• Published 19th Dec 2017
  • 622 Views, 33 Comments

Tiger Lily's Friendship Adventures - Pinkie Pie Sweets

Tiger Lily has adventures with friends, make new ones, and might end up meeting somepony special

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Chapter 17: Snow Dragon Trouble

Three days later, Rainbow Dash and Tiger Lily has just got off of the train and walk back to Ponyville. The two have a lot of fun at the convention and their unexpected Daring Do Adventure, but they are glad to get back home. The two are carrying their luggage as they head back to Twilight's castle.

Tiger Lily sighs with a smile and says, "It sure is nice to be back in Ponyville."

Yeah. But I wish we can go on another Daring Do adventure," Rainbow says excitedly.

"I liek have an adventure, but can we do it without getting abducted," Tiger Lily replies.

"Won't be easy you know," Rainbow remarks.

"Right," Tiger Lily says, rolling her eyes.

Sometime later, Rainbow Dash and Tiger Lily are at Twilight's castle. Tiger Lily is going to pick up Snowdrop since Starlight and Spike are supposed to be watching her. Tiger Lily knocks of the door to Twilight's castle to see if they're still there, but there's no answer. Rainbow knocks harder on the door so far, nothing. When the door finally opens, they are surrpised to see Starlight Glimmer holding Snowdrop. Nut for some reason, her man is covered in snow, and her eyes are frozen in ice.

Tiger Lily worriedly asks, "Starlight, are you okay?"

"What happened to you? You look like winter arrived early," Rainbo Dash adds.

Starlight nervously giggles, and says, "Let's just say that Snowdrop had a bit of an out of control snowfall while you're gone."

Starlight opens the door to show Rainbow and Tigr Lily what she is talking about. The two mare gasp in shock to see what is inside. There is snow on the ground and ice on the ceiling making icicles and othe places.

"Woah! It's like winter indoors," Tiger Lily says, looking astonished.

Then Rainbow worriedly says, "Twilight is not going to be happy about this when she gets back."

"I know," Starlight sadly replies.

"Um Starlight, what exactly did happened?" Tiger Lily asks looking a bit confused.

"It's a long stoy, but it's probably a good idea to clean up this mess first, " Starlight suggets.

Rainbow Dash and Tiger Lily nod their heads, agreeing to the idea. After getting the caslte cleaned up of all the snow and ice. The three mares, and the teo young dragons are sitting in the dinning room having some lunch.

Rainbow asks, "So Starlight, are you ready to tell us why Twilight's castle look like it got hit by a snow storm."

"And how exactly did Snowdrop did all of this?" Tiger Lily adds as she rocks the baby dragon in her arms.

Starlight sighs from exhaustion and says, "Well, it all started after you two left for the convention and while Twilight left for Yakyakistan… "

Three days ago at night time, Starlight is in her bedroom with Snowsrop while Spike is fixing her a bottle of milk. Starlight is playing peek-a-boo with little snowdrop. Whenever she plays peek-a-boo, Snowdrop laughs and wiggles her arms and legs.

The door opens, and Spike walks into the door holding the bottle of milk.

Spike happily asks, "Hey Starlight, how is little Snowdrop?"

"Snowdrop is doing fine. She and I are playing. But right now, it's time for her to have some lunch and then a little sleep for the night," Starlight says.

Starlight then grabs hold of little Snowdrop and places herself on the rocking chair. Spike passes Starlight the bottle, and begins feeding the baby. Starlight rocks the baby for around a half hour untilt he baby dragon falls asleep. Starlight falls asleep too. Late in the night, little snowdrop snores as cold hair begins to leave her mouth.

The next day, Starlight shivers and is starting to feel like it's under thirty degrees.

Starlight wakes up as she asks herself, "Why does it feel so cold here?"

Starlight rubs her eyes, so she can wake up more. Starlight eye wide in shock to see that there is snow and ice in her bedroom.

Stunned Starlight asks herself, "How… what… where… what happened to my room?!"

Starlight has no clue what has happeend to her room that is turned into a winter wonderland. She then hears laughter, and turn to see little Snowdrop wide away. Snowdrop then begins to breath cold air and turns the lamp into ice and covered it in snow.

Th door opens to reveal Spike coming in the room as he says, "Morning Starlight, though I should come to see how Snowdrop is do…"

Spike sceams as he slips across the floor. The slidding has end up making him has a soft collision into the snow on the ground. Snowdrop giggles after seeing Spike little insident with the ice and snow.

Starlight uses her magic to float to thesnow where Spike is, and asks with concern, "Spike, are you okay?"

Spike gets himself out of the snow, and answers, "I think so.

He looks to see what he is in and asks, "Um, why is there snow and ice in your room."

"I think it's because of her," Starlight bluntly answers, pointing to the baby dragon in the crib.

Spike turns to see little Snowdrop breathing cold air and making more snow and ice. The two begin to stare at the baby dragon and know that this little dragon is going thorugh a strange surge.

Later in the morning after getting her bedroom back to normal, Starlight is feeding the baby dragon while Spike is eating his pancakes. Starlight is looking at Snowdrop with deep thought, and wondering about something, and it inolves with the action she has done to her room.

Starlight tunrs to Spike and asks, "Spike, do you think dragons has strange surges like baby unicorns."

"To be honest, I'm not entirely sure. I rmember when I was little like Snowdrop, Twilight told me I used to breath fire like crazy. She even said that I caught her mother's mane on fire one time," Spike explains.

Starlight tries to think of something on how to deal with the little dragon. Of course, Starlight and Spike know they can't blame her for her actions. Snowdrop is only a little baby dragon. Just then, Snowdrops breath out cold air and a large cloud begins to appear in the room. The next thing everypony knows, it begins to snow inside the castle dining room. Starlight and Spike are in shock to see what is happening.

Starlight feels a snowflake on her nose, and replies, "Snow… Snowdrop is able to make snow fall in the castle."

"As cool as it looks, we can't let snow fall in the dining room. What would Twilight says?" Spike says with concern.

"I don'tknow, but the best thing we can do is try to keep Snowdrop's snow breath under control… and try to fix the mess that she made," Starlight says.

Of course, looking after a baby dragon with icy breath is not easy. For the rest of the day, little Snowdrop has been turing anything that her cold air touch covered in snow or has been turned into ice. As they try cleaning up the mess, Snowdrop ends up making more cold weather in the castle. Soon enough, the whole castle has been turned into a winter wonderland. What's more, Starlight and Spike can't seem to get her to stop making snow and ice all over the place.

Hour ago, before Rainbow Dash and Tiger Lily return to the castle, Spike and Starlight are sitting on the icy floor as they see Snowdrop playing with her blocks and her favorite stuffed butterfly. They are still trying to figure out Snowdrops abilities and how to get the castle back to normal.

Starlight groans with frustation and whines, "There's no way to get her to stop with the winter making."

"I know. She's like a snow machine," Spike agrees.

Then he asks, "What are we going to do?"

"We really need to find a away to stop her before she turnes the castle into an ice castle," Starlight answers.

"But how?" Spike asks in a panic.

Starlight sadly sighs, and answers, "I… I don't know."

Just the, Starlight feels something tugging on her tail. She looks down to see little Snowdrop on the ground. Little Snowdrop is looking up at her with a smile on her face.

Starlight smiles and happily says, "Oh Snowdrop…"

Starlight picks the baby dragon up, and says, "I know you didn't mean to turn the castle into the artic north. But now, we need to fix the mess that you made and figure ut how you can control your breath."

"Maybe her breath is just a surge that will take time for hee to grew out of," Spike suggests.

"Could be, and there's no much we can do about it. She is just a baby after all," Starlight says, rocking the baby.

Then she look at the area and says, "But we still need to find away to get rid of all this snow and ice before Twilight gets back."

"Maybe there's something in the library that can help us. We lucky that's one of the room that didn't get frozen in snow and ice," Spike suggests.

"Maybe you can find the spell to melt the snow and ice, while I take Snowdrop outside to play," Starlight says.

"You got it," Spike says. Then leaves the room.

Starlight takes Snowdrop along with her toys and blanket to the balcony so they can play while Spike looks for the spell book.

After the flashback, Starlight sighs and says, "So Spike was able to find the spell that will melt the snow and ice, but we needed more magic to do it. And that's when you two arrived just in time to help us."

"And that's how our few days with Snowdrop went." Spike adds, feeling tired.

Rainbow Dash and Tiger Lily are very shocked to hear it, and yet are able to beleive it.

"Woah! That little dragon has some awesome ice and snow power," Rainbow says, who seems pretty excited about it.

"Yes, but it looks like we till have some more to learn about Snowdrop's abilites. Esepcially since Princess Celesita told us how rare her kind of dragons are," Tiger Lily says.

Little Snowdrop grabs hold of her hoof and sucks it in her mouth.

Then Tiger Lily says, "I'm glad that you and Spike were able to help little Snowdrop."

"I'm just glad we're able to clean all this mess us before Twilight gets back," Spike says.

Then Starlight asks, "So how was the Daring Do Convention?"

"It went great. We got a new friend, see Daring Do, and we went on an awesome adventure," Rainbow answers with excitement.

"Lets not forget that we were abductuon by Caballeron and his hench ponies," Tiger Lily answers, rolling her eyes with an annoyed look on her face.

"Come on, you're just feeling a bit uneasy that he put paralizing dust on you so that you weren't able to use your magic," Rainbow remarks.

Starlight Glimmer and Spike look at the two with confused look on their faces.

Then Starlight guesses, "I'm guessing that your vacation didn't go as planned."

"No, but we ended up having an awesome adventure," Rainbow declares with pride.

"And we at least made a new friend while we're there. Even though we were also put in danger along the way" Tiger Lily adds with a calm smile.

The four friends beging to laugh and know that their time has been crazy, but are glad things has worked out. Rainbow Dash and Tiger Lily begin to tell the others about their crazy Daring Do Adventure and their time at the convention. Starlight and Spike are in for a bit of a surprise on how their time at the converntion and going to be stuck in the jungle, and are in for a bit surprise.

Author's Note:

Snow dragon make a lot of snow