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"Sometimes I wonder how differently things might have gone," Twilight said, "that night, or I suppose it was supposed to be day at that point, when you came back."

"I've thought about it too," Luna said. "Perhaps we could confront our ideas. I don't believe I can tell for certain what I might have done as Nightmare Moon, but I do remain the best source on the topic."

"I think it all depends on when things diverge," Twilight said. "Let's say it mostly goes the same, except for the part where we use the Elements. Maybe something happened and the others aren't there, maybe the spark just doesn't go off. What next?"

"Well, Nightmare Moon wins, then," Luna said. "The only thing capable of defeating her is gone, she goes ahead and marches victorious into Canterlot to force the country into submission. What about you? Do you keep fighting back?"

"I'm not sure," Twilight replied. "I remember how I ended up with Discord, and that was after all the learning about friendship I'd done in Ponyville. If I saw the Elements fully destroyed... I would feel like I failed. Anger at myself. Sadness. Desperation, even. Resignation. As much as I'd like to pretend I'd be a rebel hero, I remember how I used to be. Failure knocked me down hard back then, it would all be over."

"Hmm." Luna seemed to think of something. "I'd know you were my sister's student. If Nightmare Moon saw you admit defeat, she might decide to bring you to her side. She might sense your potential."

"How?" asked Twilight. "Resignation is one thing, betraying Celestia is another."

"It was Celestia's failure to heed your warnings that led to her downfall," Luna said. "Her failure to prepare you properly that led to the Elements being destroyed. So great and powerful, and yet she left everything in the hooves of a young and inexperienced filly she refused to give the needed guidance to. A mare who could have been much more if she'd been properly trained, instead of wasting time telling her to go make friends or look after preparations for a celebration."

Twilight shifted in her seat. "That... That would have done a number on the young me. With Celestia defeated and with my depressed state..."

"And being promised you could be so much more..." Luna chuckled. "I can see you ending up as Nightmare Moon's student. And I can see her doing things to make sure you did become stronger."

"Huh." Twilight fanned herself with a wing and adjusted herself again. "Well, at least things went well instead."

"Indeed," Luna replied. "But it is always fun to speculate, is it not?"

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