• Published 19th Dec 2017
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Tiger Lily's Friendship Adventures - Pinkie Pie Sweets

Tiger Lily has adventures with friends, make new ones, and might end up meeting somepony special

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Chapter 4: A Dress of Friendship Makes Things Right

Tiger Lily is in shock to see that Suir is being treated like a pony manikin for dresses. She has no idea that Suri has this kind of trouble, and really needs help. Tiger Lily then uses her magic to get Suri out of the dress, and back on the ground. However, the sewing supplies are going at them, so Tiger Lily makes a protective bubbles to keep herself and Suri in, and the supplies out.

"I'm sorry Tiger Lily, I don't know why they won't stop," Suri apologises in fear.

Before Tiger Lily can say anything, the fabric heads straight for them, but is reflected by the force field. Tiger Lily knows that she can't keep this field on for very long, so she needs to find a place to hide until they can get the situation figured out. Tiger Lily look around to see that the room has a restroom that is big enough for at least two ponies can fit, which means it's a good place to hide.

Tiger Lily has and idea and shouts, "Hurry in the restroom!"

Tiger Lily breaks the field, and she and Suri hurry into the restroom. Suri locks the door so the supplies can't come in, but are now making a terrible mess in the room. In the restroom, Tiger Lily and Suri and taking deep breaths, exhausted that they have to run from the clothes supplies.

Tiger Lily to Suri, and asks, "Suri, are you alright?"

"I… I think so," Suir answers, still feeling a bit tired.

"What happened?" Tiger Lily asks with concern.

"I don't actually know, I only wished to use the pendant to help make the dress, but all my supplies are trying to decorate the room, and me," Suir explains nervously.

"Wait, that pendant was what caused it?!" Tiger Lily asks with a shocked.

Suir nods her head, and answers, "Yeah. I got it from a merchant and he said that I'll be able to have my wishes granted as long as I wear it."

Tiger Lily is kind of shocked to hear that the pendant is magical, and that Suri trying to get it's magic to do her work for her.

"Suri you can't use that necklace to help you make your dress," Tiger Lily says with concern.

Suri looks at Tiger Lily with a confused look, and asks, "Why not?"

"It's the reason we're stuck in the restroom. You couldn't control all of your equipments with them moving on their own, and they're trying to fashionize us," Tiger Lily explains.

"Well, maybe I can get it to do all the work for me and I don't have to give orders to them," Suri suggests looking at the necklace.

"But then you won't be working on your dress at all, and if you win without doing anything yourself, it's not really you who wins, it's that pendant," Tiger Lily adds with reasoning.

Suri looks at her pendant and back at Tiger Lily with a worried look, and realize that Tiger Lily is right.

"Oh!" Suri sadly replies.

Tiger Lily calmly says, "Suri, you have to earn this by yourself."

Suri sadly sighs, and says, "You're right, Tiger Lily. I haven't been becoming the designer that I always dreamed of being."

"It's okay," Tiger Lily replies.

Suri starts to shed tears in her eyes, and explains, "No it's not. I stole your dream dress and made it my own. I even did some alterations to the dress to make sure you don't recognize it so I can enter it in the contest. Then I tried to get the pendant to do all my stuff for me, all it done is make a big mess. Now, I won't be able to have this done and mailed to Manehattan by the end of the day. I guess I deserve it for being selfish, ignorant, and taking advantage of your friendship like that, and after how nice you were to me… I'm so so sorry."

Tiger Lily is rather shocked to hear all this, but on the other hoof, she can see that Suri feels awful about what she has done. She can tell that Suri really means it. So she know that it's best to give Suri another chance and help her make this right.

Tiger Lily shows Suri a calm smile and says, "I forgive you Suri."

Tiger Lily gives Suri a hug to let her know that she forgive her.

"You know, you're actually the first pony who really want to be my friend. I'm very glad," Suri says with a smile and shed a little tears.

"I'm glad too," Tiger Lily happily replies.

Tiger Lily and Suri are glad that they are able to stay friends despite on what happen, but they still have a problem. They need to get out of the restroom and stop the supplies from going out of control. Just then Tiger Lily has an idea.

Tiger Lily let go of Suri and asks, "Suri, do you think you can use the pendant to fix everything in the hotel room?"

"I guess I could," Suria replies.

"If we get everything fixed up and back to normal, then you'll have a change to be in the contest, all on your own," Tiger Lily explains.

"What, you mean… without the pendant?" Suir asks, feeling unsure about not using it.

Tiger Lily nods her head, and explains, "Yes. A little help is fine, but you can't steal my dress design and make that pendant do the work for you. You have to make your own dream come true."

Suri thinks about Tiger Lily's statement, and think really hard on everything she has done in the past. Then finally, she comes to realize that Tiger Lily is right about it, about everything.

Suri turns to Tiger Lily, and says, "You know what, you're right. If I want to be great in fashion, then I have to work hard to make my own dream come true. I can't keep getting others to do it for me or making other ponies design my own. Even if I don't win, there's always next year."

"That's the spirit!" Tiger Lily cheers.

Then Suri asks, "So what now?"

"First we need to stop your supplies before they give us a fashion makeover," Tiger Lily answers, with a giggle.

"Right," Suri sheepishly replies.

Suri takes a look at the pendant and still a bit nervous about making the wish. She then looks at Tiger Lily with a reassuring smile, which is enough to ease her concern.

Suri takes a deep breath, and says, "I wish everything's back to normal."

Just then, the red star pendant glows and sparkles all over the room. In a short amount of time, the pendant stop glowing and goes back to it's normal state. Tiger Lily and Suri hears clattering noises, and bumping noises. They both open the door and look outside to see the supplies have stop moving, and everything are on the floor.

"It worked," Tiger Lily happily says.

"Yeah, I guess it did," Suri replies, relieved to see everything is back to normal.

Suir sighs at the sight of the room, and says, "Wished it could clean the room up, but I guess that what I get for using magic for shortcuts."

Suri takes the pendant off and says, "Now to put you where you can give us anymore trouble, and then to get things clean up."

Suri then takes the pendant to a small box, and puts it inside.

"You mean we get things clean up," Tiger Lily clarifies with a smile

Suri turns back to Tiger Lily, and questionably says, "We?"

"Yes, I'm going to help you," Tiger Lily says with a smile as she nods her head.

Suri smiles back and says, "Thanks."

With that, Tiger Lily and Suri start on cleaning up the supplies, and then get the dress to the contest. Of course, Suri uses her real dream dress for it, and also made a few alteration to be sure that it's the dress of her dreams. She even decide to make Tiger Lily's dress as a thank, and show that they're great friends. When they finish with the dress making, and have it delivered at the post office. They finish with the last cleaning of the hotel room until it's nice and clean. After that, Tiger Lily and Suri make their way to Twilight's castle. They remember to take the pendant so they can show it to Twilight and Princess Celestia.

Tiger Lily says, "That sure was a lot of work we just did."

"I know, thanks for the help, and hey, I'm sorry for trying to use you like that," Suri says, and apologize to Tiger Lily for her wrong doing.

"That's okay, I'm just glad I've made a new friend after all," Tiger Lily replies happily.

Suri laughs as she says, "You're right about that."

Just then tiger Lily and Suri notice ponies are gathering somewhere. They wonder what's going on, so they decide to take a look before heading to the castle. They can see ponies gather at the stage, and from the looks of it, it looks like there's going to be a show right now.

"Wow, it looks like a show will be performing," Suri says looking excited.

"I agree, but do you think we'll have time, we're already running a bit late," Tiger Lily replies.

"But I'm sure we can take a quick peek before heading there," Suri says think it will be a good idea to see what's performing.

"If you say so," Tiger Lily reluctantly agrees.

Tiger Lily look around to see everypony gather around the front of the stage. However, she sees one pony on the top of the hill behind the cannon which is at the bottom.

Tiger Lily happily says, recognizing the pony, "Look, there's my cousin,"

Suri turns after hearing what Tiger Lily says, and says, "Really, I didn't know you have a cousin living here."

"I do, and she kind of understands you about taking things the wrong way," Tiger Lily explains.

"Really?" Suri asks looking surprised.

"Yes, but Starlight doesn't look very happy, right now," Tiger Lily, noticing that she is looking sad from the bottom of the hill.

Tiger Lily decide to go see if starlight is alright. Suri decides to follow her to see if she can help to. When they reach the top of the hill, they can see that Starlight is looking down to the stage but looks like she's been crying.

Starlight calmly calls out, "Starlight."

Starlight turns to see Tiger Lily and Suri is heading her way. She wipes the tears from her eyes, so that she won't feels sad in front of her.

She then shows a smile on her face, and says, "Hey Tiger Lily, where were you? I haven't seen you like all day."

"Yeah, well we had some complications with friendship and a crazy magical pendant, so how are you doing?" Tiger Lily asks looking a bit concern.

"Not fine, because there's an end of a great friendship," Starlight sadly replies.

She then makes a sad sigh, and wips a tear from her eye. Tiger Lily can tell right away that something must have happened.

Tiger Lily sits next to Starlight, and asks with concern, "Wanna tell me what happened?"

"You see, I've meet this unicorn named Trixie, and she know how it feels about having a troubling past, but Twilight was trying to choose my friends for me and I didn't appreciate it," Starlight sadly explains.

"Really?" Tiger Lily asks looking a bit surprised.

Starlight nods her head feeling upset, and says, "Yeah. Twilight kind of got upset with me and Trixie when I didn't show up at the dinner party with the friends she selected and Trixie bragged on how she wanted to used me to upstage Twilight,"

"And that really hurt your feelings, huh," Tiger Lily suspects what happened after that..

"Yeah," Starlight says, feeling like crying, but wipes the tears.

Tiger Lily and Suri feels sorry for Starlight to go through something like that. However, Suri can remember what has happened to her and Tiger Lily, and they are able to work everything out and still remain frames

Suri sits next to Starlight on the other side, and says, "But I'm sure Trixie didn't mean it."

"Why would you say that?" Starlight asks.

Suri sighs and says, "Because, I ended up taking advantage of Tiger Lily's friendship to win a fashion contest, but it turned into a mess. I come to realized that I want Tiger Lily to be my friend and that I shouldn't take advantage of it. It was rough, but everything worked out in the end."

Starlight asks, "How did things turned out for you two?"

"Suri just told me she was sorry, and I gave her a second chance," Tiger Lily calmly answers.

"That's it?" Starlight asks looking a bit confused.

Tiger Lily nods her head and says, "Maybe Trixie is waiting for the right time to say those words and for you to give her that chance."

"I guess so, but what about Twilight?" Starlight asks with concern.

"I guess it's understandable that Twilight doesn't really approve Trixie being friends with you, but she can't interfere with your friendship like that. Look what happened when me and Suir become friends and without somepony saying otherwise," Tiger Lily explains.

"She's right, it got pretty rough at the beginning, but we're friends now," Suri agrees with a smile.

Just then a familiar, elegant voice happily says, "And I must say, I'm very proud of you for making that choice."

The three mares turns to see who says that, and sounds like somepony is walking up the hill.

Tiger Lily recognizes the voice, and questionably says, "Rarity?"

Rarity walks towards them, and asks with a smile, "Hello darlings, are you here to see the show?"

"We were going to be here a little bit, but we need to get over to dinner with the princess, and we're late," Tiger Lily answers.

"How did that happened?" Rarity asks looking a bit worried.

Suri starts to feel embarrassed, and explains, "It's my fault, I tried using Tiger Lily's dream dress and a magical pendant to win a fashion contest, but it backfired badly."

"Her sewing supplies came to life tried to give us a makeover," Tiger Lily replies while giggling.

"Goodness, sounds like a fashion mayhem," Rarity says looking surprised.

Then Suri says, "But Tiger Lily got me to realized that I souldn't steal or use shortcuts in order to win, and that winning is the only thing that's driving me. I'm sorry about what happened at Manehattan, and I guess what I said before, I was so wrong about that."

"That's okay, seeing you becoming friends with Tiger Lily is a good way to make the right choice, and I can forgive you," Rarity says.

Suri smiles, and says, "Thanks, I'm glad too."

Rarity giggles and says, "I do admit it sounds like a funny story. Since you are going to the dinner party, maybe you and Tiger Lily can talk about your struggles of friendship."

Before anypony can say anything, a another familiar voice, says, "I agree."

"Twilight?" Starlight questionably replies.

The four mares turn to see Twilight heading towards them, mostly to Starlight.

Twilight says, "Girls, I kind of heard what happened and what you said, and you're right."

"About our friendship?" Suri asks.

"Right, but about what I should have done with Starlight," Twilight says taking a seat next to Starlight.

When Twilight and Starlight are facing each other, Twilight explains, "Starlight, when I first came to Ponyville, Princess Celestia gave me room to make my own decisions and my own friends. I need to give you the same freedom. I shouldn't have tried to pick and choose your friends for you. Just like me, you have to make your own decisions and your own friends."

They look to see the show is already started, and seeing a unicorn mare walking up into a cannon and puts on the fire. Tiger Lily and Suri can assume that mare is Trixie, Starlight looks at her friend who is putting on a show without her.

Starlight turns to Twilight with a worried look, and asks, "But... what if Trixie really was using me just to one-up you?"

"From what I've seen, she's the real thing, but it's not my place to judge. It's all up to you," Twilight says with a reassuring smile.

Starlight is thinking very hard about what Twilight and the others are telling her. She still wants to be friends with Trixie, and from the sound of it, it's up to her about being friends. However, Tiger and the others are wondering about one thing.

Tiger Lily asks, "Um what is she doing anyway?"

Starlight gets up and explains, "She's going to fire herself from the cannon into a manticore's mouth."

"What?!" Tiger Lily and the other three gasp in horrors.

"Is she crazy?! She'll get eaten alive if somepony doesn't do something to stop her!" Suri scaredly exclaims.

"And I'm the one who going to help her finish her trick so she won't get eaten," Starlight announces, and runs down the hill.

Twilight and the others can tell that Starlight is making a decision and that decision will not only save her friendship, but saving her friend from doom. As everyone look, at the performer, the fuse reaches the end and blast Trixie out of the cannon with a loud boom. Trixie flies out of the cannon heading toward the manicore. The manicore open it's mouth seeing Trixie, and she files into it's mouth. The manticore burps after Trixie enters the mouth, making everypony gasps and Fluttershy faints at the sight of it. Everypony are wondering what happens now. Just then a poof comes from the box on the other side of the stage. The box opens and reveals to be Trixie safely out. Only her hair is a bit of a mess and her costume is a bit worn.

"Behold, the Peat and Growerful Triskie...!" Trixie says, dizzy from the act, and then collapses from it.

With that everypony can see Trixie is okay, and cheer for a fantastic and yet dangerous performance. Trixie still feels a bit dizzy from the performance,and have no clue what is happening. Starlight comes on the stage and help Trixie up, and still rather woozy from the event. Trixie looks to see to see the audience cheering and she is no longer in the manticore's mouth. Trixie turns to see that Starlight is behind her, and figure that she's the one who use her magic like they discuss earlier today. Starlight wink at her with a smile. Trixie smile back to see that Starlight and herself can be friends again after what happened.

"And now, I'm proud to introduce my great and powerful assistant… and best friend… Starlight Glimmer!" Trixie announces happily, and smiles at Starlight.

Everypony cheer for excitement, and love the performance. Trixie, Starlight and the manticore take a bout, and the curtains close after that. Starlight and Trixie hug each other and are glad to be friends again.

Twilight runs into the back stage and shouts, "Trixie!"

"What do you want?" Trixie asks, sounding upset with Twilight.

Twilight walks over to her and says, "I was wrong. I'm sorry."

"And I have to hand it to you. I could never have pulled off a trick like that," Twilight complements.

"Thank you, princess," Trixie replies with a smile, using her magic to take her hat off, and puts it back on.

Trixie then uses her magic to unleash fireworks into the sky, everypony cheer seeing it. This have gone rough today, but in the end everything have worked out for everypony. Starlight Tiger Lily earn new friends, and help them to change even more for the better. Starlight and Tiger Lily are glad that they are able to figure out their problems with some help, and using their own judgement.

Author's Note:

Glad this friendship worked out.