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Temple of Mood

Brush was running again. Dust was running too. He wasn't tired by it, he was built well enough to take the exertion well, but he was tired by Brush's own seemingly perpetual lack of tiredness. The mare looked like she hadn't broken a single sweat since the whole affair had started, and worse she seemed to be enjoying herself. Under one wing it made her more than a good investment, and he wondered if she didn't have a past as a S.M.I.L.E. agent or something, but under the other he considered it quite plausible, between her energy and her too cheery attitude, that she was simply on more drugs than reasonably acceptable even by the standards of a high society Canterlot party. "So what is it?" he asked, flanking her.

Brush didn't slow down, still rushing down the corridor towards the room at the end of it. "Our pegasus didn't leave the room," she said. "They used the cloud to mask themself as one of the guards and had themself brought to the same room where the other injured ones were taken."

"And nopony noticed that?"

"In the commotion? They saw another injured pony stunned by the cloud and took care of that. Our pony clearly has some kind of magic cloaking, it might divert attention too. But the other guards are going to figure out something is wrong as soon as they try to see who the pony they brought in is, so we have to be quick before they all get stunned again and our pony runs off."

"And how do you know all that?"

"I don't." Up ahead, the door burst open. The edges of a statically charged cloud rolled out of it, and from them emerged a cloaked pony, immediately turning and sprinting down the corridor perpendicular to the one the two unicorns were on. "I just guessed."

The duo arrived at the intersection a couple of seconds later, and without even so much as peeking into the door they turned and kept running down the same corridor as the pony they were chasing had. At its end they could see a window, broken through from the inside, and the lack of anyone else there made it reasonable to assume their target had jumped out.

"We're going to lose them," Dust cursed, pushing his legs to gallop faster and yanking the window properly open with his magic while running towards it.

Brush smirked. "Maybe, but they can't hide from us now." Dust looked sideways at her, and suddenly noticed there was a hooded cape haphazardly draped over one of her shoulders and her back. "Snagged it as soon as we saw them come out. Chances are they're not going to risk just flying away unless they want everyone to see what they look like. And there's stuff in the pockets, not our jewel though."

The two reached the window and one after the other they jumped out and into the garden, then began to look around.

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