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Death Beyond The Spheres

"Why are we here?"

"It's dangerous outside."

A bubble, like a sphere of clear glass, surrounded by many other smaller ones tinged red, enough of them to completely surround the large one and prevent its occupant from seeing the outside.

"Why? What's out there and why won't you show me?"

"If we let you see it, it could see you. It's not coming after us so long as it only sees us. It doesn't know you're here."

"Are the others safe?"

"No. It has already gotten to them. They are trapped. The same will happen to you if you try to leave."

Hesitation. They didn't sound like they were lying. They were not trying to take over her by force. Could it be a scheme? But for what purpose, and at what cost? It would not hurt her to trust them for the time being.

"What is it?"

"We do not know. We have never seen anything like it. It moves like a snake, it would be large enough to coil around us if it chose."

"Can we move?"

"We should be able to. We will try not to draw its attention. It may grow suspicious if it sees us heading purposefully towards certain directions. It may not see us as prey, but it could still perceive us as a threat. The results of that may be worse than simply being found out."

What to do? She could think of one course of action alone, but what she had been told put its viability into question. But did they really see everything? She needed to be sure of what exactly was out there. Maybe they were looking in the wrong place. Maybe there was hope.

"Are you sure everyone else is already trapped? All of them?"

"All five. There are no signs of anything being different about any of them. The visitors have been trapped too. Should we look for someone else?"

"How far can you see?"

"Not past the edges of the town."

"How long would it take to get somewhere else?"

"We can't guarantee we'd get there in time. Moreover, it might also choose to head there. If it is planning to continue its attack it's likely it will, as to avoid being found as well, at which point it'll get there faster than we could. It's already growing."

Horrible news. Only one choice left. Dangerous, but better than staying there motionless. Every moment was important.

"You know where to take us. How far?"

"Not the closest. Are you sure we should go for her first? We could try to reach someone closer instead."

"I'm sure. And passing the others by should help alleviate suspicions."

"What should we do if it approaches?"

"Keep going. Don't fold. Don't move away from it. Don't let it know. Don't even let it know you can see it, but don't let it touch you."

It was their only option. There was nothing she could do by herself, but if she could get there she could get someone who could make a difference.

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