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Phase Shift

The grey pegasus walked down the road beside the field. There was a lone tree there, far to her left, surrounded by grass and fallen leaves. Its branches were almost barren at that point, still holding on to only a few red and yellow leaves that soon would fall too. She'd never quite understood why the tree had been left there, in the middle of the field. She supposed it was none of her business though, and after all she didn't mind. It provided shade in the summer, and it was nice to rest underneath it. And foals had fun running around it. And sometimes they climbed it as well, those branches were thankfully strong enough to hold a pony. A fully grown one as well, she was pretty sure she'd once seen Rainbow Dash napping on one of them.

She shook her head and turned back to staring at the road ahead. Better not to get distracted, especially not when she was walking. There was always the risk of tripping, and, while she wasn't carrying anything, a meeting between her body and the ground was something she would have preferred to avoid. She lowered her gaze to look at the road itself, watching her own steps. Her father had always told her to watch her step if she wanted to make sure not to trip and fall. It had shown to work, when she remembered to do it.

Yet somehow, that time, she tripped and fell either way. But she didn't fall towards the ground. Instead, she fell someplace else.

.ni nellaf d'ehs erehw fo tuo kcab flesreh gnillup ,taht tsuj did ehs os dnA .ni tuo emoc ot reh rof tuo ecaps fo tol a saw ereht ,dleif nepo na ni elihw nellaf d'ehs gniht ykcul a hcuS .ereht tuo flesreh llup dluoc ehs os ,lla retfa ,ni tuo og ot tuo na dedeen ehS .ecaps dedeen ehs ,tsrif ,hguohT .esnes tsom eht ekam did tahT

.tuo eht sdrawot tub ,pu evom ot evah t'ndid ehs oS .tuo tub ,og ot dah ehs taht pu t'nsaw tI .noitautis reh tuoba thguoht ehs ,nwod kcab gnioG .raelc dna thgirb ,hguoht ybraen rats a ees did ehS .rellams sgniht ekam saw did ti lla ,deirt ehs ecnO .gnikrow eb ot mees t'ndid pu gniog tuB .ti fo tuo dna pu og yeht ,loop a edisni ebyam ,erehwemos sllaf eno nehw dnA .pu kcab sevlesmeht llup neht yeht ,sllaf eno nehW ?yltcaxe tuo teg ot woh tuB .melborp a ylsuoivbo saw hcihw ,ereht doof on eb ot demees ereht dnA .reverof tiaw t'ndluoc yeht dna ,od ot sgniht dna ,eb ot secalp dah ehS .ereht fo tuo yaw a dnif ot dedeen ehs ,thguoht ehs ,llitS

.esoprup fo esnes a htiW .evisehoC .noitauqe na ro ,gnos a ekil tib a saw tI .ecalp ecin a saw tI .nellaf dah ehs taht saw yllautca ti reverehw ,ereht gnieb tuoba derehtob t'nsaw ehs tuB .hguoht saw taht trap hcihw erus yllaer t'nsaw ehS .reh fo trap rehto emos sa hcum os seye reh gnisu yllaer t'nsaw ehs ,noisserpmi gnorw eht evag dekool ti gniyaS .tlef ti ,kool yllaer t'ndid ti ebyam rO .tnereffid dekool tI .wonk ot mialc dluoc ehs ecalp a t'nsaw ti llits tub ,ni eb ot ecin etiuq tlef yllautca ti tcaf ni ,railimafnu leef t'ndid tI .htiw railimaf saw ehs ecalp a t'nsaw tI

The grey pegasus stepped out into the field, and promptly hit her head on the trunk of the tree. She sat down, groaning, and massaged her forehead. She'd barely missed it, she realised. She needed to be more careful, the next time she fell in there. She couldn't risk coming back out inside something. But she wasn't against the idea of falling there again, it looked rather nice after all.

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