• Published 19th Dec 2017
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Tiger Lily's Friendship Adventures - Pinkie Pie Sweets

Tiger Lily has adventures with friends, make new ones, and might end up meeting somepony special

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Chapter 12: A Day in Another World Part 2

In the school hallways, the Twilight Sparkle Tiger Lily has talked to is with Sunset Shimmer and their other friends who are Tiger Lily's friends' counterparts of this world. As they walk down the hall after they gather their things from the locker, Twilight has just finish explaining to the girls about her encounter from earlier.

"She then became so sad and walked off," Twilight says.

She becomes sad, and says, "I didn't even know her, only that she told me her name is Tiger Lily."

"That' kind of weird. Are you sure you never met that girl before?" Rainbow asks, looking confused.

"I'm sure of it," Twilight answers.

She sighs and says, "But I think she's honest when she said that she knows me. She seems very serious about it."

Sunset thinks about the situation, and says, "Maybe we can find her around here. I'm sure she didn't get far."

"What do we do after we find her?" Fluttershy asks.

"I'm sure we can explain to her that this was all nothin' but a misunderstanding, and they she'll be on her way," Applejack answers with a calm smile.

Applejack opens to door to the front of the school, and walks out. The others follows her. They walks down the stairs as they continue talking.

"But why did she act like she knows Twilight?" Rainbow Dash asks.

"I don't know, but she seems very serious about it," Twilight answers.

Pinkie looks up ahead, and asks, "This girl, Tiger Lily… she wouldn't happen to have dark green hair with matching skirt, and has a hairband with a small tiger and a white lily on it."

Twilight eyes widen, and shockley says, "That's right, but how did you know that?"

"Because… she's sitting right over there," Pinkie answering, pointing to where she is.

The others look up a head to see where Pinkie pointing at. Twilight is surprised to see the very same girl from earlier, Tiger Lily, but something doesn't seem right. The others can tell that something is wrong and need to do something. They see the girl is sitting against the wondercolt statue where the portal is. From the looks of it, she is covering her face and her knees, and hugging herself tight.

Twilight sadly says, "That's her alright, but Tiger Lily doesn't look alright."

"Yeah. I think something is wrong," Sunset replies.

"What should we do?" Applejack asks.

"Don't look now, but Pinkie is already about to do something," Rainbow remarks, looking at the front lawn.

The others turn to see that Pinkie is happily skipping to the girl at the wondercolt statue. When Pinkie arrivals, she can hear Tiger Lily crying, and is not interested in any conversation.

Pinkie gets down on her knees with a smile on her face, and happily says, "Hi my name is Pinkie Pie."

But Tiger Lily is not saying anything.

"What's your name?" Pinkie asks.

But Tiger Lily is still not saying anything. Instead she clutches her knees even harder, and cries more. Pinkie becomes sad and walks back towards the others in defeat.

When she reaches the others, Applejack says, "I guessin' it didn't worked out very well."

"No, she must be really sad and doesn't want t say anything. Whatever is bothering her, she must be really really upset about it." Pinkie sadly answers.

The girls are trying to figure out what to do with the girls. While they're not looking, Fluttershy looks at Tiger Lily with sympathy and decide to see if she can help her. Fluttershy walks over to see her while the others are discussing about the situation. Fluttershy sits down next to her, with a calm smile, but trying to think of what to say.

Fluttershy calmly says with a smile, "Hello."

But TigerLily is still not saying anything.

"It's okay. I'm not going to hurt you. I just want to know what wrong so that my friends and I can help you," Fluttershy says with reassurance.

Tiger Lily begins to whimper as she tries to explains, "I… I...can't go back home."

Fluttershy becomes confused, and asks, "What do you mean, you can't go back home?"

"I don't know I should tell you. You won't be able to believe me if I tell you," Tiger Lily says, crying and still curled in a ball.

"But I won't be able to help you if you don't tell me. I'm sure if what trouble you are having, my friends and I can help you," Fluttershy says with a reassurance.

Tiger Lily lifts her head up, and sees the human version of Fluttershy. She can see that this Fluttershy is holding a smile on her face, and puts her hand on her shoulder to make her feel better. Tiger Lily has this feeling that she can trust her, even though she reminds her of Fluttershy. Tiger Lily finally decides to try explaining her situation to Fluttershy, she just hope that this Fluttershy will believe her.

"You see, I'm not really from here. I came from world called Equestria, and lived in a town called Ponyville. I made many friends like Princess Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and others. I even have a cousin Starlight glimmer, and a baby dragon, Snowdrop…"TigerLily explains.

Tiger Lily begins to shed more tears and says, "I… I saw this mirror and decided to take a look through it and found myself here, and…and decided to explore here for a while. But now I'm stuck here with no way out…"

"... I won't be able to go home to be my friend and my cousin and my baby dragon again!" Tiger Lily adds and sheds a lot of tears from her face, and puts her head on her knees.

Fluttershy is shocked to hear it, and not just about her unable to go home. She is shocked to hear that she is friends of Princess Twilight, and counterparts of her friends. She then realizes that's the reason why she thinks this Twilight is her friend, she doesn't know about this world at all and thinks that this Twilight Sparkle is her Twilight Sparkle. Now she feels sorry for her for being trapped her, and touches the portal, and can tell it closed. Fluttershy knows there is only one way to help her and make her feel better.

Fluttershy calmly says to Tiger Lily, "Thanks you for telling me, now I know how my friends and I can help?"

"How?" Tiger Lily asks.

"You just wait here while I got talk to my friends, okay," Fluttershy says.

"Okay," Tiger Lily nervously answers.

Fluttershy gets up and rush over to her friends to tell them about Tiger Lily's situation. When she reaches her friends, Fluttershy can see them still talking about the situation, and don't have a clue that she has been gone.

Fluttershy quietly says, "Um, girls."

But the girls are not listen to her, they just keep talking.

"Girls," Fluttershy says, a little louder.

And still no response.

She then angrily shouts, "Girls!"

Hearing Fluttershy's scream makes the girls scream in surprise. The look at Fluttershy with confused look, which causes Fluttershy to blush in embarrassment.

Sunset Shimmer asks, "What is it Fluttershy?"

"Yeah, you didn't have to shout you know," Rainbow says with a frustrated look.

Sorry, but I was able to talk to the girl Tiger Lily, and she told me what happened," Fluttershy asks

"She did!" Twilight replied with a shock.

Fluttershy nods her head and explains, "Yes. She told me that she came from Equestria, but the portal's closed so she's trapped here."

"What?!" The girls exclaimed.

Twilight gasps and says, "Now I understand why she knows me…"

"She thought you were Princess Twilight," Sunset adds.

"And Princess Twilight must not know that TigerLily is here and closed the portal on her," Rarity adds.

"What can we do?" Fluttershy asks with concern.

Sunset has an idea and says, "First we need to talk to her and tell her that we're friends with Princess Twilight, then I can go to my locker to get the journal and tell her what happened."

The girls nod their heads agreeing to the idea. With that, Fluttershy leads them to Tiger Lily. This time Tiger Lily's head is up and seeing that this Fluttershy and all of her friends are walking towards her. The girls sit around Tiger Lily while Fluttershy sit right next to her.

Fluttershy calmly says, "Tiger Lily, I brought my friends here, and we know how we can help you. "

"How? Tiger Lily asks.

"Well for starters, we're actually friends with Princess Twilight sparkle. And before you say anything, this Twilight Sparkle is the born in this worlds. Same with the rest of us," Applejack explains.

"Except for me. I used to live in Equestria before living here," Sunset clarifies.

"You used to live in Equestria, but why are you living her now?" TigerLily asks with a shock.

Sunset blushes a it, and says, "That's a long story that had some unpleasant memories."

"Oh," Tiger Lily sadly replies.

Then she asks, "So how am going to get back to Equestria?"

"Aw but why do you want to leave so soon. We can have all kinds of fun together. We can go out for pizza, watch a movie, play the park, and have a sleep over!" Pinkie relies enthusiastically.

Tiger Lily giggles a bit, and says, "I guess so,and you do remind me of Pinkie back home."

"And to answer your question on how, I actually have a book that I send message to Princess Twilight," Sunset adds.

"You do?" Tiger Lily surprisingly asks.

"Yeah," Sunset answers.

Tiger Lily smiles and says, "Thanks.

She turn to Twilight, and says, "I'm sorry about earlier."

"That's okay. From what the girls told me and what Fluttershy told us about you, I can understand why you were confused at first," Twilight replies with a calm smile.

Then Tiger Lily asks, "So when can we message Princess Twilight."

"We can do it right now," Sunset answers.

Then Applejack says, "And I'm willin' to bet that you're hungry right now."

Right on que Tiger Lily stomach begins to growl loud and long.

"Well, I did skip lunch today," Tiger Lily says with a straight look and her cheeks are blushing.

The girls giggling seeing it.

Rarity helps Tiger Lily upas she says, "Well, it's simply not lady like to get yourself starve like that."

"But I don't have any bits wit me," Tiger Lily replies.

"Not to worry darling, we'll help you with that," Rarity says.

"Okay," Tiger Lily replies with a small smile on her face.

She then turns to Sunset and says, "By the way, I don't think I caught your name. I mean I can remember the other's name, but I don't know yours."

"Right. I'm Sunset Shimmer, it's nice to meet you," Sunset introduces herself.

"It's very nice to meet you. My name is Tiger Lily," Tiger Lily says with a calm smile.

With that, the girls decide to take Tiger Lily somewhere so she can eat. During the walk, the girls ask Tiger Lily is she tell them about herself, and what life does she has. Tiger Lily reluctantly agrees, but warn them that some parts of her life is not a very happy one. However, Tiger Lily also tell them that she would like to eat before explaining the story to them.

Back in Equestria at Twilight's throne room, Twilight and Starlight have gather Spike, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash to the room to tell them about the situation. They can tell that the situation is serious, and need to do something about it.

"Alright girls, as you know is that our friends Tiger Lily is missing and none of us have seen her all day without a word to anyone," Twilight informs

"No kidding! Starlight and I searched for Tiger Lily at her house, and she wasn't there," Rainbow says.

"Applejack and I looked at the market, but wasn't there either," Fluttershy shyly adds.

"We search all over Ponyville, but we can't find her anywhere," Applejack adds, worriedly.

Starlight tires to think as she says, "I may not know Tiger Lily much, but I know that this isn't like her to leave somewhere without a word to anyone."

"Yeah, and she wouldn't leave Snowdrop along for very long," Spike adds, feeding Snowdrop a bottle of milk.

Just then, Twilight has thought of something that she hasn't taken account for.

She turns to Straight and asks, "Starlight you remember that Tiger Lily went to the library easier to practice her magic right."

"That's right," Starlight replies.

Then Twilight asks, "Did you remember seeing Tiger Lily walking out of the library or or anywhere in the castle."

"I don't think so, but she would have told me if she did to get or do something," Starlight answers.

Spike asks, "Why do you ask, Twilight?"

"Well, we did look all of Ponyville and no pony has seen her at all except this morning. Then none of us saw her leaving the castle library. I think we should go check inside the library for a look," Twilight says.

"Maybe she left a note there and didn't noticed it," Starlight suggests.

Could be, let's head to the library and see what we can find," Twilight replies.

Agreeing to the idea, the girls and Spike, who is carrying Snowdrop head to the castle library to find a clue to where TigerLily has gone. They really hope that she can be found, and is not harmed or in any danger.

At Sugarcube Corner in another world, TigerLily and the girls are having some food and drinks as they talk about what happens in their lives. Tiger Lily has just finish explaining to the girls about her life, and some parts have made the girls cry.

"Gosh Tiger Lily, I didn't realized you had a rough life," Twilight sadly replies.

"I know, it's been hard, but I was able to get through all the pain and suffering I've dealt with… sort of," Tiger Lily answers feeling sad.

Applejack comes over and says, "I understand how you feel. I lost my parents when I was young too, and I understand how hard it was to deal with it."

"Yeah. I remember Applejack from my home told me that as well," Tiger Lily says.

"But I'm glad you were able to meet Princess Twilight and the others. And you ended up with more friends besides the animals," Fluttershy happily replies.

"I just can't believe that you met your cousin who was trying to change history just to get back on Twilight and her friends because she was doing something wrong," Sunset bluntly remarks.

Tiger Lily laughs nervously and says, "Well, I do admit that Starlight's actions was wrong and very extreme, but she was just suffering from inside and thought of getting rid of something that cause her pain. If it wasn't for me and Twilight, she would have been suffering and devoted to her idea to erase cutie marks from Equestria."

"I have to agree on that darling. Starlight was suffering, and had trouble moving on with her troubles. I guess having somepony who can be a real friend is what snap her out of it," Rarity says, having a sip of her tea.

"I agree," Tiger Lily replies with a smile.

Then Rainbow says with excitement, "My favorite part is that not only you met Daring Do in the flesh, but that you used elemental on Ahuizotl and his cats."

Rainbow laughs and says, "I'll bet you were able to see the look on his face!"

"Rainbow, Tiger Lily could have got hurt and was pony napped at the time too," Twilight firmly replies.

"Right," Rainbow says, rolling her eyes.

Tiger Lily turns to Sunset and says, "Still, I'm kind of surprised to hear yours and Twilight's story on how Equestrian magic you in this world."

"I do admit, that wasn't our best moments in the world, but we both ended up learning a valuable lesson from it," Sunset says.

"That friendship is very magical, and that you need to be careful with strong magic," Twilight adds.

Tiger Lily laughs a bit, and says, "I agree, but I think you both learned the very same lesson like Starlight did."

"What's that?" Twilight asks.

"Power isn't that what you both really wanted is friendship that you wanted, and it something that you really need. It's alo something I need to get through my loss and my loneliness," Tiger Lily answers with a smile.

Sunset nods her head, and says, "I couldn't agree more."

"So are we going to send a message to Princess Twilight?" Tiger Lily asks.

"Right," Sunset nods her head.

Sunset takes the book out of her backpack and a pen as well. She turns the page to an empty one, and begins to write it down to get a message to Princess Twilight.

Sunset takes out her pen, and begins to write as she says, "Dear Princess Twilight Sparkle..."

Author's Note:

Tiger Lily ends up with new friends.