• Published 19th Dec 2017
  • 622 Views, 33 Comments

Tiger Lily's Friendship Adventures - Pinkie Pie Sweets

Tiger Lily has adventures with friends, make new ones, and might end up meeting somepony special

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Chapter 2: Dragon Egg Care

A week later, Twilight, Tiger Lily, and Starlight are having tea and cookies with Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. The five mares are having a lovely conversation including about Starlight and Tiger Lily's lessons with Twilight as their teacher.

Princess Celestia smiles and says, "I have to say, you two are doing a wonderful job with your lessons.

"Thank you princess, but there are some spells that I'm going to practice on," Tiger Lily replies with a smile.

"Don't worry, you'll get it in no time," Starlight says with confidence.

"I agree," Twilight replies.

She then turns to the princesses, and says, "It sure is nice of you to drop by for some tea."

"I agree it is nice, we never get a chance to just relax and simply talk about thing," Princess Luna says.

The Princess Celestia says with a smile, "There's usually some crisis we have to deal with. Somepony always needs our help. But today…"

Before Princess Celestia can say anything else, they hear a loud and scared scream. The door glows light blue and opens to reveal Rarity covered in dirt and has an orange hard hat with a light.

Rarity levitates Spike to the table, as she screams with horrors, "Twilight! There's something wrong with Spike!"

Twilight and Starlight levitates the tea set and plates aside of the table, and Rarity puts Spike on the table. The others are shocked to see Spike glowing and is scratching his skin. This is something that Twilight, Rarity, Starlight, and Tiger Lily never seen before, and can see Spike in pain.

"What's wrong?" Twilight asks.

Spike sits up, feeling the pain all over his body as he explains, "I don't know! Nngh! All of a sudden, my scales just started glowing and… burning!"

"Oh poor Spike," Tiger Lily sadly replies, and gives Spike a hug.

Starlight looks over Spike, and questionably asks, "Is this even normal?"

"Actually it is normal… to a dragon to be exact," Princess Celestia answers.

"What do you mean?" Twilight asks.

Princess Luna explains, "Little is known about dragon culture, but this is a phenomenon we've seen before. It is the call of the Dragon Lord."

"Dragons glow whenever the Dragon Lord has need of them in the Dragon Lands," Princess Celestia adds to the explanation.

"Great... H-How do I make it stop?!" Spike asks still feeling pain.

"The only way to end the summons is to answer it. You must journey to the Dragon Lands and see what is expected of you," Princess Luna answers.

"B-B-But the Dragon Lands are full of... dragons! And they're ghastly creatures!" Rarity scaredly replies.

The girls and Spike look over to Rarity with a concern look.

"Oh, oh, not you, of course, Spikey-wikey," Rarity corrects herself to Spike.

But scaredly asks, "But remember that rotten Garble?"

"How could I forget? He would have burnt us to a crisp if you weren't there," Spike says, remember his last encounter with that dragon.

Tiger Lily and Starlight are a bit confused about the name.

Starlight asks, "Grable, who Grable?

"He's one of the dragons I met during the Dragon Migration. He's a big bully, and he tried to get me to smash a phoenix egg," Spike explains.

Tiger Lily asks with concern, "Is the egg safe?"

"Hatched and taken to his family a long time ago," Spike says with a reassuring smile which makes Tiger Lily smile too.

"Do you think this Grable will be at the Dragon Lands too?" Starlight asks.

"Could be," Twilight says, suspecting the possibility.

"Either way, looks like you're taking a trip to the Dragon Lands," Tiger Lily replies.

Spike looks nervous as she says, "If I have to go to the Dragon Lands, would you two come with me?"

"Ooh! Oh my goodness, I'd love to! We are sadly lacking any information on dragon culture and customs. I could research them – maybe even write an article! This could be my chance to make a great contribution to the knowledge of Equestria!" Twilight exclaims with excitement, and explaining about her desire for research.

Starlight taps Twilight on the back and says, "Uh Twilight."

Twilight blushes a bit and says, "And be there for Spike, heh, of course."

Then Starlight has an idea and asks, "Can we go too?"

"Yes, I would like to go too, that way Spike will have more friends tagging along," Tiger Lily says with glee.

Princess Luna comes over to the two and says, "I don't think it will be wise to do so."

"The Dragon lands will be too dangerous for a large group of ponies to go. It will be best that you two will stay here," Princess Celestia adds.

"Aww!" The two cousins reply with disappointed looks on their faces.

Sometime later, Tiger Lily decides to go to the Everfree Forest for some exploring. Starlight decides to come along because they never been to the forest before, and hearing how dangerous it is, she doesn't want anything to happen to her cousin. Starlight is not to worried about Tiger Lily because, she can communicate with animals and the plant life, so she can talk to the life forms in this forest.

Starlight sighs a bit, and says, "Can't believe we can't go the the Dragon Lands. Twilight and Rarity are going to have some adventure."

"I know we're a little disappointed that we can't go, but Princess Celestia said it might be too dangerous for us to go, and she does make a valid point about it," Tiger Lily reminds Starlight about the reason.

"I know," Starlight remarks.

The two travel a little further through the forest, and they can tell the forest is not as bright as normal forests. There are also some older trees and different creatures that can't be found anywhere. Tiger Lily thinks the forest is spooky, yet feels nice to be around.

Tiger Lily smiles and says, "Wow, I can't believe I never traveled here before."

"And I can see why ponies feel weary about this place," Starlight adds feeling a bit uncomfortable about the forest.

Tiger Lily turns to Starlight, and says, "I don't think we have too much to worry about. Besides, I like to meet someone while we're here."

"And who will that be?" Starlight asks.

"Well, I Twilight and her friends told me about a named Zecora who lives in the Everfree Forest, and she's good at making medicine and potions for various things," Tiger Lily explains.

"A Zebra, living out here?" Starlight asks with a confused look.

"Yes. They told me she is very nice, and speak in…." But Before Tiger Lily can finish, she slips from the edge and falls down.

Tiger Lily reacts, "Woah!"

Starlight gasps in fear, and scaredly shouts, "Tiger Lily!"

Starlight looks at the edge of a short clif to see Tiger Lily has fallen with her head in front. She lives down to see if Tiger Lily is alright. When she reaches her, she can see Tiger Lily holding her muzzle, and feeling like she's in pain.

Starlight asks with concern, "Tiger Lily, are you alright?"

"My tooth hurts," Tiger Lily answers, but feeling pain in her mouth.

Tiger Lily then shows Starlight what happened in her mouth. Starlight is shocked to see that Tiger Lily's front tooth has a bad chip in it.

"Gosh, that's a bad chip you've got there," Starlight says.

"I know, and it hurts," Tiger Lily replies.

Tiger Lily gets up and still feeling the pain in her tooth. Starlight knows they need to get the tooth fixed before it gets worse. They decide to head back to Ponyville and go see a dentist. Just then Starlight and Tiger Lily see something that is special and shocking.

Starlight surprisingly says, "That's a… a…"

"An egg!" Tiger Lily says with a shocked look.

Tiger Lily and Starlight walk over to the egg and wonder what it is. The egg is a light blue with dark blue stars on it. The two can tell that it's not in a nest so it must be lost.

Starlight looks at it closely, and says, "It's an egg alright, but where did it come from?"

Tiger Lily replies, "I don't know."

Feeling the pain, Tiger Lily covers her mouth. Now Starlight knows that not only Tiger Lily has a broken tooth, but now they have a lost egg with them. Just then, they hear some rustling in the bushes and it's heading towards them. The two feel a bit scared and wonder who or what can be heading towards them. When the someone comes out of the bushes, the mysterious visitor reveals to be a Zebra. The Zebra is wearing large earrings, 6 neck rings, and 6 leg rings on his front left leg. Tiger Lily can tell right away that this is Zecora, the zebra that lives in the Everfree Forest.

"Hello there pony friends, what brings you here to this cliff's end?" Zecora asks with a smile.

Starlight says with a confused look, "Um hello, my name is Starlight, and this is my cousin Tiger Lily. We were exploring the forest until Tiger Lily falls off of the small cliff and chipped her tooth. We also found an egg in the middle of the forest without a nest."

Tiger Lily opens her mouth to see her tooth's been chipped when she fallen to the ground. Starlight shows Zecora the egg they have found.

Zecora says in rhyme, "I see that you have chipped your tooth and discovered an egg of a mighty dragon. Do not worry, I have a potion that will fixed the tooth, and you can have the egg carried in this wagon."

Zecora brings out a small wagon so the egg can be carried in. Starlight puts the egg in the wagon, and make sure the egg is comfortable. Zecora then leads Tiger Lily and Starlight to her home in the forest. After reaching the house, Zecora starts to make a potion that will fix up Tiger Lily's tooth, while the egg is comfortable in the wagon sitting on a pillow and covered by a blanket. After finishing with the potion, Zecora brings it to Tiger Lily to help with her tooth.

Zecora says, "Here is the potion for your tooth. Drink it and it will help make it smooth."

Tiger Lily drinks the potion from the bowl. After drinking every drop of the potion, she looks in the mirror and can see her tooth fixed itself up in a jiffy. Tiger Lily smiles to see her tooth is all fixed up now, and doesn't hurt anymore.

Tiger Lily turns to Zecora with a smile, and says, "Thank you."

"It is no trouble at all, my friends, but what are you doing in the forest when the day is close to the end?" Zecora asks.

"Tiger Lily and I thought we will take a walk and that we visit a friend of Twilight and the others. I'm assuming that you're Zecora," Starlight explains.

Zecora nods her head in reply, meaning yes.

Then Tiger Lily adds, "However, I accidentally fallen down the edge of the small cliff, and I chipped my tooth, and then Starlight and I found an egg. I think you said it's a dragon's egg."

Zecora nods her head again in reply. This makes Starlight and Tiger Lily surprised, but have different opinions about finding the dragon egg.

Tiger Lily happily says, "Aw that's so cute, there's a baby dragon just being waited to hatched from its egg."

"Tiger Lily, try not to get too comfortable with the egg," Starlight says with concern.

"Why not?" Tiger Lily asks.

Starlight scratches her head with her hoof as she explains, "For one, that's a dragon's egg, there might be a dragon near by. Two, the last thing we need is a baby dragon imprinting on you."

"I don't see what's wrong with having a baby dragon," Tiger Lily says looking confused.

Starlight thinks about what she and Tiger Lily are discussing. Then again, she remembers Twilight telling her about how she hatched Spike from an egg and how she raised him. She also starting to wonder why the egg is all alone, and where are the parents of the egg?

Starlight takes a sip of her tea, then she says, "I guess we can't leave the egg on its one."

"You're right, so what are we going to do with the egg?" Tiger Lily asks with concern.

Zecora steps in and says, "I know a way to keep the egg safe and far. However, you two must give the egg tender, love, and care."

It doesn't take long for what Zecora is telling them. After saying their goodbyes, Starlight and Tiger Lily take the egg back with them to Ponyville. They both decide to take the egg back to Tiger Lily's house so they can take care of it there. For the past three days, Tiger Lily and Starlight have been looking after their newegg. The others have been helping them out too, well, Pinkie way of helping is dressing up in a chicken and sitting on it until it hatched. The girls laugh seeing Pinkie's egg hatching method. Tiger Lily feels happy about taking care of the egg, and sometimes it moves a bit which makes Tiger Lily smile.

Three days later, Tiger Lily is sitting on her couch reading the egg one of the Daring Do book. It's been a relaxing day, and it's been quiet as well. Just then, Tiger Lily hears a knock on the door. She opens it to see Twilight, Rarity, and Spike at the door.

"Hello, how was the Dragonlands?" Tiger Lily asks with a smile.

"It was tough, but we learned what's the call is for, and with help Equestria is safe," Spike explains.

Then Twilight says, "But the girls including Starlight told me that you both found a dragon's egg in the Everfree Forest."

"That's right, it's sitting on the pillow and nicely wrapped in the blanket," Tiger Lily replies, showing them the egg.

The three look at the egg sitting on a comfy pillow and wrapped in a nice warm blanket. They can see that the egg is well taken care off.

Spike looks at the egg with a smile, and says, "Wow, you sure know how to take care of an egg."

"I agree, the egg feels comfortable in it," Rarity agrees.

Then Twilight smiles as she says, "And if you need some tips on dragon care, I'll be happy to help you with the little baby."

"I think I'll like that," Tiger Lily says with a smile.

For the rest of the day, Twilight, Rarity, and Spike help Tiger Lily take care of the egg for the day. Of course, there's not much to worry about except making sure the egg is safe. Tiger Lily decides that Spike can be the little baby's big brother when it hatches. Spike doesn't care if it's a boy or a girl dragon, but kind of excited to have another baby dragon around. Tiger Lily make sure the egg is safe and cared for, and can't wait to see what kind of dragon is going to hatch from the egg. She hope that she'll be a good mom to it.

Author's Note:

New dragon in the family. Yay!