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Journey Through the Dark - Part 32

Twilight was considering trying to open the door herself. She still had some time to spare in getting back to the room with the researchers, judging by how long testing usually took them, and she was done looking for information there in the archives. She would have liked to make a full copy of all the data, but she didn't have enough time to actually figure out how to properly transfer information from the machine or even what it could have been transferred on.

Thankfully for her though, she didn't actually need to try anything on the door. The mare with the lab coat and the short brown bangs, evidently done with whatever she'd been doing there, walked up to it again, and after the light on top was done scanning her the two halves of the door slid apart. Once again, Twilight was quick behind her, choosing to beat her wings quickly to catch up rather than using her magic just in case there was some system in place to detect teleportation that she hadn't noticed.

Once she was out of there, she headed back to the room she'd been in before. A part of her really, truly wanted to stay there longer and explore the whole rest of the laboratory. There was so much she could have found there, and she'd spent so much time getting there, and it was easily possible she might never come back there. But time was limited, and lives were on the line, and every moment she could choose not to lose doing something she didn't strictly need was a moment gained in the time she had to prepare for what was to come.

All the Elements would be called to the Crystal Empire, alongside the other alicorns, barring of course Flurry. No students either and no Spike, she wasn't going to get kids involved. Shining would almost certainly choose to stay, and a large portion of the Empire's guard would be there to defend the city too. Some portions of the Royal Guard would be brought in as well, though some would instead remain stationed around Equestria. Sunburst and Starlight would both be asked to come, Firecracker too, and Trixie would probably if unfortunately refuse to not be present. Tempest would also likely come. The Pillars would have been useful, but they still hadn't returned.

They'd use portals to get everyone there quicker and to evacuate the citizens. Not an easy feat, but faster than making everyone go by train or walk over the Wall. Getting Sunset there as well had been something she'd considered, but ultimately decided against. Her human friends wouldn't be quite as useful outside of their homeworld, though almost certainly they might have refused to stay there, and Sunset herself had been out of Equestria too long for Twilight to feel comfortable pulling her into a battle. She'd ask that other unicorn if he wanted to help as well, but he struck her as more of a researcher than a fighter.

Twilight reached the door she'd already walked through once before. The mare in front of her once again knocked, and once again someone came to open and check on her. Torque, Twilight saw as he fully opened the door. She quickly dove in, and without even looking around she let her leap carry her on through the still open portal in the middle of the room.

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