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Hall of the Mountain Queen

The stallion blinked. "Hello," he said.

The alicorn, confused, looked between him and the section of previously crumbled wall that had inexplicably opened up and allowed him access to the cave. "How did you get in?"

The stallion appeared puzzled by her question. "Well, I stepped in through that hole over there." He turned to point towards the direction he'd come from.

That did nothing to alter the alicorn's confused expression. "How did you get the rocks to move like that? I didn't see any magic."

"Oh. Well, I just pressed the button that was there on the wall." He kept looking at her, still smiling.

The mare refrained from asking what he actually meant by that, convinced whatever answer he could give would not help her understand. Swearing to check on the wall later, she asked instead, "What do you want?"

"Hmm." The stallion put a hoof to his chin, thoughtfully chewing on nothing. "I could go for some soup right now."

The alicorn's mouth sat half-opened for a moment, while she kept staring at him just as bewildered as she'd been when he'd first stepped in there. "What do you want here?" she tried again, making the meaning of her question clearer.

"Oh. Oh, well, nothing. Really, I just wanted to get in." He looked back to the entrance once more. "I like puzzles. That was a fun puzzle. Do you like puzzles?"

The other brushed aside the question. She had more of her own to ask first. "How did you even find this place?"

The stallion was silent for a moment, still smiling. "I have no idea." A few more seconds of silence. "Do you know the way back to the nearest city?"

"Yeah." The mare wondered why she'd actually answered that. Shaking her head, she moved on to the next pressing issue. "Do you not recognise me?"

The stallion blinked, then tilted his head. "You're a pony?"

"...Yes. Anything else about me that sticks out as recognisable?"

"You're an alicorn."

Silence stretched on, and the mare continued to be more confused than she'd ever been. "...And?"

The stallion clicked his tongue. "You're purple?"

The faintest twitch moved the mare's right eyelid. "Do I not look like Princess Twilight Sparkle?"

"Oh." The stallion stared at her a little bit longer. "You do."

The alicorn's mouth clicked wordlessly, teeth hitting each other just a little faster than normal. "So you can see that I am Princess Twilight."

"I don't know. I've never met her." He leaned forward, curving his brow as he got a better look at her. "Isn't she a little less grey than you ar-"

Twilight's clone closed his mouth with her magic and held it shut. "You know, never mind. Let me just take you outside and point you towards the nearest town." She enveloped him in her magic and began to walk towards the new entrance he'd created.

"Thank you," the stallion tried to say, though it came out muffled and barely intelligible. He let himself get carried outside without resistance, going almost limp in the alicorn's magic's hold.

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