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Awake again, finally. He wasn't sure how he'd gotten there where he was, though he vaguely recognised the place. He hadn't been there proper, but he'd passed by at least once. He had no interest in staying there.

For one, he probably wasn't wanted. For two, he didn't want to be there either. He considered stealing something along the way, from the trees or the ground, but decided against it. It would just arouse needless attention.

It was night. That made it easier to get around unseen, and he didn't mind stretching out his limbs a little. It also meant more time where he didn't need to hide, and time spent not hiding was time he could spend thinking.

And he thought a lot as he wandered around the fields first, then the town proper. Most of all about where to go. In the end he decided to go back home first, then perhaps see from there. If anything, he at least wanted to see the place again.

He boarded a train early the next morning. There weren't many others in there, though he did take notice of a couple of mares who appeared to be heading towards his same destination. On vacation, judging by the suitcases they carried and by the way they talked. It was a long trip, and that explained why they'd gotten aboard the train so early.

He was curious to see how different it might have been. The town, even if he'd only had a passing view of it the last time, was definitely different. More than one building was gone. He hoped it wouldn't be as bad back home. But he wouldn't know until he got there, and he was still a little tired. He decided he could sleep a little longer along the way, and so he did.

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