• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

  • ...

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Chapter Seventy-Three: JaJa's Surreal Journey: Stardust Crusaders

"Where do you want these?"

"Section M, second shelf."

Nodding obligingly, I carried the piled books on my back towards their respective places, helping the mare clean up the library for this traditional weekly day. As soon as that was completed, I walked back to the next waiting pile.

"And these?"

"Section S; sixth shelf on the left."

This was one of of those days where I casually enjoyed; helping Twilight clean up the whole library, together. As Spike typically was busy with some other chore, I offered to help the mare, our love and passion for books getting all this done sooner than later. But there was no hurry.

"And these? Also where's Spike?"

"Section L, on the bottom third row. And I've sent him out to help Rarity this morning with a delivery she must make for Manehattan."

"Of course." I commented knowingly, placing the books in the right shelf. "I trust he rushed out the door at the mere mention of Rarity?"

"Hm, he immediately got out of bed upon the mention." Twilight responded humouredly, magically rearranging and setting books back herself, ticking off a list. Nodding in satisfaction, she glanced my way, "I think there's just the J, K and Q sections that remain."

"Alright." I said, an idea popping up in my mind as we handled the last piles of literature. "So then... We're alone for the morning?"

Twilight smiled slightly, "Unless Rainbow pops in again like she's done these last few mornings, hooping an early release of the upcoming Daring Do book has arrived, I'd say so."

Of course. That pegasus recently visited the house and spreading to the entire town over her enthusiasm for the next addition to the series. Not that I blamed her; getting hyped for your favourite book series is something I related with absolutely. Though, as I had commented to an amused Twilight, Rainbow's excitement makes every female bookworm back home look restrained.

Still, while we're alone...

"And... Finished!" Twilight announced happily, ticking off the list and looking up at the shelves proudly, oblivious to my sneaking up towards her back. "And just in time too; we can help Fluttershy with- Whoa!"

Whoa indeed, love.

Grabbing her unsuspecting shoulder, I playfully whirled the surprised Twilight and embraced the mare, who instantly blushed at my intentions and immediately softly placed her front hoofs on my chest. The magically floating list and quill fell harmlessly onto the floor, but my attention was more focused on the mare's shy expression and sparkling violet eyes.

"Since we're alone, I suppose you wouldn't object to a little quality time together before we visit our friend?" I asked teasingly, prompting the redness on her adorable features to deepen.

"I suppose... Fluttershy wouldn't mind waiting a little longer..." Twilight replied shyly, grinning a little. Our faces inched closer towards one another.

"It's as you said, my dear Twilight; we should enjoy this while we can..."

"I can hardly disagree..." I felt her breath against my muzzle. Our pony lips were about to meet-

The front door burst open. "Twilight! I came by to check if- ...Oh."

As if a spell had broken, our closing eyes widened and we both looked at the smirking Rainbow in shock. Immediately, I frowned hard at the interruption. Dammit Rainbow!

Twilight, also looking peeved, softly broke off our embrace, "The next Daring Do book hasn't arrived yet, if that's why you're here Rainbow. It won't be for a while at least. I told you this already."

The blue mare shrugged, "Just had to check Twilight. Didn't mean to ruin your little moment there." My frown deepened, prompting her peaceful gesture, "Hey, you can't blame me for being excited! This is Daring Do we're talkin' about here! What could be more important than reading the next chapter of the Daring Do series?"

Sighing tiredly, I rubbed my forehead in exasperation while Twilight smiled patiently, "I share your enthusiasm, Rainbow, but you can wait a little longer for the next volume to be released. These things take time."

Rolling her pink eyes, Rainbow said exaggeratedly, "But that's just it Twi! This next book is taking forever to publish! I need that book and I need it now! I'll come by again tomorrow! See you lovebirds tomorrow!" Before either of us could respond, the stubborn pegasus flew out the library, the wind from her departure slamming the red door shut.

"...I wonder if pegasus-repellent is a thing." I commented dryly.

"Sadly, it isn't." Twilight said, sounding both annoyed and humoured before walking off, "Come on, let's not keep Fluttershy waiting."

"So much for quality time..." I muttered, and Twilight glanced over in my direction with sympathy, flattery and bliss.

A.K Yearling.

A.K. Yearling.

Talk about a mind-numbing revelation. The author for Rainbow Dash's adored books is none other than a pony named after a talented writer from our world, as I told a curious Twilight upon learning about the name of the author during the party. The mare who wrote the cliche adventures of Indiana Jones the Pony.

Huh, you'd think that, since Hasbro was referencing the most legendary author of the modern era, those books would be similar at all to Harry Potter. If this was an implication that the Harry Potter series were repetitive and unoriginal, then I'd be insulted.

"Now remember, Sweetie Belle." Rarity was telling her younger sibling by the front door, "You must be on your best behaviour while during our absence, and listen to everything Stardust here tells you to do, alright?"

"That means you too, Apple Bloom." The orange Earth Pony said with a much sterner tone, "We don't wanna come back to find the library in a real mess. Don't give 'im trouble."

"Sure thing sis!"

"You can count on us!"

"We promise we don't anything like mess up the library."

I was as relieved to hear that as the mares.

Yes I've been assigned babysitting duties while the others were away. Upon learning that the next Daring Do novel won't be published for an extra two months, Rainbow insisted they needed to locate the author and help her finish the book in time. Of course, you shouldn't push an author for time like that; a writer can take as long as they need to finish their work, rushing it won't do any wonders for your work.

Shame Rainbow didn't know that.

"You sure you'll be okay with looking after them for the next few days?" Twilight asked.

"I'll be fine." I smiled, "You know how great I am with kids." Emphasized with patting the embarrassed Spike's head, prompting Twilight to giggle behind her hoof. "Are you sure you don't want me to come with you, just in case?"

"In case of what?" Twilight smiled humouredly, "There's no need to worry, Jack, everything will be just fine." I should point out by now that the secrecy of my true name is no longer a factor, though I only allowed Twilight and Twilight alone to call me that.

"Don't I get a goodbye kiss?" I inquired with a raised expectant brow, taking delight at the mare's flushed face. Rarity and Applejack exchanged smirks, Spike rolled his eyes and the three young fillies gasped in shock and wonder.

Yet before Twilight could respond, an impatient voice rung out from a few feet away, "Come on guys! A.K isn't gonna wait for us to help finish her book! We're on a tight schedule here!"

"We're comin' Rainbow!" Applejack replied, winking at the pair of us as she and Rarity said goodbye to their sisters.

"We'll see you when we get back!" Rarity called out, then added to Sweetie Belle, "And remember, best behaviour. I will not tolerate you making Stardust endure any mischief for the next few days. Ta ta!"

"Bye sis!"

"Take care!"

And finally, Twilight said her farewell, in a way which I extremely welcomed, a warm peck on my ponified cheek, "Have fun." She said before quickly hurrying to join the others.

"You too." But she was far enough already, unable to hear my warm quiet reply. And then, I heard the small steps of three energetic young fillies rushing into the library, Spike following after waving to the departing mares. With a small sigh, I walked in after them, shutting the door in case they had any ideas of leaving without me noticing.

This shouldn't be too bad. What could possibly go wrong-?


Both Spike and I were already gaping as the three fillies were pulling out numerous books in a rushed pace. "Come on girls, let's see if we can find anything here about how to earn our cutie marks!" Apple Bloom, the ringleader, commanded while the other two children obliged happily.

"I'm already beginning to think this was a bad idea." Spike commented lightly.

Not giving up just yet, I clapped my hoofs; loud enough for them to pause and look at me. Perfect. Clearing my throat I spoke up sternly, "Alright girls, since you're staying for the time being, there will be a few rules that must be addressed. One of which being, don't mess up the library."

The three fillies grinned sheepishly, realizing their error and hurriedly putting away the mess they pulled out. Though the books were clearly in wrong shelves and order now, that can be fixed later.

"There will also be a bedtime, breakfast, dinner and tea schedule-"

"You mean breakfast, lunch and dinner." The young dragon cut in helpfully.

"That too. But we'll deal with those later." Rubbing my front hoofs, I smiled at the three fillies, "So, aside from looking for ways to gain your cutie marks, what else do you kids do for fun?"

I gave up as soon as I asked that. These girls were hell bent on gaining those accursed marks however they can, stubbornly insisting that the only fun they usually have together is trying to earn their cutie marks. You got to admire their persistence though, God knows how long they've been trying. It'd be a shame if they were destined, in the end, to fulfill an unsatisfying life that their marks tell them to do.

Hence why I suggested we try something I enjoy doing.

Albeit to minor success.

For as soon as the three trays of brownies, each prepared by Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, were laid on table, the black smoke emitting from said trays didn't bold any promises. Even Spike was blanching at the sight, but I concealed any of my true feelings behind a smiling mask.

"I think mine looks the best!" The young orange pegasus said proudly.

"What? Mine is obviously the most delicious-looking!" The young white unicorn protested.

"Puh-lease, we all know you're goin' to love my brownies more than yours!" The young yellow Earth Pony rolled her eyes.

Well, at they're optimistic about their results.

"Good job girls." I said sincerely, motioning to the smoking trays, "They look very good."

For poisoning someone with.

"I am proud of how much effort you've put in." The girls beamed proudly at the praise, before glancing down and looking disappointed at the lack of marks on their rumps.

"Guess brownie baking isn't our special talent either." Scootaloo pointed out dejectedly.

Yet before I could comfort them, Apple Bloom then spoke up cheerfully, "Hey, maybe we can get or cutie marks as brownie tasters!"

Uh oh.

"I wouldn't advise-"

Yet too late.

"Oooh, that's not gonna be good..." Spike commented as the girls consumed their batch of brownies without a second's hesitation. And even I knew what was to be the outcome of this terrible mistake of theirs.

"Spike, we're gonna need a mop."

"On it!"

"Oooh... That was a very bad idea on our part." Sweetie said painfully as her stomach growled loudly, the three girls moaning after feeling the after-effects from the brownies. Now lying down on the same bed, I opted to help them feel better for the rest of the afternoon, the evening just beginning to show its face.

"...Ya think we got some sickness cutie marks?" Apple Bloom asked in sudden thought and looked underneath the cover, prompting me to eye roll from my stool. "Guess not... Ugh..."

"I think you three getting better is more important than gaining a cutie mark, girls." I checked Scootaloo's forehead again. Ordinary, good. The brownies had only given them stomach ache, and thankfully not anything worse like, say, a fever. "I think that's enough excitement for one day, don't you?"

"This isn't good, we have school tomorrow!" I gently pushed the worried unicorn back down after she sat up.

"I'm sure Miss Cheerilee will understand if you can't make it tomorrow." I said reassuringly, "For now, I suggest an early night for you three. Who knows, you might feel right as rain next morning."

"I hope so." Scootaloo said in pained concern, "We have ourselves cutie marks to get! And we won't get them from lying in bed all day... Can we?"

Now that'd be a cutie mark I wouldn't wholly object to.

"For now, focus on getting some rest. Tomorrow is another grand day, and I'm sure you'll feel alot better then. Sleep well girls." Getting off the stool, I was about to leave them to recover in peace - though since it's those three that wasn't very likely - before Scootaloo again called out.

"Stardust, wait!" I looked back at the filly, who was still wincing in pain. "Do you think you can maybe... Tell us a bedtime story?" At the question, the other girls nodded in sudden excitement, clearly in pain but still wanting a story regardless.

I smiled a little. Why not? No harm in entertaining them a little longer.

"Alright." Their pained grins widened while I took my seat again, "Do Rainbow, Rarity or Applejack ready anything specific to you?"

"Rainbow reads Daring Do to me sometimes!" The young filly replied enthusiastically, grinning hopefully.

Oh no...

"Yeah, that sounds fun!" Sweetie exclaimed for someone who had an immense stomach ache. "Read that to us!"


"All three of you want me to read that?" At their stubborn nods, I shrugged reluctantly and proceeded to walk off to find the book series then. "Alright, just give me a moment."

A few moments later, I returned with the pile of Daring Do volumes in question, Spike following as he wanted to hear me read as well. Kids...

"Alright then, which one?"

The three fillies glanced at one another, before they smiled together and replied, "All of them!"

...This was gonna be a long evening.

"Well, you're clearly a whole lot better, that's for sure." I mused loudly, observing the three fillies raiding the food supply from the fridge and cabinets. Spike wasn't making things better, helping himself to anything they put on the table. Better stop them now before Twilight gets mad at me for allowing the food supply here to drop significantly. "Alright, that's enough you three. You have to go to school in..." I paused briefly to what recall the time Applejack mentioned, glancing at the clock, "Fourty-four minutes."

"Hey, Stardust. Can we go to Sugarcube Corner for breakfast? Rainbow Dash takes me there every morning."

Nice try. "Certainly not, Scootaloo. With me, you're having a nutritious breakfast. That includes you too, Spike."

"Aww." They all chorused in disappointment, prompting my amused smile.

"But if you do good at school today, then maybe I can treat you to Sugarcube Corner afterwards." At their excited looks, I quickly added, "But only if you behave and put effort into your schoolwork. I will know, I will visit Miss Cheerilee after school to check." The Crusaders nodded eagerly.

"We promise we'll be on our best behaviour. Right girls?"


Spike snorted softly, "Good luck getting those three to behave."

"Oh don't worry Spike, the promise of sweets will incite any kid to do as you say. And you're not exclusive to this task either, I hope you do well at school today, too."

I smirked at Spike's confused expression, "Uh, Stardust? I don't go to school."

Well, consider yourself enrolled!

"You do now." I explained with some delight, "While I trust Twilight has provided with a decent education, you're still a kid yourself, and thus you shouldn't be exception to a public education. I'm sure Ponyville's school has much to teach you." At the young dragon's dawning horrified expression, my smirk widened, "Oh, I'm sure our three Crusaders here will help you should you find any trouble about the school."

Said fillies were snickering at Spike's expression, nodding at my words whilst holding in laughter. The baby lizard stammered in disbelief, "But- But- Since when?!"

"Since I'm in charge, while Twilight's away." I shrugged casually, "You need an education just like everyone else. Trust me, I'm doing this because I care."

Though it does raise the question, if high schools, colleges or universities don't exist in Equestria, then where do the ponies gain the higher levels of education from? Their parents? Then who teaches them this stuff?

"Look on the bright side;" I continued while Spike lowered his head in despair, "I think Twilight would be happy about your effort in education."

"I knew you girls wouldn't let me down." I commented, still thoroughly pleased by today's results. "And you too Spike; not bad for your first day at school."

"Psh." Spike waved dismissively, mouth filled with cupcakes as he and the Crusaders downed the treats brought for them from the store we returned from. The dragon swallowed before continuing, "Too easy. When you've grown up with Twilight, you pick up a few things."

True enough. But I smirked playfully anyway, "Really? What's twelve times three?"

"Umm..." Spike pondered for a moment, obviously stumped by the question. "Give me a moment..."

"Oh! Oh! Thirty-six!" Sweetie Belle answered happily.

"Very good Sweetie." I praised the beaming young unicorn. "I'm glad you're as focused on your studies as you are with finding your cutie marks."

"Well," Apple Bloom began after swallowing another bite off a cupcake, "Big sis said that education is important."

"And she's right." I nodded, "Learning is a privilege, it helps you become a more mature, knowledgeable, wiser and responsible individual. Who knows, maybe the more you learn, the easier it will get to discover your marks."

At that, their eyes widened excitedly, "Really?" At my humoured nod, they grinned at each other and hoof-bumped the air, "Education rocks!"

I feel quite pleased with myself currently.

"Now you sound like Twilight." Spike commented with a playful eye-roll, before consuming a whole cupcake.

"Why thank you Spike." I said sincerely. Comparing me to Twilight? That can be considered a compliment to me or an insult to her. "Now then, last night had given me a idea of a new game we can play." At their curious yet eager expressions, my smile widened, "You may not know this, but I'm a writer, or at least I like to fancy myself as one. Who's up for some creative writing?"

Watching the three write down their stories with such focused attention and effort filled me with a sense of nostalgia... And envy. Because due to the fact that I can't write for [BEEP] ever since arriving in Equestria, not with these accursed hoofs, I had little time to practice because of my own objective of playing Specter's little game or finding a way home.

Now even more preoccupied hanging out with Twilight and the others.

Still, watching the three fillies write down on their respective papers filled me with a sense of longing. Oh how I've missed writing, the ideas and stories that I can just pour down to my heart's content. The one activity so my parent's could shut up over worrying about my future. I wasn't a great writer, I'm no J.K Rowling, but I enjoyed doing it, and that's what counts.

The closest thing I've done to writing is that poem I made for Twilight on her birthday a while back. How she managed to read through that atrocious handwriting is beyond me.

"Done!" Apple Bloom held up her handiwork proudly.



Composing my expression with a proud smile, I took the papers. "Well done girls. Now, let's see what you've written." As they waited with eager grins, I read Apple Bloom's story.

Earning her cutie mark over... Huh.

"Not bad. I like the originality, Apple Bloom." The young Earth Pony blushed at the compliment, clearly ecstatic at the praise. Setting hers down, I read Sweetie Belle's work next.

Gaining her cutie mark by... Hm.

"Very creative, Sweetie Belle. I especially loved the part about meeting a handsome prince along the way." The two girls snickered while Sweetie glanced at the floor in embarrassment as the other two snickered. And finally, Scootaloo.

Getting her cutie mark via... Heh.

"Of course, you would write down about beating a giant dragon and the victory being your mark, Scootaloo." The pegasus grinned sheepishly, pleased with herself. "Very good, all three of you. The spelling and grammar could use some work on, but no one's perfect. Nevertheless, you three have author-potential."

I was willing to put my prejudice over cutie marks aside to encourage these fillies. Maybe I'll never understand their driven passion to getting them, and maybe I don't need to. If they want to find out what destiny has in store for them, then that's okay. Whatever the writers come up with in the end, it'll certainly be an improvement than the atrocity marked on my rear pony butt.

"Really?" Apple Bloom asked eagerly, looking at her two friends, "Maybe we'll get our cutie marks from writing!" The three quickly glanced down to check, before their expressions shifted to disappointment. "Oh..."

"There's always next time." I said reassuringly, patting Apple Bloom's head playfully. "Now, the day is still young. What do you three want to do while Spike sleeps like a lazy freeloader." They snickered in amusement at said dragon, who was snoring loudly in the corner, resting off from the amount of cakes he devoured.

Ohoh... Then suddenly I had a cruel idea.

"Hey, wanna help me find some markers?" They blinked curiously at the sudden question, before following my sly gaze to the sleeping Spike, and slow understanding grins spread on their muzzles.

"...Dust. Stardust..."

Hm? Hmm...?

Opening my resting eyes, I was greeted by the sparkling eyes and adoring smile of Twilight Sparkle, having been the one to wake me up from my nap. And the sight alone prompted my own happy smile.

"What a lovely sight to wake up to..." I mumbled loud enough for her to hear. Blushing, Twilight stepped back, to reveal Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Applejack watching me, chuckling at my words.

"Ever the Prince Charming, isn't he darling?" Rarity teased the purple alicorn, who looked away in embarrassment but with that smile remaining. With a pleased smile, the white unicorn glanced at me with an adoring look, "And I think this adorable image suits him, don't you?"

Adorable image...?


Almost forgot about the three fillies resting around me. One snuggled up to my side, another resting comfortably on my back, and the third having made a bed of my tail. The sight prompted my humoured grin. Yeah, I suppose that could be seen as cute.

All the same, I enjoyed my time with these three fillies. And I certainly hope to take care of them sometime soon again.

"What a damage to my reputation." I commented lightly.

Rainbow raised a playful brow, "You have a reputation?"

"Very funny." I rolled my eyes in jest, "How was the trip?"

Applejack opened her mouth to speak, but Rainbow beat her to it. "It. Was. Absolutely. Awesome!"

We cringed at the loud exclamation, and promptly glared at the grinning mare as the noise abruptly woke up the three Crusaders, yawning loudly before gazing around, their eyes widening at the sight of the others.



"Rainbow Dash!"

Sister embraced one another, allowing me to stand up now without disrupting anyone. "I trust you've been a good little filly?" Rarity inquired expectantly.

"Stardust has been takin' good care of ya?" Applejack added.

"Mm-hm." Sweetie nodded.

"He's the best babysitter ever!" Apple Bloom proclaimed sincerely. Huh, I smiled, flattered by the positive response. That was nice of her to say. You'd think after spending a week here they'd have grown tired of me. Yet the young fillies were clearly happy to have stayed over for that long. "I can't wait to tell ya all the fun we had!"

"And we look forward to hearin' all about it." Applejack assured her younger sister, both she and Rarity sending me gratified grins. I shrugged in response; I just did the best I could is all.

How sickeningly modest of you.

Shut up Sombra.

"Now you need to tell us everything that happened to you!" Scootaloo outright demanded excitedly, and Rainbow shared an equal if not further gleeful expression.

"Ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh, you're never gonna believe this!" Calm down Rainbow. I smirked at the enthusiasm as though the blue pegasus was about to spill out some great secret. "You'll never guess who A.K Yearling really is!"

Princess Luna?

"Daring Do!"


"Whaaaaaat?!" The Crusader's minds then were totally blown, while mine was just confused. What was Rainbow implying?

"It was quite the adventure, I must admit," Twilight commented in amusement, glancing at my expression that sought clarification.

"No kidding." I stated simply, befuddled by Rainbow's bizarre statement.

"So let me get this straight: A.K Yearling was Daring Do?"


"And she writes down her own adventures while seeking out the world's hidden treasures?"


"And not of everything you saw was scripted or acted; it was one-hundred percent genuine."


"...Makes you wonder if anything she wrote down was fabricated or exaggerated on her part," I commented after this whole story sank in, Twilight having relayed the events of her trip just now.

"I'm sure she can be granted some leeway, considering all the trouble she goes through on her adventures." Twilight said humouredly, noting my expression patiently.


"It's quite the revelation, I know." The purple alicorn's grin widened. "It was shocking to everyone, but that didn't make it any less amazing."

"I can imagine." Now I have the brief image of returning to my home world and finding out that J.K Rowling was Hermione Granger this whole time.

...That would be awesome.

It's not too late for me yet, Hogwarts!

Very mature.

"Writing stories about our adventures..." Twilight pondered thoughtfully, "Maybe I could write some books about the adventures we and our friends had someday."

Ah right, speaking of which. "Erm... Twilight." I began rather sheepishly, "While we're on the subject, there's something I'd like to ask of you..."

Oh God dammit, now I'm being shy about it...

"What is it?" My girlfriend asked curiously, observing me with those intrigued beautiful eyes.

Looking away nervously, I stammered a little, "I... I was wondering if... Well, you know I haven't practiced much on my handwriting ever since coming to Equestria, apart from that poem I wrote for you..."

I saw her smile from the corner of my eye, "And it was a very lovely poem, Jack."

That prompted my small smile, "And I'm glad to hear that, Twilight. Anyway, though I don't want take up your time with this, since you're busy enough learning how to be a Princess along with the chest and- And our relationship and-"

"Jack, you can tell me." Twilight said reassuringly.

...Alright, no more beating around the bush.

"I was wondering if you could... Teach me... To write." I finally stuttered out. There, I said it. At her surprised look, I felt shame rising in my being. "Because, arriving in this world has made me suck at the skill, and what kind of boyfriend would I be if I can't even write properly-?"

"I'd love to."

My head snapped at the sincere response, "R-Really?"

"Of course!" Twilight smiled at my shocked look, "There's no need to feel embarrassed; I don't blame you for wanting to learn how to write the Equestrian way. I recall once that you mentioned you were a writer, correct?" I nodded, "And I presume you want to write stories again, am I right?"

"Yeah." I shrugged, yet happiness was leaking through my eyes and grin, "Reading those Daring Do books to the three Crusaders, and watching them write some stories of their own brought up the nostalgia to myself again."

"Then I'm more than happy to help."

I couldn't resist hugging the brilliant mare happily, "Thank you. Thank you! You have no idea how much this means to me!"

Twilight returned the embrace, leaning into it, "There's no need to thank me. It's important for one to support their significant other." I imagined the redness on her face for admitting that. And I was correct as soon as we broke the hug.

"I could totally kiss you right now love!"

At that, the redness brightened while Twilight smiled teasingly, "Well... Who says you couldn't...?"

I grinned slightly, "Fair point." And our muzzles were immediately close to connecting.

Of course, we were, again, interrupted.

"Hey, Twilight, do ya think Daring Do will put me in the next book- Whoa." Again Rainbow? Seriously? I sighed in annoyance, the pair of us glancing at the blinking mare, who smiled sheepishly and started backing out the door, "I'll just... Wait a minute..."

And as soon as the door shut after the pegasus departed, I commented dryly, "God help us if this Daring Do does write Rainbow in her next novel. We'll need wider doors to fit her head through." Followed by Twilight snorting and giggling at once.

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