• Published 19th Dec 2017
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Tiger Lily's Friendship Adventures - Pinkie Pie Sweets

Tiger Lily has adventures with friends, make new ones, and might end up meeting somepony special

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Chapter 27: Love is in the Changeling

On the train to the Crystal Empire, Tiger Lily and little Snowdrop are on it having some quiet time. The two are going to the empire to visit Thorax for a few days. Tiger Lily is very happy she gets to see Thorax again, especially since he has a special surprise for her.

Last week, Thorax has sent Tiger Lily an invitation her along with young Snowdrop to the Crystal Empire, and able to stake Starlight is she wish. Sadly, Starlight is unable to come because she already has plans to go to Rainbow Falls with Trixie. though she like to see Sunburst. She also asked Twilight, but she had to go to Canterlot to see Princess Celestia. So Tiger Lily and Snowdrop are going their on their own. In the letter, Thorax explain that he has a special surprise for Tiger Lily, and she can't wait to see what the surprise is.

Tiger Lily looks out the window to see the Crystal Empire Station. She then uses her magic to gather her suitcase, and put Snowdrop in the stoller. She then take them with her, and Tiger Lily and Snowdrop are exciting the train. After getting off of the train, Tiger Lily looks around to see if she can see Thorax.

Just then a voice familiar to her happily calls out, "Hey… Tiger Lily!"

Tiger Lily looks to see Thorax flying towards her, and is carrying a small bouquet of pink flowers, and a purple stuffed rabbit.

Tiger Lily walks up to Thorax with a smile, and says, "Hi Thorax, it's nice to see you again.

"It's nice to see you Tiger Lily… It's been a while," Thorax says, looking a bit nervous.

He then hands the flowers to Tiger Lily with a shy look, "These… these are for you."

"Thank you, Thorax," Tiger Lily replies, blushing a bit and takes the bouquet of flowers.

Snowdrop begin to coo and reach her small claws to Thorax.

Thorax looks down to Snowdrop, Hi Snowdrop, it's great to see you too."

"I got you a cute little bunny rabbit for you," Thorax says with a glee.

Thorax gives Snowdrop the bunny, and the little baby dragon begins to hugit and throws it in the air in laughter. Thorax and Tiger Lily giggle in reply.

"I think she likes it," Tiger Lily happily replies.

"I think your right," Thorax agrees.

The two then giggle in reply again.

"So Thorax, what's this surprise that you have?" tiger Lily asks.

"That is until tonight. Right now, I want to show you where I live," Thorax happily replies.

Tiger Lily nods her head with a smile, "Okay."

Sometime later, Thorax lead Tiger Lily to his house in the crystal empire. His house is made of green crystal with a triangle roof and two windows at the front.

"I think your house looks nice," Tiger Lily complements.

"Thanks. Sunburst, Cadence, and Shining Armor helped me settle in," Thorax replies.

Thorax and Tiger Lily still strolling Snowdrop and carrying her things enter the house. Tiger Lily can see the place is simple and jet very nice. There's a living room that has a sofa, fireplace with small picture frames on it, and a desk with a lamp on it. The two then sit on the sofa and Tiger Lily holds Snowdrop in her hooves.

Tiger Lily asks, "So, how have you been doing in the empire?"

"Things are going great! I was able to try out all sort of things here, and able to make so many friends here. I even get to babysit Flurry every now and again," Thorax explains in excite.

"That sounds great. I'll bet that watching Flurry Heart is fun," Tiger Lily says.

Thorax scratches the back of his head, "Getting to play with Flurry Heart is fun, but she can be quite a hopeful. She flies all over the castle, and sometime teleports herself to prevent me and Sunburst from catching her."

Tiger Lily chuckles, "I'll bet."

"So what do you want to do today?" Tiger Lily asks.

"Well, I think it will be a good idea to see Shining Armor, Princess Cadence, Sunburst, and Flurry Heart. After that, we can go have some lunch," Thorax suggests.

"Sounds nice, and Snowdrop will be happy to see Flurry Heart again," Tiger Lily says.

She them smiles at Snowdrop, "Right Snowdrop?"

Snowdrop giggles and continues to hug the toy bunny. Thorax and Tiger Lily laugh with smiles on their faces. They can tell Snowdrop is happy about seeing Flurry Heart again.

Thorax, Tiger Lily and Snowdrop in the stroller reach the Crystal Palace and walk into the throne room. They see Princess Cadence on the throne doing some work with Sunburst. Shining Armor is making some funny faces to Flurry Heart who is in her purple crystal stroller. Seeing the three friends put smiles on the group's faces.

"Hi Thorax. Hi Tiger Lily, and little Snowdrop," Cadence happily says.

"Hi Cadence, it's nice to see you again," Tiger Lily says.

"It's great to see you to," Cadence replies.

Tiger Lily walks up to see Shining Armor walking towards them with Flurry's stroller.

"Hey Tiger Lily, it's great to see you. I see Starlight and Twilight couldn't come," Shining replies.

Tiger Lily shakes her head, "No. Twilight had to meet Princess Celestia in Canterlot about a royal summit, and Starlight went with Trixie to Rainbow Falls to see the Hoofdini Magic convention. So it's just me and Snowdrop for the visit."

Tiger Lily walks up to the stroller to see little Flurry Heart. The baby alicorn smiles and giggles to see Tiger Lily. Then tries to reach up to her.

Tiger Lily gives Flurry her hoof with a smile, "Hi Flurry, it's good to see you again. I brought Snowdrop with me."

Tiger Lily levitates Snowdrop and sets her down in the stroller. When the two babies see each other, they begin to giggle and clap at each others hooves/claws. While Shining Armor and Tiger Lily are with the babies, Princess Cadence and Sunburst walk to Thorax.

Sunburst whispers, "I see that she received your invitation."

"I know. I can't wait till tonight," Thorax whispers with glee.

Then she says, "But I am a little nervous. I hope everything worked out."

"There's nothing for you to worry about. I'm sure she is going to love your surprise," Cadence replies.

"I sure hope so. You also remember…." Thorax replies.

But Cadence calmly says, "Don't worry, I didn't forget. Besides, it will give Snowdrop to have a wonderful time with Flurry. I think they're becoming great friends."

Thorax nods his head on reply.

"I think Tiger Lily is " Sunjust going to be happy that she get to spend some time with you," Sunburst replies.

"You really think so?" Thorax asks.

Cadence and Sunburst nod their heads in reply.

The three then walk over to Shining Armor and Tiger Lily. They look to see the two babies playing together. They all aww to see the two babies giggle, sneeze, and burp a bit. Flurry Heart and Snowdrop begin to yawn a little.

Cadence giggles and says, "I think it's time for the babies to take their nap."

Then Shining Armor asks, "Thorax, would you and Tiger Lily like to stay with us for lunch."

"Sure," Thorax answers with a smile.

After putting the babies in Flurry's room for a nap. Tiger Lily, Thorax, and the others are having lunch in the dining room. Of course, they are sensing something special in the air. Being the princess of love, Princess Cadence see Thorax and Tiger Lily sitting together. She also notice how the two keep blushing whenever they look at each other, then look away in response. Princess Cadence tries her best not to giggle to see the two shy lovers.

Thorax turns to Tiger Lily, "Tiger Lily?"

"Yes, Thorax?" Tiger Lily asks, turning to Thorax.

"Um, well, I… I was wondering if… um, you like to have a walk around the empire after lunch? Then um, maybe you and I can go out to dinner before I show you my surprise?" Thorax asks, nervous and sweating bullets.

Tiger Lily blushes to hear this. She turns away with her cheeks are turning read as a tomato.

Tiger Lily turns back with her cheeks not as red and with a smile on her face.

She slowly nods her head, and says, "Yes… I… I would like to."

Thorax smiles, "I'm… I'm glad."

The two begin to blush again in reply.

Princess Cadence cuts in with a smile, "If you want Shining Armor, Sunburst, and I can keep an eye on Snowdrop while you two have some time alone."

"Are you sure?" Tiger Lily asks, growing concern.

"It's no trouble. And I'm sure Flurry Heart would love to play with Snowdrop some more," Shining Armor says with a smile.

Tiger Lily shows a smile smile, "Thank you."

After having lunch, Thorax and Tiger Lily are walking out of the palace, just the two of them. Princess Cadence, Shining Armor, and Sunburst are watching the two from the window. They show bright smiles on their faces.

Shining Armor turns to Cadence, "I'm guessing you planned that so they can be alone together."

"You could say that," Princess Cadence says with a smirk on her face.

"Well you have to admit, I find all of this interesting. A changeling and a pony are getting into a relationship. I think it shows that friendship and love can accomplish it as well," Sunburst says with a smile.

Shining Armor has thought of something, "I wonder how would Queen Chrysalis and the other changelings will react to it?"

Princess Cadence sigh, "I'm worried about it to. Thorax being accepted by us is one of the trials they faced, but you're right. As long as Queen Chrysalis and the changelings are out there, there's no doubt there will be more challenged that Thorax and Tiger Lily's love will be tested on."

"I sure hope it won't be serious when that do happen. In fact, I wish it won't happen. They both look so happy together. It will be hard if anything happen that will make their relationship difficult," Sunburst says in concern.

Princess Cadence looks at the window, "For now, let's see how their relationship will take them."

The two unicorn stallions nod their heads, agreeing to the idea.

In the empire, Thorax and Tiger Lily walk around town to see the both stop at the ewe pin. Tiger Lily walks up to the fence to see the lovely crystal ewes going baaa, and are with walking or jump a little. Tiger Lily turns back to see Thorax, then the two blush and turn away.

Tiger Lily begin to feel something inside of her and it's causing butterflies in her stomach. At the same time, she feels happy about being with Thorax, and can't think of anypony else she rather be with than him.

Tiger Lily:

There's something sweet

And almost kind

But he's not mean and he not's coarse and so refined

And yet he's dear, and so unsure

I wonder why I didn't see it there before

Tiger Lily walks up to Thorax, grabs him by the hoof, and drag him inside the pin. Tiger Lily give the ewes some food. She then give Thorax some food so he can give them to the ewes. At first, Thorax is rather nervous about it, but them Tiger Lily help him get close to the crystal sheeps with the food. A purple ewe walks up to them and being eating the food from Thorax's. Thorax smiles to see this. Tiger Lily then leaves to see the other ewes. Thorax begin to blush while Tiger Lily is not around.


She glanced this way

I thought I saw

And when we touched she didn't shudder at my hoof

But can it be, Should I ignore

But then she's never looked at me that way before

After having fun with the eyes, Thorax and Tiger Lily are at the square. The two look around to see many different places, and walk around until they reach the library to look at some books. As they look for books, Tiger Lily look to see Thorax is not look, and decides to sneak to the other side of the shelf to hide her blushing face.

Tiger Lily:

New and a bit alarming

Who'd have ever thought that this could be

True that he's not like Prince Charming?

But there's something in him that I simply didn't see

The two then begin to walk to the stadium to check it out. As they walk, they are being watched from the Crystal Palace. They are being watched by Shining Armor, Princess Cadence, and Sunburst. The three look and can see the look on the two lovers' faces. They can tell that their love is growing even more.


Well, who'd have thought?

Princess Cadence:

Well, bless my soul


Well, who'd have known?

Shining Armor:

Well, who indeed?

And who'd have guessed they'd come together on their own?

Princess Cadence:

It's so peculiar.

All three:

We'll wait and see, a few days more

There may be something there that wasn't there before


You know, perhaps there's something there that wasn't there before

Princess Cadence:

There may be something there that wasn't there before

The three continue to watch the two loves. All they can do is smile and see the two relationship begin to bloom even more. Feels like nothing in the world of Equestria can ruin this for them.

Sometime later, Thorax and Tiger Lily are sitting at one of the umbrella table having some milkshakes. The two talk about stuff and how are they feeling about being together. Ponies who either walk by can see that Thorax and Tiger Lily are happy and are in love with each other. There's no doubt that someday, their relationship will take it to the next level if possible.

What Thorax and Tiger Lily don't know, they are being spied on by two changeling soldiers. The two are very confused to see a pony and a changeling are together, and all lovey dovey.

"I still can't believe what I'm seeing," The first soldier says.

"I know what you mean. A changeling is in love with a pony, and it's Thorax of all changelings," The second soldier says.

"Not only that, the pony is an alicorn. I never seen her before," The first soldier confirms.

Then the first soldier asks, "What does she see in him?"

"Feeding on love is one thing, but it seems falling in love is something else," The second one replies.

Then the second soldier asks, "So what do we do now?"

"We must report this to the queen… at once," The first soldier firmly answers.

The two changeling soldiers leave the premises before anyone can see them.

Author's Note:

Something There from Beauty and the Beast