• Published 19th Dec 2017
  • 621 Views, 33 Comments

Tiger Lily's Friendship Adventures - Pinkie Pie Sweets

Tiger Lily has adventures with friends, make new ones, and might end up meeting somepony special

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Chapter 16: Adventure is Reality

In the temple, still being held hostage by the stallions, Rainbow and the others are forced inside to find the treasure and wait for Daring Do to show up. One of the stallions is holding the lamp, while the others are holding Rainbow and the others by the ropes.

"Make sure they are secure this time! We can't have them escaping again," Caballeron demands.

Rainbow tries to break out of her restraints, but it's impossible. And with Tiger Lily's magic has been temporarily cut off she can't get away either.

Rainbow angrily shouts, "You'll never get away with this!"

With a smirk on his face, Caballeon says, "Won't I? You've led me to the temple, and Daring Do is too noble to let harm befall her companions, so the amulet is as good as mine."

Not amused, Tiger Lily sternly mutters, "He's really mean."

Tiger Lily begins to notice that Quibble hasn't said a word since they've been captured and being dragged into the temple.

Caballeron notices this too, and asks, "What? No witty remarks this time about how silly my plan is?"

"This isn't the official Daring Do Experience Adventu-cation, is it." Quibble bluntly remarks.

Rainbow rolls her eyes, and says, "Finally!"

"It's some cheap knockoff run by a bunch of incompetent ponies that have no idea how to execute this adventure with any level of safety!" Quibble adds, to his complaining.

"Ugh!" Rainbow grumbles while hoof facing her face.

"Oh no!" Tiger Lily sadly adds.

Then she angrily mutters, "Not again!"

"What was that with the bridge?! We were in serious danger! I-I'm reporting you all to... well, I don't know who I'm reporting you to, but it's gonna be somepony important!" Quibble complains sounding very angry.

Quibble take off the rope from his neck and heading the opposite direction, mostly to the exist.

Then Quibble says as he walks past Rainbow and Tiger Lily "Oh, and this cut-rate excuse for an "Experience" hasn't proved anything except that I'm right! It has all the hallmarks of a lame Daring Do adventure!"

When Quibble put his hood on one of the tiles, it sink without him noticing.

Just the Tiger Lily hears crackling noises, and asks, "Um, what was that?"

Rainbow shrugs his shoulders in reply. Rainbow and Tiger Lily look around, and are seeing the week are cracking. Sme them burst out making holes, and mud starts to pour in. The two mares realize that Quibble must have triggered on of th trap, and that the need to do something before it gets worse.

"Uh... Quibble…" Rainbow tires to say something.

But Quibble cuts her off and continues complaining, "No, I'm talking! Generic jungle location – check. Overly complicated villain plot – check. Random coincidences that conveniently get us to the next big set piece – check!"

"Will you just knock it off!" Tiger Lily loudly screams in furry.

Tiger Lily's yelling has caught the attention of the other ponies that are in the temple, and makes Quibble take a step back. However, he accidentally triggered another trap, while the other stallions let go of Tiger Lily's restraints.

Tiger Lily firmly walks over to Quibble and explain, "Listen Quibble, I am starting to get very tired of you thinking all of this is make believe, well it's not! And you wanna know what else, Daring Do is a real pony and she is my friends! I ended up going on an adventure with her and Rainbow Dash after Caballeron and his hench ponies kidnapped me and I was forced to help Ahuizotl find the elemental staff because I was the reincarnation of the princess the staff originally belong to! I was really scared that I ended up using the staff's magic on him and his cats! And if you think all of this is fake, then I don't know what will convince you, but what I'm saying really happen! And if you don't want to believe me, the it's your problem!"

Tiger Lily then whips a small tear from her face. Everypony are in shock to hear Tiger Lily saying all that has happened to her. Of course, Caballeron and his hench ponies remember it from the last time they saw her.

"Woah, that's deep!" Rainbow quietly replies.

Still a bit shocked, Quibble calmly asks, "You really used the elemental staff on Ahuizotl?"

"Uh huh," Tiger Lily sadly answers, nodding her head.

Just the Quibbe realizes something and asks, "Is that why you were so embarrassed when I brought up the Daring Do Book about the elemental staff… because you were here, and all those this in the book happened to you?"

Tiger Lily calmly nods her head.

"Wow, that was… actually kind of cool," Quibble says, surprisingly showing a smile on his face.

Tiger Lily smiles hearing it, and asks, "So, now are you ready to believe that is is all real and not a vacation?"

"I guess so, now all we need is Ahuizotl or some kind of monster to attack and chase us. Then this will really be a real Daring Do Adventure," Quibble remarks, and yet gives her an honest answer.

What Quibble is not noticing is that something is rising from the mud, and the others are looking really scared right now. Caballeron and his hench ponies don't want to say so they run s fast as their hooves can carry him, while Rainbow, Tiger Lily, and Qubble remain in the temple hall.

Tiger Lily nervously raises her hoof up as she says, "Quibble, you might want to look behind you."

"Huh?" Quibble questionably replies.

Quibble looks behind him to see a large creature that looks like a giant crocodile. The giant creatures roars at Quibble, and now is too speechless and scared to move.

Still stunned Quibble realizes that Tiger Lily is right and this is reality, and stuttery says, "Um... so… you're real… This is real… Just like you said."

Before the monster can take a bite on Quibble, Rainbow pulls him away as the creatures almost chomps him. Then the two begin running towards the exit past Tiger Lily, with the monster behind them.

Quibble scaredly screams, "This is real!"

The two ponies run to the exit and the creature is close behind them. Scared for her friends, Tiger Lily runs after then as fast as her hooves can carry her.

Tiger Lily shout, "Hey! Stop chasing my friends!"

"Now!" Tiger Lily firmly shouts, getting between her folds and the creatures.

The creature stops in its tracks, to see the furry in Tiger Lily's eyes. In an amount of seconds, the giant creature cals down, and lays on the ground.

Tiger Lily simile as she pats him on the head, and says "It's okay. It's okay."

The giant croc. smiles and snuggles Tiger Lily. She giggles after feeling the scales. Rainbow and Quibble sigh in relief seeing that Tiger Lily is able to becomes friends with him.

"That was too close for comfort," Quibble says, still feeling shocked by this experience.

"Yeah. Glad that Tiger Lily is good with animals," Rainbow says with a smirk on her face.

The two ponies turn to see Tiger Lily and the giant creature begin talking to each other. From the looks of it, it seems that the creature is telling hr something important, and Tiger Lily explains to him in croc. language.

Quibble asks, "What did you say to him?"

"I told him about what happened to us, and he's sorry for chasing us like that, but he's only doing his job," Tiger Lily explains.

"What job?" Rainbow asks.

Tiger Lily explains, "He said that he's the Cipactli, and his job is to keep out any intruders who triggers the trap, that will fill the temple in a lot of mud. Which he doesn't mind because he likes mud, and helps keep his skin fresh."

"Right," Rainbow says, glaring at Quibble who is showing am embarrassed smile right now.

The Cipactli talks to Tiger Lily some more, and Tiger Lily becomes a bit concern.

Then Tiger Lily says, "He said that we should get out of here."

"Don't need to tell us twice!" Quibble loudly exclaims, and runs away.

The two mares and the Cipactli look a bit confused at Quibble's panic, and hear a loud crashing noise. The run over to see Quibble is lying on the ground and has been bruised to the head.

Tiger Lily concernedly asks, "Are you okay Quibble?"

"In a way," Quibble answers, sitting up and rubbing his head.

Rainbow looks at what Quibble and shokly says, "The entrance is sealed!"

"You mean we're stuck here?!" Quibble scaredly ask.

"What do you think?!" Rainbow angry remarks.

Tiger Lily hears the Cipactli taking and she hears to everything he says. Rainbow and Quibble are a bit confused. When Tiger Lily and the Cipactli finish talking, they both nod their heads in reply.

Quibble asks, "What did he say?"

"He said there's another way out, but we need to get the treasure to do it. And the entrance to the chamber is up there," Tiger Lily explains, pointing her hoof to the entrance.

The two look to see another entrance, but at a higher level.

Rainbow groans and asks, "Great, how are we going to get up there?"

Before the two an answers, somepony grabs them and is able tt swing all three of them to the top. When they land, they're surprised to see the pony who gets them up there is none other than Daring Do. Daing uses her teeth to undo the binding on Rainbow and Tiger Lily's wings.

Daring firmly scolds, "I told you two to warn me of anything suspicious, not run off on an adventure without me!"

"We didn't mean to come here. We were abducted by them," Tiger Lily explains.

Quibble is shocked to see what he is seeing and stutters, "Wha... Whoa, whoa, y-you're real! You-you-you're both are really friends with her?"

"Yes, yes we are, Tiger Lily shyly says.

At the same time, Rainbow shows a smug on her face and puts her wing on Daring Do's back.

Knowing there is important work to do, Daring Do sternly say, "Uh, we'll have to do introductions later. Right now we have to…"

"G-Get out of here, yes! Thank you!" Quibble interrupts, relieved.

Daring Do rolls her eyes, and confirms, "Actually, no."

"What?!" Quibble scaredly exclaims.

Daring Do puts her hoof over his mouth, and says, "We can't leave without the treasure. And we should probably get to it before Tiger Lily's new friend gets any higher."

"But he won' hurt us," Tiger Lily clarifies.

"Right," Daring Do reluctantly agreed.

The three follow Daring Do to a secret door, and they slide around it. They look to see that there is a chamber and has seven doors.

"Whoa!" Rainbow says, amazed.

"Where are we?" Tiger Lily asks.

"This must be the chamber where the treasure is," Quibble answers.

"That's correct," Daring Do relies.

Then she says, "Seven doors, seven locks. One of them leads to the treasure. I'd rather not think about what the others lead to.

"Yeah, yeah, the classic "Pony and the Tiger" bit. All you have to do is…" Quibble bluntly says, looking at one of the doors.

But Rainbow sternly says, "Um, maybe you should let Daring Do figure it out?"

Daring Do then holds the amulet with her teeth and tries to figure out, which one fits in which door. But when ever Daring Do get to one of the chamber door, Quibble interupts her trying to slot one in. Daring Do knows that one of them leads to the treasure and not sure which one, and Quibble is not making it any easy.

Annoyed, Daring Do asks Rainbow, "Is he always like this?"

"Yeah. But... he's usually right," Rainbow answers with the same expression.

"I agree. He did figure out how to unlock that griffon's lock, we should hear what he had to say," Tiger Lily camly adds.

She turns to Quibble with an annoyed look, and asks, "Which lock do you think it is?"

"Ugh, finally. Look, each door has another door that matches," Quibble sternly explains.

He points to the two with the earth ponies, and says, "These two both have Earth ponies fighting serpents."

"These two have Pegasi fighting griffons," Quibble adds pointing to the two with the pictures.

Then points to the pictures with the unicorn, and says, These two have unicorns fighting bears."

But when he points to the final door, he says, "But this one…"

Daring Do realizes what Quibble is saying, and happily says, "...has an Alicorn on it!"

"I see it now, it's the only one that is not matched with the others," Tiger Lily adds, seeing Quibble's point.

"How did I miss that?" Daring Do asks herself peeking through the hole.

"I've been asking myself that ever since book four!" Quibble asks as he and the others head to the same chamber door.

Tiger Lily rolls her eyes, and bluntly says, "Quibble."

"Right, right," Quibble sheepishly says, getting the point.

Daring Do then puts the amulet through the eye of the alicorn chamber, and it opens. Daringo lowly walks inside while Rainbow and the others take a look inside. They are surprised to see what is inside.

Quibble exclaims with astonishment, "The Seven-Sided Chest of Chicomoztoc!"

Daring Do grabs it with her wing, and takes a look on the treasure.

Just then, they hear Quibble worriedly responds, "Uh, guys...?"

The three look to see the mud is getting into the chamber. They run to the entrance to the second floor to see that it's covered in mud, and the Cipactli is simply swimming in the mud.

"The entrance is totally covered! How are we going to get out?!" Rainbow worriedly asks.

Tiger Lily turn to Rainbow and says, "Remember what the Cipactli said."

Rainbow realizes and says, "That's right, when we got the treasure it activates another way out of the temple."

Daring to looks for another way out of the temple.

She sees something and happily shouts, "There!"

The four ponies look to see the way out of the temple. The only problem, it's that the way out is on top of the temple, and there's no other way to get out

"Seriously, do you ever not escape out of the top of a temple?!"Quibble complains in worries.

"Not now!" The three mare angrily shouts.

Thn Daring says, "We'll have to carry Mr. Adventure Critic out with us!

"We won't be fast enough, and Tiger Lily can't use her magic! We'll never make it!" Rainbow exclaims, fearing there might not be a away.

Tiger Lily talks to the Cipactli and Quibble together. Quibble also looks at the vine and a piece of board. With that, the two have come up with an idea to get out.

"Guys, I think Tiger Lily and I have an idea," Quibble says, holding the vines.

Daring Do is kind of confused about it, but Rainbow has a pretty good idea what the plant is. The three wing ponies have vines tied around their waist, and aredraggig Quibble on the mu with the Cipactli behind them. They just hope the plan work.

Tiger Lily informs, "Now when I give the signal, the Cipactli is going to dive under the mud. Then we'll use it's back as a ramp so we can fling Quibble out of the temple."

Shocked by the idea, Daring Do exclaim, "Are you two crazy?!"

"If Tiger Lily's going with her plan, then looks like we're going for it," Rainbow says, knowing there's no choice.

The three pegasus swerves around and are heading close to the Cipactli. Tiger Lily narrows her eyes, and waiting for the right moment for the plant to the work. When she sees how close she is, Tiger Lily knows that it's time to see if it will work.

"Now!" Tiger Lily shouts, giving the signal.

Hearing the signal, the Cipactli begins to dive under the mud. When that happens, The three mares fly over it, and Quibble slides on its back. The slide is able to fling Quibble and the mre out of the course, since Quibble can't fly, he falls dragging them to the ground. They are back to the jungle and are on top of each other.

"That was the most craziest idea we ever had!" Quibble complains, even this is is idea.

"Hey it worked!" Rainbow protests.

The Quibble firmly says, "We're just lucky Tiger Lily can talk to that Cipactli or it would have eat us."

Just then, Tiger Lily nervously says, "Guys, I think somepony's coming."

With that, the four ponies hide behind some large leave an bushes to see who is coming. They see Caballeron and two of his henchponies coming their way.

"This way! I heard them!" Caballeron orders.

The four remain hidden, and they need to come up with a plan to lose them.

Just then, Quibble comes up with an idea, and quietly says, "Okay, I got it. Let's create a fake treasure out of mud and rocks, give that to Caballeron, and then we…"

But Daring Do calmly says, "Not every Daring Do plan has to be super-complicated."

Daring then hold out a small rock, and throws it to the a wall cracking it. The catches the attention of the stallions to lure them to the spot.

Frustrated, Caballeron furiously shouts, "I swear I heard them!"

As luck would have it, more like bad luck, the wall breaks apart and the Cipactli is standing behind it. The Cipactli roars so loud, that it scared the stallions like little fillies.

The Cipactli begins chasing them as Caballeron screams, "I'll get you, Daring Dooooo!"

The Cipactli is chasing them fr from here and won't be setting foot in this jungle anytime soon. When the coast is clear, Daring Do and the others who are hiding in the lake close by come out. They spat out the rods that has hole in it, and use them to breath under the water.

Quibble bluntly says while looking at his, "Meh. Not particularly original or inspired, but it worked,"

"Who were you again?" Daring Do asks, not very pleased with him

"He's a fan," Rainbow answers.

"Uh-huh," Daring replies, not very convinced and rolling her eyes.

Then Daring Do informs the three, "There's some stairs on the other side of the temple that lead out of the ravine. I suggest you two take them and head west."

"What about you?" Rainbow asks.

"I've gotta get this to a museum." Daring Do answers taking out the treasure.

She puts it back in her pocket and says, "Thanks for your help. I couldn't have done it without you. All of you."

Daring Do then begins to fly off to head to the museum.

"Bye Daring Do!" Tiger Lily calls out to her.

Daring Do waves back and then leaves to go to her next destination and next adventure. The three ponies left behind smile and are glad to have a great adventure, especially Rainbow and Quibble

Rainbow looks at Quibble with a smug and says, "So...?"

"So... maybe the later books are slightly more realistic than I gave them credit for. Still don't like them," Quibble admits, but still have his own opinion about the series.

"What?! How can you…" Rainbow is about ask in shock.

Before Rainbow can continue, Tiger Lily sadly says, "Come on guys, we don't want to have another argument again."

"She's right we don't want to repeat that again," Quibble agrees.

Then he explains, "I-I think I finally figured it out! I love the Daring Do that solves puzzles and uses her brain to get out of tough situations, and she did way more of that in the original trilogy! You love the Daring Do that is brave and awesome and comes out on top no matter what the odds!"

"Okay...?" Rainbow questionably replies.

"And that's okay! We might never agree on what makes Daring Do cool, but you... are definitely cool. I-I mean, the way you saved me on the bridge? Wow! And escaping from the temple... you, Rainbow Dash, are awesome," Quibble explains, and complements Rainbow.

"Well... I-I'm not the one who can locate a treasure in half the time Daring Do can! You may have terrible taste in books, but you're pretty awesome yourself. In a brainy, egghead, puzzle-solving kind of way. Heh," Rainbow compliments too.

"I guess we don't have to agree on everything to get along. Friends?" Quibble replies.

"Definitely friends," Rainbow agrees.

He then turns to Tiger Lily and says, "I have to admit, it was… well, pretty brave to stand up to the Cipactli."

"Thanks, and… I'm really sorry for hitting you… and yelling at you," Tiger Lily says.

"It's okay, and I'm sorry for not taking our situation seriously. Besides, I kind of deserve it" Quibble apologizes.

"Yeah." Rainbow remarks.

Tiger Lily hugs Quibble with on hoof, and asks, "So, do that mean we're friends too?"

"As much as I'm friends with Rainbow, yeah," Quibble happly answers.

The three new friends begin walk to the direction Daring Do tells them to go. Along the way, Quibble talk about some of the fan version he has made fo the Daring Do books. Rainbow and Tiger Lily are interested, but can see hat Quibble is going to talk for a while. Of course, the two mares also explain to Quble on how they met Daring Do and go on an adventure with her.

Author's Note:

All's well that ends well. Now Tiger Lily has a new friend.