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All That's Left

"So?" Indigo asked.

"So," Lemon replied, putting down the phone. "Something bad is happening in the horse world. World-threateningly bad if I still know how to read between the lines of Twilight's nervousness. And it might maybe sort of kind of reflect on ours as well."

Indigo took a moment to take it all in. "Are we saying the world might end any day and it would be outside of our control?"

"More like the city might be wiped out, I think," said Lemon. "Which isn't nice, but it's not that different from all those people who live next to a volcano or a place known for fires or earthquakes or really from Earth as a whole considering cosmic gamma radiation from a black hole may at some point shred away the ozone layer."

"You're not making it sound better," Indigo pointed out.

"I know," said Lemon. "The good news is that I managed to sneak in the question, and being close to the portal doesn't actually make it worse. It's like the worlds are... pressing against each other? Coexisting in the same hyperspace? The portals are tears in the barrier between them, but when shit goes down it's the universe's whole weight slamming into ours, or at least in this intersection. It should be felt equally everywhere."

"Right. I guess that's mildly reassuring." Indigo resolved her nervous eye rub into an equally nervous playing with her hair. "What now?"

"Wanna use the knowledge of our impending but uncertain doom that could come at any moment but isn't likely to to fuel the kind of lustful copulation that knowing just how easily your life could end gives birth to?" Lemon offered.

Indigo looked at her, then shrugged. "Sure. Never going to turn that down." She looked at the portal. "Wanna do it in the pony world?"

"I thought you'd never ask," Lemon replied, already heading towards the portal and taking her clothes off along the way.

"I actually have something in mind for your next visit," Twilight said, smiling and pretending her mane was at least less than half as ruffled as it was. She'd also made sure to close the window and pull the curtains, so the other could not see Shining still chasing his target outside.

Sugarcoat smiled, playing with the folds of her dress. "So there will be a next time." It was more of an observation than a question.

Twilight smiled back. "Of course. It won't be here though," she said, giving a brief look around. "Like I said, I've got something in mind, and it involves a few ponies I know of. I'll ask Sunset where the portal closest to Ponyville is."

Sugarcoat still smiled, if a little less. "I... look forward to that."

"Me too," Twilight said. "I'll have you know when it's all organised and you can come." As she kept smiling, she felt a little bad about it. She knew months were likely to pass before she allowed the girl back in their world, for her own good.

"Right." Sugarcoat looked down at her dress. "Thank you," she said after a while.

Twilight smiled in return. She decided she'd go easy on Celestia that night. She was starting to understand her, or maybe become too much like her.

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