• Published 19th Dec 2017
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Tiger Lily's Friendship Adventures - Pinkie Pie Sweets

Tiger Lily has adventures with friends, make new ones, and might end up meeting somepony special

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Chapter 26: Do Things the Hard Way, not the Magic Way

At Twilight's castle, Starlight and Tiger Lily has been doing magic lessons with Twilight. Of course, Twilight has pointed out that they haven't done many friendship lessons during the last time they both separately made friends. While Twilight and Spike are away in Canterlot the two have plan out some friendship lessons to solve, but doing it with five of their friends. Sadly Starlight has already cast the spell on her friends.

Starlight ends up with an idea to speed up the process, but Tiger Lily is not sure of the idea.

"Starlight, are you sure using those spells are a very good idea?" Tiger Lily asks in concern.

"Of course I'm sure. Using both the Cogeria and combining it with the Fiducia Compelus will help get the job done faster! Oh, with a hint of Persuadere to be sure it sticks," Starlight says, sounding confident.

Tiger Lily sighs, and explains, "Look Starlight, I do want to complete our lessons, but I don't think using magic on our friend is going to help. What is something bad happens?"

But Starlight brushes it off, "Oh you worry too much. I know what I'm doing."

"I… I guess you. You are better at magic," Tiger Lily says, feeling a bit remorse.

"Don't worry, about it. I got everything under control," Starlight replies with a smile.

Then Tiger Lily says, "And another thing, are you sure we should try and do everything at once. It will be a good idea to take our time with each of our friends. And they're two of us."

"Yes, but we don't get everything done when Twilight gets back. Now come on, the others are waiting," Starlight says, still not listening.

Starlight then walks out of the room with the books she is going to use for the spell.

Tiger Lily sighs, "Sometimes when she told me not to worry is when I worry the most."

Tiger Lily walks out the door to find Starlight and the friends.

As Tiger Lily walks out the door, she hears Starlight's loud voice, "Ponies! Hear my voice and listen!"

Tiger Lily jumps as she ends up being spooked by the voice. She looks to see Starlight is using her magic on Applejack and the others. Tiger Lily gulps as she is starting to get a very bad feeling about this spell.

Starlight goes to each girls to give them instructions, "Pinkie, kitchen. Rarity, Applejack, library. Fluttershy, stay here. Rainbow Dash, find somewhere 'inside' the castle and set up a place where we can chillax."

Hearing the instructions, four of the girls go to their places as they are orders.

Tiger Lily gulps, and says in her thoughts, "I got a bad feeling about this."

Later on, Pinkie is inside the kitchen with all the supplies to make a cake. Starlight opens the door with her magic, and she along with Tiger Lily walk in.

As they get in, Tiger Lily tries again to reason with Starlight, "Starlight, I really think using this spell is a bad idea. Twilight won't be happy."

"But she'll really won't be happy if we don't find any friendship lessons to do. Trust me on this." Starlight says.

Starlight turns to Pinkie and says, "Let's get to work Pinkie."

"Okie dokie. What would you like to do first?" Pinkie answers, sounding a bit dazed.

Confused, Starlight asks, "Uh. What are we supposed to do first?"

"Whatever you want to do first, Starlight Glimmer?" Pinkie answers mechanically.

Tiger Lily walks over, and says, "We're supposed to bake a cake together."

Tiger Lily opens the book as she reads the instruction, "In a medium sized mixing bowl, beat together eggs, sugar, and two teaspoons of vanilla..."

Pinkie robotically does what Tiger Lily says. Starlight and Tiger Lily to see Pinkie doing nothing.

Starlight looks in the book, "Mix in flour…"

Pinkie pours the flour in the bowl. The two look again to see Pinkie doing nothing.

Starlight looks at Pinkie, as she reads, "Add in baking soda, salt, and cinnamon."

Pinkie has done it again. Tiger Lily looks in the bowl to see the ingredients inside.

"I think you can take it from here," Starlight says, moving the book to Pinkie.

Starlight and Tiger Lily take their leave.

However, Pinkie still under the spell asks, "Take what from where?"

"The baking. Just keep following the instructions in the book until I get back," Starlight answers, a bit confused as she and Tiger Lily walks to the door.

"Absotively! Instruction following starting…" Pinkie answers with a forced smile, and stops for a minute.

Then Pinkie announces, "Now!"

"Baking a cake, check! Now onto sewing," Starlights was, confident that her plan worked.

Tiger Lily becomes deeply concern, and says in her thoughts, "I'm getting a really bad feeling about this."

In the library and still under the spells Starlight cast, Applejack is setting the albums on the one table while Rarity is setting a bunch of fabric on the other one. Starlight and Tiger Lily are going to be with Rarity next.

Starlight asks, "What did you have in mind, Rarity?""

"Whatever you want me to have in my mind, Starlight Glimmer," Rarity answers still in a daze.

Starlight and Tiger Lily look a bit confused.

Tiger Lily asks, "Starlight, are you sure you cast the spell right?"

"I think I did," Starlight replies, looking skeptic.

Starlight then brings out a magazine and opens it to find a dress. Tiger Lily opens at one that she finds interesting and pretty.

Starlight shows the outfit, and asks, "Can you make a dress exactly like that one?"

The dress on the magazine has a lot of layers of light yellow and dark yellow, and a nice top with a burgundy and light yellow strap.

Rarity look at the photo and asks, "Just like this one?"

"Just like it," Tiger Lily answers, with a small blush.

"Absolutely. It will look perfectly divine," Rarity answers, still closed and still obeying the order.

Starlight and Tiger Lily walks over to Applejack to see the many photos she has on the table, and remembers how much she has in the wagon.

"That's a whole lot of photos," Tiger Lily says, amazed to see so many photos here.

Then Starlight asks, "How do you usually organize them?

"However you want me to organize them, Starlight," Applejack mechanically answers.

"Okay. Tell me about this one," Starlight says choosing a photo.

The photo is a picture of Granny Smith with a pig wearing swimming goggles and floating in an innertube.

Applejack obeys, and answers, "Sweet Apple Acres, twenty moons ago. Granny Smith was lookin' for her favorite pie tin. She looked in the kitchen, but it wasn't there. She looked in the barn, but it wasn't there."

Starlight rolls her eyes, and says, "Ugh. I don't need every little detail. Heh. Just sum up the story in one sentence."

"Huh. Turns out Granny Smith didn't know how to make a pig do the backstroke," Applejack shorts the story.

Confused, Starlight calmly says, "Uh-huh... Why don't you keep putting these photos in chronological order, and when I come back, you can give me more... highlights?"

"Sure thing, Starlight Glimmer," Applejack answers, still dazed.

STarlight and Tiger Lily are becoming a bit confused and yet annoyed on how the others are behaving due to the spell.

Tiger Lily mutters in frustration, "I'm starting to think that this is a really bad idea. I'm just glad Snowdrop is sleeping in her playpen in Starlight's bedroom."

They reach Fluttershy who still remained in this specific spot, not notice something missing.

"Fluttershy, where are all the animals?" Starlight asks.

"They ran away," Fluttershy mechanically answer.

"They ran away?" Tiger Lily answers, confused by this.

Then Starlight akss, "And why didn't you stop them?"

"Because you didn't ask me to," Fluttershy answers.

"Obviously I wanted you to... Never mind." Starlight says in frustration.

Then Starlight asks, "Can you please round up all the animals in the castle and bring them back here to the foyer?"

"All the animals. Got it," Fluttershy happily replies, and being to search for the animals.

Just then, Rainbow Dash flies over with a bucket and two towels.

Starlight asks, "Did you find a place to chillax, Rainbow Dash?

"Sure thing, Starlight Glimmer!" Rainbow answers with a forced grin.

"Great. Let me know when it's ready," Starlight instructs, pleased that something went right.

"Yes, Starlight Glimmer," Rainbow answers. Then flies upstairs.

Later on, Tiger Lily and Starlight are listening to Applejack's stories, of course it's kind of boring to listen to all of this. Then again, some of the stories are rather confusing for them. Of course, they are also seeing pictures of what the stories relate.

"Starlight Glimmer." Rarity calmly calls.

Starlight and Tiger Lily walk up to Rarity to see the dress.

"I have finished the dress. Isn't it gorgeous?" Rarity asks with a smile and holding a picture of the dress.

"What is that?" Tiger Lily asks.

"Starlight wanted me to make a dress exactly like the one in the book," Rarity answers.

Starlight sighs, and says, "Go make a real dress out of fabric, exactly like the one in the book."

"Ah. I see. Yes, of course, Starlight Glimmer," Rarity says, going to fill out the order.

Rarity walks back to the table to make the dress.

Remembering something, Tiger Lily adds, "Rarity! Make it bigger than the one in the book."

"Of course, darling. Bigger it is," Rarity says, looking a bit unsure.

Tiger Lily looks to see that Rarity has made a dress for a small white mouse. Tiger Lily giggles seeing the sight of it, and thinks it's cute.

Tiger Lily and Starlight listen to more of the stories of Applejack's photos. Then they both go to check on Pinkie to see how she is doing. But when Starlight opens the door, a bunch of cooking supplies, and cakes fall on them. The both are able to dig out of the pile, and rush in the kitchen to see a shocking encounter.

Starlight shockley asks, "Pinkie, what are you doing?!"

They see Pinkie make so many cakes in a fast speed.

"Following all of the instructions in the cookbook in order, Starlight Glimmer!" Pinkie explains.

"I meant just the one cake! I was only gone a few minutes! How in Equestria did you get all of this done so fast?" Starlight clarifies, and is starting to get stressed.

"First, I combined three eggs, then I…" Pinkie beings explanation, but Starlight uses her magic to stop her from moving and talking.

Starlight bluntly says, "Think the baking lesson is done."

Just then, they hear loud growling in the halls.

Tiger Lily recognize it, "That sounds like Harry."

"Oh, what now?" Starlight groans over the stress.

Starlight who is still carrying Pinkie with her magic, and Tiger Lily run out of the kitchen to see what is going on. Sadly, they mess to see the cakes are still in the oven, and are starting to burn.

As they run, Applejack says, still doing the album, "They can take our farm, but they can't take our freedom!"

They both run back in the hall.

Starlight panicky asks, "What's going on?!"

They both look to see the scared animals.

Tiger lily comes up to them, "There, there, it's okay. Do you know what happened?"

Harry points his claw to where they need to see.

Starlight and Tiger Lily look to see Fluttershy is covered in spiders, snakes, and over animals and insects. Starlight is starting to get scared, since she has a few problems with spiders.

Fluttershy mechanically says, "I gathered all of the animals like you asked, Starlight Glimmer."

Rarity comes up to where the animals is, and see the rug.

She happily says, "Oh, yes, this will do nicely."

She uses her magic to take the rug, causing the animals ot hit the ground.

"A much bigger dress!" Rarity adds.

Starlight then hears, Applejack says, "It was the best of apples, it was the worst of apples…"

Tiger Lily flies back from getting Snowdrop. The noise has awaken the sleeping dragon, and she is hungry.

Finally had it, Starlight worriedly confronts Starlight, "Starlight, you need to reverse the spell!"

"No we don't! I can handle this. It's just magic, and I know magic," STarlight declines, and becoming stressed.

"Starlight! This is getting out of control. Something went wrong with the spells you casted, and causing our friends to go need to fix this, right now!" Tiger Lily demands, sounding upset

Starlight gulps to see the anger in Tiger Lily. Tiger Lily is usually not the type to by furious. However, this is one of those points where Tiger Lily has reach her limits. Just then, the two look to see smoke all over the room

Starlight explains, "What's that?!"

"Something's burning," Tiger Lily adds.

Pinkie mumbles still under the spell.

"What did you say?" STarlight asks, removing the spell.

Pinkie answers, "The cakes are burning. You left the ovens on."

This shocked Starlight and Tiger Lily.

"Oh no!" Tiger Lily exclaims.

Then Starlight shouts, "We need water!"

Rainbow comes in, and says, "Yes, Starlight Glimmer."

Rainbow flies outside, and brings giant gray clouds into the castle. What scare Starlight and Tiger Lily, those are not ordinary clouds.

Starlight shockley claims as she clutches Rainbow's face, "Storm clouds?!"

Before anypony can do anything, the thunder in the storm clashes, then begin to rain. The rain fills up the castle with a lot of water flooding it. Just then, all the windows and doors open, and all the water fastly seep out in seconds. When most of the water is gone, everypony are in a dogpile and are soaked.

Applejack who is floating on the table as she says, "Big Mac told me, 'With a whole lot of power comes a heck of a lot of responsibility.'"

"Applejack, can you please stop?" Tiger Lily whines.

"Sure thing," Applejack answers.

Tiger Lily glares at Starlight, "Ready to admit that I told you this was a terrible idea to use magic?"

Starlight sighs, "This can't get any worse!"

"I think it's just did," Tiger Lily mutters.

Just then, Twilight and Spike has returned from their trip, and enter the castle. To their shock to see the place is soak and wet, everything is a giant mess.

"What is going on!" Twilight asks in shock.

Tiger Lily walks up to Twilight, still being soaked, and mutters, "I so don't want to talk about it!"

Tiger Lily simply walks away out of frustration. Starlight is starting to feel really bad on what she has done. Tiger Lily has warned her about using the spells to manipulate her friends, but Starlight has refused to listen, and ignore her. Now, tusing magic has messed up the castle.

Starlight looks in the hallway to see Tiger Lily cleaning the floor. She then looks to see little Snowdrop is happily drinking her bottle in the stroller. She lets out a sigh because she suspects Tiger Lily is still very upset with her for how she acted. However, Starlight knows that she has to do this otherwise they are unable to fix their problem.

"Hey Tiger Lily, what are you doing?" Starlight reluctantly asks.

"Hi Starlight, how did things go with Twilight?" Tiger Lily bluntly answers.

Starlight sighs, "Not very well. She was able to fix everything, but I messed up really bad."

"You could say that," Tiger Lily answers, unamused.

Then she asks, "Did you tell her?"

"Yeah. She wasn't very happy with me, and the others aren't happy as well," Starlight answers.

Starlight takes a calm deep breath, "Tiger Lily, you were right and I was wrong. What I did was very wrong. I know that there's nothing I can to to take all of it back, but wish there is. The truth is… I did all this so I can avoid my lessons."

Tiger Lily stops cleaning, and looks at Starlight, "You wanted to avoid your lessons! Why?"

"I was afraid that I might not be good at all those things, and afraid to disappoint everypony. Sadly, I ended up disappointed the girls and Twilight by casting spells on the others," Starlight admits.

"And what's worse… I've been ignoring you after you warned me so many times about using them," Starlight adds with a frown.

"Yeah. You kind of have," Tiger Lily quietly replies.

Starlight says in remorse, "I know. I'm really sorry I didn't listen to you about using the spell. It not only got completely out of control, but I missed the whole point of the lesson entirely. The point of them was to get to know our friends better, not do all the activities. Maybe I need to have a friendship lesson to get to know my own cousin. I know it's not much, but I'll I can say is… I'm sorry."

Tiger Lily looks at Starlight, and see how remorse Starlight is in her eyes. Starlight really means it.

Tiger Lily walks up to Starlight, and gives her a hug, "I forgive you, Starlight."

Starlight then gives Tiger Lily a hug.

"But we still have a huge mess to lean up," Tiger Lily replies, looking at the condition of the castle.

"Don't worry, we got this," Starlight says with a grin.

"We?" Tiger Lily asks in a confused tone.

Tiger Lily and Starlight look behind them to see the others are here to help with the mess. Throughout the afternoon, the two have help Rarity sew all the tapestries together and hanging them on the wall. Then they help Applejack with the family album. Then they help Fluttershy with the animals, and Starlight is not that much afraid of spiders anymore. Tiger lily is also natural when it comes to animals. They then begin to bake some cakes with Pinkie. At first, Pinkie doesn't feel to forgiving, but smiles to see Starlight covered in flour. The three then laugh.

After a long day of cleaning and in a way done with friendship lessons, they do Rainbow's lesson: chillaxing. They sit on the lounge chairs on the balcony, and Starlight use a spell to make a fountain for them. Of course, Twilight, Spike, and the others have join them as well.

Looking at the sun, Tiger Lily happily says, "It sure is nice getting to relax after what we've been through today."

"Yeah. It sure was. And it's a good idea to bring Snowdrop with us" Starlight replies.

Snowdrop is in Tiger Lily's arms, and is taking a good nap.

Tiger Lily says, "I say Snowdrop is relaxing."

"Especially on a nice day like this," Starlight adds with a smile.

"Hey! Less talking, and more chillaxing," Rainbow says, then lies down on the chair with her black sunglasses on.

The two then giggle seeing how relaxed or chillax Rainbow Dash is, and decide to do the same.

Author's Note:

This sure was a crazy fiasco, and this is one of those times that Tiger Lily gets angary.