• Published 19th Dec 2017
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Tiger Lily's Friendship Adventures - Pinkie Pie Sweets

Tiger Lily has adventures with friends, make new ones, and might end up meeting somepony special

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Chapter 24: Family Junction Dilemma Part 2

Tiger Lily walks down stairs form the attic as she feels a lot of turmoil in her head. The friendship problem she has to solve is from the family she never know, and worried about telling them. She decides to get the friendship problem finish first, and then tell them who she really is.

Tiger Lily walks into the kitchen to see Earth Plow along on the table having some berries.

Tiger Lily calmly asks, "Hi Earth Plow, I like as wondering if I can ask you something."

"Of course, what is it you want to know?" Earth Plow replies.

Looking sad, Tiger Lily asks, "Your mom told me that you had another brother who ran off because you all were arguing about his future. One of things I like to ask is what is the out other brother like? I also want to know see by your brother and father doesn't want him to live his dream?

Earth Plow make a sad look as he says, "Well… to be honest my father used to be a Wonderbolt himself."

"He was?! But what happened?!" Tiger Lily asks in shock

"My father was in a terrible accident that ended his career. He's afraid that either Lightning and Sonic will get injured too. Sonic wanted to be a Wonderbolt despite on what my father and brother said." Earth Plow explains.

Earth Plow leans to Tiger Lily, and whispers, "Between you and me, I've been secretly watching his shows and to talk to him. The reason why is because me father doesn't want any of us to do with Sonic after he left."

Tiger Lily is shocked to hear what Earth Plow is saying. Their father and brother don't want any pony else to do anything with her father after he left

"Can you tell me about Sonic?" Tiger Lily asks.

Earth Plow smiles says, "Sonic is a great brother. He works hard, he's considerate, smart, and a very fast flyer in Dodge Junction. When ever Sonic and Lightning race, Sonic always wins."

Tiger Lily smiles to hear a little bit about her dad.

Just then Lighting and Rain Storm come over as they head to the fridge. The two brothers begin to glare at each other making Tiger Lily feeling uncomfortable.

Then Tiger Lily turns to the two arrivals and asks, "So can um, one of you tell me about Sonic?"

"Why do you care?!" Lightning angrily asks.

Tiger Lily flinches in fear to hear Lightning shout at her light that.

Not pleased by it, Earth Plow angrily says, "She just want to know so she can help us."

"So what, it's not even her business. Let's not forget father doesn't want us to mention him to any pony!" Lighting protests.

Then Earth Plow sternly says, "Well, I'm making it and acception. She's been sent here to help us and our problem with our brother is one."

The two brothers being to quarrel more and it seems to be worse. Rain Storm taps on the shoulder and show her the way to the living room. The two then walk away from the two brothers continue to fight.

When they reach the living room, Rain Storm sits on the rocking chair while Tiger Lily sits on the couch next to him. The two is not saying a word to each other.

"So Rain Storm, Earth Plow told me that you used to be a Wonderbolt before you had an injury," Tiger Lily nervously asks.

Rain Storm is not saying a word. Tiger Lily begins to feel nervous, and feels lien hitting herself on the head for asking the question.

"I'm sure was. Until I was hurt during a race," Rain Storm answers.

"That sounds awful," Tiger Lily sadly replies.

"It was," Rain Storm sadly replies.

Rain Storm is not saying anything after that.

He then sighs and says, "Sometimes… I think I've been too hard on Sonic, and that's why he left. I been thinking too much about his safety and my own needs than his dreams."

Tiger Lily can see that Rain Storm is starting feel bad about it.

Then Tiger Lily says, "I guess, I kind of understand about being kept safe. I used to live somewhere where there no pony is around, just me and my parents. We live the because it was quiet, peaceful, and that I can be protected because of me being an Alicorn. Sometimes, I like to be around others, but I was scared. And I finally did, I was really happy."

"Sounds like you end up fanning your happiness. Sometimes I wish I can make up with Sonic and we can be happy again," Rain Storm replies.

Tiger Lily becomes sad because she knows that it's never going to happen. Her mom and dad are gone, and she's worried on what her father's family will think.

Later in the evening, Tiger Lily is having dinner with Woolen Yarn and her family. Tiger Lily that there is going to be another fight. She feels that she needs to find some way to help with the problem they are having. Tiger Lily feels that she had to tell them the truth.

Tiger Lily decides to break the silence as she says, "Um everypony… there's something I… I need to tell you."

"What is it dearie?" Woolen Yarn asks.

"It's… it's about Sonic Boom," Tiger Lily calmly answers.

Lightning groans with an annoyed look, and asks, "Why are you bringing him up again? I told you before we are not to mention him."

Then Woolen Yarn sternly says, "Lightning, that's not a very nice thing to say."

"Well, I don't get why Tiger Lily wants to talk about him. He left us to become a Wonderbolt and never once stop to think how we see it. I heard he retired for mysterious circumstances. I'll bet him leaving the bolts is the reason why he never come back because he was so embarrassed to show his face to us," Lightning sternly says.

"You have no right to say that!" Earth Plow angrily shouts.

The two brothers begin fighting all over again, only now it's physical. As a result it causes a big mess in the dining room. All the fd is spilled on the floor. The parents try their best to break them apart, but the two are going at it. Tiger Lily is shocked to see this is getting out of control and being to doubt herself.

Tiger Lily gets up from her seat as she says, "Look um, I'll… I'll just leave."

The four stop arguing after what Tiger Lily is saying.

"Look I… I understand that you have trouble since Sonic left, but he didn't leave the Wonderbolt because what you think… he left because of me, and… my mother Teacakes," Tiger Lily sadly explains.

This shocked the family to hear Tiger Lily saying that

Rain Storm calmly reacts, "What?!"

"The truth is… I'm Sonic Boom's daughter, and the reason why my father retired me never wrote to me was because I was different and wanted to protect me. He retired because of me. I understand if some of you don't want to do with anything involving me, but it's the truth. Sadly they both died in a fire almost four years ago so there's no way for him to return here. I thought I should let you know. I only wish I can get to know you more. If you all be to visit, I'll be In Ponyville," Tiger Lily sadly explains.

Tiger Lily then walks away from the kitchen and decides to head back home to Ponyville. Woolen Yarn and the others look at each other and feels ashamed this. Their argument is what drove Sonic Boom away, now it causes Tiger Lily to leave too.

Lighting walks to Tiger Lily, and says, "Tiger Lily."

Tiger Lily turns around and asks, "Yes."

"I… I don't hate your father. I really love Sonic and all three of us were like best friends. I… I just got upset when he decided to leave. But, I guess that was our fault for arguing about his future like that. It's his choice not ours. I feel kind of like a jerk, a real jerk," Lighting admits.

Tiger Lily turns around an a surprised by his face words. Storm, Woolen Yarn, and Earth Plow comes over to help out.

"We're sorry that our arguing made you feel this way, and that we have trouble about mentioning you father to us. I felt that all of this is my fault, I was only thinking about the bad things that could happen and not trust my son enough to follow his dream," Rain Storm says.

Then Woolen Yarn says, "It may be late to start all over with Sonic."

"But we want to get a fresh star with you. That is, if you still want to stay for the night," Earth Plow adds.

Tiger Lily simply smiles and says, "I think I will."

Tiger Lily comes to her dad's family and they all give each other a big hug. They are glad to be a family.

Just then Tiger Lily happily asks, "Ooh, can I call you Grandpa Storm?"

Ran Storm chuckles a bit, and says, "Sure can."

Throughout the night, Rain Storm and the others share Tiger Lily stories about her father as they clean up the mess from the fight. Tiger Lily is fascinated to hear the fun and the trouble her father has got himself to when he's young. Tiger Lily also tells the family about he adventure with Princess Twilight and the others, and she is glad to share it with them.

The next day, Tiger Lily take the family To Whitetail Woods where she and her family used to live. Sonic's family is very sad because they are unable to see him. At least, they can say their goodbye and are going to be a family again. Tiger Lily and Woolen Yarn give them flowers. After they are done, they head back to the train station.

Earth Plow sighs and says, "I still can't believe that Sonic is gone."

"I know you mean, but we should try our best to get along," Woolen Yarn says.

"And we have Tiger Lily to thank for that," Rain Storm add.

Tiger Lily looks at Rain Storm and asks, "Me? I don't think I did anything."

"Actually, you were able to get us to realize that our argument and fighting caused ponies near us to be driven away," Lighting says.

"We also come to razlies that we shouldn't try to prevent Sonic from realizing his cream. Because of it, we end up having you come to us in the process," Rainstorm says.

Woolen Yarn hugs Tiger Lily, and says, "Even though we may never be able to make things up with Sonic, we want to get to know you more. And many we can visit Ponyville sometime."

"If you don't mind?" Earth low asks.

Tiger Lily smiles and says, "I will love that, and you can meet all of my friends."

Tiger Lily feels something on her flank. She looks to see her cutie mark is shimmering and shining. Tiger Lily can tell that her work is done. Tiger Lily hugs her new found family one last time before she leaves on the train back to Ponyville. On the train, Tiger Lil takes out a picture of her elf with Woolen Yarn and the others. She is very happy to meet them, and hope she'll spend some more time with them in the near future.

Author's Note:

Tiger Lily ends up completing her first friendship mission and has meet a family she never knew.