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"I have a question for you, Trixie." Twilight poured herself a cup of tea, then did the same for the unicorn sitting across from her on the opposite side of her desk. She then pushed the teacup a little farther, bit by bit, until Trixie understood it was a request and not an offer and picked it up. They both had a sip, then Twilight continued, "What would push someone in great distress, wishing to end their own life by jumping out of a window, to write as much twice over in a journal before actually committing the act in a moment of supposed frenzy?"

The tea was too hot, but Trixie forced it down her throat regardless and put a cooling spell on the rest of the cup. "Maybe they don't actually want to make the jump," she answered. "Maybe they're trying to give themself confidence, so they can actually push themself to do it." Another sip of the tea to match what Twilight was doing. "Or maybe they're just insane. Most sane creatures wouldn't jump out of a window, if they've gotten to that point it's entirely possible the weirdness of the writing shouldn't come into question either."

Twilight took a third sip, nodded, and set down her cup. "And which of these alternatives do you fall under?"

Trixie froze up a little, but forced herself to remain steady. "I would say the first one, if I had to choose one. Though, I do believe I am sure enough of what I want to do."

"Perhaps," Twilight said. "Perhaps not. Perhaps you could still be convinced to turn back. Perhaps you have gone insane. I've heard of the things you had to see out there, it would not be so shocking to know you're not in a right state of mind while suffering from the consequences of your trauma."

"I assure you that is not the case."

"I find it hard to believe considering what you're asking. Not impossible, mind you, but hard. It's no simple matter you've come to discuss, no easy task you're setting yourself up to. Indeed, it looks a lot like what a madmare might do. I could not let you proceed in such circumstances."

"What do I have to do?" Trixie set her teacup down.

Twilight leaned forward across the desk. "Prove to me that you're serious about this. Prove to me that you're not just going to change your mind because I push you away. Prove that you're not going to doubt yourself halfway through and come back, and that you're going to see this through all the way."

Trixie was tempted to shrink back, and ask how Twilight could be so sure that her attitude should be one of confidence. What would happen if things went wrong, after all? But no. Twilight had dealt with the same consequences before, and she could do it better if it happened again. Trixie stood her ground, staring into her eyes. "I will," she said.

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