• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter Sixty-Four: A Friendship Finale


"The Great and Powerful Trixie knows there is something not right about you."

"I'll give you four seconds to run... Before I proceed with the vow I made should you have ever returned here."


"You are out of options, little pony, there is nowhere for you to run."

"Look around you; these ponies can now see you for what you truly are, vile one!"

"Identify yourself, lest for possessing Stardust you will pay."

"Stardust... What's happened to you?"



Long have I wandered...


"Tw...Twilight! You have to... Get away... From me!"

"We can help!"

Hahahahaha! I, King Sombra, live once more! And I declare it... Good.

Had to... Keep... Running...

God knows how much time has passed since I fled the town into the darkness of the Everfree Forest. Night had fallen by the time I was in the middle of nowhere, but I kept a straightforward path, hoping with all my might that the location would be where I was heading. I had to hurry, it was only a matter of time before-


Must... Keep Twilight and everyone... Safe from... From...


Shoving past multiple branches, ignoring the lego-sensation of pointy stones embedding into my hoofs, my body shivered at the cold chuckle. The stallion in my head was clearly enjoying this, and probably wanted me to suffer for as long as possible. Yeah? Well I'll make it so it's only I who suffers than anyone else.

Anyone ever again.

Walking through a stream next, I did my best to ignore the cries of nearby animals, possibly predators. There was something much more at stake than simple-minded beats, like the best that's been influencing my mind from the very beginning.

And I allowed him to...

Goddamn... No amount of apology towards them would excuse my actions. The bonds of friendship has snapped, never to be re-woven... I'm so so sorry, Twilight... Spike... Everyone...

...Which was why I must keep going. I must protect them at all costs!

Running will not save them.

Dammit... Know it was a matter of time before he opened his mocking mouth in my mind... Regardless, I pressed on, flinching repeatedly at my pounding head, as though Sombra's voice was shattering the sides of my brain.

They will pursue. And when they reach us, they will perish. It's as simple as that.

Not under my watch.

Hmph. This is what you chose, boy, when you defied me at my Crystal Empire!


Almost collapsing, I held the ground firmly for supporting, eyes shut tight and close to watering. Jesus... It hurts... But the mad tyrant wouldn't relent, his deep voice booming through my mind with spite and condescension.

All of this is your doing!

No... I didn't..

You dare deny your role in this? Now he just sounded simply infuriated. Was it not your own words and actions used against those ponies, breaking your precious ties of friendship just like that? My how easily gullible and sentimental those fools are. Yet you knew this, but spoke such harsh truths towards those pitiful fools regardless!


Why, you practically welcomed my presence; your heart is rich of darkness. All those years of self-pity, of self-loathing, of self-fear, and I drank from it until I was ready to take over completely. I thank you, Jack Wright, for returning my strength to me.

Eyes snapping open, I trudged on. I needed to move. This evil disease in my mind was probably right about the others following me, wanting in vain to save their friend. I can't let that happen, so I have to go to the one place, far at the end of the Forest.

And walking though some bushes, leading to a clearing, I found it. There feet away was the ancient castle, the same one the fallen Luna had preoccupied.

They wouldn't think to look there... I hope...

Look at you, falsely hoping that your "friends" will not discover us here. You've become just as naive as them. Both to worry, I will their ends swift and painless... Provided they don't make things too difficult, but that's not something to even consider.

Not while I'm in control... You won't harm them!

My hooves reached the walls of the ruined structure, holding for support from the still-stern bricks.

Sombra, however, wasn't too impressed with my resolve. By all means, lie to yourself all you wish. Although... I suppose that particular unicorn would make a worthy servant to my new Empire...

That does it!

I then headed determinedly towards the door, barely sparing a glance behind at the path I took.

Twilight... Please... Don't come for me... It's too late...

Okay... Okay...

I'm a safe distance from them now... I hope.

Ignoring the mocking chuckling echoing through my mind, my tired aching eyes scanned the ancient throne room. This should be goo enough; Twilight and the others hopefully won't think to look here; at the same place where they fought Nightmare Moon. A part of me now, completely exerted, yearned for rest, to lie down and embrace the welcoming arms of sleep.

But I couldn't... Not yet...

Why do you persist?


The dark voice sounded slightly curious, shadowed by the mildly annoyed tone Sombra utilized. Why do I persist, you ask? Because I won't allow you to win.

Your efforts are beyond futile, child. Sleep, obey and allow me full control. I'd be doing you a favour.

And let you hurt my friends? Never!

The insane tyrant, however, wasn't impressed by my resolve. Your little rebellion was entertaining at first. But now, it begins to bore me. What makes you think your friends won't pursue you, in vain belief that you can be "saved" from my infinite power?

Because you're not as omnipotent as your claim to-


By instinct, two hooves grabbed my temples at the raging pain, my body tumbling over at the loss of balance, meeting the aged rug covering the stone cold floors. Sombra, obviously, delighting in my torture, increased the intensity, and I felt like my mind was ready to explore, my brain burst into flames.

I've never... Felt this kind of pain before...!

"Ah... Arg... St-Stop... Please..."

Yet not even my pleading had any effect, as Sombra began talking again, his condescending voice clear despite the burning sensation through my head.

You only struggle for no justification, boy. You fail to comprehend the power I have, the things we are capable of. Your approach to me at the Crystal Empire was the best decision you've made in your life!

What was he...?

Images. Harsh images began appearing before my eyes, flashes of past events, of people, of everything that incited anger and shame within me, alongside the pain from both mind and heart as faces and places I never wanted to see again sprung up, planted firmly in front of me. Sombra's gleeful voice spoke through them, not helping in the slightest.

Do you recall, on your world, how many beings hate you? Disgusted by you? Even pity you? How many lives you've disturbed through your words and actions? Even your family, those closest to you, looked down on you with shame and regret, yearning for a better sibling and son than the autistic abomination born into their bloodline.


Remember the girl you've dated, whose heart you've shattered over and over again by your own childish stupidity?

Not her... Enough...

Or that embarrassing moment in front of your entire school body?


Or that incident when you were fifteen-


Those unpleasant images mercifully disappeared, but the guilt remained there, guilt I long since buried but could never get rid of completely.

I didn't mean to... I never meant to...

But Sombra was hardly fazed. In fact, he sounded rather triumphant.

You can deceive yourself all you wish, just like you deceived those mares from the very beginning. But the truth remains, Jack Wright, that they, in time, will tire of and abandon you as well, just like all the others. Why would they befriend a monster of nature, after all, especially one who used such words against them, and attacked them without a shred of mercy? Why, you also almost harmed the one you "love," did you not?


Hm? No answer? Have I finally gotten through to you? I grimaced, practically feeling the triumphant smile on the tyrant's face. Good. Not even the pupil of Celestia's would consider dating a freak. And considering her supposed future, relinquishing control to me would only benefit you more.

...He's right...

Even eventually, these ponies would've also grown exhausted of me. I can see the future images, of their sneering, pitying looks towards me, of what I am.

A monster...

Give me control, Jack. The sinister voice was now soft, almost comforting despite its goading. And no one shall ever look down upon you again. No more insults. No more bullies. No one again to make your decisions and decide your future for you. Everyone will fear and respect you, and everything your heart has ever desired... Will be all yours.

They'd never forgive me... Not after today...


Then the sudden sound of a snap was heard, my eyes staring at the stone floor was now looking upwards. The body stood upwards on its own accord. I can no longer feel in sync with my previous body, its new master taking hold without delay.

"At last..." I heard my own quiet voice say. "My ascendance begins once more..."

Now I know, that's for the best...



The eyes of King Sombra turned, facing the opposing mares before me- before us, defiant and resolved. Adorning as necklaces and a crown were the unmistakable Elements of Harmony, and sparing them a glance Sombra outright laughed at their supposed foolishness.

"Your arrival wasn't unexpected, little mares..."

Getting right to the point, Twilight stepped forward, hardened features as serious as her tone, "We're here to get our friend back, Sombra!" She obviously knew right away that I was no longer in control.

Rainbow Dash pitched in, the flying pegasus pointing, "Yeah, and to kick some King butt while we're at it!"

Unfazed, the fallen monarch sighed patronizingly, "Poor naive ponies. Your 'friend' willingly embraced me. We are now linked, together as one, and he has willingly given full control of mind and body to me. It's too late for him... And for you."

Twilight... Everyone... I'm sorry...

"As if we're expected to believe such a horrible lie." Rarity scoffed, deep blue eyes narrowing, "We know Stardust well enough that he'd never go down without a fight!"

"Hmph. You claim to know him well, do you?"

"More than you ever would!"

"Hm... Hmhmhm, haHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" The harsh laughter echoed through the ruined throne room, inciting their surprised and wary blinks.

"What's so funny, creep?!" Rainbow Dash asked, her hoofs clenching in preparation to fight.

"Only how you delude yourselves." Sombra responded sincerely, and his eyes turned from the glaring mares to the stained broken window above. "The human you call your friend lied to you from the very beginning; fabricating from facts in relation to your world and his own."

No... Don't mention that... Please...

Applejack spoke from behind heatedly, "Yeah, we know all about where he comes from, and we understand and forgive 'im for lyin'-"

"That's not what I refer to, Earth Pony."

I beg of you, Sombra, don't talk about that! They're better off not knowing!

But unrelenting eyes switched back to the mares, who braced themselves for any possible assault. Sombra continued, slowly, deliberately, as if tasting the guilt and regret I felt in that moment. "From the very beginning, this boy knew about your world and you six in particular. He was already armed with the knowledge and future events, enabling him to act and twist the paths as he saw fit."

"What are you talking about...?" Twilight inquired suspiciously.

Why do this...?

"He knows of what would and will occur before he arrived in this world, little ponies." Sombra spat, clearly enjoying this. "He's a manipulator, using you and everyone else as tools. You look upon me in disdain, but am I any worse than the man who fooled you all from the beginning, knowing how much it would hurt you to know one they consider close to them would lie without consequence?"

"Yeah right!" It was Rainbow Dash who firstly expressed disbelief, glaring hard at the unfazed King. "As if we're expected to believe anything you say, 'Your Majesty!'"

"Even if Stardust would lie to us, I'm sure he has his reasons." Rarity continued for her friend, "As we all would. And as his friends, we would forgive him regardless."

Fluttershy contributed by nodding in agreement.

Applejack spoke next, just as determined as the others, "Yer just tryin' to sow seeds of distrust between him and us! But it's not gonna work, Sombra!"

"Mm-hm!" Pinkie said, nodding wildly.

Twilight concluded for them, "Your attempts to deceive us won't work Sombra; Jack is our friend no matter what! Now return our friend, or pay the price!"

...They believe... In me... Even though everything Sombra was saying WAS true...?

The monarch, however, didn't share that sentiment, only shaking our head in disappointment. "Pitiful fillies, vainly hoping to save he who couldn't be saved to begin with."

"What nonsense are you spouting out now?"

Sombra cast a side-glance at Rarity, "I speak, of course, over the darkness in Jack's heart. Do you have an inkling to the amount of guilt, anger, suffering, and fear surfing over his being? It is glorious to behold."

"But it's not yours to take!" Finally, Fluttershy spoke up, her quiet voice somehow also hardened. "And whatever's wrong with him, we'll help him overcome it."

"Is that so?" The reborn former ruler asked in amusement, "Then why didn't he ask you for your help before?"

A heavy pause.

Taking that moment in delight, the King pressed his point, "He never told you, did he? The boy hates himself, ashamed of his own being. How many times he wished of his own demise, and believed he'd be doing his own people a favour upon doing so. And his fear? Also of himself; because he feared potentially harming others from his own actions, such as was the case years ago."

He's right... It was all me...

"And as such today, when he willingly attacked you all without hesitation." Eyes flicked towards the frowning and slightly shocked Twilight, "Even the one he was infatuated with."

"That was all you!" Rainbow Dash then pointed out, evidently sick of hearing it all. "You made him attack us! You made him yell at us back at the Crystal Empire, and Cloudsdale. Everything's that happened between us all was because you were controlling him from the beginning!"


Twilight took that cue, her voice calling out in hope and pleading, "Stardust... Jack, I know you're in there! Fight it! We know you can do it! Don't let this mad King succeed, we all believe in you!"

Twilight... I...


"Hmhmhmhmhmhm..." A low chuckle exhaled our muzzle, "Don't bother, your efforts to bring him back are futile, child. Your words and actions pointless." That said, the body took a prepared stance, and the girls mirrored that gesture, ready to fight. Sombra, however, was more amused than threatened, "Will you fight, and possibly hurt the body of your dear friend?"

That incited brief looks of hesitation, goading the corrupt stallion on.

No... Do it, girls...

"You think this is like the situation with Luna, and Discord? Fools." He spat, "Nothing will save either you all or him. Unless you kneel before your true King, you will join your friend's fate in oblivion!"

"Never!" Applejack replied, teeth baring.

Don't hesitate... There's till time...

"I am fear incarnate!" The body stood tall and proud, eyes casting down on them impassively, as though they were vermin to our feet. "I am King Sombra, ruler of the Crystal Empire, and soon to be conqueror of Equestria! Fighting pointlessly to save your friend will only end in your destruction!"


This was all my fault... All of it... Now Equestria will be ruled by this insane pony... Because of me...

As always, my presence brings ruin everywhere I go...

What else can I say but... I wish I never arrived in Equestria to begin-



The curious expression gazed at the firm resolve on Twilight Sparkle's face. "No, we cannot and will not let that happen. We're going to save our friend and defeat you one and for all, Sombra!"

As stubborn and strong-willed as always... Heh...

"Hm, what nonsensical sentiments. What could possibly give you so much determination for someone like him?"

"The belief and bonds of our friendship." The girls nodded, and Twilight took another step forward. And while she spoke, the small individual coloured symbols within their Elements began to glow, "They're stronger than you can ever hope to break!"


"We've been through so much together; we've overcame obstacles together, helped and saved lives, fought off monsters like you, and discovered the magic of friendship together, all of us! Even Jack!"


We went through tough times together...

"And our friendship grew, we've spent time in each other's presence, we've played and had fun, and none of us regret ever bonding with him, and I don't think he does too!"

That's true...

Images began surfacing, of all the things we've with each other; all those happy times, and those sad times which we overcame through our support over one another.

"Jack has helped us time and time again, and we're going to return the favour!" Her purple eyes sparkled brightly with the determination to save her friend. And the others, roused by Twilight's words, stepped forward as one, forming a line ready to take on the humoured King. "Yes we'll have disagreements, yes we'll sometimes have falling outs, but the bonds of friendship isn't something you can easily break! With our friends at our side, we'll always achieve through everything thrown at us, even you Sombra! Now, release our friend!"

...She's right...

It was cheesy and something Twilight would absolutely say - and she just did - but every word wasn't a lie. They were willing to fight and die for me.

...And it's time I returned that sentiment.

And just then, I felt something warm from my chest; a sensation I hadn't felt for a very long time, akin to the feeling back at the Crystal Empire. Emotions began running wildly through my mind, while Sombra began menacingly taking steps forward towards the prepared mares.

Hope, bliss, relief...


They believe in me... And I... I...


Believe in them too!

"Wh-What...?" I heard the stunned King ask himself in quite disbelief, the light from my heart overcoming his control temporarily.

I had to make this quick, while I had the chance!

"Twi-Twilight... Everyone!" Their eyes widened, but there was no time to elaborate, "The Elements... Use them...!"

As their expressions morphed from surprise to understanding, Twilight nodded and glanced at the girls, "Ready?" Their answers were firm nods, and the golden object only glowed brighter, enveloping their beings.

That's it...!


Yes, Sombra! This was the end for you!

Twilight's eyes were covered completely in light, and a sense of relief and bliss coursed through, apart from the rage and fear produced by the fallen tyrant. This was my redemption, to rid this vile disease from the face of this harmonized world once and for all!

If I'm going to Hell, Sombra, I'm taking you with me!

You. Can. Not-!

The falling rainbow impacted into us before he could finish, and what followed from blinding light was ink darkness.




So this was what the darkness in my mind looked like. Pure black nothingness, what a surprise.

"You realize the folly of your actions."

My eyes glanced from the blackness towards the fallen King, standing feet away opposing with leering red eyes. The taller pony hissed with his tone.

"In time, your friends will forget you, just like those previous others. Why fight against the inevitable, unless you have some delusional faith that this time things would be any different?"


Contrary to the darkness surrounding us, I felt nothing but pure warmth within me currently, the love and support of those mares reaching into my being. They had my back, and I wasn't going to refuse their help this time.

"In time, yes, they'll grow sick of me along with everyone else." I continued solemnly, frowning at the stallion responsible for invading my mind. "But, while I can enjoy while it lasts... I'll take what I can get."

Sombra sneered cruelly, "Weakling. It is that false hope that will destroy you. Has your years of over-reliance taught you nothing; do you enjoy being a burden to every being your encounter?"

That said, a light to my right attracted my brief attention, an image of my real self greeting me. The human Jack Wright. Damn, am I one ugly mother-[BEEP].

Hmph. Nice try Sombra.

Shaking my head, I responded quietly, "This is different..."

"How so?"

Because this wasn't over-reliance, or being an inconvenience. It was the concerns of those who cherished he they considered their best friend, and the resolve to help him overcome this great obstacle. This time, I knew, I couldn't do this alone. I won't shun my friends from my problems this time.

My hardened gaze matched the tyrant's, "Relying on your friends is never a weakness, but a strength. To show you're not afraid of accepting help from the people you hold close to your heart, as you're about to see, your Majesty."

His muzzle curling, a predatory look flashed in those demonic eyes. "This will destroy you, boy, and I will reign over what is rightfully mine. Your heart is filled with blackness, dark even before I made my home here."

True, very true...

"But it is also filled with light." My voice raised, and I practically felt the comforting hoofs and hands of those closest to me. "The light given to me by my friends. And you will never snuff it out, Sombra." My eyes wandered, as beings of light began appearing left and right, familiar faces all smiling at me in confidence and hope.

Twilight, Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack, Pinkie, Rainbow, Joe, Deryn, Cerys, John, Ryan, Joel, Spike, Bon, Lyra, Derpy, Whooves, Big Mac, Zecora, Trixie, Adam, Andrew, Mum, Dad, Hannah.

Everyone... They had my backs, and I will not disappoint them.

The light emanated, brightening the room and covering my side with pure gold, standing against the cold darkness radiated from the glaring King, who tensed himself for battle.

[Insert music L'Eminenza Oscura I from Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance.]

This was it... For my friends, and family, and all of Equestria!

"In the cheesy words of a certain Kingdom Hearts character: My friends... Are my power!" My cape swishing off following my announcement, we charged at one another, hoofs reared back.

And meeting.

A shockwave became the result, pushing us back before Sombra retaliated, swinging his head forward with a yell of war, dark crystal shards aimed in my direction. Immediately I flipped over, spinning around and successfully dodging the thrown pointy objects, returning the favour by leaping upwards with a prepared kick. Sombra leapt out of the way, my back hoof shattering the ground the mad King previously stood upon.

Alerted to his next assault with a warning through my mind - We were in MY mind, after all - my body hurled itself back from the wall of sharp crystals looming over me. My gaze switched to Sombra without delay, but the monarch was already on the move, rearing his head before swinging it once again, a dark curved energy wave thrown my way. Throwing up both limbs, I made an X gesture, my golden ponified arms blocking the attack, despite forcing me to scrape across the black ground and take a split-second to rest.

But Sombra, however, wasn't feeling so charitable. With another roar, the pony jumped high, his armoured limb covered in darkness and ready to strike. Oh [BEEP]! Again, I pushed myself back as the hoof smashed into the ground, followed by a cascade of dark crystals emerging from the impact.

Alright, my turn [BEEP]-hole.

When he appeared from within the crystals, snarling in rage, I took the initiative; rolling forward in perfect timing as Sombra's body flew over me. Quickly, I swung both my front limbs and smashed my two hoofs together, creating the famous shockwave of mine, and scoring a flawless hit to the unamoured stomach. The King's body hurled uncontrollably a short distance away, before Sombra composed himself and landed on all four hoofs. But I was hardly done, charging forward and meeting his blocking hoofs and limbs.

Blows were traded back and forth, gold and dark grey limbs evading, hitting and blocking one another. This was it, the battle for the mind and heart, quite literally. Light versus dark. Chaos against harmony. Not really balance, and I wasn't really fond of siding with either light or dark, but I'm making an exception this time around.

"Not bad for a librarian." Sombra smirked admist the battle, our hoofs locking on for a moment, "Maybe you should have spent more time in combat."

"Maybe you should have spent more time in the library." I retorted, knowing exactly what he was referencing. Although I wouldn't exactly call myself an Optimus Prime.

"I'm sure your dear unicorn wouldn't mind a stallion more who isn't afraid of himself."

Son of a-!

Taking my brief anger to his advantage, the King then hurled my protestant body over, landing a swift kick into my underbelly and hurling me back, rolling across the dark ground.


No... I needed to focus. I can't let this tyrant distract me like that.

Getting up, immediately recovering, my eyes widened at the pouncing monarch, quickly stepping back before Sombra landed and delivered a swift punch, my raised limbs meeting the impact and pushing me back. Dammit! You're not gonna win this time! My hoofs quickly met his own, and I already felt the dark energy swirling through my enemy, the sounds and feeling of crystals enveloping my hoofs.

"Your friends aren't here to save you now." Sombra almost yelled gleefully, "Your body is mine to use!"

Ignorance is bliss, isn't it Sombra?

"In your arrogance you fail to realize." As the warmth in my chest only grew with my words, "That my friends are here, and they're fighting with me!"

Followed by my left hoof released from the King's grip, and smashing directly into the stallion's right cheek, small shards of crystal breaking and scattering from the aftermath. On two limbs, the monarch skidded away in pain, but I was far from finished; following my assault with a quick leap forwards and roundhousing his side. As Sombra then heeled over, releasing a grunting noise, both my front hoofs grabbed the stunned pony by the curved red horn, and pulled.

With all my strength, the King was hurled over me, smashing into the black ground feet away.

Yet, despite these victorious attacks, the enraged ruler recovered without delay, snarling hatefully towards me. And that sharp satanic horn of his began lighting up, obviously preparing for another attack.

Yeah? Two can play at that game. Rearing my hoofs back, I charged up my energy, feeling my strength direct to both my front limbs, the shockwave needing a little more time to complete, but Sombra didn't seem to be in any hurry to fire off his assault.

And within me, I felt the confident support of my friends. Yeah, this [BEEP]'s going down.

Both of us now charged up, we finally released our assaults. A dark energy ball against a large shockwave, colliding into one another and producing black smoke as the result. As my body was pushed back by the aftereffects, I didn't let that stop me, charging directly into the smoke, my clenched meeting Sombra's own, who also jumped into the smoke as I predicted he would.

Pushed back again by the aftermath, we threw ourselves at one another, exchanging powerful blows enough to knock down anything nearby. Thank God we weren't fighting in the outside world. Limbs striking limbs, hoofs smacking hoofs, the battle began to evolve in our struggle, causing us now to move at such a speed I never felt or moved at before.

I would admire it if I wasn't fighting for my life.

With every hit, we were forced back by the energy waves, charging into one another every single time, myself occasionally dodging magic attacks and crystals produced by the fallen King's body. Concluding with our palms meeting, both our bodies standing on hind legs, pushing back one another to gain dominance. Both the King and I glared heatedly, teeth baring and our body muscles twitching at the battle.

One sought to ruler a world, and the other sought to protect his friends.

It's no trouble to predict who will win this battle.

Rearing my head back then, the megalomaniac was taken back at the sudden headbutt, forcing us to release and him to flinch in pain. Ignoring my own head injury, I followed again with a swift punch, this time to his lift cheek. Stepping back, Sombra retaliated by locking his hoofs with my own once again and-


His pony hind knee impacting my underbelly, followed by him mercilessly throwing me onto the cold ground and then feet away. How dirty... I almost approved.

...Ah [BEEP].

Energy was forming over the King's horn, Sombra grinning maliciously towards his unnerved opponent. "Perish!" He roared triumphantly, as the black sphere fired towards me without relent.

Oh no you don't!

Raising both my front limbs, my two hoof palms met the formed energy, and I instantly felt pain surge through my body. Argh! Wow, that's painful! But at the same time, I felt small voices in my mind, reminding me not to give up, and that I can win this.

Can I though...?

...Well, won't know until I try!

As my hind legs continued being pushed back by the concentrated power, my teeth gritted and eyes clenched at the darkness threatening to consume my being, my hoofs trying with all their might to push back against the ball. I can feel Sombra behind the black sphere, clearly happy that the attack met its target, not at all bothered by the fact I was holding it back.

A grave mistake on his part.

"Only a coward would rely on an energy attack to finish off their foe, Sombra!" I managed to yell, hoping to get the right reaction.


Hearing a growl above me, knowing now that the tyrant was too focused on achieving victory to focus on strategy, I smirked, fully "grabbing" the side of the large energy ball and, with all strength possible, hurled it upwards.

The explosion that followed blew me away. Literally.

Ow! Ow! Ouch! Well that [BEEP] hurts!


After my body was done harshly rolling across the ground, I slowly got up, dusting myself off after that hectic show I just pulled. Can't believe that actually worked. Sombra must've lost control over the sphere after I called out on his cowardice.

Arrogance. The bane of many villains.

Speaking of which, where was-?


As the smoke in the far distance cleared. lying on the ground in clear bruises and pain was the mighty King himself, unmoving. This prompted my raised brow, a sense of wonder and relief rising through me. Was it finally over, was he-?

Oh of course not...

With some struggle the King stood upwards, glaring after spotting me with a vicious eyes, promising my demise to be as painful as humanly possible. My body tensed, ready to fight off this invader once more. If he wants to keep fighting, than I am more than happy to oblige-!


My glare morphed to a wary frown, as darkness began enveloping the King, crystals forming around his body whilst black smoke raised upwards over him , producing more hardened crystals, as though making giant sculpture of someone. The gargantuan crystal statue, after forming the shape of a familiar stallion, was then coated in complete darkness, before green eyes with red irises stared down upon me once more.

"Ever the fool boy..."

Holy [BEEP]...

"Forever a pawn of fear!"

The gigantic King Sombra smirked at my shocked state, clearly thinking dark thoughts of how best to crush me now, My limbs were shaking slightly; how was I going to take on that?! This wasn't like the ursaminor; this opponent can think rational thought and stop any attack I could inflict!

"Stardust, we're with you!"

...Yes, I can do this.

"Thanks Twilight... Everyone..." I mumbled quietly, before raising my head up from the ground after a moment and approaching the waiting King, who seemed mildly curious by my actions.

"Let's dance."

[Insert music L'Eminenza Oscura II from Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance.]

The tyrant played along, his booming voice echoing across the darkness, "My ascendance is nigh."

A small smirk emerged on my features. He must humouring me, giving me one last piece of self-happiness before I supposedly vanish forever. Yet, defiantly, I pointed upwards, the finale music growing louder with our resolve, "Is that all you have to say?"

This battle's finale begins-

Oh [BEEP]!

Rolling around and leaping backwards, I managed to dodge the large stomping hoofs, save for the last one whish swished forward. My raised limb only helping in knocking me back several feet away than a far distance. Now it's my turn. I charged forward, side-stepping the stomping right front hoof before leaping upwards and roundhousing the back of its knee. Taken by surprise, the King grunted while keeling over.

Concluded by my quick speed, jumping right below the giant's muzzle and delivering a swift kick upwards. The tyrannical stallion's chin was thrown up by the impact, taking steps back to quickly recover. Glaring down, Sombra took his cue, smashing two hoofs into the ground that followed with walls of crystals, blocking both my left and right.

My glare hardened, considering my options.

Oh [BEEP]! Using the walls to my advantage, I quickly leapt from one to the other as the barrage of crystals fired my way, attacking from the ground in hopes to catch me by the underbelly. They disappeared immediately after they came, Sombra clearly needing to reserve his energy.

At least that's not what I hoped was the case.

Charging forward slowly, quickening my speed every passing second, I tensed my body to jump at the right moment.

As his limb swung, I leapt, narrowly evading the large limb and flying above the sneering stallion's head. And, with a quick shockwave, I descended towards him, my extended hoof smashing into the mad King's muzzle before he could respond. Guessing in that size, he couldn't.

That was for the harm you've inflicted today.

"You won't hurt my friends!"

Recovering, the King glared down at me, "And so you believe."

And so I know!

An echoed scoff, followed by more hoofs stomping. Rolling out of the way, I grimaced at the shards of crystals hurled straight afterwards, a few managing to scratch into my fur. [BEEP]. My body literally had to twist and turn at the multiple sharp projectiles aimed my way, Sombra relentlessly hurling them my way.


A swinging clenched, this time, successfully covered my body, throwing me back at a far distance. Recovering from the harsh throw and pained bruises coating my fur, I winced before standing tall once again, glaring heatedly at the waiting King.

I charged, my hoofs clenched tightly. Sombra raised his hoof, while I dodged spawning crystals left and right towards my target. And as his hoof slammed downwards, I took my chance, sliding past the stomping body part and directly underneath the gargantuan's underbelly. Followed by the charged shockwave impacting the stomach, throwing the stunned monarch upwards. The conclusion was my quick leap upwards, grabbing the grey fur of the stallion from beneath and pulling myself towards his back, and, jumping above, providing a perfect roundhouse kick onto the King's back, sending him back down to the ground.

Landing with a swift punch into the same spot, I heard the monarch roar in pain and my body straightened upwards, prompting me to jump off while I had the chance. Rolling onto the ground, I quickly pushed myself back at the wave of crystals before me, staring upwards the hatefully glaring King.

"This ends here..." I said calmly, ready once and for all to save Equestria form my own mistakes, even if it meant destroying myself in the process.

And from the looks of things, that might just be so.

"It's just beginning." Sombra leered.

So you think.

A shockwave emerged from my clapped hoofs, and Sombra immediately shrugged it out, grunting in displeasure, and brought out his hoofs next to block my onslaught of jumping punches and kicks.

But I won't relent; not now, and never again!

Growling, a roar exhaled from the King's throat, forcing me back by the wind of his voice. Skidding across the floor, I glared upwards, Sombra staring condescendingly, his red irises reflecting that same anger and hatred from back at the Crystal Empire. As a crystallized wall headed towards me, I reared my limb back and smashed against the surface, forcing the thing to crack and shards of sharp objects falling down. Immediately my limbs pushed me out of the way, the point crystals stabbing into the dark floors mercilessly.


Followed by a triumphant roar, Sombra leaned forwards, and suddenly countless crystals were thrown my way. Eyes widened at the onslaught, I dodged the best I could, but not even blocking and jumping saved my from the walls, sharp shards and blunt objects thrown at me without hesitation.

Ow! Ouch! Goddamn-!


I couldn't even dodge to next onslaught; punches as quick as lightning thrown at me and mercilessly beating the [BEEP] out of me. Next the stallion grabbed my bruised body and proceeded to slam me on the ground, attempting to crush my body.

Ah... Agh...!

What happened after the victorious monarch threw me over the area, landing my body in a heap far from him, were the final words and one last attacks, presumably finishing me off for good. As I slowly stood up, there was barley time to react before my vision was covered from blurred to dark blue, my body stiffening and unable to move at all.

As if I was encased... Oh...

Can't... move!

Need to... Escape... Before he wins...!

Help... Someone!

...Oh, right.

The warmth in my chest remained there, having done so this entire time. And hearing my mental plea must've done something, as a bright light began to envelop my sight next, the multiple voices of my friends in my ears, offering their support.

"You've got this Stardust!"

"Don't let this freak win Star!"

"You've faced worse, Stardust!"

"Remember, face your fears even when you're afraid, Stardust? You can win!"

"After you win, we can celebrate with a party! Don't let us down, Stardust!"

"We believe in you, Jack, and we're all behind you. Friendship is magic!"


Element-ex-machima indeed...

...Alright, time to win this.

With a grin, a full confident expression, the crystal encasing my body began to shatter, dissolving completely as my body was covered in a bright white light, opposing the genuinely shocked King Sombra.


So where were we? Ah yes, the grand finale!

With the motivations of my friends empowering my being, I reared my head upwards, the multi-coloured rainbow, each representing the colour of my friends spouted from the light. Magenta purple. Teal blue. Blinding yellow. Glowing pink. Snow white. Pure orange. All firing into the air as one before a stream of gold pursued the colours, unifying with the grand lights and transforming the moving rainbow into a wave of gold, looming over the gaping tyrant. With a small grin, hurled the power with all my might, and the rainbow conceded to my will; the combined bonds of our friendship firing in golden harmony - and balance - towards the fallen King.

It was time to conclude this duet with the curtain call.

Although the enraged, and deranged, tyrant had some protests to this, "No, stop! You can't; I'm a part of you now! You wouldn't destroy another living being willingly!"

You're right, but I'll deal with the repercussions later. Any shield the desperate Sombra attempted to conjure immediately shattered into a million pieces by the golden rainbow magic; friendship and balance united to best an opposing force which threatened both sides.

I'm the Twilight Warrior... And I look after my friends!


As the expected reaction happened upon the overwhelming rainbow phased through the screaming King, the golden light enveloping his entire being despite his protests otherwise. Descending slowly, I landed safety on the ground, my eyes closed in relief, exhaling a sigh after the screams died down and the golden blinding light before me disappeared completely.

It's over... It's finally over.

That said, the blackness surrounding the world now changed colour, reflecting the golden light I often believed was the colour of balance itself. And who knows, I might be right. A smile of content took over my features, as I knew who was really responsible for defeating the tyrannical King.

"Everyone... Thank you..."

After my quiet gratitude, a groan alerted my attention, prompting me to glance curiously at the lying fallen Sombra, who was... Slowly fading away, tendrils of dark wisps rising from his defeated state and evaporating into pure nothingness.

I see...

Hearing my approach, the King managed to turn his head to look at me, red eyes reflecting pain and fury. Black shards were dispersing from his body, chinks of his armour and mane already disappearing.


Why what? Why were you defeated? Why did I persist? All of those were easy to answer now.

"Why do you... Help them...?" Huh? The slowly fading monarch clarified upon seeing my confusion, "You know that changing their fates is futile... Their problems and adversaries will be resolved without your help regardless. So why do you bother, unless you truly wish to return home...?"


"I won't lie... A long time ago, that was the case." I confessed, looking to the distant gold. "I wanted nothing more than to return home, even if I had to use this world's inhabitants and regret it later. I want nothing more than to see my family once more..."

That will never not be the case.

"But something changed... What was it...?"

It's funny that this is the type of question Sombra would be asking before... Well, who am I not to at least indulge him?

Looking back at him, a small smile appeared on my features towards the frowning King, "I've grown to care for these ponies, more than I should have. Soon, helping them became less of an obligation and more of willingness to see them happy. In time, seeing them happy made me happy. Perhaps I simply enjoy helping people."

"But that doesn't answer as to why you help them, knowing their crises will be solved even without your assistance."

Not that was an easy one.

"Memories, Sombra."

"Memories...?" The fading King repeated, obviously not understanding.

Nodding, I shrugged modestly, "It's life, Sombra, and one of the biggest parts about it is enjoying it while you can... The destination is irrelevant; it's the journey it takes to get there. I cherish my time with them, because they;'re my friends, and I will always hold those memories close to my heart."

"I see..." And, in some strange way, I believed him. Yet before he disappeared completely, a small smirk lifted on his tired features, "Hmph... It doesn't change, however, the fact that you're an eternal fool, boy..."

...I'll take what I can get.

Solemnly, I watched as Sombra faded away for good, thanking God that this was all over.

All... Finally... Over...

Then the light enveloped my vision once more.

And what greeted me next was the stone floors of the ancient castle. My body was standing up the entire time; it must have during the battle within the mind. Blinking rapidly, I steadied myself before my body could collapse from sheer exhaustion.


...God I'm tired.



Slowly, my gaze moved towards the approaching mares, Twilight taking the front and frowning in both concern and hope.

And that was then I remembered everything I had done, all the unjustified horrors and words I have inflicted upon these mares, and quickly retreated from the blinking mares I dared to call my friends. After everything I've done to them...

"Don't come near me..." I whispered, knowing they can hear me. "I... Not after that..."

Walking backwards forced me against a cold ruined wall, my body curled in a fetal position, front limbs wrapped around the back as I buried my muzzle into my chest, and I felt something trickle down my furry face; something I've tried for years never to fall down my face again.


Yes, despite everything that just happened in my mind, literally, I was still autistic. I still wore my emotions on my sleeves, despite years of practicing not to let myself become too sensitive once more. How I yearned to choke out a thousand apologies for my heinous actions, for my outlandish behaviour and unjustified insults towards these ponies who have done no wrong. Sombra was correct before, that I would only bring harm to others no matter where I go or who I meet. I was... A monster.

Yet some ones disagreed, as I then felt familiar warm limbs envelop my being, an embrace of comfort covering me, and, hesitantly, I glanced upwards at the soft smiling face and sparkling eyes of Twilight Sparkle. "Welcome back." She said soothingly, bliss and relief clear in her emotional tone.

I couldn't help it, I embraced the warm welcoming mare back, desperately latching onto the support and comfort this wonderful mare was giving me; the affection and care I completely undeserved, unashamedly coating her soft fur with my tears. And Twilight, of course, didn't mind in the slightest. I could hear her soft sigh of relief and content, just glad her friend is back.

If I even deserve to be called that...

"Shh..." I heard the gentle unicorn say to my ear, rubbing my back, "It's okay... It's all over now..."

"How... How can you..." I began, choking up as my heart practically opened itself fully to her. To all of them. "Bare to be near me... After what I've done to you... To everyone...?"

"We don't blame you, Jack..." Was Twilight's comforting response, and then, I felt more limbs wrap around me, the Mane Six providing their embraces to cheer their friend. "No one does, we're just glad you're okay..."

And my heart was filled with light once again, provided by my friends.

"I'm sorry... I'm so..."

"We know, sugarcube." Applejack said reassuringly, "And we'll make sure it never happens again. That's a promise."

The walk back home was quiet, as the Mane Six knew I needed the peace while it lasted. With both Twilight and Rarity offering their support, I was greeted by multiple stares by God knows how many ponies as we returned to Ponyville at dawn.

Bon, Lyra, Derpy, Whooves, Zecora, even Trixie...

The grey pegasus chose the initiative, walking towards me without hesitation, forcing me to stare hard at the ground as the mares distanced themselves for this. Probably for the best. Derpy then stooped right in front of me, peeking her head under for her yellow curious eyes to meet my own, despite one of hers looking away in different directions. Heh, that might've cheered me up if I wasn't so-

What the-?

"Muffin?" The offered treat was held before me, Derpy asking with a friendly gaze and tone.


Yet as I hesitantly accepted the treat, Derpy evidently took that as a sign and suddenly I was wrapped in another warm hug, the pegasus clearly overjoyed that I was back. "Don't ever scare us like again, Stardust! Sheesh!"

Heh... Aha...

"Thanks Derpy..." She responded by squeezing me harder, albeit uncomfortably now. Yet more ponies approached, and suddenly I was then trapped by Bon and Lyra, while Whooves patted me on the back for good job or whatever. And from the side, Zecora, and even Trixie, offered slight smiles of their own, "Everyone... I'm so, so sorry for-"

"Princess Celestia!" Pinkie's voice attracted our attention just then.

Oh God no... Of all people...!

Lo and behold, the white alicorn herself descended from the ground. What did she fly all the way herself this time? Passing me a gaze for a moment, Celestia turned her attention then to the bowing Twilight and her friends.

"I see you have managed to best King Sombra once more." She noted rather casually, smiling proudly at her pupil.

"Not without some help, Princess." Twilight replied humbly, while the others grinned.

Chuckling lightly, Celestia continued with pride in her tone, "Not only did you defeat one of Equestria's most fearsome enemies, but you also never gave up on saving your friend from his grasp. You should never lose faith in someone you care about, even when it seems impossible to accomplish."

Was... Was Celestia using this whole thing as an excuse to provide a friendship lesson?! Are you [BEEP] kidding me-?!

Ah forget it, I'm too tired to care right now...

"With luck, the threat of King Sombra is no more, and the Crystal Empire now anywhere else will ever fall victim to his terror once again." ...You don't know that. "I'm proud of you, of you all." As the Mane Six looked at one another happily, the white alicorn then switched her gaze back to me, and I couldn't help but squirm at the judging look... Before it was replaced by a serene smile. "I'm glad you're okay, Stardust."

I- What?!

"Celestia... I'm... No amount of an apology can make up for my actions." I began, slowly stepping forward and away from the observing others, bowing my head before the mare. "I will accept any punishment you bestow upon me."

It was deserving, after all. I was directly responsible for this whole thing to begin with. It falls to me to make up for the trouble I've caused.

"Princess," Twilight immediately interjected hurriedly, "I don't think-"

Yet Celestia interrupted her, speaking with that regal soft tone still, "No punishment is necessary. You are not to blame for Sombra's actions, Stardust." Slowly, I glanced up at the still-smiling alicorn, "You were taken advantage of by him; whatever remained of the fallen King drank form your fears until he was strong enough to try and take over. Your past words and actions weren't your own, even if they were genuine. Princess Luna, for example, has long since forgiven you for what happened a while back."

...Heh... These damn ponies... So easily forgiving...

A small hoarse chuckle, tinged with relief and pure happiness at the willing acceptance these ponies were showing to me, escaped my muzzle, "Even though... I practically allowed Sombra into my mind in the first place..."

"No one could have predicted it." Celestia remained firm in her decision to forgive.

"She's right Jack." Twilight then pitched in, approaching and standing beside me in full support. "No one will hate you for what Sombra did or said. We knew you would never say and do such mean things without a reason. You're our friend, and you always will be no matter what. Right girls?" The mares, of course, responded with confident nods.

...I might just be the luckiest undeserving guy in the universe.

"Now then, I believe you yourself have learnt a lesson today." Glancing up, I realized Celestia was entirely focused on me while saying that.

...Alright, I'll indulge you this one time, you damn mare.

"That even in my darkest hour, you will always have my best friends to rely upon." Said friends grinned happily at the words, while I regarded them with the same expression. Oh God, Pinkie was leaking tears of her own in bliss, and Twilight smiling in pure content... Almost lovingly. "And to never think you will be alone against anything through your life."

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