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Starshine rolled to the side, out of the way of another incoming slam, and responded with a blast from her horn. For once, the creature she hit actually properly flinched when it was hit, and the alicorn smirked before being forced to dodge again.

She'd been at it for a few minutes, but she was slowly getting better, and even if only a little her adversaries were getting tired. No regular soldiers had even tried to approach her yet, maybe something to do with them being instructed not to or maybe just them knowing they couldn't deal with an alicorn. She wasn't actually sure how smart and good at figuring things out she was supposed to be, she'd have to discuss that over with Sunburst.

As she took off and veered to the side to avoid another attack, something inside her clicked at that thought. She turned around in the air, still rising, and shot another bolt of magic square in one of the creatures' face. It fell backwards, crashing through a wall, and did not get up. She chose to think about how she was getting better, and just that.

With only four of them left, she could feel uneasiness coming from the regular ponies observing the scene. It was a good thing perhaps that she had more of a conscience, or they might have been taking advantage of her powers too. Though those powers weren't hers in the first place, and perhaps if she'd had less of an ego the possibility of others using them when next to her alone wouldn't have been a reality. Maybe she would have been just like the other constructs, and maybe Sunburst would not have felt so drained after setting them up.

With a whip of her neck, little thought and many emotions she couldn't understand yet, or what she reasoned had to be emotions at least, she violently ripped off a chunk of the group and yanked it towards the sky together with the creature standing on it. She did not watch it fall, though she heard it, a few seconds later. Three left. Maybe things were going well.

She appeared on top of a rooftop, disappeared, and reappeared behind a creature, then slid beneath it and with her back to the ground she fired at it. The stream of magic was wider than her usual, but evidently not stronger, as though it pushed the creature until it tipped over and onto its back it did not appear to do any real damage to it.

She would have to ask Twilight how those things had gotten so big when they were supposed to be just altered ponies.


Starshine realised she was standing still, looking at the ground, and turned to her right to see the upper half of a creature's body slide separate from the bottom one where it had been severed. It had been a perfect, clean cut. She stared just a little too long, enough to see the creature's innards as blood began to pour out.

One of the two remaining creatures hit her, and sent her crashing through a crystal wall and into the next. It hurt.

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