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"Are you going to turn on the Crystal Heart?"

"No. Not until she's dealt with. Even if it could clear the winds, and I'm not sure it could while she's still here, I'm almost certain she could destroy it if we used it right now. Once she's gone, then we can use it to clean up. The risk of doing it now is too great."

"We need all the help we can get."

"It wouldn't be significant help. I'm not a significant contribution at this point, and neither are you no matter how much you might think otherwise. We've got our chances at solving this issue and it's best if we go for those and minimise the risks."

"You're going to pay for that."

"I'm not. You are going to pay for what you did to Starlight, for what you did to those soldiers, for what you did to Chrysalis, and for what you did to everyone else you hurt. When the time comes, of course. Count on it."

"How did you..." Stella grit her teeth and cut herself off. "I'll get her here to you and lend a hoof. I'd say watch your back after that, but you won't remember this either." A flash of light and she was gone.

Twilight tried to wrap her brain around a way to get Nightmare Moon towards her. Taunting was the obvious choice, but it could lead to her simply getting shot at from afar, and for what she planned she needed to have the other closer than that. Starshine could drag her, but she'd never manage to get that close. In truth Twilight feared slightly for the mare's safety, though she wasn't actually sure whether Nightmare Moon would be able to undo a coil. Maybe she might have hurt Sunburst at a distance? Better not to find out.


Twilight was almost startled by the voice appearing in her head, but she quickly thought back in response. "Starshine?"

"Oh, good, this thing is working. I think I have an idea for how to get her there."

"Really?" Twilight watched with apprehension as Nightmare Moon fired a beam from her horn that cut through the sky and just narrowly missed Starshine. "What is it? Are you okay?"

"I am." Starshine's tone seemed kinda shaky even coming through as purely a thought. "This might be a little dangerous, I suggest you put up a shield."

Twilight wasn't sure of what was about to happen, but she did as Starshine suggested. Though it wouldn't hold against Nightmare Moon's attacks, it would hopefully hold against whether else would be coming that way.

She didn't have to wait long to see what that was. Something like a giant wall appeared beyond Starshine and Nightmare Moon, coming towards them like it was swinging on some invisible hinge in the sky. It was massive. Taller than the tower that had been close to where Twilight was flying, and much wider than it had been as well. Twilight readied herself for the incoming impact as she watched it swing through the sky, about to crash against the two alicorns.

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