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"Stupid stupid stupid piece of junk. Why won't you work?"

Indigo leaned forward over the disassembled pile of plastic and metal bits, cupping her chin with a hand while the other rested on her hips. "You're the one who spilt soda all over it. But that probably has nothing to do with it, right?"

"Are you really going to go the extra mile and say it as spilt just to annoy me?" Lemon looked up from the jumbled mess of circuit boards and cables lying in front of her on the table, pouting.

"I just did," Indigo replied, a smug grin on her face.

Lemon rolled her eyes. "It wasn't all over it. Most of it is still perfectly fine, actually. It's just this one contact right here that's completely busted. Oxidised both the end of the ribbon cable and the receiving pin, I tried chopping off the broken end of the first and scraping out plastic so I could use the portion behind it but the other just isn't having any of it, even after I cleaned it, and it's no longer snapping shut properly anyway."

"I see. So what's the plan now?" Indigo asked, still smirking.

"Well..." Lemon leaned back into her chair, stretching her arms in front of her and letting her intertwined fingers give off a few satisfying cracks. "Through my absolutely amazing skills with the interwebs, I have managed to track down the specific piece of circuitry I need to fix this whole mess."

"Oh, great." Indigo forced herself not to roll her eyes at most of Lemon's words. "So you just buy that and replace it, no?"

Lemon seemed to deflate like a wet sponge left to dry. "I would."


"But the seller is on the opposite side of the ocean, and shipping would cost more than the piece itself." Lemon sighed.

"Ah." Indigo bit her lower lip. "So..."

"So now I'm faced with the most horrifying thing a person in the heart of their youth could ever encounter," Lemon dramatically whined.

"Having to spend money?"

Lemon shook her head.

Indigo quirked an eyebrow. "Having to renounce your use of technology?"

"Worse," said Lemon, "far worse."


"A choice with no immediately obvious correct answer where both options have pros and cons and both are potentially equally valid." Lemon posed for dramatic emphasis.

"This kind of injecting drama should be Sunny's business, Lem'," Indigo commented.

"It's horrible!" Lemon half shouted. "The crushing weight of responsibility, oh woe is me, mortally wounded is my carefree youth!"

Indigo dryly sighed.

"I can get the piece and repair this, even if that will be a bit pricey." Lemon pointed with her hands in a direction for emphasis, then in another one as she continued, "Or, I could spend more money, buy a whole different thing that's better than the one I was using, and not repair this."

"Well, if you got the money for that..."

"I don't wanna just throw away all this other stuff though. It's still perfectly working." Lemon took her head in her hands.

"Well, it's your choice, Lem'." Indigo patted Lemon on the shoulder before walking away. "Just make sure you're happy with it."

Lemon audibly moaned at that.

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