• Published 19th Dec 2017
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Tiger Lily's Friendship Adventures - Pinkie Pie Sweets

Tiger Lily has adventures with friends, make new ones, and might end up meeting somepony special

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Chapter 22: Beauty and the Changeling

While Shining Armor and his guards are looking for the changeling, Tiger Lily, and the others, excluding Spike are the the throne room with some of the guards and the two babies who are in the play pin with some toys. While the babies are playing, Tiger Lily has explain to the others about how she and the changeling, Thorax are connected.

Starlight asks, "So let me guess this straight, that changeling called Thorax is the creature you met and help heal?"

"That's right," Tiger Lily answers

"And he never once hurt you or did anything changeling behavior?" Princess Cadence asks.

"No. He hadn't," Tiger Lily answers.

Then Twilight asks, "Are you sure he didn't do anything to you?"

"If he did suck my love or put me under his mind control or something, I wouldn't have been here," Tiger Lily sternly answers.

"Sorry, I just wanted to make sure," Twilight apologizes.

"That's okay. I'm sorry for being so stern. I'm just bit frustrated that all of you think Thorax will hurt me. I mean, he's so sweet, and a bit shy, but I think he's wonderful," Tiger Lily explains.

"I understand why you feel like that, but we can't take any chances. If there's one of him, there may well be whole army," Princess Cadence worriedly replies.

Just then, Tiger Lily remember something, and says, "I'm not sure about it. When I found him, he was all by himself. I'm starting to think he's travels alone."

"But why?" Starlight asks.

"The only way to find out is to find him, but we don't know where he went," Tiger Lily sadly answers.

"That reminds me, why did he take off after seeing you? He even got nervous when he first saw you?" Starlight questionably asks.

"Not to mention, he have you that purple crystal rose," Princess Cadence adds.

Twilight agrees, and says, "Yeah. He acted very strange, and it's not normal… at least to a changeling anyway."

"I sure hope Shining Armor and the others find him. I sure love to see to him again," Tiger Lily says.

"I'm sure they will," Starlight says with a reassuring smile.

Tiger Lily smiles and really hope Thorax can be found.

Then Twilight asks, "By the way, have any of you seen Spike?"

The three other mares look at each other, then shake their head in reply. Twilight is starting to wonder where Spike has gone, she hasn't seen him since she saw Thorax in the throne room.

In the snowy cavern, Spike is looking around for Thorax. Since the incident in the throne room, Spike has been feeling bad for not saying anything to defend him, not to mention something that relates him and Tiger Lily. In fact, he just figure out that Thorax is in love with Tiger Lily, and needs to help him build his confidence and get the ponies to see how nice Thorax is.

As he walks through the cave, Spike calls out, "Thorax? Thorx, where are you?"

So after nothing. Spike knows that Thoax is in this cave so he continues to search for him.

"Thorax, I know you're in here. Come out!" Spike calls out again.

Before Spike can go through the cave any further, he hears a scared voice, saying, "Up here."

Spike looks up to see Thoax is flying close to the ceiling.

Spike sighs and relief and says, "There you are. I knew you would be here."

"Yeah. I guess it's the only place you can find me," Thorax says, still looking a bit scared.

"Can you come down? I need to talk to you," Spike asks.

Hestated, Thorax slowly flies back to the ground and ands in front of Spike. Then the two sit down and decide to talk, but hasn't said a word.

Spike breaks the silence and asks, "Thorax… is Tiger Lily the pony you told me about?"

"How do you know?" Thorax asks in shock.

"I'd figure because of your reaction. Plus when you told me you gave her stuff from here, and how Tiger Lily been receiving presents from the empire. I put two and two together, and figure out that you're Tiger Lily's secret admirer. Plus, you did took my advice on giving her that flower," Spike explains.

Thorax is kind of surprised to hear how Spike manage to figure it out.

Then Thorax says, "Yeah, and thanks for the advise."

"Not that it matters anyway. There's no way the ponies would want to be my friends now, not on how they reacted towards me," Thorax sadly adds.

Spike shakes his head, and says, "That's not true, Tiger Lily seems pretty happy on seeing you again. And the way she was talking to you, it sounds like she really wanted to see you again."

He then becomes sad and says, "And, I'm sorry I didn't stood up to you when you were discovered, I guess I was a bit worried on what others think. But I still want to be your friends, and I should have stood up to you. I should have stuck what I think instead on worrying what everyone else thinks, like Tiger Lily did."

"It's okay I know it's hard. Everypony in the Crystal Empire love yous. I couldn't ask you to give that up for me," Thoax sadly answers, feeling like his chances of making friends are lost.

Having made up his mind, Spike gets up with a determine look and says, "You don't have to ask.

Thorax looks up to see Spike walking away and is heading to the exit.

"What are you gonna do?" Thorax asks.

Spike looks back and says, "What I should have gone in the first place."

Spike then continues to walk down the caverns to do what he should do… for a friend.

Back at the crystal palace everything is chaotic because all the guards are searching every nook and cranny for the changeling. In the throne room, Twilight, Tiger Lily, and Starlight are with the royal couple, Sunburst, and the two babies who are sleeping in their strollers. Twilight, Starlight, and Tiger Lily can see that the ponies are getting int a panic searching for the changeling, and start to wonder about their methods.

Starlight asks, "Are you sure all of this is necessary?"

"If there's one changeling, their might be a whole army," Princess Cadence worriedly says.

"True, but Starlight is right this is starting to get out of hand," Twilight replies.

"I know, but what else we can do?" Princess Cadence asks with concern.

"We could try to ask him," Tiger Lily suggests.

"Why would we want to do that?" Sunburst asks looking confused.

Starlight takes into Tiger Lily's idea and says, "That might not be a bad idea. The changeling, Thorax was a bit nervous when he saw Tiger Lily, but he was able to talk to her. Even though he stutters."

"That's right. I still think that is strange," Twilight replies.

"I agree. That is not changeling behavior," Sunburst eplies.

"You're right about that," Spike's voice comes out of nowhere.

Everypony look to see Spike at the entrance with the changeling hey are looking for. Not wasting any time, Tiger Lily happily walks up to them.

Shining Armor worriedly says, "Tiger Lily, come back."

"Don't worry, I know what I'm doing," Tiger Lily says with a reassuring smile.

As Tiger Lily walks over, Spike explains, "She's right. Thorax is not who we think he is. In fact, he and I are friends now."

Everyone in the thorn room gaps in shock to hear what Spike is saying. Tiger Lily is a bit surprised herself. Then again, she wants to be friends with Thorax too.

When sh reaches Thorax, she asks with a reassuring smile, "Hi Thorax, are you feeling a bit better?"

"A little," Thorax shyly answers.

Tiger Lily then gives Thorax a warm smile, while Thorax smiles and blushes a bit on his cheeks. Spike sings as he explains to everypony in the room. Tiger Lily help Thorax feels calm about it.


Would you say I'm a hero

Glorious and brave

If I told you something you wouldn't believe?

That sometimes I'm scared

And I can make mistakes

And I'm not so heroic, it seems

But if day can turn to night

And the darkness turn to light

Then why can't we imagine a changeling can change?

No two ponies are exactly the same

No two snowflakes ever match their design

And I thought I was strong

But I was nothing but wrong

When I forgot to be friendly and kind

But if day can turn to night

And the darkness turn to light

Then why can't we imagine a changeling can change?

Would you say I'm a hero

Glorious and brave

If I told you something you wouldn't believe?

This changeling, it seems

Knows the real me

And would stay by my side 'til the end

So if day can turn to night

And the darkness turn to light

Then why can't we imagine

Just why can't we imagine

Then why can't we imagine a changeling can change?

Everypony are still showing stern looks while Twilight feel remorse about what she witnessed. She leaves the crowd and walks towards Spike and Tiger Lily who are still protecting Thoax

Twilight smiles at Spike, and whispers, "Spike, I'm so proud of you."

"You are?" Spike ask with a smile.

"Of course! You're a celebrity here in the Crystal Empire, and you just risked all of it for a friend! I can't imagine anything more brave than that," Twilight answers.

She looks at Tiger Lily and happily says,"And Tiger Lily…"

"Yes Twilight?" Tiger Lily asks.

"I'm proud on how you stood up to what you believe in even though the rest of us weren't sure. I'm glad you were able to be friend with somepony who makes you happy, and that you follow your heart," Twilight happily says.

Tiger Lily blushes and says, "Thank you."

Twilight nods her head as she sees Thorax gives Tiger Lily a little hug, and Tiger Lily hugs him back.

Then turns to face the others and announces, "As the Princess of Friendship, I try to set an example for all of Equestria. But today, it was Spike and Tiger Lily who taught me that a new friend can come from anywhere. I guess everypony still has things to learn about friendship. Even me! And if Spike and Tiger Lily say Thorax is their friend...

"Then he's my friend too," Twilight adds, offering Thorax hr friendship.

Feel pleased and water in his eyes, Thorax happily takes her offer and says, "Thank you."

Then they hear Princess Cadence happily says, "On behalf of the Crystal Empire, I would like to extend my hoof in friendship, and I'm sure all of my subjects are eager to do the same."

Everypony in the throne room begin to cheer happily, and are finally accepting Thorax. Thorax eyes begin to water in joy. Princess Cadence and Tiger Lily show Thorax, Baby Flurry Heart and Snowdrop. He feels a bit nervous first, but seeing the two babies smile. Thorax feels glad and smiles at the two infants.

"Welcome to the Crystal Empire, Thorax," Shining Armor happily adds.

Tiger Lily giggles and says, "Looks like somepony owes someone an apology."

"Yeah, I'm sorry we didn't take the time to get to know you. Maybe we can change that now," Shining Armor apologizes.

Thoax smiles and says, "That'd be so amazing! I want to know all about friendship, and maybe one day I can take that knowledge back to the Changeling Kingdom! If my kind learned how to create love for one another, maybe they wouldn't have to take it from others!"

"And I hope we our help, you can make it happen," Tiger Lily happily replies.

Thorax blushes a bit after hearing that. Tiger Lily blushes a back.

Spike comes to the two, and says, "I think you two will be great together. If you both want that."

"How so?" Starlight asks.

Thorax's cheeks are starting to blush, and turn his head away as he kicks the floor a bit. Thorax knows that he has to tell her, eventually. He takes a deep breath, and decides to tell Tiger Lily how he feels.

He looks at Tiger Lily with his cheeks blushing, and says, "Tiger Lily, ever since I saw you in the cave and how you sing and took care of me… I… I couldn't get my mind off of you. But I was scared that you might not like me because of who I am. Even still, I really want to be around so. I kind of been spying on you by seeing your shows at the galla, the festival, and other places where I can see you. And, um, I've been leaving gifts for you to express how much I, um, care for you."

Thorax face is looking so red right now, and feels like he can't move or say another world. Twilight and the others, excluding Spike, since he know, are starting to understand why Thorax is acting strange towards Tiger Lily.

Starlight whispers to Twilight, "I thought his behavior is strange, Thorax has a thing for Tiger Lily."

"And it was Thorax who has been leaving gifts for her," Twilight whispers.

Princess Cadence hears this, and says, "That's why Thorax acted so nervous, he's a little shy and uncertain on how she feels for him."

Back to Thorax and Tiger Lily, Tiger Lily is surprised to hear all of this and can understand how. Thorax has been in love with her ever since they met, and worried that his love might not be able to happen.

Tiger Lily blushes and says, "That's very sweet of you. I like you too."

"Really?" Thorax shyly asks.

Tiger Lily blushes and says, "You may be… different on the outside, but inside… I can tell how nice you really are."

"Thanks," Thorax happily replies.

The two then snuggle each other. Twilight and the other mares giggle in reply seeing it. Everypony else are happy and cheer for now they have a new friend. Spike is happy too.

Starlight turns to Twilight and says, "Well, it looks like you were right."

"Right about what?" Twilight asks.

"Friendship lessons can come from anywhere," Starlight replies.

She giggles, and says ,"And I guess that goes the same for love."

"You're right. In the end, we not only end up with two friends, but Thorax end up with the girl of his dreams, And I hope the two will live happily," Twilight happily replies.

Twilight and Starlight look to see how Thorax is getting along with everypony, especially with Tiger Lily. From the looks of it, it looks like Tiger Lily and Thorax will be seeing each other for a while.

Author's Note:

I think it's sweet.