• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter Fifty-Five: Triumph of Sombra I

"So then, just to recap: we're journeying towards an ancient empire."


"To find a solution to protect it from a possibly returned tyrannical megalomaniac from over a thousand years ago."

"Quite possibly."

"While Celestia is just sitting on her arse, perfectly capable of handling this whole affair herself."

At that flat statement, Twilight sighed exasperatedly. "Princess Celestia has more important things to focus on I'm certain, Jack."

The flimsy defense incited my frown, my gaze looking outside to the blizzard behind the window. How this train was managing to take in the full force of this storm was impressive. "Twilight, I think the plausible reemergence of one of her enemies is a little more important than just sitting on the throne barking orders at everyone."

Twilight sighed again, but didn't respond. Not because I was correct - God no, she'd never admit that when it came to her mentor - but the purple mare was understandably and clearly apprehensive about the so-called 'test' handed to her by Celestia. Upon hearing at the Canterlot station what exactly Twilight's been tasked to do, it took all of my willpower not to march straight to the castle and give the white alicorn a proper and well-deserving scolding.

That 'test' was just an excuse to make us, once again, clean up Celestia's mess.

Hearing a third sigh prompted me to finally look away from the window. The troubled mare was looking down from her seat, pony ears drooped downwards, worry creasing her features. The reassurance immediately departed my muzzle,

"You'll be fine." She glanced up at the sudden words, looking slightly startled. I couldn't help but smile lightly and place a comforting hoof on her side. "However you protect this empire, you'll pass the test with flying colours." As I've repeatedly told her back at the library; she'll complete whatever the test was.

Twilight exhaled sharply, "I wish I had your confidence... How do you know I won't mess this up?"

"Haven't you expressed your doubts previously in song at Canterlot?"

She frowned at my joking tone, "Jack."

"Because I know you, Twilight." I motioned to behind us, where our friends in the same compartment were sitting and chatting themselves. "We all do. We know without a doubt you'll succeed no matter what. You're the most intelligent and wisest pony in all of Equestria, there's no question to your victory."

The mare brushed off the compliment, clearly still troubled. "And if there was?"

"Then I'll yell and bark at Celestia until she makes you pass the test." I shrugged matter-of-factly. Twilight rolled her eyes, but a small appreciative smile appeared on her muzzle anyway. As I gestured to behind us again, Twilight followed my gaze to the others. "Besides, should you do fail - hypothetically speaking of course - you still have us, your brother and step-sister. We're not going anywhere, and we'll be damn proud of you regardless if you succeed or, God forbid, fail."

Screw what Celestia thinks.

After a moment, while catching her gaze, all of our friends smiled cheerfully and reassuringly at Twilight, who couldn't resist grinning faintly in thanks in turn, before looking back at me. A more relived and gracious expression then took over her features, and prompted my own smile. "You always know when to say the right things. Thanks Jack, I feel a lot better now. I feel a little pressured by Princess Celestia's reliance on me to protect a whole empire, but with you and our friends by my side, I know we can succeed."

A sense of triumph and flattery rose in my chest. "No prob. Now keep on smiling and chin upwards, you have an upcoming test to complete, Miss Granger." Twilight rolled her eyes playfully at the teasing comparison, and I, rather reluctantly, let go of her, resuming my amused gaze at the window.

Though, while Twilight was justifiably nervous in her own right, she wasn't the only one. We were reaching the recently returned Crystal Empire itself; the whole kingdom disappearing from the face of the planet a thousand years ago. Now, it's back, and, having seen the first of the two-parter and bits of the second beforehand, so had its former master. Had you ever imagined Chernabog as a pony? Of course you haven't, but Hasbro felt the need to force that rather bizarre yet interesting reality upon you.

Just thinking of those red eyes, cold and sinister, warranted mixed feelings of worry and excitement. Yes, excitement. I was going to possibly meet my favourite villain of Equestria. The idea alone brought a sense to keep me on guard and ask for his autograph. The latter, that is, if he doesn't encase me in experiencing my worst fears first.

"Seems I'm not the only one who's apprehensive."

I glanced at Twilight's observation, a small grin on my mouth. "Was it that obvious?"

She shrugged, dark purple eyes reflecting her feelings, "What's wrong?"

This time, I sighed, gesturing to the harsh blizzard outside the surprisingly clear window. "I'm just a little concerned, that's all."

"About the empire?"

"About you and our friends." I admitted, refraining from blanching at the thought of that former king causing these innocent people to suffer. "Cadence and Armor included - who should be currently enjoying their honeymoon, mind you - if this King Sombra has returned, then we're clearly in considerable danger."

The statement incited a replicated expression on Twilight's face. "You truly think he's back?"

"Yes." No hesitation on my part, but I didn't elaborate. Just meeting her gaze, I knew Twilight understood my concerns.

"...I know what you mean." The intelligent mare nodded, then suddenly her eyes narrowed. "But even so, by some marginal possibility that King Sombra has returned, that tyrant won't harm any of our friends. I guarantee you that, Jack."

Her conviction and desire to protect our friends was refreshing. I shared that exact sentiment. "So do I, Twilight."

At the vague statement, the mare raised an invisible flat brow. "Please tell me you're not planning on doing something incredibly reckless when we get there."

You know me so well, love. I repressed a smirk. "Alright then, I won't." My gaze settled back on the harsh weather outside before Twilight could try and convince me out of my own plan.

Beware, your Majesty. We're coming for you.

What's better than snow? A snowstorm.

And better than that? Not being in the middle of it.

For once, I was very grateful for wearing this cape. Rarity and I were the only ones with enough sense to adorn warm clothing against this harsh blizzard. Yet that didn't stop my hoofs, limbs, chest, tail and face from shivering at the cold upon immediately stepping out of the train.

Let's see now... If memory serves correctly, we're suppose to be greeted by-


And there we go.

"Shining Armor?"

Emerging from the relentless snowstorm arrived a familiar white stallion, adorning protective clothing of his own. "Twily! Ya made it!" Removing his goggles, Shining and his elated sibling quickly rushed towards each other and embraced, forgetting the cold for a moment.

Wait a minute now...

"'Twily?'" I echoed as the rest of us approached the two ponies, recalling the nickname previously used at Canterlot. The addressed mare glanced sheepishly behind her, prompting my amused chuckle. Twily. Who would've thought? "Very adorable, my dear." My gaze then turned to the humoured stallion. "Armor." I nodded in greeting.

He returned the gesture. "Stardust." Before getting straight to the point, understandably so. "We better get moving; There are things out here we really don't wanna run into after dark."

The mares glanced nervously at each other. "What kind of things?" Fluttershy asked in apprehension.

"Let's just say the empire isn't the only thing that's returned."

Concluded by us obligingly following the obviously unnerved unicorn. I took up the rear of the group, in case anyone needs to stop and breathe for a second. Which we will have little time for, considering Sombra will ambush us any moment. The mere thought made me want to tell the others to pick up the pace, but I refrained from speaking. Shining already made them worry with the potential attack by the dreaded King, they didn't need me to make things worse.

As we walked, I contemplated, doing my best to ignore the freezing sensation in my limbs from walking bare-hoofs on snow. As I recall, as we get near the Empire, Sombra will emerge and attack us. We run towards the barricaded kingdom, while Shining stays behind to distract the King momentarily, resulting in his own horn being infested with small black crystals. Then we meet up with Cadence, who was completely and utterly exhausted from magically shielding the Empire. Twilight and the rest ask around for information, then go to the library, find out about some traditional fair this kingdom does, and hosts the event in order to bring peace and happiness to the residents of the Empire once more.

That's the gist of the first episode.

But you know, this all would've been avoided sooner if Celestia had just done all this herself. Nothing was stopping her apart from some apparent bull-[BEEP] test she bestowed upon her pupil. Twilight didn't deserve to handle the weight of an entire Empire upon her, and become a viable target for Sombra, who was destroyed and returned because of Celetsia.

...Huh, when thinking about it, Celestia was directly responsible for the return of many of the show's villains: Nightmare Moon, Discord, Sombra and Sunset Shimmer. All because she couldn't find a more suitable solution to imprison them, or just finishing them off while she had the chance.

A wise and good monarch is one who makes sacrifices, even of her own innocence-

"Something keeps trying to get in!" Shining called out, choosing now to share this information with us. "We think it's the unicorn King who cursed the place!"

And how did you reach that conclusion, my friend?

"But Princess Celestia said I was sent here to find a way to protect the Empire!" Twilight replied. "If King Sombra can't get in, then it must already be protected!"

Whatever Shining was going to say in response, never came. A large horn-like sound erupted out of nowhere, echoing the wide snowy area around us, prompting us all to look upwards apprehensively. A horn? I don't recall a... Well then again, it's been a while since I've seen the episode. Can't remember every detail.

Fluttershy gasped in horror, looking around wildly. "Ah, that's one of the things isn't it?!"

"We have to get to the Crystal Empire, now!" Shining ordered.

Yet any sense of urgency was temporarily side-tracked by a large sound behind us. Behind me. Immediately we all turned around, facing the giant black smoke emerging from the ground, accompanied by a sinister growl. Both horror and anticipation overtook my senses.

Here he was!

The common sense returned in full force, inciting me to flee from the villain along with the others. Yet as I ran, I couldn't resist the small grin on my face. I'm being chased by King Sombra. I'm being chased by King Sombra!

"Go, go!" The leading Twilight urged us, thankfully grabbing Spike before he could lag behind. No need to tell me twice love!

"Almost there!" Yeah, I can see it. The big blue shield protecting the entire kingdom from its former tyrant. This prompted my hooves to accelerate with the others-

What the [BEEP] is he- Oh no.

Having quickly turned around, Shining faced the opposition as I ran by him, causing myself to slow down and regard him with panic and annoyance. As expected, the stallion fired off a pink beam towards the wide green eyes of the smoke, which effortlessly dodged the attack, charging towards the defenseless pony.

Not this time!

By fusing my chaotic anger and harmonized resolve to protect my friends, balance was with me as my two front hoofs aimed upwards and clapped hard together, sending a visible shockwave towards the black smoke. The exact same move I used against those Changelings in Ponyville a while back.

And thank Christ, like last time, it worked.

What followed was an echoing growl of irritation, the shadowy remains of Sombra reeling back upon phasing through my assault. Immediately, I rushed forward and pulled Shining harshly by his black scarf. "There's time for heroics later, come on!"

He obediently followed, and we made it to the barricade in no time. Without hesitation, we both jumped in as the furious snarl of King Sombra was heard behind us.

What followed was a bright blue sky, plain soft grassy fields and an admirable kingdom in the distance, accompanied by the concerned gazes of my friends.

And warmth. Oh so welcoming warmth!

"Oh thank goodness, you're both okay!" Twilight cried out in relief, rushing forward to greet us. She helped her brother stand up and Fluttershy kindly did the same with me.

"Yeah, thank goodness indeed." Shining said in relief himself, hugging his happy sibling briefly before regarding me with a grateful look. "Thanks for the save back there."

I nodded with a smirk, "Well, Twilight would've killed me otherwise." Prompting the chuckles of the others while the addressed mare flushed.

Smiling in amusement himself, Shining then nodded forward. "Come on, Cadence is waiting for us."

As we followed them, I couldn't repress a grin at what just happened. Not only did I technically meet King Sombra himself, but I also saved Shining from being practically useless until the end of the two-parter. So far, luck seemed to be on my side. Or balance, or whichever. It seems that promise I made to Cadence long ago was still in effect, and probably will be until the day I leave this world.

"What are ya grinnin' at, Stardust?" Applejack inquired upon noticing my look.

"Oh nothing, nothing..." Just trying to refrain myself from fanboying is all.

The Crystal Empire was, for lack of a better term, radiant.

Just seeing it on TV didn't do the kingdom any justice. During our journey towards the gigantic castle in the center of the returned Empire, we couldn't help pausing every few moments to awe at and take in the sparkling aesthetic houses, shops, decorations, pathways and many other things.

This kingdom deserved more screentime, along with Shining and Cadence; the latter of which we were about to greet.

Who, upon seeing her, looked way more exhausted than I've ever seen her. Just the sight as we entered the throne room caused me to pause in surprise. The others continued approaching her, more closely being Twilight.

"Cadence!" The young purple mare exclaimed happily.

That clearly lifted the alicorn's spirits, as she eagerly rushed down the throne seat to greet her sister-in-law. And what followed had to be the most surreal action I've ever seen both Twilight and Cadence conduct.

"Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake! Clap your hoofs and do a little shake!" Concluded by shaking their tails at one another and laughing joyfully.

Shining gave me a humoured shrug while he walked by. Huh... Well to be fair, I can't recall every single detail of the episode. But at least Twilight was ecstatic to see the pink monarch.

The pink alicorn then grimaced, before speaking tiredly. "One of these days we need to get together when the fate of Equestria isn't hanging in the balance."


"Are you okay?" Twilight then inquired in clear concern after Cadence's sigh.

Shining, reaching them, spoke on his wife's behalf. "Cadence has been able to use her magic to spread love and light. That seems to be what is protecting it, but she hasn't slept. Barely eats. I want to help her, but I need to be on patrol around the Empire in case King Sombra attempts to get in."

I frowned, feeling the incentive to just turn around and get it all over with. "Hm, no wonder it's so Sombra in here."

Ba-dum tss. The other mares glared behind them at my lame pun. Worth it.

"You've been waiting all day to make that joke, haven't you?" Spike whispered, sounding slightly amused himself.

"Who can blame me?" I replied evenly, before returning my focus on the conversation feet away.

"She can't go on like this forever." Shining continued rather sternly, evidently worried for his beloved. "And if her magic were to fade... well you saw what's out there waiting for that to happen."

"That's why I'm here." Twilight said calmly, confident in our ability to put an end to this plight.

"Why we're all here." Applejack suddenly spoke up evenly, approaching the group along with the others, who let out a shared "Mm-hm!"

And why I'm here too.

Speaking of which, I should probably get to work. The sooner this is over with, Cadence can sleep, Twilight can pass her test with flying colours, none of my friends will be in any further danger for the time-being, and the Crystal Empire will flourish once more.

"Stardust?" My attention returned to behind me as I was leaving the room. Shining frowned curiously in my direction. "Are you going somewhere?"

I nodded. "Indeed, my friend. While Twilight seeks out a way to protect this kingdom further, I'll deal with the current menace."

As expected, that caused justified yet exasperating reactions.

"What?! Whoa whoa whoa whoa!" Rainbow Dash waved her hoofs in disbelief. "Wait a sec; you're not actually thinking on confronting King Sombra, are ya?"

Is my flat stare enough of an answer?

"Stardust, ya do remember what happened last time you fought someone evil by yerself, right?" Applejack inquired evenly, yet also sounding worried.

"I do." I have the faint burnt marks under my fur to prove it.

"Yet that won't stop you?" Rarity asked.

"Nope." I shook my head. "Look, I'm not going to sit around and just hope that everything turns out okay. And, from everything I've learned so far about your species, it is that you're all incredibly easy to sit down and talk with. I'm not going to fight Sombra head-on, if that's what worries you."

"You're going to try and talk to him." Cadence said after a moment's pause, inciting more disbelieving reactions from the others.

"Stardust, no offence deary, but that's insane!" Rarity protested to the very thought. "That thing can't be reasoned with."

"You don't know that."

"I have to agree with her." Shining spoke up, sounding more calmer than the mares, walking up towards me. "It's an incredibly dangerous and risky plan, even for you. Who's to say that Sombra won't attack you on sight?"

Maybe he will. Maybe he won't.

And finally, it was Twilight who spoke next, walking towards rather calmly, but I can see the fury in her eyes. From barely a few centimeters away, Twilight met my firm stare head-on. "You promised you wouldn't do something like this again."

Recalling that conversation, I nodded. "I did, but I also promised your sister-in-law over there I'd keep you all safe."

"That was for the wedding only!" The mare then exclaimed in irritation and... Fear? "And let's not forget your failures over trying to reform Nightmare Moon and Discord." Oh, don't remind me. "I'm coming with you."

Oh the hell you are.

"No, Twilight, you have a kingdom to protect." And the mere thought of the unicorn going anywhere near that King was queasy enough.

But she wasn't having it, shaking her head heatedly. "I also have to protect my friends. And I'm not going to let anything bad happen to you after back then, when you almost..."


But, instead of me responding to calm the mare down, it was her brother. He placed a soft hoof on the mare's shoulder, prompting her glance. Shining smiled confidently. "Don't worry, Twily, I'll take care of him."

You, what?

"We'll be back before you know it. And should Stardust's plan work, then we won't have anything to worry about. Focus on finding a way to protect the Crystal Empire, while we deal with Sombra." Blue sharp eyes then stared at me, as if daring me to protest.

...Well, Shining was a useful asset. He could help in case things go awry. I nodded in agreement.

At that action, Twilight then glared at me, but not in a harsh way. "Alright, but if something happens to either of you, you'd better hope King Sombra will be merciful after I'm done with you."

A rather different way of saying 'Be careful.'

"I'll hold to you that, my dear." I then nodded firmly at Shining. "Let's go, the sooner this is over with, the better." He nodded back, expression as serious as my own.

"You sure you know what you're doing?"

"Not at all." I replied over the harsh wind, having just left through the shield out of the protected kingdom. I felt my mane and tail react with flow at the conditions. Brr, already I missed the warmth within the kingdom. So far, no sight of the King himself. I nodded, "Right, go back in the barricade and wait for me there, I'll be back shortly."

But Shining, like her sister, won't back down that easily. "Sorry Stardust, but I'm not letting you face this guy alone."

Eh, suit yourself.

"Then let me do the talking." I said while we walked further into the snowy plains. "Even in his current state, he should be able to communicate with us."

"You really think he'll listen to reason?"

Who knows. "There's no harm in trying."

As if on cue, the horn sounded occurred. Both Shining and I tensed up at the old-fashioned sound, indicating the fallen King's arrival. Was that repetitive horn Sombra's national anthem? Guy has poor taste, I'll say that much-

Black smoke emerged before us.

"There he is!"

"Very observant of you!" I retorted to the unnerved stallion, quickly glancing behind me. "I'll go talk to him."

He nodded hesitantly, "I've got your back. Be careful." Pfft, do you know who I am?

That said, I steeled my nerves and slowly moved forward, refusing to cower under the towering green and red eyes observing me carefully. He must be wondering who the reckless [BEEP] is approaching him. Swallowing a lump as I neared the imposing black smoke, I spoke up with as much courage as I could muster.

"Your Majesty." His eyes seemed to widen at that, and I quickly lightly bowed after addressing him. A little formality might help in reasoning with him. "If I might speak with you- Gah!"

"Stardust!" Shining cried out in warning, before I could hear him no longer.

In fact, I couldn't hear the harsh winds or anything else, as blackness enveloped the entire area around me. Hell, even the ground was nothing but darkness. And I was... Cold.

Colder than I experienced outside. It felt like relentless icicles were piercing my very soul, causing my body to stiffen in frozen shock. Looking around trying to find something to see, I didn't have to wait too longer.

The King gave me the honour of seeing his face. And his face alone. Stretching out of the darkness, sinister red eyes loomed above, with a black muzzle, a red horn and flaming black hair flowing through the blackness. The entire outline of the fallen tyrant was a blood red.

I don't think I've felt this terrified in my life. My limbs were shaking violently, teeth chattering and my breathing was getting considerably more and more unbalanced.

"Who dares approach my Majesty?"

That voice! It was even heard in my head.

I couldn't help but shudder, not just at the deep menacing tone, but the additional sharp fangs showing as he spoke. Forcibly swallowing my hesitation, I attempted to speak... but couldn't.

He didn't seemed amused by my nervousness. "Your name, whelp."


"S-Stardust Balance." Finally, I managed to speak again. "King Sombra, I presume- Ack!"

The black smoke entered through my muzzle before I could even react, resulting in me leaning onto the ground for support and coughing violently, patting my chest roughly. Jesus Christ, that [BEEP] hurt! He certainly wasn't merciful alright.

"Hm. So, you are a human."


"Your mind isn't difficult to penetrate, little man. I can see your memories, your hopes, you dreams, your... Fears."

The [BEEP]...!

Yet the mental swearing only amused the depraved King. "Hmhmhmhmhmhm. You should know better than to use such language in front of your betters, Mr... Wright."

Feeling like I can breath clearly again, I stood up, glaring at the heartless red eyes gleaming with malice. He had no right to look through my mind like that. I already had another unwelcome presence in there making himself at home.

"So defiant, too. Serve me, Jack Wright, and I will make your purpose in Equestria even greater. Never again will others look down upon you, assault you for being simply who you are. I can make you... Godlike."

He can't be serious. Why in God's name would I want to serve him, favourite villain aside? In exchange for the lives of those I care about? Not happening. If - hypothetically speaking - evil did exist, it was in form of this tyrannical pony.

"'Evil?' Your evil is my good, little one." Sombra clearly wasn't fazed by my thoughts. His echoing voice darkened in delight. "I am King Sombra, the ruler of fear. With every step I leave nothing but despair and darkness. I declare that good."

Red eyes brightened at the last statement, causing me to wince at his sickening delight in other's suffering. Now seemed the more perfect time than ever to try and convince this villain. "You don't have to rule over anyone with fear, you know. Darkness can be used to help others."

"And so it does. It assists me in reminding these inferior ponies who their greatest leader is. Fear creates obedience, but you already know that, don't you, human?"

"But it doesn't benefit the world as a whole." I replied evenly, waving off the jab against my own kind. "Don't you see? What benefit is there to gain from making others suffer, to never have happy lives to call their own? What good can possibly come out of making those poor ponies your tools?"

Sombra replied casually, without delay. "The future, of course. Without obedience, without reminding them of their place, there is no stability or sanctuary for all living things on Equestria. The weak are born to serve their masters, giving them a higher purpose than wasting than lives away simply finding a mate and producing children. No, I don't give them suffering, human, I give them... Hope."

"A funny way of pronouncing 'slavery'..."

If he could, the unfazed pony would shrug. "What you believe is irrelevant to me. But that can change, should you willingly swear your loyalty to me." He cut me off before I could retort, sounding slightly more amused and bored. "Don't think your attempts on 'redeeming' me will succeed, human. I am not that coward Celestia, who prefers having her servants clean up her own mess. All the more reason to take my side; I can sense your obvious contempt for the unreliable mare."

Contempt? "I don't hate Celestia." I responded in confusion. "True she makes dumb-[BEEP] decisions and pressures one of my friends with responsibilities she should be carrying out herself, but I don't despise the alicorn that much."

...Right? Right.

"But anyway, it's not too late for you, Sombra." His eyes narrowed at the lack of formality, but I ignored it. His presence was getting less and less intimidating as we conversed. "You don't have to be a tyrannical overlord. You can be a noble and fair King, ruling your Empire not with fear and darkness, but with love and darkness. None of those people deserve to suffer as they did long ago. Times have changed, Sombra, and you must adapt."

Come on, let this work...


The stubborn King sneered. "You take me for someone who can be easily persuaded by weak words, boy? It's a shame you're so reluctant to serve me, your persistence is a useful trait." At the vague threat, my hoofs clenched in preparation. If he wants a fight, I will take him on if I have to. "Soon, the Crystal Empire will be mine once more. And my glorious power will shadow all of Equestria, and all who dwell within it shall learn to obey and serve their one true ruler!"

You'll need that heart first though, won't you... Wait...

The heart!

His eyes widened suddenly, as though seeing the image of the object in my mind. "What do you know about the Crystal Heart, human?"

So then, he can't see through all my memories. I refrained from smirking at the obvious asset. "Enough to know you need its power to enforce your rule once more. Without it, you're a mere shadow of your former self."

His Highness snarled angrily. "It is only a temporary problem. It will be mine. Nopony is aware of its location."

Correct, my dear King... No 'pony.'

As his red eyes narrowed in rage, I finally smirked. "I'm willing to offer you a deal, your Majesty. One you shouldn't quickly dismiss."

"What kind of 'deal,' human...?"

"The Crystal Heart." I spoke up, feeling alot more confident than I ever was before. "I'll retrieve and deliver it to you, in exchange for you leaving this Empire and its citizens and never returning." It was a very high gamble, to put it mildly. "You can have your body back, and you'll survive, which I believe is far more important than ruling your kingdom, no?"

He frowned harder with every word. "And should I refuse?"

"Then I'll deliver the Heart to the new monarchs of the Empire, and they'll utterly destroy you. Plain and simple." I shrugged.

Yet the bluff only incited the towering King to scoff. "You are too much of a sentimental coward to allow a life to be extinguished."

"Do you really want to take that chance?" The fallen tyrant then regarded me, and I felt prickling sensations through the sides of brain, the King clearly reading my mind. Quickly, I relied on the autistic side of me for assistance, creating a storm of images and random thoughts to keep him from sensing my true intentions.

After a while, he questioned rather dangerously. "How do I know you are not simply deceiving me?"

"You don't." I met his blood red stare evenly, shuddering slightly at the unnerving eyes. "You've seen through my mind, you should know better than to trust a human."

"Indeed..." Sombra sounded surprisingly contemplative. "Very well. Return the Crystal Heart to me in one hour, and I shall spare this kingdom and its citizens of my rule."

What... Just like that?

He grinned sharply. "You have the word of a King, human, should you uphold your end of the bargain."

As if I'm that naive. And under an hour too, I'm not sure if I'll be able to retrieve it in time- No, no, I can do this. For Twilight, and everyone else. I must, and will, succeed.

"That's the spirit." He praised mockingly. "But be warned, I do not tolerate deception against me. Should you betray my word, then I will inflict a thousand years of suffering upon you, and every one of those little ponies you hold so dear."

Before I could react to the promised threat, the darkness immediately cleared, the face and red eyes of the fallen monarch disappearing. Welcoming me once more was the frozen plains and harsh snowstorm, which I was more happy to see than ever before.

As for Sombra, the large smokey remains of him regarded me for a long moment, before sinking into the snowy ground below, as though he was never there to begin with.

...Thank God.

"Stardust!" Ah! Almost forgot! Looking behind me, I saw Shining rush forwards worryingly, "Are you alright? You disappeared behind the black smoke."

I nodded, "I'm fine... Considering what happened."

He frowned questionably, "And what exactly did happen- Gah! Stardust, you're freezing!" Shining exclaimed in surprised upon inspecting me for injuries.

I raised a brow, "Well, we are in the middle of a snowstorm."

"No, I mean, you're almost freezing solid." Oh... What? Must be a side-effect from coming into contact with Sombra like that. "What happened back there?"

"I spoke with his Highness." I explained dryly, motioning behind where the King just departed. "We've reached a compromise."

Shining, understandably, didn't seem to like hearing that. His blue eyes narrowed in concern, "You've made a deal, with King Sombra?"


"About what?"

I opened my mouth before common sense intervened, inciting me to look around the area carefully. "We should discuss this inside, Armor, but we better hurry. Time is short." And Sombra might be listening in right now.

Shining nodded in agreement, and we both hurried towards the large azure shield. "Let's go then. Cadence is probably worried by now. Can this deal prevent Sombra from invading the Empire?"

Not if Vader gets to it first. Heheheh.

"Yes, whether he wants it to or not." I'll be damned before handing over Sombra that Crystal Heart. If he wants it, he'll have to agree to my terms; which might include signing an autograph by yours truly.

I won't let these ponies suffer from fear of the tyrant again.

To be continued...

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