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Chrysalis stared through the green surface of the pod at the mare unconscious inside it. "Are you sure this is a good idea? Someone will notice she disappeared, sooner or later. Someone will come looking for her."

"We only need one of us to go out as her every once in a while. No one will come. Suri warned all her business contacts she was going on vacation, and as far as everyone will be concerned she's just prolonging that." Stellaria fiddled with the binoculars set in front of the window. "And if anyone does come, we can always play her part for a bit."

"Someone will notice there's only two of us if they never see the three ponies that should be living here at the same time." Chrysalis turned towards the window and walked up to it.

"They'll see each one with both others. That'll be enough." Satisfied, Stellaria took a step back. "No creature is bored or paranoid enough to become suspicious of a random group of ponies. And our characters aren't likable enough to inspire visits. No one will find us, you're being too cautious."

"I was being more cautious than this, and you still found me," Chrysalis replied.

"But I was looking for you." Stellaria turned towards Chrysalis. "No one knows you escaped except for me. No one knows I even exist. No one will be looking for us, no one will find us."

Chrysalis munched down on nothing. "How did you know I was out there, anyway? And how are you sure no one else knows?"

"I knew whatever had brought me back had to have done the same with you. And we might not be the only ones. But I have to thank you for keeping my corpse with you after you watched me die, waking up where I did was rather useful." As she spoke the last sentence, her horn shone, and Chrysalis defiantly bit down on her lips as breathing became impossible for her.

Stellaria continued, "I used that place as my hideout for a while, until some certain events. But I can't blame that poor stallion, he made me discover some things I might have taken months to uncover otherwise. As for why I doubt anyone else is looking for you, I've done my research after my return, and no one goes close enough to the Behemoth to have noticed your absence. I will concede that you were good enough at covering your tracks. No one could connect the dots without knowing you were out there."

As air returned around her muzzle, Chrysalis swallowed her insults and hatred, and focused on the conversation. "We won't just be sitting in here. If we make even just one mistake when we're approaching Twilight and her laboratory, someone will notice. Someone will come, if we're not careful, and it'll be easy for them to find us here."

"Let them come, then." Stellaria looked out from the window, a smile on her lips and a glint in her eyes. "Or are you afraid? There's not a pony out there I won't gladly crush if they happen to come in here looking for me."

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