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Doomsday News

Twilight was in the laboratory, scanning a set of test results she held in her magic while walking back and forth through the room. The other ponies working alongside her were used enough to her habits to successfully avoid colliding with her when moving from a table to another. The place was mostly quiet, aside from the mild clacking of hooves and low buzzing of magical research instruments.

That all came to a halt as a pony rushed through the doors, almost tumbling to the ground before catching herself and moving to grab Twilight. "Canterlot castle. The statue in the park. Now!"

Twilight quickly moved past the appreciation for the mare actually bothering to appear inside the corridor rather than inside the laboratory, as requested, and onto confusion for what she was asking. Then that too was surpassed as she had a look at the pegasus' eyes and saw the worry and frantic nervousness inside them. Without second thought, she lit her horn and releported the both of them away, letting her papers fall to the ground.

They reappeared a moment later, near the petrified forms of Tirek and Cozy Glow. Normally, Twilight would have gone to the garden's entrance instead, she didn't like the idea of teleporting so close to the Behemoth. She wasn't sure it was safe. But she'd made an exception there. The pegasus quickly left her to rush towards something on the ground, and Twilight gasped as she followed her with her gaze.

She immediately ran towards her, and towards the second pegasus lying on the grass in front of the statue. "What happened?" Twilight asked, kneeling down and checking Firecracker's pulse with a wing to their neck.

"They were checking on the ruins, someone did something there. Destroyed chunks of them. A column was missing pieces, and they got stuck, and the top section broke off, and it was about to fall on them and... I..." The mare took a few deep breaths to calm herself. Still shaking slightly, she continued, "I tried to pull them in with me. It worked, but I lost them. I started looking for them. I- I had to, if I hadn't pulled them in the rock would have crushed them, I-"

"Were they like this when you found them?" asked Twilight. She'd checked for vitals and everything seemed in order with the pegasus, but she was still on edge.

There was a moment of pause as the grey pegasus gathered herself, then she shook her head. "No." She looked up, towards the Behemoth. "They were falling."

Twilight looked where the other was. "Back to the castle," she said after a moment. Then with a wing still pressed over Firecracker's chest she teleported away, taking the unconscious pegasus with her. The other mare disappeared from the place a second later.

All three reappeared inside Twilight's own castle in Ponyville, the blonde mare only a moment after the other two. They were in the infirmary, and one look between the doctor and Twilight had been enough for him to immediately get onto checking Firecracker's body. "What happened to them?" he asked.

"We don't know for sure," answered Twilight. "Check for any signs of magic, regular kind or otherwise."

The doctor moved away from the trio and towards his desk, to fetch a scanner, but before he could reach it he had to turn back, as Firecracker suddenly gave a violent cough, like someone who almost drowned finally breathing again.

Lifting their head and neck from the floor, they looked around, and spotted Twilight through their half-lidded eyes. "There's someone," they said, voice still raspy. "There's someone on top of the Behemoth."

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