• Published 19th Dec 2017
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Tiger Lily's Friendship Adventures - Pinkie Pie Sweets

Tiger Lily has adventures with friends, make new ones, and might end up meeting somepony special

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Chapter 25: Fun in the Clouds

On a sunny day, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy are taking Tiger Lily to show her around their hometown, Cloudsdale. Tiger Lily has never been to Cloudale before, but she is very excited. They are flying in the sky with the wind in their manes. Tiger Lily always love the feeling of the wind flying through her face and mane.

"So girls, what is Cloudsdale like?" Tiger Lily.

"It's a very nice place to live. Of course, I'm more on the ground that a strong flyer," Fluttershy answers.

"It sure was a great place to live. Fluttershy and I have been friends since Junior Flight camp," Rainbow says with excitement.

"Sounds fun," Tiger Lily says with a smile.

Then she asks, "So, what do we do first?"

"First, we're going to see Fluttershy's parents at her old house. Then, we're going to show you the flight camp. We're diffidently taking you to the weather factory ere. You are going to love it," Rainbow answers with excitement.

Fluttershy and Tiger Lily giggle. They can see that Rainbow is more excited than they are. Of course, this is mostly because Rainbow really wants to show Tiger Lily around.

Fluttershy looks up ahead, and says, "Look we're about there."

Tiger Lily looks ahead, and is amazed to see the city in the sky. The entire city is made of clouds, will except for some of the buildings. There are rainbow waterfalls coming down from the city. Tiger Lily believes that this is the perfect place for pegasi to live.

She then hears Rainbow Dash says, "We can land there."

Tiger Lily looks to see a road for them to land on. When the three land, Tiger Lily is amazed- to see so many places and it's all on a cloud. Tiger Lily flies on low ground, and jumps on one of the clouds.

Tiger Lily lies down on the cloud as she says, "The clouds here are very soft. Softer than other clouds I felt."

"We're glad that you're liking it," Fluttershy replies with a giggle.

"But the clouds are not the best part here. You have a whole city to see," Rainbow says.

Tiger Lily gets up as she says, "Okay."

"So, um, where is your house, Fluttershy?" Tiger Lily asks.

Sometime later, Rainbow and Fluttershy show Tiger Lily the house Fluttershy used to live. The house has some cloud like features, including the roof. There are some purple bricks, and a rainbow fence surrounding the house and yard, and a mailbox.

Fluttershy knocks the door, and a mare has answer the door. The pegasus mare has yellow like fur a little darker to Fluttershy's, magenta curled hair with matching eyes, and cutie mark of three flowers each a different color. She is wearing square green glasses, yellow flower earrings, and a yellow pearl necklace.

The mare smiles seeing her daughter, and says, "Hello Fluttershy, it's very nice to see you again."

"It's nice to see you too mom," Fluttershy happily replies.

The mother and daughter give each other a hug, and then let each other go again.

Fluttershy's mother sees Rainbow Dash, and says, "And it's nice to see you again too, Rainbow Dash."

"Great to see you too, we also have somepony else to introduce you to," Rainbow says.

"And who will that be?" Ms. Shy asks.

Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash move a little for Mrs. Shy to see Tiger Lily who is starting to get a little nervous. Mrs. Shy is a bit surprised to see Tiger Lily appearance of an alicorn, but smiles hoping to reassure the shy filly.

Mrs. Shy says, "Hello dearie."

"It's nice to meet you. My… my name is Tiger Lily," Tiger Lily shyly replies.

"It's very nice to meet you, Tiger Lily," Mrs. Shy says in a calm smile.

Tiger Lily starts to feel less show, "It's nice to meet you too."

Mrs. Shy faces her daughter, and happily asks, "Won't you three come inside for some lunch."

"Of course," Fluttershy says.

"Sounds good for me," Rainbow says.

Mrs. Shy escort the three inside the house. They then walk to the kitchen. Mrs. Shy has made some salad, hay fries, sandwiches, cherry gelatin, and some apple pie. The four female poneis begin to have some lunch.

Fluttershy asks, "So where are dad and Zephyr at?"

"Is he still living here?" Rainbow flatly asks.

"Of they both went to the store and will be back in a few minutes. Zephyr is still trying to find a place for him to live thought. But I'm sure we will eventually," Mrs. Shy says calmly.

Rainbow rolls her eyes, and says, "Should have known."

Tiger Lily blinks her eyes a few times looking a bit confused about the pony the others are talking about.

"Um girls, who is Zephyr?" Tiger Lily asks in a questionable look.

Before the others can answer, the door slams open to reveal a pegasus stallion that has a green blue color coat, light yellow mane in a bun and tail, purple color eyes, a five o clock shadow under his chin, and his cuite make is a orange feather in a breeze.

The stallion shouts, "Guess who's home?!"

"Um Zephyr do you have to shout?" Fluttershy asks.

The stallion names Zephyr hugs Fluttershy and says acting so smooth, "Well, it's a great way to let you know that me and dad are back. Is that right Flutterbutter?"

The stallion rubs fluttershy's mane and leaves it a bit messy and covering her face. Fluttershy turns to see another stallion walking into the room. The stallion is also a pegasus with light green blue skin, white swirly hair and tail, and is wearing a light blue sweater.

"Hello father, how was you day out?" Fluttershy asks.

"We had a wonderful time at the store," Mr. Shy answers.

Then he happily says, "And it's nice to see you and Rainbow again for another visit.

"So are we," Rainbow replies with a smile.

"Well, if it isn't Rainbow Dash," Zephyr says, trying to smooth talk Rainbow.

Rainbow groans as she roll her eyes, and mutters, "Here we go again."

"Don't worry Rainbow, just want to say hello. Glad to see your awesome rainbow hair again," Zephyr replies.

"Yeah. Nice to see you too," Rainbow mutter with an annoyed look.

Then Fluttershy decides to change the subject, and says, "Oh kay. Zephyr, Rainbow Dash and I would like to introduce you to someone."

"And who will that be," Zephyr asks.

Tiger Lily breaks her silence, and says, "Um, hello… it's nice to meet you."

Zephyr looks at Tiger Lily who is showing a shy blush on her face. Seeing hear, Zephyr begins to feel a bit funny.

Zephyr walks to the other side, and sits down on the chair next to Tiger Lily.

Sounding confident, Zephyr introduces himself, "Hello, sweet little flower. The name is Zephyr Breeze. What's your name little blossom?"

"Um, my name is Tiger Lily? Tiger Lily shyly answers.

"Tiger Lily, that suits you," Zephyr replies.

Tiger Lily feels a bit nervous about facing Zephyr.

Fluttershy walks over to Tiger Lily as she says, "Zephyr, you need to be more calm with Tiger Lily. She's still trying to get used to new ponies."

"Alright, alright, leay it smooth and slow," Zephyr replies, listen to Fluttershy's orders.

"So, what you like to do during your time?" Zephyr asks.

"Um, I like to tend to my garden, do magic, be with my friends," Tiger Lily answers with a quiet smile.

"Sounds nice," Zephyr replies.

He turns to Fluttershy and asks, "So what are you three mare friends doing today?"

"We're showing Tiger Lily around Cloudsdale. This is her first time, and we want to show her around," Fluttershy answers.

"Sounds nice," Zephyr replies with a smile.

"I definitely going to show her Junior Flight Camp. tjhen we're going to the weather factory," Rainbow adds.

Tiger Lily asks, "So Zephyr, what do you do during your time?"

"I've been working on some new styles for being a mane therapist. I can give you a style if you like," Zephyr answers with a smile.

Tiger Lily giggles, and says, "Maybe another time."

"That's fine," Zephyr replies.

Then he says, "Now it's time for me to get some food in my stomach."

Zephyr then start to gather some food on his plate. The others join in as well. For the hour, Fluttershy, Rainbow, and Tiger Lily have been talking about the time they have in Ponyville. They have a good time after around two hours.

Later on, the three mares arrive at the Junior Flight Camp. Tiger Lily looks around to see so many landing roads, clouds, and young pegasi flying around the place. The young pegasi are doing all kind of activities. Racing, flying skills, flying through hops, and other stuff that flight camp does.

Tiger Lily is amazed by it as she says, "Wow! There are so many different things to do here."

"Yeah. I used to be in all kinds of races," Rainbow says with pride.

Fluttershy blushes, and says, "I was a weak flyer back then, but Rainbow raced against the bullies to help me."

Then Rainbow happily says, "and this is where I made my first sonic rainboom."

"Sounds like you two had an interesting time at camp. I wish I could have gone to camp with you guys," Tiger Lily says.

"May not be able to attend camp, but how about you and I do a little race," Rainbow says with a smirk on her face.

Tiger Lily smiles, and says, "I would love to."

"And I'll hold the flag at the finish line," Fluttershy happily replies.

Rainbow cheers, "Aw yeah! I'll ask to see if we can fly here."

Rainbow then flies off to ask one of the coaches. Later on, Fluttershy is on one of the clouds holding a checkered flag, while Rainbow Dash and Tiger Lily are ready to race at the starting line. Many of the young flyers and faculty of the camp sit and watch the race. They are not only excited to see Rainbow Dash the fastest flyer, but also Tiger Lily an alicorn that's been the talk for a while is racing against her.

Fluttershy waves the flag down, and Rainbow and Tiger Lily begin to race. Luckily as the two race past Fluttershy, has hasn't fallen off of the sky like last time. The two race fast, and are going neck and neck. Tiger Lily feels that she is having a great time, but can see that she might not be match for Rainbow Dash. Tiger Lily is not much into winning the race, but the thrill of flying.

Rainbow looks to see Tiger Lily is close to her, and says with a smile, "You're pretty fast. Almost as fast as me."

"You can thank my dad and some of my bird friends for teaching me how to fly," Tiger Lily calls out.

The two then continue to race as they see the finish line at close range. Even though it is a close race, Rainbow Dash is the winner of the race. The two give each other a hi hoof in reply for the great race that they have.

After the race, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash show Tiger Lily the weather factory. Of course, they need to put on the working uniform for safety reason. The first room they enter is cold and chilly. Tiger Lily sees two ponies looking at snowflakes with magnify glasses.

Rainbow quietly says, "This is where they make the snowflakes. Each one is hoofed made. As you can see, it's a delicate operation."

"The ponies are working hard on them," Tiger Lily whispers.

Tiger Lily gets a bit of a chill, and says, "And I'm guessing it's supposed to be cold in order to make the flakes."

"That's correct," Fluttershy replies.

The next station, Tiger Lily seeds waterfalls of rainbows going into large pools. Ponies are checking, and storing the rainbows.

"And here is where they make the rainbows," Rainbow says.

Tiger Lily stops at one of the pools to look at the rainbow. She is amazed to see so many colors in one pool.

"They're very pretty," tiger Lily replies.

"Yeah. But if I were you, I wouldn't put them in your mouth," Rainbow says, snickering in response.

Confused, tiger Lily asks, "Why?"

Rainbow begins to laugh and lies on her back. Fluttershy giggles as her hoof is over her mouth.

Fluttershy stops giggling, and answers, "Why don't you ask Twilight when we get back. Okay?"

"Um… sure?" Tiger Lily questionably replies.

Then she asks, "So where to next?"

The three come into a room where there are giant machines. Ponies pour water, and comes out in steam. Then ponies will turn them into clouds.

"This is the room where they make all the clouds," Fluttershy replies.

Tiger Lily feels the cloud as she says in satisfaction, "The fresh made clouds are extra soft."

"Glad that you like them, but they need to make them into weather clouds," Rainbow says.

Sometime later after exploring most of the factory, the three mares are now in the room that has a lot of water in tubes.

"Wow! That's a lot of water to use for weather," Tiger Lily says in amazement.

"Yeah. Cloudsdale needs a lot of water so they can make rain, snow, and other weather that requires water," Rainbow replies.

"Of course, to get the water up here, we need a lot of pegasus to make a whirlpool so that the water can travel up to Cloudale," Fluttershy replies.

Then Rainbow says, "Fluttershy and I were able to do it with other ponies. Sadly during that time, most ponies have the feather flu."

"I remember having the feather flu. It was no fun at all," Tiger Lily whines with a sad expression.

"Trust me. I had the feather flu when I was a small filly," Rainbow replies.

After the long day in Cloudsdale, the three travel back to Ponyville and are heading home. Tiger Lily stops by Twilight's castle to see Starlight and Twilight. She knocks the door, and Starlight opens the door.

Starlight smiles, and says, "Hi Tiger Lily, how was Cloudsdale?"

"It was fun. I get to see the weather factory," Tiger Lily answers with a smile.

"Cool. Maybe I can go there myself," Starlight replies.

"But you can't walk on clouds," Tiger Lily clarifies.

Then Starlight says, "Twilight just taught me a spell that can allow me walk on cloud."

"Sounds fun," Tiger lily happily replies.

Just then, Twilight and Spike walk over to see Tiger Lily and Starlight.

"Hi Tiger Lily, back from your trip to Cloudsdale," Twilight says with a smile.

"Yeah. I had a wonderful time. Rainbow and I raced too. And I gotta see the weather factory, " Tiger Lily answers.

"Sounds nice. I remember my first time at the weather factory," Twilight replies.

Tiger Lily remembers what's on her mind, and asks, "By the way, the girls and I were at the rainbow section, and Rainbow told me not to put it in my mouth. I asked her, but she told me to ask you about it. Why can't I put the rainbow in my mouth?"

Twilight and Spike begin to snicker and cover their mouth as they try not to laugh. Starlight and Tiger Lily are looking a bit confused.

Starlight asks, "What's so funny?"

"I'll show you," Twilight answers.

Twilight then uses her magic to create a screen. The screen shows Twilight and her friends walking into the rainbow making section like before. Pinkie dips her hoof into the rainbow, and licks it to see how it taste. Just then, Rainbow face changes color in the rainbow as she makes crazy looks from the rainbow, and a little fire has come out of her mouth.

Pinkie takes fast deep breaths, and screeches, "Spicy!"

Then Pinkie runs away after the wild taste. Applejack and Twilight begin laughing.

On the video, Rainbow says, "Yeah. Rainbows aren't known for their flavor."

When the video is finish, Twilight has end the spell making the screen. Starlight and Tiger Lily are surprised to see what has happened. Suddenly the two begin giggling and have their hooves covered. Can't hold it anymore, Starlight begins to laugh so hard and falls on her back

"Wow! Pinkie never expected the taste of the rainbow!" Starlight shouts, continue to laugh.

Still giggling, Tiger Lily says, "Poor Pinkie Pie. I… I feel sorry for her."

Then Twilight says with a grin, "And that is the reason why Rainbow told you not to taste the rainbow in your mouth."

Author's Note:

I still thinks it's a bit funny seeing Pinkie change colors after tasting the rainbow.