• Published 19th Dec 2017
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Tiger Lily's Friendship Adventures - Pinkie Pie Sweets

Tiger Lily has adventures with friends, make new ones, and might end up meeting somepony special

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Chapter 7: A Hearth's Warming Story Part 1

On the snowing afternoon and all of Ponyville is covered in snow, Tiger Lily who has her dragon egg in the stroller comfort and warm heading towards Twilight's house. She's very happy that she gets to spend Hearth's Warming Eve. As she makes her way to the castle, she can see the decoration and lights that ponies have put on their houses. She never seen so many decorations in one place. Some time later, Tiger Lily has arrived at Twilight's castle. Tiger Lily knocks on the door, and the door opens.

Pinkie pops her head, and happily says, "Hey Tiger Lily, here for the party."

"I am Pinkie," Tiger Lily says with a smile.

"Aww, and you even brought your little eggy weggy with you!" Pinkie squeals with a big smile on her face.

"I thought it will be a good idea to bring it along to the party," Tiger Lily says with a smile.

Then she asks, "Do you know where Starlight is?"

"I think she's upstairs talking to Twilight and Spike," Pinkie answers.

"Thank you," Tiger Lily says.

After getting inside, Tiger Lily head up stairs while carrying her egg. She looks around up stairs and wondering where Starlight, Twilight, and Spike are. When she walks down one of the halls, she can see Starlight walking into the library of the castle.

Tiger Lily happily calls out, "Starlight, I'm here."

Starlight sticks her head out with a smile on her face, and says, "Tiger Lily."

Starlight walks out of the library to Tiger Lily as she happily says, "You made it."

"I wouldn't miss spending time with you and our friends at the Hearth's Warming party," Tiger Lily says with a smile.

Starlight smiles nervously, and explains, "About that, I was actually on skipping the holiday, and the party for that matter."

"You want to skip it, but why?" Tiger Lily asks looking confused.

"I guess a lot of time that I've seen it, it seems mostly about candy and presents," Starlight answers.

Tiger Lily giggles as she explains, "That's not what it's about, it's about spending time with friends and family, and do fun things together. Back at my old home, my parents and I had loads of fun, like making cookies, telling stories, and singing songs. I just love being with my parents and animal friends."

"I think it sounds nice," Starlight complements.

Then Starlight asks, "Twilight is just about to tell me a story, would you like to join us?"

"Sure," Tiger Lily says with a smile.

Starlight walks into the room and Tiger Lily follows her. Spike and Twilight take their seat as they see the two ponies walking in.

Twilight smiles, and says, "Hi Tiger Lily, I'm so glad that you made it."

Spike walks up to the egg Tiger Lily is holding and says, "And I see you brought the egg too."

"Yes, I thought it will be nice to bring it with me to the party. Now it looks like we're going to hear a story too," Tiger Lily says with a smile.

"I'm guessing Starlight told you about it," Twilight suspects.

"She did, you don't mind if I join you?" Tiger Lily asks.

"I don't mind at all, and I'm sure the egg would love to hear it too," Twilight says with glee.

A few minutes later, Starlight and Tiger Lily are sitting on the large couch with the egg wrapped in a blanket and sitting on the pillow in the middle. Twilight and Spike are sitting on the other one, and Spike has his hot chocolate in mug. With that, they are ready to hear the story.

Twilight levitates the book to her, turns the pages as she explains, "This is the story of a powerful unicorn named Snowfall Frost, who hated Hearth's Warming Eve. It all began many moons ago in Canterlot…"

The scene to the city of Canterlot years ago. Ponies are wearing different and yet warm clothes. Everypony are celebrating Hearth's Warming Eve, and are very happily.

"Every home in Canterlot was filled with holiday spirit. Every home... except one," Twilight narrates, as the story takes it to a dark tall house.

"It was said of Snowfall that she was almost as studied as Star Swirl the Bearded," Twilight adds to the story.

In the sense Snowfall Frost is in Starlight's appearances with her old hairstyle. She is wearing a magenta jacket, white slip on cuffs on the front, a magenta top hat, and small glasses on her face. She measures a coal with a small weight and they measure the same. She then uses her magic to carry the coal and read her book to perform the spell.

"Almost, since everypony knows that Star Swirl was an expert at everything from transfiguration, dimensional calibration, teleportation…" Twilight says, getting a bit carried away.

The story stops as Spike's voice bluntly replies. "We get it, Star Swirl's awesome."

"You're getting a little bit off topic," Tiger Lily's voice adds to the remark.

"Right. The point is, Snowfall was also a powerful unicorn. She wanted to be perfect. Anything that got in the way of that was a waste of time," Twilight adds to the story.

Snowfall Frost then levitates the coal to a cauldron, and using her magic to turn it gold. Just then, she has been interrupted by a large ring coming from outside. It makes her lose focus and drops her coal on the floor, and it broke into pieces. When she looks out the window, she can see three stallions ringing bells walking down the street.

"Well, that batch is ruined," Snowfall says with frustration.

She then calls out, "Snowdash!"

"Snowdash was Snowfall's loyal assistant," Twilight voice narrates.

A pegasus that is Rainbow Dash comes in the scene. She has her hair flat, and short. She is wearing an ivory short that has long puffy sleeves with a purple vest, a red bow tie, and dark purple fuzzy cuffs on her hoofs.

She lands on a ground, and asks with a smile, "What do you need?"

"Get this mess cleaned up. Those foolish ponies were ringing those blasted bells outside the window and I lost my concentration!" Snowfall demands in frustration, as she uses her magic to pass Snow Dash the broom.

"Whoa, ponies actually enjoying Hearth's Warming Eve. Where did they get that crazy idea?" Snow Dash mutters, feeling disappointed about Snowfall's behavior.

"Today is nothing to celebrate. Hearth's Warming Eve is a menace. A dangerous day for all of Equestria," Snow fall adds with the same firm attitude.

"Dangerous?! It's awesome! It's the day we remember how unicorns, Pegasi, and Earth ponies came together in friendship to defeat the windigos!" Snow Dash says with excitement.

The makes Snowfall very angry and says, "That silly legend is the problem! Telling everypony that "singing songs and being nice" will solve anything? I've spent years studying magic, and that's not how it works."

"I think you might be missing the point, sister," A kind and gentle voice says.

Snowfall and Snow Dash look at the door to see a pony with Tiger Lily's appearance coming into the room. She is wearing a white shirt and skirt with a green vest, and a light blue ribbon. Her mane is also in a bun and wearing a water lily flower behind it.

As the scene takes place, Twilight narrates, "Snowfall Frost sister, Winter Lily. She has a kind heart, and like Snowfall had powerful magic, and always have kind yet, wise words to say."

Winter Lily brings the tray of a steaming pot of tea with three cups, and scones on it.

She smiles as she says, "I brought us some nice hot peppermint tea and some blueberry scones."

"Thanks," Snow Dash happily replies.

She puts the crumble coal in the garbage can and fly over to have a cup of tea, and a scone. Snowfall uses her magic to grab hold of the same thing.

Winter Lily smiles and says, "Even if the story about the windigos really is a legend, the whole point of the story is that when ponies join together it becomes something wonderful, and was able to benefit everypony. Just imagine what would have happened if the three tribes still wouldn't get along, then the windigos would have frozen Equestria."

"Dear sister, work hard, learn, and use your skills to better Equestria. That's a worthy goal for any pony. but, by all means…" Snowfall politely explains, and then takes a sip of her cup of tea.

After taking a sip from her cup, says firmly says, "If Snowdash want to go home early, ignore all of the work you have, and spend the rest…"

"Sweet!" Snow Dash shouts in excitement.

Snow Dash then tooms out of the room and heading outside to enjoy the rest of the day. Snowfall and Winter Lily look outside to see her leaving with on her face.

"Ugh!" Snowfall groans, annoyed.

"Here she goes again," Winter Lily replies with a giggle.

"Right," Snowfall bluntly replies.

She then looks over her book as she says, "I just don't get why pony want to waste their time celebrating and not working hard and learning on important skill and talents."

"Well, ponies do need a break and spend time with family and friends, that what the holiday is all about," Winter Lily says with a smile.

"I guess, but I have more important things to worry about," Snowfall replies.

Winter Lily walks up to her sister, and says, "That's what I also want to talk to you about, are you sure saying cooped up in her study working hard is what you really wanted?"

"Why not?" Snowfall asks.

"I just don't want you to miss out on anything. Since we were little we don't really have fun on Hearth's Warming anymore, and not with all our friends and family. Sometimes it's a good idea to get out once in awhile," Winter Lily explains.

"I guess," Snowfall says rolling her eyes, and looking at her book.

"Good, I'm going to go to the store before going to the Hearth's Warming Party, do you need anything?" Winter Lily smiles using her magic to levitate her basket.

"I'm good," Snowfall answers.

However, Winter Lily is not leaving and simply walk over to her sister. With a straight look on her face, Snowfall grabs a quill and parchment paper with her magic and write a list down. She then past the list, and bags of bits to Winter Lily. winter Lily takes the items and put them in her basket.

Snowfall bluntly says, "You know, sometimes it's kind of annoying to have a sister who knows you better than anyone."

"I can guess," Winter Lily says with a smile.

She then walks out of the room and says, "Maybe you'll change your mind about going to the party later. I'll see in a little while."

"Bye," Snowfall replies.

When Winter Lily leaves the house, Snowfall looks at the ponies outside, and sees her sister walking into the snow. She then becomes had, and remember the times that they used to spend time together, but some blocks and obstacles got in their way, and still remain close. However, Snowfall is still looking upset at the holiday everypony are celebrating.

Becoming furious, Snowfall declares, "I hate Hearth's Warming Eve! All of Equestria would be better off if we just skipped the day altogether."

Snowfall Frost:

Happy Hearth's Warming, they say in the street

Happy Hearth's Warming, they think they're so sweet

Snowfall uses her magic to close the curtains behind her and walk on top of the books in her lab.

Snowfall Frost:

Words said so often that they lack any meaning

Why should I join in when I could be intervening?

She then levitates two different bottles as she walks

Snowfall Frost:

Everypony loves this cursed holiday

She then grabs more bottles of potion and ingredients from the shelf.

Snowfall Frost:

But would they be better off with it out of the way?

She then uses her hoof to push the balance scale and other stuff out of the way. She brings a small bowl and puts the positions of all the bottles she collects into it. Making it turn to a green color. It then causes a reaction making green smoke surrounds the room. Then it clears seeing Snowfall, making her way outside.

Snowfall Frost:

Well, okay

Say goodbye to the holiday

Snowfall opens her door and takes the wreath from her door.

Snowfall Frost:

With my magic, I'll erase it

She then takes some red ribbons from the wall that a mare pony just put on without any notice.

Snowfall Frost:

The greatest gift that I give today

And everypony will have to face it

Snowfall then walks past a family who gives one of the colts a small toy duck. She then uses her magic to take it along with the other stuff she's been collecting. She then appears on the roof of her home.

Snowfall Frost:

No more little games for you to play

After you say goodbye to the holiday

Snowfall then goes back into her chamber with the Hearth's Warming items she has taken.

Snowfall Frost:

Goodbye, Hearth's Warming, you had a good run

Goodbye, Hearth's Warming, it's over, you're done

She then puts the items into her cauldron and they are mixed into the potion.

Snowfall Frost:

Finally set free from your forced celebrations

No need to reply to your trite invitations

Calendar shorter by a single day

She looks into her spell to see that it's working a great success. She rips the page from her calendar.

Snowfall Frost:

Is my magic up to the test?

Time to see, I can't delay

She then uses her magic to grab the other vials of potions and her spell book.

Snowfall Frost:

Say goodbye to the holiday

Prepare the spell, no hesitation

All memory shall fade away

See Equestria's new transformation

She then puts all the potion liquids into her cauldron one at a time. Seeing that it's almost ready for her spell to be cast. Just then, two clouds of horse comes out and swirls around the room.

Snowfall Frost:

No more shall anypony say

Happy Hearth's Warming…

[sinister laughter]

...after today!

Snowfall feels happy as she perform the last remaining steps for her spell to work. The cloud horses swirls around the room and back into the cauldron. Snowfall looks at her spell with pride and knowing that it is ready.

Snowfall Frost:

After today…

In Snowfall's study, she has her potion and spell ready to put an end to Hearth's Warming Eve for ever.

"Once the spell is cast, all of Equestria will be better off, and they'll have me to thank for it!" Snowfall says, ready to cast her spell.

Just then Starlight voice comes over the story, and says, "Wait a minute."

Twilight and the others look at Starlight with a confused look.

"Snowfall doesn't like Hearth's Warming Eve so she decides to cast a spell to get rid of it altogether, and despite what her sister told her? That seems a little extreme," Starlight questionably replies.

"More like impossible," Tiger Lily replies.

"Says the pony who tried to make everypony the same by replacing their cutie marks with equal signs," Spike mutters, then drinks his hot chocolate.

The three ponies hear this making Starlight blush while Twilight and Tiger Lily look a very concern.

Twilight covers Spike with her wing while glaring at him, and says, "I think what Spike is trying to say is that everypony has their reasons for doing things. Even Snowfall. And if I could continue the story, we might just find out what they are."

"I still think erasing a holiday sounds impossible," Tiger Lily replies
"It's just a story, I doubt there's a spell that can erase the memories of millions of ponies at once," Starlight adds.

"Right," Tiger Lily replies with a smile.

She then turns to Twilight and asks, "So what happens next?"

Twilight holds the book to her, and reads, "Snowfall was all set to cast her spell that would erase Hearth's Warming Eve for all time…"

The story comes back to where Snowfall is in her study, ready to cast her spell.

"...when a voice from the hearth caught her attention," Twilight voice narrates.

"You sure you wanna go through with this?" A female country voice asks loudly

Snowfall becomes started and reacts, "Huh?! Who's there?!"

In the cauldron, a spirit comes out and says, "The Spirit of Hearth's Warmin' Past, that's who,"

"And you and me have got to have us a little chat," the spirit adds coming out of the cauldron and walk on the floor to Snowfall.

The spirit looks like Applejack only light blue and a transcript spirit. She is wearing a fancy, yet apple based outfit.

Snowfall gasps, and exclaims, "A spirit?!"

Snowfall narrows her eyes at the sprit, observing her, as she says, "I didn't cast any spirit summoning spell. What are you doing here?"

"You don't think a spell like that would get by without some powerful forces noticin'? You've got our attention, Snowfall Frost, and we've got some pretty strong opinions on this spell of yours," The spirit of the past says as she walks through Snowfall, giving her the chills.

Snowfall questionably asys, "We?"

"They'll be along in a bit. For now, it's just you and me. Let's get a move on. We got a ton to see and barely any time to see it,"The spirit explains, as she opens the window.

Snowfall scoffs it off, and firmly says, "I'm not going anywhere. I've got a spell to cast, and I don't need a history lesson about Hearth's Warming Eve."

However, the spirit says, "We aren't goin' to the past to learn about the holiday."

"We're goin' to learn about you," The spirit adds with a smirk on her face.

The spirit then levitates the rope with a lasso at the end, and uses it to grab a hold on Snowfall. The spirit then drags Snowfall out of the house, and into the air.

The Spirit of the Past:

As a young thing, life sure is somethin'

You go makin' choices large and small

The spirit then takes Snowfall through a portal, mostly likely going through time.

The Spirit of the Past:

Always growin' like a seedlin'

And playin' is like dreamin'

And before you know it, big and tall

The spirit drags Snowfall around the tree as it changes into a small sapling. When they land they both make their way to Canterlot when it's like years ago.

The Spirit of the Past:

And every little bitty choice you make

Sends you down a path to who you are today

So let's take a little trip down memory lane

And see just what the past has to say

The two pair walks into the city of Canterlot years ago. They see children running in excitement. There they are to see Snowfall Frost as a small filly. She is wearing a blue colored schoolgirl outfit, and a blue hat with a ribbon on it. She has a cart of Hearth's Warming decorations, and looks very excited for the holiday.

"Aw, look how cute you were. Looks like you're not too upset it's Hearth's Warming Eve either," the spirit happily says.

Seeing her past is making Snowfall feel sad about it.

The Spirit of the Past:

The seeds of the past

They grow pretty fast

Just look at who you were back then

Snowfall and the spirit continue to watch the past, and Snowfall is starting to remember and feel sad about it. She sees that her younger self is having fun, setting up decorations, and giving her friends presents. The younger version of Snowfall Frost is truly excited and happy about the holiday.

The Spirit of the Past:

The seeds, as they grow

Look what they can show

Reveal the truth time and again

The spirit then takes Snowfall Frost further into her past to find herself in her old classroom. She is getting the room ready for Hearth's Warming. She then looks at the seat next to her, and sigh a little because she know her sister can't be with her for a while. Just then, she bumps into a unicorn with dark gray skin, black mane and tail, and wearing a black sweater. He is Snowfall's professor Flintheart

Flintheart firmly asks, "Just what do you think you're doing, Snowfall?"

"Decorating the classroom for Hearth's Warming Eve, Professor Flintheart!" Young Snowfall answers, with excitement.

Flintheart looks at Snowfall with a serious look and asks, "You said you wanted to learn to be a powerful unicorn, did you not?

"I do!" Snowfall answers happily.

"And what is the way that one becomes a powerful unicorn?" Flintheart adds to his questioning.

Snowfall becomes cared for a moment, but clears her throat and pridefully answers, "Work hard, learn, and use your skills to better Equestria."

"And how do these help you to learn magic?" Flintheart adds.

"I want to be strong enough to stop windigos and help ponies!" Snowfall answers happily.

"That's just a story we tell little ponies. Real magic takes time to learn. It's your choice. Spend your time learning to become a powerful unicorn or play with your toys and make nothing of yourself," Flintheart firmly explains to her.

He then leaves the classroom leaving Snowfall devastated and starting at the decoration with sadness. Those harsh words make young Snowfall devastated, and heartbroken. She feels like there is not much she can do or what to think anymore.

The Spirit of the Past:

Then some distress, words so careless

Standin' there, you don't know what to do

Feelin' helpless, you can't make it hurt less

So you go and change your point of view

Snowfall becomes so distressed about it, and feels hurt and angry. She feels so helpless. She walks to the window to see her friends heading over to say hi.

The Spirit of the Past:

And in that moment, though you didn't know it

Your defenses set up walls you built to last

Resentment starts to fill her heart. She also becomes distanced from her classmates. She leaves and shut the window's curtains without another word. She then throws the decorations in the garbage, and puts books, papers, and quills on her desk, and begin to study.

The Spirit of the Past:

Leading to the pony you've become today

And the spell you're about to cast

It all comes from your past

The spirit shows Snowfall the studying her younger self is putting herself through. Deep down, she really wants to celebrate Hearth's Warming. But the words that her teacher says think otherwise. She then becomes resentful of the holiday and continues studying in her books to become a powerful pony.

"However, there was another side of you that still have some good in you. Something you didn't want to change," the spirit says.

They both look to see the young Snowfall heading to Canterlot Hospital. She goes into the room where young Winter Lily is staying. Snowfall sister has been sick and the sickness was serious that she had to stay in the hospital. Snowfall decides to visit her at the hospital as good as she can. It will also help Winter Lily keep up with her studies. Snowfall walks into the room with some of the books and place them on the table next to the bed.

Snowfall smiles and happily says, "Hello Winter Lily."

"Hello Snowfall, it's nice of you to visit me," Winter Lily happily says.

The two sisters then pull each other for a hug.

"I'm glad to see you too," Snowfall happily replies.

Then Snowfall asks, "So what did the doctor say?"

"They say that I still need to be in the hospital for a while," Winter lily answers.

Snowfall sighs sadly, and says, "I hate that you had to be stuck in the hospital. I wish you can come home. Mom and Dad wish you were home too."

"I know, but I had to stay here, and I won't be able to come to school with you," Winter Lily says with reassuring words.

"That's alright, the professor decided that I can bring the school to you. After all, if we work hard and learn, we'll both be able to achieve our skills. Who knows you'll might be out of the hospital with something to keep you busy," Snowfall says.

"Let's not forget spending Hearth's Warming Eve together," Winter Lily happily replies.

This makes Snowfall look resentful as she turns her head and grumbles, "Hearth's Warming Eve, right."

Winter Lily notices this and ask, "Is there something wrong?"

Snowfall snaps out of her daze, and happily says, "No nothing's wrong, let's just focus on catching up with your studies."

"Okay," Winter Lily happily replies.

The two ponies spend the rest of the day in her room with their studies. Winter Lily's magic is doing great, but Snowfall's studies and magic are proven to surprise it. The grown Snowfall starts to shed tears and remember the happy yet very painful memories. The spirit can see that as well.

Starlight Glimmer:

The seeds of the past

We grow up so fast

Some hurts never go away

Late into the night, the two young fillies have fallen asleep and it feels that nothing can disturb them. Until both Snowfall and Winter Lily's parents go into the room to see how they are doing. The doctor explain that Winter Lily's condition is doing better. Their mother picks up Snowfall and uses her magic to pick up her books, and the two parents take her home.


The seeds, as they grow

This we can't let go

All tied to this one holiday

With that, the memory of the past fade away into darkness. Snowfall can see that all of her memories ties to what has happened in her past. Both the good and the bad.

Author's Note:

I have to admit, the story A Hearth's Warming Tail is like A Christmas Carol, but there some differences.