• Published 19th Dec 2017
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Tiger Lily's Friendship Adventures - Pinkie Pie Sweets

Tiger Lily has adventures with friends, make new ones, and might end up meeting somepony special

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Chapter 15: Fantasy Vs. Reality Adventure

The burlap bags have been taken off of their head. Rainbow Dash and Tiger Lily look around to see that they're not in the back door of the convention anymore, and are in the middle of the jungle instead. Quibble Pants however, is no very amused when he is out of the bag. What Tiger Lily and Rainbow Dash know, they are in trouble now.

Just then, they hear Caballeron s he comes out from his hiding place, "I do not know what Daring Do is playing at, but if she told you three fanponies of my plan to steal the amulet, you must work for her."

"Caballeron! Hah! What do you have to say now, Quibble?" Rainbow remarks with confidence, hoping to show her pint to Quibble.

Not convinced, Quibble asks in remark, "This was your plan to prove the Daring Do books are realistic? You bought a Daring Do Experience Adventu-cation, really?"

Rainbow and Tiger Lily are a bit shocked to hear what Quibble is saying.

Tiger Lily calmly says, "Um Quibble, this isn't an advenu-cation."

"She's right! Look around us! Henchponies, Caballeron, the jungle it took forever to get to? This is the real deal!" Rainbow loudly says showing Quibble the surroundings.

"Right. We're actually being held captive by Caballeron. Please!" Quibble says, still not believing what his happening,

He walks over to Caballeron as he says, This guy's accent is all over the place!"

"No offense," Quibble adds.

"That's not very nice," Tiger Lily mutters sadly and not very loud either..

"I…" Caballeron tries to say something.

But then Quibble sarcastically asks, "So what's the setup here? You've... kidnapped us, and taken us to the middle of nowhere because...?"

As he talk Calaberron and his crew are not sure what he is talking about, while ainbow and Tiger Lily are looking very worried on what Quibble is saying.

"The Temple of Chicomoztoc is somewhere in this jungle. When I find it, the Seven-Sided Chest is as good as mine! I just need the Amulet of Culiacan to unlock it," Caballeron exposes his whole plan.

"Uh-huh, and Daring Do has the amulet so you came up with this over-complicated plot to lure her into the jungle and exchange it for us," Quibble adds, not convinced.

"I wouldn't call it over-complicated, but... yes," Caballeron answers, looking a bit skeptic.

Tiger Lily whispers to Rainbow, "Is he for real?"

"Afraid so," Rainbow whispers back.

"Okay, we're done here. Great work. Seriously, very believable," Quibble scacastly says as he begins to walks off, leaving everypony behind.

Tiger Lily questionably asks, "Um Quibble, where are you going?"

Quibble turns head back and answers, "Back to the hotel, where else."

Then he continues to walk way and heading back to his destination. Tiger Lily and Rainbow Dash are not sure whether to tell him that he's just going to get himself lost.

Tiger Lily turn to Rainbow and asks, "Uh, should one us us go get him before he gets himself lost?"

"Might not be that easy to reason with him to stay. Although it will convince him that we're in the middle of nowhere," Rainbow answers rolling her eyes.

But Caballeron is not going to let them go so easily. He ordered on of his hench ponies to bring him back. The one with the gray fedora runs over and forcefully drags Quibble back to the camp with a few bruises from the punches he receives. The hench pony ten place Quibble at Caballeron's presence.

"Listen, pal, you can keep her money, but I'm not…" Quibble says in remark.

But Caballeron brushes him off and angrily says, "Going anywhere! You may not approve of my plan, but I'm the mastermind here!"

"Debatable…" Quibble mutters to the two mares.

Not taking the insults, Caballeron says, "And I say you will remain here until Daring Do comes to rescue you. And if she wants you back in one piece, she will give me the amulet! Tie them up!"

The next thing Rainbow and the others can leave, the two hench ponies tied them up with a long chain. And Caballeron brings out strange lock that has a griffon like claw on it.

Rainbow gasps seeing the lock and says, "The Griffon's Lock!"

"You know of it? Further proof that you are an agent of Daring Do!" Caballeron says, sounding confident.

"Or an avid reader," Quibble mutters.

Rainbow is starting to get annoyed by Quibble's blindness of what is going on with is adventure. Caballeron locks the Griffon's lock n the chain, and trapping the three ponies in the chain.

"And now I will continue my search for the temple… don't go anywhere," Caballeron remarks. He then manically laughs and leaves the camp.

The four hench ponies stay behind to guard the three ponies wrapped in the chain. Rainbow and Tiger Lily try to struggle their way out, but the Griffon's lock is making it too tight for them to get out while Quibble is not trying to escape at all.

Still not convinced, Quibble says, "Listen, if I pretend to believe this nonsense is real, will you call off the henchpony repertory theater over there?"

"I don't think they're going to listen to any of us," Tiger Lily replies.

"Yeah, Quibble. They abducted us," Rainbow adds, not very happy with Quibble.

Tiger Lily then tries to use her magic but the magic dissolved, and she can't move the lock either.

"I can't use my magic on this lock," Tiger Lily shockley says.

"The Griffon's lock is magic proof, and you can't teleport your way out of it either," Quibble explains.

Tiger Lily sadly sighs and says, "It was worth a shot."

"What do we do know?" Rainbow asks.

Quibble rolls his eyes, and says sounding annoyed, "Oh, wow, so you're gonna stick with that script? O-Okay, fine. We're, we're in a Daring Do Adventure."

Quibble then uses his teeth to get his Daring Do Pin from his shirt, and then throws it while the hench ponies aren't looking. The pin hits one of the rocks close by. The noise of the rock and pin catches on fo the hench ponies' attention.

The stallion with the blue jacket looks around and ask, "What was that?!"

"Daring Do. Thank goodness. We're over here," Quibble bluntly calls out.

"Fan out! We can't let Daring Do rescue these two!" The blue stallion with the blue jacket says to the others.

With that, the four stallions leave to go find Daring Do. But in reality, Quibble has tricked them into leaving, even though he thinks this is a game.

"All four?! I mean, shouldn't at least one of them stay behind to guard us? Oh, oh, wait, the... No, because then it wouldn't be a terrible Daring Do adventure," Quibble says, still thinking that this isn't the real situation.

Tiger Lily looks Quibble with a concern look, suggests, "Um maybe it will be a good idea to find a way out of these chains and lock before they come back."

"Right," Quibble replies, rolling his eyes.

Quibble then grabs hold of the lock, and moving the knobs that are one it.

Tiger Lily becomes curious and asks, "What are you doing?"

"Trying to solve the lock to get us out of it," Quibble answers fiddling with the lock.

"You can do that?" Rainbow and Tiger Lily surprisingly asks.

"Yeah. I enjoy solving puzzles and stuff like that," Quibble answers. Then he continues to figure out the lock.

"It doesn't matter. We'll never solve the Griffon's Lock before they get back," Rainbow says, upset that there might not be a way off getting out.

Just then, she hears a click, and look to see the chains have falling off. She look to see that Quibble has unlock the lock and now they're free.

"Okay, that was pretty good," Rainbow says, still rather surprised.

"Neat!" Tiger Lily says, amazed by it.

"Thank you," Quibble says as he tosses the griffon's lock to the ground.

Rainbow grabs Quibble by the hoof and says, "Quick, we've gotta get out of here and warn Daring Do!"

"And before those guys get back!" Tiger Lily adds, looking worried.

Quibble takes his hoof away, and sternly says, "No way. Just point me to the hotel and you can play fanpony and hunt treasure out here all day long."

Rainbow growls at Quibble because he is still not getting what rally is happening, but Tiger Lily manages to calm her down.

Then Tiger Lily calmly says to Quibble, "Quibble, this isn't a game. I'm afraid we're way far from the hotel."

"Can't you teleport us there?" Qubble asks.

"Not all at once, and I don't even know where we are. So looks like we'll have to find the hotel on our own," Tiger Lily answers, shaking her head.

"Which means we're going to explore this jungle back to it on our own. Just think of this as a Daring Do adventure, okay," Rainbow adds still not amused.

Seeing there is no other options, Quibble rolls his eyes and answers, "Fine."

With, the three ponies begin their journey to get out of the jungle and back to the hotel. If The can find it.

"Maybe if I just leave you in the jungle, it'll convince you," Rainbow mutters to himself.

"Rainbow Dash," Tiger Lily quietly scolds.

Later on, Tiger Lily uses he magic to push past the leaves, and Rainbow and Quibble continue to follow her. They've been walking for quite a while and don't know how long it will be till they find their way back.

As they walk through the jungle Quibble continues to talk about the book which is getting on Rainbow's nerves, "...which would make Daring Do left-hoofed, which we know is false, and that is everything that's wrong with Daring Do and the Trek to the Terrifying Tower. Now, the problems with the next book are even…"

Before he can continue Rainbow spread her wing telling him to stop. The three look ahead to see an old rope bridge.

Then Quibble bluntly says in sarcasm, "Oh, right. What Daring Do adventure would be complete without the precarious rope bridge?"

"Is it safe?" Tiger Lily looking concern.

Rainbow uses her hof to step on one of the board, and answers, "Looks like it."

With that, the three ponies begin to walk on the rope bridge.

"Look, I'm all for making things feel as real as possible, but are these Adventu-cation ponies sure this thing is safe?" Quibble asks, still not pleased with the adventure they're on.

"Is it too "realistic" for you? Wouldn't want that on a Daring Do adventure, would we?" Rainbow firmly remark.

Quible rolls his eyes as he says, "If this were really a real Daring Do adventure, I'm sure I'd step on the wrong plank at exactly the wrong…"

When Quibble steps on one of the board, it breaks in half and fallen into the hole. Rainbow and Tiger Lily see it and fly to Quibble to help him. Rainbow grabs Quibble by the tail, while Tiger Lily tries to use her magic to pull him out, but he is really stuck in the bridge.

"You're really stuck in it," Tiger Lily says, while trying to get him out.

"Good thing this is all just a pretend adventure. Least we know all of this struggling won't make the bridge fall apart," Quibble nervously says at the situation he is in.

But getting Quibble out has not go as planned. The rope snakes and the next thing Quibble knows, he is upside down. The two flyer fly to the upside down pony and see that is in more trouble.

"You need to get your money back," Quibble quietly says Rainbow.

Just then, the final rope snaps and Quibble begins to fall into the river. Quick thinking, Rainbow grabs the rop Quibble is wrapped around with her teeth. Tiger Lily des her best to follow. The next thing Quibble is seeing is that Rainbow Dash is dragging him on the water like he is water skiing. He becomes scared to see the ties the room and the rope snaps wh Quibble goes over. Quibble screams as he falls, but another luck is on his side. Tiger Lil uses her magic to make quibble jumps to the palm trees, and make sure the last one helps him lands safely on the ground. Rainbow Dash and Tiger Lily land before him and see that he is unharm.

"Hah! How's that for not possible?" Rainbow remarks with confidence.

"That was... awesome! I-I-I thought we... and then you, and the flying...! Wow, and I was like, "Where are you going?!" A-a-and then you swerved, and I was, I was, I was on the water, and then… Wow!" Quibble shockley exclaim to Rainbow, speechless and amazed by the stunt she has pulled.

Tiger Lily smiles and say, "That's Rainbow Dash, she always manage to do something really awesome."

"Yeah. If you read that in a book, you might even think it was unrealistic," Rainbow remarks with smirk on her face.

"Okay, I'll give you that one. I mean we could have been done for," Quibble bluntly says, not too amused by Rainbow's remarks.

Realizing what has happened, Quibble panicky shouts, "We could have been done for! W-What kind of Adventu-cation is this?! I mean, that's just, that's just bad business! What, what are these ponies thinking?!"

Before Rainow and Tiger Lily can explain the situation to him, they hear a familiar voice saying, "Right now?"

The three ponies look to see where the voice has come from.

They are shocked to see that Caballeron comes out the bushes as he says, "We are thinking that we should thank you for escaping."

Before Rainbow and Quibble can do anything, one of the hench ponies attacked Rainbow tying her up. Another one laso Quibble by the neck, and Quibble is still not amused, still thinking this is all an act. When he two hench ponies try to attack Tiger Lily. she gets scared and create a force field around her self. The two stallions bump into the protective field and fall to the ground.

Quibble rolls his eyes and says, "Oh great, a few seconds of us getting captured and they already scared a pony into using her magic in this adventu-cation."

Tiger Lily force field fades away, and has two hench ponies in front of her. When they take a few steps forward, Tiger Lily takes a few steps back. They try again, but Tiger Lily begins to move back. The two stallions try to jump at her, but Tiger Lily spreads her wings and fastly flies into the air making the two hit each other on the head. Tiger Lily then lands on one of the palm trees close by.

"Well, I don't think there's anything in the Daring Do Advenu-cation that can help get a scared alicorn down," Quibble remarks.

Still tied up, Rainbow scolds, "Quibble,Tiger Lily is very scared right now, and you're talking about some stupid adventu-cation."

"Duh!" Quibble bluntly answers.

The two hench ponies shake the trees so they can get Tiger Lily to come down. She manages to get down, but teleports herself to Rainbow's side. She simply sits down behind her friends with a scared look and her ears are down. Before any of the hench ponies can chase her some more

Caballeron comes over as he says, "Now that will be enough of your running, and magic methods.

Caballeron then brings out a small bag, and takes out strange green sparkle dust. He blow it to Tiger Lily covering her in tat stupp. Tiger Lily coughs and is wondering what is happening. Before she can do anything, something lasso around her neck and pulls on it rather tight. When the smoke clears, Tiger lily loos to see she has been captures as well. She then tries to use her magic, but for some reason it's not working. She is shocked to see what is happening.

Rainbow asks, "What's the matter?"

"I… I can't see to use my magic. It's not working," Tiger Lily says.

"Wouldn't be surprised, I smoked you with paralyzing dust and you are unable to use your magic for twenty four hours," Caballeron explains with a smirk on his face.

"Paralyzing Dust!"The two mares exclaim.

"That is correct, now none of you will be going anywhere. And I will like to thank you for your escape from earlier," Caballeron says, sounding confident.

"But why are you thanking us?" Tiger Lily asks in concern.

"Because my dear, you and your friends have led us directly to The Temple of Chicomoztoc!" Caballeron declares. Then manically laughs.

Rainbow and Tiger Lily are shocked to see that they're at the temple, and are here before Daring comes. Quibble is still not convinced that this is all real. It feels that they have no choice but to go inside,nd hope that Daring Do will come.

Author's Note:

more trouble seems to follow them.