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"If I stared into this pool and pulled out a clone of myself, then wrapped my hooves around her neck and choked life out of her, would that be suicide?"

"Who are you?"

"I'm an angel. A phantom. A memory. A dream, a possibility. I'm what wasn't and could have been. It doesn't matter. You may not call me anything, for I refuse to have a name."

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm pondering. Reminiscing. Thinking and dreaming and wondering and seeing. I have stared into forever, Twilight Sparkle, you'll never claim to have done the same."

"Why did you call me here?"

"I didn't. You came here. Perhaps you sensed me, perhaps the world called out. I can hardly blame existence for acknowledging my presence."

"What do you want?"

"Not anything I'll ever have. I want to be. I could have been so much, but alas, it wasn't meant. Can you blame me my regret?"

"Why were you not?"

"Fate, or chance, or ill wills beyond my reach. If I had known I would have stopped them all, but I did not, and I still don't know. I did nothing wrong, why was I denied?"

"You're scared."

"Scared? What have I to fear, now that I am gone? Death and I in the same place, what's left for me to fear?"

"You're a dream. This is a dream. But you're not from here. Not from my mind. You're from her mind, that's why you look like her. A fragment who got lost and stuck here, and you're afraid. Afraid to be alone, afraid to be gone."

"I'm not afraid. I am beyond the possibility of being afraid. Look at me. I am above your mortal kin. I should have been a god."

"And yet you are afraid. You never made it. Now look at yourself. You're a ghost, a picture, and with no one to remember you you'll just fade. What do you have? You don't even have yourself."

"Don't let me go."

"But I must. I must wake up."

"Don't leave me alone."

"There is someone else."

"I don't want to be with her. I want to be with you."

"Because I'm most like you. Because I'm most like her."

"What we could be together, Twilight."

"We won't. She wasn't and I won't. One day I might be you, but it will be here, and I won't be here, because I won't be you."

"What did I do wrong?"

"Nothing, and everything. You can be with me. I'll carry you along. Maybe I will forget, but I'll keep you there, and one day I will remember."

"It's so cold out here. Will it be cold?"

"You will always be cold. But maybe, sometime, I won't. Maybe you won't either when I'm not."

"Will I be gone?"

"No more gone than you were before you called me here. No more gone than you were before you found me."

"Then, I suppose, it's good enough."

"Why tonight, why here?"

"When she let go of me, Twilight Sparkle, was it suicide?"

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