• Published 19th Dec 2017
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Tiger Lily's Friendship Adventures - Pinkie Pie Sweets

Tiger Lily has adventures with friends, make new ones, and might end up meeting somepony special

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Chapter 19: The Terror of the Cookie Eating Zombies

The next day, Applejack, Rarity and Tiger Lily are helping The Crusaders with the last few boxes of Filly Guide Cookies before they make their delivery. The young fillies are excited about seeing the cookies, but are not aware of the surprise that will be instroed for everypony in town, except for Tiger Lily. They then finish putting the last box of cookies on the cart and are ready to go.

Rainbow flies over to the girls and asks, "All right, who's ready to sell some cookies?"

"Me!" The Crusaders cheer in excitement.

Applejack walks over with a stern look, and in forms, "Look here, Rainbow Dash. I know you promised Scootaloo you'd help out, but I don't want none of your pranks ruinin' these fillies' night."

"Look, I'll be with you the whole night so you can totally keep an eye on me," Rainbow reply, sounding so sure.

Applejack and Rarity look at Rainbow with concerned look. Tiger Lily is even more worried since she knows the prank.

Then Apple Bloom says looking excited, "Come on, Applejack! Let's get started!"

Then takes a head start.

"Yeah! We've got a lot of ground to cover!" Scootaloo agrees.

Then she and Sweetie Belle runs ahead as well.

"We wanna hit every house in Ponyville!" Sweetie Belle adds as she runs with her friends.

Then the three fillies pull the large cart full of cookie boxes, and head off to their first house. Rainbow snickers behind their back, while Tiger Lily and the others are showing worried looks on their faces.

Then Rainbow says, "Come on! You heard her! Every house in Ponyville!"

Rainbow flies away trying her best not to laugh until her prank happens. Applejack and Rarity walk along and are a bit worried about something.

Tiger lily flies over to Rainbow and whispers, "You know, it's not too late to get out of this."

"Relax Lily, the prank is going to be hilarious," Rainbow calmly says wit pride, and tries to whisper. Then she flies way.

Tiger Lily narrows her eyes, and bluntly remarks, "To who."

Tiger Lily then flies along to help the others sell cookies.

They stop at Fluttershy's house, and end up getting scared by Harry the bear. Luckily Fluttershy buys one of the boxes. Of course, the bear gives the Rainbow 'I got my eye on you' expression on his face. Then goes to Twilight and she buys a box. Of course, Spike reminds her to buy some more, so she ends up with six. The seven ponies continue to ask ponies to buy boxes of cookies, and each have buy either one or more. Soon they have gone to every house in Ponyville. The one who is more excited is Rainbow Dash, because everypony is going to eat their joke cookies after buying them.

Early in the night, The crusaders see that they only have a few boxes left, but glad that everypony bought them.

"I think you three should be real proud. Y'all did a mighty impressive job for your first go-'round," Applejack says, patting her little sister on the head.

"You took the words right out of my mouth, Applejack." Rarity agrees.

Then Tiger Lily says, "I agree"

"Isn't that right, Rainbow Dash?" Rarity asks turning to where Rainbow is.

The mare look to see Rainbow is a little ahead of them and facing town. They notice her showing a smile on her face, and rubbing her hooves together.

Rainbow quietly says with a grin on her face, "Any minute now."

"Uh... "any minute now" what?" Applejack asks.

Hearing this, Rainbow says, "Huh? Oh, uh, nothing!"

"Have you guys noticed how quiet it's gotten? I mean, it's still early, right?" Rainbow asks.

"Of course it's quiet. Ponies can't talk while they're eating those fabulous cookies, heh," Rarity calmly answers.

"You think?" Rainbow asks with a smile on her face

Rarity answers "Of course. They're probably all in a cookie coma right now,"

"What's a cookie coma?" Tiger Lily asks.

"It's just when ponies are past out for eating a lot of cookies," Apple Bloom answers.

Tiger Lily shows a straight look, and answers, "Oh!"

"Huh... Maybe you're right. I'll go check," Rainbow says.

Then flies away, leaving the others behind. Tiger Lily simply flies after her.

Rainbow flies around Ponyville to see that one pony out, and starting to think this is a little… spooky… and strange.

After Looking through the window she asks herself, "What is going on...?"

Then looks through another one to see a open boxes of cookies and eaten one on the floor.

Rainbow says to herself, " Okay. Definite cookie-eating happening. But... where is everypony?

"They must have seen their rainbow mouths by now... They should all be running out into the streets!" Rainbow asks herself, unaware that somepony is walking past the window.

She tries to think of what is going on, and asks herself, "Unless everypony went to bed early…"

Rainbow decides to fly over to Sugarcube Corner.

Before she goes in she hears Tiger lily voice camly saying, "Rainbow."

Rainbow turns and questionably says, "Tiger Lily, what are you doing here?"

"I thought I should come with you," Tigerlily answers.

Then she asks,"Where is everypony?"

"I don't know, but I'm going to see if Pinkie knows anything," Rainbow answers.

Tiger Lily nod her head in reply.

Then asks, "Do you think there's… um… something wrong with your joke cookies."

"I don't know," Rainbow sadly answers.

Rainbow and Tiger Lily fly to Pinkie's bedroom window.

Rainbow calmly calls out, "Pinkie?"

"She's not here," Tiger Lily replies.

The two decides to go inside and see if they can find her. Rainbow steps on something and her hoof turn rainbow color. She look down to see one of her joke cookies. The two look around, and see Pinkie is not in her bed. Then walk around trying not to step on the boxes.

Feeling a bit scared, Rainbow tries to talk to Pinkie, saying, "The whole town got the cookies, and now everypony is shut up in their houses! You don't think there's something wrong with the joke cookies, do you?"

Just then the two ponies hear a crashing noise.

Tiger Lily nervously says, "That sounds like it's coming from the kitchen."

The two fly out of Pinkie's room and go into the kitchen to see what the noise is. The two look to see Ms. Cakes having a box of cookies.

Relieved, Rainbow says, "Mrs. Cake! Phew! Have you seen Pinkie? I was thinking I might have something to do with her not feeling great."

But for some strange reason Ms. Cake hasn't said a word.

Confused, Rainbow questionably replies,"Uh... Mrs... Cake...?"

"Are you okay?" Tiger Lily asks in concern.

Rainbow calmly taps her on the back to get Ms. Cakes' attention. Ms. Cakes turns around, but is not the same. Her face and body looks pale like and her mane is a little messy. Her mouth is covered in rainbow. She looks like a zombie.

Then Ms. Cakes groans, and says, "Cookies...! Cookies!"

The two mares are shocked to see what happened to Ms. Cakes.

"Uh, I can see you're busy! I'll come back!" Rainbow scaredly says as she tries to step back.

The two mares end up tripping over the empty box of cookies, and fall on their backs.

Just then the cabinet opens, and to their shock, they see Pinkie who looks like a zombie with a rainbow mouth, and, says, "Cookies...!"

Rainbow Dash and Tiger Lily scream in fear seeing what is happening. Pinkie and Ms. Cakes have been turned into zombies and they want moe cookies. The two mares turn to see the young cake twins are zombies too. What's more everypony in the house wants more cookies. The four zombified poies begins to surround the the two, but they both fly away in the nick of time.

Rainbow Dash and Tiger Lily fly out of the store in fear, but the zombie ponies are slowly walking out as repeating the same words 'Cookies…!"

The two fly down the e street, and all over Ponyville to see that many ponies who have eaten the joke cookies have been turned into cookie craving zombies. There isn't a safe place to land. But Rainbo is able to lead herself and Tiger Lily to the ground close to a statue. The two are tired and very scared to see what is happening.

Just then, they hear a strange sound and turn to see Twilight and Spike.

"Twilight! Spike!" TigerLily tiredly says.

Then the two walk over to Twilight and Spike.

"You gotta come with us to Sugarcube Corner! Something's going on with the Cakes! Well, not something exactly. I mean, it may have something to do with these joke cookies…" Rainbow panicky says as she tries to explain what happened.

At first they both stop eating the cookies and not saying anything, then turn around to have rainbow covered mouths and moans, "Cooooooookies…"

"Oh, no!" Rainbow shockley exclaims.

"We're too late!" Tiger Lily adds in fear.

The two fly away, and are able to reach Fluttershy's house.

Rainbow taps Fluttershy one the shoulder as she tries to talk, "Fluttershy…"

But it's too late, Fluttershy and her animals have eaten the cookies and turned into zombies too. They also have rainbow covered mouth.

Rainbow and Tiger Lily flee for their lives, and reac Sweet Apple Acres. When they fly into the kitchen Rainbow barricade the door with stuff in the house. They think they are save, but end up hearing a strange rattling sound. The two turn around to see Big Mac and Granny Smith walking towards the, and turned into cookie craving zombies too. The two fly out of the house as fast as their wings can take them.

They both also try to find Starlight, and little Snowdrop, but they end up turning into zombies too. Soon all of Ponyville are zombies and want the joke cookies to eat.

At Carousel Boutique, Rarity decides to invite Applejack, and the Crusaders over to her house. Rarity uses her magic to grab the keys and unlock the doors.

"You sure you don't mind us all comin' over?" Applejack asks.

Rarity doesn't mind, and says, "Oh, of course not. I think the girls have earned a little celebration for all of their hard work. And I have plenty of sewing machine cake left over."

"Unless anypony wants a cookie...?" Rarity adds as she levitates a box of cookies.

However, Rainbow flies over, and kicks it out of the way ash e screams, "Don't touch those!"

"Oh! There is certainly no call for that! There's plenty for everypony," Rarity firmly replies.

Then Tiger Lily scaredly screams, "Come on! We need to get out of here!"

"What in tarnation are you goin' on about?" Applejack asks.

"There's no time! You have to follow me!" Rainbow scaredly shouts.

"Oh, girls, if you want all of those cookies, you will have to buy them, just like everypony else," Rarity firmly replies.

"We don't want the cookies… !" Rainbow screams.

Tiger Lily eyes widen and begins to shake like a rattle.

Then she scaredly says in a calm tone, "But they do!"

The ponies look to where Tiger Lily is look, and can see the zombies, rainbow mouthed ponies are slowly walking this way. This cause them to become scared

Rarity nervously asks, "Wh-wh-what... What's happening?

"We'll explain later," Tiger Lily says using her magic to get the fillies in the cart.

Rainbow straps herself to it, and shouts, "Come on!"

Then they all begin to run as fast as their hooves or wings can carry them. Sadly the zombie ponies are after the. As they run, they try to figure out where to do.

Sweetie Belle screams, "We need to find somewhere to hide!"

They do need one, but end up seeing the zombified Granny Smith in front of the road. Rainbow makes a sharp turn and is able to get past Granny without hitting her.

Luckily Applejack knows a place, so she runs ahead of the others and informs, "This way!"

The others pull the cart as she follow Applejack to a place to hide, but the zombies continue to go after them, mostly the cookies they're carrying.

Applejack leads them to a farm somewhere in the orchard, and do what they can to barricade the place up. In the barn, the four mares done their best to secure the barn before any more zombie ponies come after them.

Rainbow spats out the hammer and asks, "Did we lose them?"

"I hope so," Tiger Lily nervously replies.

Scootaloo looks out the window as she scaredly asks, Why are we running from the ponies of Ponyville?"

"What happened to all of our friends?" Sweetie Belle adds, worriedly.

Rainbow sighs, grabbing a box of cookies, and admits, "I think it's something in the cookies."

"Ugh! That's ridiculous! Filly Guide cookies haven't changed for years! It's not like there's a new ingredient that's turnin' the whole town into cookie-cravin' zombies," Applejack calmly protests to the agusation.

Rainbow laughs nervously and admits, "Uh, unless there... is…"

"What are you saying?" Rarity asks, arching her eyebrow.

Then Applejack sternly asks, "What did you do?"

Before Rainbow can answer, hoovies of the zombie ponies begin to break the barricade for the window. The zombies have found them, and where the rest of the cookies are stacked.

Rainbow Dash screams, "Cover the windows!"

And that's what they do. They all uses hay barrel, wood, a cart, and other means to keep the ponies out. Outside, all the ponies of Ponyville are heading to the bard as cookie craving zombies. Inside, Rainbow covers the last hole, and knows there is no way out of this.

Rainbow finally caves and confesses "Okay! So I may have switched all the Filly Guide cookies for joke cookies that were supposed to make ponies' mouths rainbow. Tiger Lily also told me not to, but I didn't want to listen. And somehow they turned everypony into mindless cookie-eating zombies instead!"

"I figure we just hide out here until the effects wear off, and as long as nopony else eats the cookies, we'll be fine." Rainbow adds, as she grabs the lantern after turning it on.

Rarity calmly says, "That's lovely, darling, except for one thing…"

"We've already eaten theeeeeeeeeemmmmm…" Rarity adds, and she has a rainbow mouth.

Rainbow screams seeing Rarity is a zombie now. She turns to see Applejack and Tiger Lily have eaten the cookies and turn into zombies.

Applejack slowly says, "Looks like your prank up and backfiiiirrrrreeeeed…"

"And it really diiiiiiiiiiiiiiddddddddd… " Tiger Lily moans.

Rainbow screams in fear, and drop the lantern. It roll to the crusaders and they become zombies too.

They all moan, "Cooooooookiiiieeeees…"

Rainbow is becoming more scared than ever before. She then see Applejack kicking the cart way, and Tiger Lily uses her magic to opens the windows and the door to let the zombies in. Rainbow gasps to see everypony, more like every zombie is coming into the farm. They want th cookies.

In a panic, Rainbow begin to gather the boxes as she screams, "No, no! Stay away! They're making you sick! You don't want these!"

""But we dooooooo... We want cookiiiiiiiieeeeeeees...!" Pinkie moans, as everpony chant.

Then Rainbow screams, Nngh! Please! Stop! I never meant for this to happen! It was just a harmless prank! It was supposed to be funny! But this isn't funny at all!

She then covers herself with her wings and hooves waiting for the worst.

Just then she hear Pinkie saying, "Exactly!"

Rainbow open her eyes to see the ponies are now smiling, and wiping the rainbow colors from their mouths.

"What? Wait... What's happening?" Rainbow asks, not having a clue what is happening.

"Just delighting in pranking the prankster," Rarity calmly answers brushing her mane.

Applejack chuckles and and asks with a smirk on her face, "Yeah. How does it feel to get some of your own medicine?"

Still not fully understanding what is going on, Rainbow asks, "So... you're... not sick? None of you are?"

"Of course not, silly!" Pinkie answers.

Then everypony in the room announces, "Gotcha!"

Realizing what is going on, Rainbow shockley exclaims, "This... was all... a prank?!"

"Yep! And you can thank Pinkie Pie. After you told her and Tiger Lily about your plan to prank the whole town, she got everypony together and came up with a way to turn the tables on you," Applejack explains.

"Aw, shucks, it was nothing! Just a little something I threw together," Pinki says with glee.

"Uh…" Rainbow replies, looking a bit confused and stunned about the whole prank.

"Wow! You should see your face!" Scootaloo remark laughing.

"Talk about funny!" Apple Bloom agrees.

However, Rainbow Dash is not very pleased, and exclaims looking upset, "Well, I don't think it's very funny! And I'm the one that got pranked! I was really scared! I thought I made everypony sick! You can't just go around…"

"Pranking whoever you feel like?" Twigh remarks.

"Without thinking about how it might make them feel?" Fluttershy adds.

"Or if they'd even enjoy it?" Rarity politely adds.

"Or think it's funny?" Applejack firmly adds.

"Yeah!" Rainbow Dash harshly agrees.

Then Tiger Lily calmly says, "But that's how we felt when you did panks on us."

Rainbow Dash starts to becomes a bt guilty and says, "You did?"

Everypony nods their heads in reply.

Realizing this, Rainbow calmly says,"Ohhh. I see what you did there."

"Pranks can be a lot of fun when everypony has a good time. I thought you just needed to see what it's like when they don't." Pinkie says.

She then walks to Tiger Lily and says,"Tiger Lily gave me the idea when she told you how would you like it if someone pulled a prank on you and you didn't like it."

"I guess she's right, I didn't like it at all," Rainbow says, finally understanding her mistake.

Then he apologizes, "I'm sorry, everypony. I haven't really been thinking about how other ponies feel"

"Well, I hope you learned your lesson," Fluttershy replies.

"Totally! You ponies pulled off an amazing prank!" Rainbow answers with a smile.

She then rubs her hooves making a smirk on her face, and says, " I'll have to work extra hard to top it!"

Everypony eyes widen as they stare at her, fearing that she will pull another prank.

"Gotcha," Rainbow replies.

Hearing that, everypony starts laughing. This has turned out to be a goodnight, everypony have some cookies, and Rainbow has learned a valuable lesson about pleasing other ponies with her panks.

Author's Note:

Craziest and yet a bit of a scary prank.