• Published 19th Dec 2017
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Tiger Lily's Friendship Adventures - Pinkie Pie Sweets

Tiger Lily has adventures with friends, make new ones, and might end up meeting somepony special

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Chapter 13: A Day in Another World Part 3

In the castle library, Twilight and the others are looking around the room to see if they can find a clue that will lead them to Tiger Lily. Pinkie ends up shoving some books out of the shelf. They try their best, but haven't found much of anything.

"There's nothin here that will give us a clue," Applejack says in frustration.

"It's like Tiger Lily didn't leave anything that would give us a clue. Not even a note," Fluttershy sadly replies.

Twilight starts to scratch her chin as she worriedly says, "I don't understand, where could Tiger Lily go?"

As the girls and Spike are trying to think of a solution to their problem, Starlight starts to hear a strange buzzing noise, and can't tell where the noise is coming from.

Starlight turns to Twilight and asks, "How Twilight, did you hear a buzzing sound or something?"

Twilight looks around and hears a buzzing noise alright. The girls, along with Spike look around to figure out where the noise is coming from. Twilight at one of the bookshelves to see that one of them is glowing vibrating on the shelf.

Twilight questionably says as she levitates the book to her form the shelve, "It's the book that I used to contact to Sunset Shimmer. I wonder why Sunset is messaging me?"

"Maybe there's a magic problem and needs your help?" Spike suggests.

"Could be," Twilight replies.

Twilight opens the book where the last message.

She reads the message out loud saying, "

Dear Princess Twilight Sparkle,

How are you doing today? As for me and my friends, we met a young girl named Tiger Lily, and she said that she's a friend of yours. She explained to us that she found the portal and went through so she can explore what's on the other side. She said that you weren't aware of it, and you must have closed the portal by mistake. Either way, the girls and I are watching her until you can answer her. We'll be waiting for you at Rarity's boutique, and we'll be seeing you as soon as you can.

Your friend,

Sunset Shimmer.

P.S: Tiger Lily said that she's doing fine, and is having a wonderful time with us. She wishes that she can come back and visit us again soon. And she is wondering of Starlight and Snowdrop are alright, and that she is sorry for not telling any of you about her unexpected adventure sooner."

After reading the message, Twilight and the others sigh with relief to hear that TigerLily is alright. Now that they know where she is and who she's with, all Twilight and Spike need to do is open the portal and get her back.

Twilight turns to Spike and says, "Well Spike, it looks like we're on another trip at Canterlot High."

"Yes!" Spike shouts with excitement.

Twilight levitates the book to the small slot on top of the mirror. With the magic from the book, it's able to activates the mirror.

Then Rarity suspects, "I guess that means the rest of us to stay here and watch Snowdrop until you get back."

"That's the idea, but we'll try not to be gone long," Twilight says.

"Tell the other girls we said hi!" Pinkie loudly says with a smile on her face.

Twilight nods her head, and answers, "Okay."

Twilight and Spike run through the portal, and head to Rarity's boutique to get Tiger Lily back and see if she's okay.

At Rarity's boutique in the world of Canterlot High. The girls are having a good conversation with Tiger Lily. Not very long ago, Tiger Lily has mention to them that she has a secret admirer and she doesn't know who he is. Even though she doesn't know his face, she really like him and the gifts he gives her. She wishes that she can meet him. The girls except Rainbow Dash think that Tiger Lily's love life is romantic. Rainbow thinks it's a bit sappy.

Rarity happily says, "I must say Tiger Lily, it must be nice to have your secret knight in shining armor around who loves you."

"I think it's sweet," Fluttershy adds with glee.

Rainbow stick her tongue out as she says, "I think it's sappy if you ask me.

"Don't be a downer Rainbow, Tiger Lily has a special someone or should I say, somepony in her life, and is secretly waiting for the perfect moment to declare his love for," Pinkie says with sparkles in her eyes.

Tiger Lily cheeks begin to turn red, and is not saying a word.

Sunset giggles and says, "Alright girls, let's not try to embarrass her any further."

"But Sunset, this is true love," Pinkie whines.

"I know, but Tiger Lily still doesn't know who he is, and who knows how long it will be until the two actually meet," Sunset says.

"You're right about that," Twilight agrees.

Tiger Lily breaks her silence of embarrassment and says, "Even though I haven't met him, I still want to find him. I still want to know what he thinks of me, and see if I feel the same way."

"I guess you do have a point," Rarity replies.

"But I'm sure that you'll meet up with him sooner or later," Applejack says with a smile.

"I guess so," Tiger Lily replies, while her cheeks are blushing.

The girls laugh as they talk to Tiger Lily about her love life, and she is feeling very embarrassed about it. Just then, they hear a bell ringing as the door opens and closes. The girls look to see Princess Twilight along with Spike who is a small dog now coming inside.

Sunset happily says, "Hey Princess Twilight."

"Hi Sunset. Hi girls," Twilight says, as she walks in.

"Hi Princess Twilight," Everyone else, excluding Sunset and Tiger Lily reply.

However, Tiger Lily sheepishly says, "Um… hi Twilight."

Twilight giggles and says, "Hi Tiger Lily, I see that you kind of went through the portal and met my friends."

"More like they met me after I found out I was, you know stuck here," Tiger Lily nervously replies.

"I kind of figured that I took the book away from the device while not being aware of your little adventure, but I'm glad to see that you're safe and among friends here," Princess Twilight says with a calm smile.

Tiger Lily blushes and says, "Yeah, I'm sorry I didn't tell you about what happened earlier. I must have made you and the others worried about me."

"Maybe a little, but once we saw Sunset's message we were able to get to you with no trouble at all," Spike answers.

Tiger Lily is a bit surprised to see that this is Spike who is now a little puppy dog.

She then sits on the ground and happily says, "Thanks. I have to admit, you sure are a cute little dog."

Tiger Lily then grabs hold of Spike and cradles it like a little baby. Then she screatches Spik behind the ear and on the stomach, which Spike really likes. The girls begin to laugh seeing how Tiger Lily is with Spike. She is holding him like a baby, even though he is a baby dragon back in Equestria.

Then Princess Twilight asks, "So what you all been doing?"

"We've been very busy these past few months," Sunset answers.

Then Pinkie happily says, "Our school was able to raise enough money for a school trip."

"A school trip? Where are you guys going?" Tiger Lily asks.

"We're going to Camp Everfree that is a little bit far from here," Applejack answers.

"Everfree? That sounds like of like the everfree Forest," Tiger Lily replies, curiously.

Then she asks, with concern, "The forest won't be dangerous will it?"

"Don't worry Tiger Lily, the forest is not dangerous. There are full of cute little animals and large trees and other kind of plants," Fluttershy answers.

"Plus, there's going to be counselors watching us and our principals will be chaperoning us," Rainbow Dash adds.

Then Sunset says, "Also, this Everfree Forest is not going to be like the one in Equestria where there are wild creatures and plant."

Tiger Lily starts to think about it, and says, "I guess you do have a point. This Canterlot is a lot different that the Canterlot I visited in Equestria."

"Trust me, I know that feeling," Sunset replies.

Princess Twilight and Spike agree wit Sunset as well when they first come into this world.

Then Princess Twilight, says, "Well, I think it's time that we get Tiger Lily back home. The others are waiting for us."

Just then Pinkie excitedly says, "But before we go, can we have a picture first. Please!"

Princess Twilight and Tiger Lily stare at Pinkie smiles and puppy dog eyes. They can see that she really wants to have a picture. Twilight and Tiger Lily nod their heads agreeing to the idea.

Pinkie happily shouts, "Whoo hoo!"

Everyone in the room laughs with Pinkie excitement.

Sometime later, the girls gather at CHS and are going to take a picture them in front of the school. The girls are gather at their position at the school front steps, while Pinkie is adjusting the camera that has a long cord with a button attached to it. When she is finish she takes the button to where the others are and gets to her position.

Pinkie happily says, "Alright everyone, say cheese!"

"Cheese!" Everyone cheer with smiles on their faces.

Pinkie presses the button behind her back, and the camera takes a flash with a picture. With Pinkie's speed she runs back inside the school, and returns with pictures of what has been taken. She gives everyone the pictures, even Princess Twilight and Tiger Lily. A few minutes later, Princess Twilight, Spike, and Tiger Lily are ready to head back home.

Tiger Lily waves her hand and says, "Good bye everyone."

"Bye girls," Princess Twilight says.

The CHS girls say goodbye, and hope that Princess Twilight, Spike and Tiger Lily will come back and visit them very soon. The three Equestrian natives walk through the portal and are back home.

Later in the night, Tiger Lily writes in her diary about her adventures to the other world, and puts the picture Pinkie gives her in the book for safekeeping. After she finishes writing her diary, she puts it in her desk, and check on little Snowdrop in her crib. She looks to see her baby dragon is fast asleep and is doing fine. Tiger Lily goes to her bed, turns off the lamp, and falls fast asleep for the night.

While she is sleeping, Tiger Lily's secret admirer has appear at the window sill, and leaves a crystal rose for her, and leaves a few gems for the little dragon .He then leaves the hose, and hope to come back and visit her very soon.

Author's Note:

Think this adventure is a little fun, but next time she'll end up with a bigger one