• Published 19th Dec 2017
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Tiger Lily's Friendship Adventures - Pinkie Pie Sweets

Tiger Lily has adventures with friends, make new ones, and might end up meeting somepony special

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Chapter 5: Hooves on the Beach Line

It's been a week since Trixie's magic show, and the group of friends have been having a few normal days. Today, Discord has invited Starlight and Tiger Lily to a trip to the beach. He really wants the others to come, but Rainbow is taking place in a Wonderbolt Show and the others are going to watch. Twilight agree to let Tiger Lily and Starlight tag along with Discord so they can hang out and get acquainted with him. With a snap of his fingers, Discord teleports himself and the two friends to the beach where they'll have some fun.

"It was very nice of you to invite us to a trip on the beach, Discord," Tiger Lily says with a smile.

"Anything for two of my many wonderful friends," Discord replies with glee.

He then sighs a little and says, "It's too bad Fluttershy can't come on the account of the Wonderbolt Show."

"That's okay, you still got me and Starlight to keep you company," Tiger Lily replies with a calm smile.

"So what are we waiting for, let's have some fun," Discord says with excitement, poofing up a lot of beach gear.

When they reach the beach, Discord begins to build a sand castle, but it's going to be a big one. He's even using digging machines to help with his construction. Menatine, Starlight and Tiger Lily are at the shallow water, looking for some sea creatures. They both have their heads in the water so it will be easy to look for some marine animals. When they pull their heads out of the water, Tiger Lily looks to see a starfish and a sea shell in her hair. When Starlight takes her head out of the salty sea, Tiger Lily notices that she has something as well.

Tiger Lily giggles under hoof as she says, "Um Starlight, you have something on your horn."

"What?" Starlight asks with a confused look on her face.

Starlight looks at her horn to see that she has a clam that is snap shut at the end of her horn.

Starlight horn starts to glow as she says, "Sorry clam, but my horn is not for you to bite on."

Starlight then uses her magic to get the clam off of her horn, and then puts it back in the water.

They then hear Discord calls out, "There, I have finish building a humongous sand castle."

The two ponies look and are shocked to see Discord's very large castle. It's has four towers, a wall, drawbridge, a few flags, and windows. Needless to say, it looks like a real castle, and it's almost the same side as Princess Celestia's castle.

"That sure is big alright," Starlight says, amazed at the castle.

"Really big," Tiger Lily adds.

Discord fies down from the top of the castle as he says, "I know, I really outdone myself with the castle design.

Starlight and Tiger Lily giggle a bit seeing that Discord always like to make things notice very easily. Just then, they hear a strange noise.

Tiger Lily turns to Discord and Starlight as she asks, "What was that?"

The two shake their head replying now. They then hear the sound again.

"It sounds like it's coming from over there," Discord pointing to some of the rocks.

"Let's go see," Starlight suggests.

Agreeing to the idea, they decide to head towards the rocks to see what that noise is. When the look to find the source of the noise, they are surprised to what they are seeing. It's a small gray dolphin in the middle of the rocks inside a shallow water pond.

"Aw look, it's a baby dolphin," Tiger Lily says with a sad look.

The baby dolphin look around to see the three friends looking at her. They then decide to get a closer look at the baby sea creature's situation. They reach the small pond where the dolphin says. Discord then decides to use his lion claw.

Tiger Lily says to Discord in a calm tone, "Careful Discord, you have to be gentle with her."

Discord listen to Tiger Lily's advice and pet her gently. They start to wonder what the baby dolphin is even doing in shallow water and not in the ocean.

Starlight suspects this, and says, "I think she's stranded here."

"No problem," Discord says with a smile.

He then snap his fingers and the little dolphin is back in the ocean where it belongs.

"There, now you are free to explore the ocean," Discord says with glee.

However, the baby dolphin is not going anywhere. It looks around to see that it's all alone. It swims back towards the surface and starts to cry. Tiger Lily comes to the baby to confront it, and can understand what the little sea creature is saying.

Tiger Lily hugs the dolphin, and says, "Poor little baby she wants her mommy."

She then turns to Starlight and Discord as she says, "I'll bet she got separated from her family somehow."

"Oh my," Starlight says with a quiet shock.

"Now she's lost," Tiger lily adds.

The baby dolphin talks in it's language feeling very sad and wants to go home to it's mother. Tiger Lily, Discord, and Starlight know they can't leave the baby dolphin all by itself, and they need to do something.

Starlight has an idea and suggests, "Do you think we can take the dolphin to it's mom?"

"Can we?" Discord asks.

"You bet we can," Tiger Lily says happily, agreeing to the idea.

She then turns to the dolphin and ask, "Where do you live little dolphin?"

The dolphin begins to talk to Tiger Lily in it's language. Being good with animals, Tiger Lily can understand what the little mammal is saying.

"What it said?" Starlight light asks,

"Well Starlight, she said that she lives far away from here, and it's deep in the ocean," Tiger Lily answers, pointing to the far part of the ocean.

Then discord says ,"Oh, so the little dolphin is a she. Well until then I've decided to call you Miranda."

"Miranda?" Starlight and Tiger Lily questionably replies.

"Why do you want to call her Miranda?" Starlight asks.

"Because she looks like one," Discord answers.

Tiger Lily and Starlight have no clue about it, but since they want to talk to the little dolphin, they;ve decided to go with the name Discord just gave her.

Then Starlight asks Tiger Lily, "Anything else?"

"She also said that she lives near a coral reef," Tiger Lily answers.

Hearing this, it looks like they are do for a little sailing across the sea.

Just then Discord says with excitement"Sounds to me like we're going on a marine expedition!"

He then uses his magic to make a large sailboat appear, and he is dressed up in a captain's uniform.

Putting his hat on, he asks with a smile, "So who should join me on this expedition?"

"I will," Tiger Lily says, flying into the boat.

"I'll come too," Starlight agrees, walking in the boat.

"Excellent girls, you two can be my crew," Discord says with glee.

He then uses his magic to make sailor uniforms appear and to make sure they are wearing life jackets.

"Then let's go!" Discord shouts with excitement.

With that, Discord uses the sails to catch the wind, and the three friends are off to help the baby dolphin, who they decide to name Miranda return home to her family. After what seems like a long time, Discord groans out of boredom and feels like there is nothing to do.

"This is boring, how long have we been out here?!" Discord asks feeling very impatient.

"Discord, we left like ten minutes ago," Starlight bluntly replies.

"And it's lunch time right now," Tiger Lily says, being out the picnic basket.

Hearing their stomachs growling, they agree that it's time for lunch. They have some sandwiches, fruits, salad, and chocolate cake. As they eat, Tiger Lily asks Discord to give Miranda some fish to eat, and he does it in a snap.

Starlight turns to Discord, and asks, "By the way, who is steering the boat."

"I have it on auto pilot," Discord answers.

The two ponies look to see the sail and the oars are moving by themselves, and they seem to be a good job steering the boat to their destination. After they finish eating, the gang continues on their journey to find the baby dolphin's family. Just as they get farther into the ocean, the little dolphin sense something and starts to get upset.

Discord notice this, and questionably says, "Hey what's up with the little guy?"

The little dolphin starts to talk to the others and from the looks of it, it looks and sounds very scared about something.

Tiger Lily understand her, and says, "She said that we need to be careful around this area"

"Why?" Starlight asks.

"She just remember that there's a school of shark at their breeding ground right now, and they do not want to be disturbed at all," Tiger Lily explains.

"Sharks?!" Starlight and Discord sacredly exclaims.

"Don't worry, as long as we don't bother the sharks, they won't be on the verge of attacking," Tiger Lily adds with a calm smile.

She then turns to the baby dolphin, and says, "But, I think we should get the little dolphin on the boat, so it won't get too scared."

"I'm on it," Discord says quickly.

Discord uses his magic at the snap of his fingers, has a tank in the boat with salt water and the little dolphin inside.

"There you go, you'll be safe right here," Discord replies.

"I'm so glad," Tiger Lily happily says.

Then Discord shouts, "Full steam ahead!"

With that, Discord uses the oars to row the boat across the ocean. Of course, he's using his magic to do all the work. Around two hours later, The three friends along with the little dolphin are still looking for any signs of a school of dolphins, but all they see is the ocean blue, and the clear sunny blue sky. In a way, finding a school of dolphins is a lot difficult than it looks.

Starlight sighs and says, "We've been traveling for a long time, and we still don't see any dolphins."

"Well, they do travel in groups, and they also stay under the water formost time, but needs to come back for air," Tiger Lily informs.

"Really I though fish need water," Discord says, surprised at the information.

"They do, but Dolphins are mammals like us, so they need air every once in while," Tiger Lily explains.

"Sounds to me that you a lot about animals," Starlight says, sounding impressed.

Tiger Lily blushes a bit as she says, "Well I have been around animals practically most of my life. Of course, I also been reading some of Twilight's books about them, and I can't believe how much ponies are able to research about animals."

"Well, you have to be dedicated to learn more about them," Discord replies.

Just then Starlight shouts in shock, "Look over there!"

Discord, Tiger Lily and Miranda the dolphin look at the far distance of the boat, to see something up ahead. Discord takes out his telescope to see what is up ahead. Discord looks to see a group of gray dolphins.

Discord hollers, "Dolphins ahoy!"

Tiger Lily, Starlight, and the baby dolphins look up a head to see what is over there. They can tell something is swimming over there, but can't tell what it is. Luckily, Discord makes the telescope bigger so they can see it too. They all can see the group of dolphins over there, and they are having a good time. The baby dolphin happily cheers to see the group, and is getting the three friends a little wet.

Discord laughs, and says, "Hey watch it Miranda, I'm already wet enough as it is."

"What's she saying?" Starlight asks.

"Miranda is saying that her mother and father are over there, and that's her group," Tiger Lily answers with a smile.

"Well what are we waiting for, let's go reunite a family of dolphins!" Discord cheers.

Then Discord shouts, "Anchors away!"

"What anchor?" Starlight whispers to Tiger Lily.

Tiger Lily giggles at statement, and look to see they are on their way to see the group of dolphins. As they sail the boat, they start to notice something strange, they seem to be rising up.

Starlight, "Uh Discord, are we floating or anything?"

"I'm not doing that," Discord replies, looking a bit confused.

"Then what?" Starlight questionably says.

Tiger Lily decides to look past the edge of the book to see what's going on. She becomes shocked to see what she is seeing, and knows she has to tell the others.

She turns her head to the others, and nervously says, "Um guys, I think I know why we're floating."

"Why? The two asks.

"Because for some strange reason, we ended up on top of a whale's back," Tiger Lily answers nervously as she points her hoof at the bottom of the boat.

The two then exclaims, "A what?!"

"A whale," Tiger Lily repeats.

Discord and Starlight look to see for themselves. They are completely stunned to see they are on the back of a while. A humpback whale to be precise. Without warning, the whale blows it's spout, spraying the water and their boat along with it. They ends up flying up into the air as she scream. They also scream as they fall down to the water. With the impact, the boat, and the tank break into pieces. The three friends and the baby dolphin reach the surface to see what has happen.

Discord screams in excitement, "Wow, that was the best ride I have ever been on! Do you think we can do it again?!"

"No way!" Starlight bluntly replies as she floats in the water.

"Aww," Discord says in disappointment.

Then Tiger Lily says, "On the bright side, it looks like we reunited Miranda and her family."

Starlight and Discord look where Tiger Lily is looking. They see that the little dolphin is with her mother and father dolphin. From the looks of it, they are very happy to be together again. The three are very happy for them. Just then the baby dolphin swim up to them along with her family so they can meet each other. The two adult dolphins start talking to them.

Discord asks, "What are they saying?"

"They said they wanted to thank us for making out this far to return their baby to her," Tiger Lily translate.

Starlight happily says, "Well then you're welcome."

"Yes, you're very welcome," Discord adds.

The dolphins start talking in their language.

Tiger Lily translate, "They're asking if we're alright about getting blasted from the top of the whale's spout like that."

"I think we're fine, but our boat's a wreck," Starlight answers.

Then Discord says, "No problem with my magic, I'll be able to get the boat fixed in a heartbeat."

With a snap of his eagle claw he has the boat all fixed up and they are in the boat right now. After saying their goodbye to their dolphin friend, they sail back to shore so they can continue with their day at the beach. Starlight and Tiger Lily help decorate Discord's castle by putting some sea shells on some parts of the castle to make it pretty. When they finish, Discord Starlight, and Tiger Lily are having their dinner on the castle's balcony. Of course, with Discord's magic anything is possible, so the castle won't crumble.

Starlight smiles as she says, "I have to admit, we sure had an interesting yet exciting day."

"I agree, we get to explore the ocean and see different sea creatures," Tiger Lily adds happily.

"And we got a ride from a whale today, I sure love to take Fluttershy and the others on that kind of ride," Discord adds.

Starlight nervously laugh as she says, "Maybe when it's not going to wreck our boat again."

"That's true," Discord replies.

Then Tiger Lily asks, "I wonder how the Wonderbolt Show go?"

"I'm sure the show went great, especially since Rainbow Dash is performing with them," Starlight replies.

"And I'm sure the others well tell us about it when we get back," Tiger Lily adds happily.

After their discussion, Discord, Tiger Lily, and Starlight continue to have their dinner as they watch the sunset. They sure have a great day, and a wonderful adventure. They hope that they get to see the little dolphin and her school someday, and will have a grand time together. Right now, they are going to have their dinner, and then head back home to tell their friends about their sea exploring and reuniting the baby dolphin with her family.

Author's Note:

I think that's was a fun ocean adventure.