mare blinked. "What? You a dictator? I can't imagine that, to be honest."

I smirked faintly. "No, but I could've been if I didn't have Twilight and the others first... Probably." I shrugged, leaning back and proceeding to explain. "But like you, I was consumed by anger, rage and jealously. I thought I was beyond all salvation and that, eventually, everything would be taken from me at some point, leaving me bitter and alone. And for one moment, I was almost right... I hurt Twilight and the others in the worst way possible... And I thought myself irredeemable and tried to run away."

"But you didn't. You stayed."

"I did." I nodded, voice barely a whisper at the somber recollection. "Like you, my childhood wasn't the most pleasant of memories. If not for Twilight and everyone refusing to give up on me... Well, I don't like to ponder otherwise." With a rueful smile, I looked back to the observing mare, meeting her purple eyes with solemn hazel own.

Perhaps that was why I was too hard on her from the start. It took me until now to realize. Just as Sunset was a mixture of all my good traits, Starlight was an amalgamation of all mybadparts. She reminded me too of myself in the most negative way, and we all knew how much I hated myself. Maybe that's why I disliked her, initially, before that dislike turned into tolerance and eventual fondness. Because in those purple eyes, I saw the same damaged child yearning for a second chance, but went about it the wrong way. Just as Twilight, Spike and all my family accepted me for both pros and cons...

It was time I did the same, through Starlight.

"So what made you change your mind? One of Twilight's classic friendship speeches or your love for her and your friends?"

"A bit of both, plus features like having a new face... A fresh start. To become the person I always could've been if I stopped doubting myself and began embracing the love and affection shown by everyone around me." I glanced at the floor between us briefly, sighing tiredly. "All my life I considered myself a burden to others because of my disability and overly dependence. But it took six impossible mares and one amazing dragon to help me realize something very, very important."

Starlight's eyes widened, inciting me to lean forward again right near her face, a bright grin on my golden muzzle as I spoke truth.

"We're all different. That's what makes us special. No one else can be who we really are."

Starlight looked somewhat awed and humbled, leaning back into her seat while regarding me openly. "I'm beginning to see what Twilight sees the most in you." A light, thankful grin. "You're both perfect for each other."

"Thank you very much." And I really meant that.

With newfound enthusiasm, the unicorn jumped from her seat onto her hoofs and smiled in self-confidence. "Come on then, let's go see if there's anything that can help us open that passageway." With a smirk, I nodded and proceeded to look around alongside Twilight's fantastic student, always proactive and ready to get the job done.

Still wonder where Shining is-?

Above you!

Both Sombra and Balance's timed warnings caused me to snap upwards in horror, and oblivious Starlight commented beside me. "I wonder what's preoccupying Shining so long. Maybe one of us should go check-"

My hoof pushed both her startled state and myself out of the way, the massive descending chandelier smashing with massive impact into the crystallized floor below. The sound almost shattered my eardrums like it did those large crystals, my eyes faintly making out the cracks on the floor emerging because of what just happened.

Suddenly, my own body felt weightless from the lack of ground beneath my body. Starlight's screams followed us down into the darkness below, gleaming yellow eyes watching us from the ceiling the creature cut the chandelier down from.

Light poured from the foyer above, helping us see the solid ground waiting not too far from us. With my enhanced strength and Starlight's own magic, our fall to the pale blue floor was done with grace. Only, the remains of large, sharp, broken crystals were descending down with us. Without further prompting, I immediately stood above the unicorn as an act of protection from the destroyed furniture.

Only that wasn't necessary, for Starlight's teleportation spell did the trick for us. The mare and I flashed feet away out of harm's way, the crystals impacting the lower floor with unpleasant echoes of shattering.

We winced. Ooh, hope you don't mind getting a new one, Sombra.

It is of no concern. He sounded somewhat bitter. Prices these days are notoriously cheap.

"Look!" I followed up where Starlight pointed, the floor of the upper foyer... Closing in on itself with magic. As through the crystallized ground was self-repairing itself, sealing the two hapless souls below the darker dungeons of the palace.

Good thing we were not hapless. Another trick of yours, Sombra?

I made all necessary repercussions.

Good. You can help us escape then.

Starlight's ingenuity and gift with magic helped again, making the broken chandelier lit up to brighten the room, the broken crystals still working their functions perfectly despite shattering to a million pieces. Satisfied, Starlight and I looked around the large room in wonder.

"Where are we?" Starlight wondered out-loud, and I shrugged.

"One of Sombra's hidden dungeons, I gather."

The unicorn hummed, looking forward. "Then we'll just have to simply get out and find Shining."

My hazel eyes looked to the pink student. "You can't just teleport us back up to the foyer?"

Starlight's eyes narrowed in focus, before shaking her head. "Sunburst told me about the former King's love for traps. For all we know using magic which extends that far could come with serious consequences."

Wiser than her own mentor. Said King jabbed in amusement. Past the fallen chandelier and straight ahead, that will lead to the next room.

Cheers. I nodded, looking to Starlight with a playful smirk. "Think you're brave enough to keep up?"

The unicorn smiled in bemusement. "Funny, I was about to ask you the same thing." That said, the pair of us hurried forward, the unicorn following my lead towards where a dark doorway awaited us. I immediately held up a hoof for Starlight to halt.

"One second." Sombra, is it safe?

It is.

Are you sure?

I pictured the King's scowl.You wish to find your friend or not?

Fair enough. "Let's go."

Starlight regarded me curiously but nodded, further walking after me into the shadowy doorway, welcoming us into inky darkness... Which didn't last long, for the torches all around the large room lit up in blue flames, greeting our arrival with numerous ruined grey walls upon decaying walls making different turns and pathways. Oh! My eyes brightened in pleasant recognition, despite the danger we may be in.

"A maze."

Starlight glanced my way. "You sound excited."

"I love mazes."

"Let's hope this one loves you back." The mare mused in slight concern, regarding each six pathways presented to us. "Should we split up?"

A recipe for disaster. I automatically shook my head. "Bad idea in this case. Let's stick together." Sombra?

A smart decision. And the wisest path to take would be the far left, it will help you reach this goal much quicker.

The walk after picking the first path to the left was something both unnerving and wondrous at once. I'm surprised, Sombra, as we took another turn, Starlight lighting the way when the torches were blocked off from us, that you're willingly helping us solve this first puzzle. After all the hard effort you put in.

There is nothing here of value worth making you struggle for. Sombra replied promptly, matter-of-fact about it. This refuge was constructed as a contingency should the Crystal Heart required to be hidden better from my enemies. Your kind may regard me as a stereotypical tyrant, but I am not beyond forward thinking.

I never said you were.

You once thought so. To that, I had nothing to say, the unicorn and I continuing down with Sombra's helpful directions.

Though Starlight was impressed for another reason. "You have a good sense of direction."

Well, the spirit of the King who had everything here built guiding us to the right path certainly helps. It just reminded me that Starlight has no idea about Sombra inhabiting my mind. That'll be a conversation after all was said and done. First thing's first though, find Shining and the imbalance, then leave. Sombra, can you somehow check where my friend is and how he's doing?

Regrettably. Though the King sounded more annoyed than regretful. My magic has long since diminished for me to sense everything which transpires here. Had I obtained my original body by now... I can only guide you and your Princess's pupil here and now than anything else.

Right... Well it was worth a shot. I appreciate the effort-

Starlight's surprised gasp had me whirl around, ready to protect the mare from any hidden threat. "What-?" I followed her startled gaze to... A large oval mirror hanging off a nearby wall. "Oh." But her surprise was warranted, however, by the sickly grin and green eyes radiating from the inaccurate reflections. Quickly I pulled the unicorn behind me, standing between her and the mirror that would try anything.


Ignore it. Sombra all but barked. The longer you focus, the more damage it will inflict. Concentrate on the path forward.

Happily obliging, I nudged the mare gently to follow, which Starlight reluctantly did so, keeping a faint glance at the smirking reflections before hurriedly joining me, taking a few more turns. Honestly I was more than happy to keep away from that thing myself. The look of that version of me brought back very,veryunpleasant memories.

There will be more scattered among the walls. Sombra informed me stonily. Pay no heed to any of them.

"They're everywhere." Starlight muttered minutes after Sombra's warning. Neither were kidding, the massive oval-shaped reflections with glittering edges were fixed on various walls the further the right path we took down. And more and more, dare I say, each reflection was getting closer and closer to the mirror's edge, as though trying to break free from the malevolent glass. And the closer they got, the whispers they murmured became more palpable.

"Fallen child."

"They'd never forgive you."

"You are doomed to fate."

"Ignore them." I grounded out, the snide jabs coming from voices that sound exactly like us becoming more annoying and... Scary to hear.

"You and the Princess?"

"The Princess's pupil?"

"You're an embarrassment to them all. To her."

Things especially became worse by the next mirror standing opposite us, two shadowy apparitions of our other selves... Pushing through the glass and into the real world. We tensed, more than ready for a fight despite our clearly nervous postures. Shadow Stardust and Shadow Starlight grinned wickedly, slowly and methodically approaching our wary states like hungry predators. I was ready to blast them with a good ol' Balance Shockwave if need be, before they paused, the shadow version of my self approaching solo next, green eyes with shrunken red pupils regarding the student beside me, prompting me to stand protectively between them.

I dare this mother[BEEP]er to try...

"You always disgusted me." The shadow clone said, his voice in echo and chiding. I felt Starlight's emotions flare from behind me. The stallion with the darker yellow fur and wicked expressions continued moving forward like a snake. "What have you possible done to be deserving of my Princess's pupil? A petty little filly who felt so sad because her childhood friend achieved greatness. Pathetic. If it weren't for Twilight I would've left you to die in that alternate dimension long ago."

"Bull[BEEP]!" I snarled, inwardly flinching by the negative reaction of emotions from behind me. "He's not me, Starlight. I couldn't think of anyone more worthy to being Twilight's student!"

"I could name a few. Sunset, Moondancer, Trixie. All far more interesting and worth our time than some misguided unicorn. A child trying SO hard to play adult." My darker side sneered. "Tell me... What have you possibly done to deserve where you are now?"


"More than you ever will have."

And my reflection screamed in raw anguish as the powerful burst of blue light soared past my side, impacting the dark yellow stallion and vanquishing him to mere wisps of shadows. His screams died with him. From behind me, Starlight panted with an enraged expression, newfound confidence suddenly emerging. And, noticing my look, the mare smirked rather proudly.

"As if I'm dumb enough to fall for any of that."

Because I could express how impressed I sincerely was, a slippery version of the mare's echoed from nearby. "But not wise enough to make a move, are you?" Our heads snapped back to the approaching Shadow Starlight, the mare with a darker shade of pink body and green evil eyes smiled slyly my way.

Oh boy, here we go...

"You are nothing like the common weakling stallions of Equestria." She commented as though matter-of-factly, standing right to my face and inciting my body to straighten, ready to fight back. My breath hitched warningly by the sly hoof brushing up my chest, those sickly eyes gleaming rather hungrily. "A rarity among your kind. You have no clue how... Intoxicating that is, warrior."

Oh God, Starlight Glimmer's darker counterpart is trying to seduce me. From behind, I sensed the real Starlight feel a mixture of shock and deep embarrassment. The shadow version's grin widened.

"You want a real mare. Unlike your precious Princess, I am not bound like childlike innocence nor the prosperity of friendship." She said that last word as though it were disease, the mare coyly touching my right cheek. "What we could do together, you and I... We were made for each other, warrior."

I was torn between disgust or laughter. This pale shadow thought I'd be easily seduced like that? Please.

"Well, I'm flattered my dear." I whispered at first, the shadow attempting to lean forward for her lips to meet mine... Her eyes then snapping open by the golden glow aimed right at her chest, and I grinned in good nature. "But I'm happy with what I have."

Her screams of outrage died out after the golden light from my hoof consumed the entire dark form, leaving nothingness in its wake. Dusting my hoofs happily, I looked back to Starlight, whom was a blushing a bright red and looking at very thing but myself. I forced myself not to laugh at the, admittedly, adorable sight.

"This hardly damages our friendship, Starlight."

The unicorn hesitantly nodded, our attention then turning to the sound of creaking stone. All around, the walls of mazes began descending down into the floor itself, revealing the large round area with nothing left to hide.

All but the mirrors. The oval objects stayed hovering in midair, before starting to form a spinning circle around our prepared states, Starlight and I standing back to back, before they retreated to the far rocky walls of the round room, place neatly against them with the edges beginning to glow a different colour between them. Yellow, purple and green. Starlight and I exchanged wary glances, regarding the mirrors around the room cautiously and with curiosity.

"It looks like we have to solve this puzzle before we can move on." Starlight speculated, and I nodded. Probably so. Luckily, we had an advantage.


This will be easy enough for you. The voice responded dryly. Follow the pattern.



I looked to the confused Starlight. "I think there's a pattern to them." The unicorn frowned contemplatively, looking around with narrowed thinking eyes. Loathe as I was to admit, I sucked at puzzles, and Starlight would be better at figuring this out than I. Should just leave it to her.

"Thirty mirrors around the room..." Starlight thought out-loud, gazing between between each sinister object. "All emanating a yellow, green and purple glow... Yellow, yellow, green, yellow, purple, green... Yellow, yellow, green, yellow, purple, green... Yellow, green, yellow- Wait... Aha!" The mare grinned brightly, pointing forward. "It was right in front of us. There's a misplaced pattern here than the other sides of the room!"

"Well done Starlight!" I praised, genuinely proud of the mare. "Twilight's student alright!" Beaming at the compliment. the mare smirked triumphantly and blasted the right mirror with blue magic, the dark reflection brightening from the power and being encompassed in a gold light, revealing afterwards...

The next doorway.

Without exchanging any incentive, the mare and I shared gleeful looks and hurried forward. Hold on Shining, we'll be with you soon!

"You really meant what you said?" The feminine voice inquired rather timidly minutes after exploring through the narrow corridor, prompting me to halt and look over to the hopeful unicorn. "About me being the most worthy student for Twilight?"

"Student, friend, family, pick one." Was my simple firm answer. "Or all the above, they all apply anyway."

"But... What your shadow self said-"

"A pale imitation of my past self." Starlight still radiated doubt. "Starlight, look at me." The hesitant pink unicorn took a second to meet my solemn gaze. This needed to be said. "I'm going to tell you something that you must know. Under the time you have lived with us, becoming both a friend and part of our ever-growing family, it's true I didn't think so highly of you from the beginning. Do you know why that is?"

"Because I tried to go back through time and change events so you and your friends never met all together?" Starlight grinned in faint humour.

"Aside from that." My muzzle twitched upwards, but my eyes strengthened with revolution. "Because when I look at you, I see myself." Starlight opened her muzzle to respond, but I quickly added, "But I also see Twilight in you. In essence, you are the very legacy of Twilight and myself."

Starlight frowned, unsure what to say about that. "I... Suppose you both have taught me valuable things together." The unicorn tilted her head curiously, a glimmer of hope in those magenta orbs. "Am I really like Twilight? 'Cause that sounds like a tad exaggeration..."

"Starlight, you are all of Twilight's positive, and some negative traits, and so much more." Starlight blinked at my conviction. "Passionate and headstrong. Studious and determined. Willing to learn about friendship and make independent connections. Hesitant but facing danger regardless; a mark of true bravery. You're an amalgamation of the best and worst of Twilight and I, and you know what? I wouldn't have it any other way."

The flattered and hopeful mare was now regarding the ground between us briefly, her emotions a swirling mixture of bafflement, embarrassment, awe and happiness. To really sell the point home, I slowly took a few steps and laid a hoof on her pony shoulder, inciting the surprised mare to look back up to my positive smile.

"Twilight would tell you the exact same thing." I then cocked my head in playful thought. "Although a bit more eloquently with some forced friendship message hamfisted in."

Starlight grinned in amusement, but understood what I was trying to convey, nodding. "I guess I was just thinking back to the last friendship lesson I learnt, the hard way." Ah. "But now I understand, I shouldn't let that shadow's words get to me." I felt the sincere gratitude and trust from our bond, inciting my smile to widen.

"Just as I won't let yours get to me."

Ha! And with that her cheeks brightened in flustered redness. "You- You absolutely should not!" Starlight shook her head wildly, both wincing and grinning sheepishly at once. "I mean, don't get me wrong, you're a great guy Stardust. Twilight is lucky to have you. I respect and admire you, look up to you as like a big brother. I would never want to ruin that-!"

She was abruptly cut off from my humoured laughter, my amused self shaking my head before stepping back, turning to resume. "You are also ridiculously easy to tease like Twilight." At least, when Twilight was often flustered so quickly by my teases. God I missed those days. "Come on, we've kept Shining waiting long enough."

With such, the next few minutes were met with comfortable silence, the mare calming down beside me as we continued onwards down the corridor. Sombra, what are we expecting by the end of this path?

Oh, you're done being sentimental with your friend? Sombra snide rhetorically, before answering my question. You are almost to the end of this particular corridor.

He was correct. The path ended up leading ourselves towards a small dark room, revealing nothing but five new opened pathways ready for us to take. Starlight huffed her growing frustrations to my right. "This is gonna take a while." I shared her exasperated smile. Maybe not as long as you'd think, Starlight. Sombra?

Trust your instincts on this one.

You mean use Balance? But the imbalance-

You have grown stronger with your training. He replied at once. And your precious Prince isn't too far from you to remain concealed by the suffocating atmosphere of imbalance.

Alright, I'll humour you then. Making a gesture for Starlight to stay silent, I briefly closed my eyes, flinching towards the waves of unstable magic fighting back at me. Oh yeah mate? Bring it on. My face clenched in focus, willing myself to push through the imbalance and concentrate on the bond between myself and Shining. Not as strong as my bonds with Twilight and the girls, but I've spent enough time with him to form a strong bond with him, surely? Breathing slowly, my own magic fought back against the black tides.

And eyes opened suddenly from the light greeting me back through the dark air, head snapping towards the direction Shining was in. Starlight hastily followed my pace, knowing already what had me trust my instincts.

"You have to teach me how to do that sometime." Starlight commented in both awe and humour, and I smirked.

"Maybe I will. Make you a Twilight Warrior after Zagreus is taken care of."

The mare chuckled to the very idea. "Is it mandatory to be one upon practicing Balance magic?"

I cocked my head jokingly. "No but... It'd help to use that power under a united force, don't you think?"

Starlight stayed quiet for a moment, allowing me to take the lead. "Stardust."


I sensed deep curiosity originating from the unicorn, with slight hesitation. "Why did you leave your world?"

The sudden question almost made me grind to a halt, my pace only faltering while keeping my gaze forward, intent on not losing the trail to our friend. "Interesting question. What brought this on?"

Starlight was somewhat embarrassed to say this. "I often wonder what prompted such a life-changing decision from you. Not that I'd rather we have never met, at least not now anyway, but I have to ask, what exactly made you choose to stay here, with Twilight and our friends?"

"You just answered it. With Twilight and our friends."

Starlight paused, shaking her head with a doubtful glance. "It has to be more to it than that, Stardust." Hm? "I understand you cherish your friends, but to leave your homeworld? Forever? Those who raised and loved you? Friends and family that you chose to leave behind? I'm not trying to sound accusing about it, Stardust, but... Are your ties here really worth leaving everything else you've known behind...?"

"...I told Twilight that she and the others were worth it, as my second family." My muzzle turned to a wry grin. "But you're right, there is... Another motive behind my departure from Earth." Starlight's attention was now entirely focused on me. I felt it. My answer first of all was a shrug. "I suppose I also left because I was bored."

"Bored." Starlight repeated, understandably skeptic.

"You would be too if you lived there at first." I smirked. "My people are tied to the dull lifestyles of taking jobs, working everyday and raising families from the peer pressure of society. I want so much more than that! Being here, in Equestria, with you ponies, I have a chance to live out life to the fullest without being stressed from the severe expectations of a corrupt government system and pushing family."

Though you are hardly opposed to accusing Celestia of any corruption among the monarchy.

"You... Didn't get along with your family?"

Starlight asked that slowly, as if attempting not to offend me. My answer was an amused smile. "Oh no, I got along with them fairly well. But the truth is, Starlight, they've always been better off without me. I've always been nothing but a burden and inconvenience, never going to amount to anything in their eyes the longer I stayed on a world where free choice is, when you really think about it, an illusion."

The mare continued expressing doubt. "You sound so certain of that." Because I was. "Sorry, Stardust, but I'm having trouble believing that sheer boredom and wanting to hang out with friends for the rest of your life were prime motivations to leaving everyone you and love and hold dear." Again, no scolding in her tone, which softened. "Though Iamglad you're here. You're just as much a teacher to me as Twilight."

"Oh damn." I was as flattered as I was amused, cocking a grin. "Don't tell Twilight that, she might think I'm stealing you away just like-"

My voice halted, alongside my pace. Starlight abruptly stopped beside me with a confused glance. "Stardust?"

The reason I grinded to a halt? The onslaught of mixed emotions the closer we reached our friend. Anxiety, resolution, worry and stress. But it wasn't just the nearby Shining radiating emotions, for I also sensed imbalanced hate and glee coming from other creatures, familiar signatures that prompted my growling wince.

It was Shining's yell of battle followed with vicious snarls which prompted Starlight and I to immediately run, speeding up to reach the chamber Shining and his opponents were waiting for us in.

We seemed to have reached a main part of the palace, the room itself bathed in luxury... At least, until furniture and other expensive items were hurtled and shattered by the fighting before us. Shining, forced backwards, skidded on his hoofs to maintain composure and glared determinedly at the two creatures advancing towards him. Two recognizable monstrosities that almost had me roll my eyes.

Instead, as the two monsters sprung into action, as did we. Myself more literally.

The chimera and Ahiuzotl yelled out in surprised pain by the yellow hoof kick and blue energy beam knocking them across the room, knocking over a pedestal and portrait of the fallen King himself. Landing before a pleasantly surprised Shining, the stallion quickly stood beside me and faced the recovering creatures.

"You sure took your sweet time." The Prince bantered as I removed my cape and hat quickly, discarding them and assuming a more human battle stance. My custom one.

"I took the more scenic route."

"How'd that go?"

"They sure don't make secret dungeons like they use to."

Shining matched my wicked grin, Starlight standing by the white taller stallion's right with her own body in tensed preparation. She grimaced from the unbecoming roars of the two creatures. "Zagreus's goons. Of course. Meaning he shouldn't be far behind."

"Let's worry about these guys first." Shining's eyes narrowed alongside ours, the two creatures more than ready to attack. Aside from the corrupted blackened eyes, they looked relatively the same as ever. Ahiuztol with his tall blue leant body with the vague features of a feline, fifth paw for a tail and ridiculously long muzzle that's obviously compensating for something. And the chimera with its three heads consisting of a sabertooth tiger, a goat and snake, the third head fixed as its tail. They glared maliciously at us, acting on orders from their dangerous master.

And without any warning, they pounced, their would-be prey jumping back from the leaps. The corrupted Ahiuztol resorted to personally attacking me. I should be flattered. Swipes of paws and attempted bites forced me to dodge and deflect them, making me somewhat recall my encounter with these beasts in that cave with the magical pool. These guys with Chrysalis managed to keep me on edge back then.

But I've come a long way, grabbing the tail as it slammed down on the ground before me and, without meager effort, tossed the unwilling feline to the air and impacted his back harshly to the ground. Without a chance to recover, he was helplessly thrown upwards again and smashed by a well-aimed blue magical beam, throwing him away from my grasp. Starlight did well. Shining, meanwhile, was keeping the chimera distracted, the three vicious heads attempting desperately to make a snack out of the Prince. With a shield keeping them at bay after they tried biting at once, Shining then dived beneath the underbelly of the creature, a pink energy beam hurtling them upwards, giving me the chance to rush forward, jump, and perform a downward spin kick which sent the chimera crashing to the ground roughly.

Batman Arkham style, baby.

Balance then alerted me to Ahiuztol's sneak attack, but Starlight already protected me, a table magically impacting the feline's side and taking him off-guard. Uppercutting it's elongated chin, I glanced to Shining and leapt back beside him, a pink beam and golden wave sending the helpless creature flying, knocking into a crystal couch and utterly crushing the furniture. Sombra didn't seem to complain about us wrecking his second home.

Victory was short-lived by the baleful groans behind us, the chimera rising to stand and prepared to fight back. Honestly, these guys weren't as much a challenge as they use to be. I was more annoyed now than pressured. Still, I kept my guard up, the three staring back at three heads. With simultaneous roars, the creature charged, all mouths attempting to take bites out of us altogether. Shining and Starlight immediately conjured up shields, whereas I just side-stepped and grabbed the snake's neck, keeping a tight grip. The thing hissed dangerously at me, attempting then to bite my limb. In retaliation, with both hoofs, I effortlessly lifted up the whole creature and performed neat spin numerous times. Once my unicorn friends were ready, my hoofs released the creature by the tail and sent him straight in midair.

The chimera was powerless to stop the pink and blue combined magic smacking into its underbelly, sending it crashing through the ceiling and causing debris to fall because of it. However, my brief moment of respite, and with the two unicorns preoccupied dealing with the chimera, the controlled Ahiuztol managed to recover and made one final attempt, five paws swinging straight my way.

My somewhat tired state was saved, but not by my friends. The feline was suddenly encompassed by a bright blue glow, more lighter than Starlight's shade of magic. Both unicorns and I regarded the suspended Ahiuztol snarling in outrage before finally noticing the pony by the doorway, in that light brown cloak and dark pink horn lighting up with firm resolve.

"Now!" She commanded, and her wish was our command indeed. Exchanging confident nods, the three of us charged up our powers and, at once, the trapped feline was down for the count by mixtures of blue, pink and gold magic crashing its side, landing him in a motionless heap to a wall than the ground, leaving a large dent. Immediately we looked back to where the mare who helped us once stood.

Gone. I could sense her presence fleeing from the room.

Forget about her. Sombra sounded somewhat pained to say that. This is more crucial for you at present.

Cautiously reaching out, I sensed no rage nor hatred emanating from the creatures, their emotions placed into slumber, signifying they were completely beaten. At my cleared nod, my friends relaxed and breathed heavily alongside me, myself wiping sweat from my forehead. Talk about a rabid training session.

We must act quickly. The sudden voice of Starswirl the Bearded emerged. Zagreus must have a hold on these victims no longer. Jack, it is time we removed them of their blight.

Got it.

Without further prompting, I immediately got straight to work, turning to the fallen chimera first with a glowing golden hoof ready to purge the dark imbalance gripping its heart. They've been under that monster's influence long enough.

Nothing like finishing off relaxing after a battle with some well-earned soda. Swallowing the drink from the bottle with a satisfied gulp, I noted Shining from the corner of my eye conversing with a certain pegasus I had no intention on ever approaching my whole visit here. Seriously, way to kill the victorious mood Shining?

All joking aside, that was... Rather anticlimactic. The battle I meant. Although they'd disagree, it just felt rather short by comparison to my other confrontations with them. I know I've grown much stronger but... A warrior needs his satisfied fill, you know?

What's important here, my friend, is moreso that two innocent creatures of nature are freed from the influence of a dangerous threat. You've done excellent work today, Jack. You, Prince Shining and young Starlight. Twilight would be no doubt pleased by three of her closest family members keeping each other safe.

After finishing his conversation with Sentry, the white unicorn noticed me observing and smiled broadly, approaching with some satisfaction himself. "Good news is, Ahiuztol and the chimera are being taken back to the kingdom for a speedy recovery. Then we'll send them back to where they came from." I nodded, noticing something else far off. Shining followed my curious gaze, the pair of standing right next to the palace entrance. Nearby, Sunburst was conversing with a smiling Starlight, the former looking positively relieved and hopeful to see his childhood friend alive. Shining smirked, as though knowing what I was thinking. "I'll give it a month."

I smirked widely. "I'll give it a year."

"Heh." And then, the stallion looked back to me with a disappointed expression, turning serious again. "Chrysalis couldn't be found anyway. Guards are searching every nook and cranny of the palace, but Sombra's placed well hidden traps and puzzles everywhere. It'll be a while before we can solve them all."

"I could help." I offered with a smile. It doesn't really surprise me if Chrysalis was nowhere around here anymore. Zagreus wouldn't want to lose his one final asset. "Since I have a certain King stuck in my head who could solve every puzzle for us..."

Shining cocked a grin. "Appreciate it, but I sincerely doubt Sombra would want to assist his replacements and former guards with dismantling all his hard work."

Damn right. Let these lazy [BEEP]tards figure them all out themselves if they believe themselves worthy of ever achieving my greatness.

"Sombra agrees there."

The Prince winced. "I'm still getting use to Sombra being in the head of my sister's special somepony." I shrugged apologetically, prompting his bemused smirk. "Not that it's your fault, but still. I trust you know what you're doing anyhow." He smiled in bright appreciation. "Thanks for your help today, you and Starlight and... Sombra... You've all been reliable friends and allies today."

You hear that pal? Someone other than me thanking you for your contributions. Does that still make me the bigger fool?

The King snarled in mock-anger. To be painfully honest, I'd much rather hold you a worthy successor to the throne than this pathetic excuse for a guard captain.

"Sombra says you're welcome."

Shining nodded, adding then hesitantly. "So... No hard feelings right?" What now? He clarified to my confused frown. "From your last visit to the kingdom, when we had a row about whether or not giving Thorax a chance."

Ah. "Water under the bridge." I reassured my friend. "You were just angry over past encounters with his kind. That's understandable."

Shining smiled wanly. "With any hope, the lack of any confirmed sighting of Chrysalis will help Thorax win the citizen's trust back." Before the stallion turned, speaking over his shoulder with a smile. "Would you mind checking up on my wife and daughter for me? I'll probably be here inspecting the place all day."

"Sure thing." I nodded, always pleased for any opportunity to see my favourite niece. With a thankful grin, Shining headed back within the decaying palace, leaving me to take another swig of the comforting cola.

Chrysalis... So Zagreus would still have a hold on her future self... You know guys, I get the funny feeling we'll be seeing them very soon...

The finale emerges. Sombra stated somberly. Very soon, it is likely Zagreus will strike then. At that point he would reach enough power to launch an offensive somewhere. We must find him before then. Or train until that point, at the very least.

I understand... Do you really think I'm a worthy successor for the throne?

...You have a spirit unlike any of the weakling stallions, aside from my own. They are weak, naive, and gullible to the point of embarrassment. He stated this as if it were all fact. You are naive, and gullible to some extent. But you possess a passion and low tolerance for idiocy. You are ready to fight and protect those which matters most to you. A warrior's spirit sprung from a lineage of old. I'd rather have that resting on my throne than... What is sitting upon it now.

That... Was probably the nicest thing you ever said to me, Sombra...

He then sounded rather irritated as well as... Flustered? No, couldn't be.She often had that effect.


My gaze snapped upwards to the watching eyes above, spotting the unicorn in the brown cloak with obscured features and blue hair barely leaking out. Her again... For the most part, we simply regarded one another, the mysterious equine perched atop one of the short towers the palace offered, before turning around and jumped from my line of sight, leaving me to ponder the much obvious questions.

For those emotions I picked up from her across Balance... Sadness. Regret. Apprehension...


I know you won't tell me anything Sombra, but at least humour me here. Who is this mare... To you...?

A long moment of silence, followed with an eventual quiet word, held with depth and meaning.


And it sounded like it hurt Sombra just thinking about it. Like, I legit felt his own pain as if it were my own, inhaling loudly and placing a hoof to my own chest. That answered one question, yet raised countless more...


My stance was startled by the unsuspecting approach of Starlight and Sunburst, the pair regarding me with concerned expressions. "Are you alright?" The wizard asked after I breathed in and out sharply, composing myself.

The answer was a slow nod. "Yeah... Yeah, sorry." I removed my hoof from the emblem of mine and Twilight's cutie marks, grinning forcibly. "Just thinking to myself."

Frowning briefly, Starlight then smiled lightly and inclined behind them. "We were just planning on heading back to the Crystal Empire. Are you sticking around yourself or...?"

"...Yeah. Shining asked me to go check on Cadence and Flurry anyhow." I felt their intense curiosity, adding to my amused smile. "If Sunburst is done praising the Gods that his favourite childhood friend is safe and sound, let's get going."

The yellow unicorn immediately flushed, looking to the snowy floor as I placed my capped soda bottle to the inward pocket of my own cape. An oblivious Starlight chuckled and nodded, walking between us. "I'm glad that's two of Zagreus's minions taken care of for good. Now we have less to worry about."

"That's one way of looking at things." That said, I glanced to Starlight with a proud smile. "You did good today, Starlight. Twilight will be proud." The mare glowed at those words, whereas Sunburst regarded her with an affectionate smile. One day Sunburst, you'll get your chance. "So!" I started, eager to change the subject before they inquired anything else. "Got any childhood stories together to share on the way back?"

The whole walk back then was filled with shared reminiscence and laughter.

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