• Published 19th Dec 2017
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Tiger Lily's Friendship Adventures - Pinkie Pie Sweets

Tiger Lily has adventures with friends, make new ones, and might end up meeting somepony special

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Chapter 9: Snowdrop the Snow Dragon

Everypony in the room are in awed to see the new baby dragon has hatched. They can tell that the baby is really lovely, and is white as the winter snow. They can see the new baby dragon looking around it's surrounding and is not sure what's going on around.

"Aww!" The girls squeals happily.

"She's so cute!" Pinkie happily exclaims

"And so white," Rarity adds.

Starlight giggles, and says, "Well Tiger Lily, it looks like you're a mom now."

"I'm so glad," Tiger Lily says with a smile.

Tiger Lily then grabs hold of the new baby dragon with her hooves and sit on the throne with Fluttershy's cutie mark on it. When she looks down at the baby dragon, she smiles at it, and very happy to have the little white beauty. The baby dragon then smiles as it makes baby noises, and try to reach for Tiger Lily's muzzle.

Fluttershy comes up to Tiger Lily and the Baby dragon as she says with a smile, "The little dragon looks so beautiful, and so sweet."

"I agree," Tiger Lily says.

Then Rainbow asks, "So is it a boy or a girl?"

Twilight and Fluttershy look at the baby, and can see that the baby is smiling at them and giggling. After close examination, Twilight and Fluttershy knows what gender the baby is.

"Congratulations Tiger Lily, you have a healthy baby girl dragon," Twilight happily announces.

Spike comes over with a smile, and happily asks, "So I'm a an older brother to a little sister."

"Yes, Spike. You are," Tiger Lily answers.

"Woah hoo!" Spike cheers with excitement.

The little dragon starts laughing hearing Spike cheer.

Starlight walks over to see the little baby and see that she is very happy to see the ponies around her.

"So what you're going to name her?" Applejack asks.

Tiger Lily think of a name, as she says having an idea, "I think I'll call her… Snowdrop."

"Snowdrop… I think it suit her very well," Starlight agrees.

Twilight and the others agree to call their new baby dragon, Snowdrop. Just then the baby sneeze, and blows out a cold wind at Pinkie's face. The cold air causes her face to freeze a bit, but it breaks off of Pinkie's face in a matter of seconds.

Pinkies shivers a bit, and says, "Burr! That's a cold breath."

Starlight becomes a bit confused, and say, "I never seen a dragon breath freeze before?"

"Nether did it. I have to say that Snowdrop is different from other dragons. I believe she's a snow dragon," Twilight explains.

"A what?!" The girls asks in surprise.

"A snow dragon. My book shows very little about them, but they are very rare. It said that they breathe blue fire, and breathe cold air to freeze any danger," Twilight explains showing them the book.

"Wow, sounds to be like you got a rare dragon living with you,"Starlight says looking at Tiger Lily.

"I guess, but what I'm going to feed her?" Tiger Lily asks.

"When I was about Snowdrop's age, Twilight first feed my crushed gems along with my egg shell mixed into it," Spike answers.

Twilight smiles and says, "That's right Spike."

Then she asks, "Maybe you can bring a few gems from your room and a grinding bowl from the kitchen, and a bottle with some milk for her?"

"Coming right up," Spike salutes, and runs out of the room to give the baby she needs.

After getting the stuff they need, Twilight uses her magic the egg shells, and puts them in the bowl. As Tiger Lily cradles the baby dragon in her hooves, Twilight grinds the ruby gem with the egg shell into powder.

Twilight looks at the powder, and says, "It's ready."

Tiger Lily uses her magic to levitate a spoon, and scoops a little bit of the powdered egg shell and gem.

"Alright sweetie, it's time for your first breakfast," Tiger Lily happily says.

Tiger Lily slowly brings the spoon to little Snowdrop. The baby dragon open her mouth, and Tiger Lily puts it to her mouth. Tiger Lily. The baby is able to eat it, and love it.

"That's good Snowdrop, make sure you eat all your food," Tiger Lily calmly replies with a smile.

Tiger Lily then continues to slowly give her new baby dragon her food. After feeding her powdered eggshell and gem, she gives the baby her bottle. Tiger Lily holds the baby as the little dragon drinks from her bottle. Tiger Lily is very happy.

Rarity sits next to her as she says, "I have to say her scales are so white, and blue as icicles. Yet, she has a snowdrop on the middle of her forehead."

"I agree, but I think it's a unique mark for her," Tiger Lily replies.

Twilight comes over with glee and says, "You know, I never see a snow dagon before, but now we get to have one here in Ponyville."

"I have to agree, but would she be okay when winter's over," Starlight asks with concern.

"Well, the book did say that only their breath remains cold while their blue fire is hot, so they are able to live during spring and summer," Twilight explains.

"That's good, we wouldn't want our new buddy to get sick or feel unhealthy," Spike replies.

Spike looks at the baby dragon, and happily says, "Hey Snowdrop. I'm your're new big dragon brother, Spike. Someday, I'm going to teach you how to use your claws to dig, and how to use your fire breath."

The baby stares at Spike for a bit with a curious look. She then giggles and starts to touch Spike on the face. Tiger Lily passes little Snowdrop to Spike, and Spike is able to hold her. Spike sits down and start playing with the little dragon.

Applejack happily says, "Well look at that, Spike and little Snowdrop are friends already."

"I agree, this calls for a party!" Pinkie cheers, throwing the confetti and streamers around the room, making the baby giggle.

"Looks like she wants a part too," Spike replies.

The others start laughing, and are having wonderful time with the new baby.

Tiger Lily get off the throne, and says, "Well I think now will be a good time to give Snowdrop a warm bath."

The girls and Spike help fill a tub full of warm water, and are able to bring soap, a sponge, and a towel. Tiger Lily gently holds the baby in the water as she uses her magic to gently scrub the baby with baby soap. The girls are amazed on how she can be so gently with the baby.

Fluttershy sits next to her with a smile and says, "Wow Tiger Lily, you sure are good with different creatures. You're even very gentle with little Snowdrop."

"Thanks Fluttershy, but I'm always gentle with animals because I help take care of them and their homes," Tiger Lily replies.

"Well, I'd say you are taking very good of little Snowdrop, even though you never take care of a dragon before, "Starlight says, looking impressed.

Tiger Lily giggle, and says, "You're right, but I'm glad I was able to give it a try."

After giving Snowdrop a bath, drying her, and setting her down on a large fluffy pillow and covers her with a blanket, the baby falls right to sleep and looks very happy. The girls are trying to discuss on what they need to do for the little dragon, and for preparation to make her comfortable.

"There there sweetie, I do hope you feel comfortable," Tiger Lily calmly replies.

"I think she'll be fine, but right now we need to figure out what we can do for her," Rainbow Dash says.

"Like what?" Tiger Lily asks.

"Well, we need to make sure we get some gems and other food for her to eat. Then we need to get little Snowdrop comfortable by getting her her own bed or how you two can share your bed," Starlight explains.

Tiger Lily looks down on Snow drop, and answers, "You're right. I hope I'll be able to make Snowdrop happy.

"Of course you'll make her happy. You're already doin' a good job takin' care of her. We just need to be sure we have everything she needs."

Tiger Lily and asks, "So where should we start."

"For one, let's see if we can find some pillows so she won't fall of the bed," Twilight answers.

Then Spike says, "I'm sure I have more than enough gems to give to Snowdrop, and we can buy a grinder mold from the store."

"Let's not forget some toys, and books for you to read and play with," Pinkie happily adds.

"And I was wondering, since she has wings…. I wonder if you would let me teach her how to fly?" Rainbow asks.

TigerLily giggles, and answers, "I don't mind at all, but I don't think she's ready to fly just yet."

"I can wait," Rainbow bluntly answers with a sigh.

"Not," Rainbow mutters.

The girls hear it and start laughing. For the rest of the afternoon, Twilight, Starlight, and the others begin to help Tiger Lily with the baby. They help get get some baby supplies, and other things the baby might need. They spend all morning and afternoon helping get everything that is needed to make little Snowdrop feel at home. While the girls are taking care of the supplies, Tiger Lily has been staying close to her baby as she read more about dragons. Tiger Lily wants to be sure her baby is healthy and safe, so she wants to learn everything she can about dragon. Even though it's not much. Twilight decides to send a letter to Emer the new Dragon Lord to see what she says about Snowdrop and the snow dragon.

Hours later, evening has come, and the girls and Spike are in Tiger Lily's home having some hot cocoa, while little Snowdrop is having warm milk making her a bit sleepy.

"I like to thank you all for helping me make my new bay dragon comfortable," tiger Lily says.

"No problem, Tiger Lily, we never leave our friend hanging, and our new friend, of course," Rainbow says.

"I agree. Any family of your is practically family us," Applejack replies.

"I do hope I get to make her some new clothes when she gets older, but I do wonder what colors to go with the gold Snowdrop on her forehead," Rarity says with glee.

"I don't know, but seeing the mark is the reason why I called her snowdrop. Plus her white scales remind me of the winter snow," Tiger Lily says.

"I think that's a lovely name to give to her," Twilight agrees.

Spike looks at the baby and questionably says, "All Snowdrop seems to be doing is eating and sleeping. Not to mention giggling and grabbing things."

Fluttershy giggles, and says, "Well baby can't really do much when they're young. Once she gets older she'll be able to learn all kind of things."

"Like learning to fly, since she has wings and all," Rainbow answers.

"And I can teach her to use her fire breath," Spike adds.

"And maybe we can teach her other stuff like how to read, and other things when she grows up," Twilight replies.

"Thank you. Thank you all so much," Tiger Lily happily smile.

She then shows a sad smile, and says, "I do wish my parents can meet her and able to meet all of you."

"I know they would want to meet us too. I guess having Snowdrop means we have an addition to our family," Starlight says with a grin on her face.

"You're right," Tiger Lily agrees.

Just then Snowdrop starts to yawn and her eyes are looking very sleepy. The girls, and Spike know it can only mean one thing…"

"Looks like somepony is ready for bed," Starlight replies.

"Yes. It's just about her bed time," Tiger Lily replies.

Twilight looks at the clock over the fireplace, and says, It's already after nine. Looks like we should get going."

"Right," Tiger Lily says.

She then turns to Fluttershy and asks, "Fluttershy, if it's alright with you, can we sing the song you and I worked on for Snowdrop."

Fluttershy smiles happily and answers with a quiet glee, "I would love to, and I'm sure she and all of our friends would love to hear it too."

The others nod their heads meaning that they love to hear the song. The girls gather around in a circle, and Fluttershy sits next to Tiger Lily who is taking a seat on the rocking chair. Fluttershy starts out with the lyrics to the song.


Silent night, starry night

All is calm, all is bright

'Round the forest, parents and young

Gentle creatures everyone

Home in burrows deep

Home in their burrows deep

The girls and Spike love hearing the song. The song is so nice and peaceful that little Snowdrop starts to yawn. Tiger Lily uses her magic cover her with a blanket to keep her warm.

Tiger Lily

Silent night, starry night

Snowfall makes the meadows white

Huddle close to keep family warm

Tomorrow's dawn will bring Hearth's Warming morn

Now the day is done

Now that the day is done

Tiger Lily uses her magic to make illusion of snowflakes falling into the floor and ponies dancing in the snow. That makes everypony happy.

Tiger Lily, Fluttershy and Choir:

Silent night, starry night

Leaves are still and the moon's in sight

Dreams are born as their eyes fall closed

Tomorrow's gift is that nobody knows

Sleep in beautiful peace

Sleep in beautiful peace

Then Tiger Lily uses her magic to make golden snowdrops fall along with the white snowflakes, and small breezies fly across the sky. Little Snowdrop smiles seeing all of this and it's making her more sleepy.

Fluttershy and Tiger Lily:



(Sleep in beautiful peace)

The girls along with Spike leave the house, and Tiger Lily takes her baby dragon to her room.

Fluttershy and Tiger Lily:



(Sleep in beautiful peace)

Tiger Lily then fix up the bed so she and baby Snowdrop can sleep on the bed, and put some extra pillows on the bed.

Fluttershy and Tiger Lily:



(Sleep in beautiful peace)

Tiger Lily then gets under the covers and lays her baby on the bed. The two feels very happy. Tiger Lily give her baby a kiss, and the little dragon falls fast to sleep.

Fluttershy and Tiger Lily:



(Sleep in beautiful peace)

Tiger Lily then turns off the light, and falls right to sleep along with the baby.

Tiger Lily, Fluttershy and Choir:

Sleep in beautiful peace

Tiger Lily:

Sleep in beautiful peace...

Tiger Lily and her new baby dragon, Snowdrop are happily sleeping in their bed. The snow outside the house continues to slowly fall from the sky. It is truly a white Hearth's Warming Day. Now Tiger Lily and their friends have a new addition to their family.

Author's Note:

Silent Night from My Little Pony Friendship is Magic It's a Pony Kind of Christmas