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Twilight was silent for a while, staring ahead. The sky had gotten dark and she could barely see the stallion by then, but he hadn't moved. "No," she said eventually. "I don't think I should get over it. I'm not like you and I don't think it's right that I get over it, because it wasn't right. And if I can help it, nothing like this will ever happen again. But I should move on." She took a deep breath in, then let it out. "Is that all you've come to say?"

It was really hard to tell, but the Charioteer seemed to have smiled. "No. Like I said, there are a few things we should talk about, now that you're not busy for a while. I just felt it was right to get this topic settled first, there would have been no point in discussing anything else if we didn't clear things up." He made a motion with his hoof, revealing a small lantern, and he turned it on, shedding some light on the scene. "Is there anything in particular you would like to ask, before we begin?"

Twilight thought about it. She hadn't been expecting that, and she had to take a moment. She obviously knew not everything she wanted to ask would get an answer, and anything important he did want to address he would include in his following speech, leaving her only a narrow and ill-defined window of topics that he was willing to talk about, but he didn't consider important enough to bring up. It wasn't out of the question that he was testing her, laying out something specific and important that he'd otherwise leave out.

But she couldn't pass up the chance, he wouldn't give her another after he was done. Neither could she stall any longer, he might just decide to start otherwise. She had to think of something. She looked at him. He was looking at her, maybe smiling, it was hard to tell. There was something. Something that was pure curiosity, and that he certainly wouldn't bring up himself. Maybe it wasn't the best, but it was better than nothing. "Could you have stopped the Moonbeast?" she asked.

The Charioteer seemed very amused by the question, in that way he had to always seem amused by something. It got on her nerves, without a valid reason to. He only seemed a little surprised on top of that. "I'm not sure, quite honestly. Abominations are not supposed to exist in the same world, and I have no idea if one could overpower another, nor if I specifically could have overpowered this one. I'm not sure we could even hurt each other, actually." His eyes were distant for a moment, like he was deeply, truly fascinated by the scenario. Then he sighed and shook his head. "Well then." He nodded, and suddenly there were chairs to the side where he'd pointed. "Take a seat if you want. This won't take too long, but you might still prefer to be comfortable as I go."

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